10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 27, 1967 Division of the 5..$, Kresge Sompeny Limited . ake mS Soe 3 DAYS of BIG SAVINGS -7HURSDAY- FRIDAY:-SATURDAY younson's BABY POWDER Comp. at 98¢ K mart Discount 66' Fri Sat. Special New bonus size -- 14 oz. BABY'S OWN SOAP f oo BARS FOR ¢ THURS. Lal Maby ow 3 AG FRI. SAT. Buy three -- get one bar free! BUBBLE BATH CRYSTALS A K powder | po EF ohmaor> (ssw 14 oz. Comp. 69¢ vee 24 oz. Comp. 98¢ 9@ OUNCES mar ay x, 79" THURS, FRI, SAT. An exhilarating and refreshing bath, LAVORIS MOUTHWASH & GARGLE 14 oz. btl. Comp. at $1.09 K mart Discount 79° FRISaY. For clean mouth -- fresh breath. Special OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION Comp. at $1.75 4% ozs. Special PDQ MUN. ANACIN TABLETS Discount 'Btl. of 100 Comp. at $1.16 K mart ol THURS, Discount FRI, SAT. For fast pain relief. BRYLCREEM King Size Comp. at $1.09 sii, Bae ue ( Ud \piey BIR HAVE ony | K mart. Discount 73° FRICSAE. Special For smart hair grooming! COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Super Size Comp. at $1.49 sce 1.09 Discount With Gardol Special a N HOME PERMANENT Comp. at $2.00 Discount 1.33 = Special é eee With hidden body -- Regular, Super and Gentle. RAPID SHAVE King Size Comp. at $1.25 K mart 4 vitamin tablets | wuxrin vine pom For ne wae f ohaaad K mart Special Qo FRSA, Discount PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE : Made by Palmolive, MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETS 100's Comp. -- mae 250's Comp. $4.95 1.49 jc: 3.39 de FRI. SAT. UTILITY KIT Comp. at $3.98 biscunt 3.19 & Handy when travelling -- genuine leather. GILLETTE ADJUSTABLE RAZOR back Comp. at $1.95 1.59 25. Win a Color T.V.! Discount Special Pkg. of 3 envelopes K mart 63° Discount New! Makes milk a 225 calorie meal -- Instantly! HOT WATER BOTTLE Comp. at $1.19 Discount FRI. SAT. Special Real value -- seamless, THURS. FRI. SAT. K mart Comp. at $8.95 f K mart THURS. ~*~ Discount 4 FRI. SAT. Special t ) One gallon capacity. OPERATED BY G. TAMBLYN LTD. -- PHONE 728-5651 METRECAL SHAKE WOMEN'S BOOTIE SLIPPER Reg. K mart Price $1.88 1.51 THURS, FRI. SAT. Discount Special Furred shag, bootie slipper, guaranteed wash- able! Choose from Pink, Blue or Tiger stripes with matching bow on vamp, Available in sizes 5 to 10, WOMEN'S SUEDINE OXFORD Reg. K mart Price $2.97 1.92 THURS. FRI. SAT, Discount Special Three eyelet tie oxfords are Ideal for the cam- pus, or casual weer, Available in Tan, Grey and Green in sizes 5 to 10. WOMEN'S 10' SNOW BOOT Y Reg. K mart Price $6.94 THURS. FRI, SAT. Discount Special Here Is a guaranteed waterproof snowboot, manufac- tured of simulated vinyl, and equipped with warm lining and non-slip soles, Choose from Black and Brown in sizes 5 to 10, NOEL ise MEE MEN'S OR BOY'S HUNT PAC BOOTS Reg. K mart Price $4.76 = PY | THURS. FRI. SAT, ' os Discount Special Durable, all rubber insulated hunting boots, feature fabric lining, full tongue, steel shank, and treaded non slip sole. Available in Olive color only in these sizes: Men's 6 to 12 Boys' 12 to 5, JET BOOTS Reg. K mart Price $6.88 4.7 THURS, FRI, SAT. 'i Discount Special One piece all rubber constructed snow boots, You'll appreciate the full lining, moccasin vamp design, and treaded non-slip sole. Available in Black only in sizes 6 to 12. DISCOUN PRICE. .