Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Sep 1967, p. 26

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reese e se VY sy '26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 13, 1967 |20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale PE ey eV ewe YY |20--Real Estate for Sele 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted JUNIOR EXECUTIVE = nent jure for 8 sales type individual to contact with the public. EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Conodo's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, No- velties, etc. Over 300 items. For free, beautifully illus- trated catoloque ,samples, on opproval and the fastest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Cord o., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Homilton. Ont. 9 FEMALE GAS ATTENDANT 16 to 22 years. Apply: CROWELL'S SERVICE STATION 22 Bond St. E. 728-8712 WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS, We Will Train You No investments, Collections, or Deliveries 723-3568 care and cosmetics, agement the Home Show, Civic Auditorium tion EXCLUSIVE B BEAUTY Counselor skin Openings in man- and sales. See us working at) or! call Mrs. Morrison, 725-6816 for informa-| YOUNG MEN To assist manager in local branch of coost to coost choin organization. Experi- ence unnecessary, in educa- tion field, but must be able to converse. intelligently, Applicants must be: 1. Aged 18-26 2. Neat in appeorance 3. Able to stort immediat- ee SALARY: \ 410 weekly For interview call 725-2541 9-noon Villa, 680) We ore looking for One Stripper and ONE Intertype Operator Only qualified person need opply. Fringe benefits, good HAIRDRESSER required, time. 725-6823 SALAD BAR work from 9 to §. Apply Genogha Hotel. FABULOUS FOX STOLE, Mexican holl- day for two, beautiful autumn fashions! and high earnings can be yours if you drive and can work two er week ly. Vanessa Hammond, 576-3987. WAITRESS REQUIRED, 411 shift, No Campbell, Gen-/ phone calls. Apply | Mr. osha Hotel, KITCHEN HELP wanted. A woman be tween the ages of 25-45, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, except Sundays and holi- days, te work in kitchen, wash dishes, during rush hour. Apply Lakas Coffee Shop, 53) E cleaning and make sandwiches King HOUSEKEEPER fo care for three chil-/ two school age. Light household! Greo, duties. Live-in, own lovely, Nag room. | Claremont 649-2471 before 6:30 COCKTAIL LOUNGE waitresses want-| ed. Must have own transportation. For} experienced | preferred, with or without clientel, ful! | Telephone 723-4212 or evenings, appointment telephone 942-5580, Mr. Mc- Nally. SHIRT GIRLS, experienced, wanted, new Cabinet Master. No Saturdays. One-| Hour Martinizing, South, Ajax Shopping Plaza, 942-2212. 96 Harwood Avenue PLEASANT MATURE lady for keeping position in busy Oshawa fam- ity home. All conveniences. 723-0377 or 668-6806 GIRL OR LADY to babysit and "do g eral housework, three or four days Jit ly, from 11 a.m. to $ p.m. Must like chitdren and be capable of managing same, 668-5432 HOUSEKEEPER yequired gentieman. Must live in. Apply to Box 32327, Os fa_Times, Whitby. HOUSEK ER, fivi three children, 18, 3 and five, 'or per! week. Responsible persons only need epply. Box 43, Colborne. GOOD HAIR STYLIST wanted. Princess Colffures, 39 Simcoe Telephone 723-0301. 18--Male Help Wanted COUNTY OF ONTARIO * SUPERVISING CARETAKER AND CUSTODIAL OFFICER 'Applications will be re- ceived by the undersign- ed until Tuesday, October 3rd, 1967 for the position of Supervising Caretaker 'and Custodial Officer at the County of Ontario Court House and Admin- istration Building, Whit- by, Ontario. Salary Schedule $5,592 - $6,480 Apply) 8). N./ house- Telephone gen ---- "Yor retired | wages ond steady employ- ment. Apply to Plant Superintendent MAX BEERLI 723-2233 GENERAL PRINTERS CO. LTD. OSHAWA 3 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen wanted immediately for Osh- awa and Ajax areas, with di- rect Toronto lines, tremendous advertising support in Tor- onto, Oshowa, ond all focal popers. Hundreds of leads plus generous supply of re- sole listings and tremendous supply of new homes, excel- lent commission, orrange- ments. For private and confi- dential interview call John Kosteniuk 942-3310 Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD REAL ESTATE | SALESMAN We have an opening for an energetic salesman to fill a vacancy in our soles force. Experienced salesman prefer- red, limited personnel at this modern office, all types of real estate sold giving « solesman the best opportun- ity to earn high commis- sions. Apply LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King ST. E. 728-4678 DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Required immediately to as- sist area manager in expond- ing local sales organization for a tremendously successful international cosmetic comp- ony. Full training provided. Work part of full time. SEE MR. AYRES at GENOSHA HOTEL Thursday September 14 from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. YOUNG MAN | | | | whe is not returning te | school-and wishes to moke a | coreer of selling | @ poid selling | @ profit sharing pian | @ hospitalization @ best working conditions | APPLY MR. CLARKE | Agnew-Surpass Shoe Store Simcoe Street South "PART TIME EVENINGS 6:30 - 10:30 p.m, rried men for op- BUMPER PLATERS and BUFFERS * QUALITY. CONTROL TECHNICIAN Our Company, the leading monufecturer ef sporting in Conade hos 9 require a QUALITY CON om: ment for TROL TECHNICIAN whose duties would include the in spection of detoil ports os well os first off and final inspection The person we need for this talaried position must be able 4o read ond understand blue- Prints, to use measuring in struments ond be able to keep records to write reports "Excellent fringe _ benefits "@vailable. Apply in writing to: H. lelson WINCHESTER CANADA Cobourg, Ont. oye COVERAGE af low + you get with h Claseiies porets sss now ter an |WANTED FOR OSHAWA offi --lexperiented Real |Inquiries treated fs|Baidwin Mafn, Ltd. poit§ 506 Simcoe $1, South, Osh- ewe, 728- "Experienced _ Produce Monoger | 9000 wages fo right mon Apply Glecoff's Limited 174 Ritson Rd. §, Oshowo PLUMBING ond or HEATING MAN Steady work, experienced only. GOULD HEATING 987-4223 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS machinists. Good For quolitied Steady employment working condition. Call For tu MORTGAGES ARRANGED | Lindsay 324-5212 _ fully! salesman. | Estate confidentially. Call w W. Frank Real Estate| FILL SPARE ROOMS with paying guest. gg 723-3492 no wtor an ad-writer to! Three-year initial salary pilus handsome incentive compensation and ali group benefits, Oshawa area resident pre- ferred, age 21-40, no travel. Position offers stable career with substantial in- come and to the right person manager jal opportunity. Reply in confidence to Box 34567, Oshawa Times. IMMEDIATELY, Ranch "and 10 take trails, care for horses, general mainte- nance, Live in. Telephone 725-2737. TYPE. Perma ye YOUNG man with grade 12 education, to work in our production {planning department. Usual fringe bene- |fits. Please apply to Mr. C. Robinson, [Bathurst Containers, Whitby. 668-3371. | DOORMAN, aged 50 to 0 60 years, |young ushers, under 19 years for 28 |({Theatre. Apply in person to manager. Ps TIME male bartender required. Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. ED -- Experienced dozer opei ~ttors' Apply 62 Russet! Avenue, Oshawa. |MALE COOK, 25 years or older, prefer lably married. Apply Scott's Chicken 301 Dundas St. W., Whitby, 668- TV SERVICE MEN, full or part time, salary to $150. weekly. Telephone 728- | 5154 [CARPENTER REQUIRED, » few hours evenings or Saturdays each month, cabi- Inets, etc. Apply Box 75323. 19--Maele and Female Help Wonted |BOY "OR GIRL for morning | paper route jin the Beatrice, Tecumseh, Sunset, [Churchill Streets area. Telephone 576 sake between mead and 8.0 pm '20--Real Estate for Sele Se 'SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 N.H.A. RESALE Modern brick bungalow with cathedral type ceiling. Spoc- ious kitchen with dining orea and built - in china co- binet. Very clean and neat home with corport and as- situated on a | pholt drive lorge let in the east sec- | tion of the city. Substantial down payment required, but well worth it | $18,900 full price with $300 down | poyment for this modern | three bedroom bungslow with | large hollywood kitchen, broadioom in living -- ond | dining room, partially finish- ed recreation room. Nicely landscoped 'ot and very close to schools and bus ser" vice. Call now and arrange your inspection LAKE VISTA $14,900 Six room brick home with finished recreation room and extra bedroom in basement Fenced back yard with trees. Owner very anxious to sell, Call tonight for your appoint- ment to inspect. DUPLEX } Eight yeor old brick dup- lex in excellent north end location. Each unit consists of two bedrooms, living room, dining room and kitchen, Recreation room nearly com- pleted. Large nicely land- scaped lot. Priced to sell at $26,500. with terms. SEVEN ROOM SPLIT LEVEL with attached gorage. This home fectures all good siz- ed rooms, a separate dining roor 1d just loaded with extr Located very close to Seporate and Public Schools, A lot of home for $24,500. RANCH BUNGALOW Electrically heated ond just one yeor old, situated on a lot 120' x 150' with a beou- tiful view. Huge living room with fireplace, 3 lovely bed- rooms, Professionally landsc- oped grounds. Reasonable down payment and owner will hold one open mortgage for bolance. Call now for all de- toils OPPORTUNITY. | KNOCKS | Still a few new homes left in Pinewood Terrace. | Priced from $19,675 63%4% N.H.A. MORTGAGES Moy be purchased as low os $1,450 DOWN PAYMENT SUBJECT TO APPROVAL. This some style home will be) | much higher next spring. | | DON'T WAIT -- | INVESTIGATE | | CALL 723-2265 NOW Sranenncees | jl porticulors coll 723-2265 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Willord Johnston - 728-1066 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 | Ed Drumm 725-9345 | Mike Belmonte 576-1908 George Twaites 723-2008 | Morg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Me! Dole 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.REB WE LIST AND SELL MLS. 360 King St West, Oshawa Guy Leblanc REALTOR 623-7461 GIBB STREET 5 room bungalow with gar- oge, in excellent state of re- poirs, aluminum siding, osk- ing only $15,900. COURTICE AREA 1% Acre with 4 bedroom home, new oil furnoce.- Suit- able for V.L.A. 'asking only $18,900. Trade considered. BOWMANVILLE end executive type brick bungolow with fire- place, immaculate condition, asking only $20,900. Terms. V.L.A. APPROVED 2. bedroom bungalow, on 3 ocre lot with 100 feet front- age, small play house, asking only $3,000. down West ' particulors call tonight. "LAURENTIAN AVENUE MOVE WITHIN 30 DAYS GUIDE 16 Simcoe St. S. REALTY LTD. 723-5281 EAST END BEAUTY 1 @ Brick rancher with gor- age. Large Jot, park behind, very quiet court. Large rooms, built- in stove, gloss shower doors, T.V. rotor, stone fireplace. Full price $21,500.00. RIGHT FOR YOU ll. @ We have for sole a 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick home on Jorvis Street in the North- eost section of Oshawa. Feat- ures a large combination living room and dining room, kitchen, full basement. For the right buyer this home will carry for $65.00 principal and interest. "JARVIS STREET" Wt. @ Full price $11,900.00, only $1,400.00 down will put you into this 6 room, 2 storey brick home. 2 separate kit- chens, 2 hydro meters. Don't miss this one. Call ot once for an appointment to inspect, PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 576-0330 GENERAL STORE Thriving business both win- ter and summer, close to Osh- awa ,with excellent return on investment. Store is fully equipped with shelving, 2 check-out counters and deep freeze display counter ond walk-in cooler. Many con- cessions included. Call FRANK SMITH, 576-1415 or 576-0330, FOUR BEDROOMS Beoutiul brick tri-level with attached garage. Two wash- rooms, door chimes, storms and screens on all windows. L-shaped living and dining room, Corlon on kitchen and bathroom floors. A real buy! Call FRANK SMITH, 576- 1415 or 576-0330. 50 ACRES -- JAIL? Only $20,000 buys this six room house and barn, good soil, right next to proposed new jail. Speculators oppor- tunity! For more informotion rt aad WIERSMA, 728- 683, DUNBARTON "KLUANE STREET" IV. @ Extra large lot, 85 x) 170' beautiful view of Loke On-| tario. Zoned R2A. Can be bought with down payment. | Owner will hold mortgage. ea comes to the door. Phone to- night for further particulars. "KING STREET EAST" V. @ This well-built commer- ciol property is located close to o busy intersection and houses, 2 leased stores, plus two opart- | ments leaving the owner a love- ly spocious apartment for his own use. Coll us for further in- formation "COMMERCIAL PROPERTY" VI. @ 33,000 sq. ft land, zoned commercial, front-| oges on 2 main streets, one secondary street. Located in centrol part of Oshawa, Excel- lent location for commercial, professional, high rise aport- ment development. Call tonight | We will be pleased to furnish you with all particulars. "KILMAURS STREET" VII @ This immaculote ranch} style bungalow is for somebody | who appreciates the beauty of | living in a quiet district. ks shaped living and dining room, natural stone fireplace, paved| drive, attoched gorage and many other extras. For more vocant | VIN @ Solid brick ranch style bungalow, large living room with dining area, size bed- rooms and kitchen, Finished basement, asphalt driveway, large patio. Close ta schools on @ nice quiet avenue. One own- er, this home has been well cared for. IX @ into this 5 bedroom bun- galow which features 2 sepor- ate bathrooms, extremely large kitchen, attached garage. Home is within walking distance to schools, bus service ond GM South Plont. Listed at low price of $18,200.00. "NATURAL STONE FIREPLACE" X @ in this immaculotely kept 3 bedroom bungalow on a quiet street close to schools, Paved Four room bungalow on two acre lot. Terrific view over- looking Lake Ontario and Scarboro by night. Anxious to sell. Asking $12,500. Call IDSO WIERSMA, 728-5683. SHOPPING CENTRE SITE National grocery firm inter- ested in lease back on this last piece of commercially zoned land. Located on King St. East. An excellent specu- lative opportunity. Open to offers this week. Call DOUG CHARMICHAEL, 723-7463, RESTAURANT GOLD MINE $6,500 full price for this beautiful modern restaurant on one of Oshawa's busiest Streets. Large gross sales yearly, makes this a really wonderful buy. Call DOUG CARMICHAEL, 723-7463, COUNTRY HOME Lot 100' x 540', six room home with four room base- ment apartment, Broadloom in living room and dining room, Attached garage and carport. Located on Preston- ville Rd. §. Asking $21,500. Call GORD CHARLTON, 728- 8569. 100 ACRES RANCH This is @ good investment possibility, could be divided into 10-acre parcels. Asking only $12,500. Located north side of Loke Scugog, 12 miles from water. Call GORD CHARLTON, 728-8569. CHURCH WITH HALL Church suitable for small con- gregation, located on Albert Street close to downtown. Mutuel drive. House already ©n property. Could be used os apartments. Excellent terms, Call LES HALL, 728- 5513. PERFECT BOARDING HOUSE Ideal location close to the hospital and all main thor- oughfares. Five bedrooms, separate dining room and large living room, Two wash- rooms, brick fireplace in the living room, Excellent income possibilities in this one, Call LES HALL, 728-5513, drive, Hollywood style kitchen, built in stove and oven, recrea- tion room with hardwood floor- ing. Landscaped to perfection: Substantial down payment to 6% mortgage. Phone for par- ticulars, "PORT PERRY" X! @ New split level home constructed of brick ond stone on a quiet dead-end street Mahogany natural trim through- out. Basement: finished. Lawns newly seeded. Call today for inspection, "EXTRA LARGE CONCRETE GARAGE XI! @ Comfortable three bed- room bungalow. Compoct kit- chen. Extra spacious room in} basement with electric heat and| large double closet. Driveway is) paved and there is a patio to! sit on and enjoy the flowers. Buses and schools are conven- iently ciose. Full price $18,- 500.00 N.H.A. mortgage 6%. OSHAWA OFFICE Allan. Bertrand 985-7251! Roy Flintoff 725-3454 | Jack Graham 728-2634) Jean Peacock 725-4330) Evelyn Cassel 725-3710! Leonard Bissell 728-2070 Veron B. Corson 723-9785 Steve Englert 728-5581 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Morris Fogel 723-2563 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Lloyd Corson 725-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 WHITBY OFFICE George Nymeyer 728-4241 Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884) GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street, South 723-5281 ip you phrase yeur That's The Job Of Times Want' Ads 723-3492 ' JOHN F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD, 14 Frank Street Bowmanville 623-3950 OSHAWA: Lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow. 4-pc. bath- room with vanity on Labra- dor Drive. Convenient 61% mortgage with low down pay- ment. Beautifully decorated, Clean as a pin. 10% ACRE wooded lot with lovely large stream, Location north of Bowmanville, Priced to sell. NEWCASTLE: 4 bedroom, 2 year cld. 2 storey home on large lot. Electrically heated. 2 bathrooms. Call: George VanDyk 623-7437. ENNISKILLEN: well built 7 roomed home on large lot. Running water. Garage. Only $1,500. down. ORONO: New 5. roomed brick bungalow, 4-pe, bath. Oil heated. Small stream in back yord. Asking $17,900. wale beiivs VanDyk, 623- BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedroom brick bungolow. Located near Stores etc. Asking $18,900, 62% N.H.A. mortgoge. COUNTRY LIVING: 3. bed- room bungalow. Oil heated with 4-pc. bathroom on 2 acre lot. Garage and barn, Asking $18,500. Terms. Call: George VanDyk, 623-7437. LARGE: 4 bedroom. brick bungalow with natural stone fireplace. Oil heated, 4-pc. bothroom. On 4 acres, Ask- ing $22,500. Terms. NEAR BOWMANVILLE: 30 acres with 3 bedroom bunga- low. Oil heated with 3-pc. bath. Land facing 401 high- way. Price and terms arrang- _ed Get Spot Cash -- Use Times Action Classifieds H. KEITH 2 Min die. Pe, Si TP VS '20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--|.Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THREE-BEDROOM, two-store brick GORDON Osborne 218 Dundas St. E. WHITBY WHITBY 668-8826 TORONTO 364-6622 OSHAWA 728-5157 OWNER MOVING Moke an appointment to- nite to see this cozy home in east Oshawa, has 3 bedrooms, lots of closets, large living and dining room, a family sized kitchen, ample cup- boards, broadioom, full base- ment, and only 644% mort- goge. Asking, price $10,500, Mgke an offer today. '. WESTMOUNT--OSHAWA With only 2 blocks to walk from Oshawa Shopping Centre and New Simpsons' Store, a 5 room frame home with built-in furniture. Plus mony extras for $16,500. Call tonite. 4 BEDROOM BRICK Only 6 years old, high dry basement for your knotty pine rec room, sparkling kitchen, o large, broadloom covered living room, with dining area, situated in Bay Ridges, close to "Go Station" priced at $18,900. INVESTMENT PROPERTY Fix to suit yourself, only $16,000., one apartment hos a living room, kitchen, 2 bed- rooms, private bath and the other apartment has a bed- sitting room, kitchen and one pc. both rents for $65. a month. Low down payment. Call to-nite. 1% STOREY -- 3 BEDROOM--OSHAWA Home for $12,900. Inspect this Bloor St. E. property with school close by and have low cost living. Possible to have 4 bedrooms here for a price you can afford to pay. Why pay increasing rents when you con have your own home. COMMERCIAL on BROCK ST., WHITBY Four bedroom home with 50' frontage lot on busy Brock St. N. Have your business here plus a family home for the low price of $14,500. Toxes are reasonoble here too. EXTRA LOT and INCOME -- $22,900. Estate sole mokes this two storey home an_ interesting speculation. Situated on King St. E. with eleven rooms, in all arrayed for three living quarters. Present lot size 142' by 182', on corner. Inspect and make an offer. BEAUTY SALON Doing a thriving business on No. 2 Hwy. in Whitby with plenty of room for expansion, Living quarters for owner plus 2 apts. Call to inspect. Ib. Vickers 942-6403 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 George Abramoff 723-4871 N. Van den Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 Roy Solay 723-4726 Gordon White 668-6337 Vivian Halligan 942-0296 Olive Ferguson 576-3637 Andy Keys 728-0190 George Sullivan 668-6226 REAL ESTATE LTD. CENTRAL ONTARIO ~ TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD Manoger LAKE VISTA Cozy 3 bedroom back-split- level. Nicely furnished ree room -- 2 piece washroom-- 4 piece bathroom. Large lot of 74' frontage. This bungalow offers sincerely in- terior elegance for only NEAR HOSPITAL -- $16,500.00 Brick bungalow with 2-cor gorage. Natural fireplace in living room and = spacious separate dining room -- 2 bedrooms and modern bath and kitchen on main floor -- 3 finished rooms ond extra full bath in base- ment. BOWMANVILLE -- 6-PLEX -- ASKING $33,000.00 Sumptuous apartment -- ideal for owner occupancy-- Do not miss this excellent opportunity for a good sound investment -- All suites hove seporate baths, kitchen, hot woter tonks and meters -- Call at once for further details. INCOME HOME -- ALBERT STREET Asking $12,900. for this old- er 2 storey brick duplex. Two completely separate op- artment -- Separate elect- ric meters and new furnace. For further detoils inquire ot once. BROOKLIN -- ASKING $15,900.00 Lovely 3 - bedroom brick bungalow: in excelent condi- tion and newly decorated-- Rec. room with natural fire- place -- L - shaped living dining room -- Near school and shopping. Call at once for appointment to inspect. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL (NO TOLL CHARGE) Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Tom Houston 668-4416 Ralph Schofield 576-1680 KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 King Street East REALTOR $25,900 -- One year old two storey brick, 2 bath- rooms, spotless condition, electric heating, attached gorage, 634% mortgage. Will consider $5,000 DOWN, $26,900 -- Long, low, ranch brick bungalow with four bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, fireploce, attached garage ond poved drive. This home is in an excellent north west location, close to schools bus and shopping and hos about 1,700 sq. ft. of liv- ing area. $17,900 -- 617 Wychwood St. Nice home, 3 bedrooms, drapes, awnings, 33 ft. rec- reation room with bar, fen- ced and hedged lot. Owner says sell, $19,500 -- Central Park Blvd. N. Spotless modern bungalow, broadioom, stove, fridge, new drapes and wa- shing machine included, ga- oo and nicely landscaped jot. $16,950 -- Must be sold-- 3 bedroom bungalow base- ment partly finished, close to bus and schools. $14,500 -- Brick bungalow in west end, room in bose- ment. Try your down pay- ment. $13,900 -- 6 room brick garage, paved drive, immed- iate possession. $7,900 --- 12 room house, 1 acre of land. SALMON LAKE COTTAGE-- furnished, lake frontage, end of season price. $9,900 --~- Near Courtice, 4 room house, 4 piece bath, 1 acre. $1,500 DOWN -- 7 00m brick home with garage. $1,000 DOWN -- 5 room home near Ritson Rd. 2-6 - 16 and 46 acre lots for sale. Call 728-7328. Metcalt REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E., OSHAWA BLVD. $. Lerge 8 room 1% storey brick, garage, good lot -- excellent location, just @ few blocks from King. Early occupancy with os low as $2,000.00 down. 5 BEDROOM Plus carport, large living room, full sized dining room, extra bath, on prepaid ser- viced lot. Excellent north-east location. TRI-PLEX 2 to choose from -- 3 stoves, 3 fridges, washer, dryer. Act now and you won't be sorry. $15,900 Asking price for this imma- culate 3 bedroom bungalow. Home tastefully decorated, extra tall basement, hedged and fenced-in lot. Early occu- poncy. FAREWELL AVE. Large 8 room 1% storey double lot, triple garage, pav- ed drive and parking, fruit trees, extra bath, wolk-out basement. Asking $19,500 with $5,000. down. WINONA DRIVE Double 'attached gorage, 3 bedroom bungalow, choice lo- catoin, hot water radiant heating. WILLOWDALE AVE. Colonial design, 2 bedroom bungalow artistically decorat- ed, !arge broadloomed living room and master bedroom, good sized landscaped lot, covered front patio. See this gem todoy. LISTINGS NEEDED Hf you are planning on sell- ing your home, call now for best results. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 Joe Moga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9187 Mark Tominaga 723-1206 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 Roy Yeo 725-2217 John OfDriscoll 725-8585 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. . Welk Dougan | Realtors W363 Simcoe St. N. | 725-1109 GiRANDVIEW SOUTH Looking for a Split Entrance Home? Here is a smart one built just 15 months ago. Thref? bedroom. brick with walkout basement. Owners going overseas. Possession November Ist. Priced to sell ot $19,300. KiEEWATIN NORTH Executive, 3 bedroom, Kassin- ger-Baiilt, Roman Brick bun- galow. with attached garage ond \'oaded with built-ins. Profes:sionally landscaped lot. Owner very anxious to sell, See this to-night. 10 ACRE LOTS Located just a few minutes drive north-east of Oshawa in Townstyp of Darlington. 333° frontag é. Thinking of build- ing your own home? See these lots beficve its too late, Priced from $6000 and up. CALL: W. L. DOUGAN #25-1109° SIBBY'S. OUTSTANDING building in good area. Fully rented. Askivng price of $33,- 000.00 inclides 3 refrigerat- ors, | washing machine and 1 dryer. COMMERCIAL ZONING Close to King St. E. at Wil- son Rd. S. Blrick 1% storey home on a. lot with 66 ft. frontage. Good value on this choice locatian. INDUSTRHAL ZONING Six room two istorey duplexed home on a lot 57 x 144 with smaller buildings in rear, Close to Simcee St. Inspect théaxe ond other SIBBY'S Listings by calling Jerry Coady ot 728-7576 Now ee a hi home in excellent condition throughout, URGENT - i! sais 4 per cent NHA, Telephone 723- Large modern biased se soem ae three large bedroom: ment and owner will hold Fst pelance on one easy paying mortgage. Call George Twaites at 723-2008 for appoint. ment. Schofield-Aker Ltd. Leaving country. 706 Avenue, three-bedroom = side pon: AT CENTRAL Park Bivd. N. -- vacant, seven-room, outstanding, brick bungalow with lot 121 198 feet; two-car garage, three bedrooms, recreation room, professionally lande scaped let. Must be seen. Only $25,900, with $5,000. down and terms. Call Jack Appleby, evenings 723-3398. Bolahood Brothers Limited, 728-51 ae $EVEN-ROOM 1'2-5 newly deco- rated inside and out. Walk-out basement, extra lot Must sell, moving to USA, Ap- ply 176 Annis Street m. a INCOME HOME. 7-room house on Park Rd. S. apartment rented. For ) bait Lehan, 728-7576 Sibby's Real Estate after 5 p.m. French school, inspection near upstairs aanTRY ~LIVING--That's what) you'll get on this one acre. A brand spanking new two-storey brick home, eight rooms for the growing family and id aoe of Oshawa too. Full asking pric Call Nick Siblock, 728-7576, sibby's git Estate Lid. 20c--Summer Propertics For Sale or Rent MOIRA LAKE, Madoc, Four - bedroom cottage, for s or rent, winterized, forced air furnace, front and side porch, tile floors, acoustic ceilings, mahogany panelling. 98 miles. 723-1605. COTTAGE FOR RENT. Bobcaygeon, in side convenience, completely furnished, |boat. Telephone 623-5718. 21--Farms for Sale |CASH BUYERS from Toronto area for lfarms and suburban properties, anything from 5 to 300 acres, If you are selling and for free aporaisal call or drop us a line, now. J. Wilkinson Real Estate, 100 King zt ae Member of ODRE Board. Tel. 576- ; 22--Lots for ald Co JONES REALTOR Lovely 5 room brick and Office Home stone buncjalow with large 668-8841 668-4003 garage, private paved drive and well layydscaped deep lot. Loaded with extras. Inspect TEN ACRES this lovely home now, TERMS TRI-PLEX Beautiful 10 acre lots North Excellent 214 storey brick East of Oshawa, 10 minutes, some with hardwood bush and 2 with spring-fed ponds, These are the finest parcels we have to offer and priced at only $6,000 to $6.500 with school bus by the door, excellent roads. One corer lot left. Call now to inspect, RAE R. JONES REALTOR Office Home 668-8841 668-4003 LOT IN VERY DESIRABLE north-east section of city. All services prepaid, underground hydro. 728-0194. SCENIC TEN-ACRE lots, beautifully ie mumerous service#. Also 100' <eeseeciaiiceieannasinens o cated, Also ATTRACTIVE TWO 'bedroom home, fuli| 150° buliding lots, Don't miss this oppor: moderi on|tunity. They are going fast. 983-5129. "LOTS* -- We have a variety of lots in quick le. Write box 75362 tion room, many extras. 723-1021 Keith Peters' Realty ktd. a Femeneai wane vot various suc $2,000 DOWN. three | North grt 1 bedreom apa ner, ee ese Oshawa, and Leskard pot In @ month income, $11 000 "f full price, for| Township. Call us for prices and I Oshawa ae Douglas J. M. Bullied Realtor: re 68, | jAIN -- NEARLY new brick spi apiit | TWO . AND TEN ecre lots, also brick Wiig built h stove and oven, recrea- Joe Crawford| Dorothy Vivian house, one thousand down, In Oshawa, 263-2138 «= {no toll) Bolahood Brothers Lirnited, 728-5123. two-stori Aa lg Only $! ay oe IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- Six room, 2,500 down for this one. Call aur pon} Johnston, 728- -- Peters Realty Ltd. BRICK DUPLEX -- two kitchens, two /23--Real Estate Wanted ae seven-rooyn brick with g on corner Simcoe and Bloor Streets, Only $16,900. with $3,000. down.| We have out of town buy- Call Jack Appleby, evenings 723-3398.) ers waiting. Some with all cash or substantial down pay- ments, Cash in now. Call 576-0330 tion, About $4,000 dot NHA mortgage. Telepivone 723-590; wn payment, 6% | ------ 2. 1066, Schofield-Aker Lid. PRIVATE SALE -- 1¥4-year-old brick H. KEITH LTD., bungalow, three bednooms. Good loca- Realtor ! NEED your heme fi now. Have cash" and RIDGEWAY AVENUE. close, shopping nea: Call Crysler, 723-2925. W. 728-5103, NORTHWEST, Asking $18,500 for cl four-bedroom, 1%-storay Georgian st: 'one now. Call John Atorisette, W. ©. Martin Realtor, 728-5103. Only $15,800. Lovely three-bedroom haart ei Aker Lita. ess -- ra id Martin Realtor, cae BUYERS, for 3 and 4-bedroom home, dining room, fireplace. See this 728-4891. term buy Vf you want to sell, call Willard Johnston, 728-1066. Schofield- mes in north section of Oshawa, For free appraisal of your property, call now, Wilkinson Real Estate, 100 King St. Ew ©/Oshawa 576-1411, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage BEST LOCATION jin three-bedroom recreation room, frigerator, wonderful ost Awan, Realtor, 728-5103. FULL PRICE only | 10,900 er or thi -room heme w Reena and 2 This Wandscaping. Ci 3-pc, Br Mtg ment to inspect. Sibb FRIVATE, WHITBY --- Ranch Three bedrooms, living, dining four-piece bath, kitchen. ment. Bowmanville, ick byngaliow, finished bullt-in stove and re: 576-3579. W. ©. Martin an exceptional buy. Call Jerry Coady Now at 728-7576 and artrange an appoint- eal Estate Ltd. . style) office, 350 sq. ft. 201 bungalow, attached gariage, lot 75' x 132') i: room, | 7,000 SQUARE FEI T loor » Finished recre"/wilt rent part or all. 1s Ki ation, laundry and storage rooms, three- ing. Street? Y bath, 668-4547 etter § for appoint.| es _ Telephone 723-160 The New aii! PRUDENTIAL BUILDING 1,800 SQUARE FEET STORES OR OFFICES, is air conditioned Phone 725-9478 STORE FOR RENT, ais also g aultable for Simcoe Telephone 725-5132. aren. THREE OFFICES { ag rent on Simcoe SIMCOE ST- WChoice ralaeial di hate aodlek will decorate veka to trict, four brick -- two-st double garage, broadi, tin Realtor, 728-5103. sunroom. Call Ernie Holmes, 728-1796, W. 0, Mar- locas tion, close to the hospital. Call o eon -|Manitius or Guide Realty Ltd. 723-5281, STORE FOR | LEASE. 1 Excellent location from shopping, minutes: |three-bedroom, two-storey'. Call Ken Hann, 723-7963, Realtor, 728-5103. we. bungalow, in good loca den. Asking $13,500. Call John Sandi HEART OF COURTIGE. fully DOWNTOWN. Best buy. Three blocks 725-8010. W. O. Martin Riealtor, 728-5108, Delightful sons, brick ranch bungalow, attached garage, "% on Simcoe St. South. $300 monthly. Call Lloyd Corson or stave eat at' Guide from oye Realty Limited 723-528 Martin |AVAILABLE FOR | Tae 300 'square et office area, good for any type of agency, service, distributing, or pro- SOUTHEAST -- very clean, five-room fessional office. Windsor Pla: i} ions 'lovely ay, |Road South, days 7254791, fae 718: soe FOR RENT, | opposite Simp- downtown. Can be used for of- fices. For more information telephone buy. Call John Ravary, Martin Realtor, 778-5103. 6-370). W. 0. 725-2900 or 723-2594, for Rent ASKING $12,900, for this it large lot. Tony Zakarow at 728-7576, ment fo inspect. SIBBY'S: Ltd. $1,500 DOWN -- in three months, at 723-2008, Schofield-Aker 1_t brick bungalow, three bedrooms, including taxes on a 614 APARTMENT SITE INSIDE the City of Oshawa, serviced. Other apts. close by, plaza planned adjacent, zon- ed for 150 sites. Priced very attractively. at $1,000 per suite. Call Mr. Sheridan at 755-4942 or 293-3631.-W.° J, Warren & Co. Ltd. Realtor. Appleby, -- evenings a 38. Brothers Limited, 3. RENT aT VACANCY through Rent Ade -- Call 723-3492 today fer action! NEED A JOB? Read Help Wanted Ads Daily 'n The Times bi brick bangaiow | north-east end of city on quiet close to schools, Features include butt further Jetted and John F, DeWith at 728-2987 at J. Mullan at 725-3557 '3557 or 725-3711i, BEAUTIFUL seven-room _ of Schofield-Aker Ltd, at 725-3867.' WE REQUIRE room heme just north of 'the ry aa LUXURY HOME eR, am ies ee NEW BUNGALO! is fine thr room W, five" home with ree is ray a@ gem. Bal- sig close to bus, rooms, no amail cony across the front living room. Act|falgar avenue. Ritson fast on this one. Call ha lt Twaites| St. Fe Set an Welle AT OSHAWA 7; acta Gea Cabotlover 2,000 square feet, Street. Modern large 1,170 square Rel garage, buill in dish washer, radio inter= jarge kitchen, asphalt drive. Carries 2 for ri a : Shee: val NHA Presid ravine lot, mortgage. Asking only $18, all Jack|the exclusive features Bolahood | Substantial rent, aA alld stove, and oven, refrigerator, drapes and be Lh oe eke ns 9916 tracks, exhaust hood and fan, storms and| 22277!) between 9 screens and lot fully sodded.. Owner must|TWO BEDROOM sem sell as he is eying the ¢untry. Fer|/immediate occupancy, to Brag rl 2. . Mc- immediately two real estate representatives for vanes area, 25--H three bedrooms Immediate posession. Call|living and dining room, dream kitchen for appoint- Real Estate|three bathrooms, alr conditioned. Ren? with built-in eating area, family room, $200. per menth, For furthe je tre call 728-7583, ee nen apply 350 Tra- area. BRAND NEW | $35,000, "Executive home plus two car. com., natural stone fireplace and 400 square foot family room, overlooking are just a few of Phone 723-6541. _| THREE-BEDROOM bungalow for rent. in References required. Apply + to Box 75259. TWO-BEDROOM home, « A we ats on 1 Dwig! ht Ave- Ses oar heuse, Telephone 725+ BOWMANVILLE -- WAVERLY brick home, seven large, bright fae stone _and|new oil furnace, $125 month brick ranch bungalow with [ite own pri- Ne Teanpone vate swimming pool and dotible attach- ed garage, Located In Nortliwest area. For further particulars call tirene Brawn 725-2539, MODERN THREE -- ~ BEDROOM "brick bungalow tear Sopp ping Centre. Only one year old, $145.00 monthi Houston 723-5221. nae SICROOM brick" "house, gar oll due to expanding gipeed ami inquiries. Excellent sions and incentive tal slgge hge call J, eoee 100 ay: St. a em Board, Oshawa, 576-1171, fr portunity in si si growing organization, with tap commis. 'ROOM bunggley furnished, to plan.- For confider |share with genti or suitable for ha Peat Rea! |young couple with child, i bs, ie 0, " Telephone Five. pouns or will reat 723-3148, e 26--Apartmen ---- The best value living con be se @ REG TOWE 349 MARL AN @ PREA 321 MARL = MODERN 1 BEDROOM NEWLY DE( STOVE ANE BALCONIES FABRIC DRA LAUNDRY | FREE HYDR' BROADLOO/ ELEVATOR LOCKERS CONTROLLE AMPLE PAF CLOSE TO CHURCHES APPLY 349 M/ PHONE 7 OSHAWA RENTAL se TOWE the GI Overlooking the on Mary St, Ne Swimming pool, gym room and Our model suite by WILSON'S 1, 2, and 3 Bed OPEN C FROM 2 P.M. or by appx 576-2280 or W. FR REAL ESTA 21 King St. W., "'La Col Apartm A Distinguish Choice luxury si ally heated and corated through Parking, | swim Sauna and recre CLOSED CIR See on your oy screen who Is doorbell, befor them entry. Suites evailable only. Ideal for a qui fortable living. Be the envy Live at La | 140 Nonque Call 72! NOW RE More end more nicest people « reasonable rents ZZ<TrYMNOD Y=ER> PHONE 7 LUXL ONE- TWO-BED! Oshawa's Lar and Best | FRE @ HEALT @ SAUN/ @ SWIM) POOL Family and Ac Furnished or U RENTAL INFC 723-5 380 GIBB YO could be LUCKY T to win 250 f with your opartn to be drawn on 1968. Bedsitting room -- bedrooms $119 Incl.: stove, ° fri hydro and electri To be seen by « only. CALL 723- Details of draw applications only FULL-TIME SALESMA rr for you eround th

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