REE-BEDROOM, two-storey brick ne in excellent condition throughout, "ge modern ey Lying room and ee large bedrooms. Low down pay- nt and owner wilt hold the eae | iaavinn three. GENT x: rlow Avenue, ry. e-bedroom 6% per cent NHA,. Telephone a, SL AT CENTRAL Park Bivd. ant, seven-room, outstanding, brick iow with lot 121 feet cd 1; two-car garage, three bedroom: reation room, professionally ends ped let. Must be seen. Only $25,900. h $5,000. down and terms. Call Jack sleby, evenings he ag Bolahood hers Limited, 728 VEN-ROOM West , newly | deco: ed inside and out. Walk-out basement ra lot Must sell, moving to USA, rh 176 Annis Street after 5 p.m. SOME HOME. 7-room house on Park S$. near French school, upstairs tment rented. For inspection call ve Lehan, 728-7576 Sibby's Real Estate rig LIVING--That's what you'll on this one acre. A brand pir th y two-storey brick home, eight rooms the growing ae: 4 and just east of awa foo. Full asking price $25,000, | Nick Siblock, 726-7576, Sibby's Real jate Lid, ja--Summer Properties For Sole or Ren Rent IRA LAKE, Madoc. Four - Four - bedroom ge, for sale or rent, winterized, ced air furnace, front and side porch, floors, acoustic ceilings, rmekeoure veiling. 98 miles. 723: AGE FOR RENT. Bobcaygeon, i. t. Telephone 623-5718, --Farms for Sa SH BUYERS | from Teronto area for ms and suburban properties, anything m 5 to 300 acres, If you are selling and free aporaisal call or drop us a line, vy. J. Wilkinson Real Estate, 100 King &. Member of ODRE Board. Tel. 576- \--Lots for -- RAE R. JONES REALTOR Office Home 668-8841 668-4003 TEN ACRES TERMS Beautiful 10 acre lots North East of Oshawa, 10 minutes, some with hardwood bush and 2 with spring-fed ponds, These are the finest parcels we have to offer and priced at only $6,000 to $6.500 with school bus by the door, excellent roads. One comer lot left, Call now to inspect, RAE R. JONES REALTOR Office Home 668-8841 668-4003 rT IN VERY DESIRABLE north-east tion of city. All services prepaid, lerground hydro. 728-0194, ENIC TEN-ACRE lots, peoeriviy Ie ed, numerous serviced. Also ' building lots, Don't miss this it ity. They are going fast, 983-5129. OTS" -- We have a vai vnship. Call us for prices and de- s. Douglas J. M. Bullied "Realtor. 723- © AND ' TEN acre "Tote, also brick se, one thousi down, In Oshawa, rothy Vivien weit {no toll) th Peters Realty Ltd. j--Real Estate Wanted We have out of town buy- ers waiting. Some with all cash or substantial down pay- | ments. Cash in now. Call 576-0330 H. KEITH LTD, Real ltor 1EED your home 1 now. Have cash and m buyers. If you want to sell, call lard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield- rr Ltd. IUYERS, for 3 and 4-bedroom s in north section of Oshawa. For p appraisal of your property, call now, kinson Real Estate, 100 King St. Ew awa 576-1411, }+---Stores, Offices, Storage The New RUDENTIAL BUILDING 1,800 SQUARE FEET STORES OR OFFICES, air conditioned Phone 725-9478 RE FOR RENT, also suit ce, 350 sq. ft. 20 1 simmeoe as ' ephone 725-5132. een aa "FEET of floor area, rent part or ei se King Stree? elephone 723-1 ie OFFICES { i rent on Simcoe . Owner will decorate according: to ants' specifications. Excellent locas , close to the hospital, Call Leon nitius or Guide Realty Ltd. 723-5281. RE FOR TEASE. Excellent location ise my ity Limited 723-5261 Jeon AILABLE FOR LEASE, 300 square | office area, good for any type of ncy, service, distributing, or pro- ional office. Windsor Plaza, Wilson a South, days 725-4791, evenings 728+ = | FOR RENT, opposite fowntown. Can' be used For more information " 2900 or 723-2594, : ohare me --Houses for Rent KURY HOME three bedroom: 1g and dining feom, dream Kitehen ) built-in eating area, family room, . een a Conditioned. Rent . ir mon 'or further je _ call 728-7583. lal W BUNGALOW, five rooms, no smail dren, close to bus, apply 350° Tra- @r avenue, Ritson South and Wolfe area. 2, square feet, plus two car. ae, ui a) sie washer, radio inter+ jatural stone firepla are foot family fr couiine room, overlookin: utiful ravine tot, are just a few oF exclusive features you will find. stantial rent. Phone 723-6541. ¢EE-BEDROOM bungalow for rent. erences required. Apply to Box 75259. D-BEDROOM home, on Dwight Aver $115, reonly Jeleenore 725-999 16 771, betwee: Spm - > BE SuDROON -- detached heuse, nediate occupancy. Telephone -- 725- NMANVILLE -- WAVERLY Road, k home, seven large, bright rooms, ° a furnace, $125 monthly, Telephone DERN THREE -- SEDR jalow pant s sRooM Wick year old, $145.00 manthi ston 723. oe yee ROOM : seine "Sent in E-ROOM furnished, to e with gent "or sUNanie tor 19 couple with hile" or wilt rew e. 148, 26--Apfrtments for Rent 26--Apertments for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 28--Room and Board The best volue In oportment living con be seen ot @ REGENCY TOWERS @ 349 MARLAND AVE. ROYALE. Apartments 119 Nonquon Rd. For seifice, comfort, and con- AND e@ PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVE - @ MODERN 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES NEWLY DECORATED STOVE AND FRIDGE BALCONIES FABRIC DRAPES LAUNDRY FACILITIES FREE HYDRO BROADLOOM IN HALLS ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLED ENTRANCE AMPLE PARKING CLOSE TO SCHOOL CHURCHES and SHOPPING APPLY 349 MARLAND AVE. PHONE 725-2227 OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the pork located on Mary St, North. Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. OPEN DAILY FROM 2 P.M. -- 9 P.M or by appointment 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville ee this outstand- Ing pg re building.. No where in Oshawa will you find such value for your rent- al dollar as you will ot The Royale, Large balconies and suites equipped with extra closet space, laundry rooms on all floors, No damage de- posit required, Apply apart- ment No. 104 or call 728-5282 723-0525 THREE-ROOM apartment for rent. Ap- ply after 5:30 p.m. fo 466 Humewood Ave. or 723-8806. ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, good meals, en packed. Close to bus stop. Park! 728-4845, $10, PER PERSON, sharing -- rooms; private $16.3; two rooms irking. oom. WHITBY, core board for ged location. Room ai meked. OF Parking, i. ir ind| ators, spindles for trailers, springs. S09 1 30--Automobiles For Sale \37--Auetion Sales 38--Coming Events THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 13, 1967 27 VOLKSWAGEN BUS, deluxe, 1965 model. If Interested, telephone 728-7815. ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi- Bloor Street East, 723-2281. THREE ROOM apartment in apartment block, Private bath, stove. Apely opt four, 428 Simcoe Street, South. WON'T YOU VISIT peng) RR god Paghidaogeen Oni: + the ones who en| oy a life of "Hnary Se our Suites daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Call 725-9934, 723-6022. ept.|quiet home, washi 7 es for rent. Apply room. Call 6 31--C t Cars for Sale bao ete Street, Oshawa, Apartment portions Map and board rn Be oecet a eae ZOLTAN and NICK'S bulnge' Avaliable October oo Tele. mans neer""Shopeing Co Cetra, Telapons ~~ kara taal PRIVATE ROOM or room and board in and Ironing, lunches General | eorcneng pares, ¢ to Home privileges. +7 ag bus stop. {i leoom "oR ROOM and board se yours genttoman or lady in private home, T.V. and rec toom, Parking. Tele. ONE and two-bedroom apartments. Ap- ply 291 Marland Ave., ah 103 or fele- phone 576-0668. iphone 668-4678. FOR YOUNG MEN -- laundry lunches Included, Call 668-8140. and FOUR ROOM apartment near south Gen- eral Motors. Immediate ---- Tele- phone after 5 p.m. 668-4870, ROOM AND ged for gentlemen. Television. Lunches ed. 6 days & week, Near north com plant, Phone 725- 390 |29------Wanted to Rent BIG OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL DOUG. GOWER AUCTIONEER 728-1005 38--Coming Events Specializing in Volkswagen Repair ond Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 % VOLVO and PEUGOT % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 DROOM apartment, Snel; laryer esr near Hh. Y+siget 8 rai baie ._Retriger. ator, stov ch monthly, 'Available peg ar: ans, 655-3! Fe as bedrooms, lerge Klichen, living room, 4-plece bath, parking, washer, | © GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Now available one 2-bedroom suite. For appointment to view this outstanding suite. please call 723-1712 728-2911 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom modern apartments. 22 ft to 32 ft. living rooms, swimming pool, lifeguard service, two eleva- tors, play area for children. 7% interest per annum paid on all security de- posits. Your Inspection invited. 723-2347 Oshawa Rental Agency Superb apartment accommo- dation in all parts of Oshawa. VALIANT DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 725-9934 7 " 728-4283 22 "La Contessa Apartments: A Distinguished Address Choice luxury sultes electric- ally heated and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, swimming pool, Sauna and recreation rooms. CLOSED CIRCUIT TV See on your own television screen who Is ringing your doorbell, before you give them entry. Suites available for adults only. REGENT ARMS Two bedroom apartments. Quiet building, adults only. 723-6944 or 723-6455 after 6 p.m. @ FOR RENT @ Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8:30 a.m, to 6 m. Sat. 8:30.a.m. to 5 p.m. PANDLORD'S. ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 SHELDIAN MANSIONS 885 Oxford St. @ Sublet large 2 and 3 bed- room suites with two bath- rooms @ Hi-fi @ Intercom, elevators @ Free hydro ond Ni @ Outdoor swimming pool, CALL 728-2502 Ideal for a quiet and com- fortable living. Be the envy of others Live at La Contessa, 140 Nonquon Road. Call 725-1481 LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciti prestige building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court and barbeque. I dryer, stove, reine. "Possession October 1. Telephone after 6 p.m. 728- FURNISHED TWO ROOM apartment, id entrance and bath. "Telephone THREE-BEDROOM house. happy aad party, Whitby erea. Telephone GARAGE wanted to rent. mg an "68 VOLVO 544, two-door. Good .condl- tion, Telephone 942-5545 after 5 om 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, very tion, must sell, Private. 668-5089, i 9000 Asking Tans. apart URGENTLY Ciena and' two teen-age chil- Povey In wine's toondenas of Donevan High and Duke of Edinburough School. Tele- 1964 VIVA Vauxhi terior, very clei as second car. ite with red in- condition, sey lephone 668-54. ing room with broadioom, copper over stove in kitchen, refrigerator, din- ing area, four-piece bath, $125 monthly includes utilities and heat, close to schools. 723-8728. THREE-ROOM basement spartment, private bath. Close to bus stop, Adults only. Telephone 7 723-7819 after six. Phone after 4:30 p.m. 728-7653. 1962 decypcha gray. Very a elephone 728-5440. NEWLY DE TED three Spertment, pris entrance, 'clees to|30----Automobiles for Sole a aes excellent condi- be fete ae Oras or. ne Tehphone 725-1 ead siege wien ly. Telephone SEE re eo MODERN two-bedroom apartment in six- RAMBLER 1961 ENVOY, $150. Telephone after 6 Plex, avaliable pring 30, large liv- P.m., 723-5994, SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT joe ond Used Cars to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 SW good condition Price $275. Telephone 723-5674, 1963 RENAULT, Ley _reeair, $295. @ offer. Telephone 725- '59 MORRIS "1000" condition, up, and pay difference. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, -- good running fair body. Will sell or trade 760 Hortop St. UPPER FLOOR of duplex, three rooms with three-piece bathroom, unfurnished. Newly decorated, heat and hydro in- cluded, $85 monthly. Apply 589 Albert Street. GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED TWO-ROOM apartment, refrigerator and stove. Centrally located. Suitable for re- tired person er aie 723-3907 before 10 a.m., after Bu R.R. No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean FOUR-ROOM, unfurnished, downstair¢ apartment, use of garage. Adults only, Telephone 725-1617. SIMCOE AND ELGIN, one-bedroom apt., stove and frig, suitable for business couple, adults only. Day 723-9132, eve ning 725-5294. APARTMENT FOR RENT, one minute to bus, quiet street, private home. Just the place for two people. Well furnished with all conveniences, ready to move In. Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 MORE CASH Paid for Good Cleon Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH ADELAIDE STREET WEST, two-bed- room apartment in an apartment bulld- ing, refrigerator, stove, broadioom. One ny child welcomed, Telephone 725- 6851 THREE-ROOM 'epartment, heat end hydro included, suitable for couple. Tele- Iphone 725-9843. CHILDREN welcome, $115 monthly, two bedrooms, large kitchen, living room, stove, refrigerator. Parking. Possession October _ i. ._ Telephone 725-8751. Two. kitchen and javailable now, central location. Tele- phone 728-9846, ONE-BEDROOM apartment In private home, private bath, refrigerator, 'stove included. Available September 15, Tele phone 723-6483 afier 5 p.m. CLEAN, furnished two-room apartment suitable for gentleman or young Private entrance. Simcoe South area. Telephone 723-6823. oad -9421 CENTRALLY located in ground floor, four-room apartment. Pri- vate entrance, bath, heavy erin Piva OSHAWA throughout. Avaliable October 1. Write | Box 14572, Oshawa Times. TRANSMISSION SERVICE New convenient location 116 BOND ST. WEST We now hove the facilities to do all genera! repoirs, Guaranteed work. Call 576-2610 "65 CUSTOM SPORT PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE 283, all power equipped, ra- dio, rear speaker. Must sell this week, Offers considered over $2050. 728-1195 '61 IMPALA, two door hardtop, 283 cv. In, 4 barrel, white with red Interior, good condition. Call after five, 723-1240. TWO - BEDROOM apartments In new buliding, large balcony, electric Hyetle free laundry, steam room, 725-9328 or 728-0123, fur- Sl Ln ccs DREW STREET, 74, three rooms, one|@!l_ new Ramblers. EXCLUSIVE Scotia Plan, bank fin cing available at Wellman Motors on| Warranted quality poe cars, You SP pes at how sh you save on finance charges. Call 18-735) for detalis. " 32--Trucks for Sale tion, big motor, 150 H.P., oversized tires. Terms cash. Telephone 923-1453. [ta oevae ; van; 1963 _Inter- handy van; national pick-up; 1960 GMC 980 Dump; 1960 Chevrolet tandum dump; 1954 Mer- cury tractor, Telephone 725-2156. 1967 CHEVROLET 'ton pick-up. AT condition. Telephone 668-2 2453. 142 GMC, Va-ton pick-up truck, can be seen at 322 Dwight Avenue after 4 pm. 1964 CHEVROLET Van delivery. Best Telephone 728-3361. Al offer, FORD pick-up, condition 1950 throughout. Asking $400. Must be seeni Telephone 983-5122 after 6.30 p.m. 33--Automobiles Wanted WANTED Good clean local cars cash MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" A-l for SUNNYSIDE Monster BINGO TWO JACKPOTS 52 and 54 $500 in 52 Nos. or less $200 in announced Nos, $25 Consolation Prize $10 per line both games. $150 Jackpot $20 PER LINE $50 FULL CARD $800 REGULAR GAMES $20 PER GAME $40 IN 17 NOS. or LESS 50 SPECIAL GAMES $50 DOOR PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAME at 7:45 ADMISSION $1.00 Every Thursday RED BARN BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:30 P.M. Children under 16 Not Admitted JAYCEES Monster BINGO Admission 50c Two Jackpots 53 and 58 ONE MUST GO $500. IN 50 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos. $25. Consolation Prize $10 per line both games $175. Jackpot $20 per line. $75 full card 20 Regular $20 Games pay double in 17 Nos. or less Five $30 Games Barly Bird Game 7:45 p.m. EXTRA PRPZES | Every Thursday at the Jubilee Pavilion BUSES LEAVING FOUR CORNERS at 7:00 and 7:15 P.M and Returning after Bingo Children under 16 Not Admitted | | | | | OBITUARIES JOSEPH FREDERICK COWX In failing health for some time, Joseph Frederick Cowx, 408 Dundas Street West, Whit- by, died Sept. 12, at Fairview Lodge. He was in his 89th year. Born at Keswick, Cumber- land County, England, the de- ceased was a son of Joseph and Jane Cowx. A resident of Whit- by for 57 years, he was a mill- worker with the Whitby Malle- able Iron and Brass Co. prior to his retirement 12 years ago. A member of All Saints' Anglican Church, Mr. Cowx was a former member of the Sons of England Lodge. Predeceased in 1966 by, his wife, the former Grace Hodge, whom he married in 1903 in Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Northside, West Seaton, En- gland, Mr. Cowx is survived by three daughters, Mrs. H. Dodd (Jean) of Alliston, Mrs. R. Little (Hazel) of Oshawa and Mrs. H. Appleton (Elsie) of Whitby and two sons, Joseph of Sarnia and George of Oxford, England. Also surviving are 26 grandchildren and 46 great- grandchildren, Mr. by a daughter, Mrs. Clurg (Grace), and three sons, William, John and Albert. | The funeral service will be | held at the W. C. Town Funeral|(Mary Joan) of Port Credit. |Chapel, Whitby, at 2 p.m. Sept.' 15, followed by interment |Rev. Stan Cemetery, Stanley Armstrong, rector| be 'Ail Saints' Anglican Church,} | will conduct the service. { Cowx was predeceased) J. Me- in| Miss Brooklin.|brother, James MacLean, both DONALD BEATON MacLEAN The death occurred, Sept. 12, at the Oshawa General Hospi- tal, following a lengthy sick- ness, of Donald Beaton Mac Lean, 915 Brock Street South, Whitby. He was in his 85th year. A son of the late John and Jessie MacLean, the deceased was born at Slumbay, Loch Charron, Scotland and has been a resident of Canada for 57 years. A supervisor at the Ontario Hospital for many years, prior to his retirement, 14 years ago, Mr. MacLean was a member of the Civil Service Associa- tion and a member of the hos- pital's quarter century club. A member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, he was also a member of Composite Lodge, No, 30, AF and AM and Keystone Chapter, No., 35, RAM; Vimy Ridge Lodge, No. 2697, LOL; and Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion. During the First World War he enlisted in 1914 and served with the ammunition column of |the 4th Canadian Division. Mr. MacLean {s survived by his wife, the former Sarah A, (Dolly) Booth, whom he mar- ried at Belleville in 1926; and a daughter, Mrs. K. Noble Also surviving are a_ sister, Mary MacLean and @ of Scotland, and four grandchil- dren. The funeral service will be |held at the W. C. Town Funeral |Home, Whitby, at 2.p.m., Sept. |. Beeies . | | HOGARTH, Henry Washington | Suddenly at Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa,| onday, September 11, 1967, Henry W. Hogarth, beloved husband of the tate |Evangeline Burr, loving father of Mrs. Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "'Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED, cars and trucks for wreck- ing. No charge for towing. Best prices paid, Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- ert Nichols. WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- Ing. No charge for towing. Best prices |pald, Telephone 728-4549 anytime, Rob- jert Nichols. SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars bought, parts for gale. Iron and metals LIONS SEPTEMBER SPECIAL BINGO $1,850 WHITBY. One-bedroom artme: in modern apartment building, renee tor, stove and laundry ee = plied, Adults preferred. A apart. ment 6, 105 Craydon 4. |WHITBY, large furnished modern two- bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. nished, central, adults or working couple) 75s or three individuals. No. children, Ab- el Air sedan, V-8, i " stainers. Available now. Lite ween oa tere 34----A bile Repair THREE -ROOM Self-contained untur-|after 6 p.m. . AUTOMATIC ished suite. Sut oe Sone auth {1963 ACADIAN Beaumont, convertible, TRANSMISSION Abstainers preferred. 728-2426, bucket seats, automatic floor shift, Reas- onable price, After § p.m. telephone Whit-| CENTRE by 623-2038. '64 BUICK RIVI' A fully jered sir conditioned, wire wheel discs, filt- away steering wheel. $2895 or best offer. Call 576-2405 after 3:30. room apartment. Telephone 668-2405. _| 1960 nati, clean "and ral, pevlinder, LARGE, two-bedroom, _ self-contained | paymi $6 per week, Lic, '5755 570, Well- apartment, faa gd end stove. ae man's a Rambler Call 728-7351, Seen, canis : ahs _. poo two-door, hardtop, wie. mai y, 1, wi FIVE-ROOM apartment, avaliable Octo-|biack vinyl top, radio, discs, four new ber 1. Telephone 725-7566. tires, new fuel pu vm jenerator and 26A--Expo Accommodation RESERVATIONS taken now for lar 4 double imal Hy modern private home Montreal, per couple, $15, two couples, 'so. "amily of four. 723-1358. 27--Rooms for Rent | ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM A NOW RENTING More ond more of Oshawo's nicest people are enjoying reasonable rents at the ONE BEDROOM ELECTRICALLY HEATED APARTMENT In new duplex, close to Osh- awa Shopping Centre, fridge, stove, drapes and carpet in- cluded. TELEPHONE 728-7654 AFTER SIX ZZ<rv%von Y=ZR> YAZMZSANY VD PHONE 728-9724 LUXURY ONE- and TWO-BEDROOMS Oshawa's Largest Suites and Best Location 'FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA BATH @ SWIMMING POOL Family and Adult Floors. Furnished or Unfurnished. RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 380 GIBB STREET MODERN one - bedroom apartment,| rb refrigerator and drapes, no dam-| je deposit. v0 Park Road Sou' LOVELY Sty "three-room Spart- ment, Abstainers. Harmony Road dis- Lisle Reasonable rent. Telephone 728- ONE-BEDROOM furnished or. unfur- nished apartment, new buliding, Port Whitby, free hydro and free parking. Telephone 284-6813 West Hill. TWO-BEDROOM: apariment, refrigera- and stove, small quiet apartment bullding, Avaliable October 1, $115. per month. Adults only. Apply Apt. 2, 109 Craydon Rd. aetle aoe 1, Apply | 6383. 723-8844, |TWO LARGE furnished rooms, ilable in private home- Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 ROOMS (or room and board) for two gentiemen or ladies. Telephone 723-1207. ROOMS FOR RENT -- Nightly and weekly rates, $12. weekly, maid service. Restaurant on premises, Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe North, ROOMS FOR RENT, one private and one to share for gentlemen in quiet Asp Must be employed. Telephone 668- COMPLETELY furnished bedroom and kitchen with sink, refrigerator, oe and television outlet. Suitable for gentie- man, Apply 237 Athol Street East. 725- 0803, private entrance, newly decorated, sultable for merried couple, or two ladies, 214 Cad- ilac Avenue South or 723-3541, "OPPOSITE SOUTH General Motors' two furnished rooms, private entrance and private commode, refrigerator, rangette etc, Completely private. Tele- phone _723- 2587. lo be appreci- 'ated. Private. 00. 15666. MUST SELL! 67 Rambler Rebel, four- door hardtop, excellent condition, $2,600 Bre offer, 728-6168 after 6 p.m. Ask for 1965 VOLKSWAGEN, like new, no down Payment $11 per week, Lic. J89904 Well- man's for Rambler, Call 728-7351. "63 VOLKSWAGEN, lady's car, up to 40 miles Let ne No down payment, $8 per week. Lic, 324303, Wellman's for Senmier. "Call 728-7351. %42 CORVAIR 500, good condition, gy al red interior. Telephone between 7 and 8:30 p.m, 723-0258. 1%3 CHEVROLET, automatic, power brakes, AM-FM radio. Noon-4 p.m. Telephon '67 CHEVROLET CAPR V-8, power between Super Sport, steering, Call 25-1828. E, four door, hardtop, 327-250 horsepower, -- turbo hydramatic, power steering, brakes, windows, seat, antenna. Strato-bucket porte vinyl roof, others too numerous to mention. Licence J68684. Save over $1,000. Peleshok Motors, Ajax, 942-6300. - FIREBIRD 400, eight thousand miles, four speed, many extras $3295. Tele- Phone 623-2862. '6 CAPRICE coupe, full power. Tele- phone 723-5596. '62 CHEVROLET sedan, miles, new tires, 49,000 actual xcellent condition, stereo tape player, tapes included $650 or best offer 728-5335. "64 CHEVROLET _ stationwagon, nine passenger, 327 automatic, power steer- Ing and brakes, chromed r rack, H ld white walls, wheel discs, Best La 807 after 6. 67 CHEVROLET, 4door station bts Sil power steering, powe: FURNISHED two - room apartment, woman only, central, $70. monthly, heat WHITBY -- One-bedroom apartment, no Sep aneae $80 monthly. Telephone 668- 8727. THREE -ROOM = apartment, _ available a Mad Information apply §92 Drew reet. and hydro inctuded. Telephone 723-3211. |6 ROOM | M FOR clean gentleman. Use|"! of eal facilities. Telephone after 5, SuaManaD HOUSEKEEPING room for .single man, After 6:30 telephone 723-6363, HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, near north); G.M., furnished, stove and refrigerator, recently decorated, parking available, only. Tell 728-1050, WHITBY -- Six room quiet apartment, 114 Chestnut St. E. at Perry St. $100 r month. Available Oct. Ist. One or io children welcome apply after 5 p.m. APARTMENT Aid COUNTRY, two bed. je chen and ae ve Apply. box 32325 Oshawa' Times, eo ROOM furnished apartment. Suit! lady, Near Popol tp Immediate posses- sion. Telephone 728-4265. LOVELY THREE room furnished apart- ment, business or retired lady or Races .|FURNISHED BEDROOM for Vv: rear window, radio. Only 4,700 miles, + clear only $2,890. Peleshok Motors, Alax. 942-6300. 4 CHEVROLET, 2-door station wagon, six, standard, excellent running condi- tion, Lic, X13391. Good buy at $395. Pele- shok Motors, Ajax. 942-6300. 64 GMC '2-ton panel, 11,000 guaranteed origin! miles, excellent condition throughout, Lic. 371178, $1,395. Peleshok CENTRAL, CLEAN, furnished, "Tight housekeeping room, sult working lady, Le ad from downtown. Telephone |°® 57. tors, Ajax, 942-6300. $325 or best @ PONTIAC convertible, cash offer. Apply 41 Brock St. West, Osh- ewa, refined entieman In adult home. Telephone 723-| 'i 0 or apply 272 Grooms Ave. Nog nga would Ilke @ good ho! jown payment, $4 per week, Lie. Kieose Call 728-7351. ELGIN STREET EAST, second floor, furnished room, refrigerator, parking, gentleman preferred, $12 weekly or $13 with hot plate, 725-1497. FURNISHED ROOM and all facilities to ghare with other ladies, In ful wy as equipped home, very close to hospital, Please tele- '67 RAMBLER Rebel, automatic and radio, etc. Company owned on reduced $1,000. No down payment, $20 per week. ig sfinancing. Wellman's for Rambler. a 1958 SuEVROURT seden delivery end hid ao with new fires. Telephone 8 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 IN CASH PRIZES DOOR PRIZES INCLUDE 1 MINT COIN SET with 'Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaronteed. 35--Lost and Found LOST. Dark brown wallet containing citizenship papers and other Important |papers. Call 725-0349. |LOST. One brown Buxton wallet In_Rit- son Road South area, Reward. Te@ phone 725-5293. LOST. Dark figer-striped female cat, part Persian, grey chin, blunted whiskers. Beau Valley area, Reward. Telephone 723-3997 LOST, LADIES yellow gold Benrus watch, vicinity of Oshawa Hospital and Alexandra Park, reward, contact R. Howard 212 King West after five. las Ronee ane 36--Legal CITY OF OSHAWA PURCHASING DEPT. SALE OF VEHICLES BY TENDER Sealed Tenders, plainly mark- ed as to content, will be re- ceived by the Board of Con- trol up until 2:00 P.M. (D.S.T.). Monday, September 25, 1967, for the following Surplus Vehicles: Tender 1A--67 1 only 1962, Model 211, 6 Cylindér Chevy Il Sedan, Serial No. 221114530, En- gine $32228. Tender 2A--67. 1 only 1963, Model 211, 6 Cylinder Chevy 11. Sedan, Serial No, 321121424, En- gine $7387}. Tender 3A--67. 1 only 1948 G.M.C. Fire Ser- vice Ladder Truck, Serial No. 8979301466, Engine G20213, Complete with Ladder Appar- atus. Tender 4A--67. 1 only 1957 GMC. Fire Emergency and Rescue Curb- side Body Van, Serial No. 7-9467-6-50356, Engine .A266331, No smoking, 'Sy 'ent. Telephone 20-5484, WHITBY -- basement apartment, self- contained. Suitable for business people. Telephone 668-8242, room apartment, private YOU could be the LUCKY TENANT to win 250 DOLLARS with your opartment TWO large bath and entrance, $70 monthly Includes heat, hydro, refrigerator, stove. Tele phone 725-0375. LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment in apartment bullding, seif - pares ve King Street East. Telephone 723-70 appointment ent. FOUR ROOM APARTMENT near South _ pele gfe hg feu git Immediately. jer 5, to be drawn on January 2, 1968. Bedsitting room $80.-- Two bedrooms $119 and $129. Incl.: stove, | fridge, water, hydro and electric heating. sucoND FLooR apa aan bed. room, three plece bath, kitchen, park- Ing, laundry facilities, $70 gall Available now. Telephone 728-6246. Phone 728-0208. SINGLE furnished bedroom in clean, it quiet home, 65 FURNISHED BEDROOMS, cooking facil- ities, near south General Motors, Pai ing. 604 Oxford Street. 725-7824. TWO ROOMS for rent, partially fur- nished, own entrance and bathroom. Telephone 728-1522. WHITBY. Central location, 1965 EG Parisienne, 4door hard- top, power steering, power brakes, white- wale radlo, low mileage. Telephone 728- rk- 1956 BUICK, also 1957 Volkswagen van. Good running condition, Telephone 728- 0424. room. Kd CHEVROLET, Bel Alr, 2-door hard- top, radio, 6 cylinder, automatic, sbove average, id Hae wax offer. After 4 p.m. for ling rooms for young gentlemen, Or room and board, Parking, TV. 668-4928. 'er ae ey GT, slant six, three- speed automatic, console, radio, bucket WHITBY. Furnished basement bachelor apartment. Centrally located. All facill- seats, snow tires Included. Make offer. Telephone 668-3598. ties included. Sult single girl. Telep! 668-8993. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible, Al Telephone 728-4797. SINGLE light room, for Fajitas only, $10 weekly, Servie st. 725-8384, pidarglieeya $95_ monthly, ierpe, three apartment, T.V. outlet, paved park- ie ties Included. Main floor, 5 min- utes town, hospital. Adults, 72: To be seen by only, CALL 723-5325. applications only. SUPLE apart. two-bedroom -- modern spotless. 'Adults preferred. 5.3093, |ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman 1986 BUICK Special, 2-door hardtop, 353, V-8, shi extra fea- tures, excellent $200. 728-3667. 28--Room and Board ) Near facilities. Apply 863 723-8364. south GM, parkin: 'elephone Ritson Rd. South, 1963 ELECTRA 225 seers coupe. Black, red. leather interior, bucket seats, full power, $1750, 668-2778. 1963 PONTIAC 283, br tires. _Immacu! man' Avenue Whitby. STATION. WAGON, arisienne convertible, i 5 Ri and laundry faclilties|ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, 6 Details of draw given with trigerator, ey and garden seace sm days @ week, close to south GM. Tele- coe Street North, Telephone 725-5169. phone 728-7873. BULL-TIME SALESMAN, Classified Ads|SUB-LET two-bedroom apartment injFOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meals, 'eround clock. 72> \apartment _ bulldi all conveniences, | clean, quiet home, parking, close te. bus. sid Dial 72> |ePaliebie' Seple Ik" Yolwphene STeT. a) Garrard Rove, by & '59 Pontiac, 4door Laurentian, engine has only 6,000 milles, BoniN tires, radloy wheel discs, Telephone $20 GOLD PIECE ond 8 -- $10 PRIZES This Week Only 2 JACKPOTS $200 Each Both Must Go Increased to $300 In 52 Nos. or Less PLUS $10 per line both gomes. Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed minimum $10 per line and $50 full card, $150 Jackpot Game 20 Regular games at $20 Double in: 15 Nos. or less. Last 5 games, $30 per gome. ADMISSION $1.00 Bus service leaving King and Simeoe Street at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 13 JUBILEE PAVILION KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BINGO- At The PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $8,300 in Prizes Including Brand New 1967 AMBASSA- DOR Sedan or $2,000 in-cash $1,000 Hi-Lo Gome $450 special gomes Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) ot 7:30 Don't forget to buy the econ- omy pock for value and save BIRTHS ard George, 8 Ibs, 3 ozs., ford, all of Oshawa, Many thanks to Dr. Morgan and murses on 4A. son, Patrick Darryl, at 7 Ibs., 18 ozs. bola -- Ed and One (nee are thelr daughter, Lisa Anne, 7ibs. 13 0: COLMER TOURS SYRACUSE NEW YORK THANKSGIVING Oct. 7th - Oct. 9th EXPO TOURS 3 Day Tour Oct. 16, 17,18 2 Day Tour Oct. 21 &22 EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS For Information Call COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 623-3265 or 623-3093 BOWMANVILLE awa Genera! Hospital. A sister for Dan DEATHS ADAMS, Samuel Jackson Wednesday, September 13, ee Samve! jackson Adams (142 King St. &., Bow- manville) husband of the "tate ins Drum- mond, gon of the Funeral Chapel, ment St, Toronto. John's (Norway) COWX, Joseph Frederick Fairview Lodge, Whitby, on Tuesday, NOTE: All vehicles will be sold under, as is and where is conditions, "Tenders will be directed to the Office of the City Clerk, Civic Administration Building, Oshawa, Ontario. Specifications, Tender Forms, and Appraisal Information may be obtained at the office of the undersigned, or by mail upon request. The highest or any tender received for each vehicle will not necessarily be accepted. W. J. CROMPTON, City Purchasing - Agent. R JOB SWITCHES The average man between 20 and 24 can expect to switch Jobs six or seven times. In many cases the change will he "Ito @ totally new career. And the place to look for the best jobs Is the "Help Wanted" column in The Times' Classified Section, Whether you're EUCHRE Rundle Park Clubhouse Thursday, September 14th 8 p.m. REFRESHMENTS ADMISSION '50c¢ Dundas Street West, Whitby), be- loved husband of the late Grace Hodge, dear father of Mrs, een Mrs, R. Little (Hazel) Oshawa, SOCIAL BINGO af St. torium, 411 Ollve Avenue. Thursday, Hedwig's Audl- September 14, at 8 p.m. Prizes, -refresh- ments, FOR RESULTS TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS unemployed or looking i @ better job; oheck "Help Wanted" now 723-3492 wl 5) Ae wii the late Frannie Louise Langmald, fa- ther of Mrs. » Armstrong (Florence), Ing fund would be appreciated.) ear. Mr. Hogarth Is resting at Mac- KINSMEN Vets Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King St. E. Service in the chapel on Thursday, SPECIAL September 14 at 2 p.m. interment Union |Cemetery. In lleu of flowers contribu- \tions to the Heart Fund will be appre- BRING THIS jclated, ] Va PRICE PASS MacLEAN, Donald Beaton FOR TWO Be ie Capen ener) Hospital, on uesday, September 12, 1967, Donald B. i MacLean (Of 915 Brock Street South, Friday, Sept. 19, 1967 Whitby), beloved husband of Sarah A. To the (Dolly) Booth, dear father of Mrs. K. Noble (Mary Joan) of Port Credit, dear GIFFORD -- George and Carol (nee Henry) would like to announce the safe and heppy arrival of a baby boy, Rich- Tuesday, TOBEY -- Pet and Dianne (nee Cook- man) wish to announce the arrival of a Bowmanville Hospital, Saturday, Sept. 9, 1967, weight Ethier) happy to announce the arrival Mf FUNERAL CHAPEL Sunday, September 10, 1967, at the Ssh B At Mémorlal Hospital, Bowmanville, on late John and Lizzie Adams, Toronto, Resting at the Morris Bowmanville. Service In the chapel, on Friday at 2 o'clock. Inter- Cemetery, In falling health for some time, at the September 12, 1967,, Joseph F. Cowx (of H, Dodd (Jean), Oshawa and the late Norman Garrard chapel on Thursday, September 14, at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. (in leu of flowers donations to the Heart Fund or Kingsview United Church bulld- jElma ¢ and brother |F. 0. Gerrard, Oshawa, in of Mrs. his 9st brother of Miss Mary MacLean and James of Scotland; in his 85th year. |Resting at the W. C, Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for service In the chapel jon Thursday, September 14, at 2 p.m. \14. Interment will be in Mount |Lawn Cemetery. Rev. W. J. S. McClure, minister of St. |Andrew's Presbyterian Church, | will conduct the service. Members of Vimy Ridge Lodge will hold a service at the funeral home at 9 p.m, to- day. FUNERAL OF MICHAEL KAZARUK Mass was sung in St. Mary's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church at 9 a.m., Sept. 11 for Michael Kazaruk, who died, Sept. 8, at the Oshawa General Hospital, in his 57th year. The mass was sung by Rev. George Tsukornyk. Interment was in St. Mary's Cemetery. The pallbearers were John Kokorian, Nick Dutka, Walter Wiwcharuk, Alek Ewernychuk, William Sorochan and Metre Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Osh- awa. Minister the Rev. W. Clure. (Members of Vimy Ridge Lodge No, 2697 LOL will hold a@ service W nesday at 9 p.m.) (if desired, contribu- tlons to the Whitby Hospital buliding fund would be appreciated.) PYBUS, Walter Dougias Entered Into rest In the Oshawa General) Hospital on Tuesday, September 1 Me iter Douglas Dorothy Baker and father of ited Dousles Allman Bi Allan pp ha arty year. Rest! at the oe on Thursday, September 14, 1:00 a.m, Interment coneenn ROWE, Lucy May Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. SMITH, Margaret At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Wednesday, September 13, 1967. Mar. garet Lake, aged 64 years, wife of the late J. Anderson Smith, Newcastle, dear | WARD, Walter R. Entered into rest suddenly ef Clare- mont on Monday, September 11, 1967, Walter R. Ward, In his 92nd year. Be loved husband of the late Bertha M, Cooper and dear father of 1. Aldine (Mrs, William Evans) of Claremont, Joseph A, of Oshawa, and loving grand- father of Blalr, Glen, Dean, Betty (Mrs, Terry Hopkins) and Christina, all of Claremont; Patricia (Mrs. K. Zander) of Toronto, James of Oshawa and broth- er of William of Oshawa, Fred end Roy of Claremont, Sarah, Sophie, Mary, Flo- in Claremont United Church on Thurs- day, September 14 at 2.30 p.m. Interment Claremont Union Cemetery. The sy | will be open in the chureh from 12.30 until time of service, Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 i Whitby, Ont. IN MEMORIAM McDONALD = In ioving memory 8 dear father and grandfather, Rooet| McDonald, who passed away Sept. 1955. His memory Is es dear today As In the hour he passed a --Lovingly remember by Bob, jdaughter-inlaw Emily one, family. SMITH -- In loving memory of @ dear Romaniuk, FUNERAL OF GEORGE E. KELLY | The, funeral service for \George E. Kelly, who died at Hillsdale Manor, Sept, 9, was Pybus, beloved husbend| jheld yesterday, The service, from the Me- gf) gre is 'Sem{Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home Armstrong Funeral| was nducted b Home, oinewe for funeral service An ys : be ' A mer, H. *|Dyck of Albert Street United Oshawa nie Church. Interment was in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were Arthur Childs, Albers Walker, Vaughan At Memorial Hospital, 5 Pehle bl. " $1,100 Small Snowball Monday, 'September 11, 1967, Lucy Ay ee oe Charuk, Allan Rowe, ag '4 years, 73 Centre "ah, 0) rge le (53 nos.) | Bowmanvite, wite of "the tate. Char obertson and George Snuth 'owe, dear mother of Frede me, $1,300 Big Snowball Omer Ven Laere), Robert Finnigan, (55 nos.) John Finnigan, Margaret (Mrs, Robert 600 1 pce ier Coll Sy at te prhe Pus 0. 0 nera apel, Bowmanville. Service In $ ae See the chapel_on Thursday at 2 o'clock. 7 Fights Hard money rover sna Jehe\ Coe, Resting af Mel Ramu the Wolf' Bor' who ovaa ' ; Ct Bonet Ghia yopteted Ramu the Wolf Boy, who vas MANY FREE AND VALUABLE | Service In the chapel'en Soturday at 4|believed to have been brought DOOR PRIZES hi Interment St. George's Ceme-jyp by wild animals in the KINSMEN Indian jungle, continues to fight for his life in Lucknow's Bal- rampore Hospital where he has been treated for the last 18 years. Now 23, Ramu still remains as much of a mystery as he was when found in 1954 lying naked on the floor of a third- class waiting room of the Luck- now railway station. September 12, 1967, at Oshawa Generaijrence, Della, Judson, and Evans de Hospital Superintendent Dr. Hospital. A little " brother for Cindy ceased: Mr. Ward hPL g Gren S. Mitra said Ramu has a 01 " 4 Hea eek ee ae ae cee Road West, Pickering. Funeral service chronic respiratory infection and there has been a progres- sive weakening of his system. When found, Ramu could only utter animai cries, would only eat raw meat and shunned human beings. Although he was about 10 years old, he could not walk but lay curled up. He snatched food with his jaws and sucked up water from a dish. Ramu has been examined by eminent doctors and psycholo- gists from all over the world. They generally agreed that he was deprived of human contact as a child, but some believed he might have been shut away from his parents because of deformities and finally aban- doned. Dr. D. N. Sharma, who looked after Ramu when he was first found, maintained there were many aspects of the boy's behavior which suggested that he was brought up by wild beasts. He thought Ramu might ,| have been carried off by a she- wolf as an infant, and that his 3,/limbs were deformed by being kept confined in a lair. In all the years he has been in Lucknow, no one has come forward to claim Ramu. He has learned to recognize his doctors and nurses but has never learned to speak. His diet is currently vegetarian and he eats well. But doctors said his health is slowly declining. . Appleton (Elsie), Whitby, Sooo of Sarnia and os "of Oxford, |husband and father, Ernest S. Smith England; predeceased by Mrs. J. Mc-|who passed sway September 13, 1962, Clung (race), William, John and Al-|--Ever remembered by wife Jessie and torts . his ee Nes Resto. at the|son Donald C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for 7 service 2 ae Sa va ote Sep- LOCKE S FLORISTS ember 15, at 2 p.m. Interment Grove- side Cemetery, Brooklin, Minister the| Funeral arrangements end Rev, §. Armstrong. Visitors. com-| floral arrangements for all mencing 7 p.m, Wednesday. occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING @ARRARD, William CENTRE Entered Into rest In the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, September 12, 1967, 728-6555 A LASTING TRIBUTE For Peroerenes and dignity br brother of Fred, Russell, and Gor we sugges' don, ch sins beige My ye bed ao INT LAWN esting at the Armstr eral Nome. Oshawa, Funeral service "y the MEMORIAL 'PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, CUPE AIDS LOCAL STRIKE BRANTFORD (CP)--The Brantford local of the Canadian Union of Public Employees, on strike since Wednesday de- manding a $3.-an hour wage rate, Friday received $500 from the union's Ontario division for immediate expenses. Talks be- tween the union and the city are scheduled for 1 p.m. Mon- day. : 723-2633 SAPD EVV OOS Be dada a da COD EE OS BAM 08 rime