Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Sep 1967, p. 17

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increase in the rates it could , ici 1 4 t for national advertising. 4 Toronto station stressed Ci THE OSHAWA TIMES, 17 t it would not be taking any- he | Fridey, September 15) 1967 ig away from CKAR with ile h an operation. There also lie 4 ; no intention to follow up ; Hi BRIDGE FM proposal with a bid for : : AM station that would com- Yo § By B. JAY BECKER e with local Muskoka sta- ty i (Top Record-Holder in Masters' cet Oa i { Individual Championship Play) : TEST YOUR PLAY | 1. You are West, defending ICE VILLA i against Four Spades. d udly presents SA ti0> BER COMES DARIO. RE WALLET | re SEPTEM Asie sate > ig | DOWN THE ORAWBRIDGE FOR Us wasr 742108 DE OF STARS over ng MY EVEN YESTERDAY SHE ; Ui | AND THEN WE SHALL CRO OVER, THAT SANINON AlN NO GOOD IN 473 MOMENT too ATA | | FoR READING , oe } : BE PUT TOGETHER, SAkoers : . . 854 er " iy vant gry ern, MC Z East Went | SING! [2m Pa 26° 9% | 26 8@ 4 4 Si | You lead the king of dia: }monds on which East plays the xo fem e two and South the four. What Tie PANG would you play now? ER | 2, You are declarer with the West hand at Four Spades, North having overcalled with PLIZZ/" ) WE HOBUJECT!! ) THEY Gor y ; ; a two beats. North leads the Kill re f> SNAPPITAL 4 RIGHT! -- 7, : A CRASH INVESTIGATION... J an the ee 'tee cur yal PUNISHMENT?! ee SHOULD | BE A HORRISLE! YOUVE HEARD |play the hand? wy Dean U0 No ysie ANP 5° me wip Too = WEST FAST ° ABOLISHED /" INHOOMAN!" JNCIDENT-- an @KQ9T4 @A6 ment and Dancing Nightly i tas ONLY THE c . ( $7 $05 y Matinee 4 to 6 p.m. Ae Ng BIGGEST! / @K106 @AQT9S, et Daily 12-12:30 and 5-9 p.m. : &AQ82 #9643 ' 1, It is a basic principle of e 5 r 7 | defence that you credit declarer AFRAID OF THAT! iB --_-- - YW fpr : ' with a hand which permits de- WILDA AND I WERE on : : ' feat of the contract. In plan- HOPING TO SPEND 3 ( ning the defence, you concen- SOME TIME : way). oy trate on hands consistent with | ; | the bidding and consistent with reality that allow the contract to be beaten. Thus, to credit 'partner with K-J-X of clubs and ace of spades is a sound enoligh hypo- thesis on the bidding, but that is not a good reason for shifting |to a club at trick two. South would make the contract ih |such case because your king of |hearts would be finessable and he would probably lose only 2 spade, a diamond and a club. - Instead you credit partner with the ace of spades and |queen of hearts, which gives you a good chance to defeat the | contract by leading the king of jhearts at trick two. In the Dinners 5-8:30 p.m, } undoy SECRET AGENT X9 ts -- Weddings -- Parties SMART TIME TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET LARGE SELECTION OF '67 SHORTAGE OF MODELS IN OUR LAST ) a ( GOOD USED CARS -- ALLOTMENT The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C. TRUCKS actual case, this play proves 1 ae a ee 7 E L E V I S I O N L O G ettective because declarer's As iLL e i= : 'nig i Channel 2--Buffale 9:00 PLM, | 10:4 AM, | Spades KQ862 Hearts 7643 Dias ee j Channel 3--Barrie 12 sMovie u Hobby Time bare bi pegs ian Br Channet 4--Buttalo Maat itd | gcwnere Agains' e heart 6 le- 4 } Channel é--Toronte Mele | Sacscen ou Goliah NEIGHBORHOOP ] clarer loses a spade, a heart, as 4 Channel 7--Buftalo | 7--Journey PARTIES { ja heart ruff and a diamond for 3 H Channel @--Rochester | 1, peanae oH | Ai |down one. 4 E i ygnaa %--Toronto Christy. Minstrels | 8:2--Birdman | 2. Discard a club on the ace Pat Channel 11--Hamilton --Will Sonne 9--Spider Man of hearts in order to guard ; vy, { Channel 12--Peterbereugh |? Accidental Family = |. 7--King Kong against a 4-2 trump division, ; 10:00 P.M, | "4-Moby Dick which is a much more likely @ H FRIDAY EVENING aaa | 1h a distribution than 3-3. If you 7 5:00 PM, 7--Judd | 11--Meta : ruffed the heart and cashed @ i i 'ian. 2-8--NBC News Special | 9--Reaties ee the A-K-Q of spades, you would a Toetteon 11:00 P.M, ier en jalmost surely go down if the a $1b-Shazzan Fenn penn miroir i trumps ae divided 4-2. ' erry Mason Wands ss By discarding you practica CAN OLIVER id JEPINE a one ip r ' | ected rae insure the hand. North cant 5:98 PLM, Ay Gutsy | is wenn jlead another heart -- you would al Thriller | ane wee vale | 9--This Is Expo jruff in dummy -- so let's say FY oauems wena | Zpeeaies I HOPE THE GILBYS he shifts to a spade or a dia- Seapets g er ote oy in | i i $C! Lands ane seas : [3 News AREN'T HERE-I OWE HER mond. You win and draw-three ; nl ta. | 2-8--Top Cat A CUP OF . rounds of trumps. If they are i new! tit Sports | 12:30 P.M. SUGAR : divided 3-3, you claim the bal- i pant . t_Mevilit PM. | {1;utdoors. Untimited ance, while if they are divided 11--Pierre Berton gepeey --Movie 4-2, you lead another spade and { tenet, | a8 Schany carson | autta Bi, Maho 4 || |then claim the balance. 7--Movie 11:35 P.M, 3--Western Jamboree is J 6--Sports Magazine euch PM | 2-8--Cool McCool | {_----_--_--$--$$$___--____} 1 4--News, Weather, 11--Movie- igi a | g 4 DISON witen porte Pets mae | a rieittnan P Waming Shot : 6:30 PLM. 12--Movie. | "F--champlonship s . DISON: vaN E¥CK re Fired At Trial 9-6-3--News, Weather lens Berk id ash oad bs - O D ine" RT Ou P.M. 2--Upbeat ; CAMIRI, Bolivia (Reuters) 88--Huntley-Brinkiey 1s Pa Rep his), vee vets Pa \) Soa? oF Wr A guard fired a warning shot : BECAUSE. THE COLONEL MAKES sae ve sATURDAY 1--Wrestling | eT ie Cee Pit Bey Sar, liga into the air Wednesday when > tT Ac Bucks fai nee geet ~ TREO . rasa Tes §--Super President Parisian lawyer Georges 1 4 ADDITIONAL STRAIN ON THE KID TO %--Off to See the Wizard | 8--Davey and Gollath Debray disobeyed an order to VP MAKE PERSONAL APVEARNYOED -« one pees rye fly 2:00 PM, keep away from the window of 4-People Are Funny ®clutch Cary ere YOUR HEALTH a room where his son Regis is ' 3--Road West 4:30 A.M. 3-6-12Pro Football being held pending trial for ee, Weather S-Cartoon, playhouse 4--Movie alleged guerrilla activities. ; 7:20 P.M. JoRecketshipey bi is H t H Debray Sr., acting as his 2 FNows, Weather. Sport | SHercules 2.30 P.M. ys erec omy as son's co-defence counsel at his 29% eopat Patra ' 1i--vhe Pople" Pa itl datas |scheduled trial before a mili- 1---Aceldental Family 4--Frenkenstein Jr. t i K i 'ai bate." hdholas tact $1387, N--spotitnt sled N 0 Ill Effects by the tribune here ey ye Wile, Wild West <-Herculolds Lao. |to vsiit his son as often as he Movie enta00 A.M. Nutt People By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD pleased. --After Fo ; 3412-Get Smart N-Be Allen SONCRA Ridin' Dear Dr. Malner: Could;porarily, ever any serious oper-| But the authorization was 1--Run for Your Lite Flintstones 4:0 PM. ; : : oadunds revoked by Col. Luis Reque THONDO ne | gcropeye, Gumby Dennis The" Menace 7 ti Mag 'we et tn ation. si oe Teran, commander of the 4th 4--Gomer Pyle, --Cousin Bill --Boxing e results of a hysterectomy) The most valid proof is the) Army Division with headquar- icra i-Sinved Ur. fer Bim: Feature such as nervousness, weight!number of women who havelters in this southeastern Boliv- ~ gain, etc.? I had a partial hys-/such surgery and neither gain|ian city, who said Debray could CROSSWORD pipe od aaa uterus) last) weight nor ies hehe a lonly visit his son twice weekly, \jfall.--Mrs. B.J.D, equanimity. It depends a good) It doesn't have any effect onjdeal on what one expects, and UEENIE YING " nerves or weight unless you let| the gio seid fy Bos ye QUEENIE 'Fy ACROSS '4,Mother' * 23. Island it. folklore which exist really do a : 1, Trite , of group Like any other surgery, you|800d deal of harm. If you a 6. Work hard Irish gods off need time to recuperate from|told that such and such 4 @ i. ons la 5. Slow: mm ene the operation, but it makes no isco ae ge bode hig SB rome music Ja - * & Py = s n y y! e@ 12, Shade 6. Within a ese Ber tiiviiica aasest dat dae good and may even throw you 1 Ped Si yee as writing OR MST nancy no longer is possible, | ff balance nae Ret bee let) } 3. Perclude 7. Living 5. i ; se) ; 14, Quoted 8. Morsel fluid Pr deal of folttore has har en WGh Sen K 15. Large 9. Across 27. Coquet- Q levelo, concerning hysterec- : | 4 worm 10, Marx men ted _--EISISIEINMESIPIAINIS! It my, and (understandably)| The slowing down physically 16. Sculptors' 17. Regret 29,Eskimo Yesterday's Answer {women who have had the oper- Of middle age, the fact that the| tools 18. Logarithm knife 37. Etch ation are likely to blame on it|@fduous days of bringing up @ ; urate Lam Sp Saeount M-anenan |Fialrar tier poloms'may fami are drig i ¢ ce, | ruby , Greel 4 betsey develop. | ~ : ff pening -90.German -$5.Current --40.toping' + |_There Is, however, no direct| ike gues, Gey ct atuine | 22. Elevated physicist of air 41. 13 Popes effect on weight or on Nerves. | proper weight unless you recog- } i train 21, Ribbed 86.Locationof 44.Featherea {It so hig hai that as type Of! nize these factors. «What we need is a mail-room "down 28, Girdle fabric Taj Mahal scart surgery most commonly occurs ' imal left... ; 26, Ledge > at about the time that one is} Incidentally, another frequen') oy---we have © office " 4 28, River in t j2 {3 {4 15 Y, 6 |7 18 10 subject to taking on weight| question is whether this puts an wolf... p08, : 'Alaska Y unless efforts are made to pre-/end to sexual activity. It ieee : 30. "of u yi? vent it, This is true also of the/not. The psychological Bago a icoutn meant ena s Satan y menopause, frequently butjare such that they have Jabot the roid area? ak a 1, Behold! \3 V+ wrongly accused of causing a|Mendous influence. If a woman/pain in the 8 Sete A 33. Unite = 4 gain in weight. has been told that it ends sex-| It is possible if on arent hs PHER PLUMMER 7" E ZN With the menopause, of/Mah life, and she believes It seer, or if there is. inflame ofa ' . But i ' ee native race ANS WY course, a real change comes|t#at can be the result "| mation of the prostate or other Romy ScHneier of India Y/, about in the functioning of the| "eed not and should not. genital areas TRevor Hownro 9s Suitor 19 ]20 fat Gia Wye 24.125] | body, due to diminution of hor- oat oe. Malner: re f ? /.TORNI 9. Pr tial mones. This does not occur : YOURE JUST A DUMB, * OH, REAL SNEAKY. "nl nickname 26 27 428 129 with hysterectomy unless the|your ears, small loops wita JUST FOR s SLOW, LAZY, FAT TURTLE: AROUND INSIDE YOUR SHE 42, Cede VA, ovaries (which produce hor-|Springs on them, and you wear MONEY 9 CLaupme Aucer 4 43, Subside 30 31 [32 W733 mones) are removed, Removal/them several days and your 3 4 | 45, Gamut Lo Le ierced. Would you of only the uterus does notjears are plerce : Vu | i 6: Page YG O, ° ied Y WD, affect the ovaries. recommend them? How should|{% cP .cduate © only a start, Send j 3 47, Bearded, 4 4 4 L i ved.|you care for your ears after-|tor our free brochure which describes asrye 36 [37 138 V7, 39 140 14) If the ovaries are removed. 2--B.A all the wonderful, glamorous career Brynner _ i Be 48. Pounds YAY then we have what is called|Wward?--B.A. : opportunities you can enjoy as a Mare r * i down 42 43 144 "surgical menopause." Sorry, I can't recommend vel-frained professional _ hairstylist. 'saoowar Pmomueen SEES CHEMO ij WY But with either hysterectomy|them because I can't see = ; | | vows fi Ga er menopause ii necesay| ay of bene asine a> MARVEL. BEAUTY SCHOOL NS at 7 P. M : 1, Ordered (, to become obese or unduly|tion will not occur. That's why fie Z 2. War god 47 GY 48 nervous--although we musStl/I cling to the same advice 0n/210 Bloor St. W., Toronto i.e pely he s M4) bas Day or Evening Courses. Brane'! in AT DUSK * j 3. Bills sel surely grant that one has ajthis; Let your doctor do it. all principal cities, Established over 40 & -@-8- |right to some nervousness, tem-| Dear Dr. Molier: Can pros-lyeors. | : : ¥ o e > .

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