Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Sep 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, September 16, 1967 18--Male H 18--Mele Fi 66 " IMME For quolifie Steady emp! i 2 working 'cond Call The Direct baste Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 9 to- 12. Lindsay 8--Articles for Sele 11---Pets and Livestock 17---Female Help Wanted Cian bao . iPPiNe 'i ce WOULD YOU BELIEVE Part ond e Two Bieveyes (men's) ore. racer. Ou euALiry FE dang yy TOY CHE EST yp bite hainenarttl Diks, etm excellent. pply ve it OF Felephone 724-2471 Pouce et specialist 04 OFFERS MR, § a TEER z g |W It, ot ean Taira € $$$ MORE F Foc Beotgmr 0 Sab I RANCH DEMONSTRATING TONS, Telephone ps. SHOW, mare in I to quar: We Will Train You. BS i adh sae 28 HN vs ai ee ae md No investments, Collections, or ig Ma pilances, Call Elmer, SCaae REPAIRS cominon al ONANLOE r olveies nent 'ulure fo fo. GLASS "REPAIRS fo sluminum and] CHA oi - Thresyeer initial ' rteln, te fat f, ' Sa -- incentive compensé Brital al indsay, Accountants Building Trades ____|Mortgages _ [Towing Free pickup end Can ry. Fo ar les ar HOTEL DESK CLERK benefits. | Oshawa, aie eM Bernie am emer we Senate! Mortgage Loans TOWING! Teme Meith i NOR" Pale te aloe, CRE ont wit a cae , VV: in ir exper! a om Telephone 'Oshawa 125-6599. 206 a tt, ail work queventeed for three g g 24 HOUR SERVICE a aril Telephone 423-5186. over 21, to work days, some fal opportunity. Re GORDON R. DAY, Cerlified General| Yours. 725-028 First Mort ; | NAL TOWING FROM $2.50 Ene enty en BP var Ob Le Tir sale, femele,| experience on NCR posting Box "34867, Oshawa Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-|ALL TYPES "aiiing repairs, Rooting | First Morag nced | fit, Your esnvenioncs we gum. Spricot color. Telephone . maching, also PAX. Ameitious You ping Corie ene fraser' Gord Mare Whiley. 660774. "| ily Corfent rate of 84 maintain a tow truck at Eost verv-| SIAMESE KITTENS, seven weeks, 12 education, 10. BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Masonry. Gord May, Whitby. 668-2774. | quickly. Current rate of 8%. and West Locations. tea all sores ata ateetted ali your frainee, pedloree, $35, Telephone 942- Box M75390 fits, Please. apply. Complete bookkeeping service, 178 $im-|ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, : "rnd Open half-vearly without no- Osh 5 poy Royal. dealer, 728-3664 anne, tits, oi oF SONY coe Street N., 725-0397. Res, 723-7605. __| repairs, large and small jobs. L. an tice or bonus. First mortgages snawa lowing nee adi ie. SaETUANO SHRED GoeT --minlaiore ministre THOUSANDS read Times Action Ciassl- a ale oa arenes ane Ni ghidaticns POONS ERT) |Guanonteed beh i youl callien, youre Puppies, | young weer! Dal ART 1 Tl 'we DOORMAN, "aged B ied ads daily. | chimney as! greements for ie purchos- =a F 'Western aoe | rere ane neg "Sana ee Pb nan . er JEAN PETIT ae alti eee. Toe Be - SHORT ORDER COOK MALE OO icense: rustee, re > + '" Ate) pee ee a acsales Weert Mee beige] Send Maton TV SERVICE | supe) rec atl Sa pe ect ESP fc ended vo en a, Be « HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO. Charter orient work. 725-4891, | erin an "Shangue, | Second mortaages arranged ot BECAME IN 1407 THE FIRST MAN =_S0vth._--|reedles, "Telephone ings in week. Apply a0). * ria ge et Oshawa On STROUGI Onan hatte of 10% . 12%. COLOR TW RECOMMEND A HUMANE CUSTOM Two Wait i; male, "ahaa, iminta- MR. CAMPBELL, Tv SERVICE ME! tario, 725-3509; §. T. Hopkins, CA: H. &. nteed kK. ms Holliday. pen half-vearly without no- or PRACTICED UNIVERSALLY ture poodle re salary fo $150. wé Beadle, CAs E Lakow, CA. Rare lar | Sor tome tecond' mot | BLACK ond WHITE PERMITTING A Mall OF Lt emai tceonane satan] GENOSHA HOTEL nla YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- t gages also purchased. FOR THE BEST CALL CLOTH TO COMFORT THE LAST We BOY, "AND EXCHAWG 655-4871. CK __NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE SALES AGENT re tered Accountants, Licensed Trustees in| Carpentry | Rates for arranging mortgages HOURS OF CONDEMNED 'MEN rniture or ing you have. the Witt L_BOARD. HR! aes. th, Bae a EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanica. Pen Company. App Bankruptcy, 57/2 Simcoe Street North, | " 'Tradl st 'Store, 446 Simcoe Ing stalls, 630 care. |r 'Steak, 15 Bond . 682, Station Q, To thaw Quality Carpentry | fering to'tent Lig Sireet'Seuthe 72316. me Haran, wT. ___|phone Masoait etter pmo" Pie cepees Res - | ' © Teh che ee nlrasa v0" i preferal to the Bo-Peep Res Blueprinting GENERAL REPAIRS | Will invite your comparison. TELEVISION $25) vrewa lectrie ne hyper, ir aad cayniry, eh months part Colle and &, AHO W, of Canada, simeoe Limited, ping 'Centre... BE | Home Improvement Specialists MANNING F TZ THE WITCHES' TOWER ing_machine $20, @lsq_ electric, 723-4434. |Labrador dog. Spayad only, Age 183%, preferably married RAWLEIGH BUSI SELL RAP TING 00 Career | Serving Oshawa and District aie PRadanbl | FOR rota in Weinheim, Gert GUARANTE! iD wringer washers, needles. ene_T-ssa--____|we groome: 'comed, pleasant personality, live Oshawa and surroy , 52% i : | _- h Biveprinting and photostatic copies. | for Many Years. | for deg 30 years) | Your Own | WAS USED. FOR CENTURIES Ag ASA mney ee retri atc, $34.50 and YouNG ayo ies -- A limited num inv ie elie hours. Uniform, pr. tea, own. ire Building Trades | Homers ond Dependable Service | 264. King Steet East, = | = TV TOWER ---- THE THRORI |Shnco Bout, 78-0, BOARDING STABLE for horkes In Whi-/26" 48 G27. Join the Burger Family, fiw Sh" st. Henn 623 3411 | Tele y38 ise? | THON < re ONLY Bn | Lid tr sponse isegton ony "pretty [or Mat ae. two months, ter-|MATURE and reliable woman to heip NEED MEN, with REPAIRS std | Sree 7 a wee 68 ae 728-51 43 | CAN "FLY" Song yp ya Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3271. SLACK Moun, wonderful. pet, $35. care for wo children, light housekeeping to take over a Wa OME ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, | MORTGAGE LOANS 2 JT DIVES TO DEPT PBysy yd ENTER THE TOWER ON A HOUSEHOLD discaraabies removed. No | Telephone 725-9890 or 728-8058. chen Teast, ery Boom Saar. Tele Se ea nine ALTERATIONS trim work, remoulsing and general Fe- ia hove inepeciote: hg he Corner Bond ond Division Ta Gee MISE THEOLGH icestt yh wet Oe charge If enough value to cover trucking. BEAGL ; PUPS, registered, six weeks EXPERIEN Sti ier regulrd io riogg becells ; ADDITIONS Dressmaking | gages, Free advice arrange- Eee ares Reena Re eh orem, Tocoaions," v8 a ready (QUALIFIED hairdresser w wanted, @ Good 19--Male ar ----| ments may be made in your anteed one year, $20. up. Sales and serv-/7 4a) ing strain, Apply P. working conditions, High mission, Ip W to DRESSMAKING, aesienine, alterations, | own home. A. ROSEN member Ve " ; . ice, MeLinton's Ottice Equipment, 728-| Broad, iy "eigin East. Apply Ozimek's iairstving otHeide' S)e Help HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES |2uit"re. Neve at 440-8506 or eat-ssso. "| Of Ont. Mont, Broks, Assoc. "BUILT IN OSHAWA" 5A--Comping 8--Articles for Sale 3664, 347 sitson" Road South, Windsor Plaza, -- Rec Rooms and Kitchens BRESSMAKIN eT 725-0532 evenings and week- AT OUR OWN PLANT cavering sets, the'"new. Broan 12--Articles Wanted Matus caby wa TADY WANTED "ic fng Reach 7 PRICES CUT TO COST Trailer Rentals Still Available For August and September. Furniture, 668-5481, HOUSEKEEPER to care for three chil- dren, two school age. Light household duties, Live-in, own lovely, poet room. ONE 2-row 'ulton accordion and one Information (18 miles no perti | a Specialty d S Kal , Sen eget sales sl ends 728- 728-5623. __| We give you a better tower |SEASON-END CLEARANCE NOW 655-3817. SEWING begga 5 preferably y Singer, harge of nor. "Tohephone ome, live In or h 4 de A add 72. INBED ¢ g for | oney. i Tent DROOM SUITE, triple dresser anainearly new and in top out. Ab: PI 8-7018. James Allen and Sons [cpessmaxinésiterations Have your| NEED, CASH 20, cpeaagate your Foes usneed Beaty ee lag fies SIX SERVICE BAYS papego Hier, 'BRIN In' excettent| 823 WAITRESS | cil shift. Ne Schoe 725-6126 ld wardrobe revamped at very reason-|We feature second mortgages of 12 per and Camping Supplies condjtion. lephone 72-2805 or apply|GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.|phone calls, Apply Mr. Coe Gen- rates, Telephone 668-8997. i apt Aloe tiret moticenie deallewie" sae: OSH AW A 1 V | FOR FASTER SERVICE |!271_Wecker_Drive Highest prices, Call anytime, MacNelll's|osha Holl Bo ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail # Glisneivianr Luk a == ----= | Fidential, privat cement work, 'stoops, sewee tc. I UYaRATIONT AND ALL TYPES of! Hn ial, private funds. Call 723-4631 ad 655-3061. F. McCann, R labs RR_3, Oshawa aoe medals, WOW BUYING. Coins, ae collections violin ior, sale. For more cm badges, etc., we 942-2495 after 5 p.m. sf | __ |S We Telephone 725-0865 or 207 Bloor'! ft. West. |1ST AND 2ND mortgages available. We| SUPPLY LTD. WHEEL ALIGNMENT eet EG ae Teacher for COMPLETE HOME |buy, sell. and arrange. For personal/ | Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- lty tower sPRCIAL -- Claremont 649-2471 before 6:30. reasonable. M. "Totontaine "Const "ttd|Gardening and Supplies service, licensed 'broker, phone 728-9191. | TAUNTON RD. E. K A MP ING | mouth, Pontiac, We correct all Ehennet antenna," 350. OTRO Tele: anletion | ay vio fap Rie Cockrait LOUNGE. wallresiea wank at Central ' hae | dell ono atl eh gy ae Just East of Ritson) | wheelalignment, inspect and vielen. 78 TNA. a3 'Sowmen . 3 eG, Wyn heve, own me For Albert Ont -- ements purchased and so ennici | EANERS, Ai 'and ib ) Mr. Mew ' CHIMNEY repaired, new ones made, and H k, Barristers, 31 King Street | correct castor and comber- [18 VACOUM eu Nally, stovtepects may wexcorte! = (GARDEN Oe ee UNLIMITED sign toe mand toes our (ea =" vee me Sime HTS --"Avticles for Rent (neutaceuran.-inri-iisan yor Teacher for 5264, |Painting and Decorating | TELEVISION -- RADIO | Rental -- Sales -- Storage | corect condition .... $7.98 lsvavera awed caralion., Miacaleel Tables, Choirs, Linens, Dish- [week Responsible Ce a Sanita! + ; Z ; F bedroom suite, nish, . * " F pel BR i FB iy ll ot SUPPLIES PAINTING and. bar hanging, Interior 24 Hour Service TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH : @ Parts extra if required spring and mattress, in good condition, apply. Box 493, Colborne. Ont. I f King St. Eas es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee ings installed? roofs repaired, Phone 723-| and exterior. estimates and low (1 mile north of King St. East) @ Torsion bor adjustment | Telephone 723-2323. , ry, i, @ ID HAIR STYLIST wanted. | Apply Salary schedu oy. prices. Telephone "7 126-28 . a) SMALL APARTMENT size plano like| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal incess Colffures, 39 Simcoe N. bt SUPER FINE GRASS MIX DO iT NOW while the weather is ni HOLMES eTts 728-9942 eae: new, Telephone 728-6960. Waar Man's Farmvalé White Talenoe Le actadl APA ay a Painti i decorating, Fi si ' id LIMITED 0 tunity CLASSIFIED RATES PARKLAWN CRASS Mix mates. F Schmigty 598%, | ELECTRONICS Attention Hunters | BRAKE SPECIAL 8h Avs tot its tron cui! War Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. Eornings Became» ety Goan pivina eal an n zgen "I Insertion of 24 -- 1.20; SUBURBAN GRASS MIX and arpeniry tn ee amcaeatiog| 1965 Chev % Ton with Most popular cars, First he a ue Mees aneane er SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mrs. Bhiott section manager, s94e2, nel bp additional words, 5c each; 3 consecu- TIMOTHY and ALSIKE workman, 147 Brock Street East or 725- RENTALS \ Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels reciaimer, one horsepower electric mo-| 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 |COMPANION, abstainer, for widow in R ibe insertions of pa words, 3.24," ead MEDION BLUEGRASS 2938. TV TOWERS homemade camper, sleeps ' s tor, all parts for @ '55 Chevrolet, 942- 63 Ritson Rd. 5., 725-3398 | aon healt, light Routekeeping © duties, Mrs, PAT tive insertions of 24 words. 5.76; addi- KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Plumbi nd Heath four. Low mileage. Al con- $ ] 4.88 bad GnTaRTANING? Fin Mae cere f Taal, Cohawa Times. S ca ae oe MSOMFGREEN reg | _ fae PHONE 668-5679 | dition. | Plus $2.00 per wheel cs Groce Vier aw catia Te quets, gt weddings. Bar, kitchen, keeping duties. gle te = houee. a" ops Charge--10 per cent gdditional charge -6- ¢ a ow Yueh Palau i lephone 723-4106. parking. 723-7) aoa beds |*2 Toronto. Live in with all ie pSV 1 if not paid within 8 days EVERGREEN 6-9-6 Plumbing Discount "T.V. Rentals ___ 725-2076 GBS cay BCE EE chrome aintie wl, ey WHEEL CHAIRS hospital" ede walk: n m, asant fem mame in good lai Method of Counting -- Late than 24 ides fag ig 149 Brock St. North | ALCAN |6--Marine | Equipment _ ~ WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL sie Ey "att a Plies. Ald: Rentals, 108 'Beatrice 725-1644, P aly in 'writing. to" Box M74402, mon or, Soles idabee : eae ay ' gne word: phone number counts, two or ee | WHITBY -- 668-6601 FURNITURE and J. ORDE Inca: seam ae hye Baby ae seat fy crib with matress $0. WALL FOR? ae eee Aon required for as. MIL COB: 65 tee es ; i 720-3613 between § . 4 : ego A DEATHS -- BONEMEAL Direct to you, plumbing sup- APPLIANCES : Prenie eR coy "i an pt = a ae Wah s oer ota Hed alia ty | SOCIAL NOTICES PEAT MOSS plies. Everything in" the 452 SIMCOE SOUTH MARINE LTD. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, Foot eee 4 Peikonone 'Little Britein| !4--Business Opportunities FULL - Time, © XPERIENEED "hair. bonus. All rep FRONT-E! ORK Lg e Call Jack Osb Fonal Charge If not paid within ® days, acy CURBTIEE Plumbing Nine, 20% off il 723-0011 PORT PERRY, 985-2351 pesiniegt hg oe lam dresser "wanted ras mone 44857 ee i "a ¥ or ve ¥ eg . sa IN MEMOR: JUMS, wate Ev iis dee dha inaedlens Pune eh iE' END OF SEASON ee au toe mans. si, wiakeas Spare Time twe Breeches a choot 'eit { M ES ley ite mea) Oe as ni hats JOE'S COLOR TV | CLEARANC SALE" UNIROYAL rope erg Money Maker _|ptone 'Titan "haven onde | R. M. terse; 23 additional shasta laltaalidaad sige ifalishdll dius and Radio Service 1967 JOHNSON'S NEW | CENTRES 9--Merket_Bosket Own' end epersté a profit. Ee en presser. Apply REAL FS) a mi CLOSED WEDNESDAY Pp, é One Hour Martinizing, Whitby, Tele» 172 KING CARDS OF THANKS 00 " eA Wit SPECIALIZING IN 80 HP, Reg. $1,403 now | able route of cigarette ma- |pnone s68-s491 $2.50 for the first 35 words and 7¢ |ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING 4 up| $1,050. | The New Home of hi h : } Boy 'OR GIRL for Sach. thereaiter with 25e additional [ei Tema alr ee] TAPE RECORDER okbiins | 33-H.P. Electric Reg. $702 | DOMINION TIRE STORES APPLES ented enmaciotly tar vou. wo |AcOMeth Maks Wansed | Be, Beatrice. rb. cag within 8 days. 16 on a ST. gineering, "255 Simcoe Street South. | 13 Bond W. RS now $525. | 17 Park Road South selling. Four to six hours p kl | m7. Between 530 [ COM | WES" teakic Gad veninacllina. Y, now 1 ; 0 WEEKLY < §2. 38, per mn idispley): ge ald 723-2312 723-1139 ee idea ferent ae Reason a ie] as ee Phone 729-9911 perl rae gi Wh gab YOUNG MEN Time, lagies or it idk Py ond 6 oe " DELIVERY SERVICE rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 ' ees not essential but good credit teriiories Whitby | USED MOTORS Pa op aR TRO RAEN Mclntos references necessary, write: phone 728-4922. AUCTION SA oo iRug - Upholstery Service | Fast T.V. Service 1954 Johnson Electric 25 | SUMMERTIME SPECIALS BOX To assist manager in locel APPLE Pic $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION. TOP SOIL -- MANURE RE-UPHOLSTERING H.P. $175, at Oshawa Times branch of coast te coast tert, Highway No. 3 DEADLINES Bee DOMINION 1959 Johnson Electric 35 Wileon's fi HOR-RENT tue Ieee vensly-bay-ana| chain organization, Experi- ton ae Bel WORD ARE No. 1 poceued top sci. | @ Wide selection of Fibre | TELEVISION | a7 sie | visors Fare, 1 (RR ENT ana ail Stat] ence unecessary, in, duce iy ah ¢ p.m, DAY PREVIOUS No. 1 processed and blend- & Workinitihin Gusrentese 1957 Johnson Electric 3 H.P. | Smooth top mattresses 29-95 $2 Per Bushel Option of tow truck, good opportunity) tion field, but must be able sachs Raper 24 ed with'catite manure for top | © \yorkmanshie, 7128-51549 am. to9 pm. | $65 sag, | 2b. chesterfield suite 109.95 rr che ee ina Sees] 10 converseintligently 20--Reel Est 9 a.m. DAY OF varia dressing, Well rotted cattle @ Easy budget Terms--Free |Tv YOWERS'S iS chee Ge 1967 6 HP. Reg. $323, 3-pc. bedroom suites 99.50 DRY CLEANING BUSINESS for sale. sees) fee pala yard TION manure. Prompt delivery. Estimates structure, allchannel antenna oat tower now $235. peer) CHURCH STREET For information call 728-0433 after ee J. Aged 18-26 AY OF PUBLICA @ Over 20 years experience {$5 Oshawa Tv Supply Limited, Taun- USED BOATS | a ; GARAGE POR RENT. Good business tor| 2° Neat in appeorance iy :ME¥ORIUNS ond 655-3331 THE FURNITORE CENTRE {ton Road East, just east of Ritson Road.) 1947 Peterborough 12 ft. _| CITY TV brovaicny Eni eonesa inachahian Tan Psa Be e Able to start immediat- * , . service and repairs, rvice concrete floor, 28 x 44. 'Good location on ely, 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS OSHAWA GARDEN 90 Simcoe St. North (2--Pereonal aluminum, Reg. $350 now | dept. open 7 days a week. Highway No. 2. Telephone 623-3921. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | j $199.95 | Also T.V. towers, color and PRIVATE. Three bedrooms, livi SALARY: 1 column--4 p.m, iy previous: 2 aed SERVICE LTD. | PROFESSIONAL C U P | D 14' Aluminum Reg. $394.50 | black and white T.V. Anten- ORCHARDS Lid kitchen and store. Two bey garages, re- umns oF larger -- 10 a.m. day p | -- RUG CLEANING | computer paTiNG service | now $265 | nas, rotors installed, Sales * |e, ie Meat ee! «6S 110 weekly CANCELLATIONS. AND MERION-KENTUCKY SOD | 2 Day Service Are you looking for the date, a pore te Reg. || ond --] 9 an. tf pm. Sunderland, Smal down payment or, will 9 DAY OF PUBLICATION ii more tes oO [e} = ' no i. Z ebec St. = : accept new model car, se or age Py je am. DAY OF PUBLICATION | 4. BLUE GRASS | Free Pick-Up and Delivery eae By olla w eee | BAF Quetee 8 el Bk Thickson Rd. N., Whitby |35"down payment. 720-0424. For interview call er New Reg. 725-2541 publication will be charged one day's insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 15--Employment Wanted DAY acyeeral, preschooler playmate the right mate ? For inform- ation and applications send GAS FURNACE, range, used one season. Will cr trade on car. Apply 378 Wilson Road Angus-Graydon All-Green Nursery | 728-6254 Sod Growers Also ) Open | Weekends teBEEAEES sak NO. 1 Cebbier Leeann free phone. 723+ 9-noon ny er While every endeavor will be made to Vv TTT eae aee pe 25 cents for mailing and s delivery, Ti for irl, Highway No. 2, forward replies to box numbers to the Oh Or. alae N aon Free estimate See mand} handling costs to -- Cupid CHRIS CRAFT [Sout ae --____________|RIPE_ CUCUMBERS, ick oF ~piek| Courtice aren. 7289605."0 advertisers Gs soon 8 possible, we dcx) ., 727 Gceaget BN. at dar' eacaverie 'overs. made| Computer Dating Service, 50 SALES and SERVICE GENERAL ELECTRIC table top range,|Your own. John Lewis, Wilson Road, MOVING, move issued edd Jobs ai ACCOUNTING TERI Jernaged plleped to ries wroush either 12. North Taunton Village | [tp eraer, Delran Uptiosteringy 7 Charles} Chicora Avenue, Toronto 5, McVay fibreglas sail boots, | 7euinshouse refrigerator, good yore ae" Telephone Avene mt Rouse on Ii witn 'without truck. Rent truck with failure or delay in forwarding such Fr ree state age. Our services cre Crestliner, Peterborough and | piaes (al sivkan, mane us sce ~__|driver. 728-2862. hi d ry nei i |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab- 4 j t = Be tomatoes $1.50 @ 7 plies | jewever coused_ wh miner ey a a. KAMSTRA Poe a ae Woh eaber Lea confidential and corry a Northcraft runabouts. Evin- |COMPLETE LINE of "equipment for ag Link heer Alen: |STENOGRAPHER, FOUR years legal CLERK 1 BLOCK 3 y L d iP ce, desires position in Oshawa, >e responsible for replies uncalled for teed. Free estimates, Credit terms. Mat-|__™money back guarantee. rude outboard motors. tropical fish; tanks, fish, and air com+|pjeK YOUR OWN tomatoes, Spanish fu time, Write Box 74462 Osh- 3 in 20 days. | complete he resses re-built, furniture re-finished. Oshawa Yachthaven Presser, etc. Telephone 668-8458, Whitby, pit ig gd Grade 13 ferred »> ROSSLA | LANDSCAPING Oshawa. Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve.| ELECTROLYSIS 723-8186 GAS RANGE, a0.inchy Findlay, Tele: pinert. oats rade preferred. REGULATIONS cad Bade 723-4641 pemeS ALL. phone Whitby, 668-8940, ¢ ern Fe Orel emer. Ihe Piteion Fuk' isa sed" Slee EAST ON \ THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL. NOT GARDE __ | "STARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats.|p MM K JE MOVIE naa Be ante, . Apply in person to: RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVE! N SERVICE Sales and Service Removal of superfluous hair Evinrude motors. Open seven day 8 MM KEYSTONE MOVIE camere_and W. 1. Cox, Iva|street area, Telephone 576-2419, NO TISEMENTS SUMBITTED. _728-8 | Marie Murduff will be in Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,Prolcctor, also Aljon tent trailers, Tele:|mil Training. Schoo! | Lavine GAY CARE by widow Tor pre- 1. S. Emmerson THAN IN WRITING NOT 28 - B267 | APPLIANCE Oshawa Sept. 25, 26 and Brooklin 655-364 : ab 6 school children, errs experience, ee (Beechwood -- N_ONE INSERTION OF A = -| 27. Ph OG tha Hotel |WE_ WANT USED snowmobiles, hign COMMERCIAL TOASTER, | $90.) bird |PMARS Clans' Fovorte, $9. ner bush.|?ree Pick-up very set. atid Personnel Division ¢ Wilson) VERTISEME! NOR BEYON 4 6000 STOCK | REPAIRS 4 jone Genosha Hotel |irade-in allowances, or cash paid. C29¢% $1.75; carriage, $12; wheeb/el. Ay p comolne 339 Malage Rod nay CARE GIVEN to iene " ne oF two ehil chil rsonne ivisiot ° ilsor PRICE CHARGE FOR SINGLE IN- | on these dates for appoint- {United Rent-All and Marine, 555. King D&tfOw, S4.; two ladies' dresses, 9%11,/or dren, A : SERTION IN WHICH ERROR CULTIVATED FIELD | Expert repairs to all makes ment. Westie Oshawa, 728-5565. Ski-Doo never worn, $10. Magnus, organ. $22, meln pecelien RED, 61.75 8 bushel, 7a| north-east 'area, Y Stas 3834, GOODYEAR 2 Storey, 4 | The Oshawa Times reserves the right to! Excellent Quality, Low Prices, of washers, dryers, ranges, |STUDENT requires ride to downtown|iepan~cae as cyle, 20" "wheel, $25. playpen, $5,j|mllee orth of Oshawe on Simcoe StreetlROR "ALL YOUR housework or office with --gorages slassify , advertising according to its Lasaad Be Delivered ate: [Toronto classes starting at I p.m ending| FOOT CABIN CRUISER, 60 HP Gale sfove canopy, never used, $12; fold- ne ert Sen cone etepning by day or hours, 9 a.m. to 4 bungalows wi oroper classification, . | 5 \7 p.m. Telephone 725-3753, outboard motor, $750. Telephone 263-1977.,away beds with mattresses, $10.; many|/TOMATOES for canning, $1.50 Monday to Friday, by reliable TIRE & RUBBER co. basements, sor In the cases of display advertisements| Visitors Welcome. | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE © leiog RmauInEO, from Whitey, arriv|IBANBLAB BOAT,. I6si._converfibielcmer. orticies. S7ez212.___|buatel, Bring, own contelners, pick yoor|miate-oged Toay, rxieme 0" 8" and_ balconies The Times will not be held responsible | | ALCAN ing Yonge and St. Clair, for §.30, Tele-|1P end trailer. Afler § pm., ere oe FORTISAN lined drapes, 2187 x|CW™ Don Linton. One mile east of ReG-jwitt CARE FOR baby or child while OF CANADA LTD. f more space than thot which the 725-9674 Pe paige eT ie ae EE Sune sae igt dae maar eee Reetosble_ eho Cea TOMATOES, pick your own, "31.9 8 Iocated. Veen Tian B ile, nt ALL HOMES ndeavor to reproduce all advertising -- Ralrick Bh Linkeave CA lok Wh aL 7--Swap and Borter Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543, |pushel. Bring own containers. K-louTCH LADY would like house on owmanville, Ont. IMMEDIATE matter correctly, but assume no libility|NURSERY AND FIELD SOD. Free esti. 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa _|Palrick St.. Linds Liisi id oS - - =| Risse, Newtons No. 2 Highway asi! Monday, "Wednesday and "Friday: in of advertisement if any inaccuracies in|mates. Prompt delivery. 725-3325 and aeny: S0-4R6 WILL TRADE 9 x 18° cotfage tent|VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses,lof the village, wri "aren. : Telephone 668-6638. @ ae ee All Homes | any form are contained therein. 723-3688. Telephone 723-0011 |LONESOME? "We love people, and will fioreplas be paved for boi Park a peter. or Good | |prushes, ge. Flee celery, "942-013. y" are decorated and Sen help you meet them. Wri las boat, etc. anytime. leming Vacuum Service, Street, [ TIMES "ACTION. WANT AD ol a aren 4 once s ie. Sales and Service Friendship S Service, Box Mae GATH AWD LAUNDRY tbs, 8173 =| Pickering. ped aa ted 9A--Eggs & Poultry 17---Femele Help Wented REAL ESTATE ly sodded Coll Clessined © Saw work and cutting frees. 263- anit ae STUDENT requires ride to Scarboro|(ets: basins, $10.; pressure systems, | ONE 'STOP BIKE OP Sales. Service, |EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- iP A 1 s ireet 728-9075. NOW Centennial College for classes starting lump 'pimes, 'kitchen and vanity units) Repairs. Cycle Centra, O04 Gene Sivan Brie Peemner, Party Uenawe, #54732. SALESMAN per 723-3492 GENERAL LANDSCAPI 8:30 p.m. hi made to order and installed; piping fit-|E. 725-634 Picked up, delivered at store or home. DOWN PAYM Paenoice aces NG Vand | home Bring me your mowers, tillers, | p'm. é tings, cars, trucks, trailers. H. Chinn, gq pox ening ani tas atin NEED EXTRA MONEY? w af Osh tf 1,436.41 filled, lawns sodded or seeded. 4sssosa| Outboards, all makes, oir luNivERsiTY STUDENT w Pee, ee ___.|$15._Telephone 725-3720. 10--Farmer's Column Showi r beautiful line of Fe ae coh d baie QUA INDEX TO or 723-3877, cooled engines. Parts and |University of Toronto or 1 areal8_ Articles for Sale STOVE 40 INCHES, well Kkepl. Price ME RERES of good cals raw, Wo Weeds| Chri Ing our Beeutirul tine 0! Inquiries treated confident- CEDAR HEDGING, shade trees Tele:| service. Largest service in |arriving between & and 10 am, Tele- F 98 535. Telephone 728-2739. Telephone 668- wistmos cards to friends, ially, Call W. Baldwin, ma- CLASSIFICATIONS phone 655-3498. Oshawa select hetdd lh MAN'S COMPLETE WARDROBE for|/DEAD AND co ee eg Faby of is oe sia é : BUIL ; | 74 BARRIE AV! 7 sale, $40, one Iwopant suit, one, one:| pleked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, of the easiest and fastest ways ie 1-Women's Column Instruction | 728-2791 or 725- bens 3--Sportsman's Column A LUMINUM pant sult and one. sport coat ie on Fyrene rene, Telephone. collect Hampton 263- of earning extra cash. You W FRANK KASS! ae = - wikis, oo = Condition, Telephone cence . cies ee theory, Bloste' feleohone ts, Mancal GUARANTEED REPAIR to all_wringer guns bought, colds sad rete, Aramwont @ SIDING |RELAXO-SIZER, in excellent condi-|BXCELLENT WHEAT or oats draw, prt iy hye pat : OPEN THIS Fe oe Cail Pe of ritoon. ree Smal on gend hing supales. Vall Creek = @ "AWNINGS [iia tig: Fi or Pesala, Ale, sparerzaiay, 220 WHPeH) vith over 300 items shown in | RLTR 1 P.M. unt ee ieee bs M72 § offer. Telephone oats. Tel e é AAD Sseen Selene viM- ROBINSON MPSE Teacher VACUUM and -- polisher -- repairs, -- ail mm a @ WINDOWS TYPEWRITERS] $0, No Toney down: full-color, helps you to get REAL ESTATE LTD. ee erred ae Resting. Appointments made by calling ecg Brags pag eg het aa teens | -- otorbikes & DOORS 132. weerly,: Agere: caRnlerss neve dogs 11--Pets and Livestock restock satya orders. Write today 506 Simcoe St., Oshawa or any 10--Farmer's Column On ee (YAMAHA « suzuKI -- Authorized dealer.) TES |Raglan, 1 1-985-7160, On| PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Clip- 'or Christmas cards on ap- 728-7585 uc lsiv i1--Pets and Livestocw PIANO: Ciassical_and popular, Theory.| TYPEWRITER SERVICE -- $495. 3 epairs all makes. We will buy and sell. | 8 ReSebercsnses ping all breeds, poodles our specialty.) proval and free catalogue. 12--Articles Wanted For information contact Patricia Tuck,lice call includes Beatie Ray Whitaker, 150 william St, ©. 728-9191. cE \7 E N | S S |MOPEt. 88 Winchester rifle, cone ree pick-up and delivery; boarding and Monarch Card Co., Dept. 22 . l3--Articles for Rent 74 Burk Street, Oshawa, dial 725-4587. |new ribbon, liner adjustment and repal sitet Yamehtne Tas Nenitear. Povioss Sievers Se 28 217 Can Hamilt: : REFRIGERATION SCHOFIE EAB Bik gat ag @AcLe¥, BATON Twirling, ~ Register|C"'y plekup. and delivery. T2415, | S-- Trailers SALES LTD. Sonditon Sle Serum Te 9s. nee ee ne, FAGINITOM, LT mployment Want 47 &.m. daily, Harvey Dance Acad |SOMPLETE living room and bedro@rn | 1¢--Agents Wanted on epping Centre Tes Septic Service TRAILER HITCHES made and Installed. __15 Prince St. 725-4632 |svite, Barely one year old. Beautitl|POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, EARN EXTRA MECHANIC LL Fh rw EVENING CLASSES open Page rit Also all a of weldin done. Portable chad. ARS hepa es tt before August bi (big Bh star priced. Also #tud service. MONEY Experienced, permanent po- 360 King St SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv.|caulpment _for_ren' 7rhass0 bil SO. iti ilabI 40 h ; 19--Male or Female Help Wanted Business College, Tuesday, September | c, i P aT pene CTA TOWER mane a sition, aval le now, r. 20--Real Estate Fi 12, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7/t.0" £2 's. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut MOBILE HOME, furnished two-bed- UPRIGHT Pianos -- 48" up. All pianos|POR SALE -- Appoloose ing, white} 4, 4 re oe -sniter Racer to 9 p.m. Choice of sublects, tree itera, (street West, Whitby, 668-2563. room, sleeps five, 10' by 35'. Excellent HOLIDAY SPECIAL guaranteed and delivered. Over with, Black rear, quarter marin also Stow Conada 1 et oi. be ia Generous benefits, good 723 2i--Farms for Sale ture. Openings avaliable in day school condition. Let 29. Telephone 668-6457 choose from. On Hwy. 7, six miles west/black stud show ie, I is, Wraps, No-~ y ge. 22--Lots for Sale classes. Telephone 725-3375, 10 Simcoe Surveyors after five. 50' 1% inch heavy - duty of Brooklin. and bridle. Call ore man velties, etc, Over 300 items, References required. Personal Raat oSieg one Horas eet H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor, OnE BOK TRAILER with fenders and] structure with double B2-13 FOR SALE, oe Cabinet, like new. LApRAboR PUPPY, brown, male, two For free, beautifully illus- applications, please. SEl 95-Houses for Rent STUNBAY "WR MORNING junior typing| Office 47 Prince St, Res. 103 Elgin' gt,|i9n'S $75. Apply Ul all-channel antenna com- one. erter or ae s old, house trained, $10. Te trated catalogue ,samples, on DIRECTOR OF PERSONNELL 2g--Apariments for. Rent classes, Open Saturday at Oshawa Busi-|E. 725-6881 1959, 1 PYRAMID House Trailer, sleeps! pletely installed, $70. REFRIGERATOR - Tea R poe Breer approval and the fastest ser- OSHAWA GENERAL ness College, September 16. Individual OGNEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On.| "Ve: Propane wove and furnace. Tele P uilabie for large family or small store,|SMALL | PUPPIES FOR SALE, four} vice, Jeandron Greetina Cord SEL HT ag) Me nig oddadd ~~ farlo' Lond' Survevort" Hemineretat, wae: phone 725-8 ____| TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143 {automatic waur ae gece eae weeks old, $7 Telephone 725-8232. Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. HOSPITAL prints. 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. Fons RRC ter rant parking' fe-| > 147. separate els heatlorthis sid ill |THREE MARE led chestnut OT nt hake Wanted to Reat ee 3875, 0. Simcoe SI. N. cilities, Va mile PP OY ~~ RUTHERFORD'S~ pa ---- aia | Shetlands, with papers Bevan, ie, Hamilton. Ont. PLUMBING SEl FH H 'elephone 16-0785. + Upright, "$75. in . good oO a a LA a new Ci rvice 3-reom groups, Living Room, Compact Cars for Sale Janitor Se 2 IF IT'S FOR SALE ia CHAO WT taage eataeh| | ac nes, Lie S99, |Telewhone 7z-si70, sai 8250 cas. 725-1453. ; and -- or Hee Automoblies Wented ALL TYPES OF CLEANING, 4) carpet, furnace, hot and cold w eee Geen ceae. ' VACUUMS, used, GE, Electrolux, Sing-|PUPPIES end trained ' That's ss 'orm es ny 'e + a a i" ' . 4--Automobile Repair walls, windows, ete Commercial sftors | AN ACTION pressure. system, gas refrigerator and} 499, $599, $699. Easy Jor, Lewyt, and Juno. Reasonable. Apply if rger breeds. Phd up. Daversa Tele Want-Ads Don t HEATING MAN Of 7 35---Lost and Found idential. 728-9538. stove with oven, bathroom, sleeps four.| terms. Immediate delivery or 23 Prince Street. il arer re k 2 ; e--Legal "Get Spot CRE Y CLASSIFIED AD Many more extras, 623-7274. layoway |\THREE-PIECE bedroom suite, living | @BAU' ae ae me ivese puppies, Steady work, experienced only. Want 3/--AUCTION: esc a le, f h id fee 5 iT C a h joming Events ; j P WILL SELL. IT! hel taeleae rar) oe RUTHERFORD'S lennon carriage "and strollan: "Teloptwune|chammren, "resistered, _p Maen ost T ey Pa I GOULD HEATING Times Action Classifieds } ' | 9 roller. Telephene|champion, reg mature | welgh 39--Notices [exeettont" 'conditions Lot 24, 668-4041, 156 Simcoe St, South 728-0341, thres + four pounds, Telephone i 987-4223 723 ' ™ f ' r] /

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