Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1967, p. 21

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e company, the produet and e individual." Mrs. Crawford says. other mplaints deal mostly. with isleading advertising by local sinesses that bilk the -buying blic. 'There is not much we can about the advertising, but » can inform the business con- rned that consumers are gry." Mrs. Crawford's bureau--its dget is $7,500--soon will be ked with the newly-created wincial consumer bureau it deals primarily with credit ictices. The bureau then will be able send consumers to the gov- ment for legal help. yoing 01 ter. s from Lighting Famous brand nsor b) College ay Lightolier c). ced to fit. any" m $9.95 up. YOUR -YWOOD QUARTERS Real Special -orrugated PLASTIC »ANELS "A LOW, LOW PRICE or patie roofs, fences, . » Four colers; white, coral end green. 8' ww... 26 AO... BAS NZ cet ae \SH AND CARRY 10% FOR DELIVERY meee eetenencmmmeen ntsc one Model 3746 Reg. 63.25 iL 46.95 SH AND CARRY jo sc -- 6" SKIL SAW Reg. 55.95 . 39.95 SH AND CARRY erior Doors. 6.10:x 134, H. isa, Webco - Ma _ 1 Carry suis 16.00 THE YEARS HAVE JI! | BEEN VERY KIND TO YOU, & IF YOU CAN'T INSTEAD OF AL{{l|||! LIE TO YOUR OWN GETTING OLDER, ) YOU JUST LOOK MIRROR, YOUNGER. WHO CAN YOU AND ry 5 LIE TO? YOUNGER, 0 THE JAW-OPENERY 7 SHOVE IN ALREADY THE SNAPPLE! GOOD/!~ BUT WAIT TILLYOU SEE WHAT IT DOES TOME? comp! CHoMpr BUZ SAWYER LEOPARD... HE'S GOT JUNIOR, ¢ THAT'S THE LAST STRAW, I'M SICK AND TIRED OF AFI I WANT TO 60 HOME, RICA, © King Festaree Syedicata, Ine, 1967, World rights SECRET AGENT X9 Anew guest at Desert Fiower Captures the attention of Phitana the management... LAZLO! THATS WHY HE SEEMED FAMI HE'S A BIOCHEMIST ON GOVERNMENT PROJECTS, WE HANDLED HiS SECURITY CLEARANCE. LOADED THE STUFF ON -ssees WE'LL BE ABLE To CLIMB HIGHER INTO THE MOUNTAINS THAN WITH HORSES, MK: MULES. THAT STRAIGHT UP PART 1S WHATS GOT ME WORRIEP, /\ LIAR, BUT SINCE DR, LYMAN STAYED HERE ALSO, IT MAY BE WORTH igen uP! » + + for LUXURY, GLAMOR and EXCITEMENT : SEE the all new Zo L Fe AAU Channet Channet Chennet Channet Channet Channel Channel 2--Bytale 3--Barrie 4--Buftalo 6--Toronto 7--Buttalo @--Rochester 9--~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12--Peterborougt MONDAY 7--Flintgtones 5:30 P.M, 12--Flintstones Truth or Consequences 7--News 6--Focus @--Of Lande end Seas 4 HP Hi eo y--Movie 6--Good lorid Berton 's Business Morning, News, Weather, Sports 6 12--Ironsi 1 338 PLM, ide 1--Rat Patrol News y eet 9-6-9--News, Weather, Sports 24--News 7:00 P.M, Man From U.N.C.L.E, 9--Secon Years @--True id Hundred Adventure s b--Day it | 4--Honeymooners Accidental Family 2--News, Weather, ports 7:30 P.M. 9--Luellie Ball 7--Cowboy in Africa 4~Gunsmoke $-46-12--Don Messer 2-6--Monkees 6:00 Movie P.M, 9--Bewitched $--Man From U.N.C.L.E. 3-6-12---Music Hall 2--Movie a $--Famil 7--Rat Pi 30 PLM, ly Affair atrol 4Lucille Bail 9:00 P.M. Country Music Hall @--Danny Thomas 7--Felony Squad 4~Andy Griffith 34-12--Front Page Chal- 9:30 PLM. 91 Spy BVENING | 6:0 P.M. "| 12--Three Stooges t--Mr. Ed "68 PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, ACADIANS VAUXHALLS and FIREBIRDS at... The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lid. 7--Peyton Place --Christy Minstrels 3-6-12--Dundee and the Culhane 10: 2-8--I Spy 4--Carol Burnett 7--Big Valley W--Merv_ Griffin 10:30 P.M. 9--Canada 10) 12-6--N.Y.P.D. 3--Profile 11:00 PLM, 2-3-4-7-9-11-12--News, Weather and Sports - 1.10 P.M. :25 P.M, 4--News weather, ané Sports 11:38 P.M, 2-8--Johnny Carson 11.35 P.M, 3--Dragnet 11--Hot. Line" 9--Perry's Probe | 11.48 P.M, 12--Movie 12.10 A.M, 9--Nobel Lecture AM, 12. Vise ora TUBSDAY 6:00 A.M. 11--$chnitzel House aptain Kangares University of the Alr 4:55 A.M. %--Dlaling For Dollars, Virginia Grahem Vi--Ed Allen Time 4--Cariton Fredericks 9--Romper Room 8--Crossfire 2--Pat Goon 1l--Donna Reed 9--Cartoon Playhouse 8--Glorla 7--Atrica 9--Uncle Bobby pepe Judgment 4--Candid Camera 10:30 A.M. 6-2--Cencentration 4--Beverly Hillbillies 11:00 A.M, 9--Tugboat Annie 2-8--Personality 7--Honeymoon Race 4~Andy Griffith 06d = Morni 11:30 A.M. Marriage Confidential TELEVISION LOG 9--Mr. and Mrs. 7--Family Game 2-4--Hollywood Squares | 4--Dick Van Dyke Skew 3--Ed Allen Time 12 NOO! 12--News Weather Sports 1i--Little People 9--Teronto Teday 8-2--Jeopardy 1--Monevy Mevio | 3-4--Luncheon Date (News, Weather, Sports 12:38 P.M, MN--Photo_ Finish ye Guess 4-4-6-12--Search for To- morrow +--News, Weather, a--Merv Griffin 12:45 P.M. | 3-4-6-12Gulding Light 1:00 P.M, | 12--Movle li--Mike Douglas 9--Movie &Dieling fer Dollars Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1:38 PLM. 4-4--As The World Turne @--Let's Make @ Ocal 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 4--Pan Americans 4--Love Is A Many Spien- dored Thing 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M. 12--Calendar 1l--Perry Mason 9--People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl 4--Coronation Street 4--House Party 2-8--Doctors 3:00 P.M, 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Another. World 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3-4-12--Take 0 3:25 PLM. +News it MA, Bullwinkle %--It's Your Move 7--Commander Tom 3-4+6-12--Edge of Night 24--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 1--Super Heroes 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4.30 P.M. jiomy. Mother, The Car jovie 8--Leave It To Beaver 4--Truth or C 1/7 DARN 1 SpoiLe poe! D King Features Syndicate, Ime, 1967, World veghew YOUR HEALTH Eds: This is the first of a series of six articles on poison. «A dogged, determined war is being waged against one of America's tragic habits--poi- soning ourselves. 6 3-6-12--Barney Boomer CROSSWORD . 3. Spherer 4. Shosho- nean Saturday's Answer 36. Fastens 38, Viper 39. Boy's nick- name 40. Speak ® [9 It is a ry war, a good war. But the gloomy fact is that we are losing it. Why? The exact number of victims, including children who consti- tute a tragic proportion, is not known. Poisoning, unlike mea- sles or tuberculosis, isn't neces- sarily 'reportable.' A death resuiung from poison will appear in records of the coroner or medical examiner's office and become part of the depressing statistics. However, poisoning from which a victim "recovers," only to be in shat- tered health and die premature- ly from some other disease, perhaps failure of the liver, doesn't show up as a "'poison death." There are statistics on the number of non-fatal poisonings, too, but they also are incom- plete. TOTAL IS SHOCKING The known total is large enough to be shocking, indeed frightening, but it still is only part of the whole miserable truth. Many a case of poisoning is treated by a doctor without taking the patient to a hospital. '|Others get only first aid or "home remedies," however risky that may be at times. But even the partial figures available are enough to leave one shaking at the risks people are taking every day of their lives: The U.S. National Safety Council, in its most recent totals (for 1965), reports 2,600 deaths from poison--solids, liq- uids or fumes, Anti-Poison War Slowly Being Lost By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, September 25, 1967 21 BRIDGE - By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS NORTH AI765 KI975 AI9 & 9 ¢ & EAST aaa This is a double-dummy prcebh- lem. The contract is Seven Hearts and West leads the eight of diamonds. As in all double-dummy prob- lems, you are permitted to look at the four hands to help you ' |find the solution. Of course, you are also expected to make the contract against any and all possible lines of defense. If you would like to try to solve the problem, stop reading at the end of this paragraph, but it is only fair to issue a word of warning that it is ex- tremely difficult to make seven hearts with this layout. Many have tried and failed. You win the diamond lead in dummy with the ace, knowing full well that it will catch East's singleton king. You then play the nine of diamonds to the ten and return a low trump to- wards dummy. When West follows with the eight, you finesse the nine. (If West follows with the ten or queen instead, win as cheaply as possible.) Re-enter your hand by lead- ing the jack of diamonds to the queen and again play a low heart towards dummy. Assume that West follows with the ten, in which case you finesse the jack. (Here, also, West's choice of cards does not matter.) At this point you lead the king of hearts from dummy. What you play from your hand depends on East's play to this trick, East, on the first five tricks, presumably has reduced his hand to four spades and four clubs and now has to make a crucial discard on the king of hearts. : If he throws a spade, you stay in dummy and establish the spades by ruffing one now and another one later on. Tf he throws a club, you over- take the king of hearts with the ace and establish your clubs by ruffing two of themn dummy. Eat East is caught in a seesa) squeeze and must unguard black suit or the other. He no means of escape. 34 T Bonn Seeks More Space = BONN (Reuters)--Torn ou' provincial sleep 18 years and promoted to the role of visional capital of West Gam many, the Rhine town of Bong is flexing itself to take o several of its smaller nei, bors. = Bursting at the seams as it tries to cram more and md government buildings into its square miles, Bonn wants and needs more space to develop. The city government i been pleading with the No Rhine-Westphalian state gow- =\ernment for more than 10 yeaile every day--a death by poison about every three hours. The same source estimates tHat 300,000 persons a year "suffer disabling illnesses from accidental poisoning in the home. That's 800 a day, polsoned to disablement. What the number of lesser, but still dangerous, poisonings may be is guesswork. The optimists suggest 500,000 a year. The pessimists, who have /some reason for their pessi- |mism, talk of 1,500,000 or more. |MISERY NEEDLESS | Whether we are allowing only one poisoning a minute, around the clock, or possibly permit- ting one every 20 seconds, day and night, this misery must be curbed. It is inexcusable. It shouldn't be happening. Because these figures are "estimates," don't think they aren't based on solid facts. A nine-year study of 95,000 acci- dental poisonings in New York City alone is one sample of evi- dence. That same study, as well as many in other cities, shows that truly horrible dimensions of our national dangerous habit. It also shows who the worst sufferers are--children, and especially babies. In New York's 95,000, there were nearly 34,000 victims only one or two years old--more than all the poisoned adults (28,349 over 20 years old). More than 57,000 of the 95,000 were five years old or younger. Nationally, three times as many toddlers under four die of poison as all people over 65. The ratio of total poisonings is even greater. Most of you have read or heard safety campaigns and statistics. But have they sunk to make one city of Bonn, Godesberg to the south, B across the river, and sev -|autonomous localities to west. But determined oppositih developed in Bad -Godesb which houses many of embassies and most of the d lomatic community accredi in Bonn, and Beuel, which i thriving industrial township. Neither wants to lose its identl- ty in an amalgamation. The state government has ie up a commission to study problem. | The drive for a greater Bown raises national as well as loaal problems. Officially, the t German government contng@s to regard Berlin 4s the Ge capital and parliament and tie various ministries would moye there if and when reunification was achieved. But, as the years pass reunification remains as away as éver, Bonn appedis likely to carry the burden sf capital status indefinitely. a | QUEENIE = man soon, Mr. Brandt? Hi getting mighty restless .. io * rate has been going up. t just total deaths--figuring the increase in population, the at itself is higher. a We are losing the war of piml- sonings. a Why? I'll offer some reasons, "Couldnt you see the Pad in? Evidently not. That means seven deaths ] Since 1960 the poison death a as I see them, in the next few articles,

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