* THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, September 8, 1967 13 rt EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale {8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket CENTENNIAL chesterfield set, green leat on brown and orange, just reup- i holstered. rifice, 'Moving. 725-7 9209. LLOYD S ONE-STOP KE SHOP Sales. Service, Repairs, Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street E. 725-6344, SIX SERVICE BAYS ELECTRIC OUITAR = Kent, three GENERAL STORE 5 fe walkie- months old, Also Lafay! ir $, Kresge Company Limited BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Wi ie > : - FOR FASTER SERVICE Wad gat only $38. Nine transistor. Weekend Accountants Building Trodes Mortasias TV--Rodi . WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |!) pawclasecho shad hae : --Radi Pig ? : - rledbeabis ida nol 999 jo Repairs Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- [Pite"m"automatie Telescople sight? a ) . WILLIAM C. HALL, B.Comm., Chi mouth, Pontiac. We correct hunting jacket, hunting pants, hip rub- wheel alignment, inspect and ber pants. Phone 723-2818. : correct castor and comber- |DOUBLE BED, mattress and springs, i Tele ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. ed Accountant, 36% King Street East. |G Telephone Oshawa 725-6599. : hme qf 'il work guaranteed for three MORTGAGE tb SERVICE 20c sq. ll work. guaranteed for three GORDON R. DAY, Certified 1 | Years. 723-0261 Accountant, Sulte 205W, Goad oe: CHIMNEY + age acm van COLOR align toe - in and toe - out to {complete with matching dresser. ping Centre, 725-9953, also eiblicae TnBSeAY monts concints nnd correct condition ..,. $7.95 [Phone 723-1021 et BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service.|{l00rs, sidewalks. Frege estimates. 728- N BLACK and WHITE @ Parts extra if required IN; BACELUENT, CONDIDIDN, -thtse- (NO LIMIT) Seen, aoe service, 178 Sim- 5264, FOR THE BEST CALL ® 'Torsion bar. adiustment stad pelen suite, one year old. Tele- r es. 723- YOUR LOCA ; Paid THOUSAD es Act Chimneys con ie ete, sae ine Moneys available for first extra, 1964 ELECTROHOME television, wainut F GS V, i fled ads daily. ings installed; roofs repaired. Phone 723-| ond second mortgages, Open e cabinet, $115. Telephone 942-6989. 2 oz, C JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accou mortgages, No bonus. First BRAKE SPECIAL MOFFAT RANGE, in very good cond. fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 "Bond Street FS "CARPENTRY, recreation rooms,| mortgages, second mortgages TELEVISION Most | F tion, clean with many extras. Telephone (NO LIMIT) East, phone 723-4833. car ports, garages, stoops, block and and arrangements for sale FOR CLEANER, 'SHARPER st popu ar cars, First [723-3291 after 6 p.m. --- aap | Cement work. 725-4891, I oem Shanque._ 9 sai * Quality Royoline, 4 wheels, GRADE 13 BOOKS for sate. Telephone HOPKIN jEADLE AND CO., Charter- ------ purchased. + TV RECEPTION | ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build-|EAVEST! i ' Your Ow $1 4 88 ener Sco Phe Zoe ee - POTATOES ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On-|guaranteed -- work. pacray Holliday. M. F. SWARTZ our n : |FENDER MUSTANG guitar, in good tarlo, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA: H, €,| Telephone 7259404. hineiie . F. SW: TV TOWER . b IN A PERIOD Plus $2.00 Per Wheel |condition. Telephone 725-5688, 10 Ibs, 45¢ -- 25 Ibs. 89e Beadle, CA; E Lukow, CA. |__| EAVESTROUGHING, chimney flash 26% King St East d OF 51 YEARS (labor cost) DOUBLE BED, spring and mattress $20] 50 Jhs 1.59 -- 75] 5 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO,, Char-|ings. Free estimates. All work guaran-|, Oshawa, Ontario " WROTE bunk bed $5, four dining room chairs s, 1.59 -- 75 Ibs. 2.2 tered Accountants, Licensed Trustees In|teed. 728-4797. 728-5143 : 149 e $10, vanity dresser $I5.,. dresser $15., (NO LIMIT) Bo tesiy Simcoe Street North,| EAVEST r regs , and 723- 46 ae " 4 LARGE kitchen table oy aacellenenss. chairg shawa, =i . iT 7 ene cieanibibdaaiee isi > $). each; two 6 snow tires and tubes, ' Blueprinti (ston Telephone 728087 or TS INEED CASH to consoidate your ils, a : ' ba. VOLUMES Wis Anhs pe wie nearly new, 15. 7289309, CHRISTIE'S BREAD lueprin' ing buy that new car, boat, travel expenses. : SINGER 11, industrial upholstering We feature second iT f 12 OR peel | sewi i . BELL DRAFTING end. Reproductions Carpentry cent Also Ben peed a AR fh TV BERVICE eac suns FE 95 [se ng machine $300. Telephone 728: 5 for 99c Ltd., 52¥2 Simcoe Street North. 723-4661. . idential, private funds. Call 723-4631 any U No, | 77 = =" 1 Blueprinting and. photostatic. coples. Quality Carpentry time. prcile ProriLE Rock ; FRONT-END WORK at PALA 00 « slectrae ranges eee {NO LIMIT) rer : 1ST AND 2ND mort ilabie. We OC COMPARABLE PRICES peated : Building Trades GENERAL REPAIRS Guy, eal eae artanee for caries BLACK and WHITE im Assonet, Mass, f _ |SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE -- Home Improvement Specialists service, licensed broker, phone 728-919) OR THE BE |Singer portable $29., White Zig-Zag $69, APPLES REPAIRS Serving Oshawa and District : : ie a FOR THE BEST CALL IS SAID To BE A ; hee UNIROYAL |Eina Supermatic demonstrator, $70 off. for Many Years. Painting and Decorating 7 R | O nS aerry eer ay . \w ip Sipe peed aire: Ree 2 Basket 89¢ -- Bushel $2.78 ALTERATIONS oe eeaaee PAINTING and paper hanging, Interior sf # . WHO BEFRIENDED THE as! ' CENTRES Pardadsts - br a rifle, complete - i : with sling, extra. site an ADDITIONS or 623-3411 prices "Teisphane dueaesa wl asad TELEVISION PILGRIMS IN 1621 ' The New Home of | cond tion, $125, Telephone 725-1895. BANANAS 10c lb. FOR CLEANER, SHARPER : ' DOMINION TIRE STORES FURNITURE -- Six-piece Spanish and |Italian bedroom suite. Roman style tri: to HOME ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, i i TV RECEPTION HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES {trim work, remoulding and general re- Plumbing ond Heating Your Own 17 Park Road South lite end lamp, Swag drapes and val STEAKS 89 lb Ree Ro: d Kitch pairs, Telephone E, Behm 725-7066. : Phone 725-6511 ances, avacado. All like new. 728-8849 c . : be 5 Specialty apetel: Cartage a hn AEE Plumbing Discount TV TOWER 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment ~----~| TOURIST TENT -- 9 x 12, Also water r 33m his ake i Sa Pate 9" aa HEADBOARDS as 54" cooler and large thermos conier. Tele- 1 n sizes S, M, L. ' James Allen and Sons|man witht TON truck tor hire. 149 Brock St: North 728-5143 Trailer Clearance 3 phone 723-6631, ee LEOYD S$ 725 6126 Telephone after § p.m., 576-0481. WHITBY -- 668-6601 Corner Bor Bond ai ond D Division _ FA | L SA [ F | For Continental Beds | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator. eta bate = obi jsize, new condition; early American i ' Dressmakin Rentals, demonstrators, refrig- |sofa; two occasional chairs; walnut cof- GENERAL STORE L ' ; ROOFING, hot tar and gra' shingles, GRESEMAKING) aula, Goan and chil Direct to you, plumbing sup- erators, heaters, cots etc. NEW @ Extra Special a |fee table. Telephone 728-1823. aoa 1 Mile East of Oshawa ore are® erercene nasa aven's wear by. experienced ssometress.| Piles. Everything in. the PLAYPEN AND CRIB for Tele. On Hwy. 2 C ig Suk Shia a Rostine: Reasonable. Mrs. Krajnc, 725-8731 "| plumbing line. 20% off all ' ee iN DRLIAWAI? Miller Trailers Evinrude Motors $1 00 ~~ $5 99 tLe eee ' ing repairs, oof FP RST RRSP -------- s lies. f : . |GUN -- Remington 1100 automatic spe- a masonry." Gord. May. Whifby. i ig coe iomne | lf AT OUR OWN PLANT HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX ' |cial, used only twice, Telephone 722-4545. 9A--Eggs & Poultry TAXI DRIVERS wanted, over 25 years SSMAKING - expertly fitted suits, 12 pm. => 9 p.m, We give you a better tower MOBILE HOME, 1964, Glendale, tur- 2-YEAR WARRANTY While They Last /ELecTRIC f-3 heavy, duty, apart: Boos woDalsy,, FRESH" DAILY | = of age, full and partime. Must reside in|©9#ts, dresses. Beautifully tailored ae SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for less money. nished two-bedroom, 10" x 50', excel- A ent eS Picked. Up, delivered 'at 'store "er home. Wi. Telephone s-sii0 or_st-sHs,_|covers. drapes. Mrs. Tome,_68-272 CLOSED WEDNESDAY ee a a ae STARR ANTS = Botan racking 'ener andy gee an alterations a' ~ Senne is - isi i a 1 , id o--' ee ee eave reg cr reasonable rates, Call Mrs, Neve, at 668.|ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- OSHAWA 7 V 1967 15FOOT HOUSE trailer for) 4 Hs 323.00 239.00 FURNITURE wash stand. Telephone before $, 7233068.) 1 Farmer's Column ame. £. eta ERS Onuet. |S Stark Lid, Plumbing, "Heating. and i + Ve litres weeks. Orono Masia. | 92 hp. 419.00 309.00 ig Ng eg og oT i ge : --- j : r 3 mati ; f JERKS FAvine: 1 pes is, ME Gordaning ond Supplies [tris 2 Brocoe, street South SUPPLY LTD. (wes SRAILERATORAGH SS Ga| 1S hp. 480.00 349.00 491 Ritson Rd. S. |steigh, office chairs, steel shelving, cof-|Picnne UF conus! cole" Harpton 368 ness. "Cuaranived, Works quare foot. ALL TYPES repairs and remodelling, TAUNTON RD. E |fo April. Ten minutes from downtown! 18 h.p. 510.00 375.00 993:3343 fee pd ane Ue ae a uiber-|2721. Licence 101-C-6 materials easonable ee Oshawa. Storage fee gives winter mem- 33 hp. | Se t Rag! 1-9B5-7160. HAY -- second crop, baled. od. 'Telephone 7 i fi 723-1191, i r i s on, Raglan oe SHE: CLASSIFIED RATES GARDEN Estimates EetadPl Lialh AE nad Just East of Ritson) ebay Cait "685-3821 for ful partteuiars.| Electric 702.00 $19.00 | |BABY CARRIAGE, blue and white, in| (S05? pee Boys' WORD ADS Rug - Upholstery Service 723-8131 723-8132 |FRAVEL TRAILER: | sia00, eauipped.| ee 803.00 $99.00 | ALUMINUM | Sreven: Seer in good, con;| -t--Pets and Livestock z eg ropane and electricity, axle hitch, ex ectric : } e » 21-cubic in con- ash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; OSHAWA cellent condition. 668-3253. 40 hip. @ SIDING |Sitton, Best offer. 'Telephone 720-0924 _|GOLDEN CHESTNUT gelding for sele 4 adaiional, wordy ge eel 3 ia RUG CLEANERS TRAILER HITCHES made and installed.| Lark 904.00 679.00 | | DINING ROOM table, four chairs, wal-|16-2h., English, Western, Willing jump tive i words 1314¢ each;" 6 consecu- ' Also all types of welding done. Portable! Generator, Push-Button Controls| @ AWNINGS |nut, Duncan-Phyfe, good condition. Tele-|er. Telephone 728-7768 or S76-1016 . tive insertions of 24 words. 5.76; addi- SUPER FINE GRASS MIX Professional rug and uphol- 0- o-Goin equipment for rent. 723-6840. Bhan, Rio Shof @ WINDOWS phone 576-0681. HORSES BOARDED -- B-Bar-L tional words 24¢ each. stery cleaning done in your eee p., Starflite, Long Shoft, | MAKE AN OFFER! 17" portable tele-|Garrard Rd, N, Box stalls, exercise pad- cpenietD ri seuaibenel cherua| RAUL RG eons MIX nike Pattias Goll 4 5A--Cemping. Alternator, Push-Button Con- @ DOORS [Vision 20° gas range, 10 eu. ft. retriger- [dock plenty of room 10 ride Riding clubs Slim or Pipe Stem styles, inet paid within 8 days. Paty) Kove Biel ven ot office. Call for Tent trallar from $199., with ----------| trols LIST 1403.00 SALE | LES | tor, chesterfield auite, double bed, com. competitive, | games, | outdoor | arene. : ¥ i jete; three heaters, two electric, one e i -18, Method of Counting -- Less than 24 mattresses. 25 used trailers, $995.00 | barbecue, two desks. Apply 461 |Steck and trail. Call 725-4394, 6 a.m. te ool, Sikes #19 words aaa ach word, UNeiay ont Oe 725-9961 8 models, in pood condition; TENT TRAILERS E V E N | S = | Emerald Avenve, "om am. or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m, initial, figure or reviation counts os to be sold below cost. Make an seanvaene DACHSHUND " ° ert Values te 3.87 ane werd: phone number counts two KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS RE-UPHOLSTERING an offer, No money down. 4 tees Techie Untoatalon NEW BOATS SALES LTD. [iin Seat ih onalient Masel 12) fara snicoth, two only, Reasonable, words INDIVIDUAL GRASSES 725-9332 Rentals available from $25. rad : 15P St 725-4632 | Telephone 725-5029. Telephone 728-6690. DISCOUNT PRICE RTHS -- DEATHS -- i 4 i @ Heavy Vivitex Tent with Crestliner Dane,, 15 ft. alum- rince ot. | - BIR H GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 @ Wide selection of Fabrics per week up. Hitches made A ; . CONTINENTAL single bed, chrome dog clipping. Complete SOCIAL NOT! ces EVERGREEN 6-9-6 Work hip G dd installed: € large triangle windows inum Lapstroke, Sleeper Seats CITY TV televisions, radios, i! : service for the health and comfort of all 2.50 per insertion with 25 cents eddl- @ Workmanship Guaranteed and installed from $10. up. d end winds ¢ I Cc ible 7, vst ae OS, | kitchen suite, white-gold flecks, both in | eevee ie owest i i tturdey Only ea) charge if not paid within 8 days.|} EVERGREEN WEED KILLER (five full years) Il Wel art fads ee ee ees service and repairs. Service jexce'lent condition, ell reasonable offers | i737 about your pets call 726-9609 sg IN MEMORIUMS. C.l.L. TURF 10-6-4 @ Easy Budget Terms--Free -MACDONALD'S TEXACO, eu , ane hy eslea PAL SARA ged cady ek dept. open 7. days @ week. |cmelired. Teleebaw MOG, | oS pag eave eie $2.50 for the first 25 words end 6c SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Estimates East of Bad Boy. @ Quality built ourselves on Outboard, built-in 10-gal. Also T.V. towers, color and {WINCHESTER model 100 automatic hi- Bing all Bresdk. poodles' aor apécllty: tach thereafter plus 13c per line of MILGORANITE © Over 20 " Don't be late to save now the premises. tank. In the water ready for black and white T.V. Anten- [power rifle .243 calibre, Like new condi-/F ree pickup and delivery; boarding and verse; 25¢ additional eharge if not paid ver years experience F $250 00 demonstration. List $3,895 as, rot installed. Sales ion ne eee pee training, Doberman Pinschers and Gere within 8 days. BONEMEAL THE FURNITURE CENTRE se oe rom . 296 Odd ond S ag a fee |§TOVE AND refrigerator epartment |man Shepherd pupples for sale, Dachurst CARDS OF THANKS PEAT MOSS 90 Simcoe St. North --Trailer Parts and Sale $ 995.00 and Service 9 a.m. to 7 PM. | size. A-1 condition $85 each. Telephone | Kennels, 655-3881. $2.50 for the first 38 words and 7c POTTING SOIL : TELEVISION -- RADIO Accessories 248 Quebec St. Call 725- | 668-6416 COZY-) RANCH. Regd, German Shep seen A shall cas er PET SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL 24 Hour. Service --Repairs to All Makes of CRESTLINER IMPERIAL 0500. All work guaranteed. |OIL BURNER, with all controls, @iso|herds, pups. Show mare In foal to quar+ ar Ul & Said EVEN ah Everything for the garden RUG CLEANING HOLMES ales a Jens $ 14 ft Pedi bead sane | SUMMERTIME SPECIALS ae tank, elepone "7283806" oF um Sim leavioment, Petathings Ashourny 6SScsbae" $2.38, per inch Taisplay); $2.00 for the 2 Day Suivice a New. and Ula: dents: 72 B vu canvenisla foo 3 QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again first 2 ds and 6c each thereafter Price t BERRA (:. ROOMBA S. <sUBi |DINETTE SUITE, wainut, 6 pieces and|available, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609, (Word Ads). 00 pid mit Free Pick-Up and Delivery --Storage and Service complete, great performer ; / steel bed and springs with spring filled je es ELECTRONICS ene : , 33 of d0 h Wilson's Furn. ri nnd springs with spring filled/ BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready AUCTION SALES Angus-Graydon KAMPING with 33 or 40 h.p. Evinrude. mattress, electric washer, chrome sulle for training, talking strain, APPIY Pe $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, 728-6254 RENTALS List $1,075, .. Sale $869.00 Smooth top mattresses 29-95 [fon ne. Broad, 114 Elgin East. is 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 : --Feady Tor hunting "seater, POODLE CLIPPING and | shempocings DEADLINES 16 i tik ST. Ba TV PETERBOROUGH FURY DE- 1966 JIGGER ready for hunting season. WORD ADS 723 2312. 723-1139 (CHRSTEREIELDS,,_reuonoatered _-and| TOWERS UNLIMITED LUXE 14 ft. fibregless, rad ape benreme mites oF 50 | $650 cash. Telephone 728-8029. poasponbly. pices Ae 5 ue eee is ™, "3 re-style ree estima' Se t r. i bs id 1 wa guaeede a Sabie rey en 4 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS DELIVERY. SERVICE Ta foe vacnveriin aie covers mate) ____ PHONE 668-5679 _ TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH with black interior, swivel j|------ = |SoMPLETE Tying roarn and: BecroorTHRES MARES" Ospoles" Chem wt AND FOUN! : Z to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles pd (1 mile north of King St. East) bucket passenger seat for RUTHERFORD'S Condition, Aust all' before Avast 2. shatlandey aaith PB ae ysed Seven, three signet RnuicaTion . seupHOLSTERY b JOE' S COLOR TV 728-9942 skiing. List $1,100.00. Sole 3-room groups, Living Room, [After 5.30, 728-2482. Saddle. "$250. cash, 73 IRTHS AND DEA' ¥ experts, Estab- i | "OR SELI Shure ae -------- SAY OF PUBLICATION TOP SOIL -- MANURE lished 20 years. | Workmanshin guaran. and Radio Service stl oe pggie 4 ag bret ye Hitt ai SNe oe tsses" ron wane eee eee Felephene le re e 5 6 je io , ' . s Ra atanliee " IN MEMORIUMS end No. 1 processed top soil, [tresses rebullly furniture refinished. BECIALIBIN SEASON-END CLEARANCE} peterBOROUGH CATALINA | terms Immediate delivery o TV TOWER SPECIAL -- a0-ft. structure|6¢8-2477. : CARD OF THANK . processed top soil. losnawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve. S G IN on ALL Trailers, Tents DELUXE, 15 ft. fibreglas la jal channel antenna, $50. TRIO Tele/GERMAN SHEPHERD pups for sale 4 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS No. 1 processed and blend- |725-0311. EUROPEAN RADIOS AND and Campin Sy lies Black hull: with white uphale jaya' |vition. 728-5143. Telephone 726-6641 or 783-7195, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ed with cattle manure for top Ree" RE TN TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS Pang yee stery, a 40 hp. Evinrud RUTHERFORD' S |GLASS REPAIRS fo aluminum and| MALE SIAMESE kiftens. Por Informe> T column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col-} dressing. Well rotted cattle Sales and Service PRICES CUT TO COST ' hie nce 156 Simcoe St. South wood windows and aluminum screens./tion telephone 725-5595. umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous.| manure, Prompt delivery 13 Bond W. 576-1670 sTrailec Rentale Still Avolloble Lork would be perfect for this pa es ee -------- | Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284. adeoED, Tis oh Serer ge ey ; ; ' hon ive go CANCELLATIONS AND APPLIANCE TV R poe eae aed -Seeranter one. List $1246.00. Sale T.V. TOWER -- CONTINENTAL BEDS trom $29.95, mai-|Deschuna' pupples, registered, but very CORRECTIONS 655-3331 -V. Rentals 9 . $975.00. HOLIDAY SPECIAL tresses half price, all sizes, headboards! reasonable for the right families, Please Bam, DAY OF PUBLICATION REPAIRS Rav. Sats KAMPING seen one-third off. Factory outlet, 723-3889. | phone 635-4930. ny advertisement cancelle efore i A ; * > = ni -- inion devereinctiipna ital publication will be eharged one day's OSHAWA GARDEN Expert repairs to all mokes ALCAN M | ei Baap fils mari ieteeh 50' 1% inch heavy - duty LP A atte Bi las gee LT) WHITE, male, | registered, minise insertion, SERVICE LTD of washers, dryers, ranges, FURNITURE and U | HaaHere ave ep Vee, structure with double B2-13 | Telephone 576-1347. lays fohameions telephere 23786 ond BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 wee ; ete. NLIM TED List $1 195.00. i Sano OG all-channel antenna com- |two MATCHING divans, brown vinyi| 655-4871 Walle avery, enceayer "Will be made. fe @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ APPLIANCES | | : iene See pletely installed, $70. covering, seats six, like new. Brooklin,| RIDING HORSE) well mannered, 18 forward replies to box numbers to the! aseRign) KENTUCKY ABD Siena South Rental -- Sales -- Storage 655-3817. hands, $150. Telephone 723-0310. advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- * ALCAN TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH NORTHCRAFT GRAND PRIX _TRIO TELEVISION, 728 5143 __ aang rer we ee eT, a LSS gas cept no liability in respect of loss or] BLUE GRASS . 723-0011 y ' 16 ft. fiberglass ski boat. drums. Onl few months old. call 725- BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready Pdi alleoed £0 Aue Bene ted All-G FURNITURE and APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL ONLY 3 ----| (1 mile north of King St. East) Groat certornier wih BO Gs Wrecking by Seaway Demoli- bladed I: for fraliihon, (6IRoa. strain. Apply Ts 'ailure or delay rwarail Bt: one ps - i - _ plies however caused whether by negli- Il-Green Nursery 452 Simcoe $. -- Oshawa 2.50 728-9942 Evinrude, deluxe _appoint- tion Co., fourhouses, Ritson |sevEN.PIECE man's right hand golf] PUPPIES and trained dogs, toys and Ledies' : epee or ethers: ee ta Jedd Sod Growers Telephone 723-0011 Fast T.V. Service ments. List $1425.00. Sale and Adelaide, used building |clubs. Telephone 723-7357. {larger breeds, $25 up. Delivered, Tele adies in 20 days. Visitors Welcome oe 6--Marine Equipment $1095.00. materials, colored bathroom |LLOYD baby carriage, crib, large size, |phone _1-985-2645. eee. filled mattress. Tel 668- i REGULATIONS Japan s co JOWNEINE N. NOW DOMINION NORTHCRAFT FURY, 14 ft intone, undp tuba [on ae ay ele tor eal a Ya Mi. North 'Taunton Vill Bring me your mowers, tillers, CHRIS CRAFT , : 2 "$25. -Chain |dilu Kennels, Townline Rd. N. 723-6216. lage VISION f light a4 Tal OUTBOARD, § HP Johnson, $25. Chain |dilu : OA i S Resronisigre TOR ERRORS IN ADVER- outboards, all makes, air SALES and SERVICE persion cause runabout, a ignts and 'furnaces, Tele- |saw, small, $25, Small electric heater| MALE BOXER FOR SALE. $10. Tele . Bas TISEMENTS | SUMBITTED OTHERWISE J. KAMSTRA cooled engines. Parts and 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. McVay fibreglas sail boats, Midnenda a ed ios ot budget | phone 728-2801. __|with fan $5. Mercury floor polisher, $18-|phone Brooklin 655-4820, THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE : : service. Largest service in Crestliner, Peterborough and fi $ 0. Sale |UpRiGhT Pionos -- 48" up. All pianos|Call Solorday or Sunday, 728-1852. {PART SPANIEL, male puppies for sale. ip-on that can be worn Fee THAN. ONE SNETRTION ANY A bea ti Oshaw: TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower} Northcraft runabouts. Evin- 49.00. guaranteed and delivered. Over 40 to 7 ~~ sswing [88 each: Telephone 576-1403. f iety of VERTISEMENT. BEYOND the complete structure, all-channel antenna installed, choose from. On Hwy. 7, six miles west|DOMESTIC portable electric sewing | o0se' from @ variety © PRICE CHARGE FOR A. SINGLE. IN- LANDSCAPING 74 BARRIE AVE, $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton| ude outboard motors. 16 ft. fiberglass centreboard of _Brooklin. machine, Asking, $0, Telephon: 22 149, --Arti les Wanted _ prints. SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. rai 728-2791 or 7 633 Road East, just east of Ritson Road. Oshawa Yachthaven sailboat, aluminum mast USED TIRES, most ell sites. 8. F| sonatas ee : The Oshawa Times reserves the right to GUARANTEED REPAIR to all er 723-8186 complete with "d "Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543 neat | jONE SE for small dog. Tele sooo ed bs aioe sesification ied a SAREEN: sFRYICE washers and ranges. Free iain 2--Personal TWO MATCHING divans, brown viny!| List 3167500 Sole $1296.00 GET YouR "SUPPLY 'of Rawleigh prod 9--Merket | Basket lee ise md DISCOUNT PRICE ee gaci ly a 728-8267 oe eves et ELECTROLYSIS [easing ste sm ihe een Broan Sa ores 7s cll ABRLES, rence one orga er anyte" mech nthe cases of display advertise ae VACUUM and polisher repairs, all 655-3817 23 foot : ibbons St. jrietie f : ne Day Only Mi Fines on tl 'ero GOOD STOCK SOD lec dants new hgans, brushes, new maiers: 723-4641 STOVE 40 INCHES, well kept. Price used "a0 acne Riba TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- les AB Fumie _ Nesaies wenn : ; . : | al error pocup ies, Te publ eer CULTIVATED FIELD her Rt IE UP a es, 128 Reel et specious hair ane moron ie outboard. Fully equipped oval dealer, 778.3666 anytime, Geil vour ONTARIO NO. 1 Conbier. polatoes, , tree Also chesterfield ce A-1 condition. Pri- ndeavor to reproduce all advertising - 5 i T -- Stock Mk. 25 M if s _ 7 te. Telephone 5136. sndeay ie fo Cee cimenas ibility | Excellent Quality, Low Prices. Septic Sota OSS Ae yeah tone cure Huricane: 1 ancollent os Mer galley, enclosed head, Re- |if you HAVE housenold discardables RIPE CUCUMBERS, picked vr pick vate, Telephon oF advertisement if any inaccuracies in iacued "Be. delivered vel Tat Phan, Geechee). (S22 Student needs money. for univers duced to $3495.00. to amount to trucking, we will take your one, done cowl een cca 13--Articles for Rent any form are contained therein. ia Well SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt #erv-| on these dat si BUG, 1 JOUR ake, Cn eae oe : MANY oTuen ifech jem away. 723-638). |e tary ; or ee IT'S EASY TO PLACE A isitors Welcome, fc on coll, Weller. Words. 200 Chasthul ese dates for appoint- [76 16" FIBERGLAS boat, 60 HP Johnson E VACUUM REPAIRS, ali makes, hoses,| 5 7 rege eT Pol ish National TIMES ACTION WANT AD 72 Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. ment. ple trailer, reasonable. Tele OUTFITS AT [Leal Are ever, Relivar ys Sea baie, stag gt weet straw for sale. Tele- f R w --- -|phon . M rvice, i reet, Bs st ee yg Call Classified Direet 5-9674 Surveyors THE MONA Lisa apartments, 191 Non-| 16.8007 Peterboraugh cedar sirip boat, CLEAROUT PRICES Pickering. | PICK YOUR OWN corn, tomatoes, Span Hall for Rent 723-3492 FOR FREE estimates of hedge trim: SIF MRE AD ki a t. ily (bottom Fiberglased), 25 horsepower Al : Cc LY PRWRITERE $49. No money down, igh onions, Bring containers. ane AIR CONDITIONED in ol N AND FLEISCHMANN, 01 "™.) Johnson outboard. Both In exceptionaliy uminum r weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, used,;Eymann, '2 mile east o! 'oy Nichols } i Sawe work and a Haee ngs ontor|tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue-| ely: Sell 729-6022, 725-9934. good condition. $350. Telephone 376-1983 " artops Fe Aer neers, caters OW Ube career Coudiee, Gn nario tink eon Yeon Receptcrs, Bal ts, Parties, etc. We Cater INDEX TO 728-9075. prints. 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. +=] ii" BINBRBLAL Tunaboul, complels, From $159.00 Raglan, 1-985-7160 ner is ee: Eastleigh NURSERY AND FIELD SOO> Prec ccil.|W._ FLIM; ONTARIO. LAND Surveyor. 3--Sportsman s Column $400. Telephone 723-8771. STUDENT TYPEWRITERS -- all makes)|PEPPERS, green, $3 bushel) yellow) if desired, For iors in nares LID CLASSIFICATIONS [fates ramotuitry, isS08 anomeric. Res. "0 E'S gnaw LiceNCES -- new ana omn|S_ PEYMOOD. vol, seine; wigt| BANK FINANCING -- |ahacy Quuur°ty "pains Sete" agnin View ua, ngtnsat ol] 3778, Peter Solty 723-4332, : 723-3688. : : 3010, |shleld, lights, water skis etc., 38 HP j inten's Office *28- jon. 263-20 La Tewanen's . Colun FOR FREE estimates of hedge trim- . ; Fup are weniita supetion allen creer | HE cylinder' Mercury 'with single lever OPEN TILL 9 P.M ies, Diecintoy s "Giiice aulnmants Fate Hamblen. SI SONGS Ae ee ce, ee 2--Personal ming, demolishing old bulldings, chain TV--Radio Repairs 16 Bond St, West. "Icontrol. $475 or best offer. 728-3016. ote 2: EAE INES a __|TOMATOES -- Pick your own. Scott's Column 9 9 9 Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- : MM saw work and cutting trees. 263- or "STARCRAFT" p 3 pi ' hotorcycles ay ee noe cri Meee are - TARCRAFT" GREW Traveller boats. AND WEEKENDS CRE Raisee ne tbe mee WRT en "elor oeverenis tuen Toby tna house' on Cutlery; Glasses: Coffek a 5--Trailers . for 4--Motorbikes eyes mares. Open seven Gays a purchase from Western Oil Company.|north side. es, Cutlery, y : Six i Tai and Borer Instruction YAMAN Pace Oshawa Perel cAnvlaye BRabn WoT Gecim) Wins, Puneh Bowls, Brigey AMAHA -- SUZUKI--Authorized deal-| Ook!" | r tr Pe TE a. ; ; Haieieeg Pl aad SINGING AND VOICE production. Mary puter er. Repairs all makes. We buy and sell. WE WANT USED snowmobiles, high 2 Alanis Bey "only $18, monthly. Dorn Telephone 4zeetne edie oe aa Wear, Men's Formals, ye a 10 Banaes 'cowie Easden, 576-1842, : Aa Ray Whitaker, 160 William St. E. 7a rena alinaiens, aah: BOIS. Yachthaven Ltd Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. : Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. xtura li--Pets and Livestocr PIANO AND VOCAL lessons, Royal Con- : pe Ts | Street East, Oshawa, 728-5568. SkI-Doo GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, SARGEANT"S RENTALS oe 12--Articles. Wanted servatory qualifications. Recently moved reception 67 'TRIUMPH used three months, $895,| Sales and Service, HARBOUR ROAD television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and s 13--Articles for Rent to Oshawa, Telephone 725-2950. two Yamaha bikes, 1 Suzuki, demon- up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 463 Ritson Rd. S., 725-3338 tecenetee org wake REGISTER NOW with Lorraine School on te ae ed le (OFF Simcoe St. S.) Simcoe: South, 723-0011. : S meone -- i JEcnaene wanted " of Hawalian Wisi For guitar Instruc- : ; . WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used| * le) 12) , WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, -- WF Help Wanted tion telephone 728-8310. 1 67 BSA SPITFIRE, Best offer, Tele- 723-8186 furniture or anything you hav. The ers, reducing machines, sick room aoMale Hel Wve ted PIANO: Classical and ular, Theory abil O84 ac MR ity Trading Post Store, 446 simone plies. Ald Rentals, 105 Beairice 725-1644 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 4 RC ia ey a Charmels HONDA, Model 865. Telephone 725- FRESH FRUITS Street South, 723-1671. Wants ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred 20--Real Estate For Sale 74 Burk Street, Oshawa, dial 725-4587, 3893: TYPEWRITER, standard, $25) portable people: Oshawa. Tennis Club for bane Summer Properties with 7--Swap and Barter $25; 1.B.M. electric typewriter, $45; add quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchens plea iy ty for Sale Money to Loan 5--Trailers and wi a a Ing machine $20, also electric. 723-4434. NA parking, 72-77% 2-Lots for Sale no rmeblet lis LAUNDRY tubs, $17.1 tol- GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, our ra ve jets, basins, Pressure systems, H# { 24--Stores Offices and M rat si kit television, refrigerator, etc. 4.50 and 2s--Houees for Rent MORTGAGE LOANS antenna Cl Sal VE T A sump pumps, kitchen and vanity Units lyp, "Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 482) // ! u SELL! eben for Rent We have immediate funds to ea ra nce a =] tings, cars, trucks, trailers, H, Chinn,|-- Bimons Sout, 725-00N% 2 Don t Wa nts L ! po "Accommodation jonni GA Lik etl sacra elke cet 1587 Gin dattad Ac Ciiudors 723-7088 or 728-7288. BRIDESMAIDS' ORE 5 $29.95, ne new SELL gages, Free advice arrange- Coble Catamaran Sail Boot READ AND USE THE Ritson "S. 7259308, pretaoes baad SELL ! ments may be made in your All Trailer Parts and Acces- : . WANT RESULTS? FLOORS reg designed In colors and 2 own home. A. ROSEN member tv sories Priced To Clear. Buy patterns to provide a perfect background) A Courteous ¥ d Whitb of Ont. Mort. Broks. Assoc. Now, AR GET WITH THE ACTION! for kitchen, bathroom, family room, That's The Job ja an y 725-0532 eveninas and week- call ; patio, pool deck. Sancoura goes on over F : , 34--Automobile Repair 728- 723-5278 , TIMES ACTION any sound surface, inside or outside. sel AC-ViSOr Of Times ends 5623. COOK'S TRAILER 35--Lost and Found er -- Sn taineaneee CLASSIFIED ADS, Sancoura at Oshawa Discount House. IRDERS 6--Legal FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale |-------- calc fear SALES LTD Phone for free estimate. 725-1343. ill be h Want Ads 37--Auctions agreements purchased and sold. Hennick|CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost is 9 ; BUY AND SELL = good used torotun| V! e 'NOpPy | 38--Coming vents and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street|what you get with Classified Ads, Phone| 1910 Simcoe St. N., Oshowa 723-3492 and appliances, One location only. Pretty 723-3492 7 $9--Notices . 723-7338, « Mow for en ad-writer, Open Evenings 9 ¢.m, = 9 a.m. JRarntioren ste' Sinces sane waar'! to help you - - el