, Te ee co bin its in se se . fi RO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 27, 1967 SOCI AL NOTICES ; well as green, They're durable|an {deal decorative specimen, [brighten up the winter months)beautiful, more liveable, than i , Seek New Variety ot dake sad aukeuae be = tolerating shade and growing] ahead, try some of the different 09 Tae uae eo ul dea. Most = | : ! ous ' i FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | ENGAGEMENT !In Foliage Plants temperatures it watered only| )°t" when kept on the dry side foliage available. There isn't @| j1aceq and given the proper Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dittmar,| Mr. and Mrs. George H. when the surface soil of their|between waterings. |interior that isn't made more! care. Oshawa, announce the forth-/Puckett, Oshawa, wish to an- For Indoor Decor __|°!ay Bots feel drys to the touch. Podocarpus is an evergreen |-. ndec coming marriage of their only|nounce the engagement of their) Pothos is another of the trail-| shrub which resembles the yew. | ' 'daughter, Valerie Margaret, to|only daughter, Carolyn Gayle, to By ELEANOR ROSS ing or climbing plants grown|In its native Japan, it can grow Executive Sales B Clifford Hrywkiw, son of Mr.|Gary Richard Copeland, son of| Boe for attractive foliage. As sturdy : 'y HENR! jand Mrs. Joseph Hrywkiw, of|Mr. and Mrs. Richard Copeland,| aren Se Bg Angad and versatile as the philoden- Cncuve 'rages 'et an Op rtunity ob Saldbglbee Canora," Saskatchewan. .ve/Toronta, The marrage if {ake tiny but horicatural one. (¢7%ytattn cf MF Plas|fet. With Backishareen, pee pe Quebecers are 8 P i VA roadie y» 8. /Quality foliage plants in clay s and silvery|qie . like leaves, spirally MALE FEMALE whether they w urday, October 14, 1967 at 2:30/1967 at 7:30 p.m. in St. George's ; spots on green foliage. Plant d. thi or : p.m. in St. Gertrude's Roman) Anglican Church, Oshawa. es ane hy Bigs od soil should be allowed to dry withstand ype Ew pe iret ith L Int ti 10 . . Rysiinna ; s * ate Catholic Church, Oshawa. RECEPTION |growers to bring to market care pothes planta are'la bevess Because of its stylized foliage, wit arge in sihgens iona rganization ahlice OF ths FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Mr, and Mrs. Percy Taylor aoe of plants for| jay containers that allow ra . Er ace paconten Must have a car. Age ~ - 40. Salary, commission ret Le Devol ci and Mrs. Chris Ventress, | will _ happy to receive their} hiica oh ree ish trees pleats as ass 8 -- to seep out! dote on it -- and car allowance. titure will gee 0! itby, wish t > | friends the occasion of their) 8 ants | throu, ot walls, : : has | P r faticomtag aaitage i tent 50th Welding wudversaty, Sun\are the old reliables, the "old sid . So, when selecting plants to| For appointment call Mr. Harwood at in Quebec by daughter, Shirley. Christine, tolday, October 1, from 2:30-4:30|faithfuls" -- _ philodendrons,| TALLER GREENERY 576-1340 the attitude of | Robert Franklin Bright, son of|p.m. at the home of Mr. and ferns, and palms, Palms and| The larger plants, too, offer) ENJOY THE BEST | si ing Canadians i Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bright, Osh-|Mrs. Walter Mills, Ritson Road ferns were the favorites of our| interesting foliage. The Austral-) OF AUTUMN said, ; awa. The wedding will " take | North. grandparents, gracing Victorian |ian umbrella tree or Schefflera d i He praised J place on Saturday, October 28 interiors, and they are just as ee a green plant rd tip ty dr fpoacored + Golf for stating cles ; j yal AT HOME completely at home in today's |W! andsome, glossy,| at your door » All weather tennis - ------------ Untied Church: Whitby. pds Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munroe, |Vastly-different world. __ jumbrella - shaped leaves, It's) courts « Shuffleboard » Magnifi- | "The finest brewed Coffee in the World" ae 664 Shakespeare Avenue, will be The philodendron family cent autumn scenery « FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |,t home to receive the best|remains the most popular of JUST FOR Relief from hay fever» | = Mr. and Mrs. Russell L.|wishes of their friends and rela-/the foliage plants. But it might Modern comfortable ac- | Davis, Oshawa, wish to an-|tives on Saturday, September 30, be interesting to review what GLAMOUR ? comodation » Wonderful | COFFEE aR ° nounce the forthcoming mar-|1967, from 2-4 p.m.-and 7-9 p.m. else the professional growers erval Touch" Beauty Tisining eons meals «Special golfweek | He riage of their daughter, Mar-jon the occasion of thelr 25th have to offer the green thumb| more thon that. A professional career rates » Open all year. | th garet Patricia to Edward Wil-|wedding anniversary. world. as a hairstylist will pitt you revel MAKES 8 & 12 CUPS OF COFFEE IN 11, MINUTES ont tgs dowry et og ea ORE COT | GREEN AND COLORS Pay" Opportunities Yoo! For "tren brow ee AND COSTS ONLY Be A CUP, Fe am Vetzal, all of Oshawa.) RATE HIGH Among the smaller plants, poem, pean | -- Around-the-Clock-Service-- SoA The wedding will take place on| Best current estimates fore- peperomias are widely grown ead Mey" 28, Bs at/cast that one out of every six|for their decorative foliage. Not MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS HOTEL ade chad FREE TRIAL . . . NO OBLIGATION had . p.m. in st. eorge's|U.S. teen-agers will become|strictly a green plant, peperom-|Day or Evening Courses. Branches in| Kingsway P.0., Lake of Bays | For informatio Il: 723-0981 Esm Ukrainian Catholic Church. [pregnant out of wedlock before |ias come in delicate shades ot |oll.princies! Aims Esrebiered yer 40) Ontario, Tel. 705-635-2221 | en See x pete |her 20th birthday. gray, silver, and maroon, as : \ ENGAGEMENT , , ° | ' Mr. and Mrs, Peter M. Brady | ee the eng t of | r aOR their youngest daughter, Cheri| MR. AND MRS. MORLEY MULLEN Anne, to Joseph Francis Noord man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred- erick Noordman, all of Oshawa. Su rise P Honors Cou le The marriage will take place on} Tp P: Saturday, November 4, 1967, at /1:00 p.m. in St. Gregory the On Sil Anni Great Roman Catholic Church, 1. ver lversary | Caheye. | Mr. and Mrs. Morley Mullenjered oa. ---- tea) NIGHT WEAR IS IN were entertained recently on/were Tne. homer en and) CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. the occasion of their 25th wed.M"*- Harold Bradley, assisted ce a by Miss Joan Watts, Miss (CP)--Night attire is the "in ding anniversary by their/Cindy Glover and Miss Lois|dress for evening shopping in| ee og Marlene Mullen, ba rato this Vancouver Island commu-| i at a family dinner party at the;-- ide and bridegroom of|nity. The fashion started with a 1GA'S OWN ROYAL GOi Spruce Villa Hotel. /25 years were married at Holy/recent promotional stunt by the | ALL HAVOURS IGA'S OWN ARDMONA FANCY "Amn Cat feee After the dinner, the couple were taken to the home of Cross parish by the late Mon-|Campbell River Retail Mer-) signor Philip Coffey, Septem-|chants Association, which| PEA Mrs. Mullen's parents, Mr. andjber 5, 1942. Two attendants atistaged a pyjama party to! BEANS Mrs. E. A. Tattersall, Nonquon|the wedding of 25 years ago,jencourage evening shopping. | Road, where a surprise party|Mrs. Mullen's sister, Mrs |Store employees wearing night-| WITH PORK Sa nce FOOBS had been arranged for 75|Frank Conlin and Mr. Mullen's|caps and long nightdresses| 5 $ 28 OL. TINS we we guests. brother, Patrick Mullen, of|served customers -garbed in! BARERY FEATORES The table was centered with|Ajax, were present to renew|pyjamas and baby dolls. GA OVEN FRESH an anniversary cake and flow- their best wishes. | | SRE jemployer and employees you DEGAPSTERS - Se OFF ONION RoLIS = 36° wre +4. Itact with, destroy 3 ith, Unpleasant wee gr | ag te will find that] BUY 4 PAIR ARD SAYE lown best chances to get new 1 ata "x iti people will take a liking to you! Ruin Advancement) tutes sd rosress. in) sra'you will get along better in| ASSORIED COLORS 100% COTTON POLY WASHARRE - SMARTLY TARORED : é : your job. your own happier world. Invite Dismissal |SUBSTITUTIONS NEEDED | ED. SmITH ES Therefore, if the public rela-| ye , By ROBERTA ROESCH tions image you take to work is| Patricia Juch Do you make people like you) built on the harmful personality PI --or do you turn them against|traits that we have cited me] BP x tsuawa" DIAL 725-4587 me) DA RE - CORRAL - SAGE DOR - DAR SE \ 4 ast 2-1 7 GEBGOES VARIETIES ALL FLAVOURS iL COLGURS NABOB JELLY | DELSEY GRAPEFRUIT 12 = 51 you--by the public relations|substitute: (1) a better atti- program you take to work|tude toward working and (2) every day? more consideration for both the Unfortunately, too many job- holders seem to invoke an unflattering reaction to them- selves and ruin their own opportunities, because they dis- enchant people with their very poor public relations. SPECIALTY CLERK : To cite a few examples, a clerk in a specialty store recently talked herself out of a! job when she answered: "I can't help you now," to a cus- tomer who telephoned the store on business. | "She destroyed the image of our shop with the short, disin-| terested answers she gave on the telephone," her former) employer pointed out. | Another person whom I know} --and this one is an employer--| can't keep any hired help} because his poor public rela- tions concept centres around making changes in everything his employees do. } "I can't tell you how terribly frustrating this is," one of his| employees told me. "But I am) ready to tell him what I think of him and then quit, because 1) feel I accomplish nothing when} he changes my work around." TIRESOME REACTION Another employee who saw the day when her pay cheques stopped coming was dropped from her company because her co-workers were tired of hear- ing how tired she was. An| unpleasant situation was) removed for one. woman who is} a lf out of a job because her favor-| ie | ite saying every day was, "I! hate to come to work." | "That daily remark got so tf BEANS WGA HOMOGENIZED PEANUT READY TO EAT SMOKED hours telling everybody how SHO ULDER much better everything was in| her previous place of employ-| f S | ment. | 2. All of these unpleasant per-| ate ¢ sonality traits are insignificant) ' | if you just happen to display) ' oo one of them every once in a/ ' a : while. ; 24 : ; ; Available in But each is the kind of irri-| i 7 tant that tends to antagoniz baskets, bunches, LB. people when you practice it on|" and the new a daily basis every day at Contact your local half-bushel work. And if you continually) a ' FRESH FROZHH irritate those you come in con-; produce manager for carton ad cappiee of | Birdseye OSHAWA TIMES. |\NIAGARA GROWN GRAPES - as as PICTURE PEAS | tedious," her boss said on firing her, 'that I decided if she felt rx that way I'd give her a chance to stay home." Also out of a job is a woman who lost a new _ opportunity § because she spent her workin; ela aes 30 came ge panier pears @= 49° Produce of U.S.A. Sweet and Tasty HONEY DEW MELONS :. «39° DHRU TORRE DSEASESERLAY ME MERZPR SSIES KEPSTTAALLS PITS SIO BAL B GPSS ATLA RSRRRY SORT PRES ARTA TTT EER BSSSEP IIS CR SECRETE LETH S GF me SlFFILS 251: King St. £., Oshawe FREE BONUS GIFTS! 1188 Simcoe St. $., Oshawa Cubert $t., Oshawe yoeeenen= SEND FOR OUR FREE RECIPE BOOK ewwownnnn RE-PRINTS ' TO BOX 58--VINELAND STATION H pig ---- Pohang : ayer : -- a Shop For Value at Any of These Convenient Locetions : vailable i H| BL ONERTGED ES CREEL ss i . DvP 5 NU- W AY bi PH oro F Pct i] SEPT. 73,28, 39, 36 Bay m wetume and Save even more is Mr. IGA's way 166 Pic bl $ IGA Lansdowne 16a ; eR SERVICE | ja on ti ee of making sare that Deller Bops sre year biggest soving | Bilsky's IGA} Braemor IGA iH CITY. PROV. H Stock an pew on Fell json Rd. S., Oshawe ff Stevenson Rd. N. at Annepolis FoR cops. Sant ap ne comnapinnel Felt Hotves. Jubilee IGA | College Hill IGA 8x 10 -- 1.50 each || complimentsof ONTARIO FRESH GRAPE MARKETING BOARD 5x7 -- 1.25 each | , \ f { E