20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 7, 1967 17--Female Help Wanted EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Conedo's finest line of Christmos cords, Wraps, No- velties, etc, Over 300 items. For free, beoutifully illus- trated catologue ,samples, on approval ond the fostest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY Crest OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS, We Will Train You. No Investments, Collections, or Deliveries. 723-3568 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS for evenings or shift work, No Sundays or Holidoys. pply to A ROSE BOWL 24 BOND ST. W. LADY WANTED | FOR HOUSEKEEPING position 45-50 yrs. of age. Live in. 725-7704 | Reliable Person ; for Housekeeping | position. Must like children Live in. Private room, good wages. Write. Box 34775, | Oshawa Times. FEMALE GAS ATTENDANT Port time, 16 to 18 years. Apply: CROWELL'S SERVICE STATION 22 Bond St. E | WOMAN fo wash dishes and heip in| kitchen. Must be dependable. Apply man-/ ager, Hotel Lancaster. 27 King Street West, Oshawa. | WE REQUIRE an ambitious girl to per-| form general office duties including typ-/ ing and the operation of our switch: | board. Attractive starting salary, work-/ Ing conditions and fringe benefits. Please! apply to Mr. C. Robinson, Personne! Sup- ervisor, Bathurst Containers, Whitby. Telephone 668-3371 oe SALAD BAR work from 9 to §. Apply Genoshe Hotel. MIDDLE-AGED woman to cere for five) over 21, to work doys, some experience on NCR posting machine, also PBX. children, four in school, while mother works, 84, two weeks; 3-4, two weeks.| Light housework. 576-2828. RELIABLE WOMAN to babysit, 4:30 11 p.m. Vicinity of Olive Avenue and Harmony Road. Telephone 576-2269. QUALIFIED hairdresser wanted, good working conditions. High commission. Apply Ozimek's Hairstyling (Heide's), 367 Wilson Road South, Windsor Plaza. 723-5631. BABYSITTER for two scho dren, Telephone 576-3718 after 6. RESPONSIBLE PERSON wanted for motherless home, four .cnool-age chil- dren, Prefer to llve in, own room. Tele- phone 725-8065. OPERATOR for beauty salon. Commis sion 60 per cent. Telephone 725-1843. FULL TIME NIGHT eashler required, Ni op.m. - 7 am. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genoshe Hote! WANTED IMMEDIATELY woman to take care of Infant, chil. FABULOUS fox stole, beautiful avtumn fashions and high earnings If you drive! and can work two evenings weekly. Vanessa Hammond. 576-3987 LDERLY PERSON fo live in, one bey n ths and one schoo! 'om five rooms ef $135. plus, leaving three rooms and a recreation for owner. 18--Male Help Wented WANTED TWO RELIABLE MEN REAL ESTATE OFFICE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO RIGHT MEN Yes we are prepared to train and assist financially two responsible men to round out cur real estate stoff. Please do not opply unless you ore ary prepared to make a career of Reol Estate. Experience is not (9 This rage and person JUNIOR EXECUTIVE TYPE. Perma- nent. future for a sal accustomed to contact with the public. | Three-year Initial salary plus handsome lain incentive' compensation and all group + _ Rellable benefits. tour! ferred, months old, In my home. Harmony Roed offers stable career with substential in- rea. Telephone 728-9014. lcome and to the right person manager- FABULOUS fox stole, beautlfol sulumn|i#! opportunity. Reply in confidence to |Box 34567, Oshawa Times. DIE MODEL MAKERS A progressive company Windsor, requires wood model mokers. Minimum experience accept- able, with full training oppor- tunity in this expanding field. Good worknig conditions with full insuronce benefits. Reply in writing giving phone number to: PERSONNEL DEPT. 1.T.L. Industries Ltd. P.O, Box 68 : Sandwich Postg! Station, WINDSOR, ONT. _Or call collect to area code 519-969-7071 3 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen wanted immediately for Osh- owa and Ajax areas, with di- rect Toronto lines, tremendous advertising support in Tor- onto, Oshawa, and ail focal popers. Hundreds of leads plus generous supply of re- sole listings and tremendous supply of new homes, excel- lent commission, orronge- ments. For privote and confi- dential interview call John Kosteniuk 942-3310 Member Oshawo and District Real Estate Board GRIFFIN _ REAL ESTATE LTO. 1 Mole 'Hee _Wented _ s | | 723-5281 ; POWERS | SUPERMARKET | requires EXPERIENCED Grocery Clerk Apply To STORE MANAGER 564 King Street East POWERS eee | HOTEL DESK CLERK Box M34985 Experienced Produce Manager good wages to right mon Apply Glecoff's Limited 174 Ritson Rd. S$. Oshawa _ Individual Oshawa age 21-40, area resident pre- no travel, Position FULL TIME Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. mont 1 age, 387 JUST LISTED -- elght-room income Phillip Murray, Telephone 576-3194 after Hanfhad close to north plant with Income '4 j | 728-5836. R. Martin Real Est CARPENTER, FARM HAND wanted full time. Call Fantasyland Park, Telephone 655-3031. BE YOUR OWN BOSS selling and servicing Electrolux products, YOUNG MAN with car, over 25 to as assistant to general manager to sume position of advertising mena in near future. male bartender required. is a large brick home with « ga- Jack Osborne, 576-1200, vening Hwy. 12 vacuums) rug shampooing equipment, full or! part-time, Car necessary. Nothing te in-| vest, full training | 723-4163. High income te righ District Belleville to Ajax. Sal-/ commission' plus override. Would! consider part time to start during train-| Write fully In confidence to Box! 34822. necessary, but desire to suc- ceed is a must. A successful real estote representative is honest, hard working and a very important port of our "community We are not interested in high pressure or shortcut salesmen Our experienced stoff should oll earn over $10,000. this (90% yeor ng Please call Mr. MeMullan for persone! confidential! inter- 725-3557 J. B. McMullan | & Co. MAN For Stockroom Duties will include stock con trol, purchasing and inventory of heavy duty truck, lift truck end production machinery ports. Must be reliable and possess initiative as you will be required to work on your own. Automotive parts ex- perience would be on asset but we will train if necessary. Age is no borrier and salary will comensurote with experi- ence. Apply in person to: General Concrete Ltd. 942-3620 401 MBonorch Ave. AJAX Toronto line 925-22 FUEL OIL SALESMAN required Experienced in fuel oil soles, ond related equipment, for Oshawa and surrounding inventory control. Apply in writing, salary expected to Box Times RESILIENT fiooring mechanic, experi-| enced | manent position. and Tile, 942-3710. Ajax RELIABLE MAN for modern ary) farm. Phone Stock 986-4856. n tile and sheet Apply to goods; per-| Murray Rug! Harvey Grahem, Biack-! RESPONSIBLE MAN for generai were Experience fo maintain preferred. Must be 4 | and ovr Previous experience, references and 34905, Oshawa DESK CLERK required. Apply In person at front desk, Hotel Genoshe | ADULT PICKERS apply chards, Rossiand Rd, East and No. 12) Highway, Whitby. i 19--Male and Female | Help Wanted Palioch Or-| PUBLIC RELATIONS OPPORTUNITY INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ORGANIZATION IN OSHAWA AREA requires intelligent ond alert person in its soles office. Suecesstul applicant must be between 25-40. Car neces- sory, good salary commen- surote with ability. Usual fringe benefits. For appoint- ment call MR. HARWOOD cis 1c na COCKTAIL WAITERS and WAITRESSES GENOSHA HOTEL required Full and port-time Apply Mr. Campbell No phone calls please oreo. Send resume to P. R. COOPER MURPHY OIL CO. LTD. 78 Bond Streest West, Oshawa The Quick Want Ad Way Get Fast Cash A-1 Food ond Freezer Sup- plies requires male and fe- male canvassers. Hourly rate plus commission. OSHAWA PROVISIONERS Telephone: 576-2990 Anytime 19--Male and Female _Help Wanted Two licensed sales consult- onts required to work with progressive realtor, Top re- muneration. All benefits of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. Enquiries held in strict confidence. THOMAS J. HUZAR Reoltor -- 576-1580 |¥wo, G00, EXPERIENCED heir. 'dressers with high wages to start. Tele- Iphone 723-8601 or apply 600 King trreet j East -- é a CERTIFIED PIANO teacher required Nor full or part-time employment for Oshawa and area, Contact Mr. Deon, |723-0101. oa aie |FLORAL DESIGNER -- with some ex perience in floral work. Apply Locke's Florists, Oshawa Shopping Centre. |20--Reel Estote for Sale GUIDE 'REALTY LTD. (16 Simcoe St. S. SPLIT-LEVEL '20--Real Estate for Sole 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sole H.KEITH PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 576-0330 RESTAURANT GOLD MINE $6,500. full price for this beautiful modern -- restau- rant on one of Oshawa's busiest streets, Gross sales of over $165,000. yearly mokes this a really wonder- ful buy. Call immediately, eg CARMICHAEL, 723- 7463. . A WHITBY LOVELY FIVE ROOM SEMI- ON PAVED STREET IN WHITBY. CLEAN AND NICE- LY DECORATED. FINISH- ED RECREATION ROOM, 12 X 21 WALK-OUT BASE- 1 @ Lovely 3 bedroom back split brick. home. with shutters. | Bright kitchen, four piece bath. | This home has a finished recrea- | tion room with a 2 piece powd- | er room, Spacious landscaped} grounds, to inspect call tonight, | "JUST. LISTED" | 1! @ 3 bedroom, split level, | north west area, Features large) ""L'" shaped living and dining room, Recreation room, tool | shed, situated on an oversized} beoutifully landscaped lot, Must} be sold. | OLIVE AVENUE 11] @ Full price $11,000.00 Insul brick home with 10 x 7 enclosed verandah and detached garage. Lorge kitchen and im- maculate throughout, 3. year old oil furnoce, Yours for $1,- 000.00 down. HIGHWAY NO. 115 1V @ 150 acres, just east of Hwy. No, 35, Rolling land mix- ed with bush. Christmas trees, good hunting. Priced right. Please col! for details ROSSLAND AT MARY V @ Large 4 bedroom home extra large kitchen with loods of cupboard spoce. 3 piece both on the 2nd floor and 2 piece on the Ist floor making this home ideol for a large family. Forced oir oil heating, 'situated on a beautifully landscaped lot with garage and a bus at the door. LOVELY ORIOLE COURT Vi @ This new 2 storey home is an ideal spot for your family. This home features 4 bed- rooms, 2 boths, full basement end o large carport, Priced at $21,385. to one 6% N.H.A mortgage. Phone now for full porticulars. BACK SPLIT LEVEL Vil @ This brand new 3 bed- room split level features oil heat. Lovely divided kitchen Lorge living room. Divided brse ment for recreation room ax ties. Deep lot. Attached gar- age. Sodded front lawn, Bay living room window. Quiet street. All paid services. Priced at $20,240. ot 634 interest. : HERE IT IS AT LAST Vill @ A three bedroom brick bungalow on a lovely lot. This immaculate home has « nice big living room and a completely finished recreation room with a bor and built in speakers. Best of all it's a bargain at only $15,500. with a very reasonable down poyment. Be first to call on this terrific buy with oll its fine feotures now. GROCERY STORE 1X @ Located on Ritson Road Store is spacious, clean, bright and modern. Very clean com- fortable living quarters featur- ing 4 large bedrooms, Lorge paved lot, single garage. Asking $33,000. full price for pro- perty ond full line of modern equipment. Contect us about this perfect business today. RITSON SOUTH X @ Two storey home in ex- cellent condition with very large rooms. Owner moving to small- er home and will hold mortgage. Right on bus route. To inspect call tonight. FULL PRICE--$14,900 X! @ Three bedroom, semi- detached home with a large kitchen ond a spacious living room. N.H.A. mortgage at 6% will carry for $90.00 monthly P.1.T. See this home now. ENJOY NATURE SUPREME X11 @ in this spacious 5 room bungalow containing an extra large living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms and efficiency. kit- chen with double sink. Large lot 75' x 200' just minutes owoy from Oshawa or Whitby. Beat the high taxes--buy this home, only $17,900.00. Phone tonight for more information. ACREAGE XiIl @ 3% acres on a poved Country Road. Well, septic tank and tile bed laid. Completely fenced with shade fees. This is your oppprtunity to purchase your home site. For more infor- 'mation phone tonight. EIGHT-PLEX XIV @on Simcoe Street showing excellent return. Parking, stoves and fridges. For full particulars enquire tonight. FULL PRICE--$15,000. XV @ Very nice home in oa quiet area, hedged for privacy. Garage. Owner will hold mort- goge. Can be bought with o low; down payment. Just the spot for; a younger couple to start house- keeping. To inspect call tonight. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-528) MENT. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED LOT FULLY FENCED WITH AN OLD ENGLISH COUNTRY GAR- DEN IN BACK. LARGE LIV- ING ROOM AND HOLLY- WOOD _ KITCHEN. TRY YOUR OFFER. CALL JIM 2 aay 668-6419 OR 668- $1,000. DOWN 3 bedroom insul brick at 386 Beverly St., North Eost sec- tion of Oshawa, Asking $14,- 500. Call GORD® CHARL- TON, 728-8569. TRANSFERRED TO U.S.A. Braemor Gardens: New re- sale, large modern three bed- room bungalow with carport and breezeway, breakfast nook, plus separate dining oreo. Bright spacious kitchen. 6%4% mortgage mokes this on excellent buy. Coll GORD CHARLTON, 728-8569. FAREWELL AVE. Lovely three bedroom, with recreation room and bar loc- ated in the east end of Osh- awa, Large ki®hen and din- GORDON 218 Dundas St. E. WHITBY No. 2 Highway DIAL WHITBY 668-8826 TORONTO 364-6622 OSHAWA 728-5157 Only nine years old and in Ist class condition this 5 room brick bungalow with fin- ished rec room and broadioom SE ae room for only $16,- 4 BEDROOM BRICK in WHITBY in Cochrane St. area, near oll schools will be o bargain for a lucky buyer, Out of town owner wants quick sale os -tenant leaves Sept. Ist. This is a clean, tastefully decorat- ed property with spacious ec- reation room and 5th bed- room in basement with extra 3 piece bath, Lot size is 65' by 132' and attached garoge is king size. List price is $23,- 900. Come see and make your offer. 4 ROOM.FRAME near PICKERING -- $7,500 Where could you find more = reasonable living with panell- ed living room and pictures- que country setting. Lorge 50' by 150' lot, low taxes ond lower heating costs. Why not see this and be satisfied you are saving with only $1,800 down. NORTH OSHAWA This three bedroom brick with garage has a beautiful land- scaped lot with shrubbery ond trees for cooler summer living. Immaculate condition with broadioom ond other extros including small income apartment. What better can you do for living economy, COLMAR AVE., BAY RIDGES ing room, Broadloom in the living room. Paved drive. Wolk-out basement. Many extras. Close to schools ond shopping. Call LES HALL, for full information 728- 6513, BATHE PARK AREA Large seven room home, cen- tral location, two car gar- oge. Deep lot, fireplace and broadioom in living room. Separate dining room with French doors leading to the outside. Asking $17,900. Call LES HALL, 728-5513. TAKE - OUT Good thriving business situ- ated on Oshawa's main thoroughfares. Opportunity for a family business. Variety store could be added to in- creose potential. Good terms. Coll FRA SMITH, 576- 0330 or ~ 76-1415. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Located in small resort area, nine insul brick cottages, completely furnished. Shower and launry room. Ideal for a summer business with @ chance, to make $1,500. in the holiday season. Excellent terms. For further information Call FRANK SMITH, 576- 0330 or 576-1425. RETIREMENT HOME Lovely two bedroom home with possibilities of a third bedroom in the closed in sun- porch. Angel stone front, gorage ond included in the purchase price ore the stove, refrigerator, washer and dryer ond 21 cu. ft. deep freeze, The drapes are also included. Asking only $14,500. Call {1DSO WIERSMA, 728-5683. TWO FAMILY HOME This 1% storey insul brick home is ideal for a two apartment income home or for a lorge family that re- quires lots of room, Eight lorge rooms and two wash- rooms all in good condition, Separate electric meters and plumbing in upstairs kitchen. Excellent terms. Call IDSO 4 bedroom brick home, only 6 yrs. old, a block from school. Close to "GO" stotion. For $18,900. WHITBY -- 5 SUITE APARTMENT few doors from Whitby Post Office with asking price of $38,000. Gross income near- ly $500 monthly aives inter- esting return. Commercial possibilities with few changes so act quickly. NORTH OSHAWA near MARY ST. -- $19,800. Clean as a pin and just os shorn too with three taste- fully decorated bedrooms, na- tural trim, 4 piece vanity both, broadioom and other extras. You will want to take your shoes off here. BUILDING LOT A good place to locate that dream house on your own lot 80' x 220' on Robmart St. north of Whitby, only $4,- 500. WHITBY LOT FOR EXECUTIVE -- $7,500. 107' frontage lot with town water. Lovely homes sur- rounding. See your investment grow here by building before swinter. IMAGINE A LOT FOR $1,300. Yes, we have a 100' by 280° lot not too for from Oshawa for this ridiculous low price. Taxes ore only $11 yearly and you can afford to wait for a profit if you ore not ready to build. You only need $500 down. Olive Ferguson 576-3637 Andy Keys 728-0190 Vivian Halligan 942-0296 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 N. Van den Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 George Abramoff 723-4871 Gordon White 668-6337 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 Roy Soley 723-4726 George Sullivan 668-6226 Osborne REAL ESTATE LTD. MUST SELL THIS WEEK NEAR A&P -- $16,900. SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshowa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 GRACIOUS FINE HOME Six room, three bedroom brick home in the desirable northwest area. Huge living room with L-shaped dining room; ultra modern kitchen has just been installed. The charming choice of colours gocentuates the gracious decor of this fine home. Rec Room 38' x 18' finished pro- fessionally and has extra 2- pc. washroom and bar. Has professional man's office in b rt also. dl throughout living room, din- ing "room, hall and 2. bed- rooms, Huge lot 70' x 124', Landscaped professionally. Possession immediately. VERY MODERN) ,j Two storey, 3 bedroom home only minutes from Downtown, Mother has a lovely kitchen to work in and a beautiful dining room to serve in. Plenty of broadioom -in this tine home that features large bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Only $17,900 with eosy terms. Call now. BEAU VALLEY RESALE Only one yeor old this charm- ing 3 bedroom bungalow is nestled on a ravine lot 78' x 148'. Walkout basement from finished rec room. Very mod- ern kitchen with -- built-in stove, Listed at only $26,- 900. with reasonable down poyment. OWNER TRANSFERRED and must sell his 2 months old 3 bedroom brick bunga- low with gorage. Decorated throughout. Sodded front and back, Low, low down pay- ment on this one. Call now for this value plus home in N.E. area. IF 4. BEDROOMS and a bargain, is what you erquire, then call right now on this one. Lorge modern kitchen, L-shaped living room, dining room, 2 bathrooms, attoched garage. Minutes from Public and Seporate Schools. A bargain ot only $22,500. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Still o few new homes lett in Pinewood Terrace. Priced from $19,675 634% _N.H.A. MORTGAGES May be purchased os low as $1,450 DOWN PAYMENT SUBJECT TO APPROVAL, This same style home will be much higher next spring. DON'T WAIT -- INVESTIGATE CALL 723-2265 NOW For full particulars call 7. 6 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg. Hall 723-1358 George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Mel Dale 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE. LIST & SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshawa OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD. (REALTOR) 515 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-5853 SPACIOUS LIVING AT A REASONABLE PRICE ONLY ONE LEFT Economical and New -- 4 bedroom 2 storey family home, quality built brick and aluminum siding, 2 bath rooms, large kitchen and din- ing room, fully decorated, storms and screens, oil heot- ing, central to oll schools, N.H.A. financing. Asking $22,900.00. For further in- formation on this home call Audrey Moore at 668-5853 or 668-4088. FOR that person desiring a charm- ing 2 bedroom home located on a lovely landscaped lot near centre of town. Paved drive, gorage, ponelled re- creation room, 142 bath rooms, oil heating. Call 668- 5853 to arrange appoint ments. LOVELY TREED SETTING This unusual attractive brick bungalow is built in a quiet community of better class homes in Whitby. Newly de- corated with excellent taste. Teakwood wall panelling on one wall adds to the beauty of the living room. There ore 3 bedrooms, and a family breakfast sized kitchen, full dining room as well os attoch- ed garage. The roofed ver- andah is surrounded by shrubs and beautifully landscaped lot. Call today for inspections 668-5853. HURRY AND CALL TO-DAY To see this older home with 5 rooms for Owner, plus 3 room apartment presently rented for $85 monthly. Asking $15,500.00. Call Audrey Moore ot 668-5853 or 668- 4088. 634% NHA MORTGAGES 2 storey and split level homes with 4 bedrooms, finished family rooms, separate dining rooms, 2 bathrooms, wired for intercom system. As low as $2,600.00 down. These homes must be seen. Drive east on Adelaide to Central Pork North to the Olive Howe Reol Estate Signs, For additional information call Marie Wilson at 668-5853 or 728-3937. FOUR BEDROOMS Here is a semi-detached bun- golow in Whitby just a cut above the average. This home has broadloom wall-to-wall in the living room, dining room, and hall, a panelled recrea- tion room, paved drive, com- pletely fenced yard, and there is a work shop storted-in the basement as well with materi- als to stay. What more could you ask for? For further in- formation call Elspeth Hilts ot 668-5853 or 668-5017. INCOME PROPERTY Solid older building converted into three self-contained 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, fully rented, stoves and fridges, 2 fireplaces, double garage, large lot, central Whitby location. For further Information call Audrey Moore at 668-5853 or 668-4088. WIERSMA, 728-5683. George Blyleven REALTOR 'Phone 623-5300 Bowmanville: Well kept and decorated 6 room home, garage, well landscaped lot. Asking price $16,500 with substantial down payment. Excellent investment in good location: 3 self contained ap- ortments with seporate ent- rances, double garage on well landscaped lot. Call us for more information. Five room house, breeze- way, double garage, rec. room with fire place, 20 acre lot.and fully equipped chick- en barn with contract for 4,000 broilers. All this for the price of $32,000 Picton area: 145 acre farm, 135 acre workable fertile soil, 8 room house, lerge very good barn and other buildings. Only $23,000 with $7,000 down. Hampton area: 10 acre lot with frontage on two roads, Asking price $4,800, Terms. East of Newcastle: Lorge treed building lot. Priced at $2,200. APARTMENT SITE INSIDE the City of. Oshawa, serviced. Other apts. close by, plaza plonned adjacent, zon- ed for 150 sites. Priced very attractively at $1,000 per suite. Coll Mr. Sheridan at 755-4942 or 293-3631. W. J. Warren & Co, Ltd, Realtor, SHERIFF Real Estate 25 PRINCE STREET GRACIOUS LIVING When something good comes your way like this 2 year old immaculate 3 bedroom brick home with attached garage, get it! Heated electrically, Hollywood kitchen, TV. tow- er, fenced rear yard, com- plete with mony extras. Full price only $21,500.00 with 614% NHA mortgage. Take advantage of this opportunity. Call Dolores Ross. NORTH END Just listed, this absolutely spotless 3 bedroom brick bun- galow. Featuring broadloom, indirect . window lighting, patio, T.V, tower, spacious Hollywood kitchen, all maho- gany trim, paved drive. Cus- tom built for the owner. Must be sold at below replacement cost. Asking $19,800.00. Call Jack Sheriff. NEED SPACE? Here it is in this spacious 4 bedroom brick home with gar- age. Broadioom in living and dining rooms, modernized kit- chen, with many other feo- tures plus being o real fam- ily home. Priced to sell at only $16,200.00. For com- plete information call Dolores Ross. Call Anytime 576-0140 We List and Sell MLS RICARD LTD., REALTOR 576-1050 623-2503 $2,000, Down -- Three bed- room bungalow with attach- ed garage and breezeway, close to everything. Choice area, Owner leaving country. Near Adventist College -- Attractive three bedroom brick bungalow only five years old, better than new. Every- thing done. Owner has pur- chased other home and anx- ious to sell. Modern Duplex ----- Terrific north end area. Two. self- contained apts. with private entrances, meters and gar- ages. You will make money with this one. Vendor will hold open mortgage. Garrard-Rossland Area Absolutely immaculate bung- alow of beautiful bark brick, paved drive, and large finish- ed rec room and work-shop. Huge 2 acre lot all tand- scaped. Exclusive oreo, close to separate and_ public schools. Only $6,000. -- Good start for' some younger couple. or older couple wanting to es- cape the high taxes and ac- quire o little peace of mind. Small barn and other build- ing. Building Lot -- Convenient location for this level 75 x 330 lot with some nice trees in the rear. Only one left here. Other lots in Bowman ville and country starting at $1,800. Commercial and Industrial-- Good older brick storey-and- half home on main street with zoning split, could probably be all of either zoning. Give us a call, John McPherson 728-7207 Dick Metcalf 623-5293 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Wilfe Hawke 983-5274 Harold Peck 986-4252 Moc McDonald 623-3911 W. REAL ESTATE LIMITED, Realtor 21 King Street West, BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board 50 Acres Pond, Stream Neor Tyrone, scenic property with bam. Ideal for splitting into 10 acre parcels $14,500 -- Terms. 20 Acre Apple Orchard Close to Bowmanville. 2400 trees in production. 1800 young trees planted $23,500 -- terms, 140 Scenic Acres Oshawa Area Ideal for 10 acre parcels. Rolling scenic property. Only $42,000. $15,000 down. 100 Acres Bowmanville 1 mile town limits. Good brick 9 room home, fireplace, larae steel barn, corner property, pond, silo. Must be sold at once, Only $53,000. Call 623-3393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 After 9 p.m. Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 "Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clare McCullough. 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Garden Hill 102512 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 ~~ CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD Manager Economy Purchase This two unit 8 room older home with on upstairs in- come apartment gives you about the lowest price accom- modation available aside from a tent, Comfortable 2 bed- room unit for yourself, New furnace and private bath- rooms. Close to 401. Full price $12,900, -- Terms. Luxury Bungalow Don't buy or build a new house until you see this im- maculate re-sale in Beau ~ Valley because it is truly loaded with extras which would cost you a great deal more to include in a new house. Large Hollywood kit- chen, finished laundry room, built-in Tappan stove, fin- ished walkout basement to charming gardens and many other extras. Owner is trans- ferred so has priced to sell at a bargain. Asking $23,- 900. -- Phone now for ap- pointment to see this beauty inside. Large Family Residence -- Port Perry 10 room, 2 storey brick resi- dence, spacious 88' corner lot, separated dining room, 5 bedrooms, walk-in pantry, garage. Situated on good street in active resort and country town. Just 15 miles from Oshawa. Asking $17,- 800. -- Terms. 2-Bedroom Bungalow -- Brick Central Pork North, moder- ately priced to sell ot $15,- 900. An ideal home for small family or couple, on a very good street. Garage and pav- ed drive, nicely landscaped. See ot once. -- Terms. Duplex -- Albert Street -- Asking $12,900.00 2 storey brick completely duplexed with separate serv- ices. For further details call at once. Asking $11,900.00 Completely remodeled 3 bed- room 1% storey. Near Bloor ond Park Road South, In ex- cellent condition and only a few minutes walk from Gen- eral Motors, Aluminum. sid- ing is just one of the many features of this exceptionally clean, neat home. Zoned commercial as well, deep lot. Only $2,000. down. Phone for appointment to see thi excellent value. . OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL (NO TOLL CHARGE) Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Ralph Schofield 576-1680 ACTION PLEASE Completely modernized four bedroom, 2 storey brick home, on Simcoe North, patio, sun deck, double garage. Must be seen by appoint- ment. This deluxe home must be sold! CALL W. O. MARTIN Realtor 728-5103 Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. $3,000.00 DOWN Well located 3 bedroom bun- golow, built-in garage, extra washroom, excellent kitchen with dining area, corlon floors in kitchen and bath. Early possession and so close to separate, public and high school. WINONA DRIVE Double attached garage, 3 bedroom bungalow in choice locotion, hot water radiant heating; good sized lot. Call now for appointment to in- spect. $10,000.00 Just @ few blocks north from downtown, 7 large rooms, modern kitchen, Call now for more details. LAKEVIEW AVE. Immaculate 3 bedroom bun- galow, extra high basement, well decorated, home in sup- erb condition, fenced and hedged-in lot. A real beauty for only $15,900.00. 10 ACRE LOTS Just outside of city limits. Excellent garden land on pay- ed road. TRI-PLEX 2 to choose from, excellent investment. Shown by appointment only. LISTINGS NEEDED If you are planning on sell- ing your home, call now for best results. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Maga 725-9191 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 Mark Tomina 723-1206 Roy Yeo 725-2217 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We List Exclusive & M.I.S. FRANK Real Estate Ltd. 21 King St. W. BOWMANVILLE Phone 623-3393 PORT HOPE Phone 885-4548 TORONTO Phone 923-9174 COUNTRY HOME Six year old brick bungalow, oi! heated, double garage, pond and 10 acres, school bus ot gate. Brooklin area. Priced at $28,000. Terms. COLUMBUS Prestige older brick home, 8 rooms, conveniences, large treed country lot, paved road, $18,500. Terms. OSHAWA 12 year old seven room brick bungalow, prestige area. Three bedrooms, two. baths, large panelled family room, Asking $26,500. Terms. PORT PERRY Retirement home, four room bungalow, bathroom, garage, good lot. Asking $8,000. Easy terms. 10 ACRE PARCELS Several locotions to choose from, Your choice of parcels with stream, woodlands or garden land. Oshawa and Brooklin oreo. Priced from $5,500 and up. PIGGERY 700 pig capacity, completely mechanized, equipment in- cluded, painted bars, 79 acres good corn land. Asking $60,000 cash, CALL Howard Forder BRROKLIN 655-3853 five miles Oshawa. Asking - KEITH PETERS 103 King Street East REALTOR RANCH BUNGALOW -- three bedrooms, partial stone front. Asking only $16,500. 6% mortgage. For more in- formation contact Joe Craw- ford 723-1021. $25,900 -- This home must be seen! Only one year old, 3 bedrooms, electric heating, attached garage nicely land- staped, many extras, 634% mortgage. Call Elmer Fred-in 725-2753. NEAR HAMPTON -- Here is a nice picturesque 10 ocre parcel of land with run- ning stream year round, sho- ded by large trees, highway frontage. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. THOMAS STREET -- One and a half storey home with stone front and attached garage, bathroom. on each floor, three large bedrooms, finished recreation room, very attractive fenced yard with shade trees.. Asking $6,000 down with one open mortgage. Phone Bill Rate cliffe 655-4457. $22,300 -- Immaculate six room splitlevel, 3 bedrooms, L_ shaped living and dining room, 12 x 20 ft. recreation room, 614% mortgage. See this one tonight by calling Earle Allen 725-7782. LAND -- We have up to 46 acres available at less than 1% cents per sq. ft. Minimium 10 acres per parcel. Other parcels at various prices, Call Marley Burgess 723-0049. $7,900 --- 12 room house with forced air oi! heating, 1 acre of land, good condition. Call Dorothy Vivian, 263- 2138 (no toll) for full partic. ulars. LOW LOW Down payment, 6 room brick je and pri- vote drive. Call 728-7328. REALTY LTD., 728-7328 Guy Leblanc REALTOR 623-746] ' CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE 2 bedroom bungalow newly decorated, excellent loca- cation, asking only $9,800, low down payment. COURTICE AREA 3 bedroom home on 14 acre lot, garage, small pony barn, asking only $11,500. low down payment. COURTICE AREA 1% acres with 4 bedroom home in immaculate condi- tion, new oil furnace, asking only $18,900. trade consid- ered BOWMANVILLE Commercial property on King St. E. 66 feet frontage, ask- ing only $15,000. with $5,- 000 down. 3 bedroom bungalow with at- tached garage, good size lot, asking onlyy. $15,900, terms. SELL ! SELL ! SELL! That's The Job Of Times Want. Ads 723-3492 60 ACRE FARM New 3 bedroom brick bunga- low with attached garage, trout stream, new barn, ask- ing only $7,000. down or trade. EAST OF BOWMANVILLE TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! E: SCH .ce O} $2, 6Y, We havi 2 three left in t area. Complet paid cur ing and Exceptior homes t considerc Yes we | ent hom one of ¢ give. you present | No oblig: J.B. Asking $' bedroom b place and terms, Inco Park Rd. with 2 kit drive, Full Busine Buy or re brick and close to 4| bedroom ap out -- baser possession. Inspect the calling Ste) 576. BRICK DUPLEX Ihrooms, seve: rage, on corne Streets. Only $16 Call Jack Appi Bolahood Brothe BIGHT - YEAR with a stone fri or Guide Realty. PULL PRICE $1 ris Fogel, 72 Limited, 723-5281. $20,900 -- TWO be had on this ir 3 bedroom bunge end of street, off of extras such ag: built-in china ca room, paved driv seen to be Hall» 729-1988"'S LOVELY | three-b Jow in churches and 3 with patio. Owner call Vern Corson, ty Ltd., 723-5281. THREE-BEDROO! family size kitche rick garage. C schools and = shi ferred. This may Pointment. Call / Guide Realty Lin 5 PER CENT N bedroom brick bur $87. per month, | taxes. Beautifull; Bed Got Itapatrick, 723-061