1G Tomvarun.siinrtown 6" __) GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS | -- SATURDAY, AUG, 26 Rhodesia Fights by disguising its exports as goods from South Africa, Moz- ambique and Malawi. The economic sanctions jagainst Rhodesia" were lendorsed by the United Nations jafter the colony declared its independence from Britain in |November, 1965, after failing to come to any agreement on allowing its big Negro majority an effective voice in govern- ment. Oil was reaching Rhodesia jfrom a big international com- ~ {pany with large interests in 4 |Britain via one of its related companies in South Africa, the "HUG FOR A CHANNEL SWIMMER ~ |comsn" Chennel. The landlady, Mrs. | "Rhodesia needs New York City police of- to sell six ficer Thomas John Hetzel, Garnet Martin, gave Hetzel |commodities--Tobacco, sugar, 31, gets a hug at Dover, the rose. He made the swim asbestos, copper, chrome and England, today from his in 18 hours end 57 minutes. ae Pe says. ' English landlady after his ; a | "Only. sugar has looked any- : (AP_ Wirephoto) thing like hopeless; investiga- the English swim across | tions in Rhodesia and calcula- |tions from world markets indi- cate that Rhodesia is selling all the asbestos and copper she sold before, around one-third of Archbishop Visits Expo Before Returning To Rome is: """"" OTTAWA (CP) -- Archbishop, In 33 days he travelled 7,400 . Sergio Pignedoli has been the/miles through Western Canada Canada To Continue) Pope's man in Ottawa for the|in a Volkswagen, stoppping at last three years. Sunday he leftlevery mission and diocese NATO and NORAD Canada for a new post in along the way. Rome, but managed to take in| The next leg of his whirlwind) TORONTO (CP) -- Canada one last quick look at Expo 67, |journey took him up to Alaska will continue to participate in As apostolic delegate to Can-|by ferry, back down through both NORAD and NATO, Exter- ada since July, 1964, he hasithe Yukon by car, through the nal Affairs Minister Martin said been the Roman Catholic northern end of the Prairies|Saturday in an apparent reply Church's official representative|and back to Winnipeg. Along |to suggestions earlier this to Canadian Catholic Church's|the way he visited developing)month from Dalton Camp, official representative to Cana-|settlements and Indian missions|Progressive Conservative party dian Catholics, distinguished|in Alberta, Saskatchewan and/president, that Canada with- himself in Ottawa diplomatic' Manitoba. draw from both bodies. circles with an ease and.charm| On Saturday in his study he! Mr. Martin was speaking at envied by many fellow diplo-;summarized some of his the Canadian National Exhibi- mats. impressions of Canada. tion International Day lunch- The in-group of diplomats did) He described the Indian situa-/€0P- | not hold his attention as much tion as a problem that cannot! He discounted fears that par- as did the Canadian nation and be quickly resolved. jticipation in the North Ameri- its. people. , ' can Air Defence Command Sunday, the man who was. Lhe process is going well. It would commit Canada to any t would be a mistake. to go quick- future U.S. plans for an anti- assistant to Pope Paul when he | é : 5 was still Cardinal ' Montini. in|!¥ in solving the transition from hallistic-missile defence net Milan, flew to Rome to become simple village life to the work the new secretary of the) Modern society," he said. At a news conference earlier Congregation of the Propaga- He feels the government is Mr. Martin said Canada does tion of the Faith, the organiza- doing well with the Indians, but not encourage draft-dodgers to tion that directs the church's more Canadians should visit enter Canada, but that draft} Missions throughout the world Indian missions and encourage status does not enter into the} This summer, no sooner had Missionaries among the evaluation of landed immigrant! his new appointment been Indians applications | announced than he decided to' In Canada, he said, he found ae ee red make the last of his Canadian people who work hard, and this cross-country tours, visiting/is important because it is 'a especially the missions in west- good fundamental base for ern Canada. human values." Contract Signed By Contractor SARNIA (CP)--A road con- struction firm has signed an agreement with the Internation- Pickets Protest Toronto Eviction . ' jal Association of. Bridge, Struc- Carried Out In Man's Absence |i: "20 anc' drmamenta tron Workers, Local 700, even | TORONTO (CP)--Forty pla-jbeen guarding it to back up his though the company has not eard-waving demonstrators demand for $12,000. employed a member of the Sunday marched in front of the Many of the demonstrators Unlon for more than a year. homes of Mayor William Denni- Sunday were owners of older "We held out as long as we| son and five other prominent homes in redevelopment areas. Could," said H. T. Marentette, civic officials, protesting the Claiming harassment by city President of Marentette Broth- seizure Saturday of the home of building inspectors they made ers Ltd., "but when you have a Matt Konrat. on-the-spot checks of the picket-/84n In your ribs you aren't Mr. Konrat, 57, left his Stei- ed homes. going to fight a bullet." ner Street house to shop, then The homes of Mayor Denni The iron workers' union is on returned to find wreckers son, controllers June Marks eine: BRBInet all members of accompanied by sheriff's offi- and Frederick Beavis and the Sarnia Construction Asso- cers had ripped out the win- alderman Oscar Sigsworth were ciation, of which Mr. Maten-} dows and doors and were judged safe tette is a member. | boarding OP the four-room But those belonging to con } frame structure aii. Maneerel: Ganmobel and eer, « 7 " ne n © Was ¢ 2 The house was ordered expro- alderman Jose ph latest 5 Year were prounounced unfit iated three months ago for 00 to make room for a low "It's unsafe. No one else rental housing project. Mr - " . ; could get away with it, Konrat; who bought the house thomas Craigen said of Mr waran ee " , o r $9 s . 10 years alae for $2,000, had piccininni's home Investment Certificates Mr. Beavis sympathasized Now EARN . with the protectors and with Winds Of Change ir Konrat "I advocate a home for a 1 +d home. I know there are no Sweeping Church homes available at $8,800. I lf, (a) think y st > "| i OTTAWA (CP)--Governor - jer compensated." General - General Michener ------- c fer Sane says the winds of change are for five years blowing through the Christian by investing in Guaranteed' | church as they are through Perfect Murder ih vont ime we Corticates ope ig ld 1,000 E T C it which are ut he told about 1,000 per- Guaranteed--as to Principal and sons at a centennial thanksgiv- asy: o Lomm! Interest. ing service Sunday night that! waTERLOO, Ont. (CP)--Dr. fe ear Yo fone? Sr meeting the change with Morton Shulman, former. chief change will present tremendous coroner of Metropolitan Toron- opportunities for contributions tg said Saturday it is relatively to the church and society. easy to commit a perfect mur- The service was at Christ ger in Ontario Redeemable--by -Executors In the event of death. | Authorized--as Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Church Cathedral during a pr, Shulman said a person recess of the 10-day general could commit a perfect murder & SAVINGS CORPORATION synod of the Anglican Church of «because it is all too simple to 1) Simcoe StN. Oshave Canada have a eremation certificate 723-5221 Most Rev. Howard H. Clark,/signed and once the cremation 23 King St. W., Bowmanville Archbishop of Rupert's Land is performed it is impossi- | 629-2047 and Primate of All Canada, ble to tell what is the cause of | called on Christians to be death." | ; s OPEN thankful for Canada Dr. Shulman, who will be a FRIDAY "The greatest thing a Chris- New Democratic Party candi- NIGHTS tian can do is give himself in date in the next provincial elec ya yee love for. Canada," said the pri- tion, was speaking to an NDP FOUNTAINHEAD mate who is president of the youth assembly at the Univer- ® posileasd a 'synod which sits again today. 'sity of Watefloo. i }2-Drifted, Dittfach Economic Sanctions '"2"" 6727!" | MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS | Also Started: Dottie T., Janet'? Dream, Bridgette Riddell and Armbro Impact GREENWOOD ENTRIES TUESDAY, AUG. 9 SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 2.50 up. (Weather Cloudy--Track Fast) ; : Time 145 1-5 CLEAR AND FAST n and , FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,300, claiming aise Ran In, Order: Communicate re : Exacter, (4) and (5), paid $10.30 WO VERE OB ue 006 2 Guest Speaker and Gandio FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200. Ciaim-. Tripie Al lance, Kelly X108 FIRST RACE -- Mile pace, purse $800 SEVENTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse 1A-Mambo Cafe, Dittfach 7.80 2.90 2.20 Tne Exactor, Spanking Breeze and Top ing (300®). Maiden three- and four-year- Caledon Colonel, Moreau XXX109 claiming $1,500 conditioned 2 " 3-Balmoral, Kelly 2.50 2:19 Cote; paid $16.90 olds, 1 1-16 Miles Gerden's act, G 122 amber Atom, Wellwood17.80 5.90 3.30/2-Armbro Egan, McKinley4.80 3.00) 2.30 Boy feeding bee . Cover Moon, Sieve 119 Fatalito, Grubb X11] B-Shady Diamond, Crowe 30 2.60|3-Dream Castle, McFadden 3.70249 i + Cloudy and Fast FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, claim: Lies N Lib, No Boy 105 Lione Head, Grubb X114 s.Merrywood Atcm, Campbell 2.80 4-High Patch, Walker Also Ran In Order: A:Nosliw, Rolly ing three year olds and up, 7. furs Miss Nowata, Robinson 110 Paraguayo, Kelly X117 Time 2:09 3-5 Also Started: Black Creek, Northwood | Octo, Not So Social, Eugene William and ja-copper Fire, Kelly 19.70 7.70 5.80 Cavan's Reward, Leblanc 118 Mary Tell, Fitzsimmons 111 | Also Started: Bonnlyn Herbert, Babe|Freddy, and Gina Guinea $ | Hammer Boy 4S. A, Boy, McComb 9.60 7.40 Aventurero, Bradfield X110 EXACTOR WAGERING) | Adios, Aceway Julie, Canadian Way and|Scratched: Joses Dominion " A The Pheasant Stable and W. F. Ed- >.Tripie Alliance, Platts 7.80 Sunyou, No Boy 115 ! Duke Bee Dillon EIGHTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse miston. entry Time 125 4-5 Rolyn Ed, Gubbins 110 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim: sECOND RACE -- Mile pace, purse|$!,700 off 10:30 j ; Also Ran In' Order: Alberta Sunshine ing (3000). Three-year-olds (Divn of 4th) $1,400 ciaimina 4J. J. Wann, Bolly 7.80 4.90 3.40} SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim: sky Spark, Be Optimistic, Famous: Mon: SECOND RACE--Purse $2,000. Claim. 7 Furs 'Merrie Dazzler, Furnessa.a@ 3,20 2,70\)-Armbro Gambol, Galbraith: 4.30 3.50 ing three yea rolds and up, foaled in Cda. arch and 'Sultan's Treat ing (3800). Maiden two-year-olds foaled Cambert, Gibson X112 tides' valley Duke, Vareoe 4.90. 3.00/2:Sharon Dolly, Campbell 4.00 a bo aon Late Scratch: A-Career Lady in Cda, 7 Furs Aberfoyle, No Boy 111 6-Prima Pick, Coke 40 | Ti : fone " rince Bunty, Bradfield 14.60 4.50 3.00 q _E, Lieberman entry Lutky 'sues Brownell, SOC Golden Jive, Inouye 117 Time 2:06 2-5 i Also Started: Fireside Adios, Rough 2Portmarker, Kelly 2.90 2.41 Renarlae Dittfach 118 Power Court, Grubb X107 'Also. Started: Prince 8u De, Royal| Sketch, Blaze Oregon and Roda oerueey eienote trite 3.00 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,600, claim- Queen's Wild, Grubb X110 Football, Green XXX101 Alex and First Joe | NINTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse Te eae ia Orders "Cohid, 3 ing three year olds and up, | 1-16 miles|Lori Be, Gordon 115 Dark: Freedom, Thomas, XXX101 Daily Double, (3) and (4), paid $43.80 |$1,500 claiming so rig Le rder: i erhad, Judge 3.\taliana, Platts 13.50 6.90 4.40 Etonian Golfer, Kelly X113 Bandit Boat, Kelly X117 THIRD RACE -- Mile pace, purse $900/3-Wyandot_ Chief, Feagan 6.70 3.60 2.80 bled Be iss Telso, Set The Course ands sirius 2nd, Gomer 4.90 3.10'Nachedash, Griffo 118 Pousse Cafe, Dittfach v7 Cisne 4 " 4Champ Tass, Davies 3.40 2.80 rr y ae i "| 9 5 Mi | The Dally. Double, Mambo. Cate C1). end Lena h alah Kelly 3.00 Advance, Dittfach je f auphin Bleu, Grubb 2 7Scottadee, Galbraith 4.30 3.40 3:10 Pet Al Mn Grattan, Wellwood 2.90) Prince Bunly (1), paid $64.30 Ae 'Benin Order: Tricky 'Scomp.(Cay AR NS Bey Tis" SEVENTH. RACE -- Purse $7,800, Al. 7Arn's Boy. Maun) $30 +, Also Started: Belmont Ernie, Lach- Sian 4h _ |Koura,and Bevercal Winning Monarch, Platts. X113 lowances, 3- and 4-year-olds, 1 Mile, Time 2:08 4-5. Janna and Lucky Sis ie CE -- Purse $2,000, claim Late Scratch: A-Paris Fashions Gold On Gold, Brownell X110 Colucie, Gomes 108 Also Started: Susi Do, Widower's Pick, Scratched: Ed Lester 'or lad oie olds and up, foaled in Cda, q _ &. Lieberman and Dane Hill Acres Eritine, Kelly, X10) Scottie Purdue, Jean Third and Larklie|Attendance, 6,195. $272,202. / entry abulin, Bradfiel . 0 -- I-Lady Kasha, Kelly 9.00 4.20 3.40 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- Gienyvar, McComb 118 Helén s 2Arctic Venture, Gomez 3.20 2.70 pety Sarge' ["allane and Sirius 2nd: ing (3500), Maiden two-year-olds foaled \Nrarron Glace, Brownell A:X96 FOURTH RACE = (Wie pac: Puree 7-Pretty Wise, Hale 5.00 in Cda (Divn of 2nd), 7 Furs Page Royal, Grubb. A-X103 SO i ia Gon AS CALL OR SEE NESBITT Time 125 3-5 SEVENTH RACE Purse $10,000 Confederation Year, Thomas. XXX108 Good Ole' Pete, Dittfach 108 -Leo M. ' 70} : - . f ; 1 4 18.80 9.10 Also Ran In Order: Tu Fu, Twilight " "« Briefly, Hinojosa 115 AcViseount' Hardinge Entry...) sso. 5-Myron Scot, Lambertus | " : Tango, Breery Breeze, Roman Haroid|eices, --\erendon Stakes," two year O18) wer) gee, Bradiiel dX110 {EXACTOR WAGERING) 1-Andy. Byrd, Wellwood 3.40 Representative and Maytown bl Mutuel Choice, Bell X113 , Time 2:08 } fos 2-Dancer's Image, Gomer?.70 2.30 230 coin, Platts Xi10 EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,200. Claim-| Also Sta Royal Oaks, Silver Laird, FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, claim. jponomereor, Wartison 2.60 2.50) moon Joy, Grubb X113 ing (3000). Three- and four-year-olds.'Easy Annie, Miss Trudy Spencer and ~ Purse $2,200, claim- 6 -Percussionist, Walsh 3.70 is 1 1-16 Miles Mighty Chance FOR ing three year olds and up, | 1-16 miles Time 124 Belle Bonnie, No Boy 118 re ie Grub ti80. ighty Chane ; neq d of enn Bel! 5.40 on pe Also Ran tn Order: Muziedick, Ova Beet Ne ee 'a Rossi, Turcotte 108 Penal RACE -- Mile pace, purse $900 OIL FURNACES i g tion, A-Arctic Fable, Son Costume and!) A Crimson North, No Boy 106 H : Madison Queen, No Boy 115 3-Wee La Salle, McLean 10.40 5.30 4.90 sn en Mike's Express, Coombs X113 charlaran, Bell X10 2Homestead. Valentina, Hie 7.10 550 SERVING OSHAWA OVER Assurance Company A -- Windfields Farm entry Bachelor of Arts, Hinojosa 116 4-Tom's Trailer, Wellwood 5.70 f i om's 'Trailer, 50 YEARS of Canada Ablegate, McComb 1 4 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 sry Breeze, Platts X105 Time 2:09 2-5 wee D and ayear old fillies 7 roile |Clalming (3000). Th Ids. 7 F Also Started: Sue Dudley, Union Scott 24 . ances, 3 and 4 year old fillies, 1 mile aiming . Three-year-olds, UrS| Royal' Missy, Brownell A-X103 0 : 5 ; % 7-Hasty Thought, Walsh 9.80 5.40 3.90 Dalton's Pamela, Griffo 112 lapehssenes No Boy Hil stepping Bill, Capetown Lad end Hi HOUR SERVICE Oshawa Shopping Platts 4.20 3.90/ Tricky Pal, Harrison 112 Pheasant Bar, Kelly X11] i ': 5.60| Thunder Jay, Kelly X112 [Altona Miss, Brownell A-X105 SIXTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse 3173 ALBERT ST. Centre Time 140 2-5 'andy Sue, No Boy 112 \'A--JE D Ryan and Liveoak Stable $8,633 "Standardbred Futurity' |4-Tanya Herbert, Herbert 2.40 2.50 2.50 3.3 723-4663 R Buena Notte, Jive| Clara B. Good, Kelly X107 LONDON (Reuters) -- The! Also Ran tn Order: Nr 0 entry | t Ph 725 4563 sagas Win, Breezin Thru, Winshot and G/len/| Whistler's Wife, No Boy 106 --t AA XX--10 Ibs AA 5-Robra Rosie, Feagan 0 3.00 one - Sunday Times reports Rhodesia Brencls : Miss Sweety, Platts X112 (% Hoban rte te: WP ronliead |3-Nancy Killean, Revington 4.80} is fighting economic sanctions Attendance, 15,383. Total Handle, $829,113 Naipe, Platts X117 POST TIME 2 PM Time 2:06 4-5 is fig Save Tuesday... on candies and fine foods Special Purchase! 29 Manufacturer's Clearance ! PET MILK Assorted Deliciously tempting candy with various fillings at Eaton's! Chocolate cover- ed hard, soft, creams, caramels . . . also many other centres. Good to have on hand in case of unexpected company or just a family gathering. SPECIAL, 14-0z. Box CANDIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 PHONE 725-7373 "Beeches of England" CHOCOLATE. = caro, Cream Dises } SPECIAL, (in 4-Ib. packs) Chocolote discs with var- ious tasty fillings. 'Angus' Seotch Mints A tangy ond refreshina way to end a lovely dinner or just for a tantal- SPECIAL, each 39 PHONE 725-7373 : lear mints coffee, mint and orange izing. soeck. Hard, ¢ fevitgd Grate cee . packs last a long time. . . so you can 1-Ib. bag ....... KE enjoy the full flavour, snack when you get the urge for something sweet. CANDIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 CANDIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 PHONE 725-7373 25% OFF! 69 Centennial English Toffee PHONE 725-7373 SPECIAL Peek Freans Centennial Tinned Biscuits marys 1.99 Delicious English Toffee to tempt Assorted biscuits in many shapes PHONE 725-7373 your sweet tooth! Comes in a handsome souvenir tin that can be used to store cookies, cakes and many other things. CANDIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 214 SPECIAL, SPECIAL 3Y%-lb. box ...... Le een eres ae and sizes! You can have all these delicious biscuits plus an attractive centennial tin . . . many different uses. HOSTESS SHOP, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 Reg. .90 SPECIAL "Denny's" Steak and Kidney Pie EATON'S Own Instant Coffee Keep a few on hand in case of un- If you like coffee you're sure to expected guests! Beefsteak and R 75 love EATON'S Instant Coffee! A SPECIAL, 6-o0z. kidneys in a rich gravy covered i for fragrant, good-tasting brew that's J k with a melt-in-your-mouth crust. ° SPECIAL Py ready in seconds. pkgs. | Simply delicoius! HOSTESS SHOP, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 PHONE 725-7373 HOSTESS SHOP, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 PHONE 725-7373 itt 8 | Plum Jam and Red Currant Jelly *Bjellands" Brisling Sardines for FE If you entertain quite a bit these will be just the thing you need Delicious spreads for the breakfast when preparing the canapes. Sav- $PECIAL toast. Great for the kiddies for oury addition to salads or even in lunches SPECIAL a sondwiches HOSTESS SHOP, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 PHONE 725-7373 HOSTESS SHOP, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 579 PHONE 725-7373 Caramel Walnut Square EATON'S Own Cherry Cake y ts EATON'S!" Fon ond o Ss SPECIAL Gul dese es or te ath rere Cte ot ae " Good desert idea for after lunch f sredt: whbi Tha Kids Have the Ts ch oe as 5 or dinner. (584) vista kcccuy Ez gong over for a party. + PHONE 725-7373 MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 294 PHONE 725-7373 MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 294 EATONS % VOL. 26--NO. | Captain Jim Hi; Oshawa Green (| ceives the Will Memorial Trop! 16 L In L SAIGON (CP3-- States suffered its | es for a seven-day | air war against No --16 planes--betwe and Aug. 27, the U. announced today. The 16th plane--a Intruder--was lost to 'unknown causes manc said, but ai of the loss was security reasons. The two Marine listed as missing bringing fhe total flyers for the sevet to 24. Three were r The previous high lost in one week between May 14 an The week's losses total number of A plancs lost in c¢ North Vietnam t more than half involved killed or ¢ spokesman said. In South Vie stepped-up campais and bridge destru MISE Five - year Robinson has and now the fe hua, Pepper, similar sympto insons say Pep