Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Sep 1967, p. 13

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sat ale nal oil while "lim- te 7---- 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 12, 1967 13 »ss quantities" of sands oll e available. oe EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS pblems to solve before we n get it out in massive oun." Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. and W. H. Rea, chairman of eat Canadian Oil Sands, has ROE : in't have gone nN $230,000,000 oil sands project a aitcten_for_ Sete 9A--Eggs & Poultry 15--Employment Wanted Carter regulations had been R or Not / SUMMERTIME SPECIALS [£663 "DAIsy #ResH" DaILy --|ENGLISH speaking lady would like day effect two years ago. ot Ptce opr Givered 'af ee ot hore|WOMAN" WiLL CARE tar chia op ' = ' od n for chiid up te Wilson's Furn. |10--Farmer's Column five years of age In her home. Central : Smooth top mattresses 29-95 |DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm ctock|DAY CARE GIVEN to children in my hiwa 2-pe. chesterfield suite 109.95 picked up promptly. Marguill Fur Farm, esi experienced, Park and Adelaide 3-pe. bedroom suites 99.50 yrone, Telephone collect. Hampton 263-|@"@8. Telephone 725-8173, Accountants 272), Licence 101-C-67. ere Building Trades iMetigiees TV-Redlo Revel 20 CHURCH STREET ~ 17--Female Help Wanted WA MUA, 205: Kine ahr Gane ATLANTIC "PAVING AND CONCRETE. = a debi Fy fa \ Wrecking by Seaway Demoll- 11--Pets and Livestock 4 a! four driveway paved by ex; 4, 4 + * Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. perts. tion Co., fourh PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Ciip- eady cash Seabee AY eine --aomen jeer | MAORTGAGE TV SERVIGE : ton ac amo, aon lee shee, baw erage, © KEYPUNCH Accountant, Sulte 205W, Oshewe CHIMNE y : : ining. pt abs a oy fing Centre. 725.9983, Shop- also 'irepla Fi goa a ones made, COLOR ® materials, colored bathroom ran Shepherd. puppies or sale, SDachursi OPERATOR | BOR, CUANGY'S | Acooting Sorgi [tea Bend ad LOANS BLACK and WHITE fiatures, laundray tubs | occtiry cLipPine SERVIER spun , coe" Braet Ny 7280097. Ren. T7005." |YE YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. FOR THE BEST CALL sree fi lights ond furnaces. Tele- |Svallabie, all breeds. Telephone 720%607,| Required in o large keypunch THOUSANDS Teed Times Action Claaai.| chimneys built' and repaired, gas tin-| Moneys available for _tirst phone 728-2801. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, read ; to fied ots daly le 4 Installed; roofs repaired, Phone 723-| and second mortgages. Open T R | @) = useD TIRES, most an at = for training, talking strain, Apply" P section preparing work for @ Jone ileonmed 'Trustees IF bond. siresi ii CaapaNTRY-- Raa a mortgages, No bonus. First ich, 8. King" Street. Westr, 7254S43,| eoret_U c/o ae Honeywell, computer system, East. 7 723-4833, Sireetlcar ports, garages, 'stoops, block end| 'Mortgages, second mortgages it TELEVISION va { REPAIRS, oll makes, hoses,|renconaply priced. Also' stod service, Applicant must have a mints HOPKINS, BEADLE AND 0. Charier cole 725-4891, Dorion Shanque. | nd arrangements for sale |} FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Fleming a ng ly Whitby, Telephone 668-6977. *] mum of one year keypunch sation ae ese aN aly eae] TV RECEPTION Pile. TungE"NARES=Dwnged_Ziil]_ experience In high volume tara 72s80h) 8 Hopline: cat i, e.| Telephone 725.9404, Ler heal igel M. F. SWARTZ _. Your Own ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Service, Shetlands, (With Peper pride and new] operation, Excellent salary Beadle, CA; E hateresee ©. AVESTROUGHING, chimney flash: 26Y2 King St. E iV TOWER ~ ag ds aa Mince eae) ggg (acne oc Bacal and -complet r more YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Char|(70S- Free estimates. All work guaran- 2 Ding St Fae ; : FOR SALE. Twelve week old male Sle- mplete program. ¢f fered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in|'@et- 720-4797. Oshawa, Ontario LAFAYETTE WALKIE - TALKIE sef,|mese kitten, house broken. Telephone employee benefits, Call Feely Simcoe Street North, roaring, Taerhn =_ Installing end 723-4697 728-5143 ny ee Nine meee eet ne leeeactle M Sloossiati ete A dain ced Rebeca se eae Corner Bond ond Division DOUBLE SiG, aiid ae Ma Ete oinnG. tne ein Ae re, E. Melatyre lueprinting ROOFING, hol Tad. aravel, shingle MORTGAGE LOANS apres iage ee trea te a ls Un al DUNLOP CANADA LTD. DRAFT , mall jobs. L. and H i i TV kitchen table $10., 5|PUPPIES and tral ; ni BELL, © RARTING, and | Reproductions |Roofing and Construction, 7254737 yates Jornetiats Jungs te SERVICE 81, each: two. 63 see tires' one tubes darger breeds, $25 Wp. Delivered," Tele 668-3361 Biveprinting and photostatic coples. Carpentry gages, Free advice arrange- COLOR ' a --_ jew, $15. 728-9569, eee CUPP ee po --DEMOF =~ oe Building Trades . ments may be made in your bd . wes with atl eid sien service Pe toy serie en cia" hb NSTRATORS 1A A F Quality Carpentry own home. A, ROSEN member BLACK and WHITE d ' condition, $125, Teleph dilu Kennels, Townline Rd, N. 723-6216. | Ladies to demonstrate cos- G RA INANCE GENERAL REPAIRS of Ont. Mort. Broks. Assoc. FOR THE BEST CALL WORN BY WOMEN ANTIQUES -- Rosewood an|PART SPANIEL, male puppies for sae.) metics at home beauty REPAIRS H so 725-0532 evenings and week- 'OF Sw Afri hanging lamp, buffet, rocking chair and|s® each. Telephone 576-1403. ome beauty sem= N LIMITED -- Improvement Specialists | ends 728-5623. 1 R | O ARE ATTACHED TO THE HEAD wash stand. Telephone before 5, 723-3068. MALE BOXER FOR SALE. $10. Tele Inars or In saolns for 'intere "we ALTERATIONS erving Oshawa and District |NEED CASH to consofidate your bills < ee » BY A HUNDRED OIL BURNER, with all controls, aso|phone Brooklin 655-4820, notional company. Full cos. ING STREET W. for Many Years. buy thet new car, boat, travel expenses. TELEVISION WADS oil burning water heater, and 200 gal-|WiLL BRAND HORSES. "Box and stand- ' 723-3487 ADDITIONS Honest and Dependable Service |We, feature second mortgages of 12 per OF VEGETABLE GUM fon tank, telephone 728-356 or 941 Sim-liva statis, $90. and $28, best of cer metic training provided for cent. Also first mortgages awallable, con- FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Rie, Tere Deedes tee 1007, Weald ee wart con _Norih Telephon bah Io -- Phone 725-8576 fidential, private funds, Call 723-4631 any TV_ RECEPTION EOMPLETE living room and bed sohone Hampton, Soa. page lsaleg IN Sibel MOOMES-OFF or 623-3411 LTE eee See Var Gun COMPLETE 'living room snd bedroom/LABRADOR reiriever, two months old.| full or port time. For person- H ICES-FACTORIES | womm--appivions 1ST AND 2ND morigages avellable. We condition, Must sell before August 29.|cast. spied clborne Street) ot interview Rec Rooms and Kitchens trim work, remoulding and. geoarsl re. servlet liconaad Somers eee perecel TV TOWER 6--Marine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter Sie ee COZY-J_ RANCH. \Reg'd. German Sh sa es a Specialty pairs, Telephone E. Belim 725-7066. : desl alae decihidt 72 : TELEVISION REPAIR eaulpment.|herds, pups. Show. mare In foal to quer: DEE rae - = BATH AND LAUNDRY tube, 817.) tol|VTVM, capacitator substitution" box, ter horse, Pony. ie Wasterh. saasion) MR, AYRES James Allen and Sons Cartage Painting and Decorating Conese B-5143 le, basins, $10.1 pressure aystems,| Ae gl substitution box, _ihereury tube |equi prado Cay, cme, Sen sce GENOSH 4 Heh 25-6126 BAN WITH TON "TUE for OS [end catetior Fron eatin ond ie F A 2 L S A [ F mode fo order and inste as ping | Oe NIG -ROOM SUITE, Dania wernt, |FOUR® IR-VEAR-OLD Welsh pony, pony re ye after & p.m, 576-0481. prices, 'Telephone 728-785 TELEVISION -- RADIO JBy008 or 787388. ri ci ee eee chimneys, -- eavestroughing,._ 'fireplaces, Dressmaking [gs Hg OA 24 Hour Service BAiticles for Sale ge eee es sa CHARLOIS Breeding wock for aaie.|__|1 A.M. to 7 P.M. rail "oRivans Sona v._ 668-2774. |ORESSMAKING, sults, coats and chil-|Mates. F. Schmidt, 725-9514. ala NEW cles vor oa) er and dryer, In excellent "condl- Britain: gC Miser oe ects P. WwW en ae Plein -- mie a dren's wear by experienced seamstress. * ; HOLMES E i d peste Lal oe id el cinta ermanent ork of age mfime. Must reside In|Reasonable. Mrs. Kralnc, 7258731. Plumbing and Heating vinrude Moters Now TELEVISION SETS, fully recondilioned| BLACK MALE miniature poodle, reals! Start | di TaERIRD GONNA, 16 fears ts tat |Can eee yee' aed, ae ELECTRONICS CN rica Me ll A Siebbaineaniye f a e . . be 4 od Wi! 7 nase. Guaranteed, works Te square foo. |covern, drapes, Mrs Vons Gea. | Plumbing Discount 2-YEAR WARRANTY SIX SERVICE BAYS [a1 vino WoRDIC ide wow | su | tee ear i ud AKING options, good condition, Telephone 728-| BRITTA r organized sales staff call- pvc hareg bah nbeg a types ofivery reasonable tee SAT Neve 149 Brock St. North TV CN ee FOR FASTER SERVICE pe Pointer ts Rerive, "eke reiaere. ek Dpainenies O01y, OP amen, te icon, k's Snowe" BF 68 BS06 oF 66-55. WHITBY -- 668-6601 TOWERS ety: CHESTEREIOLD Od, Ame, gcSeit | ROGUE PUPPY re é hi 3 x RING ~aiteratigns Wave your cones ee apne 3 hp 202.00 159.00 WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |green, good condition. Best offer eccept-|POODLE PUPPY for sale, female,) ambitious with above aver- ave tel By hagior holy ta 8 chim-|oid wardrobe revamped at very reason-| D E 668-5679 6h. p. 323.00 239.00 Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- ed. Telephone 576-2669. apricot color. Telephone 728-3463. age intelligenc haula:t ----eer ia" sole _rates._Telepnone _ $6807 aie. Sone 7 "JOE'S COL 9% hp. 419.00 309.00 mouth, Pontioe, We correct [ene SrAce BEATER ain Pre om" SEVERAL WELL SCHOOLED trali rie to" oats agit oie i i : y TV 15h. i ' ing $75, Telephone 725-0355, eae Cale 8 geo o relocate, new car CLASSIFIED RATES Gardening and Supplies plumbing line, 20% off all cod has oe at . 480.00 349.00 Speeenenn: eerert end WHITE OVAL TABLE end orange high oe ue, Panes Tele ranean sul start F supplies. Lal adio Service j ; . g acl airs, for two black end whitelFoy BLACK FEMAL ng salary per month, WORD ADE tan Be ees '3 5 sciecrie 702.00 519.00 align toe - in and toe - out to {kitchen sulte, "with four chairs) one lemail, | four. months H Poodley ext#) Apply Mr, and Mrs. G. King= Sdditional words, Sc each; 3. consecu- p.m. -- 9 p.m, SPECIALIZING IN Pp. correct condition .... $7.95 | srets,, for™ never used, size 10.) Telephone 723-0098. ston, room 601, Genosha ive insertions of pa words, 3.24; addi- SATURDAY 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. EUROPEAN RADIOS AND on 803.00 599.00 @ Parts extra If required BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap FREE TO GOOD HOME, halt grown| Hotel; 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tive insertions of 24 words. 5.76; addi- SUPPLIE CLOSED WEDNESDAY TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS to 904.00 679.00 @ Torsion b dj pitances, Call Elmer, 263-2294, 265-2695. Line a female kitten. Tele-| Wednesday only. Hone! words 24¢ each. ALU PLUMBING AND HEATING sup. 13 Bond W. 576-1670 Ga ' ie m bar adjustment |FELevision, 17" Motorols, $29, 2)" |two saddle harses for sale, Boat, motor Charge--10 per cent additional charge cle: teertee. Tree Harold R. pea Rigg PEIN oo extra Dumont, Aamiral $7, 2 Phiteo $89, be and trailer complete, Telephone 728-8916. dig: i ad Kee thon 26 SUPER FINE GRASS MIX gineering, 255 sineos'" street "South: a8 TV. Rentals She a"; rH agg Push BRAKE SPECIAL table, new ery, sine $9." edtiuchs 12--Articles Wanted GIRL FRIDAY eae NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX [ALL TYPES repai d j lew Sets : tit ahd ER ' inte, "Faure 2 ar 24 words each Word] PAEKLAWN GRASS MIX, (PE, 2S tat grates "Reasonable ALCAN Button og Shik ga95.00 7 | Most populer core First Mite boy's tnrcesneed. race | nest pres "FURNITURE wanted, etc.) Required for Office Duties me Word phone number counts two SUBURBAN GRASS MIX rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. FURNITURE and Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, Nise. mite pte Pl pga stent Highest prices, Call anytime. MacNelil's 5 PM. to9 P.M words, % Fi M, LM, TIMOTHY and ALSIKE Rug - Upholstery Servi Park Road North, : BIRTHS = DEATHS -- MEDION BLUEGRASS i Pend oy oetvere APPLIANCES NEW BOATS $14.88 WASHING MACHINE, Ingils) _tour|13----Articles for Rent Monday to Friday HSA aoe aet en with 28 cents eddi-| KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS Rene mga ee Plus $2.00 per wheel [cheated and chairs "Allin. perio 9 am. to 5 p.m, Saturdays pe charge if not pald within 8 days. pb eee GRASSES. e Wide Ace ty Sisice 723-0011 Cisiliak take "V8 FE clans (labor cost) ondition, Reasoné f Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- Must be fast typist with good $2. Bote oan 25 words end 6¢ SVIRCREM cry @ Workmanship Guoranteed SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 inum Lapstrake, Sleeper Seats | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL blever plane to see oa es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee telephone voice. , toch thereafter plus I3c per line of} EVERGREEN WEED KILLEn (five full years) Fost T.V. Servi Complete Convertible Top, Including weights per wheel, bly. Best offer, Claremont 649-2 Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal CALL verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid CIL. TURE 10-6-4 @ Easy budget Terms--Free -V. service with O.M.C. 90 h.p. Inboard h 2" TELEVISION, two beds, chest Wear, Men's Formals, White within 8 days, 6 Estimates Outboard, built-in 10-gol. @ach ....--...00. $1.95 drawers, white dish cabinet, Wudo wh : " GUIDE REALTY LTD. , FAaOS OF Aint 38 words end Ye MILGORANITE 6 oe en en | OLN tonk. in the water ready for | SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, 77 Towa SPeCik ander reeecgerte: 723-5281 $2.90 for tren with 25¢, additional BONEMEAL SHE FURNITURE CENTRE TELEVISION demonstration, List $3,895. FRONT-END WORK at ; [all channel antenna, hi Tele SARGEANT'S RENTALS t charge if zo tog within 8 days. PEAT M 90 Simcoe St. North COMPARABLE PRICES ~ |Viston. 728-51 463 Ritson Rd, S., 725-3338 for appointment. COMING POTTING Son. AWA 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SALE $2995.00 jane let as rae Te amineth screens, [ENTERTAINING Fifty fo, one hundred $2.38 per inh aiolay;, $2.00 for the PET SUPPLIES RUG CLEANERS Tv TOWERS SPECIAL -- afoot tower) NORTHCRAFT FURY 14 ft. UNIROYAL Pree. pick-up. and' 'delivery. 7aB-2284.-[pecple: Osnawe, Tenn CB Winchen,| NEED EXTRA MONEY? (Word Ads). Everything for the gorden structure, all-channel antenne Imateiied,| fiberglass deluxe runabout, @ CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, met- quate paris, ne mi LUTON LS Professional rug ond uphol- [$2 ;cahewe TV. Supply Limited, Teun-} value packed boot at budget . CENTRES Tresne all price, al sn headbos?@¥|wneeLCHAIRS,_Tosplial bade walk Showing our beautiful line of $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION. ° stery cleaning done in your i price. List $925.00. Sole win Niw Heme of one-third off. Factory outlet. 125 ers, reducing machines, sick room Christmas cards to friends, Cooper-Smit home or our office. Call for |2--Personal $749.00. DOMINION TIRE STORES Taner undarpegy sI00 or beet fe. plies. Ald R S peatrice 725-1644, neighbors, relatives is one -- were" ELECTROLYSIS 16 ft. fiberglass centreboard 17 Park Road South | Teehene se 30 pete, For ca Sooke] & sone axis. cok Yau wo! iberglass centreboar t+) i } bum. DAY PREVIOUS 16 entah st 725-9961 723-4641 sailboat, ianaea. Wests Phone 725-6511 DRUMS es, Gan mee aids San | eee wall PAIR ak Beacon ee LOST AND FOUND ° Removal complete with dacron sails. 5320. 14--~Business Opportunities our big, illustrated catalogue, Sam. DAY OF PUBLICATION 723-2312 723-1139 RU G CLEANIN G revival asc Ral Litt $1675.00. Sole TYPEWRITERS, nev, wie, iy, naw, Used, sales: 36ry with over 300 items shown is BIRTHS AND DEATHS | Avion DELIVERY SERVICE EA Gus Set Tih aeinend | eee ZELLER'S Se a eae reeseed anytime, Spare Time - fullcolors, helps you to get IN MEMORIUMS and ; 32 bey Service An lag! Popp neg Hotal 23 foot, 4 sleeper cruiser, TYPEWRITERS, $0. No money down, M hake ee ee "ARD OF THANKS : ree Pick-Up and Delive in these dates for appoint- d Vol weekty. ers, cashiers, new, used, on a SAR Oe TA TOUS TOP SOIL -- MANURE pS He erie nab used. 80 a 6 gg lhleesa OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE rentals, service, trades. Bil Hamilton.) ond pi . oi ih a bys one U 7 = re ar a. ept. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY evious; 2 el] No. 1 processed top soil. vue 2 y THE MONA LISA aparimenty, 191. Non. gélley, enclosed head. Re- BOYS' & GIRLS FREED Furnace cleaned, adjusted free.) able route of cigarette ma- 217 Cannon, hoa nd 8-6254 a Rd., speak for themselves, vet auced to $3495.00. Guananteed touble-free winter !f you hi r oth 1 ecu reer 10 a.m. day previout.| No, 1 processed ond blend |-aeeeeeipe--reuphotered and louily cell Woveana, Ja59 til 8 CRATE SALE cua trom Western oll Company.| Crnceny er equijpment, 1 CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered --and|dally. Call 723-6022, 725 Tee a located especially for you. No CANCELLATIONS AND ed with cattle manure for top [restyies. Free estimate. See our mete dally. _Call_72 72 EOE aes SOI y EARN EXTRA CORRECTIONS. ousei iCATION dressing. Well rotted cottle |riel for re-covering. Slip JOSEPH SISTRISKI, i. USED BOATS ZELCO BIKES -- |Furwrrane" -- Three roams of new selling. Four to six hours 2a OAM isement' cancelled before| manure. Prompt delivery. to order. Malton Ushoisterings 75 'cheries Patrick St. Lindsay. Ca call men wild, 'af MOTOR -elefehests furniture, Pay only $18 month, Barons weekly. Copia! investment MONEY , | 1» 324-498 " 6 y a not essentia ood credit h 's fi publigation will be eharged one day's 655-3331 RE-UPHOLSTERY Ph exer re ead. certian' Seale and TO S ca r ee SUARANveRD any Maer Rewreras references atch 9 write: eae en Ne pox NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 a OSHAWA GARDEN teed. Free estimates. COT teri, taek: Saatie LIGRNEAA Che baw cod 15'. Peterboro _ Handyboy ola par che sea vp. Alean Furniture and Aipllancete 452 BOX 75484 velties, ete. gh items, 9 endeavo! ode esses , furnit re-finished. ~~. i imcoe South, j ir ree, ti i forward tere Biles ie 2 SERVICE LTD Cshewe Upholstering, 287 Dean 'Avenue. | od ona hunting pplan. Valley "eek Cote Sin Oe ™ bade @ 3-pce, crank unit WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used Oshawa Times trated eatologue zomples, on cept no. liability In respect of loss or : 7 oes Fs ee | condition. $575.00. © black Butyl -Conedian |eny "trading eT Matra. 406 Simcoe S Ti sepia ane ie fastest sap gomoges easy in forwarding eur, re AMERION-RENTUCKY. Sales and Service 4--Motorbikes 14é Lischen Fibera lai on Dunlop tubes Street South, 723-1671. pare ime ue Heh eth reptinn. Care whether by rigli- "I rsen Fibe! une " E r j -. Ltd., r Ry a a retrain The Times mil-net| BLUE GRASS SOD APPLIANCE YAMAHA SUEOKT-- Authored | dealer. about, convertible top, 40 h.p. ° 7" exclusive Zelco i Ui tee pie, a »Money Maker wists ea be respons! replies u sell. oh lectric, tor tralle i [ing machine $20, also electric. 723-4434. mn ond operate o profit. doys, barry? Nursery REPAIRS ay Whiter 18 Wim 6 ae rg "A Sei hae Sk © silver brazed forks end : JQUARANTEED, >, USED wringer washers, able route of Cienraite ee FEMALE GAS REGULATIONS d Grower Expert repairs to all mokes two Yamahe bik hree months, $895, frames television, refrigerator, etc, $34.50 and) chines or other equipment, OSHAWA. TIMES FILL NOT BE Vision de of washers, dryers, ranges, eiratere." ia vauscounte. 80 Willer 12! Hetberreaht chien ae sid cnt ono "!] located especially for you. No ATTENDANT EsrOMGIBLE FOR EREORS MMAR WI] 725.9674 TOWNLINEN. | §*c poe See | Canute in raw. congtiony on [AUTOMATE wovir, FOMataade| weekly. Copia! Fe DB acca Epa dctpeo din ge ma he f NOT Foe Meee ¥ Mi. North Taunton Village e PARTS AVAILABLE @ |s395 or best offer. Telephone 728-7891. $379. @ chromium plated rims * [matic dryer, $110. wringer washer with) mot essential but good credit CROWELL'S * VERTISEMENT. BEYOND THE 1965 BSA, take over payments. Telephone @ two tone saddle timer, $20. 725-6823 evenings) 7284712) references neccessary, write: SERVICE STATION PRICE CHARGE A SINGLE IN- J. KAMSTRA TR-0946. 5% hip. Evinrude, 1961 LR ATER Ee, 5 "Yr A , Hiri IN Wyeth ERROR OCCURS. : FURNITURE ond APPLIANCE oH, NP guarshitt, 3 gel. | © flamboyant red for boys | U5E CEte THAN cre vert, tn Mere OX. 33073 22 Bond St. E : y 7 the right to complete 452 Simcoe $. -- Oshawa 5--Trailers tank, spotless condition, Site ond blue for girls, 24" or CU SOY eat nue ie aoe Oshawa Times 728-8712 \itaahetecvertsing moccording LANDSCAPING Telephone 723-0011 EE THE 1968 SNOWCRUI 26" wheels. band member. Telephone 942-0412, TWO separate stores, downtown. Newly ee us and * Trailer Clearance s HE 1968 SNOWCRUISERS BUY AND SELL -- g00d used furniture |cocorated. Rao cule te for retalll BLIQUSEWIFE. FFICE in. cms of lon aivememats| GARDEN SERVICE NOW NOW ON DISPLAY 5.88 Pa dele eee Wt" |rcouR : tins for more space than that which 728-8267 Bring me your mowers, tillers, Rentule, dervonetraters, wirle- ° rove ae SHEE -- ; saicelery. in ISHIN@ BUSINESS. -- only 7 WORKER actual error occupies. The publisher is outboards, all makes, air rotors, heaters, cots etc. ° BANK FINANCING Slo, Telephone 728-2739. ot. PPIS| Vege, No night aking. $2000 Gown. Full PART-TIME ondeave a ef al spd a ween : ny GOOD STOCK cooled engines. Parts and ¥ . : NO_DOWN PAYMENT FIVE Dunlop Gold Seal fires, 7.35-14, ek Phone Grittin' Rest Estate. Limit. of advertisement If, ony inaccuracies inl CULTIVATED FIELD SOD ps heady Largest service in 'Miller Trailers OPEN TILL 9 P.M. Baas for, (apenas only, $48, Telephone i 723-6461. pias nf pekag ad pes , 'wor! ri iTS PARY,Te RACE AD Excellent Quality, Lew Prices. 74 BARRIE AVE. HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX AND WEEKENDS ALUMINUM REA Tlovalon for sale ar candy | sockroom, ig ace fee, Melee 576 i i constgemestinnebinesindannaratnneigstinmpemnieemmacmeaett saaipietes: lon ele ag o cipete Leaded or delivered |. 728-2791 or 725-4633 __[™MUNE Ten minutes, trom anuntown @ SIDING te ne eereracSane who tine Yo Gein Bune aa 723-3492 Visitors Welcome. Weahere ana range. Pree "> Crnawa. storage tee gives winter men O h di @ AWNINGS DNIGUE variety oF ornamental milk end| Ness for himself. 263-2351 or 725021. BOOKKEEPER A lesion a FA shawa = $ winoows are aE on eg ARNE EOE can, ae] MEDICAL SECRETARY 725-9674 VACUUM and © polisher repalre. al TRAILER WITCHES made and Infalled. Ya chth aven Ltd @ DOORS mornings only 725-4205. phone after 7 p.m. 728-4146. "| Required for Doctor's office, INDEX TO hoses, brushes, new motors.|Also all types of f welding done.. Portab Vv ° HOUSEHOLD discerdables removed. No Knowledge of bookkeepi CLASSIFICATIONS mates Prompt Galivery. Tissus 58 a ss. sueseon aaivery 1 jeauipmera, tee , 725-0000. LES ' ' pares if enough value to cover trucking. 15--Employment Wanted essential. Medical terms on . . mow D964, * eweivene wall melons Fox ERAN saimain a taies tm Septic Service Rou OWE, Ges ging tz| HARBOR ROAD EVENISS __|srasenryvrewervens =a mara] TODDLERS PARADISE | 'Women's Column 'stim hedge lent eonaltion. "Lot 24 Telephone - (Off Simece Street South) to choose from, reconditioned, guar- WRITE BOX 74527 jersonel ming, demolishing old bulldings, chain|gepTic YANKS cleaned. Prompt oaw-|404 SALES LTD. One cee Troe, Up sales and serv] FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Oshawa Ti 's Column saw Ce and cutting trees, 263-2111 : Hes. ore oti iP. NUR awa Times Se ecrs ©rlice on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut ROSILE HOMER 723-8186 MeLinton's Office Equipment, 725- URSERY SCHOOL --Trallers BS TNO and Renna ee ee Waite, So. room, sleeps five, 10 by 38°. @xcelient| 15 Prince St. 725-4632 __ |3664. Reslitvations for net term WOULD YOU BELIEVE iene' est GENERAL LANDSCAPING and condition. Lot 29. 668-6457 RUTHERF. ORD'S | TWO, MATCHING Givens, brown vinyl : 4 TOY CHEST Swap and [peso maintenance, garden¢ plowed of roto. Surveyors after five, covering seats six, Ike new, Brookiln taken now. Pick-up service Preuss' sor ante tilled, lawns sodded or seeded. 685-3054) CHRIS CRAFT 3-room groups, Living Room, | 655-3817. | available, if required. For op- OFFERS S--Articios. for, $8 ler 723-3877. DONEVAN AND | SCRTSCHAARE, Or [LARCE tent fale rent, sleeps six, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, BEDROO pointment phone Mrs. Pl MORE $$$ MORE FUN \O--Farmer's Column i . farlo Land Surv Cor blue. | fly Call. 725-6981. SALES and SERVICE D ing mM. IM SUITE, triple dresser and nt phone Mrs. Ploeg- DEM V--Pets and Livestocx Hoe ae VBIEEprsdoTia Ti Se TC SIS RRIGS Lao TI Ontario Street. 7258682 SAC, MeVay fibreglas sail bosts, $499, $599, $699. Easy [eth tne "WPelephone Soom cay makers, 723-0734. Sep SM ig dag canes or Rent Boson seis. Production. Mary|¢ Office 47 oan be hee A surveys amping Crestliner, Peterborough ond lena Immediate delivery er fizn Wecker 'Drive. sce eter on to "care. $0 preeee| "No ea Paintin or 2 igin ', layaway. es era a |G in her own home, Anderson-Stew- , 4 M4 €. Northeraft runabouts. Evi WALNUT DINING ROOM fable and f | 'eer one og Ag or SEASON-END CLEARANCE| fude"cutboard motors: RUTHERFORD'S [ener Reetonble Telephone Yoru [ig Nowe NNN Talent" 733-3568 Sears eres utes For Information eoriace, diel. M2sast7, {UV ----Radio Repairs on ALL Trailers, Tents Oshawa Yachthaven 156 Simeoe St. South MOVING, move Insured, odd Jobs done, hs ital. ha bya arg as baer, GAY" Failing, Resistor and Camping Supplies 723-8186 T.V. TOWER 9--Market Basket with or without truck, Rent truck with eKCLU SIE Brie Gacinin pki 9--Mal Female Help Wai m, gaily, Harvey Dance Acai 7 eed river in eee So itonine enone rasta. "| TV TOWERS PRICES CUT TO COST. |acine MOTOR -- six mu Mer| HOLIDAY SPECIAL -- |rerea tor'st. turrtrd Reta Nethlentnags ye tealonor" Tolono tr soement od wie fee ye eo 2\--Farms for Sele iaruwony MORNING ~Tunlor typing t Trailer Rentals Still Avaliable [ot ig te ee excalientcondton Aas 723-0379. sitting lob, for weekends. Telephone sffericali Mrs. Morrison, 725-4816 for Informe Ear Sele Open Saturday et Oshawa Busi- "BUILT IN OSHAWA" ~ For August ond $ sity. Call 725-1861 bs univer-} 50 % inch heevy - di ONTARIO NO. 1 Cobbler potatoes, tree tb ss tion. %--Real E be > Colles, Seer 16. Individual vb ' id wi | I pe f LOVING DAY CARB by widow for pre ea! Estate Wanted ith double 62-1 delivery. Telephone 723-9439, v Pre-| HAIRDRESSER required, experienced Instruction, choice of sessions, $1 AT OUR OWN PLANT %6 16' FIBERGLAS ry. Neer . RORESSER required, experignced 'tores: Offices and Stor! D y $l per RG! bost, 60 HP Johnson school children, years of experience, i aees ener? age Saturday, Free literature. Telephone 725- K AMPING electric. and traller, reasonable. Tele- all-channel antenna com- |RIPE CUCUMBERS, vices or pick|free pick-up and delivery, 576-1337. preferred, with or without' cllentel, full } riments for Rent 13375, 10 Simcoe Street North, We . sci a better tower iphone 723-3584. pletely installed, $70. yor. cmt Joh Salty wiken Ra. ae LADY WANTS WOUSEWORK, ag Heng. Teen 723-4212 or evenings, A r less money. 'am of lo Larry Ave., las' jouse on ie. ¢ -- Pes cor |gvenmne ctastEs own o1 Stave UNLIMITED | SeaERAric ORR, Tami, |_TRIO TELEVISION, 728.5143, |? 2 cal KO SIae, SSigtot O SRIRT SIRS, au, wie i ster. BR Board 12, Tuesday ang Thursday evenings 7' to Rental -- Sole: week Marine, Storage 'one 'supply Ltd.) CITY TV televisions, radios, er or at corn, hcl kiana mre: DAY CARE 'cr pre-schooler playmate Hour Martinizing, 96 "Harm jos. Avarwe 30--Automobiles for Sele [ee gat ag al Ciasene ka S$ --Storage |Brooklin ésssés._| =| sservice and repairs. Service |Eymenn, Ys mile aa oF Roy, Niel for aveyear-old girl, Highway No. 2,|South_ Alex Shopping Plaza, 942-2212. © Core for Sale See eS, 10" Simcoe Street TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH |WE, WANT USED "snowmobile igh} dept. open 7 days @ week, |Garege, Courtice. Go north fo frst cor- cents eee ee PLEASANT MATURE lady for house ry or Sale North. SUPPLY LTD. | (mile north of King St. Eost) |United Rent-all and Marine, §5§ King] Also T.V. towers, color and |fer: WILE GABY sir 2 preaaea child, while Keeping Position In busy Oshawa fam ry ie m, rt ir~ OF convi ig. 34-Aulomobtie, Repair [Money to Loan TAUNTON RD. E. 728.9942 Street East, Oshawa, 722-8868. Sk+Doo) black and white T.V. Anten- [FRESH VEGETABLES. Tomatles, Corn./ably a boy over 3 years LS otalnel «mee Lott Finst AND SECOND nonge s aio SECOND Worimeoes 8 Jan tna Wee SeEeOT -RUNASOUT "end Waller hes ond nee fet Soles etc. Walter Huron Farm, half mile west aren, evenings Tib64 GIRL OR LADY to babysit and do gem ) Svenie ip, nme Tennille Barr porvisieray 30" King: Street 723 813] 723-813 Set you eet wih Clnatnd ye Ry od Is bp Picts wheel, lights, ped- 3 248 Ouse St. Car' Fas 725- Se oaple ase. Por wens, ine whitey jd fom otal ne $ nae arenes ee ' isterse 3 Phone|ded seats, fiberglassed bottom. Call 728- RENT THAT VACANCY th nd oT |chi : } Mave." 958-7238, 2 \yapawe now for an ad-uriter. Gn. $500. All werk ausrentesd. lb ee ihreughRent|and area, $1.50 per hour. Telephone 6it-|children and be capable @ managing

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