12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 29, 1967 BOND MARKET Long-term Canada and prov- USINE incial bonds eased % to % of a - t Y%4-per-cent May fg Be Oe te EE BeBe hel lidcbadighchuhisbedsdadedudcdedel 2 I, = |point with the 5%4-p * SSSSRROReeeeeeeseneeeeel By THE CANADIAN PRESS STORE SALES UP 'TORONTO (CP)--The Cana-|; i999, issue closing at 91% bid F a t store/dian bond market was lower in d L, STEEL STEADY? Canadian department stor quiet trading Monday and 91% asked. a Production of steel ingots held|sales during the week ended ' Day-to-day money traded at steady at 188,933 tons during the| Aug. 12 were one-half of one| Short-term Government 0 f| 414 rer cent. dg week ended 'Aug. 26, a change|per cent higher than the same/Canads bonds were off 10 to 15) Treasury bills remained Li i ON oe TEs of Jess than one per cent from|Week a year ago, the Dominion) cents with the 5-per-cent July 1; unchanged with the 91-day bills ) epee ames - the previous week's output of|Bureau of Statistics reported.|1969, issue closing at 99.20 bid|closing at 4.32 per cent and the TO D AY S STOCKS 'OUR EC 189,537 tons, according to te:|Drops of 2.5 per cent in Ontarjand 99 2¢ asked. 182-day bills at 4.60. ad ONOMY Dominion Bureau of Statistics.|i0, 7.9 re . a A TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS 10:40 Net Output for the comparable week|Per cent in yen ---- istributed by CP | Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge of 1966 wos 196,076 tons. 7.4 per cent in Alberta were off- Toronto Sie sehenge--Ave, 2 set by increases in the Atlantic} §=©§ Weagted Immediately fee cme eu. z.o. Ottawa Poses Conundrum |, smieini, «aia sem] rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is) C Marconi 100 $S% 53 50 + Yn A Huntsville subsidiary of Columbia. | from previous board-lot closing sale. | cer sh Bi sere (74 674 er Hodgson Machine ; and Equip- Several SALESMEN 25 to 35, previous ex- MINES € Petrotin 337 $14" +% e men'. Ltd. will begin the manu- : f in si £3 Faced By Housing Shortage (ii 3 ee eee eeenrees | itne c coopehensve taining plans 10:40 Net | . = istampings and heating equip- hh ;. Saal s vm, Ch'ge| C. Westing $00 $18 -- By THE CANAD PRESS | t . tock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Cremer on [ment in December, the com- ee sag | we have a Pp ve tr g plan Agena Mg 3500 144 14 144 + "2 rysier pany announced here Monday. ey SER Hes Clairto: 4 , y : vIN I proe oY ae eee | oor of ; 1 all pr 3000 ie 2 2 + pee . : By WARREN BALDWIN | program of direct lending these;government policy is involved|The subsidiary firm, to be months ended June 30: 1967, Due to Company growth over the past 10 'Ang U Dev 500 73. 73 73 +3) Cominco ve | OTTAWA -- Canada may be|starts should total 150,000 this}and no final decision taken|known as Algonquin Metal| $16,355; 1966. $18,399. ; 00 305 305 (Gi , i er : . Ani , rs 5 ) Hi tee Argosy 1 e+ 1 | ne ee et jheaded for the worst housing) year, about 20,000 less than are|CMHC officials are naturally|Products Co., will operate in a| Burrard Dry Dock Co. Ltd. years we require additional sales-staff and pit $00 20 20 2s | Cons Gas. 1195 S100 10le 199 + shortage in 1968 that she has needed to avoid shortages but reluctant to comment. It is ad-|§ 900-square-foot factory now six months ended June 30: 1967, yale ms» 3 Crush Intl 100 $1194 11% 1194 experienced in three years. still 16,000 ahead of the dis-|mitted, however, that if starts , nti } $407,162; 1966, $242,006 | we are prepared to pay $125 per week sal- -Dau 6s 13 13 13 -- 1) Cygnus pr 100 $199 192 192-4) A conundrum of federal gov-| appointing showing of 1966. |this year d h the 150,000 Sound ie prpaeaeeg apg ae PERE Seppo Belcher 1500-36-36 «35 42¥a| Delta Elec ; 4 BOY Sen 966. | this year do reach the 150,000| persons willeventually be Canada Tungsten Mining ary, plus a sales commission. A company Bethim 300 620 620 620 + 3 Distl Seac ernment thinking at the mo-| But to maintain anything like)Unit mark and there is no fall! employed Corp. Ltd. six months ended : BL Hawk 2500 2 2 2 tl Bore Pete |ment is why cabinet should be|an adequate flow of houses | Program the carry-over this) __--_______--_ ie -\June 30: 1967, $514,101: 1966.| car is supplied, along with other excellent Brunswk 300 650 --5} Dom Glass considering a drastic cutback) ready for occupancy in a year) Y¢4? will be about the same, | "The modest prospective de- |$367.530 : mee : benefi Bunker H 5000 2112 21 214+ '2| D Scottsh p y in money that would otherwise |there must be at least 100,000 5 Aha ee oer | aed | company benetits. C Mines 27000 95 94 94 +1 Dom Store 'albe available to Central Mort-| units started i : 90)' POLICY REVERSAL Ificit in the federal budget in| Canadian Homestead Oils) Ty 1550 210 210 210 +2) Domtar 1350 + Ye map ort-junits started in the late sum-| inki ' terms of our national economic |Ltd., year ended May 31: 1967 ; C Nisto 55250 68 65 08 +4 D Textile 2 gage and Housing Corporation|mer and fall of the previous | The thinking represents a/~'"" ts" | a. "will b $362,000, 11 cents a share: 1966 | Reply in writing, supplying @ complete resume, to cont ee sae el ag + % to increase the tempo of house! year and completed in the|complete reversal of the atti- Modest de eager ubeoemarre ad hp Or rneres | nae Cent Pat 200 161-16) 161 mco ri 4 a worl this | d p : e by modest sustaining force this |$290 600, 8 cents. general sales manager. All replies treated in strictest Chestv! 90650 472 46 47 «+3 | Exquisite Sa-- ve and apartmen uilding 1S|spring. With last year's 134,000 tude taken to housing and other year. Our lendi erations) Dover Industries Ltd six | ' Chib Kay 4500 12 11) i Falcon 8% fall. The final decision has not} starts the carry-over of house r ; > * year. Our nding operations Bs Ad., six} confidence. Cnivhe 20 7k OR | Red Grain 100 $54 5% 5% Kaen wade and there will bel . ; ) n' S| social capital expenditures by|are a more important force|montss ended June 30: 1967, Coniegas 1500 65 60 65 +5 Fleet Mig 1150 185 180 18 +8 é | under construction at the year Fi Mini . less | b i staining "tivi -| $165.6: 1966 cine ye a a | FRE Pion sap 2 consultation with the provinces.|end dropped to about 77,000 inance Minister Sharp less oth in sustaining activity, not $165,663; , $188,162. i Con-Key. 2000 8% 8% 8% | SMC z 87 But Prime Minister Pearson |which PP _ about 77,000) than three months ago. In his/ably in house building, and in| Famous Players Corp. Ltd.,| General Sales Manager a ae at gs 48 | Ok, banat 2 t Minis son|which would have put Cana-| June budget speech Mr. Sharp| setting the stage for further im-|six months ended June 30: 1967,|f C Halli 2950. 49 48 2] GNGasAp 241 +1 |has admitted that this was one/dians behind the eight ball had! expressed confidence that the|prove t 4 ab 3 rt c/o Box 69 Oshawa Times E Mathed 350 285). 948 888 Greyhnd i -- Wlof the important questions dis-lit not been for CMHC's spring xpressed confidence tha e/provement next year and sub- $1,543.991, 89 cents a_ share; | ' ee ee ks ripe Pos, Mh 33", 5 |cussed in the government's at-|incentive program. It v Pete | Zovernment's large cash re-|sequently. Consequently 0 u r| 1966, $1,356,950, 78 cents. ef 4466 73 1 70 5 wipes 4 rogre vas ir 5 fi Inrasnectiv. ary ¥f . Con Richol "1000 18 18) «18 «+ | Home A 250 4 Se = Mltemot to reduce its: need for lowest: carry-over since 1062 quirements of $1,590 million | prospective budgetary and bor- Rapid Grip and Batten Ltd., Our Employees Are Awore Of This Notice! ¢ Rambler 500 Vas 1% 12s +7 Wt bay gk bed 34 7. ate +10 borrowing during the current) 6 : j oie could be met through borrow-|rowing position is a necessary|six months ended June 30: 1967,) 2) 4 4 +6 * * ® 6 S ¢ n z > y "| o a le j y " . Coprcore 4300 S88 PH et ome 13 3544 aim -- fiscal year. : a_matter in which high) ing. _tand desirable one this year. 1 $76,717; 1966, $71,341. | ule 1500 38 38 38 +2 s - "anada' "y Cstland 666 26% 26% 2612 | ime Ol 863 Ante hed | Canane 4 Hous Seta Deering 3000 Res Gees | { Mg Hi 28 lee se atv direct loans Pe those ° 'Aragon 25 25 25 + 'a! Ve 226-- ilding ying eir own D'Elda 38880 262 260 26) +2 Ind Miner! 100 1639 1638 + 0 = fie hl Bus ile can't be Denison 568 $72 71% 71% Ind Wire 225 Sa Se 1omes where money can icknsn 800 340 330 340 eran ee ia ee obtained from other sources for ni > Es ee | Paar iratin 0 0 140 -- : : Donal. 100m 2! 21 at + Fl ime City pr 100 $194 19 Wu 4 %{|National Housing Act mort- Endako 150 $107 10% 10% + Ve ieM rae wis 6 ae | Bases. Last fall when the gov-| r 65 165 1 3 +% seme ae Frobex 200 455 455 Me 4s a de tbe A yds IR seh ih --. a oe a | Gnt Masct 1000 125 125 125 +10 in is oe was $74 37 4 penrre <p ' to yeas jan' 5S 825 +10 R - 1h iS ia ad * nouse ullding uring le win-) i int Pipe w 675 965 965 965 bd | sl la ae 2 M3 = Hf : Inv Grp A 325. $938 914 Sin + Ve ter season it made these direct} Grenccey 7200 124 120 120 +3) ae VS $39¥2 32 392 + | loans av ailable to speculative randuc 100 565 565 S65 --10 2 90+ % - z ' Gravis '> Gk oo Ge on | ae } @-341' builders, those who had no im Green Pnt 5000 49 46 49 +8 Jockey C 0 --5 mediate buyer no 326% " "e ies Capa ° :. 00: OR HOUSING z 4 26% 264 | est ~ ' Is i Huds Bay 65 $61 6) 6) Lafarge ight aoe : It we ~ " dly eed Hydra Ex 2100 16% 16% 16% | Lafarge A 2 e result was a Dadly need-) tat Bibis T 500 61 61 61 + $| tera 2 vt alg 18% +% ed boost to housing generally ron 100 360 3 -- i > . q F « 9 ian ee sae a Th Ted tel ERY Ope as Oe te and an additional 1,200 units of ele i = 40 . 4 +2 oe 200 135 5 135 +10 | rental housing where the short- lionsmi 3 23 23 +2 ; age was 2 . oven meine eb Co: A age was and is most acute, In} Kerr Add 133 $15 15 15 + 1% bob Co B : almost all centres rents are K Anscon No ts Bie ae syd ae pap eee ee ee % soaring. 1 234 1734 12% . Ns as ae REE D8 ae lee 240 $274 27% 274--~% This spring the experiment Kirk Twns 4500 16 16 16 + Ye ML Mills p 220 $99¥2 99\2 99 was repeated with outstanding Lab Min 225 $31% 31% 31% ae a oe ee success. Applications were ac-| L Dufau't 6125 $10% 102 10%--%, MEPC 100 315 315 315 --10 § ss. App s Lakehead 1000 22% 22% 22% par: setae 19 pbs 27 lag v2'cepted up to May 31 for direct itch 1 2 4 23% peo dae ip Te TS Non Food 570: S104 a i loans to build 20,000 units Macasse $20 "5 5 5 + 8 Montex w 1209 rie 7 1 s whic a i techy they .were jadsen 184 (184 «184 +17 3294 32he «+ *% started in J d y, § Mc Adam 1000 43 43 43 Morse B 25 $2434 2°54 2494 bg Seay tae cota uy Rah ed McWat 500 5} 651 «$1 +2) Murphy SS nae Me | a r occupancy by | Midri 7250 187 182 185 +10 | Nabrs Dig 100 435 435 475 +5 end of the year, easing the 1967 Nin-Ore oo 11 10 1) + | Ni Contain 100 $834 824 824 shortages ee Mogul Min 100 385 385 385 +5 Noranda 120 $56% 56% S6%--'% © e aS MalMI 1000 142 142 (142 oe a es _ ee ue 12% +. For this and other direct -- ealon 3000 7 Ss , Ma 234 23%4 + Ye ani " No Herrl 75 218 2% a eg *| Ocean Cm $20'4 20 20.4 tong a hous- \ N Imperal "1700 340 335 335 +35 Ogilvie 250 $13 13 13 --v\ing for low income groups 6 Newlund 1000 16 15¥2 15% 4, Oshawa A 215 $43¥2 43% 434-4 which is a different type of Newnor 14 (1% 134 + ¥2| Overland A A 4 ay SR activity. Parl t the zed N Que Ragl 200 485 485 485 --10 Pac Pete 300 $163 163% 16% ac ily. arliament authorize & N Senator 3500 32 30 3+ 3 ie A AS ead Central Mortgage and Hous-| or! 7 oe eA ' a Cor ¢ >| 5501 Normans ro ae Bd 3 Price Com 307 $11%4 11% 1134 ing Corporation to lend $550 Northaat ees a0 795 80S +5 GN Gas gin fio 30. 10 : million dollars in the;year. Up BAC -T0-SC aske 4 9 a "e " at+% » 9 illi j . Opemska 225 $10 10 10 K Nodwell 200 240. 240 | 240 fo Jilly. oy) aon noe HOOL and BACK HOME AGAIN VALU Osisko 1000 86 S66 Rockower 100 $7% 7% 7%+%| gage money had been supplied Paramag 8 | Revel pink Ae ee em private building. But if the Paine "Beem 1m vd --e| Sara eh dae BL ES lgovermment co diates ther " " a ce. Exp 19900 24 209 2 + ie 4 se i e +3 will be little more. The plan is r 4 riess 00 10 «9 9A | ® 1058 1058 i ai i Seay Me hat | Rerreae um Ro ags ag. + s [sist all pping oft im -f- GN, pine Pom is sais is 2 | | Shell ip as falts Ht 3t-- made by the government to WE RESERVE THE RIGHT: Preston 210 $19 9 ee ge ae ie ae CMHC. -- TO LIMIT.QUANTITIES Probe M 100 10 10 10 +% priad Fage§ 1m $145e 1430 1450 i 5 5 @ Matigm! 1000 124 122 122 + | at ae ii de Bard - es Sareea Quemont 210 730 730 730 phd 300 200 | 20, a0 20,000 LESS THAN NEED Quonto 1500 6 6 --%! Simpeon nd aie ual The cutback will make no s eet Radiore 1000 56 55 6+ 2 tbl ugg S$ 115 $19% 1912 192-- % n Rayrock S00 124 124 12a 41 | Slater SH 170 $10% 10% 10% --\\ difference to the number of oo : Rio Algom 872 $32 31% 31% -- | Sree wt te a eee houses ready for occupancy this 8%"xN" Ruled Sugg. List 29¢ each % 24 Ba? , Coa me Steel Can 925 $232 234 2312 year and therefore to the cur- San Anton! 2000 24 23 23 hating | : % 18% °8%--% rent housing shortages. Nor Suptest od $0 $25 25 25 - id nae aie a ee ek ee Ty Tee 270 $214 29% 29% + %4/ Will it affect the better showing ASSORTED SIZES FOR Sherritt 700 440,460, 440 Thom NP 220 $3 su 3s4-- a being made this year in the Pn ARCO RETNA Sil Miller 5000 17% 174 17%2-- a) Tor Dm B 137 ' number of new housing units Silvmq 1000 90 MOV 90 ist soca an Ge aaa tere data We . eae) ' \. : : B14 8 started. Thanks to the spring & : acme, yi as ae ae 3's) Trager a'p M0 sts 208 arted, 'Thanks to the spring WEBSTER'S Sod Cont 2000 of ee 8 | rece Ae ee te " \ 3 7 a 31% AE ee <0 375 43 375 +10 Tr Cen I p 150 $47 46% 47 2 \ DICTIONARY T > be bd rans $21% 21% 2 fone" ae tn 2) Geeta ade eS AWas GUARANTEED QUALITY pianists Tribag 300 116 11S 116 ua eae pe se 2 \ |S SS ARR IE RRL RN RERUN RR Trin Chib 1000 17% 17% 17% Varaat = . U Buffad" 33800 62 55 4) +6] wei . Un Keno 700 650 6a 640 10 | waypehyr A\ Canadian Made Upp Can 4500 15) 141150 Wastc'st : : j KING PEN Urban Q 100 13 «213°«1 ares 280 $26 26 26 + Me by Viger © io ite ton oad ba) Went, gs 7 PAS i 1 4 y 3 1 } 1 + Va West Mine Nao ait" ait' ait | W esn'seed'auno 38 a 388s . : Pack of 8 assorted coloured PENS ¢ Willey a RE a W Pacific 475 $64 64 bi4 : MEN'S POCKET COMB marking pens FOR he a 0 ne 4a] See eee Wr Her 30 ' Va 18Va * : ; 1 Dee Pith ee es a we ae Wstn disp 21 8854 854 85 $ LADIES' CURL or PURSE COMB : Sugg. Special Retail Price 99¢ Yukon € 3800 130 128 130 +9! White Pes $25 slave 18 ; 1 ea ne ERP eA Woodwd A 200 $15¥@ 1 ui OILS GAS Zellers 20 $34 2 3 to ul PLASTIC . "Can di " en 100 220 0" 220 Alminex 320 'S15. 515 S15 Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,606,000 $ B : ASSORTED c agian Am Led 500.17 7 +% oR TRADI CS Pete 14 226 26 26 +1) multi-w Wgae er est ear COLORED F U C Ex Gas 500 455 455 455 | Nerthaste 180 ean ing 4 C Homestd 500 335 335 can sup 0 eer ee Un Keno 200 850 850 850 FOR SCHOOL, HOME or the OFFICE PEN dn Tricnt 100 850 859 850 -- cae "Rueeanes i Cent. Del 1696. $22\% Fi ok gr or more Air, Mau OTE € West P $00 150 150 150 --3 PRODUCE 1 Dynamic 200 205 +5) NIAGARA French Pt +5 Bites i TORONTO (CP)--Wholesale 4 Scurry Rn Spoon Triad Oil U Canso Vandoo W Decaita INDUSTRIALS Abitibi Acklands Alte Gas p Algome St Alcen Alcan pr Anglo-cn Anthes A Argus Argus 8 pr Argus C pr Asbestos Ashdwn B Atl Sugar BACM Ind Benk Mii Benk NS Bertaco Beaver L Bell Phne Bramalef™ Brazilian BA Oil BC Forest BC Phone Br Inti Fin Burne Fads CAE ind Calgary P Caigy 540 p Cen Cem p Can Iron Can Perm CSL Cdn Brew Cc Brew Ap Cc Brew Bp CB Alum A cB AI AW cB Al Bw C Curtiss Cdn Equty Cn Food 2p € Found pr. € Found ¢ Goldale i 00 6 612 614 750 284 280 264 +9 87 87 +3 ers: +4/to reiai) carton eggs average! weighted prices quoted by the 2 department of agriculture as of 4 --~4,, Monday: medium 38.0; A small 27.5 Eggs: Wholesale pit t | 2 Manele fibre get NIAGARA FINAN CE | 9 country 3 + 5 > a ar 5 quoted by the Toronto Board of '4 4¥a +12, Trade from wholesale egg deal- COMPANY LIMITED Extra large 43; large 38- 286 KING STR w. Rs a iG 39: medium 28; small 19; B 27; ai e A large 47.6; A oe She 10%e 10% 2" 300 $27% 37% 3 100 $934 934 934 150 $30% 30% 30% -- % mo sis 18 15 $0 $4d¥o 44V9 44' +114 14 $10% 10% 104+ % 100: $23% 23% 23% + % 225 $7 7 7 $00 $12. 12 1000 $11% 457 $13 3 298 $1494 14% 400 415 405 50 $342 3412 MA-- a 2538 $47%--@ 47% 477 400 $12% 12% 124 + Ve 750 $112 11% 11% 1087 $38¥2 38% 38%-- Ve 250 $20 20 25 $66 66 66 300 160 160 160 +8 150 $168 16% 16% 200 $118 1158 115% 575 $24¥e Ue 24% 10 $109 109 109 3% $25 2525 ' 250 $212 21% 21% 2110 $11% 11% 11% | 50 $31% 31% 31% | 1966 $82 8% BM -- ta! 50 $382 3 BWa-- WO $4534 45% 45% 1% 100 $16% 16% 164+ % 9 9 %75 7S =a 750 9 9 9 3000 110 105 110 +8) 100 350 350 350 +8 "a & 210 $6% 6% 6% 22 $15 3 618 10 31) 1) oe AUDITORS STARTING SALARY $5,850--$6,434 DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL Qualifications: --Successtul completion of secondary school education and five years' experience in Accounting, Financial, Collection or Trust Work : Excellent promotional opportunities in Canada wide orgon- ization, with salaries up to $9,000. depending upon qualification REVENUE, TAXATION BELLEVILLE For further information apply to: D of National R , Taxation New Federal Building--11 Station Street Belleville, Ontario Phone: 698-6424 150z. REGULAR and T SELF-STYLING Hig J CLOTE sna" TCREST stn HAIRSPRAY 2,TQ Jomo SO' 89° BACK HOME AGAIN SUPER SPECIAL! /~S"es i ALF | BATHROOM ea he ci (Cee Tl $$ U E i LIMITED QUANTITIES ON Sugg. Retail 2 for 31¢ WHITE, PINK, YELLOW and AQUA THIS HALF PRICE SPECIAL! THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT ALL GUARDIAN DRUG STORES Jury and LOVELL Lid. BOWMANVILLE ROSSLYN PLAZA 317 BR 2 KING ST. EAST 8 KING STREET E. sas & sp ab W, 530 SIMCOE STREET S. OCK STREET S. 623-3361 723-2245 728-4668 725-3546 WHY 668.3304 FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY OSHAWA hrocwnrnerratmstt Accounto WILLIAM C. ed Accountar Telephone Os HOPKINS, B ed Accountar ing, 187 King tario, 725-3509 Beadle CA; YALE, FRIE tered Accoun Bankruptcy, Oshawa, 728- GORDON R. Accountant, § ping Centre. BOB CLAN Complete boc coe Street N. THOUSANDS fied ads daily JOSEPH GU' fant, License East. Teleph Blueprint BELL DRAf Ltd., 522 Sir Blueprinting | Building No | Mont Rer @ Bo @ Ki @ Re @ Go A new awa's O1 Call Tod KASSING Call tode 7 ROOFING, hi repairs, large Roofing and ALL TYPES chimneys, € masonry. Gor TAX! DRIVE of age, full a Whitby. Telep CLA WORD ADS Cash -- 1 in additional we tive insertion: tional words tive insertion: tional words Charge--10 | if not paid v Method of C words counts initial, figure one word; p words, BIRTHS -- D SOCIAL NOT $2.50 per ins tional charge IN MEMORIL $2.50. for th each thereaf verse; 25c ad within 8 day CARDS OF TI charge if not COMING EVE $2.38 per inc first 20 word (Word Ads). AUCTION SA $2.38 PER IN WORD ADS 4 p.m. DAY | LOST AND F ? a.m, DAY BIRTHS AND 9 am, DAY IN MEMORIL CARD OF Tr 4 p.m. DAY CLASSIFIED I 1 column--4 umns or large CANCELLAT! CORRECTION 9 am. DAY Any adverti publication v insertion, BOX NUMBE! While every forword repli advertisers a: damaged alle failure or de plies however gence or oth de responsibl in 20 days. Ri THE OSHAW RESPONSIBLE TISEMENTS THA Ww THAN ONE VERTISEMEN PRICE CHAI SERTION IN The Oshawa -- classify adve oroper classif In the cases The Times w for more spi actual error endeavor to matter corre: of advertisen any form are It's | TIMES Cal | CLA' 1--Women's 2--Personal 3~Sportsmar torcych 4--Motorcyc! 5--Trailers 6--Merine E 7--Swap an 8--Articles f 9--Market B 12~Articles V 13--Articies fi 14--Busines? 15--Employme 16--Agents W 17--Female + 18--Male Hel; 19--Male or 20--Real Este 20a--Summer 21\--Farms fo! 22--Lots 23--Real . Este 24--Stores Of 25--Houses fo 26--Apartmen 26a--Expo A 27---Rooms fo 28--Room an 29--Wanted te 30--Automobil 31!--Compact 32--Trucks fo 3--A\ 35--Lost and 36--Legal 37--Auetions oming E lotiees: