Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1967, p. 6

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, September 22, 1967 é Training officers of Cana dian _ Army militia units throughdéut- eastern. Ontario assembled in Kingston discuss training to methods and plans for the upcoming training season Among AFRICAN PEACE MISSION ON JOB The association also wants more rest homes. Last year, the average num- ber of persons assisted in homes for special care exceed- ed 32,000 and cost the federal Provincial Help Sought those attending the confer- John Harris of Eastern On- The successful Midwestern|the federal regime. After all, a D ente were,. left to right, tario District Headquarters; | grive of the federal army is not|British official said, the Lagos|N!sera. Capt. R. M. E. Boswell of and Major A. W. Cunning- | convincing evidence that Maj.-\regime has been recognized the Prince of Wales' Own ham of the Hastings and (Gen Yakubu Gowon, head of'around the world. No one BLEW UP TOWN Regiment, Kingston; Major Prince Edward Regiment, | the federal regime, can win a recognizes Biafra. | The Halifax explosion of 1917 S. J. Skea of the Ontario Belleville. um Ou killed 1,630 persons, destroyed Regiment, Oshawa; Lt. Col WOODBINE RESULTS OSHAWA OFFICER ATTENDS TRAINING SESSION GARDEN CITY --Deépt. 'National Defence THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim jot Masane fons alhed a P ronttes ing. Two-year-old fillies. 6'2 Furlongs RACEWAY &-Son of Bruce, Mace eao 420s S-Bronze Bette, Gubbing 10.70 6.20 4.10 4.30 3.30/7-Not So Social, Walsh 13.60 6.90 THURSDAY, SEPT, 21 S-Rues: Admiral, Grubb 4Turn Aside, le Ran er, Selior's Rest, Inti-Raymi, County Bruce, Old Mill Road and Honey Top. SECOND RACE--Purse $2,000. Ciaim: Ing. Three- and four-year-olds. One and one-sixteenth Miles. Hirish Ensign, Baze @Rodeo Pageant, 1-Disatate, LeBlanc Also Ran in Order: tillla, Dreamy Jo Queen, Brief Garon, Jiv Grubb ar_and Grand Jive : DAILY DOUBLE, § AND 3, PAID $28.20. Park Heights, Robin Whippet, THIRD RACE -- Purse $) ing. Three-year-olds. 62 Fu 11 -Pousse Cafe, T'cte 15. 1A-Flying Ky., Stevenson 6 ~ Order: Tom Jest 7.20 4.10 3.00 ing 6.10 4.80'Furiongs on turf. 4.50 |, ne, Valley 5 90 6.10 9.50 6.50 lowances. 2 0 /g-Tompionette, LeBlanc Also Ran in Order: Brown-Eyed-Gem, Hasty Lodge and Tongue Twister Amber, 7.20 Neat Little Divil, conditioned | 25,26 10.30 7.30] SIXTH RACH -- Purse $2,100. Claim: time 9:17 2-5 Three-year-olds and up. Caledon Star, T'cotte and A-Star Tudor. SEVENTH RACE--Purse Three-year-olds and up. $3,000. About 7 11.20 $30 3.80 Phil Claim- A--G D Patt and H Tenenbaum Entry Al One Miss Trudy Spencer "Also Started: Aunt Myrtle, Wilbrook Shy Ann, Lady Jess, Cheerful Count and} Oakie 3-Drummond King, Moffat Time 2:17 2-5 Chuck jon, Timber Prince. Influx Of Ocean Eases Lakehead Congestion FIRST RACE -- Mile trot purse $1,200 influx of ocean - going vessels is| barley and rapeseed. expected at the Lakehead} Grey 3H! Gier Ld shortly, taking some of the/his company's terminals "still})man news agency ADN report- ee paves: y|Sting out of the Seafarers' In-/have some working space andjed. The pending mark is 59.1 ee en ee ternational Union strike which) gre still unloading although in}seconds by Charles Hickox of started six weeks. ago. |department of transport said in| about 25 per cent of the same a Fag | vessels have stopped at)al Railways, said the strike has a Also Started: Fancy. Knight, Girlle pil-| the Bardia and) same period a year ago. Slight Hope For Peace In Nigerian Civil War By HAROLD MORRISON complete military victory over, This factor of non-recognition Camadian Press Staff Writer | the entire rebellious area. imay be the most discouraging Whatever the Organization of) Although Gowon appears tolfor Biafra's leader, Col. African Unity peace mission of|have access to the arms Mar odumegwu Ojokwu. But his Ibo To Build Homes For Aged government about $17,000,000. institutions be OTTAWA (CP)--In a move to,to charitable encourage municipalities to|removed. The delegates want build more homes for the aged,|the province to pay a straight delegates to the Ontario Asso-/80 per cent of the operating ea costs to avoid disparity between|] p ciation of Homes for the Aged eavlbia theta. convention voted Thursday t0) Another resolution requests six heads of states can accom-|kets of the world, there is no). aot. Nie: plish in its visit to Nigeria's)assurance that many of his tribesmen hold the East ct federal capital of Lagos next}men are capable of handling) ras treasure-house 0 week, it is apparent there will) sophisticated weaponry. | resources. | be no easy settlement of the The fighting is reported to be) 4 political and geographical Nigerian civil war. sporadic and, in many CaSeS,|oqompromise appears the only There is no sign of an early primitive. The civil war, which way out. Gowon insists he is settlement despite indications|has been dragging on for 11) ready to negotiate, but only on the federal regime's military) weeks, is tribal rather thaNjine 'basis of his proposed 12- recommend that the province|the minister of social and fam- pay more towards home con-/ily services to subsidize mainte- struction costs. nance payments of up to $120 a The recommendations urges|month for residents under the that the province pay 70 per/special home-care program. cent of capital costs for munici-| The present ceiling is $90. 66 las Dancing Saturdays COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT ORCHESTRA pal homes. The association also wants removal of the provincial sales strength is becoming stronger. | political. The great powers are|.t+ate confederation--and the One indication is that federal] still keeping their hands off but! Biafrans would have to ditch) troops have managed to recap-|the longer the war continues Ojukwu first before there could! ture the Midwestern capital of/ the more likely it is that it MaY|phe g settlement. Benin City, just a few hours|grow into another East-West) These are tough demands.| after the region had declared testing point. The OAU wiliaibn Ae the heads| itself an independent republic) Both the British government os stale of Ethiopia Ghana and a firm supporter of the/ and Canadian diplomat Arnold Liberia, Niger Republic auane.) breakaway state of Biafra in} Smith, ni ga tee bpah so0n ad The Congo Ee find it| the East. tary-general, have tr! 3 i 7 ey As one British officialjcessfully to encourage a settle- cud rac pl ggg break | remarked: 'This self-declared|ment. Britain now maintains it Pate the site HER cece independence, in the Midwest,/is keeping a neutral position, G u will have to iva anmel may have been the shortest in|though there are indications it nena io prevent the oeeanettl history. may be neutral on the side of at complete disintegration On 1,600 buildings and shattered windows 60 miles away. SETS SECOND RECORD LEIPZIG, Germany (AP) -- Roland Matthes, 16-year-old East German schoolboy, bet- tered the pending world record oats,|for the 100 - metre backstroke Thursday with a time of 58.4 One elevator spokesman saidjseconds, the official East Ger- Vessels PORT ARTHUR (CP) -- Anjtakirig loads of wheat, an irregular way. He said work|Phoenix, Ariz. Wednesday the|during the past six weeks is|Matthes broke the 110-yard backstroke record held since 1958 by John Monckton of Aus- Capt. P. C. Finlay of tax "in. so far as it affects homes for the aged and charita- ble institutions." The association urged that the ceiling on operating grants Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S APPEARING THIS WEEK Direct from the United States PATSY LEE & THE STARLITES AT THE ESTABLISHED HOME Of Country & Western music IN OSHAWA OSHAWA SATURDAY 12.30 AND 2.30 P.M. DRIVE-IN BLN 1.30 AND 3.30 P.M. THEATRE MATINEES ONLY! NOW PLAYING a OPERT AG AELLASTD Ten eonTED ATES @eeccccccse0000 0000000 Box ortice (SSeiciraigy Admissi Opens nna rt aay ia MeoLiORMin Goes 390 250. SECOND RACH -- Mile pace, puise|an interview Thursday that,|/period in 1966. ] 70 "nae Also Ran in Order: Shining Mark, $40,Si81mIng es sg cy t4g9/ Since the beginning of the! S. E. Spencer, area superin-|tralia. qa Cole Date i michael Kirk, .Kopas 530 430/Strike, about 20 more ocean -|tendent of the Canadian Nation- kehead than during the|caused some layoffs of yard crews and grain door person- == NOW PLAYING -:- FOUR BOYS LIVING THE EXCITEMENT EVERY BOY DREAMS ABOUT IN THE MOST FANTASTIC ADVENTURE OF ANY AGE! Fee Game ee Gooden 2 tee eens 730 330 249 PBlY Doubles @) and (>, paid sane | 'These vessels are easing thejnel. | = i! Watch the Famous Tour, Whistler's Wife, Eolian/2-Blenheim Park, A'strong 2.80 2.10) yHIRD RACH -- Mile trot purse $800 burden on terminal elevators,) %00n uzyka, & ore bac Harp, Yumka, Larkspur Lady, Easy sie Fae, bed 30 | claiming ----------_--_--_--_----_--___-------- |dock supervisor, said ore ship- Prk women Shot, Portree Gem and S. Owen. so Ran: Good Ole' Pete and Victoria ; ae as * be ts mE | A--Double K Farms and R and R Stable Garden. }Even Glow, Curran 9.70 460 2.30] SEVENTH RACH -- Mile pace purse| ments have not suffered--"in and $ Rotenberg Entry. EXACTOR, 1 AND 2, PAID $18.00 (en eee ingles re! $900 claiming ct, we're running a_ little Whee &Crystal Duke, Hicks 13.50 640 4.00 ahead of last year." FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Mald- IGHTH RACE--Purse $2,000. Cialm-|' 'Aico' Started: Brown Wolf, Merrie(ZT8Y, Town Laddie, Curran §.30 3.49)" : : en two-year-old fililes. 6 Furlongs. Ing. Three-year-olds and up. 1% Miles on . 4 1 «| 5-La Salle's Hope, Gemmill 3.20 SII ee tet éGreek Victress, Fitz'ns §.40 3.00 2.30 Marshall turt course Snes ee That Ree Riegel Oe rine 17 28 F Selatatahobahalalolahalalel " oe &Clem's Romance, Grubb 2.70 2.30|/6Red Purse, LeBlanc 7.30 4.50 2.80 Also Started: Tollgate, Queen Blue * 6 x : f 4Nite Nurse, Turcotte 2.70 \1-Sllver Gus, Dittfach 6.20 3.50 gouRTH RACE -- mil . Frost, Homestead Valentina, Key Per- +« (J * if bed Alse Ran In Order: Roman World, Who | 2-Paraguayo, Kelly 2.40 $500. claiming Mie Pace PUFS® formance and Jimmy's Lady * * JOURNEY A-Pennywood, A-Miss Tessie) Alse Ran in Order: Fatalito, Latinis ce.) OM = : * and Sex Dance \Artist, Sun Hash and Jim Bowie al eg pea Oe eee ey rhs EIGHTH RACH -- Mile pace, purse kK Pp st NFULCOLOR EXACTOR, 6 AND & PAID $16.80, /Attendance 4,591, Total Handle $353,156. 03-4 sar N Feb : 0 |$1,900 conditioned * Shaws * 1 '4 i 1 frend) 4 andy, Wellwood 90/5-Black Creek, Wellwood20.40 9.10 5.70) ; + STARRIG GINN | Also Started: Willor Kim, Silly Boy, |Z Bill Adios» McKinley 480 3.30\+« Sounds of the * I ner: Vall (mer: | |Eddie's Pride and Spicy Number. -- ¢in®, Guinea, Norris shade NOW Generation = : Authentic ™=-creation of Prehistoric Times WOODBINE ENTRIES = jan or" 'sis Sia oe" "" E Byiday, Sophy Band $ Guy Stckvel Janes Farentna-Sean Garin | ~"# PLUS 2 COLOR caRTOONS |, FIFTH RACE -- mile tort, purse aren oary ane bev Sone. ¥ Friday, Sept. 22nd u ' conditions : SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 \Pyrechiore, Grub x109 \Sdoste "Mec, Barnes 13:10 5.70 3.60) ,NINTH RACH -- Mile pace purse sp | tes TECHNICOLOR SATURDAY eLOUDY AND coop Middle Count, Turcotte 111 [Polen A, petter. Campbell 4.00 2460)abr, Lea Saker, MeFani6.10 7.20 4.701% The Luv-Lites Adult Entertoinment A Universal Picture. i PIRST RACH -- Purse $1,900. Claim-|No Parando, Grubb X110 Time 2:14 fag »-09'1-King Grattan $., Coke 4.50 2.90) ® ao Oh aw * tug teak t * SUNDAY ing (4000). Three-year-clds and wp. 6/Cambrooke, Leblanc 113 'Also. Started: Willow Brook Dard [SMay Trust, Wellwood 3.60/ ® Today At: 7:30 -°9:45 -- Sat.: 5:15 - 7:30 - 9:45 -- Sun. from 2 p.m. Big Hale 112 Northern On Pprbonon ns [Royal McLzan, Miss Easter Van Whe | Time " ix The Tiaras i a 3 and Tullican. Iso Started: Roving Gypsy, Armbro Dancing 9 P.M, -- 12:30 MATINEES ONLY! Sultan's Treat, Brownell XX102 + dancing 3 ™ o Bold Champ, Grubb X107 [,,SIXTH RACE -- Purse $15,000 added sixtH RACE -- Mile pace purse CMe" Rienatrs cule! Clandeboye C. and! KQ Admission $1.50 Dress Casual ey ODEON HE A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE S.A. Boy, Barroby 112 Princess Elizabeth Stakes,' two-year- <1 399 conditioned Attendance, Tee ORK RES Pret ie f Head, Grubb X112 Rewerd, No Boy 112 Baby Ruler, No Boy 120 Merry Arctic, Michaud XXX104 Winning Cue, Kelly X112 Lions SECOND RACE--Purse. $1,800 fro (3000), Three-year-olds and up. ur Red Razor, Leblanc 114 Pretty Wise, Hale 112 Natura! Visitor, No Boy 119 Sensationally, Turcotte 114 Glen Francis, No Boy 2 Strong Willed, Swatuk X110 Sult Cleaner, Leblanc. 118 Grille, McComb 118 Wise Teddy, Gubbin Line Me Up, Coom Royal Gigi, Steve 11 King City, Baze 115 Also Eligible: Roman Pride, Barroby 113 Naytown, Coombs X111 Vedas, Swatuk, X113 Andrea Inez, No Boy 116 Artista, Armstrong 112 Twilight Tango, Kelly X11 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,600. Allow @nces, 3- and 4-year-olds, 1 1-16 Ann B. Good, St 07 FOURTH RACE--Purse $1.8 ing (3000). Three-year-olds anc up r Fire ctie My Great Prom rty Grand, Ke A b man +] K fs . (EXACTOR WAGERING) FIFTH RACE Purse § es; two-ye » foaled in Aik Claim 6% old fillies, foaled in Cda, 1 1-16 Miles Real Sensible, Gomez 119 Miss. Orillia, Turcotte 119 Landwind, Armstrong 119 Vics Turn, Leblanc 119 United Queen, No Boy 119 Solometeor, Harrison 119 Sailor Take Care, Fitzsimmons 119 (EXACTOR WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE -- added 'Seagram Cup Stakes cap", three-year-olds and up, Cda. 1'4 Miles on turf Pine Point, No Boy 119 He 8 Smoothie, Gomez 116 Battling, Fitzsimmons 114 ice Water, Grubb 110 Courant D'Air, Turcotte 109 Native Victor, No Boy 118 Glimore, Baze 117 Carodans, Inouye 112 Purse $1 EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,000 ing (3000). 1-16' Miles }Galanx, Leblanc 113 Prince Bunty, Bradfield X11? Cruise Control, Bell 113 Tony B. Good, Hinojosa 113 Triple Alliance, Kelly X108 Dark Scope, Armstrong 116 Communicate, Coombs X11} j Saucy Question, Walsh 110 X--S Ibs AAC XX--7 Ibs AAC XXX--10 tbs AAC Three-year-olds and. up. 5,000 Handi foaled in : v7T hae PUVA LLL LLL LLL 6-S"p'r'r, Eddie, Lawson 7.80|---- 7.Gracie Lochinver, Graham 8.80 5.50 4Credit Card, Wellwood 3.40 Time 2:14 2-5 Also Started: Davey Lee, Mr. Whis- kers, Hello, Killean and Superior Richard Scratched, Ben Carey Exactors, (6) and (7) paid $193.90; (7) and. (6), paid $156.90 Superior Eddie and Gracie Lochinver finished in a dead heat for first Grand Ole Opry | Tour e Nashville, Tenn. m: Thanksgiving Weekend Oct. 7th to 9th Coll:-- Admission: 1.00 Non-Members . =e SHIRLEY onal tavern 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM | + MaciAINE: TORONTO SAT., SEPT. 23rd -- at 8:30 p.m. 368-0838 -- 366-0881 PU" "Barvinok" 10th branch Dress optional - REFRESHMENTS The Ukrainian Women Association of Canada ANNIVERSARY & CENTENNIAL HALL Sept. 23rd, 1967 at 8:30 p.m. St. John's Hall, 31 Bloor St. E. ~ spot dances AVAILABLE -- Oshawa, is celebrating their door prizes EVERYONE WELCOME Sept. 23rd, 1967, at 8:30 P.M. "MR. Sean Connery IS s EVERYTHING" Janapese Style 4 ya PLAZA THEATRE Showings 1:00 3:15 5:20 7:30 9:40 2,291. Handle, $123,760. 39 KING ST. E. -- PHONE 72: THRILLERS OF THE Y "THE SUSPENSE WILL KEEP YOU GLUED 10 THE EDGE OF YOUR dl SEAT!"-scr mcrsesce THIS WEEK "The LAST WORDS" » » 75¢ Members "ONE OF THE TOP SUSPENSE EARL WILSON, POST HALL SYNDICATE EAR!" DRESS -- SHIRT and TIE... No Blue Jeans 'TECHNICOLDR® It sets the pace for intrigue! " | iéfoenr iow | THE MOST FRIGHTE DONALD WOLFIT HISTORY OF HORROR ! ' | "BLOOD OF THE VAMPIRE" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NING FIEND IN THE e BARBARA SHELLEY TODAY QUARTET Canada's Top Western Stars @ 3S Shows Nightly @ THE SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL WHITBY Fully Licensed @ KING ST OSHAWA FULLY LICENSED LOUNGE CLUB DISCOTHEQUE MEMBERSHIP 1.00 DOWNSTAIRS AT THE GEORGIAN fon ' For the Over 21 set Spur of the Proof Of Age Must Be Shown YOUR HOST MAX COTTRELL DANCE to the Discs of MARTY FROM MARTY'S RECORD BAR And For Those That Like It Live. Every. Friday Night 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. ADMISSION 1.00 Gentiemen Are Requested To Wear Coat and Tie. RESERVATIONS 668-3386 Moment Walk In. French PARADE OF STARS Kit Bob CHARLIE ECUSTEIN AND HIS ALL GIRL CAST Sunday Dinners 5-8:30 p.m, DINERS DS C ED Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties FINAL WEEK SEPTEMBER Lanier s | mc ty SINGER, Si SPAn tem e OTIcs by Dean Duo "fun in the jocular MusiC AND SONGS My vein of Mike Todd's memorable Around COMING NEXT WEEK THE ONE AND ONLY Entertainment ond Dancing Nightly Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 p.m. Buffet Daily 12-12:30 and 5-9 p.m HOh DS HC ndoy Feature Saturday and Sunday 5:30-7:40 - 10:00 SEE OTHER AD FOR SAT. AND SUN. MATINEES { THe most FABULOUS enrerrTainment QVANT OF THe year! THE WILD, WILD WORLD OF P.T. BARNUM...AND THE BANG THAT BROKE THE BANK OF ENGLAND!

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