Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1967, p. 3

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TOTEM COMPLETED © of Columbus Brownies 'OR RENT ial Rates thru Fridey -- 723-7605 Oshawa Girl Guides. Mrs. R. J.| it co ARMS Manning is district -- sioner. More than 100 Guides andjand Brownie gathered at Camp/formed. The Potlatch was offi- Ademac to enjoy a Potlatch, or'cially opened by the tapping of Indian Feast, in honor of thelthe ground by the talking stick, completion of their totem. This|held by Marci Stainton. The was the unique Centennial pro-|legend is that this must be done ject of the Eastwood District,|before the chief may speak. commis-|the visitors and special guests. Following the raising of the; Wotten, division commissioner } flags by a color party of Guides|Oshawa South Division; Nancy Grigg, Mary McGowan,|John Gaskell, division commis- J and Janet Bickell, the salute to/sioner, the colors, a Guide horseshoe/Mr. C. K. fairy ring, was Mrs. R. J. Manning welcomed They included Mrs. Stephen Mrs central division; anc Anderson, assistant er tasted' 'Potlatch For Centennial Held By Guides, Brownies -- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 19, 1967 3 Rap Brown Gets Bail RICHMOND, Va, (AP) --A federal judge has granted the release on $10,000 bail of Black Power advocate H. Rap Brown Commission Members we abrcae Hap roe Appointed By Pearson of his New York lawyer. | OTTAWA (CP) Appoint- commissioner, District Judge Robert R.|ment of four members of the Mrs. Alan Merhige Jr. took the action/new Canadian Transport Com-| David H. Jones, 42, of Winni- fa of; Monday at the close of a four-| mission, which is to become the/peg, a lawyer specializing in +) hour pearing ieyueh the state|central regulatory Hoey hed om transportation work. argue a rown was not|transportation under era i : : entitled to bail while his fight|jurisdiction, was announced Mh ri ee against extradition to Maryland|late Monday by Prime Minister | the Unemployment "Insurance Ao was continuing. Pearson. Ia rhage : oy bed pedi ox gad spirit of The newly named U.S. Dis-| Earlier, Minister pa ukonactaaee ; ch. Taka tcabesnk ge ee trict Court judge said as he|Pickersgill, 62, was named| Alan P. Campbell, 55, of Van- Sea Ranger Diane Willougby| announced his decision: president of the 17-member|COUver, deputy regional ship- made a presentation to E. J.| Brown is charged in Mary-\agency. He will resign from|Ping director for Canadian Brookham in appreciation of his/land with inciting to riot and! Parliament to take on the post.) Transport Co. nany hours of dedicated labor|inciting to commit arson, He| Other appointees are: - Some weeks ago the govern- a leading figure in the trucking industry for 20 years. district rover Oshawa Boy Scouts. Reading explained the origi the totem and each of the eigh different symbols from the out- stretched wings of the Thunder- bird of protection to the Dog- Transport Rod Kerr, chief of the board of transport commissioners, has agreed to join the commission as chairman of its railway com- mittee until Oct. 1, after which he well become a judge of the Exchequer Court. Other board of Transport commission members are H. H, Griffin, J. E. Dumontier, J. M. Woodard, W. R. Irwin and A. S, Kirk. Members of the ATB are Ger- ald Morisset, chairman, J. R. Belcher, G. R. Boucher and J. F. Clark. Only member currently on ithe Maritime commission is its |chairman, H. J. Darling. DX -- DX -- DX -- DX $ BE WISE: ¢ ECONOMIZE! $ $ ISAVE $$ $ -- WTH -- ¢ $ Phone aka $ DX FUEL 0X-- DX-- DX--DX NATIVE NAMED WINNIPEG (CP)--Dr. Roy H. Tavener, 41, a native of Win- nipeg, has been named director n carving, painting and plan-/faces a federal charge in Loui-| John Magee, 47, of Ottawa,|™ment appointed Pierre Tascher- ning the 30-foot Totem. jSiana of transporting firearms executive director of the Cana. |€au, a Montreal lawyer, as vice sented with a 10-y mie | Commission secretary will be pin O-year e : |Harris Arbique, who has been « amet snasne txtrne Diefenbaker Undecided =" Centennial songs and an original | Under the legislation setting it up, the commission wil! auto- Ruigrock, brought the program lm "y {cally include existing to a close. , g Guide captains Mrs. Alan Par- port commissioners, the Air en Ss % F Transport Board and the Cana- Antonnette Cernigoi, Lieuten-- OTTAWA (CP) -- John Dief- that task until he has an ade- |ainn maritime commission ants Mrs. George Twaites, Miss|enbaker pointed to a stack of|quate staff. | Sharon Moring, and Mrs, R. F.\!etters and telegrams on his) Commitments in Westernireplaced by the commission Guides from the 22nd, 24th, and Teporters 90 per cent of them i 26th Companies. Brown Owls |2re in favor of his staying in |for him to be here for resump- Mrs. Alan Reading, Mrs. Ernest| Parliament as member for|tion of the parliamentary ses- Ann Wyst. Tawny Owls, Mrs, E.| He said he has not made up |baker said. He leaves for the J. Brookham, Mrs. K. Ruigrok|his mind yet whether to resign) West today. and Packie Nancy Coulson were|from the House of Commons,| Asked what he considers his the 22nd, 24th, 26th and 27th 1948. years in Parliament, Mr. Dief- Speaking to a small group of{enbaker mentioned two mat- newspaper men before Robert |ters. servalive party leader, called for all Canadians regardless of on him, Mr. Diefenbaker said| race, creed or color to live and he intends to move a short dis-|work as equals. The other was Mrs. R. J. Manning was' pre-| while under indictment. dian Trucking Association and j~ president of the commission. ant. song and dance written by Mrs. s s s n 1S 0 itica uture |members of the board of trans- tridge, Mrs, Anne Hawke, Miss |\These agencies are being Ellsmore participated with|lfice desk Monday and told|canada will make it impossible | Jukes, Mrs. W. A. Clark, Miss| Prince Albert, Sask. |sion next Monday, Mr. Diefen- in charge of the brownies from where he has held a seat since|preatest contribution in 17 Stanfield, his successor as Con-| Qne was making it possible tance down the fourth - floor) equalizing opportunities for the of mental health for Manitoba. A graduate of the University of |Manitoba in 1950, he was} jappointed to the Selkirk Mental | Hospital, 20 miles north of here, the same year. Certified as a! | specialist in psychiatry in 1955, Dr. Tavener was named medi- {cal superintendent at the hospi- Ital in 1959. SPECIAL DAY AT CAMP ADEMAC ---Totem Carved By E. J. Brookham PROFESSOR TELLS CONVENTION Gap Widens Between Production, Capabilities MONTEBELLO, Que. (CP)--; The economics professor There is a widening gapjcited cases of faulty economic between what goods and serv-! forecasting in settling on feder-| lees Canada is producing and|al tax policies, and called for! what the country is capable of|more open poe ey of seer we prevailing pysiem of poset pleadings. roducing, Prof. O. J. Firestone] government budget planning. planning, a finance minister) gp, ; ah ' oR eat of the University of Ottawa said) He cited the controversial|rarely follows advice of others| wa. gehold pe Reg tag ber ay and pais ED ite was today. case of the previous Liberalithan his own departmental| nes Jim Garrison. esieeem ly relieved . . . Former economic adviser to|government's adherence' toO/advisers. More outside advice |tends a conspiracy. to kill the! (shrinking) took place. the late C. D. Howe when Mr. | tight-money policies in 1956.;)should be sought in public in) president originated in New Am thass hi A ] Howe was minister of trade and) when he and other economists|the process of formulating/Orieans a few weeks before the |, va er oe ae commerce, Mr. Firestone told a/outside the finance department} budget plans. lassassination in Dallas in 1908; heme, Mitt Oem otareed Gee : | Judge Refuses Healing Si | To Oust Charges | NEW ORLEANS (AP)--A | judge refused Monday to throw | lout' the indictment charging | Clay L. Shaw with conspiring to murder President John F. Ken- | A renowned research institute has nedy. found a unique healing substance Judge Edward A. Haggerty with the ability to shrink hemor- i Fig Jr. said trial will be set next) thoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ly-elected prime minister,| month, "if legally possible." ing and discomfort in minutes and charged the Liberal govern- wWaggerty gave F. Irvin| speeds up healing of the injured, ment had ignored. -- Dymond, chief defence lawyer, | mflamed tissues. Dr. Firestone said that under/yntil Sept. 26 to file further! One hemorrhoidal case history » weekend EE IT" The government's tax andjeconomic forecast, prepared|departments can prepare, but Announce New Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids...and repair damaged tissue. corridor in the Centre Block to|Maritimes and Prairies. a two - room office formerly| occupied by his executive assistant, Tom Van Dusen. QUERIED ON MEMOIRS Would he begin writing his} memoirs? The former prime minister} said he will not be able to start | : a : cent ibstance... | many months, This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne'| which quickly helps heal injured| cells and stimulates growth of new! tissue, Bio-Dyne is offered in oint-| ment and suppository form called) Preparation H. of hemorrhoids, Just ask your druggist for Pre paration H Suppositories or Pre paration H Ointment (with a special applicator). Satisfaction of your mone) refunded, Subscribers TO «+s @ BLUECROSS @ P.S.I. @ GREEN SHIELD NEED NOT PAY CASH! You Give Us The Doctors after another reported "very strik- In addition to actually shrink-| Prescription \ img hemorrhoids, Preparation HI Ww d th st y lubricates and makes elimination @ do the rest. who con-/actual reduction or retraction less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which is a principal cause FREE City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S . DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 balance, balance $3,000, | | Interest on | daily balance | vo savings earn the highest true interest in a Savings Deposit Receipt Account.No other account im Canada earns you so much interest. That's because Guaranty Trust cal- culates imterest on the minimum daily There are no chequing privileges but with- drawals can be made any time. Minimum Guaranty Trust Capital and reserve $27,000,000. Deposits in excess ef $400,000,008, 32 King St. E., Oshawa Tel. 728-1653 Rein Harmatare, Manager convention at the Seigniory| thought that more easy fiscal) «Not only does the minister) | : ; Club that unemployment and| policies should be followed to/ of finance fie the best eco-| ° at popper dagen OA Caste of, Ftongy ps | spending policies should be| confidentially for the advice of there is also need to take nce designed both to encourage|cabinet ministers, that wonjaccount of the economic think- ) under-utilization of plant capac-| head off a recession in 1957. lnomic forecast that his officials brace A thorough that provement Ity is increasing. It was a trade department|and those of other government was maintained povligay nae of higher levels of actual produc-|public prominence as the s0-|ing outside of government cir- tion, and to raise the targets of|called 'hidden report" whichjcles,"' he told the Chartered potential output. |John Diefenbaker, as the new-| Institute of Secretaries. | Sie, rs He noted that Finance Minis- ter Sharp had called for public views on implementing recom- mendations of the Carter Royal Commission on Taxation, and 'Two Main Problems Face This UN Session': Martin rs: sestie"te jannual budgets, HONEY WINE RRO Firestone"s WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) >, try to bring the parties togeth-| The text of Dr. | External Affairs Minister Pauljer. This will be our endeavor." |address was given reporters in! Martin said in an_ interview) = = a -------~ | advance of delivery. ' Monday there are two main -- puasill DIXON'S OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 NOTICE To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- perty and who want the best deal they can get! The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can get you the best deal in the sale of your property -- problems at the United Nations as far as Canada is concerned --Vietnam and the Middle East. Mr. Martin, who leaves Tues- day for a meeting of the UN General Assembly, said he intends to take every opportu- nity to bring about a discussion | of the war in. Vietnam "with the view of trying in some way to bring the parties together." On the Arab - Israeli issue, Mr. Martin said. "The Cana- dian view is that someone should be appointed to repre- sent the secretary - general and } IMPORTANT EARLY -- FALL PUBLIC AUCTION CONVERSION OF INTERNATIONAL COMMODITY. VALUE INTO CANADIAN WHY ? 1--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you more cash. 2--Because we charge you ONLY 4% comms on town and city homes VALUABLE SUPERB PERSIAN RUGS That saves you a lot of money! MACKIE'S VAN & STORAGE LTD. 477 BLOOR ST. W., OSHAWA Between Park Rd, and Stevenson's Rd. on FRIDAY, SEPT. 22nd at 7:30 P.M. wardrobe-- red to your TEL. 723-5221 FINANCE CO. LTD. -- AUCTIONEERS TERMS -- CASH or CHECK >MMERCE iii tii is | {| OPEN MON. TO FRI. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. SAT. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. viewing on Friday afternoon from 3 p.m. Catalogues evailoble Tom Houston 668-4416 -- b- emcerreem et viewing. H Allen Thompson 728-2870 HIPPING AND i Harvey Hogan 655-3663 LU S | N. ANGLO MERCHANTILE s Ralph Schofield 576-1680 ¢ c AFFILIATED CLUBS FULLY EQUIPPED GYMNASIUM: Enjoy your exercise in luxurious broadioom surroundings, equipped with the most mod- ern: scientifically designed machines to help you get into shape quickly and easily. Canada's Most Complete and Luxurious Eucalyptus inhalater rooms. | Private dressing booths. i U IN WINNIPEG eee! NOW ENROLLING | IN OSHAWA at the CAROUSEL MOTOR HOTEL STEVENSON RD. srgpat aseaseana tts VIC TANNY'SYQT71 TORONTO, HAMILTON, KITCHENER, LONDON, WINDSOR CLUBS OPENING SOON MONTREAL, BURLINGTON, SUDBURY EDMONTON, CA ejejei je CRC x OF RARE ORIGINS | : Facilities: ' : i So just think about this when you wish to sell -. @ Ultra-modern health elub for men. e Including Wool and Silk Quooms, Kashans, Ispahans, Neims, y : Luxurious figure contourin, m + ret * . f J uring salon for ladies, @ Desert dry heat rooms, Teheran, Kirmon, Sarouk, Gibibaft, Borjalou, Alobaft, Signed your property to YOUR best advantage--then | f i Permparature 'eohivolled: (Fobiesl: ewhimine @ California sun rooms, Tabriz. $ RARE NOMADIC ITEMS call us. k pools @ Finnish rock sauna AS WELL A > H Bees . Hyd hirlpool baths, i pS k Loristan, Lurs, Kirman Afshors, Balouchistan, Kurdistan and ff Real Estate Dept E - WN $ Aokal nihil ae ei han Te Oe . Private clothes lockers. | a reducnig machines. i Tan vahesaie imported stock poid for in sterling must be work- STEAM AND SAUNA ROOMS : < @ Mechanical body reproportioning machines, ; Piva tiled asa areas, i i i i end will be ff ! Whether you enjoy steam or authentic Finnish @ Figure contouring and firmnig. ed inta convertible for r ind will 5 you enjoy Juice bars ; | Sauna bath, you are assured a relaxing and @ Mild progressive resistance exercising Seay Gauiccks ecimnedunis. AUCTIONED AT u beneficial visit. apparatus. : | @ Professional mossage. sarvice. PHONE OTTAWA, ST RY, VANCOUVER HOT BUBBLING WHIRLPOOLS: In Volcanic caves; you'll enjoy a gently, relax- ing massage from hot, swirling water that sooths away the cares of the day. Individual programs ond personal extreordinary CATHARINES KINGSTON, QUEBEC CITY, ST. JOHN'S, Bee eeeejee 723-8171 OAKVILLE HALIFAX VICTORIA AND AROUND THE WORLD

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