Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1967, p. 18

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'--_ ay a 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, September 23, 1967 Tigers Ace Pitchers Both Defeat Senators By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|majors' first 22-game winner inyhalf game in front of Boston, Mickey Lolich and Ear! Wil-|@n 8-3 victory in the opener. son, Detroit Tigers' southpaw; In other AL games, Minneso-|White Sox two games off the and right-handed aces respec-|ta walloped New York Yankees|Pace in fourth place. tively, pitched niftily Friday/8-2, Boston split a pair with|STAFF REDUCED night as - Detroit swept two Baltimore, the Orioles winning games from Washington Sena-jthe first game 10-0 and the Redjreduced to three earlier this tors and moved to within one-|Sox the nightcap 10-3; Cleve-|week when right-hander Denny half game of second-place Bos-jland Indians edged Chicago McLain dislocated two toes in a ton Red Sox and one game of|White Sox 2-1 in 13 innings andifreak accident. That left it up leading Minnesota Twins in the/Kansas City Athletics beat Cali-|to Lolich, Wilson and Joe Spar- American League. fornia Angels 3-1. Lolich hurled a four-hitter as) Thus, with only nine days the Tigers took the nightcap 4-0) remaining in the regular sea-jand Sparma, 15-9, is scheduled son, the Twins are on top, one-|to oppose the Senators Sunday, after Wilson became the Buchek Wins It For Mets, With Second 3-Run Home By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSjedged Cincinnati Reds 3-2 in New York Mets were trailing|10 innings, San Francisco Giants nudged Pittsburgh F he second|Pirates 1-0 and Los Angeles me of a doubleheader. with|Dodgers swept past Philadelp- Houston Astros by three runs in the eighth inning of t ouston Friday night when|hia Phillies 7-1. tap. gled off Buchek's glove at'season. shortstop, Rusty Staub scoring lopen date for the Tigers, who |looked to be on their way out of |single in the seventh inning of es cages game broke a score- ess tie. He also contri Jérry Buchek blasted a three-| Mike Cuellar pitched a five-jhits in the oooh Wiles. ie run homer, putting the Mets on/hitter in the Mets-Astros opener/had two safeties and drove in a raat and Ron Brand drove in threejrun in the first game. But in the ninth the Astros runs. Buchek's homers in the {with Detroit third and the The Tigers' starting staff was ma hen he casually threw in a (295) three-game total. Other good scores were turned in, including the ever re- Bev Assenault 685 liable Harold Clarke 735 (325); mier 738 (277); Paul Mcintosh 719 (271);|aruck 651, R Keith Smith, another rookie with 7 Elion 664, Adeline Robinson 618 and Ra ey 663 an | Theresa Y (Spaney $63 (259) end Doug) "Vion. Singles:-- Tom Boyle 255, John APPEAL -- Any bowler|Gow Jr. 234, Mike Bosley 247, Pi wishing to join this league, please apply | Gow 246, Eleanor Rukarcuk 237, fo Motor City Lanes management nojLeckie 239, Gled MacLean later than immediately. Winston 230, Ruby Phillips 233, BILL FREEHAN . + « Detroit's key hitter Detroit had the day off today gad -- and Lolich, 12-13, |facing the Yankees in New P. W Ch York on Monday and Tuesday ee ee amps Oshawa _ Discount whipped Gus Brown Motors 6-1/6°%%, last night at Brooklin Arena to|Clark 226 and Lyda Gilmour 225. High Singles: march to the championship of, the Garrard Road Minor La-|7, crosse Association's Pee Wee|? Points, Team 2, 0 points, and Team 3,/ vel League, with a two-straight|) 7°" | sweep of the finals. Gord Johnston and Albert Lie- bregts each scored three goals to pace Discount House's attack and Danny Morris notched one,} to save Gus Brown's from the! whitewash treatment. Cesar Tovar walloped two|_ In the Garrard Road Bantam) tied it when Dave Adlesh sin-\nightcap gives him 13 for the/homers while Zoilo Versalles|L©@sue finals, Robbie's Drive-In} {had a homer, a double and a|0S€ 4 Mike Shannon's two-out single|single for the Twins .Minnesota| ist game of this 2-out-of-3 ser- nights. Wednesday is another the race after dropping two straight to the Senators earlier this week. Catcher Bill Freehan was among the Tigers' batting stars riday night. His bases-loaded after the ball rolled into foul in the 12th drove in the winning|battered: Mel Stottlemyre for 10|1€S- territory. However, in the 10th, Buchek tied the game with three runs|innings and rode the seven-hit ~ calmly hit another three-runjin the ninth, two coming on|pitching of Jim Kaat to victory Kasubeck was Close behind with|pennett, Rose Stovin, Betty Campbell, | The triumph was the sixbetn three, while Phil homer and the Mets won 8-5,/Clete Boyer's homer. having lost the opener 8-0 Ted Abernathy unloosed aja row for Kaat and lif Buchek later said he felt. he wild pitch with the bases loaded/record to 15-13. Both runs off should have had Adlesh's hit,/in the 10th, allowing the Cubs'/him were unearned. run for the Cards. The Braves/hits and seven runs in six| Doug Bannan c goals for the winners and Brian} but new manager Salty Parker| winning run to score. Billy Wil-/- MADE USE OF ERRORS goals for Boyd's probably won't make a fuss|liams was safe on an error, about it. It was the fourth game|/moved up on Ron Santo's sin- this season Buchek has won for|sle, went to third on - Billy three Baltimore errors in scor- : ; ing five runs in the fourth|°®€ apiece, in Boston took advantage of the Mets with a homer in the McCool's wild pitch and came inning and overcoming a 2-0/°4USe- final innigg. The six runs bat-/in on Abernathy's lapse. ted in tied a club record nals outlasted Atlanta Braves'i stopped the Pirates on four 5-4 in 12 innings, Chicago Cubs'hits. Congratulations and our Heartiest Best Wishes to the Bo Peep Restaurant deficit in the second game. Tom Haller homered leading genet is In other Nationa! Leagueloff the bottom of the ninth for action Friday, St Discount House om and Lois Parry 601. i Stella Makarchuk 761, Pete Makarchu! Jamieson 722, Geo. F. Cui Reg Norris 680/ "Nights Highligh' the good 695, Gord Long 681, huck Ford 679, Cec Litster 678, and High Singles -- Bud Morey 300, Helen! | Trott 283, Norma Bradburn 269, 227, Art |Moreau 266, Stella Leighton 253, Dorothy} Davey 247, Deryck Stones 241, 221, Vida/274, 300), Del Siblock 816 (316, 270, 280), Morey 242, 236, Inez Curl 239 and Curly|Edna Hudson 729 (326), Yvonne Watson 7 : | |724 (309), Sophie Lakas 723 (285, d out Boyd's Esso 9-8 in the; Team Standing -- Peeper's 1, Kick-|Joan J 249, 3, Beebs 3, Ding Dongs 1, Sextets| 707 (223, 228, 246) and Dorothy Sykes 696 fanters 0, Luckies 4, Spots 0, Al's Cats! (279). e 0 and Guys and Gals 4. | MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE ; les ~ 5 | (251), Audrey Hodgson Team |, People's -- <une Grice: Meni Marliyn Richards 66 (256). Team Standing: Nu Way Rug 4, Craw- fords 4, Hayden Macdonald's 3, Stroud's his|Arnold Vroom each added One.| Hazel Rumpel, Mary Bell, Mary Mc.|3- Young Moderns 1, Cross Canada Pav- "Chuck" Lepine was the big|Knight, Mickey Kropp, Rita Wilson jing Team 3, NuWay -- Al Hill, Flo Wil-| 4 Thompson, Edith Mc- while John|Mahon, Ann Manilla, Avril Glendenning. | and Eleanor Crowells, Francis Kettela. gun for the losers, getting four Watson, Bill Coedy, Bailey and John Polillo notched ltrene Sapinski, Ada Hughes. Ruby Stephenson. OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE ;Monie. Hubbell, GROUP 2 | Fitzgerald. The Group 2 situation is much better! Team 8, Angus-Graydon than it looked a week ago but there are still openings for six or more bowlers and here is @ real chance for any five- pin trundier who wants to get into a! Team 9, Thompson - Kernaghan--Kay Manilla, Vi Rorison, The team results proved very little|Hettie Britton, as six of the eight clubs were short-| O'Brien handed but the individual scores were) iva ie hart things to come. | "Smiler" Bob Lavergne battled game- iy.with his shorthanded squed and man. | Ver? Hele, Dorothy Huzar, Marg. Tip- aged to pick up one point when he turned lin 737 (314) to be up with the high boys. |y os Campbell, Mary Dora Saychuk. per. Ritchie wasted no Newcomi time in establishing himself as a maior | CEDARDALE BOWLING LEAGUE ler wi 754 bs High Triples:-- Nick Olesivk 768 (276), ( ine Robinson 230 and Donna Reed | MOTOR CITY SUNDAY NIGHT Toni Oldfield 645, Mary Wanamaker 632, SOCIAL LEAGUE Grace Brown 617, High Triples: Ron Butler 783 (249, 251, |Cathy Gooding 612, Gladys Scott 607/283), Bill Smith 715 (285, | Hubbard 711 (229, 264, Phyllis Clapp 279, 672 (279, 257), Ken Smith 664 (314), Steve 264, Brenda Saunders|Roznik 622 (259), Gloria Oke 619 (244, House |257, Ton' Oldfield 246, Gladys Scott 243, | 206), Team 1 -- 8 points,/John Hilton 228, 4, 8 pts., Team 6, 6 pts., Team|204), Carl Wakelin 225, Ted Smith (222, 6 points, Team 5,2points, Team 8,|212), Louie Kelemen jette 218, Henry Ouellette 213, Ron 210, John Turcotte 209, | 202, Muriel Roznik 202 and Doreen Kele- MOTOR CITY MIXED LEAGUE |men . Team Standing: No. 1 7, Sky Divers 6, Earl Westlake 162 | Hotshots lal Keep up the |72 jackson 710 ae Jamieson, Romano 603. --- Merle Poch, Helen| High Singles: Midge Cameron 257, Ann Peters, Queenie Lounds,|Vince Savarino 247, |Alec McEachren 230, Joyce Ash 229, Jim 2 I pri i Team 6, Jordans -- Fairley Bouckley,/Wilson 229, Ena Pearce 228 and Red Sox pounded out 14 hits/two runs. Winning pitcher Jose|Celia Wiga, Mary Frobel, Annette Iliffe,| Atherton 220. e sas : ; jwhile Joe Foy, Ken Harrelson|Santiago collected two hits an Louis Cardi-|the Giants' victory. Ray Sadeck-/and George Scott each drove in|scored three times. say, Vivian Cowling, Jessie MacKenzie, jk. |. Team 10, Ballinger's Meats -- Myrna Baldwin, Evon Pellow, High Triples -- John Procher 699; Bill The league starts on Thursday, Sept. p.m. Kirk 675; Royce Weatherbee 675; Gerry Mary Kirk 629. High Singles -- Bill Kir Phil Cor- 56, Danny Rukaruck 629, Glad McLean Patterson 611. The Joneses 5, The Charlie Brown's 5; League: 'Marg aes Ditbies Hilda Robert Nicols| a ier 2, 72, 99, for @ grand total of|Palmer 672 (300, 223); Garnet Palmer UAW LADIES' UAX. NO. 27 LEAGUE! High Trip! 245, 222); Li , olen rie = Cy ale, Bo Neat igh Singles -- Flo Panter 220, Thel-|. ma Tough 218, Norma McHugh 213,| $85, D. Cotton 670, P. Olive Clark 213, Mona Meinichuk 217 and Vi Coolige 207. Team Standing -- No. 8, Ethel Thomp-|Michael 262, » 6 pte. | 7, Olive Clark, 5 pts.; No. 6, Rose Joan Le Cain 235,/607 (225, 209) and Evelyn Ouellette 601| Ellis, 4 pts.; No. 4, Flo Panter, 4 pts.; i ce 7, Cork 235, Marg Hall 227, Valerie | (229, 210). N pe jaene , Peter Rines 611 Steve Szentistvani 235, ens 3 pts., and No, 5, Shirley Hill, Harold Lindsay (225, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON LADIES HIGH Triples -- Eileen Anderson ad ot BY, wile nal A Ethel Freeman) a inka Mayer 606, High Singles--Emma Mayo 255, Elsie|McColeman 403, (214, h_238, Joan Mahafty 232, Jean Schoe-|ROlly Cousins 208 (79, neav 219, Lizabeth Bateman 216, Yvonne pay gill hone Lyson 210, Millle| (95 'ani , A i Thompson 764, Mery 'ing' 200°" Marie| High bowler with handicap was Mar-| Larmer 201 and Grace Muirhead 200. 6, No. 6 6, Mod: 7" 9 2, Mini Skirts 1, No. LADIES MAJOR A LEAGUE High Triples: Joyce Porter 865 (291, High Singles: Marg Willlams 687 (246, 254), Marg Vice 686 Murphy 676 (231, 255), a ont 673 67 2 SUNDAY SOCIAL LEAGUE head -, a Eee, 257, K. Lucialiad HTS Pa Standing -- Bobcats 7, Expos 7, Team| 257 and RB. Davey No. 3 7. Cumbells 5, Mixers. 5, Centen- a oe nials 5, Alley Benders 2, Aces Up 2, Games -- P. Skidmore 70! (240, -- anne Gauld 749,| Mildred Witterick 231, Phyllis =Mounce atecus ei [ind Rng aoe Make eter 622, Bob Baier| 229, 203, Laura Collins 225, Betty Pearse CITY HALL LEAGUE 625 and Helga Kelling 636. 223, Dorothy Bentley 221, Ellen Burrus, Royce Weatherbee 254, Judy Manilla ea , 0 points | ' | Night's Highlight -- High bowler for 4 Hy PP dteraeal nin * ov 7, (the Sivening "wat Rosanne Gauld, 27, | CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS am Standing, -- First Downs 7.1206 596, total of 74, and, our Lemon| High Triples -- Wes Stata 808 (303, Ba 223. ri te -- Shirley Hill 674 (207, J ; No. 1, Ellen Burrus, S$ pts.7 . Team St: 3, Joan Hall, 4 pts.; No. 2, Hazel James 266, R. Mac-}Pam Knight -- | National e rune-Up 10n-10.187, 'An-|2, Mitchell's 3, White's 1, Motor City aon 's 79981, OMS|3, Flowers by Penrose 1, Mister T.V. Team No. 5 2 Destroyers o, Minies ojnettes, 810/423, Dixons Malye es |Towers 1 and Saywell's 3. and Hotshots 0. 9880, Calbe TV 6--9792, Algers 5--10,174, 9991 25); D. Duncan 658 (247); G.|Schenleys | 59991, bs Tromley 644 (218, 215, 211); J. Melkle|S--9845, Coulters, 55726, Acesians | 4 630 (257, 2233 C, Ripley 619 A Osh. 10,42, ol iT OOD LADIES T gaged ga AFTERNOON LEAGUE (233, 218); Pharm. 4 aie Goch's| High Triples:-- Darlene Wilson 755 ; : 4~9898, Oshawa Bake. 4--8884. ( BER eA eA regi 601 Season's High Triple -- H. Dervent,|252), Nancy Vickers 662 (201, 245, 216), 200 Scores -- A. Beaudry 260, 8B. Weroski 245/ M. Weroski 236, J. Dainard 230, D. Hughes 228, H. Clements 225, R. Renaud 225, T. Clements 223 and J. 5. M Season's High Single -- L. Wagga, 348.| 696 (267) and Margot Bobris 605 (220). at LUTHERAN CHURCH LEAGUE § (stejia Edwards 242, Jay Shewring 232, Rosanne Gauid 296,/214, 200, Effie Baldwin 207, Marian Hail ing 259, George | 201 and Gladys Knight 200. pacthe 38 Hee, renee 274, Millie} Team Standing:-- Campbelis 4, Collins Bilous 644; Judy Manilla 645; Ear! ko 241 4, Wilsonins 4, Shewrings 3, Pearse |}, Schaefer 642; John St. Pierre 632 and|K9Ss 231, and Frank Maco M41, | Burrus o, witterick 0, and Vickers 0. Team 6, 3 points; irk 290, Gerry Bilous 277, John St. Pierre 260 and 241,|Teams 1 and. 6 eac High Singles -- Be: Brodofske 253, Team 2, 3 points;| n took 1 polnts, andjson -- a nice 325 game to start out r for the evening was COMMERCIAL LEAGUE (253) and Harvey Balson 601 (241, 226). rotts 770, J. Petyko 736, G. Jackson 702, | Balmer 230, Ev. Stata 227, Becky Mir tT Braund 678 (211, 222, 195), High Triples:-- B. Giroux 791. R. Sub camis 931, Sue Varga 230, Bernice Ld 6, J... William! Huband 694, . 624, High Singles:-- R. Holmes 276, K. Bent 262, P. Small 248,) P. Cormice 233, Sunny) S$. Rivoire 242, Lawrence 242 and D. Duncan 255 Beatty Haulage 7, Doyles 0, Honyokers 0, Dodgers 7, bleys Bev. 0 and N HUMORESQUE BLIND BOWLING LEAGUE High bowler for this Donough 205 (116, 89), Freda White 190 95) and Sonia Diachenko 100 (48, garet Garrett 105 (49, 56), Vi Pike 104) (52,52), Eva Wakely 103 (52,51), Vera) MEN'S STORE LEAGUE Siblock 102 (50, 52) and Clara Suddard| Qa rope -- H. Dervent 807 (302);|'01 (50, 51). . Wagg 782 (345); J. Dumont 761 (285); 'iio E. Carswell 747 (268); C. Norton 747| LADIES MAJOR "B" BOWLING (274); H. Norton 741 (307); S$. Skirrow LEAGUE 736 (282); R. Fields 734 (294); G. Stacey 734 (275); G. Gwilliam 727 (261); A,|zel Rumpel 678, Hackey 725 (261) and A. Shortt 722 (263).|Anne Knop 623, 0 Singies -- W. Knox 291, B. Leczel . Har Salmers 26! Intosh 262, High Triples:-- Rose Stovin 679, Ha- presents Eileen Anderson 639, Nan Bennet 616 'and Vi Rorison ela. dé Co n ce rto 274, F. Eccles 272, S.| High Singles:-- Wilma McQuaid 246, . Marge Hickey 228, R. Powell 260, P. White-'Cleta Wellman 220, Ruby Lane 217, Lois at 212, Donalda Williams 205 and Grocers| Points Taken:-- Henderson's 2, Burn's 201, 229, 325), Ev Campbell 666 (222, 'olly DePratto 613 (225), Edna Hall Night's Highlight:-- To Darlene Wil- |the season. 329); Norville Buck 756 (278, 302); Nell 632 (218, 214); Bob Dart 629 (293); Don |Robinson 616 (228, 217); Bob Miller 604 | High Singles -- Lorna Bacon 253, Don . | 225, Molly Hartshorn 223, 208, Claude Crawford 644 2nd | Giasstord 223, Bill Elliott 213, 205 and H, |Arlis Smith 212. '| 'Team Standing -- Teams 1, 3, 5, and 7 got 2 points each; 2, 4, 6, 8 - 1 pt. each. aes anding:-- Western Oil 3, Ma ee General Printers 7, --o g Le ae Pattes Paints 4, Ham- ET ON 0. THE week was Scott 189), followed by| 129), Ada Mc- By GEO. } It's only me iness phrase mand, Oshaw 1, Horwich 0 and Scugog Cleaners 0. POST OFFICE LEAGUE High Triples: Vince Savarino 677, Alex Jury and Lovell -- Betty/McEachren 627, Ena Pearce 615, Barry Marg. McNeil, Kay Middlemass,|Atherton 613, Dave Marion Fox, Mary|Cameron 606, Eric Pearce 604 and Dan |. Team Standing: Hipsters 12, im 7, Modern Upholstery. -- Mabel|10, Avengers 9, Twisters 7, Stinson, Nora James,'Knockers 4, Strikers 4 and Stars 3. WHITBY & BOWYER REFRIGERATION 505 Anderson 668-6661 All The Best To The Management of the Bo Peep Restaurant and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for letting us place our cigarette machines in THE RED KNIGHT ROOM JB Vending 291 Marland 728-0473 36 Prince St. CONGRATULATIONS to the management and staff of the BO PEEP Restaurant & Tavern Best Wishes To the Management and Staff of the Bo Peep Restaurant on the completion of the RED KNIGHT ROOM SMITH BEVERAGES LTD. Authorized bottlers of Seven-Up, Pepsi, Orange Crush and Schweppes Farm is one important '"'i Nine All The Best a viewed in fin: eaturing a complete Larkin Male nde tad symphonic work on each ill - fated : to the management and staff of the Program bought a yea Bo Peep Restaurant || 9 t 10 po. from the management of ay HARLEIGH'S SUPPLIES. (OSHAWA). LTD. | 94.9 Oshawa Shopping Centre Monday to Friday from first of Northe since he tool National Stud $75,000, The fe highly respec Statute'. Another Nor raised in Uni American bre CKQS Se gare EE S i yearling sales » $60,000 and owner paid $ QUALITY STEREO * Northern Dan 725-3012 | EM RADIO 5 When the | © held their p1 ae nae an * placed a pric Congratulations To The Management of the Bo Peep Restaurant And Thank You for the opportunity to work on the constructionof the RED KNIGHT ROOM IDEAL FOOD SERVICE TORONTO Congratulations To Mr. Manius and the Staff of the Bo Peep Restaurant We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for letting us have a part in your new venture. OSHAWA DAIRY Co. Ltd. 431 Simcoe St. S., 725-4719 Best Wishes To the Management and staff of the Bo Peep Restaurant From the Management and Staff of IDEAL DAIRY PRODUCTS .LTD. 390 Ritson Roed North 728-6241 Congratulations BO PEEP Restaurant and Tavern and the very best of luck in your new venture THE RED KNIGHT ROOM METTE PLUMBING CO. LTD. eres ORNTATCH cmc BEST WISHES to the Management and Staff of the BO PEEP Restaurant and Tavern We hope that we will be of further service to you in the future, OKE PRODUCE The u * Char Broiled Steaks * Bar B Q Ribs Restaurant Takes Great Licenced Under The LCBO For Your Reservations Call 725-9353 Restaurant & Tavern OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE & Tavern Pleasure in ; pest ying Oshawa's Finest and Newest Licenced Dining Lounge The RED KNIGHT ROOM * Business Men's Lunches * Facilities for Small Parties 94.9. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY: 6:00 6:05 News, Weather 6:05 7:00 Sunrise Serenade 7:00 7:05 News, Weather 7:05 8:00 Sunrise Serenade 8:00 8:10 News, Weather 8:10 8:15 Sports Report 8:15 9:00 Sunrise Serenade 9:00 9:05 Billboard 9:05 10:00 Sunrise Serenade 10:00 10:05 News,Weather 10:05 12:00 Panorama MONDAY EVENING 8:00 9:00 The Jazz Club 9:00 10:00 Concerto At Nine 10:00 10:05 News, Weather 10:05 12:00 Music from the Masters WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 9:00 Curtain Call 9:00. 10:00 Concerto At Nine 10:00 10:05 News, Weather 10:05 12:00 Music 'Til Midnight SATURDAY 6:00 6:05 News Weather 6:05 7:00 Sunrise Serenade 7:00 7:05 News, Weather 7:05 8:00 Sunrise Serenade 8:00 8:10 News, Weather 8:10 8:15 Sports Report 8:15 9:00 Sunrise Serenade 9:00 9:05 Billboard 9:05 10:00 Sunrise Serenade 10:00 10:05 News, Weather 10:05 12:00 QS Country Style 12:00 12:10 News, Weather 12:10 5:00 German Canadian Show 5:00 5:30 International Melodies 5:30 6:00 Supper Club 6:00 6:15 News, Weather, ' Sports 7:00 Supper Club 15 :00 700 = =9:35 Latin Cameos 35 -- CKQS Joins CKLB --(Dance Party) DAILY EXCEPT SATURDAY NIGHT: MIDNIGHT TO 6:00 A.M. -- T. R. GLECOFF SHOW Full Stereophonic Sound -- Vertical Polarization 50,000 Watts 94.9-CKQS - 94.9 CLIP AND SAVE CLIP AND SAVE QUALITY STEREO FM RADIO Revised Program Listings 8:00 Doneghey's Ireland Fes Hey sy | 94.9u 12:00 12:15 News, Weather Sports & Stocks 12:30 12:35 Entertainment Guide 12:15 1:00 Luncheon Date 1:00 5:00 Sound Stage 5:00 6:30 Supper Club 6:00 6:05 Entertainment Guide 6:30 7:00 Spectrum 7:00 7:05 Billboard 7:05 7:30 On Parade 7:30 8:00 Organ Moods TUESDAY EVENING 8:00 9:00 Music from the Masters 9:00 10:00 Concerto At Nine 10:00 10:05 News, Weather 10:05 12:00 Music 'Til Midnight THURSDAY EVENING 8:00 9:00 Serenade 9:00 10:00 Concerto At Nine 10:00 10:05 News, Weather 10:05 12:00 Serenade FRIDAY EVENING 8:00 9:00 Travel Topics 9:00 10:00 Concerto At Nine 10:00 10:05 News, Weather 10:05 12:00 Music from the Masters MANAGE! SUNDAY 7:30 8:00 Sunday Serenade 8:00 8:10 News, Weather Sports 8:10 10:00 Sunday Serenade 10:00 5:00 German-Canadian Show 5:00 5:30 Holland Calling 5:30 6:30 Hungarian Supper Club 6:30 6:45 News, Weather Sports 6:45 7:00 Supper Club 7:00 8:00 Highland Harmonies 8:00 11:00 Sunday at the Opera 11:00 11:05 News, Weather 11:05 12:00 Music 'Til Midnight 745 S | For

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