Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Sep 1967, p. 16

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|day that lawyers may be guilty) who said lawyers were abusing|with the magistrates in trying|the same'? should receive the Septe: a te 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, oe Ontario Law Society of asking for remands to avoid|the new legal aid system in|to bring about greater uniformi- | Same rs go ceo ponerse SORE nano CE jcertain magistrates with a rep-| Ontario. ty in the administration of jus-| , H° ial i t My f lawyers to , Defends Lawyers lutation of imposing stiff sen-| Mr. O'Brien said: 3 financia interes of wy! ~ | | tences, "The problem is not one that tice. : : ask for remands because Pens 4 ut 00 | TORONTO (CP) -- The sec-| Brendan O'Brien was answer-|can be easily solved but to the} Mr. O'Brien said, ideally, | receive only $11.25 a retary of the Law Society ofjing charges levelled last weekjextent that it can, the legal|persons convicted of the samejaid and could make three es HONEY HARBOUR, Ont. Upper Canada admitted Mon- |by Magistrate Joseph Addison|profession is prepared to work/offence "where the facts arelas much at other chores. (CP) -- Ontario may be enter- ing a "none-too-quiet revolution | in terms of both human and natural resources," says Wil- liam H. Cranston, Mr. Cranston, chairman of the Ontario Economic Council, |told the annual Georgian Bay |Economic Development: Confer- ence Monday night that the Great Lakes area one day will _ |be one of the great industrial be _ jheartlands of the world. 8 Wide andHandsome! =f = years the population of Ontario HEXECL DONALD DUCK may reach between 80,000,000 : : and 100,000,000. saa . And by that time "the most ISUZU BELLETT significant concentration of |Ontario's and Canada's popula- tion will be in the Great Lakes THE 68s--NEW, TRIM ENGINE is" ey granyze es ply of fresh water, 5 # ar aonisiaties The Isuzu Bellett for 1968, power delivery on both high- Interior dimensions are in- | Because of the demand for which should be produced ina ways and in busy cities. The ereased to give three inches | water for industry, for agricul- WHY XC new plant at Point Edward, all-independent suspension iS jiore room to back seat pass- jture, for tourists, "fearsom Y TURNIK N.S. later this year, features redesigned to give a softer | problems of potential pollution' new exterior trim and a new ride and better handling char- engers. might lie ahead. five bearing crankshaft en- acteristics. The brakes have The Nova Scotia plant will In the Georgian Bay area ine. been strengthened in the produce for Eastern and Cen- | 51.4 1985 more than 700 new { In addition the Japanese car interests of safety and the in- tral Canada Belletts identical | +. of branch plans had is priced at $100 less than last strument panel has been to those now being imported lmuved' into the region. It was year's models. padded and recessed in ac- from Japan, while the West |i). duty of all to guard the 1 " The 71 hp engine is expected cordance with U.S. safety reg- will still be supplied with ve- beauty and resources of he to give the car smoother ulations. * hieles direct from Japan resion. white at the same tine EHNA expand its productivity. rm A copy of Mr. Cranston's| remarks was released to.. the Chamber Of Commerce ®t sitnetufiivcs.™ LAURENTIDE PROGRESSES | Turns Down Annual Wage «i. ctr: gress during the last year, M. (Canadian Press Business jwas turned back to the cham-|chamber that the national body |" 0 £1i n, company president Editor) ber's executive committee for/initiate a study of the present and chief executive officer, told | MONTREAL (CP) -- A pro- further study. relationship between the cost|at annual shareholders' meet-| ing Monday. He said the com-} pany had completed the first phase of its reorganization pro- posal to set up a guaranteed The resolution said that any {sharing programs of the federal annual wage for Canadians as a|implementation of a guaranteed |and provincial government on substitute for various sociallannual wage '"'should be/education. 7 iev q ic: gre and now is in a strong welfare payments now received achieved through economics oe am and ne } was turned aside Monday at the effected in the elimination of ASK AID EXTENSION liquidity position. Our _ bank 38th annual meeting 'of the wastage and duplication - and The proposed recommenda- lines have been stablized "and Canadian Chamber of Com-|without resource to increasing|tion called for consideration of any doubts of major lenders merce the existing level of taxation possible extension of existing concerning the financial posi- A resolution presented by the' In other policy decisions, the federal aid for education, tion of the company have been Windsor, Ont., chamber calling chamber also turned back to/!"C luding an amendment if removed for recognition of the principle|the executive committee ajneeded to the British North of a guaranteed annual wage/suggestion by the Windsor America Act. i Mr. Walker said the federal BUS TOUR "4 --. tone is ee hie | ucation, although that Industrial Safety Plans ne aralin-slal ina oo ai Sh ld B All I ] s reel es BNA a through - special grants and re-training ou e nciusive xa GRAND OLE TORONTO (CP) = Industrial! "Since total industrial fatali-| Another policy recommenda- safety programs should include |ties were approximately 250, we|tion approved by the 900 dele- OPRY off-the-job accidents, the annualjare losing 14 times as many cit-| gates changed an existing poli- meeting of the Canadian Indus-|izens through off-the-job acci-|cy statement on strikes by trial Safety Association was'dents as on-the-job." sion pag employees to NASHVILLE, TENN, told Monday. ixelu traffic deaths, the|read that those not subject to Dalton Bales, Ontario Minis- Poraporc a. 8-1, he said. \the provisions of the Industrial OCT 5th fo Sih ter of pape said that ome G. R. Henderson, consultant) Relations vag ert pee Investi- ° tional accidents account for less} gation Act shou ave their i than one-tenth of the province's cone Oe mune pare Ase: Se settled by arbitration. | FOR INFORMATION ! accidental fatalities. Jleaders should insist that those! The previous policy statement CONTACT YOUR "The latest figures, I believe.|in the trade know how to per-| ad said anyone in the public TRAVEL AGENT OR showed that 3,600 persons died/form their job safely before Service should be prohibited BURLEY BUS AT in Ontario from accidental inju-| they are considered qualified. from striking. Delegates said | ries last year,"' Mr. Bales said.| Mr, Henderson suggested that | this could be interpreted as 723-7171 | "Of these, nearly 1,600 were'workmen's compensation 2¢ luding such groups as | traffic accidents. boards across Canada form a|¢mployees of the CNR. {atonal sem vo prove net! NG, Personnel, «= ite Henderson sala the uss. "SPECTACULAR!" {National Safety Council has ! --N.Y, WORLD JOURNAL TRIBUNE \_ ® estimated the total cost of Big Problem [accident is four dees the mt & of medical aid and compensa- Adult Entertoinment Oh = CHICAGO AMERICAN REGINA (CP)--Personnel {5s | tion, neki, -- F ners \ one of the main problems fac-| It is estimated that eompen- ing Canada's mining industry. isation in Canada cost $250,- This was the consensus of the|900,000 in 1966, and if .we first day of the three-day 24th\assume the National Safety annual conference of provincial council is correct, these acci-| ministers of mines which began dents cost the Canadian: econ- here Monday. omy $1,000,000,000 last year--a'| Mines ministers from all joss amounting to almost two! provinces except Quebec and|per cent of the gross national Prince Edward Island were product." expected to attend, as Were | sesame 2 spokesmen for most facets of the Canadian mining industry. IZZA Poor working conditions, low wages and poor ilving arrange- Phone 723-0241 ments have fesulted in a or 728-0192 "chronic manpower shortage," said Jean-Luc Pepin, federal minister of energy, mines and resources. Meet the first truly big-screen color portable. From RCA Victor, a A GO sy DaRISCH CORPORATION PRESENTS i JULIE ANDREWS-MAX VON SYDOW- RICHARD HARRIS, ™~e «"HAWAII" ae TE AR a ey Beate 'foe Prac on the rot te SRURR reen GPA 7 PT -ES WER 7 PANATISON COLORGy@ckame + , (saree only $549 BEST Stan CONNERY | WEEKDAYS: 6:30 - 9:15 1S JAMES BOND fen: 340 + 600 = Ferran, fear The 1968 15-inch colot portable TV from RCA Victor. TAN FLEWNG'S Adult Enterteinment ont = " It's the nicest thing to happen to home entertainment since the Victor Talking Machine set the world on its ear 66 years ago, The first truly big-screen color portable with the realistic quality of great console models. And we're introducing it to Canada at over $150.00 fess than last year's lowest price for RCA Victor big-picture color. * MICKEY MOUSE 1:00----3:15---5:20---7:30-- oo ENDS TONIGHT Ne Soe | How has RCA Victor done it? Pioneering know-how and popularity. (Afterall, we sell more color TV than anyone else PLAZA THEATRE WINNER OF § ACADEMY AWARDS! _ clypecnechhaniapy The RCA Victor 15-inchcolor portable (plus our entire new line) Is at your dealer's now. It features a 387% brighter picture, our exclusive New Vista tuner that brings in the sharpest picture and solid copper circuits guaranteed for life. Go and ask for a free demonstration and judge it for yourself. You'll see this is the greatest portable color anyone ever built. If you don't want if, you don't have to buy it. Fairenough? , WW WETRO-COLDIWN WAVE recs A CARO PONT PRODUCTON « Sob DAVID LEAN'S FILM or cons pases ' n DOCIOR ZHiWAGO {op 181 PANAVISION' AND METROCOLOR = Starring: GERALDINE CHAPLIN JULIE CHRISTIE, TOM COURTNEY end Omar Sharif as ZHiIVAGO ; ADMISSION: ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN UNDER 12 ADMITTED FREE --aputt "ENTERTAINMENT LELELELID IEDR EN LENSE 5 NELLA, STARTS WEDNESDAY O05 55505000600060 SHIRLEY ALBERT aa MacLAINE FINNEY 4 * * | s 3 seal RCA VICTOR @ : aan ™ YORK | a q 5 | ° * H ; , shiai n tate BOY, : olive, ! When you're first in eolor TV there's got fo be @ reason. = eo-siarnng * ° de . robert webber - joanna barnes-david draper BRUCE 2) ° JOAN HG wn in panavision'nmetrocolor € wu TODAY! YARNELL Tecueoo 7 GREENWOOE : ' 7:05 -- 9:20 core (4 Feature Shown Ati Bex Office Opens 7:00 (Festitiigy ADMISSION: ADULTS $1.85 : : 2:40 -- 4:50 | Show Sterts et Dusk romas Me Come Early Avold The Rush : 2 wan

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