Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Sep 1967, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, September 13, 1967 § 25 Attend Meeting _Hikers Thumb Wrong Car, Find Policeman At Wheel To Hear Cand idates WHITBY (Staff) -- The dan-|to an OPP spokesman, there is less than $4,000 down payment.|gers in offering rides to hitch-'no highway in Ontario County The candidate said the gov-|hikers was well demonstrated where the practice is illegal. ernment had not done its job Wednesday at noon, when Con-- However, the Macdonald-Car- in insuring an adequate min- Stable Gary Chapman of the|lier Freeway, across the top of ONTARIO SOUTH RIDING 2s Map Plans action Forum The Jaycees have also invited the three local candidates to speak at their regular dinner. meeting in the Hotel Genosha Sept. 25, but this will not be DUNBARTON (Staff) -- "'It's|grants added to the school ex- |nice to see a man from Nova|Penses in Pickering Township 'Area 2 would bring this year's \Scotia come to Ontario to get) rant total to nearly 70 per ee tneesendeeamsenesisemnaneten 100 open to the public. The candi. | a | ra- dates have received a similar ja job," said Ontario South Con-| cent, imum wage and said few people Ontario Provincial Police de-/Toronto between Highway 2 sh- invitation Oct. 5 from theHap. i servative candidate William| Mr, Newman said Pickering|could afford a house under the achment at Whitby picked up and Highway 27, is banned to igs py Doubles Club of Kingsview j Newman at the first three-party| Township's problems were be-| HOME set - up where an annual two men who were thumbing hitch-hikers and cyclists, and United Church formerly King debate in the new riding, at the|ing considered by the provin-|income of $7,800 was needed, Tides on Highway 7 near numerous charges have been jil- Street United Church, j United Church here last night./cial government and further) The NDP candidates charged Brougham. laid in connection with viola- on RETURNING OF FICER : Mr, Newman was referring|steps. would be taken. He said|that companies like Bell Tele- At first the men gave false tions of this ban. : 18° George Martin echoed the state. i to the recent.election of Robert Ontario had twice as many phone and International Nickel identities but they were later) The OPP spokesman said the . Ot rent of float of fin candidate ; Stanfield, national PC leader,|campsites as all the other pro-Company had friends in the found to be escapees from the reason many people feel the this week when he wad: Wo" s i in his address to less than 25|vinces combined and that the government since they did not| Ontario Mental Hospital in New practice is illegal, is the High- est been ready since last June" " i Dunbarton area residents who government recently assumedipay taxes on the same basis | Toronto. way Traffic Act makes it Ille- There will be slightly wee le i attended the meeting. full responsibility for water and as ordinary persons and said) One of the men was wanted gal to solicit a ride while stand- ck, polls and all of the énumeratio, i "A Pickering Township farm-,ait pollution. his party would go to a capital by the Metropolitan Toronto ing on a roadway. This simply he Ce leted by n j er, Newman told the audience! nen gains tax if elected to govern- Police on a charge of assault means one must be standing off or. must be completed by Sept. 16. tha' Heouaeta' paverciment liad REAL ENEMY ment. causing bodily harm. the tarmac or pavement on the m. Court of revision will be helg chatribated bel tothe welll 0D candidate Thomas Ed wr. edwards, a Whitby coun-_ Although it is a common be- shoulder or sidewalk. co Oct..2 to Oct. 4, inclusive. Seuut of aver ya ine "Nhe Wards of Whitby said today's citior, said the Liberals had lief that all hitchhiking is' The OPP spokesman said Advance polls will be Oct. 12 baie ian tidal real enemy was the disregard' promised a health scheme in illegal, the truth is, according that offering rides to hitch. at day vil he Gen 3 fe the slaction Mae Nila said, Ontario aii "ye SST saline i" dal He BOWE BEL REE 7 lie eae eae eae ) Oct. 3 for the election . jealled the ipeline scanda ity, whic' . th saan at eee : bene -- woe cent unem.jand charged that or Premier OPPORTUNITY Tax Arrears ings, ar el ae on ,000 for this riding. : \ployment which was considered|[eslie Frost had told Donald Liberal candidate, Alban action in case 4 gn WILLIAM. CUMPSTY ot the ' * B fi ees a ee ee hacer © band he oper n ape cate dia ae . " Poe ECE Ee : : o commuter system initiated|into the gutter. was happy to have the oppor- I Good Sh liable for the injuries of all his e. v RY ' * : ; hk | l tay ie ee ek - phar ig hypo age ie from left, are Joseph Otten- tion; Mrs, Clarence Hewson, Mrs. James Gartshore, trea- hf pet tinge toyed ghee Mr. Edwards said bord party tunity to talk politics in the} COLUMBUS (iat p ae passengers. ng cal party canvassers hed just President of Whitby Kins- brite; Mrs. James Brough- vice.- president; and Mrs. surer; and Mrs. Glen |" s lented affici M believed in sufficient education house of God. He said the) SOUU! sea are thir. he completed delivery of the pam men Club presided at the ton, president of Whitby Richard Sandford, secre- Camelford, director. Several |ti& far-sighted' efficiency. for all regardless of the ability people would be electing an in-|Ports presented ab tie oiltits m- phlet, Put the NDP in Your pane installation of Whitby Kinettes, re-elected for a tary. Standing are Mrs. events were announced for The PC candidate said the to pay and adequate housing, dividual to represent them and day meeting of rer Whitby ily 'Sehise 46 RBaroci cine Kinette officers. Seated, second term by acclama- James McTeague, registrar; the following months. |Robarts government will spend with a minimum of down pay-'asked for the opportunity to be Township Council indicate the Alwa s on. SLO Ostava bb PP' rome genes = | (Oshawa Times Photo) |$870 million on education this)ment. He said there were no involved in something greater municipality is in good finan- Ay dellawea kee bank Aye be . year and that unconditional homes available in Whitby for| than himself. cial health. -- ; ee th with is pamphlet " ducing" Meoan | rw. See Mr. Ward outlined his pers: 1 cen 93-360.50, Of the ere 2+ which will contain' a. personal as IIDyY 10 Uuay First Meet | WHITBY-AJAX PERSONALS 'i=: bine'rican Susih eee née message from Mr. Pilkey. 7" : ; ded hydr . k _\outstanding with the second in iH ck The NDP : ewan, included hydro work, con ; at : ai f in ciay appeal peg te neni _ ® @ | = Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Grech.) president, Robin Nicholson; sec- struction, customs, ee i abdgt A ee Fy eer dates in this area. No fi or inettes 11007 Centre St. N., entertained/retary treasurer, Mrs, Mabel fireman. He promised that if) ounts to $325; while licence oiket gure was | > aaalane "G dley. Follow he election elected he would strive to en-| . to set as an objective but the ap. at their residence at a "Going|Lindley. Following the election) he life of every individ-{ces totalled $1,253 for 384 ec- peal will be made to union | WHITBY (Staff) -- Whit b y|Away" party held in honor of of officers, members enjoyed Tha the life of every individ-| | ines. 'ar members, Oshawa Riding NDP A ; ' Kinettes, at their first fall meet-|Mrs. Carmel Attard and her games, and refreshments were ag Sant Said. Molar com: Building permits valued at to te thopes to publish an egiht-page COLUMBUS (Staff) -- A re-|proved intensity are proposed The university sought anjing, presented Joseph Otten-| daughter Ruth who are return- served. ie i: sar ig. SAckaichewan $181,400 were issued in August ty, election tabloid with 25,000 cir. port by Ontario Hydro contain-|for several subdivisions. agreement whereby the town-|brite, president of Whit by/ing to their home in Malta after sty aad Woks Hatold Ga me ocr. Saigen zi pach of this year to bring the total "a- culation immediately prior to ing recommendations for im-| WASTE STUDY |ship would sell unclaimed cats/Kinsmen Club with a substan-|spending eight weeks visiting) ~ huel ond AM and Ma, FOS © oF pr natn lo re : for the year to $604,004. It was or the vote. provements in street lighting | "* ' for $3 and unclaimed dogs for|tial sum of money raised by her relatives. Attending . the doa eclae ube gs "S jthe 2 per cent education tax. -onorted assessments have in- THE NEW ge was received and filed by East| It was decided to participate | $5 each. It proposed a university|Kinettes during the year to party were Mr. and Mrs. John ert Isaacson, Clements | Street,/ After coming to power it was! ..aceq $47,915 since the first ' HE NEW ONTARIO Riding Whitby Township Council at its/in Phase 2 of the Central On-|truck would pick up the animals |assist the Kinsmen Club with|Bason, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. Ajax, during their week's vaca-|increased to 3 per cent and Is!¢¢ the year. 'The township's per| 'ill South Provincial race will have Thursday meeting, The hydrojtario Planning Board's waste|when at least six animals were various commitments. \Joseph Frendo-Combo, Mr. an/tion will visit Expo and motor/now at 5 per cent. capita debenture debt now) OF MOFe dd a Esme look. regional office will submit an|disposal study at cost to the|on hand. Following the election of offi-{Mrs. Jack Hamilton, Brooklin; back via the United States. The Bay Ridges school teach-/stands at $60.70. viberal Candidate Alban estimate of the cost for. coun-|township of $2,100. The cost is} Council said it would be only cers, the re-elected president,|Mr. and Mrs. Paul Callus, jay, Picker Thithy/eF Said the Liberals believed) y; is expected the county be Ward, the public school vice- cil's consideration |based on a per capita basis. [on rare occasions when that|Mrs, Pontiined Callus, J Tall Ajax, Pickering and Whitby \strongly in a one - Canada pol- ° te priticipal tram: Bay 'Ridges, hay ies ronald a vette ae | per cap' Sis. Prater ar ie ¥ a mt Mrs, James Broughton, outlined Joseph vallus, tg Pr On.| Association for Retarded Chil-\i.y and had never advocated a assessment department will not | he done. coONIMARADI inal prop \pOG SALES ' ld be on hand as it/the program for the coming Ajax; Mr. and Mrs. Vincent| dren has announced the re-y) _ ¢, icy. He said|rcasses® the township before ( e@ campaigning lights on Simcoe Street, in the| was not feasible to hold them|months Busuttill, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. : 1 two - Canada policy. He said|next year. | ert in recent weeks. vicinity of Durham College, with} Clerk William Goldie was|for any length of time. It felt an) Nov. 15, Kinnettes will hold|Saviour Callus, Mr. and Mrs. ae vate a sr tigans he helainat if the first step toward two) he His two opponents have an ad- nine 175 watt and 10,400 watt| authorized to discuss with neigh-|arrangement might be worked|"Mothers Night." Entertain-|Kenneth Raetsen, Mr. and Mrs. "e i gy : there Church, (D2tions was taken it would not 1 x- vantage, however, in that they lights. Four lights of 400 watt|boring municipalities the possi-|out with other communities so| ment will be provided by mem-|Donald Bason and Mr. and Mrs. riverpool Road Bay Ridges, be, ene before Canada would | A, E. JOHNSON, 0.0, er are favorably known as candi- intensity are proposed for the/|bility of co-operating with them |a lesser number could be picked |bers, with their mothers as|Thomas Farquharson, Whitby. 'phe Rarer program will be become two countries. | OPTOMETRIST - pond Be Pees immediate viewlty BSR gd col-|in selling dogs to haga Uni-| up. | guests, lThe hostess served a buffetlncig trom 30 a.m until 1 a.m TE ty Hata ei | "aa NIAGARA FINANCE - , lege. A number of lights of im-|versity for research. ROAD CLOSIN | Late November will be /lunch. ; 7 at hursday, ; : Agia 4 ing St. East) > gr wei Sea Tetior Feaen Gabi lawyer) Gentlemen's Night," with Kin-| This Erie ag A fovea poeeng ee ee ot ee "3 3721 at | COMPARY LIMITED 's The NDP's Tommy Edwards s 1 Edward McNeely, on behalf of |¢ttes entertaining their hus-| Mr. and Mrs. Morris Garner| charge to all incdlie aiwa served Coe pollution and labor} | -- / &o-As MI 286 KING STREET W. it tors at aa Canoe ond District Candy Stripers Classes Durham College, asked that an| bands. and family, have returned from|hy the Association. For me Basar sd wa and Dis s uh | December will be the mem-|Kansas City, Missouri, where|;, aias x | e- Labor Council, of which he is Poon geil occeived. ned filed, |BEr® Christmas party and the|they visited with Mr. Garner's mma rere gwings eggs: pes ig pring Page but oo is br C Council felt it. should not take|@nnual Christmas cake draw. | sister, Mrs. Fred Miller and Mr.' Reinhardt 668-5224. a ) is many public activi tion at this time. In January, "Vice - Presi-| Miller. ake . ae ie al fe ommence In December |« Co a cee councillor plumped hard an C DEVELOPMENT ROAD S has been set ada "iprole| Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ormiston, MAKES STATE FIRST 8 long to get the old Whitby AJAX (Staff) -- A new train-| | Mrs. Frank Gabura, president,| , In ba Sie aan ne Dance. |129 Brock St. §., after spending) GLENDIVE, Mont. (AP) -- af pehar Court building as a Cene ing class for 'Candy Stripers,"|gave a review of the services Senki rR h y as the| Further arrangements will be|the summer months at their) Montana history is filled with ennial Year project, but he suc: for girls 15 years and over, will|rendered by the volunteer work-|'°W2Ships of Reach and Scugog|made for the remainder of the|cottage, north of Orono, have) stories of cowpokes dying under 1d ceeded (with a 99-year lease at start in December, members of ers ' asking the minister of highways | season. returned to thelr residence. | li $1 per year so that the place can the Women's Auxiliary to the| ' to designate Concession 7 as a| Two new members were wel- ; the hooves of stampeding cat- 8. be used as a recreation and 80- Ajax-Pickering General Hospital 'Members of the $ aUX-ldevelopment road, council|comed into the Kinette Club,|_ Mrs. J. A. Nixon of the Whitby |tle. But Eileen shipman, 13, is nS cial centre). He is a director were told at peer pital|iliary have charge of the volun-| moved to send copies of the|Mary Disney and Fran Otten.|Red Cross conducted the elec-|believed to be the first in its Ge Sices damn am | TRUS RUE moun Pg eran, © aoe ke Soe eee coe et er in the Dur " 4 iN authorities. | | Senior izens ub meeting. | ple y a camel, e a 2 's Arts and. Technology and of porte ar peng Mrs. Hees mee corny re ne Beene: DITCHED . . |In office are president, Mrs.jescaped from a fairgrounds te Religious Labor Council of Cn Grignon, on behalf ot. the Seven large flexible picture| ]¢ was reported the Darlington Whitby Duplicate Gladys Wannamaker; vice-|section and ran her over. ada. Women's Association, in appre. |{"2mes were purchased by the)Town Line had been ditched and S ee €- The PC's William "Bill" New. ciation of the more' than 200 | for the children's ward. The| wilson Road ditched and rough Bridge Club in man, who manages a farming hours of volunteer services ren- |Paintings were done by young) graded. Gravel paid for by the ALUMINUM | st operation of beef and dairy cat dered art students at Ajax senior|skeet club had been applied to| wyrTBy (Staff) -- North and| m tle in Pickering Township, serv- ; school. These pictures will be/the latter road. | South 2 Ae end: Mra. James to ed as campaign manager for changed periodically. The road superintendent said| wilson (Ajax), 84; Mr. and Mrs OSHAWA id "Mike" Starr in no less than five Open House Set Mrs. Janet Jones introduced a|work had been started on aly y Winter. 71: Mrs. P. N.| ARKING Federal elections. He also serv: member of the 'hospital staff,| bridge on Concession 7 and that|shratt and Mrs. Donald Wilson,| Phage FREE PAR re . be Pickering Township Coun In East Whitby uae Renfrew, laboratory tech- along ss gerd had been pur-|g3. yiss Audrey Lawler and| , in cil for eight years. nologist, who gave an informal|chased for $1,750. re ; 'y _ The 39-year-old Newman has a COLUMBUS (Staff) -- An 'alk on his work. SUNDAY SCHOOL yg Figg oy ag Robert t, warm and easy personality that open house for all residents of} This was followed by a ques- Council granted the use of the Butt and Mrs. W. Barron, 68; | le has long paid big dividends the municipality born prior to|tion-and-answer period. Mrs. J.|township hall, free of charge, to|Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker, 6414; | : ee oe He gave 1900 will be held by the East|W. Bosch thanked Mr. Renfrew.| Columbus United Church for the|Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howe, 6314; | ey sie Gebaee cin close run in Whitby Township Centennial} Mrs. William Rowland, gen-|holding of Senior Sunday School Mrs. H. B. Welsh and Mrs, FE.) . a riding provincial. Committee on the evening of/eral convener of the '"Autumn| Sessions. Watts, 61%. | Oct. 5 in the council hall at|Leaves'" masquerade ball, an-| | Prime Winde Camp Samac. nounced the date is set for Oct. | carp Nap ease About 130 people are expected |27 at the Recreation Centre. She | CMHC. Accepted N HISTORY to attend, including all former asked for assistance for this Co... reves. and councillors of the) social event. | | egg Rei ownship. | a re - were to be deprived of clll- The program, starting at 7) | Hwy. No. 12 1/4 mi. North of Whitb een namnmnsemnm -- pam. wil ince & ttt of | ae evans wonder | IE RIDES PLUS FUK crs ; '4 i in-| iy vis s nder- F Pays bie ps in ee tak ok Cam unt Pa dog, unlike a oe is FREE KIDD ER SP ie Ag End Screen and lily years ago today--' i trained to walk near a burning. Ge j : 1917--a five-man Russian of ais bemar vill to eons. area without hesitation. | FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY i] Ger Pump islonds Storm Window troubles war i e ee eee ! war cabinet war formed Jelounie FOREVER . . .Install Kerensky. A record U.S, | | 50 ; war credits bill for $11, a a ee One-Stop ead aw | 1S WoRTH Aweinen Hoey | 538,000,000 passed unanl- mously if Washington. FOR A RIDE ON ! Reglazing end Rescreening of end DECORATING Second World War YOUTH SHOP RIDES KART | Inserts for Twenty-five years ago PHONE aa Bit Biren ]] Aluminum Doors ait | and Windows Showroom and Factory BOWLING Resuming Sat. today--in 1942--U.S. craft attacked Kiska Island in the Aleutians destroying two enemy ships, six planes and killing 500 Japanese. Wasp was sunk off the Solo- mon Islands. British troops occupied Glalo Oasis in Libya, tid MON. to SAT. ONLY @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Dreperies @ Broadioom @ C.LLL, Paints end Varnishes Sept. 16 |] @ Benjamin Moore Paints 10:30 A.M. |DODD & SOUTER COUNTY BOWL | WHITBY ~--s | 95 ATHOL ST. EAST -- OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 655-4749 Baked Enamel Finishes Optionel ANYBODY WISHING TO START A MUSICAL CAREER IN A PROGRESSIVE BAND ARE INVITED TO ATTEND WHITBY BRASS BAND BEGINNERS CLASS STARTING SEPT. 12, 7 P.M. MINIMUM AGE 12 YEARS AND OVER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby vsti INADA A musical program will also| | be presented by a group of | Club Rates THIS COUPON This year our funny looking car has a funny looking seat. _ Drop in to your nearest Volkswagen dealer and take a look at the other changes for 1968. | Some of them aren't so funny. JULES WANTS YOUR TRADE-IN... NOW!! NEW '68 CHRYSLERS - DODGES - CORONET - DART - CHARGER AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY -- GET TOP DOLLAR VALUE FOR YOUR TRADE-INS TODAY ! SEE JERRY KEAN OR VERN GRADY FOR SEE THE FILM "SIGNPOSTS ALOFT" Another Moody Institute of Science film thet will give you 6 new understanding of why mon needs a point of reference outside himself and what a commitment to God actually means, Sunday, Sept. 17th, 8:30 p.m. The Salvation Army Citadel 133 Simcoe Street South : AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE THE BEST DEAL ANYWHERE ! PLACE: --" PULL, Lmat trw an ube CARS Gy Lean THE SECOND FLOOR ABOVE aM RING CAR CENTRE, AJAX, ONT. -- : ca zanD EGA TCC | m NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER DODGE ALLEN'S DRUG STORE 3 emma OPEN TILL 6 P.M. -- SALES TILL 9 PM. Sebo te ae At Vie Four Corners, Whitby SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD., 334 Ritson Road South, Tel. 723-3461 isla TELEPHONE 942-1881 pe @® VOLKSWAGEN @®

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