Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Sep 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, September 18, 1967 Clean Youth Upstaged ike to form a club called thejlong as this is one of t ANN LANDERS By Pot-Smokins, Hippies Dear Ann Landers: I would)cinating than decent living. So he "Down With Hippies Society' unalterable facts of life, the off- or something like that. I am/|beat, the kook and the wayou- tired of reading about weirdos,|ter is going to grab the centre tt smokers, LSDers, draft-|of the stage. rd burners and the rest of those creeps. Why do we waste} Dear Ann Landers: You prob- valuable magazine and news-|ably never heard of a problem paper space and prime TV time|like this in your whole life. I on blobs who contribute noth-|am a 12-year-old girl who needs ing, have earned nothing and/your help. Don't you think a amount to nothing? |person who is on the verge. of These oddballs have the idea|being a tean-ager should be that they are something special| able to open the fridge and help because they are attracting so| herself to a glass of milk or an much attention. They go aroundjapple without consulting her! ruining the scenery whenever|mother? | they appear (just their pres-| If I was a hog and ate half a ence is a blight). They enjoy|pie or a pint of ice cream| the stares, hoping someone will! between meals I would say my} start something so they can get) mother had a right to be strict into a fight and yell, "I am/ about snacking. But I am a sen-| being persecuted because I am| sible girl and not fat or any- a nonconformist." thing. I was told recently that I am a square because I have a hair-| TOLD TO ASK cut, a clean neck and wear, Yesterday when Mom heard shoes with laces. I also shower me pouring a glass of milk for) © every day and wear trousers myself she said, "Put it back.) that are so loose I can actually You must ask me if you want sit down in them. to eat between meals." Every one of my friends can jp Boome Sit aione dk my|8° into their fridges and eat views. There must 'be others whatever they want to, and you should see the glop they pack who resent the fact that normal); What is your opinion?--Hun- people don't get any time or a space or attention. How about it?--Down With Hippies Dear Down: Here's space, with more than Dear Hung: I am assuming) some your story is the truth, the/ 50,-| whole truth and nothing but the) 000,000 readers. I, too, deplore|truth--in which case the 12-)___ CHI the attention given to people year-old should be free to help| who don't deserve it. But,/herself to a glass of milk or a) unfortunately, bizarre and odd-|piece of fruit without asking| ak LD GUIDANCE ball behavior is often more fas-!special permission. | Feed Consistent Psychology SISTER WINIFRED AT WORK Nun Turns Builder In Preparation For Work in Peru POPULAR chocolate fon- due is the newest of the dunking desserts. Choice By far the most popular dessert at the Expo 67 Fondue Pot Restaurant is the newest dunking-dish of all, Fondue Chocolate. Swiss friends assure us it is also the "IN" dessert in| many of Switzerland's finest) restaurants. And if you have| guessed by now that this fabu-| lous new Fondue was invented| by a Swiss in the land of the} Fondues you would be wrong, | It was invented in New York. MELTING SUGGESTIONS It was dreamed up, in fact, by a good friend of ours, who one day suggested to her hus- band that a certain famous} Swiss chocolate bar might be} even more delicious melted--| "for dunking things in--like a Fondue." The husband said, "Great, Do it." Our friend not only did it but mentioned it to another friend, Konrad Egli, of New York's| Chalet Suisse. Within 3 weeks! after it was put on his menu, | it outsold all other desserts, 2, to 1. As a consultant to Expo's| Fondue Pot Restaurant, Egli| did not try to keep any secret about it, in fact he advises us the Chocolate Fondue is so sim- ple, to keep it a secret is im- possible. The one magic ingredient is that famous serrated Swiss chocolate bar with milk choco-| late, honey, crushed almonds and flavorings already included. | Dunkables can be fresh or} canned fruits, cake chunks or} cut-up ladyfingers. The Fondue Pot in Expo 67 serves the fruit} in wide variety, and, along) with the cake, serves bread, | i To Child Refusing To Eat By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD [et The mother of a bright girl,/ with the peas. 2, writes from Pennsylvania: "Janet is 2, and a very go0d/ what you offer and wants a sec-| roofs, done a bit of welding and behaved child. | She talks very well and loves|Give her none or very little.|part of her wardrobe, books. We read to her a lot. She/Later you could begin a meal} Her purpose? is curious, of course, and, most-|with a piece of chicken well ly because of her questions, has learned to know all of the let- ters in the alphabet by sight. She knows all colors } "T talk with her almost con-| @---Suppose you told stantly as we work around the | daughter, 10, if she failed again house and yard. We enjoy her|to do her music practice at ajjindustrial education course natured, well fruits or pastry are dunked in the chocolate, Chocolate Fondue Dessert A Real Dunking Delight late melts and mixture is smooth, Serve in fondue pot or chafing dish, keeping warm | flame alcohol burner. DUNKS Each Fondue-er around the pot has a personal plate of dunkables, and a fork or wood- en skewer to spear and dunk with. Dunkables are almost janything you like that's good| with chocolate. For instance: Pastry: Angel-food cake; pound cake; ladyfingers, cut bite-size; macaroons, quartered. Fruit: Orange or tangerine slices; pineapple chunks, well- drained; apple slices; banana chunks; strawberries; seedless grapes. Marshmallows or pop- corn will delight the younger set. To Enjoy: Spear, dunk, swirl, and feast. Today's recipe serves as dessert for 4 to 6 adults; as a party sweet-snack, 10 to 12; and as few as 2 in their healthy teens. immensely. NO ILLNESS VANCOUVER (CP)--A roof- top nun on occasion, Sister Win- string bean one-half inch|ifred McCarthy swings a ham- ong--no more. Then proceed as mer with the best of them. In 12 months since she came If as time goes on she eats here she has clambered over ond helping, be very stingy.|learned to accept a hard hat as Sister Winifred is heading cut, or ground meat no bigger|towards missionary work in than a lima bean. Peru. A member of the Sisters KEEP IN TRIM By IDA JEAN KAIN A woman will go on a diet at the drop of a hint, but over- i |weight men are often strongly resistant to dietary changes. When feminine tact, culinary ingenuity and all other meas- 'lures' failed, one wife appealed to her husband's vanity on the age score. She reports: "T hope our experience will help someone else. Not until my husband was shamed into los- ing weight would he take action. Despite the doctor's admonition, he continued to overeat and gain. He's a young man, 34, five feet six inches tall and weighed 180 pounds. He's in the navy and looked terrible in his uniform. He looked so much older than his age that once he was mistaken for my father! That did it. I am eight years older than he is. I have kept my figure trim and I have boundless pep and energy, and frequently I am told that I look much younger than my age. "I have always cooked sensi- bly but he couldn't resist sec- ond and third helpings. Worst of all were the snacks--the banana splits and candy bars. "When he continued to gain, I became ashamed to take him courage to tell him so. This frank discussion jolted Because he loves me, he buck- | led down and took off 30 excess | pounds. The change in his appearance and in his energy/ re amazing. He looks young. places and finally I got up the) causes a man to look and feel him.| other wives who have succeed- |please report. Desirable weight Wife Helps Hubby Reduce By Pricking His Vanity He has a sense of pride in him- self that he never had before. It has even made a new woman of me. You might condense this and say our lives are changed and: we are both happy,' she concluded. Many . thanks for sharing. Congratulations to your hus- band for accepting the chal- lenge, Yes, he does love you. Now for some dietary meas- ures: To break the second help- ing habit, remove the tempta- tion, After everyone has been served, remove the serving dishes from the table. No com- ment, The less said about diet, the better: Good food need not be fattening. Plan well bal- anced meals and learn to cook with fewer calories. Routinely use skim milk or-skimmed milk in recipes. If a recipe calls for sour cream, substitute butter- milk. For example, beef stro- ganoff made with buttermilk is delicious. The food industry has brought out a pleasing variety of low calorie foods. Look for these special foods in the dietary sec- tion of the grocery store. It's a young man's world |today and there is no question lbut that excess fat padding | years older than his age. Will ed in helping their husbands to reduce and hold the weightline, is the weight that favors long life and good health. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Tomorrow Stars indicate a more or less routine day; also the possibility of having to revise some of your previous plans. In person- al. relationships, listen carefully to what the other fellow has to say. Persons born under some Signs may be somewhat tense now and their statements may on the vague side. Don't jump to unfair conclusions. For the Birthday If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, as of now, it would be advisable to take the initiative in advanc- ing your interests since, for one r of Charity of the Im late | ANSWERING QUESTIONS |Conception of Saint John, N.B., your) she decided to enrol at the Uni- | versity of British Columbia's jcertain time, she would have to/pecause there isn't one in her sit doing nothing unamused|own province. month, b ing on October 1, aspects will be fine for achieve- ment. In fact, planetary aspects) --except for the month of Nov-| ember and the first two weeks in April--will be ecceptionally| where you could see her, for 30) Sister Winifred is determined \|months (6 months ago) she | [potatoes of any type. She does }hungry. If we have to we will, "She has never had any Ill-\minutes. Would you make her|tg be able to gi ti nesses which our doctor says 18|practice after she had served wal us pee BE ad vedo unusual, However, at about 18|the sentence? started to refuse most food. She will try no vegetables, including chose the penalty and complet-| drink a lot of fruit juice and we mix vegetable juice with it. She doesn't eat a lot. of sweets, so that isn't the trouble. She eats mind. : she goes. A.--Certainly not; she had a| "1 would like to help build choice--to practice or to serve|something like a school. from a sentence of 30 minutes. She| scratch down there," she said. "She's a wonderful person to a small amount of toast, some soda crackers. The only meat she'll eat is ham. Sometimes when we encourage her to try new foods, she shivers and gags. "Our doctor says to let her go WIFE PRESERVER | but if there's any other way,| we'd prefer it." | My reply in part: | It's wonderful that you read| so much to that little girl and) talk companionably with her| and answer her questions so : | | kindly. | Before you discard an empty | What a bright and lovely lit-/detergent box, rinse it with hot] jover candle warmer or 1OW | te girl she is. I'm sure your|water. You'll be surprised at) |doctor is right when he advises|the suds. you to let her go hungry. Be) sure not to feed her or to push BRIDGING THE GAP food into her or to tell her she! must eat anything. Beginning with a desirable vegetable like string beans, |peas or carrots, start at one }meal by putting two peas on her plate, nothing more. Don't tell her she must eat, but tell her she can't have any other food unless she does. Say noth- ing more about her food or eat- ing. Don't give her anything until the next regular meal except fruit juice or perhaps, milk, if she doesn't eat the peas, Be sure to stick by this no matter how much she cries. H If stie eats the peas, then give A Man With Money her other things she likes at . that meal. At another meal you|. . . it often happens that might begin with one or tW®\the man with the experience ldiscs of carrots or with a piece nb Rab dsoh gets the money and the man health association here has set up a family care program to When A Man With Experience Meets BRAND NEW FALL ARRIVALS 463 RITSON RD. S$. Sale! Sale! Sale 'A& Full Length Formals AND BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS SARGEANT'S with the money gets the ex- perience. It has been soid that good judg- ment comes from experience, and ex- perience -- well, of course it comes LEXINGTON, Mass. (AP)--A} ed her obligation. It's the next| work with," said Geoff Cockroft practice period I would have in| a course instructor. The Roman lCatholic sister is the only woman in the course. OSHAWA TIMES . PICTURE RE-PRINTS 20% Discount o n Orders of S or More Pictures Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £,, Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each } provide foster homes for emo- tionally disturbed patients. The THE NEW aim of the program is to bridge the gap between life in the hos-| tchenfid pital and the daily challenges of ; . é normal life. || Classic VariCycle portable dishwasher f \- -- bed judg & Cholce of 3 push button $19 g xy a | c pest Rinse and Hold; . ae oe Poe one and Utensil; Full 725-3338 mistakes, it ex- BOB EAKINS @ Gleaming Porcelain Enamel plains why some people are better educated than others. | which many Swiss ¢ rs prefer, feeling that the choco-| late is sweet enough in itself. Measurements are level | CHOCOLATE FONDUE AND | DUNKS | 3 bars serrated Swiss choco-| late (3 oz. each) ¥% c. light or heavy cream, or | undiluted evaporated milk 2 tbsp, brandy, rum or | liqueur-of-choice, if desired) (for teen-agers, substitute 1) tbsp. instant coffee, or %/ tsp. each ground cinnamon and ground clove for liqueur) Break serrated bars into sep-| arate triangular pieces; com-/| bine all ingredients in saucepan. | Stir over low heat until'choco-| onto's larger shops, or Olive Teetro Salon, Lynda Bastine of Oshowa, RIVIERA COIFFURE 600 KING ST. EAST -- 723-8601 Take Advantage of Our Anniversary Special PERMANENTS . . . 5.95 FOR SEPTEMBER ONLY Ladies of all ages -- Phone 723-8601 Ask for -- Gino, who has European Training and Experience in Tore ty For An Appointment Call 723-8601 Criticism is whet you get when lyou have everything else. It takes a long time for some Inside and out @ Automatic-Lift Top Rack @ Exclusive new 4-Way Wash mw Exclusive Flo-Thru Drying @ Automatic Detergent and |folks to get over an illness if com- Rinse Agent Dispensers |pensation sets in. @ Automatic Power Cord Reel If you are looking for efficient' cleaning of your most precious gar-| PLUS MANY OTHER ments, quickly and reliably at low) OUTSTANDING FEATURES cost, then give us @ phone call.! |We Gre at your service, Don't be switched i from the best... | Gillard DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING 725-3555 former owner of Elizabeth's Beau' SEE THEM AT HOME APPLIANCES (OSH.) LTD. 90 SIMCOE ST. S. 725-5332 generous on and off for most of the year ahead, and you should) Purron 8-14 see a notable improvement on both job and financial interests by the time your next birthday has rolled around. After the month of October, your next beneficient periods along mate- rial lines will include the first two weeks of December, all of January, the first two weeks of February, the latter half of April, the first week in May, the last two weeks in June and next August. Personal relationships will also play an important role in your life during the next 12 months, so it would be advis- able to enlarge your circle of acquaintances--which you will have many opportunities for doing--especially through trav- el and social activities between now and November ist, in Jan- uary, April and during mid- 1968. Best periods for romance: October, next-April and June, A child born on this day could excel as a scientist, technolo- gist or educator. Custom Made or Ready-to-Hang DRAPERIES M @ HOMES @ OFFICES @ INDUSTRIAL -- Since 1919 -- WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol 725-1151 A handful of nylon net scrubs) potatoes better than a brush. W222 (mo=> ZNO @ Length @ Uniform Pleots @ No -- LP IxKoF 5 MODERN' have been awarded the exclusive EXACT A DRAPE franchise which GUARANTEES... @ Accurately squared corners uneven sagging hemlines LIMITED TI 0% ON DRAPES ME ONLY! DISCOUNT ALSO BLANKETS ONLY vy 821 OLIVE AVE. OSHAWA PHONE:728-461 | FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY | Beautifully Cleaned and Blocked cloth. Later the names of such other sports personalities as Sporty Grandma Ye ty Bobby Hull, Gordie Howe ang Foster Hewitt were added. Wins Third Prize This year Mrs. Davis embroj. ee (CP) -- Whe dered the 50-odd names ang Mrs. W. J. Davis was & added a crochet edging of bly 83 years of age she showed hét|,nq gold--Blue Sonics ual enthusiasm for football by trav-|olors--and entered the lun elling to Toronto to watch Wit-leon cloth "at the aa nee ni Blue Bombers play Ham-) ibiti ilton. Tiger-Cats in the Grey nznibitien. It won third prize, Cup game. That. was 1965 and Blue FREE PENICILLIN Bombers lost, but Mrs. Davis) Manitoba patients registereg came away with a prize she|with the province's rheumatie stil treasures. Before thejfever program get free ora} game, members of the team penicillin, sulfa tablets and ip. autographed a 54-inch square of jectable penicillin. Time To Go To Work...? Fall is the proverbial Home "Clean Sweep" Time ! . +. Time to clean out the odds and ends, nooks and cranies, paint and repair . . ..and of course, rejuvenate your draperies and carpets for the win- ter season. That's where BAKER Service goes to work while YOU take the rest. Each season thous- ands of people delight in BAKER cleaning service. Have you tried it yet? "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" poo "Over 80 Years Experience' ------ BAKER CARPE1 CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge | | | Located Between Whitby and Oshawa on Highway No. 2 PLEASE--NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS i i a i a fi y PESPERLEELESS SOREL OREO ES EEPECSSEA TESTO RHEE DETERS ERS E EER TILER EERIE EETEGEGCer EES eteee AFTER AN a years Pastor an White, above, Oshawa to clait dian flag as Both former 1 Oshawa, they Couple St For Childr KALEDEN, Children have a b Farm. So do the : More than 50 p ing nearly all sp dian domestic been gathered or this Okanagan Vz ty. They live and 1 ehard setting wit ored individual as neat as a pin. The idea of op ren's farm was | many years of Bob McKeeve bought a house ¢ Kaleden they fo site. They already boarding kennels donkey who "'has for years." Thest foundation on Ww their collection of Bob McKeever, penter, has m: huts, hutches an ious sizes to su «mals. He also ney-type charact - farm a touch of peal to children. . FREE TO WANI . The animal co -Jast winter. Ct and a calf were to buy, said Mr. ' the pony had to | fully. . "We wanted "which could be . the sulky," he s2 Maggie, th ' goat, is a recer gether with a * kid which the } children bottle-fe Two pigs happ their spacious » white ducks and _are well satisf . specially installe " was fenced in be opening July 1. open the pens 2 « mals wander lo > dock," said Mrs. » "The children _ and touch them. - much more fun watching anima * or from a distar The McKeeve some of the' ani and. buy young | then., "They 8! especially those spring," Mrs.

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