Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Sep 1967, p. 15

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sia Building Trades Mortgages TV--Redio Repeirs Accountants ing Tem t SET MORTGAGE perfec Ne ALING | : re LOANS e Moneys available for first on Sion he No. bonus. oa era Y ping Manse Shop| Between 9 ik 'and Dekohans" en aoe at . ee <LANEY'S Actoontng Servin| WHITBY 668.8964 | Pu"chosed. 1 pean iauateh | ALTERATIONS | -- Sieseorene. var d : if IN, Chertered accoun-| 5] get re famed ag, onde ADDITIONS 123-4897 pr ies or Science © Blueprinting HOMES-OFFICESFACTORIES MORTGAGE LOANS tv and Nutrition and com. peLL NO end Rec Rooms ond Kitchens ile igc oigeaes pw. Bp peeling call jired by the. Ganedian ee ee Sroncne mua @ Specialty goges, Free odvice arrange- 723-5278 stoop nt Building Trades James Dalen and Sons) conhone A RGEN mnber | TV SERVICE wt SSOC. se ws sll we No Down Payment tant you eelgeKee your chimney hort sf 523. eh ga COLAR Monthly Instalments | PAINTING and enced FIRST AND heerincned sole one oe Hennick jand Hennick, A vanced D) King Street (East, 723-7232, «tc./Painting and Decorating Ha fyb rere end paper Bape eal 'ene Hr od pices Telephone ease decorating beds ao Brock Stee jer telephone 725- Plumbing end Heating fest PiGDEN fhe euvestroushing, Lg | 4 * general repel ie Rem elling ROOFING, CHINNEYS, all yea atl @ Bathrooms . coment w aldewalks, rio. @ Kitchens 655-9061, F. McCann, RR 3, Oshawe. @ Recreation Rooms TERRANO, PAVING, 10 Pi in bush @ Garages. W Ten Eh man ene A new department of Osh- larcawric PAVING AND CONER awa's Quality Builder. Get your driveway paved by experts. Call Today for Free Estimates sed * ft, oil, work quar ) three KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Gaaney Tepeired, new 7 Call today for Free Esti alee tiresisene. mawory masonry werk concrete 5264, 728-7583 Your TOCAL™ "CHIMNEY ~ Gieaner. RODFING, het tar eat Gree i sane ings Ingtalled; roofs repaired. Phone 723. Pe fie od and smail eavest B masonry. Gord May. Whitby, ma aS building ae Roofine, i TAX) DRIVERS wanted, over 25 year' of full and pa Wnitby. Telephone time, Must reside in or 666-3383, enna: | Carpentry Plumbing Discount 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- Quality Carpentry GENERAL REPAIRS Home Improvement Specialists plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies. 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. Serving Oshawa ond District SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. equipment for CLASSIFIED RATES cle, a Beye bene Service CLOSED WEDNESDAY OSHAWA T.V. 5A--Camping » | ow eee ae oT inertion of 24 words, 1.20; Phone 725-8576 ALL PLUMBING AND. | en wu SUPPLY LTD. USED pacitionat wa"at 34 words, 9.24; eddi- or 623-3411 Stark Ute Pigmbing eating andr TAUNTON RD. E, TENT TRAILERS : tone! words 13y4¢ each: § og eddl. HOME ADDITIONS, prelate ig a ae ' Just East ef Ritson) ° Al Aharioure Body me Re ae eatin eatin pair. Taupo 6. Bob riers "loom, and, anal stent, Memewe| 723-8131 723-8132 | $ Necws Vision 'Tene witht | triangl indows bore tS Peete --___ intl Sov |vurraow noo | | cf gti , rd, ¢b od NV, ul e -frame initial. 'pur or ebbrevigtion counfacs | pt rag jal, rane "eee sci ea tens oe @. Quelity built ourselves on ane phone number the premises. vee eae fects, reeeens Besstfully tallored "sl-1 Professional rug and uphol- HOLMES From $250.00 Dela NOTICE fore Gaoes res Tome OR | tery cleaning done in your | ELECTRONICS | Trailer Ports end rdening Supplies home or our office, Coll for "Accessories. Ge and fi i --Repairs to Al! Makes _of 725-9961 V RENTALS Trailers' Gnd" Tent: vas TOWERS --New and Used Ke % RE-UPHOLSTE RING Pri GARDEN 725-933. PHONE 668-5679 <Storba and Service. SUPPLIES ¢ Wenuntie' Cuwemess | TY, Rentals KAMPING five full years) "ese aes cl ise a ALCAN UNLIMITED 'NO, 1 FINE MIX Estimetes ; FURNITURE and TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH ; PES Sn Sole Hunn SRE APPLIANCES CT cn of Kang. Be cm ala aa TIMOTHY & ALSIKE 10 Simcoe St. North Birk a 728-994 DEADLINES MERION BLUEG PROFESSIONAL - KENTCKY BLUEGRASS ; SEASON-END CLEARANCE WORD APS a pevious INDIVIDUAL, GRASSES RUG CLEANING | JOE'S COLOR TV |""on ALL Trailers, Tents OST. AND FOUND Fy? 2 Day Service and Radio Service and Camping Supplies ON EVERGREEN 6-9-6 sini Ao OAT EVERGREEN WEED KILLER Free Peni, ers Delivery SPECIALIZING IN PRICES CUT TO COST . DAY OF PUBLICATION C.I,Ls Liao ae 4 Angus-Graydon EUROPEAN RADIOS AND 95 4 Rentals a hee SO-GREE 7-7- 4 : 'or August en epte a nL HeUeUNS MILORGANITE 728-6254 TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS BONEMEAL RECUPHOLSTERY | by axnerin. Estab. ind W. KAMPING CLASSIFIED DISPLAY : PEAT MOSS are ae eee eat ime wer | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- OTTING SOIL rebullt, furniture re-finished. UNLIMITED BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL T. R. 1.0. TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, a TV_ RECEPTION Your Own TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT for less money. We give you @ better tower ee praereny Lyndhurst, Nal etd _ "Cal The Direct Classified 'Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to , Friday, Mesures 8 to 12. rticles for Sele 1 new [POODLE CLIPPING end | shampocing. racanitoned oi ia. Fone bel cat 1--Pets and Livesteck 17--Female Help Wented GIRL, FRIDAY 1 need en efficient girl te ETON (1789-1892) a oe! Hartley, England, LIVED To. THE AGE OF 103 "AND SLEPT EVERY NIGHT 5--Trailers 8--Articles for Sale moans HOME, 'bie nished two-bedroom, _ 1 Tent conditian. tor "uM. 404). cellent condition. May be fur- excel- 668- Glendale, x 2, Telephone wy X @, GENERAL ig yp ide Ex- geen at Goid- star trailer park, Highway 11, Orillia. si rs, wood and hi 655-3811, POR SALE. Cor trailer iad springs and re tire its. Never used. $135. *Felephone NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL sports. Call 655-3821. for CAMPER - cash, Telephone Also ali types of we WINTER TRAILER STORAGE -- Oct. | fo April. Ten minutes from Oshawa, Storage fee gives winter mem- bership fo 40-acre parkiand, for winter downtown full particulars. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN window van, Camping messi = § in 1966, $1,600 TRAILER HITCHES made and installed. ding done. Portable rent. 723-4000, Chev,, Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber- align toe - in and toe - out to correct condition .... $7.95 @ Parts extra if required @ Torsion bar adjustment extra. & BRAKE SPECIAL Lvdier lesa rid em. day previous. on AY OF oF roy ore Weneee oe RENTAL $1.00 © Any before publication will be eharged one day's Pp TANK SPRAYERS Everything for the garden Cooper-Smith Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311. CHESTERPIELDS re-uphoistered and Pod so Free estimate. See our mate- | for ip covers made ro order. Loony Upholstering, 15 Charles Street, 723-721 Sales end Service APPLIANCE - REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes o washers, dryers, ranges, ° Aiso PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE 452 Simcoe(S. -- Oshawa Telephone'723-0011 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 o.m, to 9 p.m. 728-994 Rental -- Sales -- Storage TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH (1 mile north of King St. East) 2 structure, $50. Oshaw. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower ogee yin Instatied, TV Supply L "egg 8 caprion Road Eau, lust east of Ritson 2--Personal 1 Marie ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 3th. Phone Removal..of superfluous heir Murdutf will be in Oshawa Sept. 11th, 12th and Genosha Hotet NOW Bring me your mowers, tillers, outboards, all mokes, air cooled engines. Ports and paren, "utente the } replies "your busine sdverirt-o8 somn as pombie, we ec:| 16 CELINA ST. of this Invests demaged siged farce Wroush site| 723.2312 723-1139 4 and Distriet, plles however 1 d wheter Py, neal DELIVERY" SERVICE n Ontario and See en ceie ter' replies uncalled. for : s reeches ever in 20 days, TOP: SOIL -- MANURE whe pay for REGULATIONS news coverage THE OSHAWA, TIMES WILL MOT, BE _ ; ee ed Bae. TISEMENTS sunt ed with cattle manure for top IN WRITING OR td dressing, Well rotted cattle ee B THE manure. Prompt delivery. : IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. 655-3331 ) M F Tay esdvanng accra fe te] OSHAWA GARDEN , ise herchigelh SERVICE LTD. In the cases of pa advert! z Ee eee er than teat eiuch, the g i petoal error Secuplas." THO MERION-KENTUCKY SOD 18 smoroduce oll eaveriine| BLUE GRASS e of advertisement if any inaccuracies In AlI-Green Nursery t A Sod Growers service. Largest service in 74 BARRIE AVE. 728-2791 or 725-4633 on these dates for appoint- ment. THE MONA LISA apariments, 19) y quon Ra., speak | our suites from io am. til & oa dally, Call 723-6022, 725-9934. SW ie hes Sa Baal Rossiend Rd. W. downtown and |. W. to by for work at 9:00 a.m. Call after 3:00 p.m, 723-5867. hd WANTED from Simcoe Nerth to Yonge iraetae -- al 845 a.m. Telephone 728- or. 6--Marine Equip ment CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE McVay fibreglas sail boats, Crestliner, - Peterborough _ and Northcroft runebouts, . Evin- tude outboard motors. Oshawa Yachthaven 723-8186 Evinrude mo! Brogklin i CEDAR Ph bs runabout, Electric start and -- steer! 45 ¥? Mercury ero 1967 Getor" trailer. 4668-248) or 942-3288, a ered Reddo ot a wat il GREW Traveller boats, |" days 8 Open seven week. 'Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., 655-3641. Most populer cors. First Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, $14.88 Plus $2.00 Per Wheel (labor cost) EREEI Fornece cleaned, purchase from Western adjusted free. sbieiree 'winter you 113--Asticles for Rent Brecher look after my Real Estate of- anteed one year, $20. up. Sales and esta wieei aia jecleured ice, McLinton's' Office bios Lal Ressanable, Apply "sz Crocus) fice. Must , shove office axe ne ft Lupin Drive, Whitby. ' seeds alae and saphone. TE. © -- Bahar, Ranch, Paes ~ Garrard Rd, N, Box as, saree oe pleasont on the phone. Start- jacuum -- cleaner, dock, 'room d : pent gat np i Free ng tpatine on 'arena. ing salary, $60 weekly, Our $130 or best . Telephone 7: |Home teload fer wejyrn plenre staff ere aware of this ed. 8992 after p.m. and Coll 72594, 6a HO 4370 POLAROID 181 wih 9 am. or 6 pm. fo 8 pm. bai ), Oshawe Wu eee 330m mene "192 Anticles Wanted s taeten "inate, ookcen chna noe not using to the Bowmanville Ase Nation Wide thane 'telephone 7283001, canning en We oat pickup cal Sales Organization room set Open Monday, " Ing bar, Ag oie aks Pinna" amy "ne Gena, im requires ' va PIANO = ate Hohner piand Saat' bare aa = rg) Bookkeeper trainee who will \ » very Good good tion, in or pee will be willing to accept responsi pick up If necessary. 728-4331 or 728-9943.| bilities, Usual company bene Soltale. or. cofage. ie ek table/000D USED FURNITU etc.) fits, ot a= ree ag, oem re aaa bo prices. Call anytime, MacNelll's Write BOX 34240 Oshawe Times tas: 1212, FURNITURE -- Three rooms new! furniture. Pay only $15 monthly. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South, GUARANTEED, USED bay washers, television, refrigerator. $34.50 and up. Alcan Furn wre and yr ond 452) Simcoe South, 723-0011 We BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used) furniture or anything you have, The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. Polish National Hall for Rent AIR CONDITIONED Wedding Receptions, Ban- quets, Parties, etc. We Cater if desired, For more informe- tion call Joe Dlugosz 728- 3718. Peter Soltys 723-4332. TYPEWRITER, standard, $25) porteble| $25; 1.B.M, electric typewriter, $45; add- ing machine $20, also electric, 723-4434, ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Soles, pasic, gg the Cycle Centre, 204 Bond 725-6344, SuARANTaRD, USED wringer ge | bo ght refrigerator, etc., $34.50 Alcan ge Appliances, "at Steve South, 723-001 ¥ BRIDESMAIDS' Oana. $29.95, new avi | ENTERTAINING? Fifty fe one Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 AVON: CALLING Does an Avon representat! call on you? Perheps you five in an open territory! Don't delay turn your spare time into money -- Service customers close to your home. No 'ex- » perience required, i train you. For further. if write or call: Mrs, J. Hill, 140 rete Road, Oshawa, 725+ | EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Canada's finest line of Christmas cords, Wra Aaa velties, etc. Over 3 For free, beautifully vt hn te eb» ne EERE BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture and appliances, One location on! Wana fall styles. Sargeant's Bridal Shop, 463|peop! Oshawa Tennis chub for Ritson S, 725-3338, uate ree. weddings. Bar, itehens TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down, |Perking. $2 weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, used, |WHEEL CHAIRS, heanliel beds, walk- rentals, service, tredes. Bill Hamilton, ers, remus' machines, sick room sup- Raglan. 1-985-7160. piles. Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644. FLOORS custom designed in colors end patterns te provide a perfect background | 14-----Business Opportunities for kitchen, Bg nec family raom, patio, pool de jancoura goes on ever any sound surface, inside or outside. See Sancours at. Oshawa 'Riscount House, Spare Time Phone for free estimate. 725-1243. Money Maker Own, ond operate ¢@ profit- trated epproval ond the fastest Prog vice, Jeandron Greeting Cerd Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton. Ont. ~~ WOULD YOU BELIEVE. TOY CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS. We Will Train You. No Investments, Collections, er HOMELITE GENERATOR, 2 volts, bre watts. Suitable ie cotton of or deer WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel, each $1.9 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK ot COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6511 ALUMINUM @ SIDING @ AWNINGS @ WINDOWS @ DOORS LES SALES LTD. 15 Prince St. 725-4632 CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week, Also. T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- noes, rotors installed, vo and Service 9 a.m. to 9 248 Quebec St. Call 25. 0500. All work guaranteed. T.V. TOWER -- HOLIDAY SPECIAL 50' 1% inch heavy -° duty structure with double B2-13 all-channel antenna com- pletely installed, $70. ~* TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143. fac, Esso Service. TELEVISION, 23" Ph ag and white. rob condition, best Telephone after 5:90, 723-4793, M@LARY Easy ringer washer and Teche br ni o skit saw. Call Port Perry 4 tree ke INT or cml bir, ok Cy nd 380 gobo Telephone Fa te Wanted Furniture, 444 Simcoe South able route of cigarette ma- Deliveries. COMPLETE 'living roam and eas chines or other nt, 723-3568 suite, jarely one year jelly for you. meee" 2. , HAIRDRESSERS | APPRENTICR 8 jee in Most 'august selling. Four to six 'hours Immediat Please call fer ape BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap| weekly. Capital investment peinment ve Styling by John, pliances, Call Bimmer, 249-2294, 265-2695. ye essential but good vie NORTEL TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft. references neccessary, write: * HL chennel. antenna, 880. TRIO. Tele BOX 33073 mre Ive ie acoly 'Wan SO vision, 728-5143. fe! h Ti PaRIENC! at GLAss REPAIRS, is i 'and snowa iimes fy aalen or buy cont ood ~=windows 'a sluminum screens. Pree pick-up and delivery. 728-2284, Med Coil fa "suitable ee ae Ce disiahontwn seis TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL --~ MONTESSORI waaune ge gs | budgies, cage, etc. Tel and a oe of NURSERY SCHOOL R for next term TREADLE sewing machine alse tan movie camera, Starflash Kodak camera, 35 x 25 Cabinet, and 48 x 36 sheet glass (5 sheets) and gee oa a Photographic light bars. 726-4558 a CONTINENTAL Gaba = $29.95, mat- tresses half price, all s headbos one-third off, Factory outlet, 723-3089. WRINGER WASHER for sale with pump, 668-5970. ONE PIANO, one chest secretary with oval "Sp and one electric dryer. Good selection of used 'furniture. MacNell's Used Furniture, 5 A a Street East, 5481, a FREEZER, 2i-cublc a bedreem suite, 19" portable television, MacNell's Used Furniture, 215 Dundas Street Bast, 66% S481, 668-6526, wnitoy. 9--Market Basivz: taken now. Pick-up service avoilable, if required. For ap- pointment phone Mrs. Ploeg- makers, 723-0734, experi ENCED WOMAN will mind chit- hed po eggs Ml ol dlyg ni Lo gh weil South tee Lil Sehgal "ta will keep child in own French ro Engin ont wares, 723.088 after 5,30 p.m. WILL CA Board East end of Oshawe. LADY WANTS te do from | clos: ery ae a, Rasen ant oO oe an . Mr. G. Hi school gf. "Ieee ae hae BANQU war SSES red. et TRESS equi ae ply in persen fo BUSINESS LA e to DAY CARE GIVEN to one two chile Dianne and Olive area, APPLES MELBA and RED ASTRACHAN $1 ipa 2 bushel ning, MIGHT "SHIFT swetping, watchmen, gen uous cane, age 54, rin Teephens" seas 34 two. weeks. No weokancs, Sveamase = bpd ve r om SECRETARY - Ri fled, Telephone te prade 12 and some pie trains ne preferred. Write Box 34184, Oshawa -- YSITTER, live in or qui, Telephone bring ALGOMA "ORCHARDS 17--Female Help Wanted Thicksons a. we Whitby PICK YOUR OWN corn, tomatoes, pep pers, Spanish onlons, cucumbers, beets. Bring containers, W. Eymann, 4 mile east of Rey Nichols' Garvan Courtice. Go north to first corner, HAY, SECOND CROP, baled. Telephone 668-5059. ONTARIO NO. 1 Cobbler ir gpatatere: tree delivery. Telephone 723-9439. PICK your own. cucu bark $l. per bushel. Base line near Alax. FULL OR PART-TIME rasonit after 5.30. SHIRT GIRLS, experienced, Key] new Cabinet Master. No trea, Aran Hour Mortinnsing. % Hi South, Alax Shopping Plaza, matuns Mg om iby 9 imei twe through Friday. 'stephan OPERATOR salon. sion 60 per cent. i noe Openings evailable in Osh- 18-----Male Help Wanted awa and ares to introduce en exciting new product, Earn- FRESH VEGETABLES. Tomatoes, corn, ons, peppers, beety, potatoes, Huron Fram, Ve mille ee of Oshawa on 401, North Service ice, all makes, Free estimates. Cell your Royal dealer, 726-3664 aye. 1® "YOU HAVE household to amount. fo trucking, them away. 723-6381. irdables we a take | 623-; 16 FOOT cedarsirip,. with {motor and tralier, Apply Whitby. END GF PRODUCTION ance sale -- cal boats, and 14° and 17' ronto, 7§1-$242, noes, cartopy, © hp J 137 Pine Sreet, season clear- fishing runabouts. Tea GUARANTEED Pie 4 all wri washers and estimates. Call 728-1742 ort 5 Cou Direct 728.9674 TOWNLINE De Moe' sage Beg Tapaira; all guna 'bought, sol and traded, 'mm penstvaras 723-3492 ¥%4 M. north Taunton Village __|Tncaen plc 've and delvery. 7: fon and iting upton. Valoy "Crank, Tes wil be $ are TO. : Fi ong SRPTIC TANKS Prompt serv iowa ware a NNlehirds" oats i CLASSIFICATIONS UNGSAPING -- SRN. Ts ca om fae Times a ale GARDEN'SERVICE Su aa " , 728-8267 __|igrlae swore, commean' vee} Clearance Sale muronxenTUcny S()[) [ntti nmet ante son's:| | 1847 Git & Caio Gite Nuey ae a ere ee, Sod Growers LS odio abd eo an 3--Sportsman's Column trade-in Sigetnens Street East, Sales and ow dition, Selling for 728-3042, foot car ae any we WANT Use le yer we hi pale. Rent-All and Macha ates ia Woods. Good Sirvel 720-5565. Ski 1-Doe 10-FOOT eye Aen, in like new' con- only $45. Telephone bt aba BOAT, ond 1967 spring box fop. Can be seen st 224 Nas: | ref tation Fiberglased), Visitors ees ' bag teal --- TOWNLINE N Y M. north Taunton Village- PANE calimates of hedge trite eager oe saat FOR FREE esiimates of hedge trim- demolishing old chain SS ons So GoGotsing COOK'S TRAILER SALES LTD. one Fpl} N., Oshewe : n Evenings 9 a.m. - -9 p.m, iar" aivip boat, ae aaa Silesia Totepnone' Se |3 7----Swep and Barter lets, TT or TTI BATH AND gg pee 97.9 tol basins, Miata] Yvan ie ping brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. Fleming Vacuum Service, Pickering, must F SELL - 70 ype ar Kh am; .M., FN. tuner and i Veli changer, $350 or "best fiers" Stereo tape recorder $250 or best offer. 725-4465. cuble feet, upright, condition, ae Call 668. 5273 or 311 Duniop St. E., Whitby. GOOD QUALITY green wool, 11' x 14 rug, underpad included, $257 girl's cotten | baled, school dresses end rad gives 11 12, Reasonable. 725-2539 942-0213. | Main Street, ParrERs -- mee aliens be USED TIRES, most all sizes, 8, F,j9reen. yellow Goodrich, 88 King Street West, 725-4543. |contalnars. IY victor tiene. 'North Ham ' on turn east. TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-| 263. son |VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, Tom and |DEAG AND caispcee 9 stock ings unli a Mr. Armstrong Phone 728-0550 FRESH PICKED Pickeri bushel; WANTED NOW ! Teenagers, mothers, grand- ing cucumbers, dill, corn, vega Span- Ish jaa ir TORS -- Pick your own, Scoft's hoses, |Farm, Harmony oh ans to end of pavement, turn left third house en north side. teres, |PDA-----Eggs & Poultry EGGS a FRESH" DAILY -- White Feat Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Picked up, Mislteorsa at store or home. 10--Fermer's Column Mia "ACRES OF Waar, sre STRAW -- vn -- Un , for sale, rigerator, table yhoo wellent condition, Also three-piece bed- room suite, Apply 220 Ritson Road BABY BUNTI Int | ten, Misses' white we hers, stan Earn 97 'rim bl 'blue 8--Articles tor Sale et ae trailer from $1 eR a tresses, 25 used trai ey ey in, geod condition; to be sold below cost, Make an offer, No money down, poe grog Bel per _up. Hitches mai ond installed from $10. up. MACDONALD'S , TEXACO, _ Dar beate' Bad cae a aed fot 'equipped, Call Teaycodl bsg oly ' sleeps Trailer Clearance Rentols, demonstrators, refrig- erators, heaters, cots etc. Miller Trailers HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX wpe 9 citeneo ff 2- hed chesterfield wa bedroom su 90 CHURCH STREET SUMMERTIME SPECIALS |fertiota chairs, Wilson's Furn. Smooth top mattresses 29-95 vs 109.95 99.50 Bedroom, Dining $499, $599, 156 Simcoe St, RUTHERFORD'S 3-room sraues, Living Room, Room. $399, 359. Easy ope Immediate delivery or or RUTHERFORD'S 'trim, All size 13. 723-5964, South SSHBRAL secre "sioves Frias fy and two chal Chrome chairs, wringer We ing ae soe terden tools 11--~Pets and Livestock outta tic tg an iy eee hong a eacrie fame Be tetrgera| au ccke, Rebleaaioa, 'well tor, in ne cof rae colonial plen stock. %.. _ 'companions far beds, lamps, etc. 728-1823, children of ail ages. 635-4930. ae HING, sizes 12-14, All i i range wanes Se navereamaied Casa TWO CHESTERFIELD wiles, edd chev |° el ps gh dl icked up np Fur Farm, 263- Start et once to show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, rela- tives. Earn extra cash for Christmas this easy way. No bec needed. Our cato- logue, with over 300 items beautifully illustrated tn full- colour, helps you to get plen- ty of orders. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catelogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept. bia 217 Cannon St., Hamilton OFFICE SUPERVISOR CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE OSHAWA, ONTARIO $5,808 -- $6,384 This position requires the obility to supervise staff and maintain accounting ond per- sonnel records, The success- ful candidate will probably be a high school graduate, experienced in occounting office end budgeting proced- ures, Apply on Form PSC 100, "Application for Emploay- ment" obtainable at negrest - Public Service Commission rabag Post Office and. Can- rone. call 2721. Licence 101-C-67, - |Shetlands, wi and one of tee Bridie iy ew sedgle. sito" cash, 725-1453. RA! ra 'd, Shep- saddles, NEED EXTRA MONEY? Showing our beautiful tine of Christmos cards to friends, neighbors, relatives is one of the easiest and festes ways of earning extra cash. You don't need experience becouse our big, illustrated catalogue, with over 300 items shown in Centres to the; Public Service Commission P.O. Box 8, Toronto Domin- © ion Centre, Terentia 1, Onite 'ario. : To ensure cornrers of, 4 plications must by September 14, eigen Quote reference number a s -1428, hristmes cards on ep- provel and free bey POWERS ~-- SUPERMARKET requires EXPERIENCED Grocery Cam: 5 ae a = * STORE e MANAGER. 564 King Street East. : oe Monarch Card'Co., Dept. cles. New nese" puree inane 217 Senrnn, Hamilton. paintings, from Max! = chin. Daytime call 726435," erenings man hooker ponoiee for sole. Cuchurst - EXPERIENCED MODE = CLI ODE re wena Ree enna teh: tns a. ens condition, $125, Telephone 725-1895. BEAUTIFUL BABY SUDGIES, ready evenings or work, 3a WITH OR WITHOUT auiomalle| frag" that cea, "PMY | © No Sundays Sig ria rhertaay Product, sise vind rebuilt 23 My ag Boy 3 Sele [iad pare': ROSE. BOWL hen otto an oe ae Titles Youoere Seehal'aher's "TY |__-_ 24 BOND ST: W. DOUECE-SARREL teats, Satta wt toy eaceee'ess| RESULTS? 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