ge are twin signposts to' er field full of good nities. yomen in this generation e looking for a challeng- ance in a_ well-paying ll do well to consider the z potential in seeking > solutions to the hous- ds of the next genera- AID OUT BREAD SHFIELD, Mass. (AP) Johnson, a Marblehead collector, purchased at recently a 200-year-old dressing table built by Savery of Philadelphia id for it in cash--$30,000, HAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS % Discount o n Orders 5 or More Pictures Available At -WAY PHOTO SERVICE King St. £., Oshewe : 10 -- 1.50 each x 7 -- 1.25 each EST 'ustom and eady Made RAPES latest Shades and ee eae Goods & Draperies PERTLY INSTALLED RAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 ping et Our Store" ERE. am vinyl FIRST AND LARGEST S MANUFACTURER, MCO | DENTING TEST oe \ 'ee RRL Caught in action, above, is a model wearing a_ pink wool cape, held by a chain belt and a line of buttons. The swirling cape is com- plimented by high, shiny boots, Among the many styles for matrons was a winter coat in chill-resistant SOMETHING new took place at Eastdale Collegi- ate last night, a seven-hour rehearsal for the parade of fashion, "Fashionscope '67," to be presented tonight and tomorrow night by the Osh- awa Shopping Centre. suede, lavishly trimmed with a fur collar. Proceeds will go to the Women's Auxil- iary of the Oshawa General Hospital which reports some tickets available for tonight and Wednesday a sell-out. --Oshawa Times Photo Home Canning Projects Can Be A 'Put Up Job' By ELEANOR ROSS cleanliness and het --_ o It's a big season for canning|both the open kettle and the and put-ups, with seemingly cold pack methods. og ey every gal getting into the act, tight jar or can may be used, be she bride, veteran home-|but large-mouthed jars are eas- maker or careerist. jest to fill. All containers should Success depends on three fac- be washed thoroughly with plen- tors: high quality produce, fol- lowing recipes explicitly, and observing maximum cleanli- ness, Otherwise, both food and effort may be wasted. FRESHLY LAUNDERED Clothing used while preparing foods for canning or freezing should be freshly laundered. Hands, nails, forearms should get a good soap and water scrubbing before tackling the task. The work space and all while Hot. food containers and _ utensils) After processing, place con- must be scrupulously clean. ltalners ono arolean surface. al: Sanitary preparation andjjowing space between for a handling are particularly im-| good circulation of air. When portant when freezing uncook-| cool, wipe with a sudsy cloth. ed food, since there is no heat|Then dry and label with date, to kill germs. Proper packag- r contents, and the type of syrup ing materials are required to|ysed for fruits -- light, med- fore filling. OPEN KETTLE METHOD It is necessary to sterilize jars if the open kettle method is used. For this, fill jars' with cold water, and set them on a rack in a kettle filled with cold ing point, and let jars stand in the hot water; when ready to use, remove them with tongs, empty the water, and fill jars protect food products from) jym, or heavy. Store in a clean, moisture losses. Containers |cool, dry, dark, well-ventilated should be liquid-tight, rigid) space. enough to avoid crushing foods,| When you take down the jars and moisture-vapor resistant tO) {9 use, you will be glad you put prevent drying. jup with the slight 'trouble it LEAST STORAGE SPACE Flat-sided containers require the least storage space. Plastic liners for cartons may be} sudsed, rinsed, and re-used.| Containers that can't be ster-|(AP)--The Colchester oyster, ilized must be carefully clean-|regarded by British trencher- | tables. OYSTER READY ty of suds and then scalded be-| 12 water. Heat gradually to boil-|: |takes to put up fruits and vege-|-- GRADUATE NURSE Anne Gutman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gut- man, King Street East, graduated recently from the Branson Hospital School of Nursing, Toronto. She is a graduate of Kingsway Col- lege, Oshawa. After a few months work at Branson Hospital, she plans to con- tinue her education for an advanced degree at Loma Linda University, Arling« ton, California. Manitoba lene COLCHESTER, Engiand In Fluoridation WINNIPEG (CP) -- The ed to avoid both contamination| men as the world's finest, is fat| Manitoba D ental Association and flavor-transfer from prior/and ready for the dinner table|Says studies have shown that) contents, Rigid containers -- glass, alu- during the minum, plastic, pottery -- must |1962-63. After be washed thoroughly in hot|deep freeze, merely a few hun- suds, then water before use. ins ith hot/dred remained. The total num-|Manitobans, or 61 per na lber of the oysters has now|the province's population, jafter being all but wiped out Manitoba leads Canada 'in the severe winter of percentage the prolonged drinking fluoridated water. of its population The association said 583,500 Precision is essential in home jincreased to 1,000,000 with 250,- serviced by fluoridated water canning. The basic principles of 000 ready to be eaten. FOLLOW THE EASY RULES FOR WEDDING PUBLICATION The wedding season never ends but reaches peaks in June, September and October. Throughout the year The Oshawa Times tries to accommodate its readers by provid- ing space for accounts of weddings and some photographs. Each week, under the heading Wedding Album on the social page is published information on how to _proceed with the publication of a wedding. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Publication of this wedding record depends upon the ission of the leted form to the women's editor at least three days before the cere- mony. Reports received after the ceremony has taken place are not acceptable. This arrangement which has been in effect for one year, ensures that weddings appear in print within one week of their having taken place and are still newsworthy. The record of the bride-elect's showers and her out-of-town guests should be submitted at least five days prior to the wedding. All commercial photographers have long been notified that if the bride wishes a photograph to accompany her wedding story, they must submit a print within four days following the wedding. These arrangements must be followed absolutely to meet the demands of both space and time. supplies. ! |MORE THAN SCIENCE | However, are + | does not haye all the ans | | | Among major centres with| | | | | fluoridated water are Winnipeg, Brandon, Portage la Prairie Dauphin, The Pas, Neepawa and Winkler. The association said fluoride- treated water is a major factor in the prevention of tooth decay and has been used in Winnipeg since 1957. Lining up behind Manitoba in respect to the percentage of fluoridated water supplies are: Ontario, 47 per cent; North- west Territories and the Yukon, 33; Saskatchewan, 30; Nova Scotia, 28; Quebec, eight; Alberta, six; British Columbia, | six; and Newfoundland, one. Recent information indicates that water supplies in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island are not fluoride treated. RUSSIANS JOIN BOOKIES BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP)--The Fifth Congress for International Comparative Lit- erature, attended by more than 300 delegates, decided to spon- sor a joint history of world lit- erature and to compile a vocab- ulary of literary terminology, |The Soviet Union participated for the first time, || KEEP IN TRIM i é se ly and roly-poly youngsters look | well-nourished. But will | ; |child thin-down as she grows|remain intact to be refilled up? The turning adult run the overw: motivated into a a fat odds against a fatty normal-weight better than 4 to 1. If eight youngster is not to reduce in her ado- lescent years, the odds are 28 to 1 that she will remain fat all her life! A study confirming the intractabi lity of childhood obes- ity, drawn from a group of 2,- 000 perso' ns, was conducted by Drs. Albert Stunkard and Vic- tor Burt. Studies on obesity that early prevention of over- weight is of the greatest impor-| Heredity is a factor. tance, It's sad to allow a child| this helps to explain wh § jto go ahead and get fat and| children hay Penden to ne pampton: then expect the boy or girl to| overweight, it outgro tastes, food habits and p are ences childhood. habits but there proliferation of new fat begins very early in a child's| tant. An active child is far less man. | life--before ages 4 or 5. These likely to be a fat child. Exer-|entertained hy the bridegroom's|Chambers, Oakwood, and Miss|Lakefield, Feneton Falls, Oak- cise Improves muscle tone and parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest!Mary Chambers of Toronto. At-|wood, Lindsay, Prince Albert, w it later on, more than involved. is evidence that the cells cells are fixed. To explain: | When fat is first laid down, the Skeletal development, stim u- Andor, Orono. existing cells are filled up. | t be|the child more pep and energy. When no absorbed new cells are formed--prolifer-| prevention--and ated. These new cells become! the time to start. Baby-Boom Burdens Mothers rolling through the nation with|their various explosive The nation's with the slogan Four Children two, more fat can in the existing cells, PREVIEW OF A FALL FASHION HAPPENING, TONIGHT | Overeating In Infancy Leads To The Fat Forties By IDA JEAN KAIN |filled with fat. When weight ts Fat babies are cute and cudd-| lost, the shelis of these new reells, although they lose their | indicate overweight, Food| used as an excuse to permit a refer- child to eat too much food and! learned early in! then blame heredity. | establishment of good food hab-| Morrison was honored at show-!borough, on the occasion jits at an early age is of the ors given by Mrs. Donald West- todd utmost importance. This is all nutt and Mrs. Ivan Morrison; Scienea| the more necessary if the child Mrs. Gordon Ritter; wers, | has a_ tendency Prior to her wedding last Sat-, Church to Robert Wayne Goreski, the former Gail Lor- =. \raine McMaster, was honored at several showers. A_ miscel- laneous shower was given by aunts of the bride at the home of Mrs. Cecil Gray, Ontario Street. She was assisted by Mrs. Douglas Howie and Mrs. | |\Thomas Robinson. Another mis- cellaneous shower was held at |the home of Mrs. Frank Stans- }bury, Sylvia Street, assisted by _|Mrs. Stewart Shaw and Mrs. |Matthew Murray, both of To- ronto, Attendants at the wed- ding held a kitchen and pantry shower at the home of Mrs Douglas Murray and Miss Joan McMaster Was the co-hostess, Fellow workers at Magill Busi- ness Systems presented the bride with a hamper, bathroom scales, towels and pieces of Blue Mountain pottery.. Mrs Lena Moldowan of Orono and Mrs. Phillip Goreski weré host- esses at a miscellaneous show- er held at Club Annrene. Fol- lowing the rehearsal last Fri- day evening, a reception for the bridal party was held at the + |home of the bride's parents, 2 |Mr. and Mrs. Glendon A. Me- it * | Master, Celina Street. At the sixth Annual School jfor United Chureh Women of | the Bay of Quinte Conference jheld at Elim Lodge, near | Peterborough, members of the Oshawa Presbyterian. UCW were participants on a panel en Working. Panelists were Mrs. Hugh McLeod, Oshawa, Mrs, Kenneth Summerford, Bowmanville, Mrs. H. M. Kyte and Mrs. Philip Romeril, Black fat, do not disintegrate, but stock. Out-of-town guests at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Cooper, (nee Nancy Morri- whenever there is a surplus of fuel. Overeating in infancy and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, September 19, 1967 11 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department the newly-formed chapter I By skirt and attenti try This coat-g tion. | figure | main Not could The Oshawa Sweet Adelines : the s ") Black jndsay. The evening NEW YORK (CP) you've shortened your mini- you MARGARET NESS -- If as much as you dare still don't attract on at parties, why not the other extreme--the djellaba? hooded, own with its fairly wide ht sleeves may not be ankle-length SOCIAL & PERSONAL, iin fee ini sti But the most alluring I've ever seen was | wearing a slim version on the street in Casablanca. even the mini-skirt cause more interest urday afternoon in Holy Cross| paid a surprise visit recently to, than this vision in black with ides slit to the knees, reptile shoes and hand- Was! bag were a Western touch but spent making new friends and| the eyes were entirely Moroc- Ss the Lindsay Song-Spinners. The, Acousti-Chords and | cana inging four-part harmony with The the Dong Belles, two Oshawa quar-| from nd exciting. djellaba is the latest of Ding-| a series of fashions imported the Middle and Far tets, added to the evening's en-| East. tertainment by singing several The Crusaders brought favorite selections. back the flowing burnoose cape to wear over their Mary Elliott Smith Mission, armor. Before the First Circle, First' Baptist Church,| World War, Paul Poiret intro- held a monthly meeting at the| duced the Turkish or harem home of Mrs. Robert Moon,| trousers to his fashionable Sutherland Avenue, F with Mrs. 'rank Swackhammer presid ing. It was decided that a Cen vn tennial Tea would be held in The lar in the near future, at the home of Mrs. Bernard Lewis. tended wedding last Saturday included, Mrs. Saskatchewan; a kaw, Saskatchewan; Connolly Robert Connolly | Truro, Mrs, Harvey Ferguson, Guelph; Out-of-town guests who at- the Connolly Abramoff Christ , son, Thomas Wall, Saskatoon, the Reverend Jack Rubuka, Wa- Harold nd Mrs. The Nova Scotia; Mr. and often Parisienne clientele. MANDARIN COLLAR BACK Chinese mandarin col- vaded Western fashions and also appears frequently this fall Thirteen years ago the late ian Dior introduced his caftan coat, the hit of the sea- adapted from the but- ton-down fluid garment worn in North Afriea. next year came called the rajah coat: from Toronto were, Mr. and! 'Then came the dijellaba. Mrs. Michael Sumka, Mr. and) Ajmost identical to the caf- Mrs. Leonard Hughes, Mrs.! tan, except that it opens only George Anderson, Mrs. Donald down to the waist, the djella- Isaac. | ba is worn by both men and * | women in Morocco. | Mrs. C. M. Elliott, president; During a visit to North Mrs, R. H. Donald, past-presi-- Africa several years ago I dent and Mrs, N. H. Edmond-| stayed in several Moroccan Ss members Women's Club of Oshawa district at a pre-season coffee party morrow dents Miss Aileen Parker, Mrs. on, Ist vice-president, will re-| cities, of the University and) where An House to- eyplai Past presi- Adelaide evening. at including the old which discussed Married Wom- ceive members and prospective, walled city of Fez. The diella- ba and the veil were every- American social worker | Mohammedan | husbands liked their wives to keep the veil. Even girls who ned that D. H. Moore, Mrs. H. F, Millen) wore Western clothes during and Mrs: A. G. Hiltz will pre-| their schooldays were return- side over the coffee cups. general convener of the Night \of Cards to be held this month early childhood increases both|son,) included) Mr. and Mrs. the size and the number of the|Robert Bell, Fort Erie; Mr. fat cells, Presumably thisjand Mrs. Richard Ruple, Mr. makes it easier to store fat and|and Mrs. Claude Morrison, gain excess weight later in life.|Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Hor- Does overweight run in fami-|ace Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. lies? The answer is yes. Statis-/Morley Fair, Uxbridge; Mr of the children will be over-|Ralph Tippett, Brighton; weight. When only one parent is|and Mrs. Milton Blackstock; Robert Miss children can be fat-prone./ert Bryans, Although!and Mrs. Warburton, Jean Baker, should not be/est Andor, Bruce, Orono. The ort to be over-ipaker and Mrs. Ivan weight. jBaker and Mrs. Exercise, {is too, all-impor- of honor; The bridal party lates the circulation and gives "Heritage" was the scene for The cure for overweight is the Kingsview United Chutch childhood {s|women's meeting at Saint Andrews' Church. Those taking effect. | 19,000,000 to a Family. But the talk of. Bucharest! dren- per family, They also today is of dismay and discon-!want higher family allowances, of over-| larger crowded maternity clinics, and of children's clothing, and im- cent of | exhausted medical staff as the| proved medical services. | are|Dirthrate climbs three or four tent times abo The tidal wave of newly-born|ing, perhaps, results from stringent new laws| costing the average man sever- Noy-|al months' salary. j which make abortion, | -------------- abruptly ember cult, exce among families, ve normal. introduced last \|divorce and contraception diffi- pt on warranted jhealth grounds, if not. impossi- I ble. | For women up to 45 years of age, abo rtion is out--unless they can prove injury to health or produc against ceptives, have d child-bearing. : never marketed on) any large scale in Romania, | the |" e other valid reasons Contra- isappeared from market and now are given only rarely on tion. All this backdrop a doctor's prescrip- has come against the of a nation in which abortion was the traditional and easiest method of birth control. GIRLS GET ABORTIONS "Schoolgirls of 13 and 14 were getting abortions, and older girls were risking their health by havin gZ a whole series," ad cial. Now, according to Buchares pregnant gossip, women are sharing hospital beds and sickly babies are put into oxygen tents in groups. Romania in 1956 had one of boom was welcomed by| some party and government leaders,|laws. They want the abortion! who saw a quick boost to the! ban reduced from 45 population, years, and they consider that! | d one Romanian offi- | |part in. the presentation were Mrs. Stanley Bone, Mrs. Leon- ard Kellett, Mrs. Grace Twid- dy, Mrs. Harry Stewart and oe ' Mrs. William Mitchell. Mrs Boosts Romania S Population Clarence Scott acted as planist. | Mr. and Mrs. John M. BUCHAREST (Reuters) --|the lowest birthrates in Europe.) plack, Masson Street, and Mr, Romania's biggest baby-boom| with 14.6 per 1.000. Births fell in) and Mrs. Paul A. Black, Lans- since the Second World War,|10 years to 280,000 from 420,000 douné Drive, have returned linspired deliberately by strin-|a year. from a week's visit to Expo (67 =~ jgent new family laws, now is} Romanian women, 'through during which they were the _ State organiza-| syests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank tions, are urging the need for |p Garrison, Pointe aux relaxation of the neW | Trembles. 'o 35' ENJOY THE BEST OF AUTUMN An unhurried Fall vacation + Golf at your door » All weather tennis courts « Shuffleboard » Magnifi- cent autumn scenery e« Relief from hay fever « Modern comfortable ac- comodation + Wonderful meals « Special golf week rates » Open all year. not four, should be the acceptable minimum of chil-| homes, better supplies Divorce 'has become a lengthy and costly affair Jast- 18 months and a ARSE SE Ea ] ' HOUSEHOLD HINT To decorate a children's cake easily, press animal cookie cut- HOTEL Kingsway P.0., Lake of Bays Ontario, Tel. 705-635-2221 ters into the icing lightly. Then fill the outlines with cake deco- rations. St. George's Women's Guild , FALL LUNCHEON Wednesday, September 27th 1:00 P.M. ST. GEORGE'S Parish Hall CENTRE STREET Speaker: MARY WALPOLE TICKET CONVENER MRS. W. P. WHITTINGTON lon Sunday afternoon a recep-jof Lindsay, Mr. Chambers' sis- Miss Jean tion was held at Saint Giles/ter and Clayton Lee of Oshawa, Mills; | Presbyterian | ing, on marriage, to the | native costumes and the veil, Mrs. Clare McCullough is the) under the auspices of Woman's_ Association. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Berward Cham-) shop Oddly the veil has no reli- gious or social significance in Morocco. It the| years ago by Mohammedan Naomi Branch of Christ Church| husbands to make it difficult for marauding Berber tribes- A Donald Liddiard is the ticket) men to identify and carry off ,|tics show that when both par-|and Mrs. Richard Bowers, and! convener and other members| the prettiest village girls. ents are overweight, 80 percent|Lynne, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. of the special committee are. Mr./Mrs, William Broadbent, Mrs. Fountain,/Peter Francis, Mrs. was Mohammedan women wear black or white veils. Thomas| friend and I didn't realize the 40 percent of the Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Rob-'Graham, Mrs. Bransby Cook] significance of the colors until Mr. and Mrs. David St. Andrews. we tried to buy bright pink veils for ourselves at a small in one of the narrow e a tendency to be solina, and Mr. and Mrs. Ern-|bers of Peterborough were en-| Streets of Fez. The shopkee- tertained by their family. and| per was horrified. Our guide t |Miss Donna Goodwin, the maid tea were Mrs. Thomas Glad- Oshawa: was bers, tendants at the wedding of 50|Cambray, Whitby, Oshawa,! relatives with a dinner and| expla of| open heir 50th wedding anniversary.| Church. Pouring) Mrs. ¢ Mrs. Clayton Lee,|in, att Mrs. Albert Cham- were Cambray; Mrs. Harry) British You ined that only Berber Prior to her marriage to Rob-/dance on Saturday evening at} Women wore colored veils. Cooper, the former Nancy/the Rock Haven Motel, Peter- can, buy dijellabas at market stalls but you 'hambers' endance, brother, Other from New Westminster, Bobcaygeon, Columbia, the | straight knee-length coat | popularized by Prime Minis- | ter Nehru of India. It's also | introduced My were guests| | |Cover-Up From Middle East Fashion's Revolt From Miniskirt A HOSTESS at the Moroc- can pavilion at Expo mod- els a djellaba, This hooded, ankle-length coat-gown has fairly wide straight sleeves, The dijellaba is the latest of a series of fashions import- ed from the Middle and Far East. (CP. Photo) ; can also go haute couture and have them made to order. During the fall fashion showings in New York, the press was invited to a Moroc- can party where the sweet mint tea that Moroccans love was served. Then several Moroccan costumes were modelled, including a pure wool one worn by a Moroccan hostess from the Expo pavil- ion in Montreal, | a community of quiet elegance located in oshawa's northern residential Grea. Simcoe ond Taunton If you are looking for a lot te buy .. . visit eedar ridge -- use a builder of your choice, for information. Phone 723-1194 OSHAWA years ago, Mrs. Florence Wood] Port Perry, Zion and Toronto. | Ridin Shin einer Wy 7 NA NN NSS "p mY My ty RECIPE...fon a suceseful evening "at home" * pleasant guests * delicious men iu * lovely table setting * gracious hostess The keynote of any festive gathering is harmony. Let us help you choose table accessories that go well together and suit your personal taste too. Whether your taste is traditional or transitional, classic or modern ... for elegant simplicity and lasting appeal, you'll want to choose... ROYAL DOULTON Rerkehine Newest English translucent china pate tern, A dainty white honeysuckle mo- tif on @ soft green border trimmed in 1 pure gold. 5 piece place setting BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED BURNS 'JEWELLERS 20 simcoe north, oshawa OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9:00 P.M. e