and SATURDAY EPTEMBER y 4 AND SAVE! ww Price E ardwood frame and ed in Haut-Decor VER ONLY This coil pper with expanded | lit Sales Office SPECIAL 259.99 Reg. 279.99 ONO nplifier and BSR automatie -FM tuner with multiplex. ny veneers. REEZER EZER only saves space, but topped lid. 7 cu. ft. mensions 3134" high EDED a] f SOUTH THE OSHAWA TIMES, 23 Wednesday, September 13, 1967 Arrest Made In Old Murder NEW YORK (AP)--Detec- tives arrested a 28-year-old Queens woman today, charging that she killed her four-year-old daughter in Queens more than two years ago. Her five-year- old son also was slain. Authorities took Alice Crim- mins into custody on a first-de- gree murder indictment charg- ing her with her daughter's death. Mrs. Crimmins' children van- ished from the family apart- ment--then in Flushing, Queens --in July, 1965. The girl, Alice, was found dead in a vacant lot shortly after her disappearance and the boy, Edmund, a week later under a blanket on an embank- ment overlooking the World's Fair. Mrs. Crimmins, estranged from her husband, told police at the time she had put the children to bed on the night of July 13 and that, as late as midnight, had looked in on them. Sometime between midnight and the next morning, the chil- dren apparently were abducted, Mrs. Crimmins told police. She said she discovered that they were gone about 9 a.m., and that she had heard no strange noises in the night. Nixon Seeks TV Exposure OTTAWA (CP)--Ontario Lib- eral Leader Robert Nixon said today he plans to ask Premier Robarts and NDP leader Don- ald MacDonald to take part with him in an hour-long televi- sion program as a climax to the Ontario election campaign. The election has been called for Oct. 17. Mr. Nixon told a press con- ference he will propose that each of the three parties give up 15 minutes of free time allot- ed them by the CB and asked that the CBC provide the addi- tional quarter-hour. "We would have a chance either to confront each other or reply to reporters' questions on the major issues," he said. "I think the idea would add inter- est to the campaign." The Liberal leader said such confrontations on __ television should become a standard part of provincial election cam- paigns. Following the press confer- ence, Mr. Nixon left with Serge LaLonde, Liberal candidate in Prescott-Russell riding on & tour through Hawkesbury, Alfred, Plantagenet and other communities in the riding southeast of here. Tonight he will speak at a nominating meeting in Carleton East. Peterborough Housing Lack PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Thirty city children are separ- ated from their families and living in foster homes because of a housing shortage, George Dove, director of the Kawar- tha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society told a city council meet- ing Sunday. He said in a letter to council that the housing shortage has caused strain on the society's staff and foster home resources. "I question whether the assistance currently being pro- vided by ourselves and others. is appropriate or adequate," he said. "I have some serious doubts as to our ability to care for many additional children." Mr. Dove's letter was referred to council's public housing committee and to a committee studying minimum standards. Bottle Battle' In New England CONCORD, N.H. (AP)--The price of a good bottle of scotch runs about $2.35 cheaper in New Hampshire's state - oper- ated stores than it does in Maine, and that-makes New Hampshire liquor stores popu- lar with people who live in Maine. Maine, however, has a 20- year-old law which says people may not bring more than one gallon of liquor into the state. Violators can get a $500 fine and up to 11 months in jail In Maine and New Hamp- shire, they call this the "bottle battle." Maine Liquor Commissioner Kenneth Ingraham says he has his men at stations along the New Hampshire border with orders to stop anyone who buys more than a gallon and tries to bring it into Maine. New Hampshire Liquor Com- missioner Arnold Clement countered by sending his men to New Hampshire liquor stores "to see that customers are not bothered by Maine liquor enforcement officers." "So far,' Clement added, "there has been no harass- ment." COPS NIP PLEA PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) -- Police turned down a woman's request for an ambulance, offi- cers. said, when the caller explained it was an emergency --my dog's having a heart attack." Ee J ¥ ie d % ' hi fil eae 7 ° ' Se ST UL aay SCIENCE KITS let young PLAY DOH modelling clay 13 PC. CORNFLOWER SET, CHECKER SETS. Ploy AF | sc ; 'i \. Y TERNOON TEA be TABLE SETTIN ee the wait of ina wide range of colours. Ideal plastic set to top any checkerboard er Chinese served by every sag Pre Includes tea pot oo ge edd ya igo ae aa chemistry, jet propulsion Comes complete withcolour 'little girl's table setting checkers. Both boords and with this set. Contains sugar, cups and sevcers end Measures 1" tg In pl Looks forward repre go nd others.... PRICE 88¢ blending chart... PRICE 88¢ ensemble..... PRICE 886 checkers incl. PRICE 88¢ cutlery, too... PRICE 88¢ 4 plates ....+~ PRICE 88¢ sorted colours. PRICE @8¢ '° either side. . PRICE 88¢ 8" Jill Doll In Carry Case The pride of any little girl. Beautiful, 8" Jill doll spee- lally made fer the fashion conscious girl... .. 008 3 Model Cars In Package Three sealed down beauties in @ pack. Choose from your favourite years end models, a FAMOU price ¢ LAWMAN KIT. Houl in the CHALKBOARD SET. Let rustlers with this gun end busy young minds ge to work holster, belt, handcuffs and with this set. Chalk and | sherriff'sbodge. PRICE 886 crayons included. PRICE 88¢ Mechanical Donkey Wind himup endhe jumps and trots along the floor. An . action toy that's lots of fun! Tremendous Savings. 2 esse oe SHORTY MACHINE PISTOL, Just pel the trigger. Mokes @ realistic automatic weapon sound.... COLOURING PACK. Con- tains 5 beoks te colour, com- plete with 8 colourful play- time crayons .. PRICE B86 - => _ KLEANKLAY modellingset. BASKETBALL. Resilient, BAGATELLE GAME. Just Nen drying clay with enimal sturdy ball with the feel pull the tri te score.Wide moulds included for hours of more expensive models. voriety of teoduating gomes of fun....... PRICE 88¢ Terrific value. . PRICE 88¢ te choose from. PRICE 88¢ PUPPYDOG PULL TOY. SHERRIFF KIT. Conteins Mognetie Spelling Boerd. onl ¢ Drag it along the floor--it genvine Western Holster, Comes complete with easel ; y squeaks like a real puppy. A cap pistol, belt and sher- and metal letters. Fun way 880 - cute looking toy. PRICE 88¢ riff's badge... PRICE 88¢ to learn...... PRICE 'BY: \ SO RACE 'N' RALLY CARS. A E wholeline-up of competition ive toy. Every little girl can cars of different models. learn to sew this colauitel, Ready to race! PRICE 88¢ fun woy..... PRICE 886 toons....... PRI aa a ey" ------w, Go F MBROIDERY SET. Acreat- STAMP SET. For the young- DANCING SNAIL. Hove you. DANCING ANJMALS. Choose sters. Rubber stomp assort- everseen asnail dance?Just from monkey, elephant, lion, - ment of their favourite car- wind this ene up and watch tiger or horse. Wind them up CE 88¢ her ge......+ PRICE 88¢ and they dance. PRICE 88¢ SS INTERNATIONAL. PISTOL, SUPER WEAPON. The OK RESCUE HELICOPTER. Snub nosed, spy revolver 220 is the ultimate in weap- Large model of U.S. Air Force with realistic sound when ons. Just pull the trigger, lis-. rescue 'copter. With safe, ten ond watch. PRICE 88¢ rubber wheels. PRICE 88¢ Special Plastic Football Inflatable football made of plastie that small hands can grip, young legs con kick farther. Great savings. x ie Interlocking \ Picture Puzzle tiple thick pieces fit to- gether to form a beautiful scene. Each contains over 500 pieces. Choice of scenes. A i ¢ EGGHEAD. He scurries oc- FRICTION TRAIN. An excit- on » ross the floor, rolling his ing friction toy. Makes atrain- eyes and sticking his tongue like noiseand shoots sparks Pg babe pa PRICE 88¢ from the engine. PRICE 88¢ IF YOU HAVEN'T THE CASH TODAY \ RING-A-DING TRICYCLE. MECHANICAL ~GRAWLING BLACKBOARD SET. Con- THE LAY-AWAY Push this little tricycle DOLL. Delightful little toy tains chalk and brush. Al- across the floor and it rings in your cholce of Pink, Blue phabet and numerals provide abell....... PRIGE 88¢ or Yellow... . PRICE 88¢ instructive fun. PRICE 88¢ Land, Sea, Air Set MECHANICAL ROBOT. He - rolls across the floor, swing- ing his arms. Sparks shoot out from mechanism. PRICE 88¢ ' Made of sofe vinyl. Full size, knock him over and he comes up fighting. PRICE 88¢ We a ae bos DANCING PIG. Wind him up INDIANNAPOLIS CARS. A CHOO CHOO TRAIN. A won- end he will delight ony child set of three 'Indy' cars thet derful toy for your child. It with his fast moving antics. roll on safe, rubber wheels. jg brightly coloured, made eseseeeeess PRICE 886 Ready to race. PRICE 886 of sofe plastic. PRICE 88¢ : < siieiaeneiaiiianiidinlinns r \ Tey Xylophone With Music Ploys a tune with the hammer provided, or like @ typewriter. Comes with musie. Boats, planes and land vehicles will thrill your little boy for hours and hours. Made of safe, dur- ' ° i : ai able plastic... .++++s08 \ CHIMING TEDDY BEAR. WIND UP MOUSE. Wind \e 1 \ price BB teu ee eas SPACE PISTOL. This fric- tion powered space pistol willdelight any young space- man's heart. . . PRICE 886 w mw AR ANTE ED Just shoke this cute teddy him up and let him go. The little girl can now make her bear and heor the bright fastest mouse in the. west! own jewelry with this plastie SHIMOE: s o-¢.070's PRICE 88¢ Rubber wheels. PRICE 88¢ =) bead set..... PRICE 88¢ YOUR MONEY'S WORTH MORE AT WIOOoOLWoRTH'S ; OPEN THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 4 PM q Latest) thal shed) shal hath a Saba te Le tah ed ale tat atch Soke A NA AOR ttt Saree Sahcdale bale ta babatalabadatadets tetata ta tal ashe aa adltg te Se Be Se Seas