Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Sep 1967, p. 29

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ompany Limited vith your old battery 3 ith yeur eld battery t 8 a Ith your old battery § rely new tech- | suspension and ubles, _BUZ SAWYER © King Feareres Syndicate, Ina, 1967, World rights ssarved. HENUJOYING THIS CONWERSATION, BECAUSE YOUR, BREATH |S LIKE STIMM HITT YOU WEASEL !! YOU SNAKE /! YOU LOUSE. !! SENTENCE ON A COLD-BLOODED CRIMINALS? LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST ALLOTMENT PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C. TRUCKS ue, bot ' set your CLOSET TODAY / I'D LIKE TO WATCH, CAN 1 SIT ON THE BENCH WITH You ? ONLY IF ESITON YOUR LAP."" ILL BET IT'S WARM AS TOAST! 5 oT + BUT L O10 THE NEXT BEST THING! Loo THAT YOU, EARL? JUST GETTING RID OF SOME Excess). ENERGY I HAD STORED UP FOR THE GAME -- AND DIDN'T f 2 gow GET To use! I KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN BUILDIN® YOUR HOUSE FOR A LONG TIME DON PEREZ....1S IT FINISHED Yer? SECRET AGENT X9 Channel 3--Buttale HE SENT ALL AUXILIARY Y POWERINTOHIS MACHINE! THE CIRCUTTS, WILL NEVER TAKE 1T--THEY'LL-- SHORTAGE OF GOOD USED CARS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. TELEVISION LOG 10:08 1--Marv. Griffin YES....FINALLY, I COMPLETED IT THIS SPRING.....AT LONG LAST, ls 3--E¢ Alien Time HOW COULD You, DOCTOR? YOUR OWN INVENTION. ../? /P SOMETHING 1S WRONG WITH HIM...HE A SEEMS TO BE b IN SHOCK! SMART TIME TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET Channel Channet Channel Channel 2--Barrie 4--Buffale 6--Torente 7--Butfalo Channel &--Rochester Channel %--~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilion Channel 12--Peterboreugh WEDNESDAY SVENING 5:00 P.M. Vi--Hero --Dobie Gillis J--Flintgtones 4--Perry Mason 3-4--Zorro 5:30 PLM, 12--Flintstones V1--Phyliis Diller | ~~ Ope => cyas, KUHN: icHeles Nevy 7--News 3-6--Cenada Outdoors 2--Of Lends and Sees 4:00 P.M, 11--Pierre Berton 12--News, Weather, Sports jorts S--How's Business 7--Movie é--Gilligans Island 4--News, Sports, Weather 3--He and She 6:30 P.M, 12--FBI 1i--He and She 3-6-9---News, Weather, Sports ws 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 11--Walt Disney's World P.M, | 4--Dundea and Cuihane | 2-8--Run for Your Life | | 10:30 P.M, |%--Sports Hot Seat 3-6-12--Fialka Company | 11:00 P.M, | 12-119-8-7-6-4-3-2---News | Weather, Sports | 11:10 P.M, |\11--Plerre Berton | 11:20 P.M, | 4--Viewpoint 1:25 PM. | +News, Weather ris 13:90 P.M, 14--Johnny Cersen 4--Movie 1--Mevie em &Thrilier | 140 Mot Line 9Perry's Probe +--Movie 11:48 PLM. 12--Movie 12.18 AM, vie 12:30 A.M, N= Vise ' 335 AM. 3----Doug Garaway THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. P.M. PM, 1--Schnitzel Huse faptain Kangeree 8 M, 9--University "of, the Alr 7--Dialing For | Dollars Virginia Graham 24--Hollywood Squares 12 NOON Hi--Little People 9--T 4--News, Weather and Sport: is $-4--Jeopardy 12:38 P.M, N--Phote. Finish &---Eye Guess 46--Search fer Te morrow | intone 'Weather, Is 8--Merv Griffin s4--ulding ign? ui 100 PM Mite' Deus! Mike jas &--Dialing For Dollars Virginia Graham 1:28 PLM, Lot's Make @ Deel 46--As the Werlé Turns 2:00 P.M. 7--Newlywed Game 6--By Invitation 4--Pasgword $-4----Days ef Our Lives 2:30 PLM. 12--Calender Ni--Perry Mason 9--People in Confllet 8-2--The Doctors 7--Dream Girl 4--Coronation Street THE OSHAWA TIMES, -29 Wednesdey, September 13, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) West dealer, Neither side vulnerable, The bidding: West North East 16° Dis mu see Pass 4 ry a Opening lead -- king of dia- monds. There are. many deals where declarer can determine the ex- act. makeup of the defenders' hands and thus obtain the max- imum number of tricks ; Declarer has two main sour- ces to guide him to the com- position of the unseen hands One is that the bidding may prove very helpful, and the other is that the plays already made by the defense may shed valuable light Here is. a typical case where South is declarer in four spades. West leads the king 'of diamonds and shifts to a heart trick two The contract !s easy to make if there is a normal 3-2 heart break, but declarer must allow for the possibility of a 4-1 di- vision, Accordingly, he wins the heart with a king, draws two rounds of trumps - ending in his hand -- and leads a dia- mond. West takes the ace and re- turns a diamond to the queen, on which South discards a heart. But when declarer now leads: the ace of hearts, West shows out and South is faced with the prospect of losing a heart and a club for down one. Of course, declarer could now lead a club and finesse in the hope of finding East with the king, but this prospect is not promising. After all, West open- ed the bidding and could hardly do so without the king of clubs as part of his values. It is this clue, obtained from the bidding, that points the way for South to make the hand. Declarer leads a club from dum- my, but instead of taking the built-in finesse he goes up with the ace and exits with the queen, West wins with the king, but is forced to return either a dia- mond or a club. This permits declarer to ruff in dummy as he discards a heart from his hand, and the end result is that he makes the contract. THATS No WAY TO WEIGH YOURSELF, MOTHER-IN- LAW! 9--F lintstones 8--George Pierrot 6--TBA 4--Lowell Themes 3--Daktari News, Weather, Sports 7:2 P.M, J--News Weather 7:30 P.M, 12--Incredible Forest 9--Invaders #-2--Virginian 7--Movie 6--Mothers-in-law 4--Lost in Space 8:00 P.M, 11--Movie 3-6-12--Mission impos 330 PLM. 9--Movi ie 4--Beverly Hillbillies 9:00 P.M. 7--Movie 4--Green Acres 3-6-12--20 Million Ques- tions 2-4--Krat Music Hall 9:3 P.M. 4--He and She 3-6-12--Fall of Berlin ~ CROSSWORD ACROSS . Ecclesias- tical surplice . Goad 10. Egg- shaped 11. Cavity 12. French novelist 13. Dwarf 14. Voided escutcheon 15. Subtle emanations 16. Music note 17. Close noisily 19. News- paperman 22, Chokes 9: A. | 11--Donna Reed 2--Jack Le Lanne 10:00 A.M 11--Movie 9--Uncle Bobby #-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 10:30 A.M 7--Dateline: 4--Beverly Hillbillies 2-4--Concentration sible | | 9--Tugboat Annie 7--Honeymoon Race 4--Andy Griffith 'Good Morning 2-8--Personality 730 A.M. MN--Marriage Confidential 9--Mr. and Mrs. 7--Family Game 4--Diek Van Dyke 9:00 A.M. Ed Allen Time A.M, Playhouse A.M. Hollywood 7--Gen 4--Te 4--House Party 3:00 P.M. 9--Magistrate's eral Heep Tell. The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 4-2--Another Werid 3:25 PLM, 4--News 3:30 P.M. N--Bullwinkle 9%--It's Your Move 7--Comma: 3-4-6-12--E, P.M, 4:3 P.M. 11--Munsters 9--Movie 4--Truth or Conse- quences 3-6-12--Barney Boomer inder Tom dge of Nigh? 248--You Don't Say 4:00 11--Super Herces 9--I| Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Sterm 3-6-12--Communicate S--Mike Douglas Winggats 9-i5 A Brain Surgery For Mosquitb ? WINNIPEG (CP) -- Brain surgery: on a mosquito? It sounds fantastic but ento- mologists at the University of Manitoba are doing it as part of a program to uncover the weak points of the insects. "Once the physical and envi- ronmental weaknesses are found," Dr. R. A. Brust, head of the to control pro- YOUR HEALTH Its Never Safe To Jump To Conclusions | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD a Yesterday I was discussing;ginating in the neck, the symp- pain, numbness and tingling}toms usually are exaggerated which can result from pressure}at night.) on a nerve root in the neck. | Neck disorders generally It brought to mind the experi-|a ffect more than just the ence of being chided by a phy-|appropriate fingers for carpal- 3. Melody - Muscular twitch . Beverage . What Rand's Atlas did 7. Teem . Fore- arm bone |. Soaks flax . Insti- gate . Indefinite article . Large snake . Land measure 20. Anger 21. Gig- gled 23. En- tire 24. Glazed, IF IL TAIMIBIOIYIAINICIE] EILIBIA RE AIRISIOIN| [Sit {Olt MMSIE Te [D[S} Yesterday's Answer 27. Ben- gal quince 29. Twice: prefix 31. Mouth 33. Aria 34. Affirm 35. 36. 37. 39. 40. Dancer Kelly Theater seat Exclamas tion Cry of a dove Sphere 26. Undershot Be bs 415 We Y, it 8 |9 waterwheel 27. Reigning VA!" beauty 28. Allowance ! "LA Yyy\? 2 Y 13 for waste 29. Incoherent 14 1S sician in another city and his|iunnel syndrome. secretary for not including a] In any event, a simple test discussion of the carpal-tunnel/for carpal-tunnel syndrome, as syndrome. The secretary, it/differentiated from neck spine appears, has this trouble--| pressures, is to bend the wrist numbness and tingling of the)/forward as far as it will go and fingers. 'hold it there for 60 seconds. If It is beside the point that the it is carpal-tunnel, the symp- problem I was discussing at the|toms (numbness, tingling) will time did not have the charac-|be reproduced. teristics of carpal-tunnel syn-| |.) . drome; that's what the secre- CAUSE IMPORTANT : tary had, so I was supposed to, Finding out the cause in a assume that it was the other Particular case is the important reader's problem, too! thing; one gets into trouble by . assuming that because the last a eS case treated was from such- bles, but as I remarked yester./nd-such : oe bed day, it is never safe to jump to W. Necessariily be conclusions. In every case, you|*ame cause. have to find the point at which pressure is exerted on the| Dear Dr. Molner: Is there nerve, and then find a suitable any test to see if a woman is a way to remove the pressure. (Carrier of hemophilia? My ; {mother is a carrier and my Carpal-tunnel syndrome reP-\y other was a hemophiliac. resents pressure on the median; nerve as it passes through the! wrist--usually a scarring thickening of the sheath sur- rounding the nerve there. uproar ie 30. Work hard 2, Chi 3: inese 19 LZ 33. Men of learning 36. Final river 26 A 27 38. Across 28 39. Chinese Y laborer 41. Solitary 42. Musical 33 Y instrument 38 41 43 NUMBNESS, TINGLING This particular ailment is fea- tured by numbness and tingling of the first and second fingers, and part of the third, that being the area served by the nerve. from injury or a other causes--it others. It can, extent the neck, spine, or presence of a cervical rib which I discussed obviously, tooth extraction, and occasion- The condition may resw! tially certain tests for bleeding, variety of|such as ¢ is sometimes) prothrombin en with the menopause, or|abnormal, é with low thyroid states, among|specific tests for a carrier of the trait. There is no reliable to some| way to know for certain until a resemble disorders of|son is born. They say the daughter of.a nor- mal man and a woman who is a carrier has a 50-50 chance of being a carrier. I have one daughter and am|~ quite concerned whether I am a carrier as I plan to have anoth- er child.--Mrs, C.B. Occasionally a carrier may bleed excessively after, say, a coagulation time or time, may be but these are not gram says, "we can capitalize on them to reduce the mosquito population." The delicate brain operation involves transferring tissue from a live mosquito that has had a blood meal to a female to aid. in determining the hor- mones involved in egg-laying In another approach researchers 'mark' mos- quitoes with radioactive phos- phorus and place them in con- fined pools on the campus. The best predators and _ parasites are easily identified by measur- ing the amount of radioactivity in their bodies. Contrary to popular belief mosquitoes have not built up a resistance to DDT, Dr. Brust says, because only two genera- tions breed during the short Praigle summer and resistan is losk during the long winter resting stage QUEENIE "Wait a minute... you hated the pants suit two weeks ago!" sensitive victims have insisted that they get ivy poisoning merely from being near a patch of the weed, and that actual contact with the irritating gooey sap is not necessary In this they are mistaken--they still must come in contact; how- ever it is carried to them. As already pointed out, smoke from the burning of ivy can be extremely irritating. It can also hve carried by the fur of ani- mals. Finally, the dried mate- 'ial can be carried by the wind, Poison Ivy Not to S.A. and and retain its poisonous proper- yesterday. (With disorders ori-'others: A number of unusually ties, a oe ee ee ee ee ee ee ae

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