Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1967, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES; Saturday, September 16, 1967 ! A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE 4 CLC Executive Names New Acting President OTTAWA (CP)-- Donaldjion Bureau of Statistics report- of 8 MacDonald, 58, secretary-treas- ed Friday in its annual estic| Opens Air Rink urer of the Canadian Labor) mate. MONTREAL (CP) -- The| @ Congress since it was founded This is a 1.9-per-cent rise or Soviet Union's new Tlyushin - 62 j in 1956, has been formally|399,000 more than the June 1,/landed at Montreal Internation- named its acting president, 'C1966, census estimate of 20,-.al Airport Friday on its first was announced Friday 015,000. Largest percentage!scheduled commercial flight to Mr. MacDonald had been des- increases were reported in Brit-/North America. Powered by ignated as senior officer of the ish Columbia, 3.9, and in Ontar- four rear - mounted turbofan 450,000-member labor body jo, 27, engines each rated at 23,150 since early this year because of pounds of thrust, the plane has the illness of CLC . President 'a capacity for 186 pasaenoert. Claude Jodoin. The decision to! Baby Breaks Back pen P 8 make him acting president Was') | AMINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- Plans Shutdown taken by the CLC executive an ej ght-month old baby. council here daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sid LONDON (Reuters)--General Mr. MacDonald has resigned) Flias of this Lake Erie town, Motors - owned Vauxhall as chairman of a special com- died when the bassinet she was ge announced Friday it mission investigating the struc- in fell to the floor of the cou- will close one of its plants for ture and --, ---- CIC! ple's car. ip is 7 Mc eS of aa iy Sevecative' Vice-Pres!- vo Baia hag ong pp ees. The fire. said ine sion: dent Joseph Morris. ently wriggled the bassinet gown, begun Wednesday over a| boo it fell to the floor and she pay dispute, threatened assem-| } fell from it and broke her back. bly.tine production at two 'abe | Drug Prices Cut | The parents were away from factories. | OTTAWA (CP) -- All 59) the vehicle at the time of the | members of the Pharmaceuti-/@c cident Thursday, picking Ex-ILO Head Dies i cal Manufacturers Association | tomatoes in a nearby field. ; | of Canad EARLY WEEK MONDAY -- SEPT. 18 TUESDAY --SEPT. 19 WEDNESDAY -- SEPT. 20 Money Saving Features -- AT -- 0 More than 3,000 tended the Oshav Show on opening day. Discussing tI > exhibits with radio ia have reduced their * . GENEVA (Reuters)--Edward| 0 drug prices in accordance with Bicycle Accident Joseph Phelan, director - gen- vision star, Juli d.! ead _ lt - I : al of the I ional Labo left to right) Hay the Sept. 1 abolition of the fed! sar ont, (CP)--(Orsancation from ait to 1p | CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL HOLDS GRADUATION EXERCISES doch, Oshawa association said Friday in aj Ten-year-o!d Brenda Jean died at his home near here Fri-| press release. The association, aay was Fog Friday while sade pinghiei -- Weel The Most Reverend Fran- of St. Gregory's Roman ricia Brockman, Carol Coul- Nancy -- Covssting COUNTRY I which accounts for 85 per cent|cycling outside her home, oue 'ayed @ rtant part inj i. arrocc : ic Churc' Sec rs ter, John Coros, Adrian De- Oortwyn, Rosa alumbo, of prescription drugs made and| mile north of here. drafting the part of the Treaty ela aghast Hide he Powe sete page Laat, Susan Dobby, Susan Linda Paulocik, Erna Reid, ECONOMY BUY - sold in Canada, said "not one of| Her bicycle was hit-by a car. ©! Versailles which set up the) "atholic Auxtary Bishop o ships and trophies were ¢iso Driscoll, Omer Dupuis, Marinus Vandermeer, Ber- | SLICED LOIN END ' these companies has failed to| Blenheim is about 15 miles !/0- Toronto addressed the 1967 presented. Sister Mary James Dyl, Maureen Evans, nadette Vanhoof, Frans Ven- | ; pass on the price reductions to southeast of Chatham. » . graduates of Oshawa Catho- Sheila former principal of Regina Gardzinski, Barbara lersel, William Van Veghel, | in wholesalers and retailers." | Riots Kill 37 lic High School, at gradua- the school was present at Gibbs, Matthew Gimpelj, Suzanne Weeks, -- * | mK tion exercises held at the the ceremony. Sister Mary Stephen Horvath, Stephen Winterink, Betty Yanch, | Blind Man Robbed Man Arrested Hor tae Ute oe school Friday. This year's Sheila was principal until Jarrell, Kenny Johnson, Otto Zavesiczky, Audrone | : : | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Police Friday 4) epee ement Said) valedictorian . was Otto the end of last term, when Mary Kilistoff, Sharon Eliza- --Zelvys, Richard Zukowski. not TORONTO (CP) -- Blind) s rested a man Friday on the| kil ng 87 persons had been) Zavesiczky, and diplomas Sister Conrad assumed the beth Knox, Catharine Lam- (Oshawa Times Photo) Donald Williamson took a walk] tckirts of Windsor after soca? in acts of violence since] were presented to the 20 position. Graduates were: bourne, Betsy Lamers, | Sennen Me mI : in downtown Beaumont Park erabet of the Canadian rhllihe bioe D uadgalyracaea erupt-! students by the Right Rev- Judith Aasen, Shayne Arm- -- Joseph Marks, Paul Mc- | C By WILLIAM L, Thursday night, guided by his! io) Bank of Commerce was lere in May. A total of 3,568! rend P. M. Dwyer, pastor strong, Barry Breen, Pat- Allister, Lawrence McAvoy, | PEKING (CP) -- | three-year-old seeing-eye dog,| persons had been OE Sees ee ue Wi RSet i, och tld elle ns i LB own accounts, the | Sam. There was a tug on the of ee oe ve reply in court at . ' . China has reached a leash, the slam of a car ; olice sal ey flushed the) rges of rioting, curfew s ical stage. Curren a aie et aca' tet Uti Ets stinatt, WEATHER FORECAST Bigger Say he officials of the Canadian|area {o the south of the city,/bombs. a "~ movement which co National Institute for the Blind| two miles from the bank. . " s s | F hi 7, | | 7 ne in ; a huge area of s ate seeking the thief who stole! Wayne Davies told police he Widow On Bail ine eat er ontinues ros 1es 0 'Dominion's Own Brand --Bayside Save 9 from central control. eee nerreee rere | war betering oy ee Wee PP) VANCOUVER (CP) A t- OTTAWA (CP)--Patrick Wat- F ancy Red Sockeye oe sav 8 Man me neg Counter' vear-old widow pleaded guilty Ison, host of the former CBC SAL ON y! C Ma is Ye M 4's TIN OF g t ( Labor Adjudicator |hoisine "what looked: like a Friday to obtaining fraudu- Throughout Weekend {television show This Hour Has OTTAWA (CP) -- The federal! He: left the bank, telephoned) /"!Y $17,637 in old-age pension 'Seven Days, told freshmen stu- St. Jovite, Mt. n dred teen-agers staged a sit-in. PEOPLE NUMBERS BOOM | B. 100, St Vouite Rant Friday around the flag-pole at Between the beginning of} HERE and i HERE Dufferin Heights junior hig time and 1830 the world saw its! school to protest a short lunch/|first billion people. The second P.O. 100, St. Jovite, P.Q., Cai Telephone Area Code 819, 425-27 cabinet has appointed Prof. ee tog Saas .|Payments by using five differ- dents at Carleton University Fernand Morin of Quebec Cy eee ery ie Mi wpb bank! ent names. TORONTO (CP) -- Official)day sunny with some early| Friday to demand a bigger say as an adjudicator of Labor dis-|chased the man in a car to the) Beatrice Westington was|forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. morning fog patches. Warm.!in the university's administra- ABOUT A Scotian Gold Seve 5 eda frit a nanounced Pega. |*™"" rentence report Herbal was, Snonss: The prolonged. spel Forcast Temperatures Th NEARING Alb? || oom a e, it was announc riday. sentence report. Her bail was Synopsis: The prolonged spell} 'orecast Temperatures The revolution has already ie : ; a As adjudicator, he will hear set at $2,000. lof fine weather continues to ; y yun i iversities. heif CMe in! Get the facts! If you've i TORONTO (CP) - grievances arising from the Chryslers Recalled The court was told the! give "cn? skies mr yen | woe sau on, os a Bae he Prehearing never worn a hearing aid or if the }} 48-02 j we legal aid systet ; ; ra Pe gee 7 oe ite ISOF + ssseeeee eel said, s ern- ; Seda : -OZ. ened by lawyers weaer the ee if DETROIT (AP)--Chrysler| poman merely applied tive a f-'degree temperatures over all'si Thomas 80 |ments are working for political atatblvastctacton pve TINS remands in the hope relations *Act. the lenisiatis |Corp. said Friday it is recalling) in; eed under five differ- but extre me northwestern TONGON: sisecene 80 |reform within the university. We'll gladly talk it ai cahhdene Al a more favorable de ich a an "_ 957 Rootes Arrow sedans and| © eee or the old-age pen- MpAnD. The current weather Kitchener ...... 5 80 | 'The whole process of educa- sialig canal lf vou Weed Bis AT a different judge, collective bargaining rights. His|Sttion wagons because of batis of Seth cout, on the) Carts. gre 98 Ineicates. tt ONY | Meant Ferest 78 |tion should take into account|} iq the selection of a hearing aid. | j Joseph Addison sug afoulatoent Ee Sealine possible defect in the mounting °&SiS of a birth certificate, Crane ihre) eee Wingham 78 | what ie student wants to learn} wees i: aye iain day. \ jas "| bracket of a rod in the front ° Ponto, Me Neb '| Hamilton 78 |... The university should be a }o# Saat " , ati basis, is for two years. i eeeasdan brake teuction abva: Denial | Mindees, Sudbury, North Bay.|st Catharines 80 |community of learning ee det | MM, | Desninien s Own Brand Save 27c¢ fe Daboratt F lratus. ; | St. ' Erie,| Toronto ..+- g0 |a training school." : bled hi Seeks Expansion \ No failures have been report-| Uner ate bea --|Niagara, Lake egal Lake Peterborough 80 | "The biggest problem the stu- ® | Domino Heer tosket at MONTREAL (CP) -- Aired in the United States, Chrys-) oa) U Thant Fride Teen a at bony Sond 'eorgian) Kingston we 80 \dent faces in the lecture room f Here you have all the different 28.02 2% hotirs "earlter France is negotiating to expand | ler said. ' (published report that he had Hor Ae e rn White Ricec| Trenton %¢ 80 jis trying to stay awake," Mr.jI Zenith models to choose from-- {| TINS" the legal aid system its service into Ontario, Pierre|, The cars, 331 of which had/threatened to resign his post|regions: Sunny and continuing) Muskoke " 3 | Rae Oe slim, trim eyeglass models--a |} omatoes The system pro Donatien Cot, airline president, | been sold by the end of August./ unless the United States ftp om today ane Sunday, Winds eee 18 high-fidelity hearing aid--incon- |! legal service for tho: said Friday. He told a pressjare imported from Chrysler's! the Soviet Union made a more light. : és Te ney ' . spicuous at-the-ear models and 'é Ferny pay. conference he has high hopes | Rootes Arrow subsidiary in) cerigus effort to solve UN prob- Northern White River, west- oe shea conventional instruments-- |) ~" Mr. Addison said some arrangement can_ be) Britain. lems. ern James Bay regions: Varia- ania Marie 4 Prices range from $50 to $550, Christie--Premium Save 23¢ person normally m made with the federal govern- * His deriial was in response to ry ae abe Si . | - sent thes "At F226Cs| Bridge Baron Dies ar'nty'at Keres "ner: Gty nutes tty 'ngaenkanwsaing wets pe et court elore Mi, strengthen its services in Nor tional Airport as the secretary -| chiefly t ster: a 0 obligation ished, Unecessary r America and French - speaking! PARIS (Reuters)--Baron poocat 4s t fey ed rom The ee of beth recieag Lirts| monsonee sid east pee tome gio call 16-02. mean one or two areas of the Caribbean. ag 4 7" Pern Fetes (caret The original report had|change in temperature. Winds; | Ry s PKGS. appearances in abou i has died here at the age of eee ee Calro gin The Dean of the Iscul S cases. He Population lit was learned Friday, Thel Al Ahram. cco gen and Ottawa regions:| /aurentian Mountain Resorts. : TUESDAY ri = pee OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's|baron also presided over the| Sit I ers bist dim euiecs Aas CRAY ROCKSINN 3 | " Anan =e population reached 20,405,000 at/European and French bridge 1t in posts bins meniseteek Watienk N GILBERT L. SCOTT | Vanc s 52 June 1 of this year, the Domin-' federations. _| TORONTO (CP) -- Nine hun- / | , an Lamp ave 52¢ Fl I r] een | PORK y-in LONDON © ONTARIO in. 71 aN IMPERIAL OPTICAL AND 28.07. 11 Ontarior St., Oshawa i] BE ANS TINS Seen As ese : ; ae ving period. |billion came between 1830 and} : : HERE THURSDAY 4 31 mere UNION 'ator, They chanted and sarg|1930. The third billion between | NEW WORLD PERFECTION 728-6239 The president of the Society i gt bp hay Hendin |around the pole after classes! 1930 and 1960. OT-9-67) CLINTON, Ont. (( of Industrial Accountants of from | Pee: ritis' 'on UraS,| ere over in an orderly demun- Seer SiR I Ra i BE TUS MG atm ora occa. ov ope oh SSS ee mn ai Ontario government Ontario, Ronald A. McKinlay| Yesterday completed a two-| j ation "Dominion's Own" Domino Frozen Save 6c ment of a "fly-in" will address the Oshawa Dis-|Week educational assignment on} The trict Chapter of the society at "Bankrupcty" at. the)' Apt " 'evel | Mr. McKinlay is cur-| Workers' Credit Union in Belize, , ; ~atlor rently lect stg ie e Uaiver: was one of 20 students brought ne tore t i ais ae freenatn to Canada under the auspices} 7 ven. + t of Canada's external aid office| 'tt He Hoa Rel dca aed ret REPAIRS SCHEDULED from 13 emerging countries| Short. "I think the school wii, A 540-foot section of the east|in Africa, South-East Asia and chaise Iecin breakwater in Port Hope har-| the Caribbean area, bor will receive 1,000 tons of! InNyESTED IN OFFICE Knights of Columbus armour ane Durham MP|_ 1. H. Inkpen of Whitby, Dep-| MALL FOR RENT tawa "Washouts have occ urred uty District Grand Master for Speciol Rotes in the br cw: er and the main- Ontario District, AF and AM, Sunday thru Fridey $18.789 was nec. invested A. D. Hele of Oshawa 725-0397 723-7605 ssary to ensure the breakwat.|17. the office of membership in| " = ss er stability. The contract has|@¢,Gtand Lodge of Canada AF fam | ap ed to McNamara|2"4 AM, in the Province of | , : "eNamara Ontario, at the regular meeting of Parkwood Lodge here. Mr. ODI apts inane: | ee Guaranteed | ed in ihe Oak the Annual Communication in| er. The first. Toronto in July this year. uae hin Municipal} gm investigate the DX -- DX -- DX -- DX investment Certificates NOW EARN on. July 15, of John J. . r. The other will be held BE WISE: lineups. JUICE is Bright's Choice 4 | PLUMS «§ Kraft -- Jet Puff Save 32c mr ONTARIO NO. 1 SMALL Naughton predic night. "Tm convinced | than ever before, imaginative prograi self - liquidating i1 cost in a relatively s he said. The treasurer sa tions with a numbe tries who want to lc park are reaching stages. At least one ment would be month. He also said enrol new Centralia school ture and home eco reached 75 per cent | tive of 100 students year of operation, w to go before courses The Ontario gover chased Centralia f from the federal Another $613,000 we students claim most of | : genus , rk- : ' ' | ark at former RC | at aie' (Oshawa) "Credit, Union, |{heit 28-minute lunch period is wy | Centralia will not < ur at - Gen Joseph Griffith, also part time | taken up getting to their lock-| cial taxpayers '"'one Mr {cKinlay wi 34 ' f a . i fi | ' z 5 : al ge treasurer with the Municipal|@'S and standing in cafeteria 6%-0Z. Treasurer Chi to the Ontario D KING Corp. to undertake Sent. 3 $ ISAVE $$ i and adaptions of th Re ay re 7 Ue on 19, at the OPP building $ $| in nithy. "to 'irialiews tk ECONOMIZE! 612% death of Andre S. Moser. on ¢$ ee: cise Eaeehe "per annum a for industry. EWS S| yx (Sf fg; ONIONS | | fincn | FUEL ] Guaranteed--os to principal ond : OPTICAL | DX OIL Mexibie=may be, used os Col- a : bi sp Estoblished for over 30 years $ Paablety bxecutore i King Street West Phone 668-3341 wine vent of 'death, 2 PHONE 723. 725-0444 H uthorize Fey rustee nm C |DX -- DX -- DX -- DX er 5-LB. 8 BOND ST. E. = -------------- J nti ontario raust | BAG { 7 RAISER TRE ED LENT TIRE IE waicsuey bint if & SAVINGS CORPORATION | : SU REQUIRES AN acpi | gross! S eaticreten: | " rook iad GUARANTEED peng a nso e Rerserve Right To Limit Quantities q ASSISTANT SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST pce as MIDTOWN PLAZA -- KMART PLAZA yo wee ee stad 4. een DOWNTOWN OSHAWA -- ety ae tok da = e : SO 623-2527 4 detins se the office of the City Treasurer and Deputy Simmer tte WHITBY and BOWMANVILLE q oo ' confidential ond varied nature. : AMPLE FREE PARKING F For rodding and Aspicants should hove fall high schoo! education including commerce one DOMINION STORES. LIMITED ossist Instrument ; FRIDAY ; q te Apsiy IN WRITING ONLY, Sivion (ull setella of 'an Tmartiet Ohad NIGHTS Dae sducotion and "experience, ete., before 5:00 p.m. Fridey, September end 4 as eta hs eo THE PERSONNEL OFFICER apes | City Holl, Oshawa. pf 4 cele OE

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