Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1967, p. 15

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y ADS ALARM RACK -- OPERATORS REQUIRED BY OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: oo 5'10", weight 150 RPPLICANTS MUST BE BE- AFiuic 18 and 19/2 YEARS F AGE. Miamam of Grade 10 educa- tion. Preference. given to Grade 12. Medically and physically fit. HAVE © MINIMUM OF ONE YEAR'S RESIDENCE IN OSH- syekis ful licants to be Successful applicants available for October 2nd, 1967. Apply in PERSON ONLY, ate 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 26th, 1967, be- tween the hours 'of 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. The Personne! Department, City Hall, Oshawo. YOUNG MEN To assist manager in local branch of coast to coast chain organization. Experi- ence unnecessary, in educo- tion field, but must be able to converse intelligently. 1, Aged 18-26. 2. Neat in appearance. 3. Able to start immediately. SALARY: $110 Weekly For interview call 725-2541 9-noon CHANGE NOW! There will never be a better time for you to enter a field offering securtiy and execu- tive earnings. Selling oth specialized industrial products with service to all commercial, industrial and_ institutional accounts, travelling is at a minimum. Top commissions weekly on received orders plus full commission on plen- tiful repeat business. No cash investment or house accounts. Local Manager ready to as- sist. One vacancy only. Car necessary. Many men with us over ten years. Our vacancies fillsfast! Write Standard In- dustries Co. Ltd., Dundas, Ontario. Progressive Steel Mill Requires A man to fill @ position lead- ing to the responsibilities of CREDIT MANAGER, This man should have the ability to interpret financial infor- mation. Some experience in industrial credits and collec- tion would be an advantage. Applications will be kept con- fidential and should be sub- mitted. in writing to: THE CONTROLLER LAKE ONTARIO STEEL CO. LTD. Hopkins St. S. WHITBY, ONTARIO REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted for Oshawa office. Inquiries treated contident- ially, Call W. Baldwin, ma- nager. W. FRANK RLTR. REAL ESTATE LTD. $06 Simcoe St., Oshawa 728-7585 PRINTER COMPOSITOR with Heidleberg experience, required .for combination shop. Reply stating experience and salary expected, to BOX M75553 OSHAWA TIMES (all replies confidential) ATTENTION: tt 1 can find an honest man with a car I'll set him up in his own high income sales and service busi- ness. This business repeats year after year. No money re- quired to start. Full or part time. Apply to Wesley Walmsley, 304 Golf St., Oshawa. Phone 723-6296. JANITOR for small HOTEL 3 nights weekly, 12 p.m. -- 8 am. $1.50 hourly. Must be abstainer, middle aged man preferred. Write Box 75125, Oshawa Times ' YOUNG MAN for MEN'S WEAR STORE experience preferred, but not essential. Excellent oppor- tunity for future. All replies strietly confidential. Apply to ___ BOX 75593 COOK and COOK | ' TRAINEE Male -- married preferred. APPLY Scott's Chicken Villa Whitby -- 668-6801 RENT THA ay VACANCY througn Ren? -- Call 723-3492 today for action! iy | | \8--Mele Help Wented } 20--Real Estete for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estete for Sel WAITERS Cocktail . experience _neces- sary, full or part time. Apply in person. Mr. Street GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL, JUNIOR EXECUTIVE TYPE. Perma: rent future for @ sales type i accustomed to contact with the public. Three-year initial salary plus handsome incentive compensation and all ug ed penefits. Sue area resident age 21-40, no travel. Peal offers stable career with substantial come and to the right por meer 'al opportunity. Reply confidence 10 Box 34567, Oshawa Times. GUIDE REALTY LTD. Realtor 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 "FOUR BEDROOM HOME" WAITER FOR COCKTAIL lounge, 'ime w eral evenings Must be experienced. ply Mot Lancaster, 27 King 1, Or a. week. 8 new division ex- ONE VACANCY only in now being formed, whith will be panded across Canada, and will have ex- cellent advancement oj ni This is @ selling paren with @ difference. No prospecting. No door to door Rie ating. However, you will Reon te call and terview the 100 or more fully euniniee you y eee willl Nera! sire 2 an Lc than gc 5 future in the Special 'sales Division Sovereign Life, call 942-4928 collect ane get further details. Previous life insur- ance experience not essential. APPLE PICKERS et Grosmere Farm, Pickering Township, between Harwood Avenue end Westmey Rd. starting September APPLE PICKERS + Must over» 25, and nd. suppl own Transportation. Telephone 725-0: +9 p.m. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for esteb- lished bread route, (lecai), steady year 'round employment, guaranteed wage plus commission. Apply Brown's read, Oshawa, 726-2691. Only experienced need apply. FOUR MEN needed for steady outside work, 44-hour week. Should be married and over 25. Rate $1.75. 3 . REAL ESTATE career {fo trious, honest and reliable person who ran 1ENCED service stat dant wanted. Apply at 461 South or telephone 723-1211. EXPERIENCED bar tender, RA 7 er aiaine lounge. Pee gelt Mr. Campbell Hotel Ge esha. (No phone calls please.) TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs man over 30 at once for Oshawa area. Rapid advancement, liberal fringe benefits. Must have car and be abie Yo take short trips. Sales experience helpful but mot necessary. Write Ai Turner, South- western Petroleum Corporation, ig Worth, Texas, for an app for interview on October 16, pt Torente, Ontario. 19--Mele end Femele Help Wanted EATON'S 'Oshawa Require the fellowing personnel @ Men's Clothing Salesman . ... (Commission Basis) @ Camera Soles Clerk. «> (Moy be Male er Female) @ Refrigeration Repair Man... These ere permonent posi- tions with ell compeny bene- fits and goed eppéertunity te advence. Apply t@eé for 2 family liv- ing or @ large family. Garage, 2 kitchens, large 25. x 14 foot living room, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Full price $19,000. SPLIT LEVEL 11 @ Lovely 3 bedroom back split brick home with shutters. Bright kitchen, four piece bath. This home hes o finished rec- reation room with o 2 piece powder room. Specious land- scaped grounds, to inspect call tonight. OPEN ALL WEEKEND 2-5 P.M. Brand new homes on IROQUOIS AVENUE Bungalows, with attoched goroge. Split levels with corports. Drive west on Taunton from Simcoe to Somerville now come north to our MODELS. "TWO STOREY' {Il @ This new 2 storey nome is ideol spot for your family This home features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement and o large carport. Priced at $21,- 365 to one 6%% N.HA. mortgage. Phone now for full porticulars. HIGHWAY No. 115 1V @ 150 acres, just east of Hwy.. No. 35, Rolling land mix- ed: with bush, Christmas trees, gree hunting. Priced _ right. Please coll for details. RESIDENTIAL LOT V @ In good greo, close to Seventh on Adventist Church. Size 50 x 134 feet. Priced at $5,900 e OSHAWA OFFICE Allan Bertrand 985-7251 _ Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Jack Graham 728-2634 Jean. Peacock 725-4330 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Veron B. Corson 723-9785) Steve Englert 728-5561 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Mortis Fogel 723-2563 Leon Menitius 728-2754 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Lloyd Corson 725-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 ® Sonar Ni bn 728-4241 rge Nymeyer is foie Armstrong 723-\BB4 GUIDE REALTY OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. (Realtor) $15 Brock St. $., Whitby 668-5853 "ALL THE WORK'S DONE" in this elegant ranch bun- gelow with attached garage, paved drive, patio, lovely treed lot, 3 good - sized bed- rooms, dining room, cozy fo- mily room with fireplace and bor, A home you would be proud to own, To arrange appointments call Audrey Moore ot 668-5853 or 668- 4088. VM NOT KIDDING! You are missing a bet if you don't investigate this terrific 3 bedroom home. Offers large kitchen, broadioom, recre- ation room, automatic washer and dryer, attached garage, poved drive, oil heating, lo- cated near separate school, Call Audrey Moore at 668- 5853 or 668-4088. CALL TO-DAY for an appointment to inspect this 4 bedroom 11% storey older home built on a large treed lot in a good residen- tiol grea in Whitby. This home would be a good invest- ment for someone who is looking toward the future. For additional informotion coll Marie Wilson ot 668- 5853 or 728-3937. FOUR BEDROOMS Herg is a semi - Detached bungalow in Whitby just a cut above the average. This home has broadioom wall- to-wall in the living room, and hall, ao panelled recrea- tion room, paved drive, com- pletely fenced yard, and there is @ work shop started in' the basement os well, with ma- terials to stay. Whot more could you ask for? For fur- ther information call Els- peth Hilts 668-5853 or 668- 5017. INCOME PROPERTY | Solid older building conver- | ted into three self - contain- ed 1 and 2 bedroom apart- ments, fully rented, stoves end fridges, 2 fireplaces, double garage, large lot, cen- tral Whitby location. For fur- ther details call Audrey Moore ot 668-5853 or 668-4088. THREE BEDROOM Brick and Stone bungalow lo- cated in Whitby, featuring hollywood kitchen, vanity bathroom, gas heating and low monthly poyments of only $126.00 including Principal, Interest and Toxes.This home is in excellent condition. For further particulors call Marie Wilson at 668-5853 or 728-3937. BRAND NEW TRIPLEX On Somerville Drive in Orono, three two - bedroom apart- ments, kitchens with dinettes, laundry room, electric heat- ing, separate meters, large lot. $6,000 down. J. OCHONSKI Construction 983-5709 ~ PICKERING--=RAVINE-- |5 TREES $27,900. Immaculate stone front bungalow, well land- scaped ravine lot. This near- | ly new home, motchless in every detoil, spectacular de- cor with lower level finished Western style, has three bed- rooms, den, fireplace, attach- | ed garage ond two piece washroom en suite. Call col- lect, right now! Bob Evans. 284-4794 YOUNG & BIGGIN _LTD. REALTOR WHITBY $2,000 down. 3 bedroom bungalow with detached gar- age. Neat and clean through- out, rec room started. | OSHAWA $1,500 down for a detached 3 bedroom bungalow, large pie shaped iot. Only $16,500. 728-1656 or 728-1678 H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd | 6 PLEX APT. BLDG. FOR SALE In almost new condition. Perfect renting location, Stoves and fridges included, well landscaped fot in quiet court. Asking $58,000, Reo- arranged. Phone 725-4466 after 6 p.m. for more infor- motion | | | sonable down payment, terms | | | | | BUNGALOW WITH FINISHED BASEMENT Brick, 10 year old, modern, three bedroom, five-room, brick bungalow with finished three rcoms nad bathroom in basement. Paved drive, pri- vate yard. Located on Park Road South. Only $15,900. and carries for $75, month- ly ings .723-3398, Bolahood Brothers Limited, 728-5123 PRIVATE SALE | 7 room, 1¥2 storey 4 bedrooms, living room, family room, Lot 40 x 185, extensively landscaped. Must be seen to be appreciated. No dealers. Phone. doys 728-7535 Week-ends and evenings call 660-80) 807, 668-4088, or 728-39 LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281 Personnel Office (Upper Level) Mon. to Fri. between 10 gs - 12 am. and 2 p - 4 p.m. $100 WEEKLY or more, full or time, ladies or men, to take terrors Whitby ai make ovat T i phone 728-4922. 20--Reol Estete for Sale OPEN HOUSE PINEWOOD TERRACE 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF ROSSLAND RD. EAST ON WILSON RD. NORTH (Beechwood -- 2 Blocks west - of Wilson) 2 Storey, 4 bedroom homes with garages -- 5 room bungalows with walk - out basements, some with gorages and balconies. ALL HOMES READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY All Homes are completely fovea ond lots complete- sodded. xt HAVE N.H.A. 634% MOR ToAGr DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $1, AE 40 iF vey CAN FRAN Real Estete Ltd. REALTOR 21 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-3393 Member Qshewe and Distriet Reo! Estate Beard 9 Acres Bowmanville Stately 10 roem brick home, 2 bathrooms, 2 road frent- ages, excellent investment et only $45,000. -- Terms. Bowmanville--Ontario St. 5 bedroom brick, ideal for large family. bedted transfer- pr only $13,000. -- $4,- 0. dewn. Newtonville New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, Ya acre lot, rec. room, stone th gag dae extras. Must be see y $2 21,500. -- Terms. Call 623-3393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 After 9 p.m Pat Yeo 623-3077 Kan Hockin $23- 905s Jog Bornoski 723-5787 Ray Foster Oronp 983-880! Weston Banister Sorter, will 797-2215 Howerd Forder Suaklin 655.8853 Gebrge Beaton Par cry, 985-2987 LOOK! ARMSTRONG HOMES IN FOREST GLEN | HEIGHTS PHASE I | NOW SELLING $19,900. | | with only $1,800 down (te qualified buyers) N.H.A. MORTGAGES | RAVINE LOTS STILL | AVAILABLE Directions: Harmony Road North, turn West at Eastdale Collegiate. OPEN 10 o.m.-- 9 p.m EVERY DAY GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-0611 723-8144 AJAX -- 942-3310 SUMMER BUSINESS 6 housekeeping cabins and cottage on separate lot, close to Sturgeon Lake near Fene- lon Falls. Completely furnish- ed. 5 boats and 4 docks. Full price $13,500 VILLAGE HOME Lerge 2 storey brick, 4 bed- rooms, large rooms and pantry: downstairs, wood and ¢ool furnace, heavy; duty wiring, septic tank. Large BUILT BY KASSINGER OPEN THIS WEEKEND 1 P.M. until $:30 P.M, 'or onytime by phoning Exclusive Agents SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD: : 360 King St. West, Oshawe 723-2265 FOR RESULTS TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS oaet TOWNSHIP, neer 115, building, lor 90 x 200 feet. 'Asking $1,350. 40 Acres, Celine Road, S miles fram Oshows. Suitable fe rsery Or ardeniny $750. an gcre. On only $5,000 down. Will divide. 5 Acres, Preston Road bu alow, three yeors " double tag road. Asking 3 terms. 3 Acres, Tyrone, large family house, 2 car gar small barn, paved road. Low down payment. A. L. HOOEY Real Estate 623-7264 723-3492 Re Boe beautiful treed lot. Full price $8,500. Contact Corole and Bill | Thompson, Oakwood 36 R 41. 200 ACRES--$3,500 50 cleared rolling hardwood hills. Hydro available. On township road. Excellent fish- ing and hunting. Two old barns and good well on pro- perty. Contact Cecil aveors, Maynooth 338-2010 HUNTER'S CHANCE 100 acres, bordering Algon- quin Park, adjacent to Crown Lend. 5 room house, hydro, Excellent deer ond moose hunting. Asking only $5,500 H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR 181 Re'ton Avenue East $12,000 and $3,000 down. | 7807. ofter 6 p.m. 725-7743. MR. EXECUTIVE -- Ali" electric, i beautiful, country rancher. Breezeway, large double garage. Builders' master- piece. Exceptionally well finished. Many extras. Close suburban location, For appointment call Ernie Holmes 728- 0796 W. O. Martin Realtor, 726-5103. LARGE STATELY, 1% storey family} home. Best north west location for ail schools, shopping. Four bedrooms, fire place, big lot, Call John Morissette, 728-4891. w. 0. Martin Realtor, 728 5103, PRIVATE -- FIVE room modern bung- \Call Call Jack Appleby even- |bedroom esttage, 20--Reel Estate for Sale 25--Houses for Rent 26--Aportments for Rent "THIS" beautiful spacious brick, split- evel home is situated on a deep ravine [lot complete with stream. This home has foo many features to mention all but some are 4 bedrooms, double garage, 2 beautiful patios, wall to ceiling fireplace, and broadioom in the living room. Doug- las J. M. Builied, Realtor. _ 723-1168. he room, TE storey home in excellent c down payment, $110 per month, Pred central. Call Willard Johnston 728-1066, Schofield-Aker or Limited. $18, --" Modern | three-bedroom _ br Large Hollywood kitchen, brick bu wall-to-wall broadioom in Siving and din-| 3393. ing room, partially finished recreation room, private rear lot. Close to school and bus service. Reasonable down pay- ment. Call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728-5205, Schofield-Aker Ltd., Realtors. - | TWO-BEDROOM FOUR BEDROOM house in Oshawa, central. Children welcome. Available October 15. For appointment to see, Coll 728-6956. NEWLY DECORATED, three bedroom . King -- Ritson area, Aveilebie| October 1. Telephone 728-6572. | home, on Dwight Ave- nue, $115. monthly. lephone 725-9991, 723-7711 between 9 p.m. BOWMANVILLE -- Limited nu three-bedrzom town houses a) $145. monthly. For full informat W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. Realtor, rth SPACIOUS three-bedroom | quiet district, landscaped ' "uittn stove, refrigerator and drapes included, one mile northwest of new college. tm- |BRICK OUPLEX -- two kitchens, two pone er one brick with ga- Simcoe and Bloor | streets. "Only s $18,900. pid erga eee: Jack Appleby, 'enings 723-3398. Bolahood Brothers 'Limited, estes |SOUTH EAST specie! -- "Only $13,500. |Immaculate five Fay 9 ade Lovely lyard and gard -~ loday. Call John Sandy, 725-8010, ie martin Real- tor 728-5103. PRIVATE, direct from builder, one ony YOU could: be the to win 250 DOLLARS with your apartment number to be drawn on January 2, 1968. Bedsitting room $20 -- Two bedrooms $119 and $129, Incl: stove, fridge, water, hydro and electric heating. To be seen by appointments | only. CALL 723-5325, | mediate $180 thiy. 7: 578). monthly. "%! Details of drow given with in wh. dae Prick |__OPPlications only, house, oi! heated, central. Telephone Toronto, 651-2206. TWO-BEDROOM bungalow near north GM, $65 monthly. Telephone 725-7528. 31X-ROOM farm home, Oshawa 9 miles. A-| Condition, all conveniences, Vacant October |. Telephone 655-4832. 26--Aportments for Rent four-bedroom brick 1.250 square feet, with twocar attached ga rage, situated on. ravine jot, built-in dishwasher, radio, intercom and wall- to-wall broadioom are ony @ few of lover 40 exclusive features you will find |Low down. payment or trade accepted jof house or cottege 723-654) --Summer Properties _ For Sole or Rent 30 ACRES--THAT'S ALL! Picturesque acreage neor | Cobourg facing north. 20 | acres cleared, sloping to a rivelet of water smothered in watercrest. The ten acres of pine forest makes ideal camp- ing in winter or summer, Bring your tent, skis or ski- doo and only $3,900. Call CLIFF TRIPP 705 -- 742-4234 Bowes & Cocks Ltd P.O. Box 535, Peterborough | PER FOOT 95 miles from Oshawa, go east on Highway 401 to Highway No. 35 and No. 115 to Peterborough. Go north on Highwoy No. 28, 55 miles. 2 miles south of Bancroft to "Bentley Lake Estates." Sales personne! on property every weekend. Sond beaches, roads and hydro, custom built cottages. $2,200. complete 10% down, 10 year open mortgage. 699-8696 Toronto PINE CREST CAMP offers furnished Cottages and boats for duck hunters, also deer hunters with pyise end dogs supplied. 728-6438 or 668-892 GOOD two - bedroom cae furnished, hot and cold water on tap. Real good |fishing area; close to Bobcaygeon. Three water front lot plus boat house, log cabin siding. Call Jack Osborne, 576-1200 evenings. R. Martin The best volue in opartment living can be seen ot @ REGENCY TOWERS @ 349 MARLAND AVE. AND Real Estate, 728-5836. 21 --Farms for Sale |LINDSAY AREA -- 62 acres, 35 acres cleared. Reasonable price. Terms avail- able. Apply 84 Oshawa Blvd. North. BUYING OR SELLING, any size fact Clare McCullough, W. Frank, Estate, Realtor. 723-7843 or 728-7585. con- Real 22--Lets for Sale OSHAWA CITY LIMITS 10 acres -- $2,000. per acre. 15 acres -- $2,000. per acre. INVESTMENT PROPERTY 20 suite apartment site in Oshawe. Excellent location, $30,000. including all build- ings. Call CLARE McCULLOUGH '723-7843 alow, two years old. 6% per cent NHA mortgage.. Recreation room, two four! piece baths, garage, paved driveway,| new location. 723-7539. PRIVATE SALE -- Three bedroom bung-| alow, paved drive, carport, closed back yard. Close to schools. Call 723-9014) janytime | {$1,000 DOWN, two apartments, 8 rooms, double garage, 30 days possession Call) |Bob Johnston 725-9365. Jack Ricard Lid. | |$18,500 FULL PRICE will buy this 3- Ibedroom brick bungalow with self-con-! tained basement apartment rented at) $75 per month. Call John DeWith at 728- 2987 or 725-3557. J. B. McMullan and} Company Realtor. 25 ACRES. Woods with pond and well, | close to lake, 20 miles from Oshawa. | Telephone 985-| PRIVATE. Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen and store. Two bay garages, re- | modelled inside and out, Stone front, aluminum siding. On Highway 12, near |Sunderland. Smail down payment or will accept new model car, house er cottage az down payment. 728-0424 PRIVATE SALE five-room brick bungalow, on lot 60' x 100°; 6% per cent NHA mortgage. $114. Pl, taxes in- cluded, four years old, completed rec- room with 10' stone bar, Hollywood kitchen. Asking $18,800, 959 Ronlea Ave- nue, 725-4623. THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow, north-west area, close to schools and shopping. Owner must sell as he is mov- ing. To inspect call Vern Corson, 723-| 9785 or Guide Realty Limited, 723-5281. | TWO BEDROOM frame bungalow, gar- age, north end. Telephone 725-5352 BEST BUT! Right downtown close to! shopping and al! the action. Three bed- rooms, two storey, brick. Gocd condi- tion, Low taxes, low prices. Call Dost! Awan, 576-3579. W. ©. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. ¢ | CHOICE LOCATION -- Ajax, |' storey, exceptionally well kept five room home Finished recreation room, broadioom throughout, tall trees, beautiful lot. Call John Ravary 576-3701, W. ©. Martin Real- for 728-5103. COURTICE AREA -- Delightful ranch bungalow, three bedrooms, panelled family room, nice country lot, Twa pa- tio fruit trees. Only $17,900. Call itd Chrysler, 723-2925, W. ©. Martin tor, 728-5103. BOWMANVILLE -- Beautiful | five room brick bungalow, best residential area, close to school, large finished rec- reation room. Stove and refrigerator, covered patio, Nicely landscaped lot Well worth @ look. Call Ken Hann 728- 5103, W. O. Martin Realtor. oa SIX-BEDROOM, pleasant y older _ house. Good area, near O'Neill Collegiate Widow, must sell. $17,500., Cash to mort- gages. Telephone 723-8863. ONLY $900. down "will i put ) you into this six-room, two-storey brick home. Full price $11,900. Don't miss this one, come and see it, you will be glad thet you did. Immediate possession. Call Morris Fogel, Guide Realty Lid, 723-528). W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. MAPLE GROVE -- Lovely ten acre iol, built up residential area. Close to bus. Nest be sold, oe? right. Call Ken Hann, 728-5103, 0. Martin _Reaitor. \Lor | IN VERY paainnaLe north-east section of city. All services prepaid, underground hydro. 728-0194. ON THE WILMONT -- 10. 'sale. Don't miss this chance of a life- time to buy something that cannot be |duplicated Telephone 983-5129 |ATTENTION! Hunters and sportsmen, acres mostly bush, good pond site Col Keith Peters Realty Limited, Real- tor, 725-4162 |SERVICED LOT, 64' x 230', near Ander- son High School in Whitby. Quiet loca tion, $6,500. Telephone after 4 p.m., 8004. PRIVATE SALE. Lots, 414 Wilson Road forth, 725- Good clder style home in Masson or Mary St. or similar good area. We have out-of- town buyers waiting. We charge you only 4% ---- that saves you$... Call Tom Houston CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 or 668-4416 We have out of town buy- ers waiting. Some with all cash or substantial down pay- ments. Cash in now Call 576-0330 H. KEITH LTD. Realtor 24--Stores, Offices, Storage STORE Approximately 2000 sq. ft., very centrally located on Sim- coe N. next to Simpsons-Sears. 725-1932 STORE FOR } RENT, also suitable. for for office, 350 sq. ft. 201 Simcog St. 5S. Telephone 725-5132. ELECTRICALLY HEATED office con- sisting of two reoms located at 325 King Street West for $75 per month. Free Call Howard Seval at 725-3557, n_Comi mpany. FIVE MILES NORTH of 50-acre corner lot, six acres clear, rest cedar bush, three springs from neyer- failing stream on property, good for pond, new well, Full price $18,500, Write 604 Farewell Avenue, Oshawa. 723-3092. SPACIOUS DUPLEX, In excellent "North End location. Each unit has two bed- rooms, kitchen, living and dining room. Nearly. completed recreation -- room. Large lot. Priced to sell eo $26,500 with terms. Call Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- 5205, Schofield-Aker L Lid., 'Realtors. 3 THREE-BEDROOM _ brick bungalow, near school. Telephone 728-4460. $2,000 DOWN, five-room brick low and garage, hardwoid and floors, three-piece bath. Newly de rated, full basement. New oil furnace, ground TV aerial. Is now vacant. Cen. ™ punga- tile Toronte 12, Ontario, trally located, 'a-block frem school, 725- 6188, South. Ample 7,000 SQUARE FEET of floor area. Will rent part or all. 1405 King Street East. Telephone 723-1605. TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS SELL...a@nd SELL... ond SELL... GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Two 2-bedroom suites. Immediate Occupancy | For appointment to view these luxury apartments, | please call MRS. FORREST (resident manager) 723-1712 La Contessa | Apartment |@ PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVE MODERN | AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES | FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR | LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE | AMPLE PARKING | CLOSE TO SCHOOL CHURCHES ond SHOPPI NG | APPLY 349 MARLAND AVE, PHONE 725-2227 OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the park located on Mary St. North. Swimming pool, sauna both, gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by. WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. OPEN DAILY FROM 2 P.M. -- 9 P.M or by appointment 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmenville NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying li reasonable rents at the ZZ<TFM"YODW "MzZTan>D YAZMSAD>YVU> PHONE 728-9724 LUXURY ONE- and TWO-BEDROOMS Oshawe's Largest Suites and Best Location ' FREE @ HEALTH CLUB SAUNA BATH @ SWIMMING POOL Family and Adult Floors. Furnished or Unfurnished. RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 380 GIBB STREET JONE-BEDROOM apartment, A. Distinguished Address Close circuit TV for your protection Choice Juxury suites electrically heated and tastefully decorated through- out. Parking, swimming pooi, Sauna and recreation rooms 140 Nonquon" Road Coll 725-1481. Choose an apartment with Cable TV "Oshawa Rental Agency Superb apartment accommo- dation in all parts of Oshawa. | VALIANT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. "CALL" 725-9934 "-- 728-4283 723-6022 _ e FOR RENT a LUCKY TENANT pores entrance, stove | nished |TWO-ROOM _. | refrigerator included, Adelaide, $135 monthly. Immediate pos- session. 723-6230. COMPLETELY furnished two-bedroom THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 23, 1967 15 26--Apartments for Rent 28--Room end Boord THREE ROOMS and bath, second floor, ind refrigera- share garage. Television UP. si Bus at door, Ideal for one. -_ 775-3952. | UPPER FLOOR of duplex, | three rooms rooms |with three-piece bathroom, unfurnighed, Newly decorated, heat and hydro in-|% jepeas, $85 monthly. Apply $89 Albert ree |BRAND NEW ~2-bedroom 4 apartments \available from October 1. Refrigerator, |stove, drapes, electric heat, hydro in- c wiged wl Ser and up. Also 2-roem apartmen "ty bad Avenue, av able 28 October 15. 728-2 Joke ONE ang a n apai , Stove and refrigerator included. Children welcome. Apply 300 High Street, Whitby, apartment 6 or 668-5467. sim poaré man. Absteiner. Ut od soon or teas 4, ti oe, at Pe. a private peel three minutes walk fear homelike atmosphere. 1 668-8363, : ROOM AND RARE, inane min a wean me for gentieman goed meals, 1 f poor sad packed, close te bus ROOM AND BOARD ledies tlemen, seven dey tg iy! LARGE two-bedroom apartment, refrig-|2!- Neer shopping. conte, ms eralor and stove. Telephone 728-6319 be- |!ween 1-2:20 or 723-2050 after 4. noon DOM AND SOARD 'or gentiomen Ie gentiomen in home. television eng beg. refrigerator and stove. $70 a Phone Oshawa 576-3529. 4-ROOM APARTMENT, 2 No children, close to $hi |WHITBY, Small" apartment, heated, withinew month. Tele- available now. jopping Centre, 1 Stevenson Road North, or eal! 723-1" |Four- ROOM "APARTMENT -- A -- Avail- jable now. No children, close te Shopp! ing | Two Centre, '12 Stevenson Rd. North, or call 723-6600. BASEMENT apartment, completely fur- Two large rooms, Murphy beds |and bed - chesterfield, television, three- jpiece bath. East end. 728-3985 after 4 |p.m FAIRBANKS STREET -- Two-room furnished apartment, suitable for work- ng couple, no children, Telephone 725- jboa lor Loe tonehed" gas packed. m. Con 666-4928. gentiemen. 'ee Or 29--Wanted te Rent TWO YOUNG MAN_wai Tia oak YOUNG MEN would like to 8 one furnished ment. in nf me vicina 875 40 'ol per" 'er is pan 3476. gen Bm. ond, MANAGER OF NEW aiecirani ew alee pany, moving te ani dan icacie game, bedroom house ieee 7 chal tele phone S761541 -- 7:30 te S pm. 30--Automobiles for Sele apartment, private _en- trance, sink, built-in cupboards, steve and refrigerator, wen $60. Telephone 576-0567 between 2 and NEW FOUR-ROOM sparnanait "in "private home. Suit family with one child. Close to bus. 728-1720. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, wall-to-wall drapes, stove and refrigerator, electrical- ly heated. Telephone 728-9726. AVAILABLE October 1, _2- bedroom apartment, also storage for boats. Tele- Phone affer 6 o'clock. 668-6787. TWO BEDROOM _ 5} 10 monthly Aontrave or upstairs apartment, Available now. Apply 290 728-4862 ONE-BEDROOM, four-room apartment, $85. @ month, Ap- ply Apartment 2 at 273 Division Street. THREE-ROOM, unfurnished apartment, 'private entrance and bath. Children weicome, $85. monthiy, heat included Appy 517 Drew St ONE-BEDROOM apartment, private bath, $85 monthly includes heat and hydro. Available October 1. 240 Arthur St. or telephone 723-5803. NEAR SHOPPING CENTRE, § self-con- tained three-room apartment, garage, suitable for working. couple. Abstainers. See to appreciate. Please call 728-8282 FURNISHED five-rocm apartment in duplex, laundry facilities, Park Road and apartment in duplex, laundry facilities. Park Road-Adelaide ares, $100 monthly. Immediate possession. 723-6230. |26A--Expo | _Accommodet n |RESERVATIONS taken now for large double room in modern private tome in Montreal, $10. per coupl $15. two couples, $10. family of four. 723-1355. 27--Rooms for Rer Rent WANTED Good clean local cers fer cash. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 1958 CADILLAC 2 door hardtop Full power. Immeculote con- dition. Apply 165 Verdun Rd. Apt. 6. MAKE OFFER 1961 Pontiec. Moke Offer. Convertible, V-8, eutometie. 4-wheel drive internetignel Scout with plough. 1947 Chevrolet, A-1 shape, and Dune buggies. 576-1250 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New convenient location iD ST. WéST We now have the facilities to do all ners repaira. Guaranteed work. _ Call 576-2610 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM R.R. No, 3, we TRADE UP OR . Top Price peid A val ton mat. Teh 375 7376 | Apt. Houses, Rooms, 'Room Available in private home. and Board. Office Hours: Call between 5 end 7 p.m, Mon, J? Lae 30 M m to 6 82 PARK ROAD N. MORE CASH m | om ° m LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 728-8671 fold Ser Geek Suen Came ----~! | Trede up or down, Liens poid, 23 Athol West 728-1070 |wanveo ce Ein pane antl DODD MOTOR REGENT ARMS Sune ataroltings "ovppiieds ees, ects| 314 PARK ROAD co amie 723-9421 Two. bedroom epertments. SMPURNTBMER use Rien oe Quiet silane, adults only. sired, parking "space." Talen Bay SALES 5 SERVICE one om la ae chil Ey Ji cr rent, ar' le a 4s |phone 723-1830. 'New end oon acon or 723-6455 ith-Day FURNISHED ond" [LARGE begroem cise at king] ANY} UNFURNISHED. re, heat, television maui "ppstainer, WHITBY ~~ ETD. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- i PS asia Oo ments, Controlled entrance. Twin elevators, swimming pool, fenced playground, 723-2347 MODERN one 4 ments. Stove, refrigerator, drapes. damage deposit. Avail ind t two-bedroom apart. Pe} LARGE furnished vision and yin with clean, erate Tee: Te alothone narra : TEL accommodations, week |shaved roomé,. $10.; gingle rooms, $15.3 tw 'coms, thi $35, Tele: Motel, s/ALL USED cine ae pki fey ee ~ (or room and ictober Apply 170 Park Road South. 723-8844 . ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST, two-bed- ream apartment in an apartment sg ing, refrigerator, stove, broadioom. smali child welcomed. Telephone yas. 685) THREE-ROOM | ground "floor apartment, | refrigerator and stove, share bath Fairbansk Street. Telephone 725-2369 TRIPLEX, fwo-bedroom modern apart ment, main floor, refrigerator, stove. laundry facilities supplied, parking, Child oj weicome. Available October 1. Bioor area. Telephone 728-3537. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, red shy 4 heated, with refrigerator, stove drapes Apt. 4, come.) FOUR ROOM upstairs apartment ply 287 Verdun Road. ONE or two girls to' share aparfment with teacher, partly furnished.' Telephone 723-5033 between .7-9 p.m. DREW STREET, 74, three rooms, nished, central, adults or working cot or three individuals. No children. stainers. Available now. Centrally located. 25 Mill street, call or 723-3295. (infant wel Ap- $; fur-| "te "Stove and) refrigerator included, $70 a@ month. Ap. ply Apartment 2 at 273 Division Street SIMCOE: N., one block from four corners, one-bedroom apartment, also bachelor apartment, refrigerator and stove, pri- vate entrance. Telephone 725-1932 |NEWLY DECORATED 3-room basement apartment, private bath, rangefte. Near park and school. One child welcome Telephone 725-2254. DUPLEX, FIVE rooms with refrigerator, stove and drapes on 170 Cabot Street near shopping centre. After 6 p.m. 723- 1219, MODERN TWO bedroom apartment in six plex. Available September 30, large iving room with broadioom, cupper hood ' over stove, refrigerator, dining area, four piece bath, $125 includes vtil- ities and heat. Ciese to schools. 723 00. NEWLY DECORATED three room apartment, private entrance, four-piece bath, parking. Suitable for couple ly. Call 728-6036 after -6 p.m. EY -- One-bedroom main floor apartment, Rosslyn Arms, .available im- ONE. MONTH'S RENT - FREE For clean, modern living see Oshowa's largest 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments. Close to shopping and schools. Child- ren welcome. 275 WENTWORTH WEST - 723-8701 SHELDIAN MANSIONS @ Sublet large 2 ond 3 bed- room suites with two beth- rooms @ Hi-fi @ Intercom, elevators @ Free hydro and parking CALL 728-2502 FULL-TIME SALESMAN. Classified Ads $125. monthly includes Fake frig. Telephone. 3377 or $76-079 FOUR-ROOM apartment, recently deco- rated, bath, fireplace, serial, garden. Te'ephone 987-4232. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new build electric' heating, central toca- iton, free washer and dryer. Telephone 725-9328 or 723-6390. WORKING GIRL would like to share one-bedroom apartment with same, age 25 to 30. Centrally located. Call 668-6618 after 5.30. ONE-BEORGOM furnished or unfur-| nished apartment, new buildin Port) Whitby, free hydro and ie parking. | Telephone 284-6813 West Hill ONE-BEDROOM _upst 'apartment with private bath. Immediate possession. Telephone 723-6913. ONE AND TWO bedroom ar apartment yin modern apartment building on Sim Street N., controlled entrance, stove, ve ss iipersior and drapes supplied 728-' 2870, | aus CONTAINED) "pagement _apart- ment, suitable for two girls or two men. 37 Elgin W. or telephone 728-8697 before ; COMPLETELY $a5|LARGE HOMEY ROOM or Jadies. T COMFORTABLE = ROOM for] for |single gentieman. Telephone 725-0536, 323 Athol Street East. rent ROOMS FOR RENT -- Ightly Nightly and weekly rates, $12. weekly, pats service. Restaurant on premises. Queen's Hotel, |67 Simcoe North. furnished bedroom kitchen with sink, refrigerator, range and television outlet. Suitable for gentle- man. Apply 237 Athol Street ast. 0803. FURNISHED wor central | be: location, Telephone 668-2 KITCHEN and aha room. minute from North General Motors. gut two gentlemen or couple. Telephene 723- 4146 SINGLE WE HAVE ® limited number of units! jaa. 1 y,|" AES ale aren u! vin} . mileage, et condition. : 7: FORD, $595 or ball Ghar, Telgpnone 723-0930. i SEAUMONT, He fear aeaRe- 3%, Te plapnene between 4 i METEOR, Montcain, § Ngatepion, iy hare brake, nD foe" pacer arg gee °- ie a Fauve eat cohen aay 'ent ng | matic, velennee @. 728-1186, pith A ti ti ranting, "a f, aanaiifon oly. Wa available on a monthly rental basis '= wober, a nai from .Qctober until June. Feeilities in-)e noes offer, "5p 4 Clude indoor and outdoor ela | ' i rt pools, sauna bath, exercise room. Live|~ in a hotel atmosphere. Oshawa. Apply Flying Suinmer Motor 3373. Inn Bowmanville 623- 10 minutes from| PRI §, Parigignae, food M Ns uk rn beth Veiga A898 TWO ROOMERS wanted to share double {basement room, sociable drinkers acy cepted, separate kitchen, to be shared by roomers. Free parking, private entrance. | 87. Pr 1723-53 LARGE BEDROOM in northeas! a UP bus stop, parking, television outlet, "lece| tric heat. Abstainer, Please gil ada 8282. ROOMS FOR SINGLE gentlemen, fur- nished, clean, in private home. Must be quiet and clean, Telephone 7) 5 FURNISHED rooms (fe cooked meals if desired. 87. i VARMA a a _ Tea eas, Brite. or" Halephese' Wi 12, ise VALIANT out of town, mut me feed tts Hn ly good. Telephone 4706. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, for work- ing girl or pension man, Use of kitchen. Telephone 728-7120. _ LADY TO SHARE furnished home very close to hospit phone after 4 p.m. 668-2685 or 728- ated HOUSEKEEPING ROOM near | General Motors, furnished, refrigerator, recently decorated. Park- $12.50 weekly. Tele| seg song STATION Wi 1957 Home | iar actomente pec met me 2151. Fad FULL eRicy buys '42 Comet se on win rebuilt moefor. bts cs trade or terms. Easy te fin at Nicole in Whitby, Move eng| 1 ing available. Géntleman only, 728-1050. |------ in pene Diock north of 'hospital, chen priviledges, ts Telephone 728-3928, SB Aberd eet LARGE, furnished housekeeping "room for two gentlemen. Close te north Gen- eral Motors, and downtown. Parking] ,, space. Stove, renee a CLEAN, furnished roo cluding kitchen, Suitable 'er Mare Tae Phone 728-5606. FURNISHED bedroom for r rent, ¢ men only, $8 weekly. 302 0: South or telephone 728-3286. SINGLE ROOM oe lent to o souih plant and hosp! Telephone 668-2662, jFu RNISHED ae room, sie ble for jgirl. Close to hospital. Telephone |3_P.m. 728-4844 | ROOM for gentleman, close to south GM, |55 Mill St. Telephone 576-2369. OL Li Lb < -_S TWO clean furnished rooms, centraly plies included, suitable for lady or man, $62 monthly. Apply 130 Tylei Tn |rescent 723-0355. 28--Room and |ROOM AND BOARD, « paneliey room, private 3-piece bathroem and pate Telephone 7: 725-2 2519. FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, Phone 576-0668. TWO-BEDROOM = bbartments 7 trance, main Private en- sell for you around the cleck. Dial 723 3492 today. warking. Telephone 728-3211, Le for wi ROOM AND Bi lady. Five floor, washer and dryer,'packed. Close to pus stop. Telephene|or terms. 668-4789. se a: i ate Pte eae $3 =f yy gentleman or Lunches, netic, ge PA to giv AM-FM itoned. $is al oe man' '$,_ 728-735), "OLOSnGHILE sai ay v; jamal si res D wee Wel Ra, a CHE maveacet N oma wi ew, tires, body, Ra autoraetlc ra eres , in immaculate conatilon, 7507. Cash, nance af Nicols in Whitby, s week, ue tn 'Wellmen's, 728-735) pl il i clean, quiet home, parking, close to bus.li@y en pa oe ne, FURNISHED tw Abe Sarre Road, by, K-Mart. ae ten hovel woes able for two people. Apply 98 Albert ' ther jleluxe Mating wheel Street. noe, \ AND SOAR. yor just Pr be th 0 endose, beth have tow oe ONE and two-bedroom apartments. Ap-|GM, parking facing. Telephone 72% ply 291 Marland Ave., » Apt. 153 or tele-|8364, 863 Rifson tie on 70073 and hy 958 each, shok Motors, Ajax, 942- Nae 3999. PULL PRICE a trege, V-8, sedan. Licktee jae Pa Niesls a "i Whitbye 'asst. #

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