Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 18

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~~ "seer wr rer eee 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 31, 1967 8--Male H 46 +b] = as Carri Coll The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. preg e p- ° y ay, a ur y Moil newspor Telephone 8--Articles for aed 11--Pets ond Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted _---------- : Eurnace cleaned, 'adjusted tree. PROFESSIONAL DOO SERVICE--Cli-|..,,, or wimy Guananteed --touble- ping all breeds, poodles our speclaity. WANTED NOW ! WH purchase from Wertern ol" "company. Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and d 725-1212, -_________|training. Doberman. Pinschers and Ger-| Teenagers, mothers, grand- FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new|man Shepherd puppies for Dachurst mothers. Start ot once to ela G Bey ony a Serr. Bacore: Kennels, 655-3881 show our exciting line of eet etal I So libel QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE » sgnin Christmas cards and gifts to poe hal = use eae! washers, available, all breeds. Telephone | friends, neighbours, _ rela- Pp "Se up. Alcan Furniture vane 'Appliences, 452/BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, | sf tives. Earn extra cash for resen os as South, 723-00 for training, talking strain, Apply Christmos this easy way. No . A BH at del ERP Bi 2 if Accountonts _____|Building Trades Mortgages" _|T¥--Redio Repairs We BUY, SELL a EXCHANGE used pala = LL a sie Hiaa panera] exPerience needed. Our coto- Reward Aa p thi hav bos i WILLIAM €. MALL. 'B.comm. rafharer REPAIRS for city tredive a alte ais "Simcoe all shots, $50.00. Telephone . logue, with over 300 items We offer this «Rana ogg 8 | Street South, 723-167). R i --------~---| begutifully illustrated in full- h slephone Oshawa 725-653° ALTERAT purtict "| SRE RT CRS DING MARE for sale. Well broken, célout: hilns you 40. get plen moan who has pit cadincchietenecnt tee til -- -- TYPEWRITER, standard, $25; portabie|quiet, must be seen to be appreciated. es De RGus Fanci Tren Bulky j |ONS $25; 1.B.M. electric typewriter, $45; add-|Telephone 728-0388. ty of orders. Write today for look combine Ing, 187, King Street East, Oshews, On- ADDITIONS tv ing machine $20, also electric. 723-4434.| POODLE PUPS, white miniatures, regis-| Christmas cards on opproval desire to we tario, 725-3509; S$. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E.) "f reception FISHING RODS and reels. Colemanjtered. Telephone 942-6165 after 5 and free catalogue. Monarch people. If yo cee utANbee AND-COT" HOMES Products repaired by experts on prem IBUP, German Shepherd, "hres montis) Cord Co., Dept. 22, 217 financial bac! YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher- S-OFFICES-FACTORIES ses. Sportsman's Corner, yron $1.| oid. Free to good home, Telephone 576- fered Accountants. Licensed Trustees In Ree Rosi end Kitchen Moneys available for first on (8 eR Cannon ke Hamilton. this challenge Bankruptcy. S72 Simcoe Street North, pe alt and second mortgages. Open W ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service. TOY POODLE puppy. white, regisrered| -- Oshawa, 728-737). peciaity mortgages, No bonus. First Soe egal Centre, 204 Bond Street! cock. Reasonable. 'Apply 942 Crocus MR. M, GORDON R. DAY, Certified General | James Allen and Sons} mortgages, second mortgages Channels nn | CreSCONt, OFF LupIA She, GI RL FRIDAY SHA HC Accountant, Sulte 205W, Oshawa Shop-| r GUARANTEED, USED ir washers, GENOSH ping Centre, 725-9983 ond orrongements for sale TuirigaraiDr, tC, SOAS afd | Noreen cai ten tall ate nee fter 10:30 Lani : 725-6126 Srohared with fetrigerator, ete. SA e oiag| Carrard Rd. N. Box stalls, Race pet] § need on efficient girl te after c BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. pu . Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452) dock, plenty of room to ride, Riding Club, ; 9 - Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- HAVE YOU CH 4 _.jcompetitive games, outdoor lool ter R stot - ; coe Street N., 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. Intely? Por repairs call 7263802 eee M. F. SWARTZ ne BRIDESMAIDS' "DRESS! new Horses trained for western t 3 Me Mie - : ar Superi: 3 i i Ii styles yeh gd Bridal gre 463| stock and trail, Call 725-4394, @ ice. S| ove office ex- THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi PIGDEN ROOFING - sovenrouaning | pats sad oltre antenne Ritson $. 725-3331 . 9 a.m. or 6 p.m. fo 8 p.m pereince, good typist and For house ci see s roofing, cement work, general repairs. ow" intario SVPEWAITERK Ga, No money Gow ' > . i Ci A ey down, Licensed Truste iy eB Bad siren | 723- 4697 cet $2 weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, used, 12--Articles tim pleasant on the phone. Start- ae west Femnae 983 [ROOFING CHINNEYS, | silt types ot | -- ican aici Coble Bonus faa oe Bill Hamilton,|SRinG YOUR ITEMS and articles you| ing salory, $60 weekly, Our ent aalan ---- $$$ work, stoops, lewalks, C., Salessasastcanpreoresmiaatsesseriseaniioael ____|are not using to the Bowmanvilie Auc ; Blueprinting |655-3061. F. McCann, RR 3, Omawa. | © MORTGAGE LOANS iV oeueay santen ae' FLOORS 'custom designed in colors end|tion Barn, Nelson 'Streat, south fo. the| staff ore aware of this ad. $10,000, occ ee fee aed é patterns to provide a perfect background|canning factory. We can pick up. Call Write Bo 43 Ay e. All be BELL DRAFTING ang Reproductions | TERRANO PAVING, yore 2 bes he ee coll THE TORIAL MANSION, A MINT, for kitchen, bathroom, family room,|728-1005, 723-0976. Open Monday, Wed : 'on a pil Ltd. 52' Simcoe Street North Sas) ua Aba wor' fe square foot./ loan as Ist and second mort- .) A COURTHOUSE, AN ACCOUNTING OFFICE, patio, pool deck. Sancoura goes on over|nesday, Thursday evening from 7 to 9| Times company. Blueprinting and photostatic jond East, 723-584). | gages. Free advice orrange- 723-5278 any sound surface, inside or gutside. Seejp.m. for items. Doug Gower, Jim --_----- ! d pl = ----| : oe A PRISON, AN INSANE ASYLUM, Sancoura at Oshawa Discount House. | Wood tioneers. APP BEAUTIFY and protect asphalt drive-| ments may be made in your aaa AND 1S NOk) A MUSEUM Phone for free estimate, 725-1343. paurdnachadl pean Nati Wi ways with Sakrete Sealer. Professionally; own home. A. ROSEN member TV SERVICE ' WANTED -- barn siding, weathered, in ation ide ------ | applied. Telephone 725-8885 of Ont. Mort. Broks. Assoc. BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture|good condition, in or near Oshawa. Will S | @) ; : Box | -- and appliances. One location only. Pretty pick up it necessary. 728-4331 or 728-9943. ales rganization No D Pp t ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE.| 725-0532 eveninas ond week- COLOR |Furniture, 444" Simcoe : : lo Down Paymen | set your driveway paved by experts.| 28-5623 a 3271. |G@00D USED FURNITURE wanted, etc JUNIOR EXECUT Monthly. Instalments . ft. all work guaranteed for three | ey, or COMPLETE living | room ibe 'oom| Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNelll's requires nent future for a card. 723-028 j gale BLACK and WHITE suite. Barely one year old. Beautitul| Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526 accustomed to. cor s | agreements purchased and sold. Hennick condition. Must sell" before August 29.) ----------___-__-- ~ Bookkeeper trainee who will Three-year Initial R dellin | CHIMNEY repaired, new ones meae,(@nd Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street FOR THE BEST CALL After 5.30, 728-2482, : 13--Articles for Rent Lin gal abl emo g [aiso fireplaces, masonry work, concrete] East. 72-7232 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- be Wing to Sc cepL corporal: benefits. Oshawa © Bathrooms |floora, Sidewalks. Free. estimates. + Schau Backimine 7 R | O pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 24 2652695, bilities. Usual company bene- ferred, age 21-40 @ Kitchens -- Painting and Decorating ° INe TM, TV TOWER SPECIAL -- aft strocture| Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- fits. eee a he PAINTING and paper hanging, Interi --_ fe all channel antenna, $50. TRIO T es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee nigel Eo aan Sin --------| prices Teles Free eaimete and iow] FoR Coat, Seeaien S-- Teeter a = Vision. Tesi. oF TAK Punch. BowIk, Bridal Write BOX 34240 TE tes | |prices, Telephone 728-2834. A GLASS REPAIRS io alumir fs ' Y ; Oshawa Times : ndj Wear, Men's Formals, White A new deportment of Osh- | Quality Carpentry |PAINTING and decorating by experi. TV_ RECEPTION | | wood: windows" ond fg eluminum and] , : y icy ieceareadn een 3 UPHOLSTERERS. awa's Quolity Builder GENERAL REPAIRS [store 41 Brock Street East Your Own Clearance Sale Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284. | Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. AVON CALLING enced | need. appl Call Today for Free Estimates Hemme Improvement Specialists | TV TOWER 1967 Glendettes & Citations SL ADIROR (oveciie. comer) aed. 'el SARGEANT'S RENTALS po ples hr cabal Braemore, 4646 DU KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION elie see li oe District |Plumbing ond Heating 'i Catameron Sail Boat ney shaped coffee table; a pair of water|__463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 Tan deen tabriOA Dsn't ich " | or Many Years. roiler Parts and Acces- skis, 725-3013. ENTERT ING? Filly to one hu Y pen: rernitory!., von EXPERIENCED 1 Call todoy for Free Estimates | Honest and Depenable Service PI : : 728-5143 sories Priced To Clear. Buy SIX SERVICE BAYS HOMELITE GENERATOR, people: jnvneng li] teen delay turn your spare time into be familiar with Phone te umbing Discount ae low, FOR FASTER SERVICE 2,000 watts. Suitable tor site er |quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen,; money -- Service customers ences. Rutherford' Corner Bond end Division poll i oo ¢|parking. 723-7726 | t h ' coe South, 725-65 ee P ae aorTa en! close to your home. No ex- pastels AA te ROOFING, hot tar and gravel shingtes liana et coe Oat ok, pr: Brock St. North COOK'S TRAILER WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Esto" Service oan ante CHAIRS, howe beds, waik-| perience teauited: "We iin Pi soroue's. Store '. , hieiai es yo y ¥ 'Ss, jucing PS, p repelrs, large and smalt Toba. 1. and HH ae tiing end' teneral re HITBY -- 668-6601 SALES LTD. Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |RUG ¥ x 17) almost sew, atlwnlle rics, "Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice 7asteu,| YOU. For further information ; A PE es -- pairs. Telephone E. Behm 725-7066. | Ve 1910 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa mouth, Pontiac. We correct | TELE a oe EERE write or call Mrs, J. Hill, 140 19--Male « al a cr acyentet Si aks "ana | Disel (yeu! plumbing he id _Open Evenings 9 o m. - 9 p.m. wheel alignment, Inspect ond |, = eoggg aie ier roe it 4 Business Opportunities Nonquon Road, Oshawa, 725- Help W masonry." Gord. May. Whiiby, 66 rive |Dressmaking _ maga oi bidet a i AT_OUR OWN PLANT 44 GLENDALE eedinen | aloes eee Gu Is : nen dist 9696 : Sas me ere rma art - line % off rar ¥ furnished two: -bedroom align toe - in and toe - out to -- he RO lh AT Re ER SE DRIVER with. own FAXI DRIVERS wanted, over 25 years DRESSMAKING, sulls, coats end ehi-| P Um ™nG : moblie home," 10" x. 50, I , MeLARY Easy ringer washer and Techo- ; mete r of age, full and partime. Must reside inidren's wear by experienced seamstress. | supplies We give you oe better tower tion. Lot o T phone' éae-ibdt. ses correct condition .... $7.9 Master 9" skill tee. Call Port Perry Spare Time EARN EXTRA A Pla Ag Whitby. Telephone : 668-5170 -3383, [Reasonable. Mrs, Krainc. 725-8731 | 12 9 for less money @, GENERAL HOUSE trailer. & @ Ports extra if required 985-7015 M . k MONEY phone Aj xe o ssa sssel a | 12 p.m, -- . , ra : - a ie " M R | DRESSMAKING < experiiy fitted "suits, | SeHSoAy 9 Pp wh cellent condition. May be seen ee @ Torsion bar adjustment {WASHING MACHINE and a oair of oney aker Shaw Cansiate fi ere Tee and CLASSIFIED RATES ne eee Sh poourttl y tal orad sllp-| a.m, to 5 p.m. Star trailer park, Highway 11, Orillia extra. budgies, cage, etc. Telephone 723-8970. Own and operate a profit- Show Canada's finest line of ability to do alt goo ats dl te 3. Toms, 660-2372, | CLOSED WEDNESDAY : FOR SALE. Cor trailer with springs and e TV CLEARANCE "Sale, ail sets recondi-| able route of cigarette ma- potttL wg ae pic No- Telephone Alax, 9 v . | eae ie ries seen ° shock absorbers, wood bo: ti ion and guaranteed, $39 each. Tele- ; A velties, etc. Over it # R Cash -- I insertion of 24 words 1.20;|Gardening and Supplies (a PLUMBING AND HEATING mp. SUPPLY LTD. sed lights, Never ved: S18k TelRbhOnE BRAKE SPECIAL phone 576-3877. ey ie Aad Pegle aaah For free, beautifully illus. sania: toe pele radobd Dednges Ieyeertae ey pie Hg |Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and En: : watulds : Most populer cors. First |a1* ADMIRAL television. Bxcalient con-| ccttine Four to sie hours trated cataloque ,samples, on p paint brush wh tonal words 1314¢ each; 6 consecu Gineering, 255 Simcoe Street South TAUNTON Quality Royaline, 4 wheel dition, Telephone 668-2547. 9. ; ER Ne approval and the 7 spariment (for. Ser s f 24 words, 8.76; odd GARDEN lace TYPES ropa et South. Ne § 5A--Campi ng Vv i" eels, acHESTER sa weekly: Copitel: investinient pitt fastest ser phone 723-2347. fe insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi ses mode 30-30 case and : : vice, Jeandron Greetina oe -- onal words 24¢ eoch jnew Tn ; aa Just East of Ritson) $14.88 |shelts 3 recon cine $12, Jolly-jumper ay essential but good credit Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. lege iA iL, chovge---19 per cent tana chore | mutes toe" 'Paey:| 793.8131 723.8132 |SEASON-END CLEARANCE| Plus $2.00 Per Whee! [tuts Tuebtune Sel | reference pecesrony, wrt | _Homiton. On ee ee tae pot paid within oy = : sewing machine also a! * ly Al caisling = Lae Wan 3A [Rug - Upholstery Service -| on ALL Trailers, Tents (labor cost) |movie camera, Starflash. Kodak camere, WOULD YOU BELIEVE SPN cost North, 1 thod af Counting --- Lets thon 24] TELEVISION -- RA 'and Camping Supplies 35 x 25 cabinet, and 48 x 36 sheet glass Oshawa Times TOY CHEST to , rds counts as 24 words; each word, | -- RADIO d upp! « (§ sheets) and' binoculars. Photographic | -- Good _HAIRSTYL 'ol, figure er abbreviation counts os | : OSHAWA ; light bars. 7 ene ere 6 wages. Princess C ane wer ° ber counts two; SUPER FINE GRASS MIX 24 Hour Service PRICES .CUT TO COST ight bars, 728-4558 after 4 3 OFFERS aes. ao ee | ONO. 1 RINE Grass MIK RUG CLEANERS Trailer Rentals Suitl Avellople. | YOUREL BALANCE SPECIAL | SaOaaee Sere, 20am, ee. Go "INVESTMENT MORE $3$ MORE FUN re BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- PARKLAWN GRASS MIX Professional rug and uphol- HOLMES For August. end. September, netudiog weights per wheel, Cait ite ones, belge, 84" x 200' long. DEMONSTRATING TOYS. nae Pita, SSUAG NOTICES sms as cant aga-| SUBURBAN GRAS MIX" | story cleaning. done in. your M uneiis cannes. BF ten eam] bitsy Side | Meera Chae ye ge So he SY home or our office, r RS, t annington Bakery. ,000 0 investments, Collecti ing past employr Ks REcrUne -- aT etebecs information. vd aad ELECTRONICS KA PING FRONT-END WORK' ot Urethra ett ory one. investment will return full pot a stances. Bax, ee SSO ror the first 28 worde and 6c} KENTCKY BLUEGRASS 725-9961 : UNLIMITED COMPARABLE PRICES ITALIAN Spanish coffee table, sixpiece| Price $45,00 in less thon 4 723-3568 DAY tee ait toch thereotier plus Near line of INDIVIDUAL GRASSES = |_. c 4 T V RENTALS Spanish and | Italian bedroom sulte.| years. Vendor tokes back bal- | WAIRDRESSER'S APPRENTICE geal -eotision, "1 t 0 id} een: oe » o yee: ec ocd! ional ehorge if not paid GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 RE-UPHOLSTERING TOWERS | Rental -- Sales -- Storage UNIROYAL ones sy vathes evatade tore Be ance at 6%, five year plus {start _immediately. Dee ek ntr ap- Advertising Is not Saunders EVERGREEN 6-9-6 725-9332 PHONE 668-5679 | TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH Indian carved warrior wall plaque, five| five. Call James McCutcheon, /Ssiniment. Creative Styling by John, ele: $2.50 for the first 38 words and 7 EVERGREEN WEED KILLER @ Wide selection of Fabri Biiicc n RE yall h of K CENTRES piece Provincial bedroom suite. AM likel Griffin Real Estate Ltd., 723- |e -1200,. eve. 728-5 ° and 7¢ 'abrics mile north of King St, East) new. Other small articles, 728-8849 fF ra ea ' Estate, 172 King S eee inet bold within § aa Cea yo © Workmanship Gueranteed T.V. Rentals WRINGER WASHER tae) Ra Stace ee ci, a Two, GOOD, -- " ave " stainer, a " " crotge 7 ont pala: within 8 cays SO-GREEN 7-7-7 (five full years) 728-9942 The New Home of aseianlc Toenhens a sale with pomp, UE BETES duties, live in, pr Oe 3a. light dressere With Woh COMING EVENTS MILORGANITE New Sets idles did Ww err per Rox. 380. : $2.38 per inch (displey); $2.00 for the BONEMEAL e Eosy Budget Terms--Free ALCA 6--Marine Equi e DOMINION TIRE STORES ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaner, just TWO separate stores, downtown. perl CED heirdresser to mana ° err Uae ie! first 20 words and 6¢ each Peace PEAT MOSS Estimates | N | fooled Equipmen' 17 Park Road South ger one veer old, excellent condition. | business, Available. now. 715-8964. A, dead Fro sad bad AOU iiernesved.. Goes 4 "= , Ward A | E S a rare ° fer. e| unity. B- aa POTTING SOIL SHE FURNITORE CONTERE™ re ee CHRIS CRAFT Leas IA, Set afer Sameer" Tleenone 72-leOR RENT or sale building sivaied on|%™.~ 5 Bm. Gita 20--Real Es $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, TANK SPRAYERS 90 Simcoe St. North APPLIANCES SUMMERTIME SPECIALS |POLAROIO io with accessories, auan-|220 ana Seo 'service. Telephone" 7254 di WOMAN WANTED. in Beaerian ares, Seem icGe 452 Simcoe South SALES and SERVICE ; tity. of ref im trays. Telephone 668- : 118 en eee core for two children, DEADLINES Everything for the garden 723-0011 McVay fibregl il b e 15--E sol t rw ed | na er works. Light housekeep- PROFESSIONAL : ay fibregias sail boats, A 7 Fé -- -mploymen' 'anted | ing duties. Reply !n writing, stating ex- y JORD A = rastli . = | Une OEY PREVIOUS : RUG CLEANING JOE'S C poeettuiadt ee Wilson's Furn. tension Tedder, bookcase, chin nel| TODDLERS PARADISE |Barker RR'2 Beaverton" * U arthcraft runabouts. Evin- playpen, wheel barrow, tink een, Toll -- 7 See LOST AND FOUND Cooper-Smith so aaa OEOR TY ae Smooth top mattresses 29.95 jenan. Telephone aba FROBEL -- MONTESSORI [ARE YOU INTERESTED "in earning Re pgnt y ON | : ' ; -pc. chesterfi Hi joney for ristmas? 1 r BIBTHE AND DEATHS co Free Pick-Up and Delivery and Radio Service Oshawa Yachthaven hee ee tas co nee Mare) ok boning begiieits Couher Giee Gennes nes Benin 623 5 RAY DE NICATION | a , $ 'ounselor fine. h ee Angus-Graydon SPECIALIZING IN bo CHURCH STREET |i. he agian Poierea "ter Registrations for ext term lasagna spies, complete rainy IN MEMORIUMS and fs i : EUROPEAN RAI 18 CEDAR STRIP ee <7 Rea TITLIEDLEADE aemeuecapate | i} : * ick-up_ service Program. Mrs. Morrison, 725-6 CARD OF THANKS. | 723-2312 723-1139 BEER 728-6254 TAPE conten Lalphed stert and steering, bo 4 Prat RUTHERFORD'S 7207004. ag -| available, if required. For op- |EXPERIENCED full or part-time hand eights dom, DAYP ous | DELIVERY. SERVIC RE-UPHOLSTERY by expertss Eaten. EPAIRS yen 1967 Gator trailer, 668-2481 or 3-room groups, Living Room, WEODING GOWN cc complete, head-piece 8, pointment phone Mrs, Ploeg- [and machine sewers to work in tailor $1,500 dow SIFIED DISPLAY }___ DELIVERY. SERVICE | anes ree are alorkmanship guaren.|__13 Bond W. S76:1670 |= |) Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, |865. Telephone 728-2900. makers, 723-0734. Auer snk i a 128 FIBNt. Bertone room home \ de Bev orevious: 2 colt stimates R ise _ <j " phd se Sever comme po Be Uh phoceia tether Ronee HED Dj % Po aid reso Ng shag igs aap ee nap TOP SOIL MANUR reson re-bullly, furniture My seni SERVICE CALL 'ONLY 2.50 Ball gaa do ad Traveller boats.| $499, $599, $699. Easy |ANTIQUE igothic style dining room set/EXPERIENCED LADY wants day H. Sheriff, 37 Prince Street ie. fn age, fireplac Baek ATIC oie : : | ra E loshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue waik. Maen Storage Mend Supply Utda| terms Immediate delivery or | including buffet. All of solid oak, Please work. Telephone 728-4171. -- OPERATORS for sewing machines, Oniy deep, asking ANGEL HONS AND | No. 1 proceed top soit, lenmriMETECDE--Teapiaamona] kN SONIC ta Seg | "i THERFoRD's [SAY ch, oo Ti ag Mp, igre Rage te gd belaiake 9 am. DAY OF 'PUBLICATION ne Shae . re-upholstered and 16 Foor sai tri , with 60 hp Johnson : Pciigeres Covers need apply. Piece- Kins, danuarHsa nant: "coneslibd batene| No. 1 processed and blend- |re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate DOMINION motor and trailer, aeay 137 Pes sie 156 Si Si cree ate tye ee: call whitey 66 cid poh slg ae Shop, paid benefits, CLOSE TO SH publication will be charged one day's} ed with cattle manure for top tren 'Baiton Uphotser covers _ made Whitby Simcoe St. South PIANO ae Hohner plano accordion, DAY CARE for children in my home, |st. mr, G. Halligan ve glia ane wnerip 2 bedroom t insertion. ressi ' ing. aries N ay PTY ann USED TIRES, fT 120 bi ith 'hi % ve-day week. Simcoe South : BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 | stg pohodNativg sige pee TELEVISION eae ene, Lene ants eee King. street, is : my condition. "call "uss Very 9004 Chane 72899 tren. TOP lBABYSITTER TO 'IND 3 children, treed lot, ai 0 , very. -- . ; son clear-|Goodrich, 88 King Street | Ci Lee Sues Gnmeigs weal N i Aig BVBry ehdenvor Wil be moda: tbl " Sales and Service 728-5154 9 0m. 09 p.m. |bois, and id' and. 17" "runebouts, Tor| TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-(KITCHEN SINK -- porcelain, white. EXPERIENCED WOMAN will mind chil io, "Lie NTE tae, 800. and ¢ Todvand reniias te bow clancars 16 thal 655-3331 She peeetiescr tc __|ronto, 751-5242. lice, all makes. Free estimates. Call your|Suitable for cottage. Also kitchen table|4ren, any age, daily in my home. Fare-|¢ oe Aeeehane TATA? etter @ month. * advertisers as soon os possible, we ac- | ia TV TOWERS SP L -- @#foot tower|ia' mi ---- Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. and four chairs. Telephone 655-3698. well South area. Telephon 566. bara ept no liability in respect of loss or! APPLIANCE lchannel antenna installed Ie MANGOANY _ runabost,, a horse- . CUB TRACTOR a --"jn|DAY CARE | h aan v-sirteR required to mind three COURT ann ae h a er motor, an eavy du trailer partment size, Vik- and = Implem In in my hom ree Jamaged alleged to arise through ei rer| OSHAWA GARDEN REPAIRS fe TY Supply Limited, Taunton Allin excellent condition. Telephone 728: in Condition. Apply |900d condition. Telephone 655-3698. Marlon area. Telephone 57 person' tive' In phe Tas ag 3 bed ) Bee ver Esra aha Hoo ag be SERVICE LTD Expert repoirs t I} mok 2--P, 1] an WARY ORES nowmobiles, higi 9--Market Basket in oegeonn pone ni ine, aie Leeptans Seal: hie age, 'nail pe he Times ot a irs to all mokes snowmobiles, high oe own home, overnight if desired. N ' renin sic Tet of washers, dryers, ranges Sreeee me eons Au cash pata: ' area i. vexing we will take Pala BLN : English schools, 723-2088 FIPECTANT MOTURR or pensioner ie fot, amking °oF | 2 ' ent- an arine, 55§ King|"hem away. after p.m. hi 9! USE a pe KENTUCKY SOD ete. ELECTROLYSIS Street East, Oshawa, 728-5865.. $kI-Doo| VACUUM ePaiRS cali ee sooner g APPLES TADY WANTS las maa i hold duties and baby-sitting, Telephone down payme ee REGULATIONS BLUE GRASS @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 723-4641 lina brushes, ele. Pick-up» delivery. 's42213.| MELBA and RED ASTRACHAN 9-4, $10.00 per day. Tel 7250434. |BANQUET WAITRESSES" required: COURT AW, TIM! wi A jeminy acuum Service, Mal x require Ap RESPONSIBLE FOR trrons' tn anver., A\!l-Green Nursery ALCAN ee cares hol 7--Swap and Barter Pickering. re $1.75 a bushel 17--Female Help | Wanted |2Y.'0 person to Hotel me r 1% acre v TISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE wi in i ; ; LADY THAN. TH WRITING NOT 'FOR MORE Sod Growers FURNITURE and APPLIANCE | Oshawa Sept. 11th, 12th and [BATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17. tol. x Prev: oy Cente nats close to and ge a ees NONE IN TH is P a M i ressure systems, GO. ski HAN Poe I SERTION oF ANY iF a Visitors Welcome 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa 13th. Phone Genosha Hotel |sump pumps, kitchen and vanity. unite recorder $250 or best off mn prernes PUBLIC faip Ont weereineuie ey apy ok trade consid PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- 25-9674 ---- TOWNLINE N. Telephone 723-0011 on these dates for oppoint- |mrage fo, order and installed: piping f-| " ---- year-old girl (grade 2), 'MondavFridey, SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS 2 M. north Taunton Villoge she dif ment. tne oe a8 m8, trailers, H. Chinn, BABY CARRIAGE 'and larpe sized crib, Thicksons Hh "F Whitby Please telephone after 6 inn. 728-4389. B TAUN : ~ wiper es = ---- - LE y items. ae ee Sines cesar ves 28 FON 18 NOW bv MONS Lith seariments 191 Non- 8--Ar eles -- pe sering horse, $5, Telephone 576- FICK your. OWN 'corn, tomatoes, pep- RELATIONS MIBOLE AGED WOMAN required a 3 acres with si rd Le KAMSTRA Bring dog Ma iit tillers, our suites from '0 Palit Mey Lomas rt = tor Sale = guitah os nd amplifier, in sank Ra it ; i mi OPPORTUNITY Seton hae come i £4" two" wna Gelow "bein utboards, all makes, air daily. Call 723-6022, 725-9934. - amplifier, in ie of Roy Nichols' Courtice. 6 two weeks. No weekends. 576-2828, furnished, as nm the cases of dispio vertisements complete cooled' "enal ' SL Sorta good cendition. Telephone 725-5681 Ch ee ee Oe eine ces bed Bal a Bey it dicradlrd gines. Ports and .|WANTED -- Ride ANY EX-RHODESIANS uh he SECRETARY - RECEP 900 includi mace the nich the LANDSCAPING - |. service. Largest service in [and Rossland RaW. to ae Ret] interested in Purchosing:-- VIKING WASHER and dr le way CROP, baled. Telephone ed for professional A Feat . ¥ actual ace The publis and Oshawo by for work at 9:00 a.m. Call after 5:00} an original oil BAintIng by excellant canatiions "tsi anise iaiad poe : INTERNATIONAL Percale' wre commercial train. oe ce odvertis 3-5867. 5 3 ri insi a eceniaiicee es aioe he } \ GARDEN SERVICE 74 BARRIE AVE tAey wana Tage ape : Joan Evans (Msasa te) $75; cobras, eur Ge pences. $2. Telephone callvery. Telephon Cobbler potatoes, ites FINANCIAL A el Write Box 34184, Oshawa 62 ACI f any inaccurocies in 728-2791 or 725-4633 bye '0 @ ride to Toronto, Teach. Pewt ith Rhod eech Street, hitby. lelivery, Telephone 723-9439. B. pellet baad anes i e ze 1-4 ollege, Pape and Danforth : ewter mirror wit! iodesion ie - tet ABYSITTER live" in or out. Tel $2,500 dow ee eo ene eet 728- -8267 GUARANTEED REPAIR to ail_ wringer |p/riving approximately 8:30 a.m. oe mnotife anibossed,) $45; Water": [ean e Cree Ue A fee eon Dick oer own cucumbers, $1 per ORGANIZATION 725.0912 atter '5.30 ee ees workable, ne 1T'S EASY TO Er tore, Please telephi tinental bed, three bar stpols, 19 Fleet-|bushel. Base line near Ajax. TITS, EASY, 70 PLACE A whe aera of anges. Free estimates, |{0Fe_ itll bad colour of Transvaal (pastoral) {wood TV with rolling stand, and largeleResH VEGETA tes IN MATURE BABY SITTER > Homemaker size pond, « di ANT AD ntucky SQ) D [col etre or Tasaon. tS eetumen's Column | 312: Sik embroidered pic: Tiwana eee Silene pepe OSHAWA AREA erences required, call 73s" "et aut oll Classified Direet BLUE GRASS and polisher repairs, all ture, Japan $15 2 ef, & beats, ete Waller Hunks fi y addi - $03. aaa aie 2 > makes, new hoses, brushes, new motors.|HUNTI Seats St ee . 5eds, ma hia ' bf Dr erator: ve rile YOUNG W - 723-349 S NG LICENCES -- N SET OF BUNK beds, two cribs, two high|west of Oshawa on 401, Ni : . " WOMAN to care for 1 te : ae . All-Green Nursery os Lees, pick up and delivery. 728- guns bought, sold, and traded, Ahiene Pine Se ae oes ele thts. siroler, two grt miner Ross. cir aie renulteg. intelligent ond alert aes eo a ree, ety Wish Saco screeds binds rary ; iz u' , = SSE Pi 7 Sel hifi x wea, -----j Sod Growers Morag oe oes eee ve Crom CITY TY lee radios, rubbersy aize'&: vinous" PO"? 8) PEPPERS -- sweei_ yellow, California Rieeanful pepe tale a aca at aaa bought INDEX TO Visitors. Welcome eptic Service service and repairs. Service |wasHiNnG MACHINE, Frigidaire retrio:|conteiners. "Apply" Victor. Hone," North ety : nota Py ideire refrig-|containers. Apply Vi betwi e fi CLASSIFICATIONS 725-9674 --- TOWNLINE N [SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. P aan 4--Motorbikes dept. open 7 days a week. erator, chrome kitchen aalte, witehen Hampton, on vi conte TER North sory ~~ af Car neces- 18--Male Help Wanted _ Before prices ' 22 NS oo. Hea T: Will ice on calls, Walter Ward, 4 Chestnut cc Schick So Also T.V. towers, color and |buffet. All_in excellent condition. Tele- | 263-2046. : ry commen. terest rates v : : x Taunton Villege _|street' West, Whit 1959 TRIUMPH 350 ce. Gi black end white T. .. [phone 723-3703, shocaas a aerate with ability. Gage! you stil -Women's Column leone ae Rs Whitby, 668-2563, cOnAIDEA Bagh. ott ood = running lack and white T.V. Anten sedbihindialh tinnk banctie. Fi it ACCOUNTAN well you sti 2--Personal [FOR FREE estimates of hedge trim sauguosorce ------|condivon. Best offer. Telephone 423-2911 max rotors installed. Sales -- 12 cubic feel, calprioht 9A--Eggs & Poultry ge benefits. For eppoint- - ful Downsvie 3--Sportsman's Colurnn 9, demolishing old 'buildings, chain Surveyors Bro) CA idee age Service 9.a.m. to 9 pm Woods. Good condition, $85. Call = etn | | met Call B { naw Hon 4--Motorcycles [32m qwork Bod cutting trees, 260207 ° GONE VAN -- '4s TRIUMPH 650 ~ cc, iow" mileage. | 254 Ouabte em se Pom [3274 or 311 Dunlop St. E., Whitby. EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- MR. HARWOOD anaes incre se Business, et. that we £_Trailers SCH i, On-| Telephone 728-8318 after 4.30. : luebe: . - 1600p QUALITY < a White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 685-4752 . we require an additional per- ; 21 taco, green wool, 11 ry : : ¢--WMarine Equipment Instruction -- lorints "AT ontariy Sireah Ma S82 blue-| HONDA MOTORCYCLE, Model 35, ~in 0500. All work guaranteed. TUG, underpad included, $25; girl's Sele Picked up, delivered at store or home. 576-1340 son for our organization. Ap- tA fugue ag -- r | cs good condition, Telephone Richard, 6 school dresses and skirts, sizes 11 and ST eR ROR Sane Ra Se licants must 2 $s See aoe" | 1h EMM, pRnTARIC LAND Surveyor. 4223. sled 2s: A ' U M | N U M sonable. 725-2539. 10--Farme s s Column RISK maT DE RRaRIE pert gies de Hurry and si = : rince es gin St. ----~ -- GENERAL ELECTRIC stove, Frigidaire|!5 ACR i : 000.00 pl 19--Farmer's Column E. 725-688). Troil iC stove, Frigidaire|15 ACRES OF WHEAT STRAW -- un- FULL industrial experience and th ae }1--Pets and Livestoce | R th Y Ne bi --T roilers refrigerator, table and two chairs, also|baled, for sale. Cali 655-4480. ne 25 years ast Waites U of or S TV--Radio R : EE @ SIDING four chrome chairs, wringer type wash-|pEAD AND CRIPPL ee R ability to function as strong Call LO Eg pe ad al --Radio Repairs ing machine, Mix-Master,. garden tools. | picy CRIPPLED farm stock members of the management i4--Business Opportunities ss : 'Trailer Picnics @ AWNINGS Telephone 668-2584, picked Up promplly. Margwill Fur Farm, PART-TIME team REAL E! e--apente Wanted. | Dr IVING School @ WINDOWS W ELECTRIC RANGE, fivepiece au-[221. Licence 1007, is z The successful applicant will q at Mina 1 . ic maple dining suite, Frigidaire re- = 4 17--Female Help Wanted G G G ° Rentals, demonstrators, refrig- @ DOORS frigerator, like new: coffee table, col '1: P report directly to the General - - Li - = f ' J N+ 1 Eh cme ets stoc F r 3 Mee heen risa' Wanted Nico by: Police Commission) 0 0 oing erators, heaters, cots etc. LES SRR Pye Rees eer RIP My FR ee and Lives ck Openings available in Osh- pray sd 'oe! will be respon- % GIB 0---Real Estate For Sale i eee ge MEW Ra GLTas ra -- German Shepherd _pup- ; sible for the direction, admin- i sta. hurer Praperties @ Courteous Instru Tent trailer from $1995 with GIRLS' CLOTHING, sizes 1214. All in|Ples eight weeks old, $25. each, Tele-| owa and area to introduce an istration and control of al NP arne tor fale ictors ; ravers excellent condition. Also three-piece bed. [Phone 263-2658 ti d SeCBONE : a cae 22---Lots for Sale @ Dual Control Cars mattresses, 25 used trailers, HARWOOD NORTH. AJAX SALES LTD. |{20m. suite. Apply 220 Ritson Road| REGRET, PUT aL = Rie tet new product. Earn- ccounting activities. We of- bacReal Estate Wented @ Fully | d 8 models, in good condition; | Feng "¥RAILER, sleeps six: Con Peel |. 1 aaa 2 haired standard Dachshund --puppies.|_ Ings unlimited, er an attractive salary which Clean, brick 24-Stores Offices and Storage y Insure to be sold below cost, Make sleeps six, Complete) 15 Prince St. 725-4632 _|BABY BUNTING BAGS, perfect condi-| Seven weeks. Registered, from Cham- will be fully commensurate . with one mattress, 9' x 9 kitchen tent, i 4 pe 'ondi-\nion stock. Excel ond a half | 25--Houses for Rent 'on offer. No money down. {used tor two weeks. $350. Also one wheeil -T\7 TOWER tion. Misses' white Borg evening coat, ' cellent companions for with background and exper- ' 1 %-| children _of all Pr ee cont eke 725 65 Rentals available from $25. |Dx tralier, Ideal for compact car. $30 TY. TOWER -- Serene ay ten arene toate Pe lie : Bel oom M A ience, Replies, which will be ' fi abla eat ; ts ms P 4 * i amb trim; ji i 27--Rooms for Rent 5 per week up. Hitches made | 22 Cadillac South. ___ : HOLIDAY SPECIAL io. At aie ik Tow THREE MARES Ppled chesin esinat ct; rmstron treated in strictest confi : Work room, 2% Room and Board Gnd installed # $10 WINTER TRAILER STORAGE -- Oc). 1 vhlpstcegg OSL de ey hould dence, ace, large Ic nd installe rom i 5 -- Oct. ee JESTE e and one e shou stat id 29--Wanted to Rent 14 ALBERT STREE ir bee fo April. Ten minutes from downtown} 50' 11% inch heavy - duty TD CHESTERPABLD 'suites, Odd 'ches. saddle. $250 cash, "Mas bu are ge) education, drive, bus st a ' ns Osh fi A : terfield cheirs, laundry tubs, washing ei . 725-1453. Phone 728-055 siness experience, arid pre- 3 : 80--Automobiles for Sale MACDONALD'S TEXAC shawa, Storage fee gives winter mem- truct th double B2-13 ji ; ' i EP SOREL ANE one and pre 81--Compact Cars for Sale 0, bership to 40-acre parkland, for winter structure wi louble = machines, dishes, other household arti-/POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, sent salary, fo everything b2--Trucks for Sele Money t to Loan East of Bad Boy. sports. Cal! 655-9821 for full particulars Rpsinitton i 76. com- paintings trom" Mexico. 7259272 elietar ORSON Bene Alte: MUR SENN Ne en Oshawo Times with terms | 3--Automobilies Wanted ; Don't Y s etely installed itby. 7 ne 7 Call 24--Automobile Repair WEED CASH to consolldaie your bills, n't be late to save now. CAMPE! 1964 VOLKSWAGEN window P ¥ $ HEAVY DUTY SINGER sewi coz' IANCH. Reo'd. German Shen- IF IT'S FOR SALE BOX M34278 pute ing ma- Y-J RANCH. R buy ther Abie van. Camping kit added in 1966. $1,600 5 eg'd, German Shi seca ee Jack A 35--Lost and Found uy that new car, bost, travel expenses. | - pec cash. Telephone 723-8278 TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5 143 |chine. Daytime call 725-9332, evenings | herds, pups. Show mare in foal t Seas PP 56--Legal We feature second mortgages of 12 per RESULTS? 'Use ae jimes. bb chemin 793-0654 Nerchoree. Pants Pita Wosten t lb AN ACTION 72 §7--Auctions cen so first mortgages awailabie, con TRAIt H -- - oh 1 a : MyComing Events fidential, private funds. Call 7234631 any] 4 Ww. Also BR HITCHES made and Installed. The "Quick Want Ad Wa bi ed eg Nl AEN sovigies MUA Sa. ASO, | eiaeee CLASSIFIED AD WANT-ADS DON'T BOLAHOOD BI B-Notices bac ction Want Ads. -- Jeqipment"ter rent. 7.400, Get Fast Cash Seaiten RL Tolseeone Tete. Leds igh weeks 6 Seleetee Tete WILL SELL IT! COST--THEY PAY cio : , HOW TO GET IT: Hem you want in "Wanted" ad and PO Fe pL a ee Te ee, Re ee ee ee ee ee ee catia

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