Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Sep 1967, p. 13

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he probation when he oy's 15-year-old com- as sentenced earlier to nite period in a train- A le Paul Hamilton was ee times before he the fire, wounding his after he approached truck on a suburban ly June 2. icer recently returned uties. PETE RE EAE ER ALESSI ALT eo. oak -- SAVE 280 B9: -- SAVE 100 65% 250 5 Se pkg 75 ots BO ks Ae in BM TURE PRICE! «001.00 -- SAVE 100 ze cinr 5 oe > -- SAVE Se bpkes Be 45e--SAVE 4e -Ib pkg Mb Te le -- SAVE 40 oz jars 5 Se 'OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS "S" COUPE THE 68s --STYLING CHANGES New developments in the re - calibration of transmis- sions and the lowering of rear axle ratios is designed to will operate at lower rpm. Oldsmobile line for 1968 are vast styling changes and give better fuel economy and reduce noise since the engine researchers said, the test requires The test measures--or tries | Experimental Smoker's Test , | May Give Clues For Quitting | NEW YORK (AP)--A new ; jand experimental "smoker's |test" may spell out why some |persons are hooked on cigarettes | |--and may provide some clues 4 to make quitting easier,|smoking and health, Ten per cent of smokers test- ed so far indicate they use ciga- about 15 questions to pinpoint|rettes as a _ stimulant, @ or more of six smoking- to measure--why people use cigarettes to suppress certain emotions and feelings, a group of researchers noted in a report to the world conference on : coffee in the morning. Some |gratification patterns, explained/eight per cent say it is simply |Dr. Daniel Horn, director of the| the handling and if National Clearing House for Smoking and Health. ighting of the cigarette that satisfies them. Thirty to 40 out of every 100 rette as a mechanism toward a pleasurable period of relaxa- tion. ¢ Some 40 to 45 per cent of smokers say they puff away to get rid of negative feelings--to rise above depressions or let down feelings. Up to 10 per cent of smokers tested say they light up strictly by habit, and only if they have a cigarette handy. SMOKE BY HABIT the test with a psychological addiction--a complex reaction showing that they gain several positive elements from smok- ing. This is the kind of smoker who seems to have a built-in out, he begins to develop a desire for the next one. He can't seem to taper off. He has to quit cold turkey. There are several bad combi- nations of patterns -- for some people have more than one. great trouble quitting. bad shape, smokers say they use the eiga- timer, As soon as he puts one short of cigarettes, "LEARN" Modern Square Dancing more powerful The smaller cars, the F-85, Cutlass, Cutlass Supreme, 4-4-2, and Vista Cruiser have a B' 'PP ance 155 hp six or 250 hp V8. Two- door modeis in the Cutlass series will be identified as Cutlass "'S' Coupes and will | be available with 12 different | combinations of engines and | transmissions. Top model is the 4-4-2) with | engines as powerful as 350 hp available. The stationwagon, | the Vista Cruiser, has'a new | 121-inch wheelbase and pro- | vides second seat passengers | with 1.3 inch more leg room and third seat passengers | with 1.3 inch more head | room. A larger luggage lock- | er under the floor provides two more cubic feet of stor- age space. The luxury cruiser Torona- do receives some slight styl- ing changes for the new model year. It will be power- ed by a 445 cu. in. engine, which replaces the previous 425 cu. in. unit. | Increase in the size of the | Oldsmobile engines plus the | Jamaicans Pick Apples OWEN SOUND (CP)--One hundred and five Jamaican | workers are scheduled to arrive in this area Friday to work on DANCING THIS WEEK 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. TO THE SOUNDS OF The Diaracons Appearing Nightly at the GEORGIAN Motor Hotel CHAMPLAIN AVE. AT THORNTON RD. 723-4693 Standard engine will be a | STARTING SEPT. 19th EVERY TUESDAY, 8:00 to 10:30 P.M. Sir Albert Love School 465 WILSON RD, N. Instructors "Jim" & "Betty" Allen PHONE 723-3692 or 725-6126 CENTENN Dencing 9 p.m, to 12 Dress Optional Call; --723-4511 Oshawa Little Theatre Sas AND DIGGERS the apple harvest and officials are hoping they bring warm clothing. Last Sunday 55 Jamaicans, used to temperatures of about 60 degrees at this time of year, arrived in nearby Thornbury and a public appeal had to be made for warm clothing as overnight temperatures dropped to freezing. The Imperial Order Daugh- ters of the Empire is organizing CASTING NOTICE "Rattle Of A Simple Man" A COMEDY BY CHARLES DYER To Be Directed by Marion Dennis To Be Staged at the EASTDALE COLLEGIATE NOV. 15,16, 17 & 18 READINGS and TRYOUTS will be held under Mrs. Dennis' direction THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th 8:00 p.m. McLoughlin Publie Library Auditorium -- Everyone Welcome, September Is Little Theatre Month -- Be A Little Theatre Subseriber NOW PLAYING the appeal for clothing. The workers will return to Jamaica after the harvest. IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 ePrs | 95 Dancing Saturdays COUPLES ONLY JERRY REIDT ORCHESTRA bd : ge PRESENTS % ; JULIE ANDREWS: MAX VON SYDOW: RICHARD HARRIS 2 'term once mor ama-waLnex namscarRooOTION aH WALI" savor our axis | Pedy oa 'arse eb : Pea) ) em ae. wo. i WEEKDAYS: 6:30 - 9:15 SAT: 3:30 - 6:18 - 9:00 Sun.: 2:10 = 6:00 - 8:45 PANAYISION" COLOR by | YOUR BEST SHOW VALUE ODEON ;° 39 KING ST OSHAWA For further information Please Call 725-5833 erent TERENCE YOUNG'S alee 'TRIPLE CROSS' ' TECHNICOLOR® FROM WARNER BROS Keegan: "NAKED RUNNER" At: 2:00 - 5:50 - 9:40 Slowly they stripped Sam Laker down until there was nothing but animal left... i TECHNICOLOR> TECHRISCOPE'- From WARNER BROS. SECOND COLOR FEATURE! BRANCH 43 Royal Canadian Legion wv OPHE BILL BACKWELL COMBO. SATURDAY ... SEPTEMBER 23rd the only way to live! NOW PLAYING 1:10--3;15--5:20---7:30--9:40 [AL BALL Speciol Prizes 3.00 per couple Ticket Only Bor Facilities I wllN FLEMINGS One of the worst is the combi- nation of psychological addic- | tion and the use of cigarettes to overcome depression, This per- son, the researchers said, has Some individuals have all six Some 25 per cent show up on|Patterns and they are in really The object of the smoker's test when finally perfected would be to spell out certain individual substitutes a smoker might use to satisfy his needs THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 13, 1967 13 GETS IN THE ACT {Street, residence of Prime Min- LONDON (CP) -- The foreign| ister Harold higgar pti a \line teleprinter which will give office has moved a new piece of | the prime minister direct links furniture into 10 Downing| with Moscow and Washington, \* * NOW PLAYING , MOVIES EVER MADE! : *ONEOFTHEMOST «HALL ix -Life Magazine @ x WINNER | x OF§ ,, ACADEMY s AWARDS! METRO N-MAYER ACARLO PONT PRODUCTION + DAVIDLEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAKS yc GERALDINE CHAPUN - JULIE CHRISTIE TOMCOURTENAY ALEC GUINNESS SIOBHAN McKENNA 4 RALPH RICHARDSON OMAR SHARIF us co! 4x RODSTEGR | RIATUSHNGHAM x ROBERT BOLT DAVID LEAN cq ™ PANAVISION sae wetrOCOLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT x Box Office Opens 7:00 --- Show Starts ct Dusk | Admission Adults $1.50 Children Under 12 Admitted Free SEPTEMBER. @. WASHER & DRYER oD 2 Agitation Speeds ANNOUNCES EXPO STUDENT TOUR SEPT. 28th to OCT. 2nd -- COST $50. ' INCLUDES: @ TRAIN TO MONTREAL AND RETURN @ EXPO PASSPORTS DAILY ® THREE MEALS A DAY ¢ ACCOMMODATIONS AT LIONS STUDENT LODGE - ST. HUBERT, QUEBEC @ BUS TO EXPO AND BACK EVERY DAY ' FOR APPLICATIONS WRITE TO:-- LIONS CLUB OF OSHAWA 86 RUSSETT AVE., OSHAWA, ONTARIO OR CALL 576-0450 Adults interested in being chaperones are invited to apply. Same cost applies. LIONS CLUB OF OSHAWA ee = Or, EXPO 67, & + 2 Spin ag in this FRIGIDAIRE Jet Action Washer! Press proome eet Durable JET ACTION € FORNEW * 1 DEEP Care! CLEANING! Model WBASL no gears @ Patented Deep Action Agitator creates jet currents for Deep Action cleaning! @ Jet-Away Rinse--"'jets" away lint and scum. @ Jet-simple mechanism-- FRIGIDAIRE = iam PLAN oseAT MO EXTRA CHARGE] Budget-priced FRIGIDAIRE Flowing Heat . "Model DEASL @ 2-cycle Timer lets you set | exact drying minutes! © No-stoop lint screen is right'on the door! e Gentle Flowing Heat pampers your fabrics! © Porcelain Enamel drum won't snag delicates! e DPC means. Durable Press Carel 179s S YEAR PROTECTION PLAN as0A 0 EETRA CRAMER Two great names... FRIGIDAIRE GENERAL* MOTORS! Our appliances are backed by the integrity of these two great names. = LOD AOD BD eH BUY THIS PAIR FOR $4, 39).95 . og hog FOR KITCHEN AND LAUNDRY APPLIANCES -- 'THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE... 90 SIMCOE ST. S. = APPLIANCES. (OSHAWA) LTD. 7 725-5332. ee eee ee Ce. ee ee a oS

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