Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Aug 1967, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 31, 1967 © 'Cepeda-Clemente |... S | Orioles' Double Punch Sends Twins Reeling their runs on four singles and|Billy Williams hit consecutive an error in the sixth inning|singles in the sixth for one run.~ ° against Houston. }An infield out, an error and« n attin ace The Astros led 1-0, but Don|Randy Hundley's single Kessinger, Glenn Beckert and| accounted for three more. ne \By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS|game lead over second-place Rare * By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) In , other American League| Washington, thanks mainly to They're touting Orlando Cepe-| Cincinatti, morgen The Robinson Rock--the met on, Kansas City shaded! Agee and Don Buford. da for the National League's} Matty Alou, the defending ae meena swinging melody that guided agi 6-5 in 12 innings. : Agee singled and came Most Valuable Player award,|batting titleholder, and Willie on ie oe Raltimore to the world cham- ance, 17-10, was making| around on Buford's hit and two but Pittsburgh's Roberto Cle-|Stargell also helped the Pirates pionship last year--is in on the/his first start since pitching alinfield outs in the first inning, American League again even/no-hiller against Cleveland Jast|singied again and scored on though the Orioles are nowhere Week and he was trailing 2-1|Buford's triple in the third and mente isn't making it easy for the St. Louis Cards' star to win down the Braves. Alou collected four hits in five tries lifting his d two goals } ; Bah his first National League bat-\average to .328. St |. gg 4 "a near the top this season. juntit ed eighth inning when|then doubled a run home in the ting championship. : loped 'a two-run doctie asd' Mii yrs Soa Frank and Brooks Robinson, "og smashed a pinch seventh. Clemente is a three-time win- 18th homer. d Brian Kee- Baltimore's partners in punch, That sent the game into extra| Detroit's: Earl Wilson, gun- ner of the batting crown. Cepe-| Home runs by Felipe Alou each. left Minnesota reeling with two jo has iS nlo extra 'ning for his 19th victory, was da never has won it, but he's'and Joe Torre had helped the inn' but not for long. Boo | ; : straight losses that dropped the| i?" "gs } 8 8 leading 2-1 and crusing alony second place Twins 1% games rte ag a ing ee out in on 4 three-hitter against the Wees off Boston's league leading Blair was at ee after Paul angeis when he walked Jimmie J e pace bon connected, 1" Frank Robin- Hali on four pitches with one § driving toward the top just as|Braves build a 6-4 lead, but the Cards are moving swiftly Pittsburgh came back in the toward the pennant. fourth and regained the lead on | Cepeda collected three hits as Clemente's two-bagger. Brooks lined a three-run dou-| jj, * , _ out in the ninth, \St. Louis downed New York = Galore ble that keyed th eOrioles' 4-3) of on ay homer Bubba Morton, a former |Mets 2-0 Wednesday night. Cle- BRIGGS HITS HOMERS : victory over Minnesota Tuesday | Yastrzemski, who had been 1 i8¢!: followed with a double, mente had two safeties, includ-| Pete Rose drove in the win- ams went on night and Frank hammered a pitle:s in 18 at bats in the Yan.| Scoving Hall with the tying run. ling a two-run double, that "ing run for Cincinnati with a the Garrard tworun 10th inning homer giv-|:ce, series. redeemed himselt/Whea Al Kaline fumbled the helped Pittsburgh down Atlanta| loop double in the sixth inning acrosse Ass0- ing Baltimore a 4-2 decision| with his 35th home run and|Pall. Morton raced to third, |11-9. In other games, Cincinuati|that scored Tommy Harper. e League against Dean Chance Wednes- teat 1 Downing |Then Bill Skowron bounced to downed Philadelphia 2-1,. Lns|The blow broke a 1-1 tie, John Willow Park day. : jshortstop Ray Oyler and Mor- Angeles trounced San Francisco) Briggs homered for Philadelp- E,.ewhere in the pennant TAKES HOMER LEAD jton beat the throw to the plate 9-3 and Chicago defeated HMaus-| hia's only tally. tors defeated race, Boston got an llth inning) Downing struck out 12 batters to score the winning run. ton 4-1. Lou Johnson and Ron Fairly 3 with Tim home run from Carl Yastrzem-|but Yastrzemski, who entered) Tie defeat kept the Tigers in Clemente's hits enabled him each drove in three runs for the j ski and nipped New York Yak-|the game in the eighth inning,|thirc place, one. percentage ' 1 jto increase his lJeague-leading Dodgers against San Francisco. kees 2-1. It was the Red Sox'|snapped the tie in the 10th. The| point back of Minnesota and 1% our goals for batting average one point %0| Don Drysdale, 10-13, picked Robbie White J 14th victory in the last 18)homer gave him the major/games behind Boston. -348. Cepeda's three safeties, up the victory for Los Angeles. each had two games Tommie Agee lined|Jea;ue lead by one over Minne-| Danny Cater's fifth hit of the though, increased his mark|However, he had to leave the sist and Rick three key hits as Chicago/sotas Harmon Killebrew. night drove .in Kansas City's | three points to a runner-up .343.| pame in the seventh because of hav tally: topped Washington 5-1, and Cal-| Chicago, which opens a cru- winning run in the 12th inning I McCARVER A STAR an arm injury. Ray Sadecki, 6- Sieg ifornia pushed across two ninth/clal four-game series in Boston|against Cleveland. Tony Horton aot cea Re Ads 6, took the loss. scored twice inning runs that jolted third-|tonignht, salvaged the finaljknocked in three runs for the jaime. McCanver. AsO ALBEE te te eosin for "all igan once, for place Detroit, 3-2. game of a three-game set in|Indians jfor St. Louis, He drove in both| Shani aos runs with his 12th home 1 al $ -- |sacrifice fly. Larry aanar aed| GROWS BIG PROFESSIONAL LOOKING DRIVEWAY {Ron Willis combined to limit! The | i living lend cari: | the Mets to four hits. 0 limi Ay 'te Alnecae deus bear REPAIRS YOU DO YOURSELF... The triumph enabled the|which may weigh up to 1,600 vame, Oshawa eee Roughies Dominate Game, | 'Cards to maintain their 10-|pounds. : sa kT ", we earn ae C T Wij e NEW YORK first base- game yesterday in Yankee sme PEE MS TI - . phages ogmtiens Pi Aalvorly ve hapa ag og nit » Oilers. man Mike Hegan and cat- Stadium. Despite the inter- § sat baat fs . ' r Beat * nond and Jim oast O in Over Eskimos cher Jake Gibbs are in col. --_ ference from his teammate, ' Take Home an Order } pe frome gin Pio faaea Lagat Black Teo en a th four goals lision trying to catch an in- Gibbs caught the ball. Red F Ore sihiee cdiy torus tatiana camel oy sa ug : By KORKY KOROLUK Although they scored just)and 411 yards in total of 2.| field pop - up off the bat Sox won in eleven innings, ° >asy-to- a ent a tor Dibcount EDMONTON (GP) -- Saskat-|four points in the final 30 min-'The Esks had just ight first, of Boston's Mike Andrews, 2:1 S| Ree ian te an fo ante oto Oe, thee Tae pert: teevrrel chewan Roughriders played the|utes, they dominated the game.|downs and 159 yards in ioial 'ring eight inning of (AP Wirephoto) 7 A \ : dealer's today. To get your copy of a free 16-page, fully ' Is, Chris Rich- part of stingy older brothers to| They allowed the 'Eskimos! offence, 109 of them in the first, ; i A 1S ries Thasteaied Deckin Rowing ate Mom Rennes Yan obs ae with SAKRETE cement mixes, write The Flintkote Compan: of Canada Limited, Department oT P.O. Box 160,- ag Toronto 14, Ontario. ; & pair and Larry Edmonton Eskimos Wednesday, |just two first downs in the sec- half. le giving up a little early, with-jond half, gave them 49 yards') The win pulled the Roughrid- MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS n | ' i Zig ERIN holding a lot late, and eventu- passing and one yard rushing. ers into a first-place tie with ball Conference encounter, but|were never in danger from any|peg Blue Bombers, each with Yastrzemski, B 480.89.149..310 | Well, Minnesota, 177 SARA SITET , j j vt ~ . 7 . & oT <2 ae ' ally mopping the stadium with They allowed Eskimo quar--Calgary Stampeders. Both By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS/18-6, .750; Merritt, Minnesota, 2 them. : jterback Frank Cosentino tojclubs have four wins in five] American League 10-4, .714 ¢ ING The Roughies trimmed the/complete seven of eight short|starts. The Eskimos now are WL Pct. GBL Strikeouts: Lonborg and ® FEsks 21-10 in the Western Foot-| passes for the 49 yards, but/tied in second place with Winni-|F, Rob'son, B 371 69 123 .332| McDowell, Cleveland, 194; Bos- Save Time and Phone Ahead the game was much more one- of them. |four 'points. ; |Seott, Bos. 464 63 141 .304 National League sided than the score indicated. | The Eskimos took an early, Winnipeg meets the hapless! Kaline, Det 361 76 108 .299 AB RH Pet. , ng ye sehen eyerg sd el ge Jead on a 53-yard/British Columbia Lions in Win-|Carew, Minn. 407 54 121 .297 oe 4 e "44 ben 728 6756 ) poy after one quarter as 22,197 fans|return of an interception by, nipeg tonight. | Runs: Yastrzemski, 89; Cepeda, st. 84 nD Ad = " Psy A v ine they Garry Lefebvre. The Esks| The Lions are winless in five, McAuliffe, Detroit, 82 Prt acre ne : rH 33 | JOHN SWAN ation unced back for a 17-10, lead. at/added a field goal later in the starts and have averaged j : Vastra Pa psi 2 * the half, and led 21-10 after/quarter, and that pretty well'12 points a game. leben! ote dues a Flood, St. I. $75 59 198 800) sled bas ai he - maner -- R WARE LTD three quarters. ended the game for them. Their biggest advantage, wis: yastrzemski, 149: Runs: Aaron, Atlanta, You Wish, HA D . SS With Ron Lancaster pulling,might be the absence of quar-ipoyar Minnesota, 143 yo Santo, Chicago, 91 ; ¢ BASEBALL jthe strings, Ed Buchanani\terback Kenny Ploen from tie Doubl a aancel : Runs Batted In: Cepeda, 102; Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3527. | sprang loose for 132 yards on 15| Winnipeg lineup. neuen' vempenes is, Kansas Wynn, Houston, 96 ' 0 b & f é $s ; jcarries and George Reed) Ploen was injured in the| City. th yeti : it! 10: Preoih stage St. ig and | ' SCOREBOARD |pounded out 95 yards on 22 car-jteam's 24-18 loss to Saskatche-| , ate nts ai mare ays gig ts uP 2 eure? 161 | i THE PARE DEES G $ WHITE & SON LTD ries for Saskatchewan. wan, and his place will be -- : ie iat Yavicresmeki 35: 132 PRMRIAS PMD) S8) CARIB, KING STREET WEST . . By THE CANADIAN PREss |, !" between, Lancaster was taken by Bill Van Burkleo, Site a aia einen Ganclanaltt Acros freia Maat HARDWARE -- FEEDS -- PAINT --~ FENCING ae American League eerie rs ys Lamphen| Tbe Lions are stil being eval Siete u asest Catipaderis. 1 Williams Chicago Mateen| FERTILIZERS --- SEEDS --- TWINE AND PUMPS " ae 'our "times for yards, and a uated by new coac m Cham-!,.. é gb aA Sen. Phila. | Cer Hostesses T: ; la denatoia hf a yo GBL |couple of times to Gordon Bar-|pion, who. sums up the Lions' gg rt si Ruboke. oetin tae R. Allen, Phila ' * re ae penet \1300 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa 728-4694"" bd | well for 32 yards. | woes this way: ica e idalobubaeiMisulcanehcalststritnes | Minn. 73 58 .557 1% i "We? | Deiroit 74 50 1556 1% Game statistics showed the We've got to get some new Chicago 72 50 [550 214 Roughriders with 19 first downs/folks out there'" - : HOLLAND LU MBER LTD. Calif. 66 65 504 814 ay Wash. 63 70 .474 12% P J 2 Ni k Taunton Road East ot Ritson Road Nerth (S Points), Cleve, en aos | Pearson Olns NIC laus, sb vacaver N. York 59 74 444° 1614 * etwsanrs teats) Withdraws From Tourney Boston 2 New York 1 MILLWORK & BUILDING |: ace vests oa 6 WOODBRIDGE, Ont. (CP)--) The early arrivals have had a SUPPLIES LTD. . ; Prime Minister Pearson joined|hit-and-miss week of practice nH Chicago § Washington 1 the list of withdrawals Wednes-jrounds and rain severely 1279 Simeon Snes Sorte. Oshewa Baltimore 4 Minnesota 2 day as rain dampened pre-tour-|reduced anticipated fan tur- National League nament activity for the $200,000! nouts, W L Pet. GBL world golf championship. The weather office said one St. Louls 82 51 .617 -- The prime minister was| Wednesday the outltok for the HARRISON HARDWARE LTD. Cinci. 72 61 .541 10 |scheduled to participate today|next few days is for dry, cool ~ Chicago 71 62 .534 11 jat the official opening of the|weather with temperatures in j 337 Simcoe Street South 'i Phila. 68 61 .527 12 | world's richest annual golf tour-|the low 60s, about 10 degrees San Fran. 70 63 .526 12 |nament, but withdrew and will) below normal. lOSHAWA 723-4425. Atlanta 66 64 .508 14%4|be replaced by Registrar-Gen-) ysos¢ players who have toured : Pitts. 63 69 .477 18% --- ee Srick pratessionain tte course rate it a severe test, Los Ang 60 70 .462 2014) Two tou! rofessiona's | especially if it.remains wet. Howton 55-79-10 274 widen, Wednesda. BIDE Aang the inte arrivals, and THE T. EATON CO. LTD. N. York 51 78 395 29 | '0 5, 7a the |® favorite to win the fourth } Wednesday's Results celled plans to cheer the orld championship, is Arnold | Oshawa Shopping Centre < Houston 1 Chicago 4 ; 4 erred oy 36 fabs Palmer. The Latrobe, Pa., star Los Angeles 9 San Francisco 3 oe Me part q yell : | who won the first of his 50 tour- OSHAWA 723-7373 Pittsburgh 11 Atlanta 9 | Wee He ae a Si, Lonis,|naments when -he captured the elgg Da hip wa | Mich ss, because of a|$15,000 Canadian Open at Wes- New York 0 St. Louis 2 aa eH 4 _ ton, Ont. in 1955, has twice fin- co wrist injury and Jim Ferree of|."> ey Interational League Savanah, Ga., moved to the ished ae in this event, in ERNIE CGAY LUMBER . LTD. W L Pct. GBLi sidelines. when illness of an|!964 anc i | Richmond 77 58 .570 |assistant forced him to return! He did not compete last year | 53 Albert Street, Oshawa Rochester 74 58 561 1%4|to his home club. at Southport, England, where | Toledo 71 63 .530 5%4| Among earlier dropouts was| Bruce Devlin of Australia cap- | 725-1121 Columbus 66 69 .489 11 |Jack Nicklaus, winner Wednes-\tured top prize. Jacks'ville 64 70.478 12%4|day of the $250,000 Westchester | a Toronto 62 71 .466 14 |Classic at Rye, N.Y. Buffa'o 61 70 488 14 | "More than half the field of 152 | BOWLERS WANTED BATHE & McLELLAN Syracuse 59 75 .440 17% have arrived for the world) ' . a Wednesday's Results |championship. The remainder | tye marer90 to 210. das BUILDING MATERIALS LTD. Tororto 1 Syracuse 8 |are expected by. mid-day. The} Contact .. . fl King Street West Columbus 2 Richmond $ jlate-comers will get only a) MOTOR CITY BOWLING OSHAWA 725-4761 Toledo 4 Jacksonville 3 |quick look at the lush, wet 723-3212 Rochester at Buffalo, ppd., rain| course. | McMULLEN HARDWARE LTD. 36 King Street East BOWMANVILLE 623-5408 BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 96 King Street East Look to MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT Corp. (Can.) Ltd. For Everything for your Swimming Pool Steel Pool Kits All Steel Pools Block Pool Kits Aqualock Domes Aquelock Covers Multiport Valves Above Ground Pools Sand Filters \ ! : |BOWMANVILLE 623-3380" WHITBY HARDWARE LTD. : | Whitby Shopping Plaza : | Brock Street South WHITBY 668-3540 @ Diatomite Filters + Vocstante tamper 10 YEAR éisenre ee Al Pool Accessories ond : Installed in 3 Days for Nominal Charge Pool Maintenance 419 Dundas Street East WHITBY 668-5818 ---- Low Cost A : partan STEEL No Down Payment . RE ER & SUPPLY LTD. AVAILABLE MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT | << (a WEBSTER sisi . : : roc ° 728-6221 Maida snc bs heag igt CORP. (canada) LTD. | Cabatts) ENJOY CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL ON TV AND THE ALE THAT BRINGS IT TO YOU ~LABATT'S 30 ALEt 'anne 668-4451. Lian er oBRUCE CAVERLY." 690 Drake St. Call 728-8609 -- Evenings 576-2287 A ad --: ' A t : x ~ wi ' OASAS Ue ear 4.3 . bos aes oa . a, Mee

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