Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1967, p. 17

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TOCK MARKET 'ORONTO (CP) -- Profit ing late in Monday's session alled an advance on the 'onto Stock Exchange and market closed with only a ctional gain. The industrial ex edged up .09 to 169.75. tockower rose 2% to 11%. hawa A gained 5% to 50. 'eneral Motors was up 1% to 4, B-A Oil, Famous Players i Dominion Scottish 1% each 38, 38 and 13%, respectively, 1 Alcan 1% to 30%. ae Vestcoast Transmission pped 1 to 25%. Jraniums also fell in profit ing as Denison dropped 15 82 and Rio Algom % to 39. 'Eldona, which tumbled 38 ts Friday, backed down 22 its to 1.48 on 370,000 shares. in index, golds were off .35 163.75, base metals 1.15 to 06 and western oils -2.18 to 61. Volume was 3,662,000 res compared with 4,122,000 day. ign 3,000 - horsepower diesel ight locomotives and a large intity of specialized and gen- 1 - purpose railway freight s. ~ » Sales mity EMALE nal Organization 40. Salary, commission Mr. Harwood at 40 Decor Centre 4 ROADLOOM % \TING . me EUPHOLSTER ... for that "LIKE NEW" fook " ~ HOLSTERING SPECIALISTS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Furniture Refinishing & Restoring Custom Built Furniture. arlington Upholstery Bowmanville 2 King St. W. 623-734) Finer Used Car NT, 623-3396 iLANZER Cabinets specializing In ivingroom, Rec 2m built-ins. any types of mouldings end signs to choose. Free Estimates 576-2980 You'll Be @ Style-Leader if Yeu Have Your Wardrobe Made. By 5 LONA'S JRESSMAKING SALON Vy Simece OSHAWA 8.0042 Ernest Bryant, 922 Byron $., Whitby *& Patent Drugs *% Cards & Gifts RAY'S Smoke & Gift Shop 1188 Simcee St, 5, SIMON?'S HELL SERVICE 97 King St. E. et Mary 576-1360 » Complete Car Care Lubricetions & Tune Ups ition & Carburetion Specialists FREE DINNER you find your name in this vertisement, bring it in to 1 Rib Room and receive one mer Free, Compliments of the GENOSHA HOTEL 70 King St. E, Mackie, 979 Renlea, Oshawe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 26, 1967 7 BRIDGE : (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) A ZEBRA!PROBABLY KILLED BY LIONS LAST NIGHT. DU Diatrtowted by King Faateran Sy ~ticate + South dealer. North-South vulnerable. King Festeree Spadioatm tan, (967, World tights ewerved NORTH 10762 @5 $2863 = -- = = ' K1094 1 BROKE MY GLASSES iW = _--s| | WE'? NEVER HAVE MADE IT UP LOOK UP YONDER.....WE + TODAY AND I CAN'T SEE i! rege Se Onr| WHERE WITH HORSES PACKIN' MOUNTAIN GOATS KOR THAT ig green THIS WORKS OUT) | A THING WITHOUT THEM FROM HERE ON. 5 STUFF, Suxseresa. Sas ALL RIGHT % O954 91072 ' £632 875 9853 92108 AKI AQs 'The bidding: + South West North Fast -- INT 29 2NT Dble °; Opening lead -- seven of hearts. I have it on excellent author« ity that this deal occurred in a match in England between two teams of medical students. At the first table, the biddin: went as shown and South woun up playing the hand at two no- trump doubled. It is possible that North's two notrump bid might be regarded by many as an exaggeration and distortion of his values, but ours is not to reason why--we merely report what happened. - East naturally had some doubts that this contract could be made, so he doubled. Appar- ently the standard of play at the table was much higher than the standard of bidding, be- cause the defence proceeded fo function in the most approved style and exacted the maximum alty. . East took the heart lead with the ace, cashed his five spades, and returned a heart. All told, the defenses scored twelve tricks and South went down NOTCHERLY/! THAT'S WHAT'S SO ROTTEN WANTS TO BE. 17 AND BE SKINNY AND COLD-- LIKE THEM? SECRET AGENT X9 - - « for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT SEE the all new 68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffale ! 9 Channet 3--Barrie $--Pig'n' Channet 4--Buftale TORY P, 4--Good Morning World Channet 6--Toronte 3-6-12--Political Talks Channel 7--Buffalo 10:00 P.M. ,000. A There must have been some- thing peculiar about the North hand which appealed more to the medical eye than it would to most practitioners of bridge, because' the bidding at the sec- ond table followed this strange course: Bouth West North Kast HUBERT ONT 29 26 Pass S@ Pass Pass Dhble HELP! THERES A BUTTERPLY IN The East player at this table THE GARDEN AND I CAN'T was likewise assailed by doubts CATCH IT FOR MY COLLECTION' AVE GOT A NEW 906. AND tT HEAR HE'S Peetry BAD! SOMETHING < THINK YOU OUSHT To KNOW f i PM, 4--Dick Van Dyke Whistle 3-12--Ed Allen Time D. 24--Hollywood Squares that North - South could make their contract, and he, too, dou- N--Little Peop! ae og f bled. After leading the ace of 7--Movie Channet s--Rochestor | 5 he prtooner" ELavcneen 'oat f hearts, he cashed the A-K-QJ Channel $--Torento 7--Hollywood Palace 4--News, Weather, Sports of trumps and played another Channel 11--Hamiiton a ar ee eee: 12 heart, This permitted West to Channel 12--Peterborough 10.30 PMS &%--~Super Heroes : & cash all his hearts, and, after aaage ey | incphene Rane" I the dust had settled, the autopsy revealed that South had gone down eight--2,400 points, count- TUBSDAY RVENING@ oie 12-4-2-8-3-6-11-9---Newa Weather and Sperts §--Eye Guess 3-6-4-12--Search for To- 12--Rocky and his friends | yu2gerl Nene th : siaceree 9-8--News Weather Sports | Merv. Griffin ing East's 100 honors. sa Ti--Plerre Berton 34 4 So the outcome was that the vue 1:00 PM pair who went down 2,000 at the se Fratkectan Jr 225 P.M, 12--Movie first table actually showed a 12--Flintstones [etew ie aeere ee profit of 400 points on the deal. 7--News &--Truth or Consequences | 7movie 6--Dialing for Dollars, My sources do not reveal wheth- 4--Movie Virginia Graha &-Vegabond Honeymoon ao--Johoy Corson | defuse ' " GUESS HES : fioeth toe mae teetinn 3--Mr. - : MM. uncheon ale 9-Of Lande end Sone | 3_outer Limits 'Mest The Millers IVEN UP GOLF!} | methods, but, judging by results, 1--Plerre Berion Wait tee" SOT a, they clearly outbid their oppone @--How's Business 9--Perry's Probe 44--As The Werld Turns ents. 7--Movie 11:45 PLM, | @--Let's Make A Deal 4--Reacn fer the Tep 12--Movie 2:00 P.M, ig Tt ig Sports, Movie | To Newlyes Game be t} .M | 4 - ' 3--Petticoat Junction Vise : - doles "Thea pa lab SPORT BRIEFS 5 ptdiok P.M. anh . wind Tak ne OR TeDaktar | "eae ey ee BROCK ACCEPTED. jews; 1 . Weather) Sports ecu: yi chad gem fee yt alga oe ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- rf Brock University of St. Cathar- ines has been accepted as a full jews | %-University of | oP In Con: @2--News, Weather, | 4158 aA. mo toe oes ba | 7--Dialing for Dollars, 7--Dream Girl Te PM. | vii ore member of the Ontario Inter. ~ sBatmen | a ws aA nah "CRowe Party Collegiate Athletic Association 4--Midwestern Hayride | 9--Romper Room. 9. sMdaaidtpaten: Court oericials announced Frida a Tiihevtie | RIT trove. | Seaameeh iter Old universtiy sald toy' woul punt ric Genera sNews, Weather, 2-Pat Boone | r te Tel. the Trutn rele pif tn the Inter big cf + ake - i 7:20 P.M, ie i : pte, mane linet ~-- | YOUR HEALTH legate Wockey Leng tis se 11--Cimarron Strip hls Oe gpa 1--Bullwinkle oO Ey bream Jeannie Para bb: recy My fyeed I C Me lb Maeda Uncle Bobby 2-8--You Don't Say OTTAWA (CP) -- Queen's > 'epatier oor "Canc camara "poe aint gnorance auses inagtraee 4 Golden Gaels, scor- 230 AM, 4:00 P.M. ng 13 points in the third quar- i tion ena wit Te oaeinn Nonenne - | Scttate aye Death B P 7 7 ter, defeated Ottawa University Sitar 'Beverly Hillbillies oh Matoh Game Yy olsoning Gee-Gees in an exhibition foot- = J 24--Jerry Lewis 9--Tugboat Annie. Peat tg ral gi ball gpa before 6,000 rain - otronstiat PM 24--Personality e S-Mike Douglas, By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD j soaked fans at Lansdowne Park Fodnveders Andy Ovittith li Yee Why do we have hundreds of|quarter of all poisoning of chil-|Ftiday night. . 4-Red Skelton 3--Good Morning Sheave It to Beaver thousands of poisonings every|dren. Why we can't drum this BOWLS TO $5,000 3 Mm, 138 A.M, W--Under Attack 11--Marriage Confidential | 4--Truth or year? Because people are igno-jinto people's heads is beyond tt Us MONTREAL (CP) -- Claire ai =e a PP _{Prevost of Malone, N-¥., won pe y ; in wa poi-| Mother will tell her toddler,/the $5,000 first prize Sunday in ion from a bale of hay. They've|"Mustn't put the dirty stick in|the windup of the 100-day Cen- CROSSWORD heard safety campaigns andlyour mouth, darling." But she|tennial Bowling Festival, beat- | AcmDeS ae warnings, but they don't listen.|ieaves the aspirin bottle on theling Pat Mitchell of Windsor, 5 1 oan pices The tremendous number of|window ledge, her anemia pills|Ont., 190-189 in the final. Mitch- o Scania " Scantal poisoned babies is proof of that/py the kitchen sink, reducinglell's last ball was a poor one = &. Dibs aaaae eure a centre says the/pills in her purse. and he counted only six. His 9.Goddesses 2. River in same thing. From 50 to 70 per! 'the cuboard under the sink is|sccond place money was $2,500. ae ofthe cent of the poison victims are]. «igiot's delight," a fascinat-/Peter Pincivro of Rexdale, seasons 3. Heraldic babies or small children. ing invitation to a child old|Ont., was third, winning $1,000. 10. Egg- division How can this be? Because enough to creep and investi- shaped 4. Witness people leave poison around the| cate: Spot removers with =| figures 5, Tyran- house where toddlers can get it.|fumes as dangerous as glue- QUEENIE 12. Ecclesiasti- nizes These poisonings are needless. ; i ------ . sniffing, and horrible if swal cal 6. Affirm meas- Yesterday's Answer |They are shameful, inexcus- lowed: furniture polish that can vestment --_--_7. Tropical ure 30. Precious able. But they happen, and say-|-ayse' pneumonia, and if baby 13, Affray trees 22, Resort stone ing in plain, language that they survives there. can be damaged 14. Exclusively 8, Driving 25. Division 31. Apostolie represent stupendous ignorance kidneys: metal polish, scourin 15. Aviators ice and of the 32, Cubic is more charitable than sug- dors Ronieehold Y Reacen } 16. Virginium: rain Bible: meter gesting that people don't care. |TOR*CTS, | & ; sym. 9. G-man abbr. 36. Storm 4 detergents, insect sprays, even i 17. Vase 11, Legis- 26,Delfied '37. Body of They care, all right, wheniiye, : 18, Fl lators: mortal their own child goes to the hos- i eet, water A r i Walland abbr. 27.Famous 38, Odd: pital in convulsions, or gasping} READ CASES i 15, Land inventor Scot. for breath, screaming and vom- If you don't have a squeam- measures 29.Lamprey 40.Craze iting up particles of its stomach|ish stomach, you can read { "7 lining; or in a coma, or with|some of these cases in more 1 [2 3 4 Ys je [7 [8 7 \throat so constructed that the detail later in this series, but { 4 "a Ly 4 |child can't swallow, but only|the first thing to make clear is|- z 7, 4 n moan. this: "Poison" isn't just arsenic ¢ 77 y 4 iz Ask some of these peoplejor prussic acid. We don't have Y Z) about their medicine cabinets.;}many poisonings from such ia WTIis "Oh," they say, "we don't keep/ things. eZ gig iy yoo oe The poisons that are doing Ye 4 7 ' é io you find? Aspi-ithe damage are the ordinary. % Y, Y tin, camphorated oil, reducing/every-day, household items tha'l,, first-hand accounts of poison 9 20 |20 22 Y Y pills, antibiotics, vitamins with/people think "aren't danger nBSes Ea Yr es fe minerals, laxatives, tranquilli-/ous." Numerically, "simple"! Finally he excused himself, 2 Y, © jer | zers. medicines are worst of all|..iq he had an urgent appoint. WUUaew CHILDREN POISONED They cause a good half of ALI} ment. They found out later that LL Not dangerous? You should|?°!sonings. Jae went straight home and so [a1 [32 7733 VW read the roll of children poi-| It isn't that people aren'tispent two days "poison-proof- soned by all of these, killed by intelligent, but they don't listen.jing" his own home. : 35 36 V//,31 [38 some of them. One poison centre asked the! Everybody can't spend six ES 1, I put aspirin first on the list|help of a highly skilled expert/nours in a poison control centre put aspi on i 1 39 Y deliberately. It remains the|° @ specialized problem relat-jto learn this. All we can do is 4 most d 'ous single poison|d to its operation. hope that people will listen and " Wis for children. It poisons more. It] Staff people noticed the manjread and believe us. 3 43 Y Aas Y kills more. getting whiter and more tense} Otherwise, we will kill as 17) W Y Yt people leave it aroundjas the day wore jon and hejmany a sol year as we 4 the house. It alone causes one-'heard 'calls coming in, listened are killing ry

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