Fes WEATHER FORECAST 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, September 14, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Cardinals To Take Over If Pope Has Operation commission of three senior car-|ket tariff barriers are elimi-/ Elect Fleming States. This condition is likely] light. dinals may administer the|nated next year. The $25,| wyNnNIPEG (CP) -- Donaldito persist for several more Forecast Temperatures affairs of the Roman Cathclic| 500,000,000 budget anticipates @/Fieming, an also - ran in the|days, The present weather pat-| Low tonight, High Friday Continue To Linger issued at 5:30 a.m. EDT: | Winds southerly 15. Synopsis: The weather sys-, Montreal and Ottawa region tems have become stationary VATICAN CITY (AP)--A|when European Common Mar- Church for one month later this;small surplus after operating recent Progressive Conserva-|tern will continue with mainly) Windsor ..... 2 a year if Pope Paul undergoes a peigionae pa ier get teenoding national leadership conven-|clear skies, cool nights and wei dinasaiaes ° S prostate operation. jcit ol dl 4s sania tion, Wednesday was elected) warm days. _ {St Thomas «+++ Vatican sources said today|public and private enterprises jjeutenant grand commander of, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,|Lendon ; 48 Hy the pontiff probably will are counted. 5° |the Supreme Gouncil of the Lake Huron, Georgian Bay,| Muskoka . 50 7 announce plans for such a com- . Ancient and Accepted Scottish | Algoma, southern White River,| Kitchener 45 Pi mission, unprecedented * Israeli Plan |Riteof Canada, * | Cochrane, Timagami, Halibur-| Lesa ted . 4 i i ci i ingham 5 cen SR cars. oun, avy (am) -- el Pleads Guilty {timtittin ines ta cakes ae reached. announced Wednesday plans {o/ eads Guilty done Hamilton, Toronto, North] Hamilton ¢....-.. 80 75 Three physicians who exam- link Gaza City to Israel's) ronnon ont. (cP) -- wil-|Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste, Marie:| Sault Ste. Marie. 55 75 ined the ailing Pope Wednesday| "ational power grid, an indica-|:.1) riovq George Fischer of|Mainly sunny and continuing] St. Catharines ..- ; said his condition had/|tion it plans a lengthy occupa-|7 ondon Wednesday pleaded|warm today and Friday. Winds! Toronto .. 5 "improved notably" but that an| ton i Binh Cok Oe ey to a reduced charge of|light southeasterly. | White River 55 a operation might be necessary to vine The rest of the Gaza/0n - capital murder in the| Northern White River, west-| Peterborou, 42 i. accomplish a cure. St 4 is to be linked to Israel's| March 27 stabbing death ofjern James Bay regions: Varia-| Moosonee 50 : apeles -|Mrs. Dorothy Marguerite Titch-|ble cloudiness today and Fri- Kingston .--- 45 2 national power system later, ner and was sentenced to life ------ Brake Check jinprisonment.. Fischer, 30, had officials added. --$--<<$<<----$$s eid terial ase + OAKVILLE, Ont. (CP) -- » . [pleaded not builty to capital) * . ti U ] W d Ford Motor Co. of Canada Li4.| Prigoner Exchange murder monday when his trial| xpropria 10n g y or said Wednesday it has asked its pened in Ontario Supreme dealers to check a power-brake| ADEN (Reuters) -- South) court here, booster installed'on 123 of its|Arabia's rival nationalist : Loan For Greece medium- and heavy-duty)sroups agreed Wednesday to recent fighting as life returned) OTT A WA (CP)--An agree- trucks. exchange prisoners captured in| Il of the trucks are either in : : 4 : wana or in dealers' hands, the|/to normal here after Tuesday's| ment was signed here Wednes- OTTAWA (CP) -- Expropria-) The wes ye -- company said. }general strike. The two sides--'qay by which Canada will pro-| #0" as practised by the ete an 4 aes Rar en The check was ordered after|the National Liberation Front! yide $1,000,000 in financing to 80vernment of John Robarts|per, " a ae' which it was discovered that some of jand the Front for the Libera-|coyer the sale of Canadian tele.|Wa8 attacked by Donald Mac-| being Ak eee the boosters did not meet engi-|tion of Occupied South Yemen| communications equipment and| Donald at a New at it en li neering specifications, 'Another|--kidnapped a large number of|services to Greece. The loan| Party meeting of party workers}buy a home elsewhere. : 1018 trucks in the United States|each other's men in clashes! was made through the Export|and candidates Wednesday! This situation was being and overseas are to be checked |since Friday. | night, |repeated all over the province. as well, | The Ontario NDP leader told) "| believe that modern urban US. Plans Appeal Bans A-Bombs the meeting expropriation is) redevelopment cannot be under- * : being turned into 'an ugly|taken except on the principle of Dies In Sports Car | UNITED NATIONS (Reuters)! MEXICO CITY (AP)--Mexico Sat by the arbitrary mtb home for a home," he said. WELLAND (CP) -- Kazim-'-- The United States will make/has become the first country to! insensitive way" in which it is Fi 30-year-old ierz Kowalewski, 47, of Wel-|a new appeal for international|ratify the treaty bannin s] being caried ai sh catariy. zai --_, ' Pr uno land, was killed Wednesday|understanding of its Vietnamjnuclear weapons in Latin} "People whose homes must] ue mt -- ste tat os por wae Bie wore cor Mepet peliey in the United Nations! America, The Seaste approved b : I ced by urban develop- il f NDP members had over and crashed eight miles|General Assembly next week, it/the document Tuesday. Nine-|2© "Pac ts 4g etting a raw Lined arty in the last| north of here. lwas announced Wednbsday. teen countries have signed the| ment Tas peleee ottered odes ae e party | American chief delegate Arthur|treaty, opened for signature|;"*" ae q at Escapees Sentenced J. Goldberg asked for the floor| last Feb. 14. It would create a|their homes ane sep vs Other candidates arenes: SUDBURY (CP) -- Fi ei in the assembly for a» major! nuclear-free zone from the U8, (Gorey ceeserabie meme slew Pcs Bote ng y U -- Five pris- Sept. 21. i | tle in me els€-| Frederick , : _-- ee | where in their community--cer-|French, Ottawa East, and Irv- ee eer on saat aoe tainly not in this period of|ing Greenberg, Ottawa Centre additional sen- | che jtainly not in this in reenberg, . pl Waleous for escaping Gets Command Toll Prediction pend housing crisis and astro- te Greenberg, a home build- custody. Ronald Harry Fugard,| OTTAWA (CP) -- Commo-| HALIFAX (CP)--Five thou-|nomic housing prices," he said./er in Ottawa, said he joined the 20, of London, Ont., and Wil-|dore R. S. Stephens, 43, of Vic-/ sand people will have died on| He told the 180 persons at the/party less than a year ago and liam Baker, 26, of Toronto, /toria, B.C., will become chief of Canadian roads by the end of| public meeting that he had vis-|felt that the government should were given 12 months while|staff, material command, atthe year, Charles C. Holman,|ited Lower Town--the oldest/get into the business of assem- Roberts Joseph Leduc, 20, of/Canadian Forces Base chairman of the public action|area of the capital--an4j bling and servicing land. ? Lucerne, Que., Keith Pelkey,|/Rockcliffe, Ont., Nov. 15, the| committee of the Canadian/dropped into see Betty Curley, Mr. MacDonald's campaign 36, of Chatham, and Wayne|defence department announced Highway Safety Council said!52 whose home is in danger of moves to Peterborough and Ross Sunderland, 25, of|Wednesday. |here Wednesday. Another 160,-) heing expropriated. | Toronto today. Brockville, received nine) | 000 will be injured during the months. Cause Panic year in highway accidents. |Credits Insurance Corp. Warm Days, Cool Nights TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|day. Chance of a few showers. PREDICTS VICTORY. i By TOM CLARIDGE :| NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) Sunny today and Friday, Warm |-- Liberal Leader Robert Nixon s| Wednesday night unveiled his party's "manifesto of policy' and predicted the platform will bring victory i the Oct, 17 rovincial election. Pithe program included 175 /points under 15 broad headings \and a general slogan "now." "The 22-page policy statement contained few major promises not previously made by Mr. Nixon but included detailed pledges in a wide range of top- ics, : s Promising immediate tax reform, the statement reiterat- led a Liberal pledgé to transfer to the province 80 per cent of the total cost of education so as to reduce the 'staggering load' of property taxes. MAY RAISE TAXES | But it went on to propose that school boards be required to raise their own local funds through a separate tax level and to promise a Liberal gov- ernment would convene a con- NDP Party Leader Claims :»«: this year of provincial and municipal leaders to dis- cuss thelr fiscal positions. | The platform also promised: | Action te reduce living costs by increasing govern- ment efficiency and other | such measures such as gov- Liberal Leader Unveils 'Manifesto Of Policy' aS ee insurance rates, new checks on packaging and advertis- ing techniques and assis:- ance to co-operatives and credit unions, --Reform of government "to give Ontario citizens a chance to participate in the shaping of their future." --A regional development program involving special incentives such as reduced hydro rates, and new indus- trials parks. --New policies designed to stir development of North- ern Ontario, including a Northern Development Fund and a road-building program, --A plan for modernized municipal government, including metropolitan gov- ernment in rapidly growing areas, and regional govern- ments on the fringe of urban centres. Low-cost second mort- gages, simplified building laws, and assembly-line houses to deal with the provinces' housing s hor t- age. --A_ centralized expropria- tion authority, replacing some 1,000 agencies now in empowered to seize private property and new laws to ernment supervision of car protect the rights of those | 'Compromise | OTTAWA (CP)--Union and shipping company negotiators adjourned talks at 2:35 a.m. today and agreed to return at 10 a.m. to continue their efforts at finding a settlement for the Great Lakes seamen's strike. The 10 weary men--five from each side--spent almost 12 hours working with Labor Min- ister Nicholson and his aides hammering out a compromise on the major issues in the strike which began four weeks ago today. "T think we made some pro- gress today," Leonard In Month - Old Strike McLaughlin, head of the Sea- farers' International Union of} Canada, told reporters. Plan Network |, ,CARACAS, Venemuela (Reu- Carrier Back At Sea Formal Education Stalled jters)--Three sharp tremors SARNIA (CP) -- F. A. Skel-| caused widespread panic in this} QUEBEC (CP)--Canada's only aircraft carrier, ton, emergency measures co -|quake-prone Venezuelan capital HMCS ordinator for Lambton County, Wednesday, but no damage was! Bonaventure, took to the water S eac ers ay u | eaid Wednesday the county's|reported. More than 300 persons |again Wednesday after $11,- -- first fire radio network should| were killed by a violent earth- 000,000 worth of repairs in 16 be in operation. by the end of|quake July 29, with Caracas | months. 400,000 youngsters continued at} There were 17 other school on og log Sonic. | suffering heavy damage. e never ' Reopened Space Venture (i yifuar'Mandstil' today as/districts "in Michigan where ~~ p | TOKYO (Reuters) -- Japanj|teachers strikes dragged on in|contracts had yet to be signed Needs Teachers | MACA © (Reuters)--The bor--Wednesday announced a|New York City, Detroit and aj and at least five of those lder between China and Macao/150,000,000,000-yen ($420,000,000)|number of smaller communi-|boards were counting on court TORONTO (CP) -- Keviniwas opened Wednesday after/program of satellite-launchings | ties. orders to keep classrooms open. Fitzgibbons, chairman of the!neing closed for four days. The| using 60-ton and 100-ton rockets.| An extra week's vacation in| In the New York City dispute teacher recruitment committee |Chinese built a wire fence out-|The program has still to be/the Florida sun ended today for|both parties Wednesday reject- for the Ontario Separate) side » customs post 100 yards approved by the cabinet. 90,000 Broward County pupils|¢d @ Proposal by State Suoreme Schools Trustee Association, |from its border with the |who returned to classroom in|Court Justice Emilio Nunez said Wednesday the association) portuguese enclave. '102 public schools after teach-|that they submit their dispute 'Names assa or 4 q|to binding arbitration. will require 3,000 new teachers 7 |ers and the school board agree! oe Takes Over ee, ee aie salaries. | There were growing gens Condemns Cuba | ctascow -- euters)--the Canada, T. J Endemann, will | In New York City the strite sites pene, Se new Cunard liner, Q-4, sched- become ambassador to The oF aeration Of Teachers (AFL-|dents counter-picketed at one SANTIAGO (Reuters) -- Netherlands, Foreign Minister! i i Chile officially condemn of| Weanseaay By a nese ere Hilgard Muiler iopyl unced CIO) entered its fourth day)high school carrying signs say- NEW YORK (AP)--Formal|teachers struck to a 'no eon- jeducation for more than 1,-|tract, no work" pledge. Wednesday Cuban intervention| most sophisticated com-| Wednesday. with union leaders declaring|ing. "Teach now, talk later." time and announced the forma | puter system ever built for a Suneenk Court ariar ig hat Ge por Mg a fn com-| Puter pgs eae ae War Creates Jobs walkout. LEWIS mittee to smash subversion. | is WASHINGTON (AP) -- The The government will set up a|\ ne fom heining' plot course escalation of the Vienam war NEEDS MONEY OPTICAL permanent defence committee | 24 speed to totalling the ship's|created more than '1,000,000 The Detroit board of educa-/|§| Established for over 30 years to curtail subversion instigated |)... pills. U.S. jobs in the last two years, |lion wds looking for newll|10% King Street West from abroad and prevent Chile | the labor department said/sources of funds to meet union being used as a base to pro- Wednesday. 'demands as the city's 11,009 725-0444 mote subversive activity ase.| lommies Get Radar Ati ah eRe where in South America. | Budget Approved | PARIS (AP) -- The French cabinet approved Wednesday a 1968 budget designed to spur France's lagging economy and prepare it for new Competition HERE AND THERE CHANGE IN SCHOOLS BAY RIDGES (Staff) --The Bay Ridges Ratepayers Asso- ciation - sponsored candidate night on October 12 will be held at the Bayview Heights public school and not at the Sir. John A. Macdonald school, as prev- iously reported. The evening, five days before the provincial election, will see the three On- tario South riding candidates speak along with a question and answer period. AUTO SHOW Port Hope's fifth annua! auto show will be held ahead of achedule this year, on Sept. 22 and 23. Officials expect the largest attendance ever at the event, to be hled in the Peter Campbell Arena. Major car dealers are hqpeful that the new models 'will be shipped in time for the viewing. There will be no admission charge, but chil- dren under the age of 15 must be accompaned by adults. Last year, more than 8,000 people at. | tended the show. OX -- DX --- DX -- Dx BE WISE: ¢ $ ECONOMIZE! $ SAVE SS 5) py 2 $ [Phone 668-3341 DX -- DX -- DX -- DX LONDON (Reuters) -- British soldiers soon will be equipped with a portable all-weather |radar set that can be taken into battle. 'The set, designed for day and night surveillance, can detect the movement of men jand vehicles. | SixDieIn Plane | MANILA (Reuters)--Six per- sons were killed when a twin- engined aircraft of the Dole Co. | plantation in 1 to &Year §f Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN 612% per ennum AND ARE Gueranteed--os te principal and interest. Flexible--may be used os Col- lateral for loans. | ible--by Executors the event of decth. Authorized--os Trustee Act. in- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION Member Cenede Deposit Insurance Corporation 19 Simcoe M. N., Oshewe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmenville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS the Philippines crashed. Among the dead was ' \J. H. Hubbard, son of Dole | President Howard Hubbard. ee R. C. Truax, spokesmen for} the management team repre-) senting the Great Lakes car-|work spread under which sai- comment.|lors now can be called out in Replying to a question about'intervals over a 24-hour period. riers, declined Sought progress, he said: "It Is very) difficult to say." | The SIU's 5,400 working sai- lors have tied up 181 vessels owned by 32 ¢ i that) = Robarts Fires K Few Licks TORONTO (CP) -- Premier John Robarts doesn't open his election campaign until today, he got a few licks in opening a ~ research laboratory at nearby whose property 1s expro- Sheridan Park. priated. __ | He reminded those attending --Action on water and air |the opening of the J. Roy Gor- pollution and a stepped-up |qon Laboratory of the Interna- Program of developing. rec- tional Nickel Co. of Canada that reation areas, jhe was involved in a campaign A variety of law reforms, |{o re-elect his Progressive Con- including a provincial bill |servative government Oct, 17 : rights, and more liberal baad added: : hla oA aga if federal - | «1 intend to ensure that the greement are not soon reached in the two |record of seven consecutive and fields. clear mandates remains unbro- Tighter securities laws, | ken and is ------ for yet under a more independent |"0ther term. Ontario Securities Commis- | Despite the pressure ef the sion jcampaign, he said, he wanted --Compulsory pehicle- and /to take time to praise the com- driver-testing and mandato- |pany for its "unswerving sup- ry car insurance. | port" in the development of the --Closer co - operation with | research park. Ottawa in spending and tax- The government created the ation policies, Sheridan Park Corp. in 1964 A stepped - up program | and there now are close to 2,000 of exchanges between | sclentists engineers and sup- Ontario and Quebec stu- |porting personne@l! working dents, there, Increased aid to univer- sity students "with the goal * application of one side of abolishing university only) in labor disputes. fees," | --A universal, comprehen- --Various education | Sive and government - oper- reforms, including grade- | 8t¢d - medical care insur. ance program, By 1968, and a wide-range of other health and welfare meas- ures. less classes in public schools and provisions allowing students at com- munity colleges to transfer | A ' to Caivoraliy ooaress. lt Mr. ey be the plat- --Laws providing an "'inte- day Lid a nominating conven- ion which earlier picked grated, long-term approach | ¢, 'eal i' to | George Bukator to seek re-elec- to agriculture necessary to |tion as Liberal member of the give farmers a better (jeg; income in relation to their |ceislature for the Niagara labor and investment." |Falle. --A wide range of other agricultural policies, includ- John ing a "revitalized" Agricul- | Ovens 0. D. ture Rehabilitation and OPTOMETRIST Development Act (ARDA). --'Fair' labor laws plus abolition of the ex-parte injunction (issued on the PHONE 723-4811 8 BOND ST. §, OSHAWA carry out 82 per cent of Great Lakes business. STALL ON CREW SITES Informants said the long meeting, first between the two sides since the strike began, faltered on the issue of vessel- manning scales. The union wants more watchmen for increased vessel safety. The carriers contend that they alone must decide crew sizes. | It was understood that a ten- tative formula was reached for introduction of the 40-hour work week and-a reduction of the sliaaaeemnemian CITY OF OSHAWA TREASURY DEPARTMENT REQUIRES AN ASSISTANT SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIST SALARY RANGE -- $4,092.00 to $5,440.00 (3614 hour working week). Assist in p id Se ened cl ana! Some ee ee Spencers should have full high school iT training end some relevant experience. Avsiy IN WRITING ONLY, giving. full details ef se' meritel statue on Hy ag experience," te, before 5:00 p.m., *riday, September THE PERSONNEL OFFICER, City Hall, Oshawe. As it happens, we can't. Making whisky that goes down this easy is a difficult job. It means selecting whiskies from our five: distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has five, by the way). Then blending and re-blending them to get 5 Star's easy taste. How can you find out if the taste is worth all the trouble? That's easy, too. SEAGRAWM'S 5 Star. Easy whisky... | Investment Certificates mow cam attractive interest rate. and Guaranteed Certificates incorporated and supervised Two gilt-edged Investments... Debentures & Guaranteed Investment Certificates for any term from 1to5 years Canada Permanent's Debentures & Guaranteed Issued in amounts from $500 or more, our Debentures term investment with Canadians for generations. Canada Permanent--Growing since 1855--Federally -- | | TONECRAFT PAINTS LTD. KING PARK PLAZA 723-4922 AN ALL-CANADIAN COMPANY this exceptionally have been a popular short- 'SAVINGS « TRUST SERVICES » MORTGAGES Please send me a descriptive folder for C0 Debenteres " [) Geeranteed Investment Certificates Meme. ice a | | Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 J. W. Froud, MANAGER Canada Permanent Trust Company | Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation ADULT EDUCATION EVENING CLASSES PICKERING DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD REGISTRATION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1967 at 7:30 P.M. Dunbarton High School Pickering High Schoo! Principal -- A. W. Munroe Principal -- D. J. Kettle 839-1125 942-4761 : FERS: Night classes will be offered this year in two Semester? of 10 weeks each. There will be « separate registretion and fee for each Semester. $10 per Semester for « course offered 2 nights @ week. $5 per Semester for « course offered 1 night. $7.50 per Semester for @ course offered 1 night per week for 3 hours. For certain courses there will be an edditional cherge for materials used. POSSIBLE COURSES -- ate least 15 students must enrol before @ closs will be offered, ACADEMIC SUBJECTS -- Any academic subject for which 15 students enrol. , COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS -- Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeep- ing, Business Machines, etc. TECHNICAL SUBJECTS -- Auto Mechanics, Drafting, Elec- tronics, Electricity, Machine Shop, Welding, Woodwork, Small En- gines, ete, ARTS & CRAFTS -- Squore Dancing, Flower Arrangement, Interior Decorating, Hostess Cookery, Landscaping, Art (Oil & Watercolor), Dromatics, Speed Reading, Physical Fitness, Sewing, Millinery, Avchery, Hunter Safety Programme. Classes are held Tu and Thursdey ev end com- mence October 10, mw Sohne For further information please contact the High School Offices. D. G. WORDLEY J. C. RICHARDSON Chairman of the Board Superintendent of Secondary Seheele Ly) Fm, _ BEC Ne Cl HALIFA Smith beg as premi today. The 58- Stewiacke, sworn in ; premier sj a brief ce: Among ceremony premier fi Mr. Stanf Progressiv er Saturd: turned the Mr. Smith The two Person. years, rut provincial since 1949 Nova Scot Star Ot I OTTAWA Conservati' tanfield h he party's day, Sept. J. Waldo Wednesday It will be such meet since his e as party le John Die er until la: ship electi unable to z is schedule versity of society in of Sept. 22. Mr. Diefe to Saskatcl meet his P: ency assoc given a bla the Parliam Prese As D TORONT* ness of th natural ani are ground that prese: can be dou distant Hoffman, United Na' program, s: "The bai lack of res: eal or hum: tion of thos 300 repres countries g for the You Developmer Mr. Hofft a banquet is the seve world semi: of a two-ye enlisting ru gram tors world food Low-inco1 less than potential 1 about 10 human rest said. LISTS RES He cited resources Vv oped: 30,00 yield land output cot increased; but irrigat untapped : face wate! mineral reserves 0} coal, 550,0 ore, 160,000 zinc, sizeat copper, me gold and ut Mr. Hoff dent of St the man ¥ shall plan | Europe afte War, stress ment of th fall to the against th treating wo ous mas things to y them. Youth ha individuals understood their own ¢ He appe'