peed is Sn THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wedncedey, September I" 13, 1967 Base Metal sty, EARN SCHO WoL ¢ A SALE" CLAS ADS sues 10 made dérate todas ton 4 Poke y "(pigeon major sections Call Th c pine Classif ied Nu mber 7 2 3-3492 8 am . to 5 p.m. Mo nday to Frida y, Saturd ay 8 to 12. oved lower on thi e Toron te iock E: o grt ge L wi Ao eleph as do 62% one wn 1 M wane. to 17, Clai aoe 47% Bell and Chry: ne ros Du ; sle el to i. r Corp. 8. In bi . Was : ase up 1 ; , to 79 metals to id Ye, Pin » Denis eres tae | 'or D ., @ hol 52 i Amo enison, Iding ng % nadia weste: to - n Oj m ) to 1 il Sai oils, G Pi esc ids ate dive Ac saci cain, scutes S t % ti facific roll io, od AM ¢. 4 ae treet T predates On index, % veitments, Foupiene Coes ALL B comm. Cha Building d g Benes dustrial a Recount, bay ia pl ATLANTIC Trades estern re gt sec ge 3 fall Pe oat : ise met rn oils 43 to rd io ntre. ile Ho, Oa oeeve be Png coe ee M lume als ro 84:to 1 92 Cone CLANCY 53, hewe' $i ai| vears._72 ail work paved TEONCRE ortga souren with" 1300 to 103.85, aa cara, oes a caged eteran ed fo one " zs with rey oo THOUSANDS + 725-0397, -- aor a naw fares Tv 10,000 res Hee a0s dally. TI 60 Sin. | oe nagonry ones M --R 8--Art > Mon. gosarnt our Ties Ao Your "i wig rk, Ble GA adie Re S icles for An ISCOVE East Ueansed Tru th assi-| ioe incre SEAL eH 7 GE asia UMME Sele tarcti RED . Telephone rates artered lege aa it ea TTT RTIM rien ah LATE HOPKIN: alate sexe lar Wed; root seve AR SER E SF 9--M no "a bg ee aa, SEs te NS = a Wilson' a leeawaved Hath un. Rg Bt en aun veh ye aie eal and, LO ilson' peta et ered M tarlo, 725.3509 Street sh enna heh cement wo 7 reel pit eys avai R $ ns chee tat "tae until 1 assif, auto. CAT a. hoe If ee Bg, fg id sec vailabl BLA mooth Fu eid I eooking [l4-- 957. TT eink Hopkins, avathaauauie. 0, mor le na eore for ti CK 2. to rn fe. "Garrard. Busi oF ng he ins, ST 25-4071, Dortio ioc ond ortga' mort; tirst F and pc. chi Pp matt ' ONTAR rrard Belg ¢ usi eke Rien 0 ant " oe merges se on ee nea 1 aca ute 109.9 etna ioe ater ness Opportunit hi icy, U ci Vv! 9404. ui ' Fh ; PICK jon er n shawes P8737 ane on RAVASTROUSH rmiy Holt cided mort, = T LL use © CHURC Suites Pag 6 in "your ow Ms sae tr Sp ies Blu is Se titeet North, feed. ibd Meet at -- sed. nts, page @) \peeiric a . crue Eymann, V2 on corn, to ie M are Ti eprinting orth, | ROOF Sad Wes. All work flash M "se Te vac rich, a8 King. Street Garage, Cou mile ee Fonte nc Spa one ime Sect ORAFTi te I sida M. F. SWART. és CLEANER, SAA [acim rae sn = oy lene at Sta El an oon y Make arte Simi NG and ing and and si gravel, 3 aK Z TV ER, SI Fleming c Picks "or ns88. Spa H VEG! to firs oi le rou operat fr ting coe Street Reprod Fi Beso ratty Ghingiea, ah ing St RE! HARP' ickeri Vecuu 3. | et nish oF ETABL + cor- chi te of eo : Building Set North a Carpentry rat ba 5 er ee WV TC CEPTION ER one Taw mn Serv Sob ee Toate rea co igre mo rade: ies. Q : ---- 723-4697 airs. C KE SH RIPE on Bl North rete Goth sellin special equijpm bd ual 7 (@) ERE tens ye OP's ur aaa ee ick We joes,| 9. Fo ly fo ent ! N TAPAY! co mee. pons yor own. MBERS, -- ice Baca". eekly. ur to r you. No REPAIRS pee wae MORTGA Ace 728- 5] ER only VETTE WA Spans "atroes te fo ary Avene, picked | _ ia mM ae hi "ae Ee a jon ALTERAT Jone mpnenen Se y Fay i ahagik > GE 'einer Band 1143 OVALE BE Tephone mine haus ee ia wena oes parts! 10 shaw: Speciali REPA E YO Divi brag ED, 5 78- ee ee ald hecel Rig eos g x sory, w it NS bons for Mi 'a and Di ists Borro' YMEN UR ivision to. "a 35, auarina oy r ea lor rent ne on rE Osh 7548. rite: AD a bre any Ye strict $2 w 5 T PLA| V ttchon tos A four dining "mattress 9A-- digg cage Two hawa Ti 4 to DITI Ph Deperit she ,000 yrs. N . Mifare dg ond or Sik, arenes 9, $20, Eg -------- di (135| decorated. P Tim 4o! $2 ° ne pandlle vig a] chairs| © Eggs - eosin je sto es HOMES ONS one 728 BST 33's00 Ssose Rigs "BU pole news 5. | ais| ne See ane aan "Barca ul OF or 57 e '50 50.5. $24 ILT De 5.7 on oe Sts the ry FLOURISH eae eee town. auesorces acronis. fs eee ees | to Be ie Wan mene Soe ee ote sonata eee a ms and Ki RIES im wort TION: lo mount : . eat wi AY 'ondition, extr: ester a = od jlivered 'Osha' LY "a year, Cannii ln retail c and Kitch Baa. et ITTONS, ree wer. hi lowe $42.23 give N PLA on eu anntre. site rifle, 10--F Fi alg ig mal Peay hair ents J Specialt ens. 'eleph reation igh r po! you NT HL Bui Bi ioedsg complete | DEAI 'ar tore or er ltear ght baki tte -- ames Allen a Ps ang sors genes RE Gel aoa cE oll thal ai boning Tevptene_ieat New lors su ei Se Ngai risers ware ee grooh "per 72 en and S poeich h rs706. SCOM ee erest, money. iba path he Beal a contr = Pens up ~ CRIPPLE te FOR ned " Jin Bid Porgy a resen-a A Smeg Ran, WTRF IM. INVESTMENTS SHA " -- en aa se a con RENT Phas Eater ess. PAVI tone aft cy ind suit Te er oa tencite Leia abt aa EE an ited ath fo lari id oun 17 Be Guarantees NG, 10 D i 5 a track Ser V ro condi Beret wise ~ Sim: |T ACRES Latah Hampt Farmms| ors of to oe 'repaii voonne th en seers in, bu Dressmaking pea Ben ene a» SUPPL . AERO condition" Must vom "and be tlephone sob ait. of ey nese Tr im meet nn 4 seri tm ee Teron Nips Seale | aia ame um ire iat! saa|11--Pets on sion as oan ete Stet 5.3061 ork $, en's W Ca ree NTI . MENDIC; IRE! 1A VTV. SION Augu itul ets om is. fequipne or ror episal d Or &._ si00p er Ressoneta 4g sul, MOR' J 'ON 'ANT LY Wi della M, RE st 29.) PR and Li yerartceagge Belge P 2351 _or- 7; bu wave rk, gine oS types bhetin Me w TGA ust RD WH ITH THE SCALA resuier sipaittl PAIR ee ae Li - e afier 7 pam FOR S507. ¥ n, RR jewalk: 'ot Sanssial Mi erie' 'e Ea: . E, 0 BEC coe' aa citar equi pin SIONAL ves' --|o Pee gh igs 8 RE \ et er ga ere eee loon at pose eye anbag mink yas sé = i HONEY OSTANED, Sheil ii a veubsitin" "bo ie a, bee as ORY, CLEANING. rst, gam oe she 6 5 ; bo ning and te ce rma 8 site peggy tte oe ca 72 hie overs, drapes saat cpertly fitt gages, Fre: and pols funds t Pf Ma nay re ae mig pal egg s._ 623 verry bor] [ee i sig Meera; poeral -Ciip-|1 tion cal apie pect ey Ma Imor 728-3842. DRESEM pr fully" tai aa aah peter hk aaul and ie e + 23-81 ne E phe FOR TeRZ er and _arver, TRIC es ii men. shepner berman Wwery: ur specialty. 5--E n Call 728-04 ie 3756. able. Bey fa ovement very AKING _Toms, lored silp- ow may b vice a rt- ELEVI 32 e Equi 6 YEARS 1, |Te elephone in utomatl 5 els, 655-3 puppies echers Aa ee mplo | 728-0433 afte aa, i ES ee, serv-/2! Bee A erggg ean eta elle gr Me Pg bes SION ipment LEVIS! essay reer isn bated 88! nah tae el T yme' idole ML TY ntaine prong ory DRI -8506 le rab aitere of O e. A. RO! le in an 24 -- RA and gu ON SE 6 Negtedolg ti blll ¥ cll fe. Dachurs ODD nt r We chine PES bu const. 725. DRESSMAI soaps + Gea rations 725 int. Mort SEN mi your Hour $ DIO ie 7--S RCA, varantoed TS, full pe ble, all IPPING a sss LERS fanted -- a eee jiding rep pega esearch Ses rs. Ne -0532 t, Brok ember ervic Swap ¢ 2" rn RCA, ily verongs eeggy Bhistersies Bed she = FROB PAR? 4 May. sna irs Roofing, le_rates. evant tions. Hi iz 28-562 nas and Soc, LM Fe a aan cUNnt 'arte options, iG WOR 59. Zl a ame | Broad, ining, 1 BY BU i My yy NUR ~ MON ise > Whitby. fireplaces, ee ee avery your O CASH 3. week- ES | lets, "bash SC AUNDRY tc LJ 7192. good ¢ DIC ele 728 |Po 114 El alking. st DGIES, > o9.| Rei SERY NTESSO! 2174, ening or 668-8997. renee hat new fo consotid ce prs AUNDRY nT oi ae inten Talcone |POODLE igin East. beled inadyre tha, |/ ; gistrat SCHO: RI WORD AD agplalia RATES g ond Suppli pie cosa Yor il ELECTRONIC N inet si, i 417 sey aoe cr fe i ee CLIPPING, ad i| fore owe, il wae Cash -- je! ential, rst mi ex is, : EW 2 ind ins van stems, Tel cond! a chal, TH elephi Alsi ~ sham) dilable , ick. ter additioi 1 inserti s time. , private vd ps es oni pe S V +7008 stalled; ity. units|@ ephone ition. B a REE ona tar ae point Hitt up 5 m saditional, words ion of 24 G OO aie ortgages swab A? per V inrud "ae 7 piping its Aa SPAC "ke aa Jeo igs| Shetland AweS" 68-6977, npoaing.| my iene equired cits ies Pas" By ar woron words, 1.2 : oe es Call gtassi ony REN e M Articles | Chinn ing $75. CE HEAT! gecapt:| sen 7 gy al neers akers, 7 phone Mrs For o Hone) vom py ae orale 0; N 5 ya: sea cere 0 pe TAL ot icles for Salk inn, | WHIT canes 72 "with saddle. $250 pipers: ton Chest LADY W 23-0734. Blouse. tert ng chon ed fai Seek" Wemasl PHI TOW! S 2-YEA ors ag aa alike Sea 725-035: "pipes BE $250 "cash, paged pg eatnt Sette! ANTS | 34, loeg- ords c each: 6 4 addi- ol nconaed 'brevet. avellable eos TONE ERS RW ale Bf ce TABL va Salee tenia oes f thres Laos iy kin Seon Cher 24e aL eon 8 ort. Pai Tiscali sd . We ONE 668 ARR > gl LaDy creda sid at Tal + ail eg ary manville ing St WORK it ge--10 6; addi- IE ainti phone Fa63101. Ty 567 AN hod od wai flack ah rouse 314-4 BY Bi wi DRY a._ Tek eal , 9 to 330, peal ge pat. cant caaittene! Kl SUPE : Pairing and Dec te mr ak a : at i as SIX NOW al eer SSR lain' Tall an for "0syear ser "ne East ara 338, words of Col mye charge R FIN fa ppl en Pg Be ing EW Se P. IST SERV YING O} sed, alte 10. steer brent. $9 poly T.|W' ice ares id girl schooler play in 'count: unting -- NO. WE Gi prices. Alagig Mesget SET. 6h 202. SA IC pllance: R SE led ae: ease ained HLL , ea p Sg "WE worth ean nor PARKLAWA GRASS Mix [Pa 'elie ae Peg "uRAGCAN ay he. 419 09 139.00 Hite reouniglhaahie TELEVISION me ees ee ae aie Plas Sa Ts wey Re ne aera nap UBUR GRA x |r poate Gil ae 7h tow IT Shp. 19.00 239.0 HEE SER bench Ha TARR ie aah. a pr bere LIPPING F Telederee bay avert 9 school child d giatin number n counts be TIM BAN! GR SS MIX ates. F. ond aasre aaattiar AP URE 33h ° 480. 309. 0 L ALIGN VICE pertable, pemiral poe jotorola, meee oe Kennel tov se sceleliatt tap Evenings? se to $ Bg: ere Hy DEAT nts two OTHY ASS M chmidt, ating. Te nies. PLIA and 00 9.00 Chev. MENT p rege Mage picture 23" Phil ea Gries els, Tow upples eal e TPR Y WiLL 25-6704. ed. here phew L_NOTIC Ua dae MEDI and A Ix Plumb 3, A lg a 452 NCE select 349.0 mouth Dod SPE varanteed. Meir tuee ilco $89, 14 eRe uric ext gg aad sal cuple © tL To oe és . Courtics ie lee KEN ON) BL LSIKE ing - SIMC S rie 702 .00 on Boe ; CIAL. [WAL 576-38 fue SV. /2Y"|phone_ Broo ere Pha Ul and ar viLL TO DO h boot ecctings [etl ew ai TUCK UEGRA\ and H 'OF SO! 0 hp 00 whe » Pontia 'ord, kit NUT 3877. $89. All por-| WILL Klin 65 SALE. 3-6216, 3839, ea, $1.50 per Ouse ps M it fot th 25 INDIV: "Y BLU Ss em 723 UTH hia E 519 elalign i: Wa Ply. |b chen. $i jchine wae Pets {ing BOAR 5-820, 0 Day per hi week, Cleaning @ $2 N HEMORIUMS Mth aa cent Sov GO IDUAL UEGRAS! PI -0011 pe ae oo | olor PmnK Inanbek ak ere rie ey eel ITelephone D Hors Tales |CAY CARE ic cur Telephene' ' in 8 devs, LFGIR GRAS! s umbi JOE' h.p. 00 ali castor > Inspect ct on head in ply three- dinette lephone' $30," and ES. Box Pre-schoo! Einm lephone 4 verse; first %, EVERG; EEN 1 SES ng Di S Lork 599 Pi ign toe - i and and WASH 6_ North condit! speed or |COzY- Hampto $25. B and st play. be aged y home se within 25¢ add gt 2% words EVER' RGREE 2-6-6 149B iscou COL 904 .00 'orrect in and combe be HING ' lon. App racer | herd: 7 RANG! jon, 263 A i and-|Mi hitby, a chi (bg Ww os rg ial Ravens one 6 GREEN N 6-9 rock S int a OR Gene 00 conditi koh te ner el MACHIN facet iter horse. P H, Re wad fr be ie gy sano ne or twe CARDS charge Cl WEE oP WHIT tt. N ind Radi TV onan P 679 ep ion ee lente ace tte ie Tee ates bal wl iedal aag ge yard for $2.50 OF THA\ if net paid JL, "FUR D KILL! BY -- jorth adio S ols, 80 | ush-b 00 arts ex vee $7.9 pole tv htg Fo stove; - Inglisy jequipment, Pony. Pinto. ceman "San pk gE "WOMAN" will for toch for the NKS id - SO-GRiE F 10-6 ER D 668-6 SPEC ervic Sha fi h.p., St utton Co eT tra if r 95 (Aue a Bical es tar | CHAR clothing. Wate Seat ep- | HOU BB cbant Telephon will care | thera et first, 38 MILG EN 7-7 yl irect to -6601 EURO 1ALIZI " butt t, Alt cifiite; 100 orsion equired pla Pia sore 7280759." bleed rege aee o- "Ashburn, Scien SEWORK echone 735s care tor if not er with words GORAN =f plies. you, pl TAP PEAN NG IN $ ye ernator, | Ong extra bor oe ee, 1ANO, 759. erfect Bria, IS. _ breeding zs nm, 655-4 les, | Tel le a want me 725-4659, Thomas COMING EV! oy oihin dai Te BO\NEM ITE plumbi Everything bi E REC RADIO 1403.0 ontrols Push ' adjust y, we to regul upright, _ con |aw Se eT sey, stock 5.4662. |079 lebhone an Ret : r $2.38 in 8 di itional P EAL ing a go 13 ORDE S AND 00 SAL Bleck - ment GLASS offer. C er. Will convars a, 723-669 Lindsa Son, ek: <a between ey tac 6s ver lays. PO T MOS supplie line, 20 in Bond R REPA E $995, IST BRA wood "REPAI laremont fell nverted| BLACK 0. ¥> 324-3087 1 Uitte ae 4:30 80 (Word A =" "aispian ING S * % off W. IRS 00 M KE S$ prod. ina RS to {9-200 | bce gree Rg ig ale WwiLti a7. id 6 ; $2.00 f PET SOIL, on SER' 57 ost PEC Ref re alge alana nao. _jand AE ee ree dg Fo Pale NO te ee averion ae ¢ each 00 for the Everythires _ PL Kt cae Pp di on 6-1670 NEW BOATS Quolity Rev ul ae ane CONTINENTAL, 8 ut tO 'good months. old, ire poodle, veaia 216. St. her horas A Pa -- ER INC r the Y9 p.m. 'a! Ly valine rs. Fi one-thi alt Ds t 2284. RITTA\ + Me seehone MOVING, m tby. eraah- haw H PER gard bees le st T.V. 2.50 Crestli /4wh irst ird_ off, price, al rom $29: Point ny $ hohe Te MOVING i: Teleph n-Stewe INSER en ALL ih centtend 5 V. Servi Crestinee oe a "rectory. cotet zh | Telephone PANIEL es |witn or witha cued WORD Ap -- ooper-Smit Bis, Crate. 7 EDNESDAY DOMINION inum Leper 15 tt. alum Boa ler area, aS rei Teen Sih ee an ir Ta kB m. faved h ginee: $4., Plu fg A apy visor] E N with e Gan eeper S a ( : pe paul jone 576-13 $100, just er" apricot --pUPPY egister: | scho 6 og ent Jobs, done, OST AN PREVIOUS ee) sincere gy ol DA gee on LEV ah oe artitla 06, Ww co pee ums -- Td lad an ee ae ¥ ter sale, Fall CARE byw with D ong Simcoe Heatl 7 IS tboa: 90 le T HE cost) drums. compl otf VERA elephor sal pick- ren, Sy wiley ter a.m. DA FOUN? 16 @! TYPES street South and 28-51 ION tank rd, bui h.p. | oP, EL BA pb penal He er, |horses. L WE one 728-3 ENG "up _and shh dg lb. wr aie Y OF PU 72 ELINA rates, at ABE gens : an-/tv 549 dane In uilt-in nboard I LAN T ne ae |phone | Little LL sc 468. wor! LISH Pc ht - pre s_AN BLICAT 3-23 ST Esti sok TOWERS a.m. t lemoi the w 10- ncludi CES rYPEWRITERG, nen oe as' ca oa ee HOOLE GLISH speakin ny. S76 perlenc STH Nor PUI JON 12 : hiv Raat remodel structu $ 10 9 p.m alate Lite gol. e tng wal PECIA\ all . eet ee stack: roo Ranch, Te WOMAN W ciperianey sae IN Mi Yor PUBL DELIME 723-11 Rug - U ee i $50. Oana lt-channel a -- SA sedu gal 506 for soll ights pe L. Royal i, ea ane oa obra LACK FE er te five AN WIL seated would "like day iy Jeeworu CATION RY SER 39 phol: , J. Foley. fon Road Ea yoy PBA. otgoad LE eayiior | stocks, r wheel \TYP * 736 i wane SOR Telephone 723-00 MALE location. 1 ee ah ai masat Fane OF RIUMS and ' VICE stery Se 4 wa TV Supply 40-toot tower $299 . ainda issade 31.95 Me WRITE 3664 an ates. Cai ceev.|TWO one oA ala Poodle are 4 of age in for" child 81 DAY INKS TO RE-UP vie p eat > lust ea rey crenes NorRT \ 5.00 F KS, os jf week] RS, $49. | ytime, your |& saddl ri lth Regie, AY CAI 742. her h iid up CLASS! PREVIOUS P SOl HOLST! ad Perso ny Lined, Teen: f HCRA : RONT-Eh MUFF rents y, Adders aaeeerag fe! ener aioe caueren ee RE Gi ome. Can SEASSIFIED DISPL 1L--M e Wi 725.9 ERING nel rl bel iberglass FT FURY COMP, -END W LERS, agian, 1985-710 gina et aan bos Tee horses for sale, area. Etpeenca ' tral ply LAY No. ANU e ide sel 332 EL .| value deluxe 14 # ARABL ORK a FREE! wie mg eriethy the ©: RAININ Teleph oat, mol RE ainone 72 to chiidren " Tees | R We lectio: E lue pack run t. EP at G Fu sed, | 9 shaw. iG ci one 728- mang bela ty ee = in my CANERLLATIONS Let Ne 1 procsed nd a Workmanship" Gocrnted R 73464 Pi oa boat at budaet UNIRO ny a i a at cam, ee Race dena Sem. TIONS AND previous: with c ssed ai soil, E ye ranteed emovi 4 .00. .00. get Y re irom We ee win djusted fi FOR § @ fail lation. y |WH igta ar y hom give D. s. di att! nd . 'asy bi ars) er i 'el of 1 ; Fu este inter ree. ALE -- pps cg In-| its ea, T e. F da Le ra dregs Wall rot we i ame Marie Murda ile" 16 ft, fiber an CENTRES. Genie eyo ae or si ae alee cai as sey add will nl ATION . Promp' tted o y ver 20 ree 27 we Se will oir ilboat lass ¢ The ea marnlel oni ree bridle pedi pbs 9, wh Renee ss nurse, availab . t di cattle HE yea . Pl oie be i com , alumi entreb DO: New G rnishi ly $15 'o0ms peda Call sadd arkiny ite | ¥1 -- » exp Ee 80X N' ares Gi befor elive: FURN rs. experi en hone 5, 26 in Li plete minum joard MINION Hom: GUARAN ings, 424 monthly. of new!! MESE mornii igh a' ne | Youre -6278 pa obec once' my While UMBER R one Gove 655-3 ry. 90 Si ITURE aperieoss these da Genosh and yee | with da pa 17 TIR e of ehennn cork i Simcoe Si Barons' trained, Saal KITTEN ings, 723-744) nartingale| child, fi WOMAN' ces aval with pied piekd R RENTAL re) -3331 imeoe St. ENTRE _ment tes fi a) Hat $1295 1675 ran' ante: Park R E STOR vp, Alcan fet ioat a cin uth. 20. 'ates, NS, sey 41 child, tive day 5a lable. pet replies avor Hi Dod SHAW, . North THe - 'or appoi el .00. .00. ils. Pho cad So ES imcoe So Els npiskbola are oer. washers, | Collies, 38, Teleph aaa oe toon Rod Ds aL ge cept sers OS Bs box nl pial "WA GA OSHAW. quon MONA int 23 Sole ne 725- uth We Bu uth, DE ae ye $3450 and] SRRTLONE INE Aah 9 of bipbl CARE G 'South & age ait one Sept he, col fat Loa te ie SER RDEN RUG 'A breaghthee LISA 2 foot, 4 6511 |furnit UY, SELL A pllancess 432 pec A ag EP bo BS lnonienst a givin oes gimme. oF iets 'alleged in Beene A the Wite b Prof CLEAN all suites posal Pes hi used. 80 slee City "Te oe s AND EX iced Meaty as Hi GH GS mi limi nese! Alig id one or 1 "use lea ia Verengig Pika le, we ac-| M : TD A essional ERS ys cl rom 10 *themssves. Non outboa h.p. Velvs eruis AEA Sette nything EXCHANOR | Youn' varanieed.. Tele + von, nlature MOVING 3 = "Telephone pied chit Bieta or ord Win, fowl fhidoch either ERION-K : ery cleani rug a M4 2 es, Visit gall i, FF 'olvo inb ef, Z TY auth 72316 HAI used sale iG _BLAC eee ait tts fooler Ons i ea dabgdcs pine used ewarding y ither| BL -KIENT hor ning nd uph atrick PH BIST 5.9934, ' t ley, e ully joard 5 H PEWRI wv EN aig 4s The |B Tele K AN re ty ada le rat paghtldprbihid 8-3834. ° in SPON: rwise. ethe uch re- UE UCK' e or done i ol Lind: St, st 2 a P.m. duc nclo: equ 25; I. TER, Rtn Simi rookll phon iD TA "3941, 1492, ue" Saleen di aw aes serponele. ter oe dealt une GRASS Y. intorineti our Phra in your conent yg formerly ao ed to ioe ana ipped OSHAWA : ie macs aR, standard, meat coe n. eo J. TAN ounga er a be cane, by a garage Ldn dl Fy All- rch D 79) . Call for So . as 00; - Re- SHOPPING |auARANTE! "$20, ypewriter. portable 12--Articles 455 ai 17--Fem Loo See 0 , jel Ei 20, also electric, 723. --Articles Wantec eee my Pe aig seve yes f re Nur: 25-996 rlendihie een a ove na al " USED BOYS' & CENTRE ev isin, a USED secre 7. agg. |GO0D ia es s Wanted ale Help Hise HAWA_ TIMES ie) So! rowe sery PROFE l 3--Spo ick wee Ih and 'will a BOAT CRA GIRLS' \s Aan fora kita ioe Pir SED FURNITUR ed Wanted" ma ac a 7as.96e Patene RUG CLEAN wun eee a nd: MOTORS paying SALE ArTonanG Sinn '13 sola ge mel KEYPUNC ONE 1 ING oT! ER- i -- TO e 6 Li C) 15' ee gre asher, : A 526, acNell NSE! NOT HERW! Nor' WNL NI 8 bought, 1CEN umn Pp O ee dr ion, $1 Frigidalr, rticl \'s RL yagt MENT RTION OR ISE th To INE N F 2 Da G a cences Ced ES B matic dryers $110 Feigidalr, | les 'er oe chica CHARE NOR OF AN ORE uiriton Vitlot yee Pi y Servi Pegler hunt s -- New 'edar St pen * IKE | an $20, 725+ 0. riganire eat | es tor Ren PER Cail ee ditt BEYON! YR: J Rt illo ick-U ice ond St West. Py He Tonnes al and and gat Sind evenings? auto-| Tabl or Rent T The WHI A D T . b ge A lp and West. valine |. Am sed son 1963 lyboy e or 26" BUY A Nontiegt: 2 wi les, Chai R The Osha CH EI SINGLI HE <AM n Deli /4--M sr gdh shot conditi elect 28 whi 6 ayy Ane esi 72 th} eS, airs, Li Requi slossity od Time RROR OCCURS. : STRA gus-G ery, oto! y Cm, ition. $ nein h.p. ite chai appl gist tt -- bie , Cut! , Linens quired i dere! modverising ce sp com rayd YAM rbike 14' » $575.00 spotles Ton aoe irniture, 46h t= ood use | Urn ary, SCs Dish- secti ina la Soaficstion. es the i LA plet cH 728- yaon AHA - bd 4b : J e guards lords |STOV. a ites Soul id turn s, P sses, C _ rge ke In th ication ccordi right to NDS! e ESTE 6254 epalrs SuzUK' ob orsen 3-pe ond | 8 E40 coe South, only ture} Wi unch B , Coffe: Ho Prepari ypunch The Tinos ing to it " CAPIN CRSTEREIELDS may Wn ae, 'Author! out, CO Fiberg| @. erank 0._ Teleph INCHES Lud oo" ear, M owls, . neywell ng work x or moe ott display 3 GA and G rial for" ees ue ae ht ae Johnso: invertible glass Re @ block unit HOUSEH one 728-273 well k me] Ox en's For , Bridal Appl compu for @ actual ef tan fish RDEN age. Dahon writer Seetoor im Yee witiam st. & and <r, All" electri top, 40 hp. Dun Butyl Sere i enguene "ale aggke aed Furs, Mi mals, Whi reek A ter syst pol bhai P ebcedib al ihr SERVI Seen janie. fo dtrekd our mate bet ade used thi St. E. 728 , All 1961 ric, Gato Pe e lop 'bes Conad ile cardables | SARGEA ink Stol ne mum of ust have vibe matter De eees et Sergei 728 CE RE-UPH 3-721 pholsterii covers ate Sree Bi bias 7 Suc 12' Mod r trail- Zeller' es sdion 1m alue to removed. poy ANT'S sles. i' one y e mini. phone Ghat Cte. Bir ctnee ie G -8267 a aaa wes East "scion PB tides Harb els, $99 Baad exclusi so. ENT TY cover trucking, 63 R REN perience | fear ke & my, dvertizement But 'assum savertene OOK: ST Mego le RY by arles | yos-0ee mane 130 nee luxe ¢ ercroft al ns e BBG lusive Zel anton cue 9 PEWRITE ne JENTER itson Rd. S., TALS operati @ ine hi ypunch Se iat sebialled ibility CULTIVG OcK got gies anes ere experts "or aaa gemen-) Evin 'artop and uminum silver b co ite Mex yaar ba vans -- sii rier Conae 725-3 patente Exc igh volu IT's any secures lity ATED Oshaw: Rasta Kkmanship Estab- r payment $3 rude in 1966 de- fr razed f ae eee ie ees pubes tere Oshawa." "Fifty 338 nd co xcellent me Finis acien ae Excell FIELD 725-0311 ee wentnere A gael og 5--T; ts. Tel 79. new 5 hp. 'ames forks a T "AStiniers Oin" sien on pra bald cad partite weeding jo one empl mplete sala ACTION PLACE lerdt Quali nM. Ing, ats pday-ot 'Mat. vailers lephone condition, @ black ind 'wo MA ecumnen serv. |W 9. 723-772 wedding Club fi undred ployee b 2 progr ry Coll Clos WANT A Loas lity, UL Ss aT Dee finished. 5% bed Cli Canad covertna TCHING ents 728-| tered -- aaa 3. "Bar, kitchen, ce of fie AD ded , Low Pri ales 'Avenve. h.p. ' ippe ian D Fete abate aly iilabere ht kitche! s, Cal 723. 1d Direct Vids or delive: rices. and Se wwe} Trai model, fu Evinrud @ chr tires unlop BED! six, lke" brown fits, Ald Re RS, hospital 4 Mrs. E se "ati Aue Foun oatag AP vies iler Cle toni, pote gearshift, 1961 e omium plated ae OM SUITE, fi use Se Fo Rents, 18 a a a DUNLOP Cc Mcinty ¥ . PLIA' Ren ara SE ss condition 5 gal two t ed rim eonation. aie Et 11/350 people. "RENT. Beatrice 725-164 CA 'si tol nc E TH ition i 'one si s Fat wen T riter. ple. dr: 8-36 ple, F T for 0 75-16ld, NA INDE NUR: 425-96 NCE e s, dem e E19 , $189 et addle AH SIBIL bcd Both esser 13 bel flap ull et 644, DA SERY 925-9674 REP. rator jonst 68 S 5 lambo wal ker D aR. and] wnfot informatl 0. Cal ee é LTD. CLAS x TO BURSPRY AND E AIR' s, hea rators, Now NOW! yant LNUT rive. Mace or ape 14-- 5 and ion pacity 68-3 f Ls Sats Fe xpert S ' ters, , retri ON CRUI and bi red f pelle ls or sppiy| B 7 p.m. el 361 ww SIFICAT ik al FIELD $00, of repai Mi one DISP| SERS 6" whe Reales toa T DINING ROOM tab "a usine y| DEMONS TL Women's IONS FOR ct ay Pa A cg to all ill te LAY wheel girls, patter |e Oe M table | ss Op L NST. d a-soreme! 'olumn ming, PREM oe a etc. s, drye mokes HA er Trai BANK s. . oe teen J Ril PE elephone and four| portunities adies RATOI --ao 3 -Reertomen' saw edernolshing and] @ ALSO ra, ranges, |fe, es aa FINA condition. Ts Pia ay Ot ana) ies | meti to dem RS et 7 ie peal E mtn" pent ee, PA s, |t WINTER NOR rs NCI Fou! Telephone 725 -_ wail ence onstr railers n Bettie trae? RTS Ha tao TH. A OPE NG A aes ay both in" Clin-| i at ho a on GE ing tt ings, trim- AV. 0: pri. Ts Ler TH, AJAX _ N 8 shin ES, 6 25-6971. in B inar: : ome bi cos Swap and eanreree pe ress, ng chain ALCAN. e bership storege minutes. trom, aor AND aa 9PM ___No bow ' photaraphic compl A oragr ea iy - ITE' dt in paar ng sem- ote bed jarter one eae PIN UR ore ' DS. cases ror s a aw "eee ath calle - peel Ry mye tad 3300. sodded plowed si hom 452 Sim E and APPLI Heder ge Wnenes arkand tor plistig ENDS A WN PAYMENT ibe SALE -- ane i including "| our Dry C metic traini pany. Full aie bait) rand Column Instru of toeded. 455-5084 Tolagker See Acta an are Osh LUMI MENT |e eae "sed Wo Used dg en-| Sranch leaning ueleeted : ng provided ~ Pinel cor irtio i on, awe for weld! and : --|Wat + $2.00 A LEG dP | j ull o pplic '0 13--Artich anted PiAl nm e 723- MOB ing inst TE Peal eee ngs Bs, 14", ise or 'ant f iter Rent Fer iieaetion ws es sae 0011 nish BILE HOME, ra Portable Vaslce @ SIDING NUM chine ate Heyn "haa a Geaacl ol 2 ee For _ ne ree Meta balboa aaah me Saratien. "ora , Glenda Vv @A fet cationn. yin cc treidie, bake chi erview see erson ee ment Wanted BALL rig lon i er, | Theory. plkeey bee uadit: eee one ile WIN 0 Sadition, "Telephs treadi achine, | our D sed Pe e 8 je Help, W Wanted Osho om aaly Me "Tare ial 8.4507 ae te wee Wee, pa fp Pg eo ate ( HARBOR Ltd, rg WINDOWS ee ate Alin Gores Cleanin G MR. AYR 20-- anted wa Sh BS wi 7. ery ine: Ss, , si oven, SCI N +6173. ps ws : 2 "peg ag lel we Jan -- "Hovey ance Pte uaa Osha ice. pesto Parts on catigns ts ve, ne ieee s it: Simere st acy Me sia ae = fo. leo ges ran Eon s Are: 9 = sENOSHA Ho tp) 'or Sa ented itor 725-6122, adem) servi @. i a5'. ©: o-bed- reet So an scon 338 ne 668-5110 Big ge --INE@W hu TE Ig rae prisarilea" ra Servi me 74 8B. ie ine ; xcelle 7 uth) vee tae . 5110 30" | rsday S L Carotid Sale jes L. T¥iPEs ice 72 ARR rity nt 23-81 V Ney! for Hf or bus | 1 epte Hate fiegecas a Naas sae ts 86 E ee ae 6 Birciery rym Estat vane oF | 1 E. pi ue ane For lion eauti to 7 14, fro U2 ol ential 726-9558 ote, peeled wenners Lid _ 725-463 SEA: _ N | S S mM ToaeR Bm, ere lnernation utiful P.M. eats Pe oo |Moneiy \oumacen Pap cbe ane mabe range ee fo, ail wringer ae, c CHRIS CR 15 Prince S SALES LT! Mision ae seReiaL «© mge| | --Outst G XPo for Ri to L cuUM 793-001 Lu LEA SAL A t. D. Di a $ ieee varee utstand R Doe ne F mi and 2. a 'i M ES FT NING a tae, : in Ren Sop datagd Soreknuats ae oon Sac t Lees, new ost bra and ears "tata poeihed trang ed ~RUTHERFORD'S butte ROOM SUITE, sete Fele| Th Different gly Require Ay .! repal ' j . ~ They d eee e Sra Metts te Ise et ean me PRICES CUT Supplies Northerat Peterborough, er Bedroom, Dinin ok Si aa ira ce Bh a He agra eA 327i 7232. rister: sold. pti very. $s. raile TO ude o1 runabor gh a ' 9 , Dining R oom, R | ae ino ace chair: rae lar hised b Duties eat Cars for ee ae ag we ic Se | OF r Rent COs utboa ts ind pb s $599 9 Room oe aianice.-- 'ordion, 120 dry gest mi yor M <1 9 utomob Sale a etrest tea rvice or A 'als Sti T Osh id. motors. Evi erms. | Be. . $399 sma cae To lagererer , 120) Thi clea anufac ne onda P.M ses W. et | ic TIC TA jugust ill Avai awa. Y! tors. bb layowe immedi 699 Po ha on Street. No 7 reasonably is "all DIN: acturers 9 y to F : ' 35--Lost "Wanted ANT Hid on cal NKS ond S 'ailable 'ach away. ate di " Eas Friday, S et Hig 2 a | premi | equ equipm a.m, to rid por epali : R treet lls, Wi cleaned. epte: RA 723- tha 5 elive: y [MEDI Septembei afte! pply priced, ises'" ipment ent 5 ay --Legal Pao yall ESU aie ee Pr A mmber. CING | 8186 ven RUT ry Oo} DIUM a caree 08 at 90 the " pack on Must pm GET W LTS? ry + Wily, 6 ramet serv MP Se |e di MOTOR -- a HER' ee ao "SIZE rclock 'on Bertaelte' | Lo pout ee » Saturd coming ITH ¢ urve 7 468-2563. Chestnut ING tina Eas nsle -- Stoci 156 Si FORD' f jove, an : compresso aa}. proven | y-Brite"' f s made elephon st typist lays oming vente TIMIES THE A peck, <A U iy. call 725 i cee imcoe Si Ss aateTcee compressor, one | ler pla ong t ranch e voic with AC CTIO! DONEV: i a . Call 725- needs cellent 25 Mel Ee t. So iNING 7 Quebe a lerpa n- yiel erm in ise 0 e, good Cc TION NI ta AN STARCRAI 5-1861. mone' cont r- ov. uth elm ROO! P 1c rge} | YO ieldin vest | LAS AD ee ae comme penile ITED cc earl HOLIDAY SPE _ [ei FR te oan Your cosh investment ment | GUID CALL 728 3 S. a. FLIM, Ontario St Com: ANN, TOWNL es S peat Marine. sh pki Tecyaier beate 50' ry: SPECIA FaiGioAine hone fy sethtaid chairs, of suc short tela in ju : --E REAL 13-3492 ce cea Se, (Ile noh of Kir on oes sese| ste au ee a. rhs oy ean, Hunde 723.5281 eS = oe St. R ND of Ki TH trade-i aT 0 - Seely. Lid: all ure wi eavy 1615, or tcl ph ld rag Init ut Can atio us if $s es. Surveyor. ing U in _all SED wes td., -chi ith d -d BES wick tion. rge ed St oda ns fo. --_ hades 728-9942 Stow [ae Reval nd, jie, igh pletely ins "ont 82.13 RCA television fo Seta YOUR BENE ache : nid ; le i G hn a 0 y ---- a : Pages t icles. Phone WAN eer hy pat. TRIO TELE led, $70. com- ae recendionen ogee -- ee INCLU NEED mal C T-ADS _ [Breer eres ms | TY TV VISION, 728 i VACUUM Laat ian | = sro oF EXTRA oe : OST--TH DON'T 654 log bast i and trailer = pei 8.5143 = ne CLEANERS, $10. a dan --Frojersenal tin layout Poin an te MONEY? EY ---- reed both lights, ha: lept. vanalie:, radi 'ov a 5 si . and we year f rainin u ristm eaut : ° PA SIMPLE TP Og HL on Al open 7 pairs. Se los, (ener 7 Imeae Street All inanc 9 neigh as card: iful i - Y sell = THINGS T Call 7: so. T.V. do ie rvic spi "tgp sui good Street year-roi ing ghbors, rds to ine of sa ena oa as A a fice eras ~ ou" shia e i . |WAS eS, shh i i ; n : teas aaa Classified Ade 'ahd rotors ite T.V. A and WASHING | acu Leas includes H INVEST: dealt don't ead Fe foatit ways esi sll old gaat 248 Service a iaee nten- 1% Rete eine hed at MENT FRO our Bt experie chin! Yea I 05 Quebec a.m, to Sales ee iy To anytime 723 ror | For ,000. M with ig, illust rience be 'ou 00. Ss 9 rol URIST TEN' 723- "ei com ° rat ecal . All or; Coll 425. a, $45, "Telephon es nd oe itor pie eit 300 -- Gam leeue, guoran & Telephon ess tha UN ne or nation p! r, hi ms sh ue, teed. G ephone: 723-663) n one ITED DI write: Henny, of elps y own in : The et Fast cr FRANCH RY CLEAN for Chri orders. Wai to 4 Quick Wa Cash 7th Floor, "tg qe proval igres at aa ley ~ ' is int Ad W. Olympic a Don Mill D panel Ca Bp ele ap- . ay uare, Doi s Road, Can rd Co., alogu N T Ont nM non, H: Dept. ie. - alaphoren aD ills, RE lama iten, 22, we = 429-136 SU iu , ii . uk 3? Use Time By eas Want Jimes sw Vian ds. * ~s ate . si) +s y " saan sé. eee. ~ v . - v ot