AST Cloudiness, ers Tonight Montreal and Ottawa regions: |Mainly sunny becoming cloudy this evening. Showers beginnin; |tonight. Wednesday cloudy with | showers. Much warmer then turning cooler Wednesday after. noon, THE OSHAWA TIMMS, Yusoday, September 26,1967 & en Party Refutes Statement OR DROP OUT OF FOOD es : On PM Leadership Plans Housing, Cost Of Living : Put Liberals On Defensive 2. nreeirsetittlet att come ate Dairy Industry Told Colchester-Hants in a byelec-|acceleration" of two per cent in a ote tuiewine a saree afong = ip comeghiage eee To Seek N ew Advances support to Prime Minister/|touched" by the demonstration By GERARD McNEIL --A _ united|tion Nov. 6. the cost of living since July. weekend caucus, urged him tolother than to thank the mem- OTTAWA (CP) bid by opposition parties for an] Mr. --Diefenbaker The government's legislative : selige at program got off to a dest|remain as leader, a high Liber- al party source said today. reagan Soa' m housing] present. averted in the Commons] A round of tribut i i i i Monday when Parliament reas-|to the Thyear-old | fe otod roe bills. eo The source said it was a "'tra- sembled after an 11-week|minister, as well as to the late(URS SPENDING $264,800,000 |ditional motion of support and recess. Guy Favreau, who died during] One authorizes the publicly-/@ffection," but was "strong in They put the government onjthe summer recess, and to J.(owned CNR to spend up to|that it urged the leader to con- the defensive immediately with|W. Pickersgill, who resigned|$264,800,000 this year, including|tinue leading the party." COUNTING IN SCIENCE There are about 37, physi- cists in the United States. CARIBBEAN TWO WEEK HOLIDAY Every Seturdey by Ale Canede cherter flight, es ef Jen. 6th (everybody can Join). First time ever offered In Canada. SAVINGS FROM $70 UP PER PERSON. ve wasn't | a i] Pe, pt ia Rn 14 aig wal _ Bs dairy,;the Food Research Institute, A spokesman #f the industry must stop thinking of|said dairy products "have been|F'ood Engineeri i minister's office said Mr. Pear-jrestrictive legislation and turn| placed as pedestal vhare Phustsihie cota Sn son told the caucus he wouldjtowards progressive develop-|they are worshipped and only alvariety of new packagin oad stay on as party leader as long/ment and promotion or it will|Philistine would suggest the/ processing Sevelnomenis that as he felt was necessary. cease to be a significant factor| sacrilege of changing them." could be used to make dai idea of Mr. Pearson|in the food picture of the| He said dairy processors h Frank K, Lawler, editor of| Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Wednesday Windsor ..-.+eee0e 48 60 Enquire now et Four Seasons Travel St. Thomas «++... 48 60 a series of issues mainly relat-|r i i in Ai i ¥ in-| The roduc i ets sesseveseee 48 60 ed to the cost of living. huge ye Caesdias Cones See mn Pet iengg ola pang isa remaining in the leadership|future, a U.S. authority said|should study the manufacturing reine aga Appealing to thell sy ning 8, 6. visi dab loner Se diag 4 60 Foremost was housing as|Transport Commission, The other would establish a|Cation of Mr. Pearson's inten-|Was raised by caucus members| today. and marketing techniques of tia wan ee they brought back reports of} Prime Minister Pearson\manpower and immigration|tion "to remain as leader or|at the dinner, the spokesman) Dr. R. F. Holland, head of|other industries and diversity|/NOT PERFECT FOOD ae SG Soaring rents and dwellingjannounced an addition to his|council. Its paid chairman and|otherwise," he said. said, but the prime minister did/Cornell University's food and|Where necessary to hold the} "Propaganda has long sincelDX DX 2 "ph oa 7 62 costs, coupled with a lack of|cabinet--Charles R. Granger, unpaid members--up to 15--| The need for Mr. Pearson's not commit himself to any-|science department, told dele-|Public interest. convinced U.S, 's_ that -- -- DX -- DX Maat is 62 mortgage money, : 55, sworn in later Monday as|would be appointed by the cabi-|leadership, especially in view of/thing that he hasn't' said)gates attending the 50th annual milk is not the perfect food and BE peinracces ay S 62 A Conservative motion _to/minister without portfolio, net to advise the manpower|the problems facing Canadian before. National Dairy Council conven- that products containing butter- ¢$ WISE: come path 60 have regular business sei aside|_ - minister. unity, was "certainly inherent| "He Jeft things where they|tion they must invest in labora- Attendance fat are likely to be detrimental E IngstON ...eecere 50 6 for a housing debate was ruled|REPLACES PICKERSGILL The same act allows the min-|in the resolution." were--indefinite."' tories, equipment, trained to the waistline, if not } CONOMIZE! Trenton «eresereve 55 62 out of order by Speaker Lucien| He replaces Mr. Pickersgilll;.tey to appoint four other spe- scientists, advertising and pro- heart." rh ae eee oo i a. Tappan. as Newfoundland's cabinet rep-|ciat advisory boards, each with . . eae Dips At Expo | He said the 'indus ld SAVE $$ $ 55 e suggested that resentative and is expected to ia aha d A tes a | P le industry cou 50 House leaders arrange Beg run Nov. 6 in Bonavista-Twil- lpg aegal ee Separatist Leader Resigns i ae te ee overcome tess disaivantanes | Sudbury ssvccccsere 50 early debate on the matter, if|linsgate, Mr. Pickersgill's. old) Their fields would 'be adult nature's most noet food" Ps MONTREAL (CP) -- Anxious)! it was prepared to use new hg. ¢ Earlton ... 45 this wasn't done, he might|tiding. eemoatinaal teatuine adit: ward Gi coment Oleyes studied slumping attend-|Products, new packages and| FUEL Sault Ste. Ma change his min j The new transport minister is/°°CUP2 000%. training, -- adjus ed . ; off competition {0M} ance figures Monda Expo|"ew ingredients. | 50 8 d about ruling P ment of immigrants, manpower dairy substitutes 5 rn Kapuskasing ..... 32 45 out another request for an|Paul Hellyer, whose defence and immigration research and mi n ema urmol | Tk . .. , |67 continued to cope with a| The texts of the addresses by on ¢ in Rives : 2. 5 emergency debate. portfolio now is held by Leolcoordination of rehabilitative the met ce Pred Faget Montreal transit strike and|the three panelists were $ Phone 668-3341 Priel i 4 a STANFIELD IN GALLERY Te hater of cabinet minis- gy bt for i disabled. 1 MONTREAL (CP) -- Pierr | vere prepared to take power in|close scrutiny, he said. 'There 7 bir sane pe gonk jreleased to the press in ee Listening from the crowded|ters were not present to answer|,©1t¢?, Similar boards also/ Bourgault, 33-year-old leader 0 | )uebec with the clear intention|are indications it may be possi- f hy 4 ecast of attendance) advance. OX -- DX -- DX -- DX galleries was Robert Stanfield,|a rain of opposition questions could be established by the) Quebec's most influential separ-|of betraying some objectives|ble to improve on nature and the b ongey een full day of pe nee a the sag Conservative leader|most of which landed on Prime eve genad pod hr Bly Peg ceer atist gi Monday - - which the RIN had fought)give Pg! consumer a_ better isi Hey -- goad oie ee Li | who must win a C resigne s post as president|for seven years, roduc * ; " Commons seat|Minister Pearson as a result. the department. Pe F Paierplecmat: Suet y Foil ei than the cow arrived by midnight, The RIN, which claims a membership of 11,000, ran| Dr. Holland was one of a members in several constituen-/Panel of three speakers urgitg cies in the last provincial elec-|he dairy executives to bring tion but failed to have any their industry up to date. before he can take John Diefen-| Wheat prices and the cost of baker's old place as leader of|living were the main topics,|WAS WELCOMED : the Opposition. George Hees (PC--Northumber-| Well-briefed opposition MPs| Mr. Bourgault said he would Mr. Stanfield will run injland) noted an "unbelievable|welcomed the idea, saying fed-|be a candidate to succeed him- eral-provincial-municipal co-op-|Self as RIN leader at the par- This recalled a statement on the start of the strike by Phi- lippe de Gaspe Beaubien, the fair's operations chief, that attendance might be cut by 60 l'independance nationale. NOTICE 2 eration and co-ordination is|ty's 'national congress" sched- x : Divor H 2 neaded if the manpower pro-uled for Oct. 7 and 6 at Trois elected, we Dr. R. P. A, Sims, director of! per cent. ce earing n gram is to get off the ground. |Riviers, Que. Several other i a, ~~ pha m4 tulad officials resigned) * ' To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- z= oaradas an e committees) wi jm, 2 With Gunfire Death ice become Praga 4 B rsaatd ry with oe -- perty and who want the best deal they can get! - she han new cogs in what Grace/came e revelation that 'a i . MacInnis (NDP -- Vancouver-| very great problem"--or sever- The Real Estate Department of Subscribers To,,, RAPID CITY, §.D. (AP)--A,say, now I'm going to have\in&sWay) described as anjal of them--exist within the CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can routine divorce proceeding| mine." administrative traffic jam. rank@ of the seven-year-old get you the best deal in the sole @ BLUE CROSS ended in a blaze of gunfire! He pulled a revolver and,|,,°'° 24 ther MPs presented) party. | of your property -- @ P.S.I. Monday leaving the wife in the| according to court reporter Manpower Minister Marchand) yr, Bourgault said his action y Ive case and her lawyer dead and|Mrs. with a 'series of complaints) was aimed at consolidating : Frances Geyerman, 3 the judge wounded, The hus-|announced: "I'm cae to itl about the results of Ottawa's band was held without charge today. Attendants at the Pennington County courthouse said the shooting broke out after Ray @ GREEN SHIELD NEED NOT PAY CASH! WHY ? 1--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you more cash. acer party leaders. Both he and RIN :. {take-over of responsibility for|....; : ay ee Ride GHA bette te te adult retraining and education. vera Hg ates srg hash . , put the) Under regulations adopted] ~\..; Pree mie reas gun away, witnesses said: ' ; critical difficulty which neither} "I got up and stood beside|@s',SPring, Ottawa buys the! or them would divulge P Stood beside) services of public educational Rurievee aude by. both mean Brady," recalled States Attor- se faie systems for adults referred to) hinted at a split or power strug- 2--Because we charge you You Give Us The Doctors Prescription We do the rest, : FREE City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 SET ALIMONY "when T st . ,,{other difficulties. unseating him. : Attendants said Parker set|saiq Brennan, Bivins had the ENROLMENT DOWN The former journalist and dial your own calls. For area codes and Real Estate Dept. the alimony and Bivins, a six- Enrolments had dropped off|radio announcer, who made idling wenixelbiid. Cline cheiak ous . Bivins, a tour ist attraction owner in his late 60s, was told by the judge that he w ould have to pay his wife moret han $3,000 in alimony. Dead are Mrs. Bivins, 53, and her lawyer, William Brady, 39, a father of four. Circuit Judge Thomas Par- ker, 48, was taken to hospital in satisfactory condition-with a wound in the thigh. representing Bivins. "Bivins stepped to within two feet of Bill and pulled the trigger. "T just couldn't believe it. 1 didn't see any blood and I thought it was a blank, Then Bill started to lean toward me and fell to the floor. I immedi- ately dropped to the floor to see if I could help him." Then Mrs. Bivins was shot. THROWS CHAIR ney R. J. Brennan, 39, who was|them by federal manpower cen- tres. 8 The critics said the federal : government is refusing to pay d for language training courses for immigrants and for courses in a number of other fields. Language-training schools, once supported by subsidy, were collapsing for lack of courses were not being support- ed, schools were running into Lavallee, the "director of strat- egy." | 'AFTER MY HEAD' elements in the party '"'which money. Because part-timelare after my head" accused these of undermining the party for the purpose of le between them. j The other resigning officials re Pierre Renaud, general irector of the party, and Marc Mr. Bourgault said there are and COUNTRY The area code for Calgary and the whole province of Alberta is 403. Use the area code when you call Long Distance and your call goes through faster and easier. And where Direct Distance Dialing is available, you can ONLY 4% COMMISSION on town and city homes That saves you « lot of money! call us. So just think about this when you wish to sell your property to YOUR best advantage--then fac Ms gun pointed in my direction. As 3 footer weighing more than 20017 dropped to the floor he fired pong ane cerule e e Oe aT a poo pent ge -- . a under the table.""|""yirs.' Macinnis said _Vancou- party members into realizing e judge threw his heavy,lyer educationists had found|that problems exist in the RIN. d li i leather swivel chair over the they couldn't make sense of it. Also threatening were the $100 a week in his post as presi- dent, said he wished to "shock" telephone directory. 4... Central Ontario Trust TEL. 723-5221 HEC BREW 5 ) bench at Bivins. Bivins and the Hard-to-get technical teachers| rise of people who put their judge grappled and _another| were being laid off and employ- interests "aiid shot wounded Parker, said/ment could only be guaranteed | apdecaeght ny and the '"'dishon- OR Bl t U = shot wounded Parker, said/ty others for four or fivelesty" of some members who asts Unions Brennan. : months, As a result competent Bell C d Tom Houston 668-4418 Deputies burst into the court- teachers were moving else- THERE'S MORE ana a Allen Thompson 728-2870 SUDBURY (CP) -- An indus-|?00m and helped overcome Biv-| where. : a san the chit cat Harvey Hogan 655-3663 ins, who also was armed with] David Orlikow (NDP--Winni-| Outside the milky way, our Ralph Schofield 576-1680 trialist said Monday Northern Ontario craft unions have recently shown-a disregard for lawful labor contracts that 'thas been a disgrace to the name of responsible trade unionism." F. R. Jones, a vice -. presi- dent of Ecstall 'Mining Ltd., an eight-inch hunting knife. Brennan said he had taken Bivins' case in 1965, and contin- ued to represent the man after he became states attorney as yer. Timmins, was speaking at the opening of two - day conference on safety jointly sponsored by the provincial government and the Labor Safety Council of Ontario. "The sad part of this situa- tion is not the irresponsible act of the individual who may not really understand his responsi- bilities, it is the encouragement DIGS THE WEEDS LONDON (CP)--East Lon- doner Ted Walford pleaded with local housing authorities not to rehouse him in a block of apartments when his present home is demolished next year, It would mean giving up his favorite hobby, gardening. Ted has been the champion gar- Bivins couldn't get another law- fi peg North) said that instead of being expanded, adult retrain- ing was being 'curtailed and strangled." Walter Dinsdale (PC--Bran- don-Souris) referred to a "pain- ul gap" in communications between federal policy makers and local and provincial author- ities, PAINT Buy Direct Save up to 50% galaxy, 000,000,000 other galaxies. there exist 1,000,000,- RINNE RAT CSN URE iE 1 to 5-Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 612% per annum nee = WORLD'S LARGEST CHAIN OF HEALTH SRA3S, NOW ENROLLING: TONECRAFT OSHAWA he gets from higher union lev-| dener in the dock area for more AND ARE els." than 20 years and giving up his King Park m ie The. conference, using the}garden "would break his Plaza 723-4922 mnie ior, tes : -y " eee ca ee ee t the CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL economy, is the first of two ; ™ Redecmeble--by.Executors in at e , the event of death. Authorized--as Trustee Act in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION STEVENSON RD. being held this year. The other is set for London in November. | _ Mr. Jones criticized unions |" for "apparently encouraging" |» lawless acts on "so - called picket lines," and for seeking to |: ! | come Kéaloch ¢ OPEN MON. TO FRI. eliminate use of ex - parte|) ikea. baa ces injunctions to prevent these |~ OSHAWA'S SMARY MEN'S SHOP ascutbhes Corerstice. acts : 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Management's _ responsibility |" 10 KING STREET WEST 723-5221 aac oo pene SAT. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Cash Wok oot taly to perform| 'The Most Carefully Tailored Clothes You Could Wear i the job but to understand the meaning of his contribution to a OPEN kin goal with the manage- Sh : FRIDAY ment. if /} i He called on management to Oe QUALITY TAILORED FOUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE "recognize the individual digni- | ty and inherent worth of each employee " i ES | HOT BUBBLING WHIRLPOOLS: whan pecryaang in volcanic caves; you'll enjoy a gently, relax- | | Summer Enjoyment ing mas: from hot, swirling water that , era scienti Gesigned machines to help sa A y R d " _ yOu get into shape quickly and easily, sooths away the cares of the day. a . l ear Noun. Canada's Most Complete and Luxurious opege " i a i Facilities: i i i ina room, sun dec | With the indoor pool, Sau 4 ss e : if i @ Ultra-modern healih club for men. @ Eucalyptus inhalater rooms. plus the spacious suites, personalized service, . @ Luxuriéts figure contouring salon for ladies, @ Desert dry heat rooms, Id | | ki * ee controlled tropical swmiming @ California sun rooms, il delivery, ample parking. pools, Finnish rock sauna, mai ry, ple p 9 '@ Hydronic whirlpool baths. ; pavers clothes lockers. | i se e spertally eee! Vie Tanny exercise and @ Private dressing. booths. it . . lucnig machines, : ; | Suites Open For Inspection | STEAMANDSAUNAROOMS = @ Mechanical body reproportiening machines. pl cwtagetn pitt 21 Si St. North | Satna bath, you oe esowred & fing Gd & Mia croqeaiig.cosmtonce srercin @ sitce, bare ; 12 imcoe bg or {i beneficial visit. apparatus, Ld @ Fully equipped gymnasiums. ' i es = . @ Professional massage, * Inge 1 prog! and personal Yy Phone 725-9934 | Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. APARTMENT SUND SATURDAY and SUNDAY 11 A.M. fill 7 P.M. AFFILIATED CLUBS IN WINNIPEG, EDMONTON, CALGARY, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND AROUND THE WORLD ee j : \ i h 7 o\ VA [os TANNY'S OSHAWA PHone 723-8171 GYM AND HEALTH S:<. OAKVILLE CLUBS IN TORONTO, HAMILTON, KITCHENER, LONDON, WINDSOR, OTTAWA, ST. CATHARINES, JOHN'S, HALIFAX CLUBS OPENING SOON MONTREAL, BURLINGTON, SUDBURY, KINGSTON, QUEBEC CITY, ST