S PATTERNS ia A 4623 12%4--~22% Cool Off Smartly By ANNE ADAMS 'OOL OFF, and be confident t you're always in good taste this playsuit and skirt. Straps ceal bra, longer shorts flat- legs. rinted Pattern 4623: Half es 1244, 144% ,16%4, 18%, 20%, 2. Size 16% playsuit 2% yds. n.; skirt 2% yds. IFTY CENTS (50c) in coins stamps, please) for each tern, Ontario residents add sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, .ME, ADDRESS, STYLE MBER end order to ANNE: ADAMS, e of The Oshawa Times ,Pat- | Dept., 60 Front Street West, onto. ALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- the best of the new styles all sizes in our new Fall- ter Pattern Catalog. Get one ern free -- just clip coupon Catalog. Hurry, send 50c it now. OBITUARIES JOHN HUSAK 1e death occurred, Aug. 26, he Oshawa General Hospi- of John Husak, of 522 Eula- Ave., Oshawa. The de- ed, who died after a short SS, was in his 80th year. on in Kiev, Russia, the de- ed was the son of the late and Mrs. John 'Husak. He predeceased by his wife, former Anastasia Hresh- ch, who died June 14, 1967. is survived by three daugh- Miss Natalie Husak of Osh- ; Mrs. Walter Peel (Anne) Jourtice; and Mrs. James Ismith (Mary) of Oshawa. eaves six grandchildren. @ late Mr. Husak had been g in Oshawa since 1955. He erly lived in Bowmanville. was a member of Bloor pt Baptist Church, Oshawa. é memorial service will be at Armstrong Funeral eat 3 p.m., Aug. 28, fol- d by interment in Oshawa n Cemetery. The. service wf conducted by Rey, J. H. alev of Bloor Street a Church. wag e pallbearers will be: Fred cki, John Gabona, John dski, George Jureega, M. itch and Carl Dubina. LESLIE SZATMARI 2 funeral for Leslie Szat- , 39, who died in a fire Saturday morning at 425 't St., will be held at 3:15 Wednesday from the Arm- J Funeral Home. . Szatmari is survived by fife the former Miss Anna and four brothers and a ' who live in Hungary. . Szatmari has been a resi- of Oshawa and Canada for ars and an employee of gs Ltd for the past six 'rment will be held at t Lawn Cemetery. iGUE LEADERS HE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League AB RH Pet. b'son, Bal 360 67 120 .333 ki, Bos 466 88 148 .318 Bos 444 62 136 .306 », Det 352 73 107 .304 , Minn 397 53 118 .297 s: Yastrzemski, 88; iffe, Detroit, 80 s Batted In: Yastrzemskl, Hebrew, Minnesota, 88 : Yastrzemski, 148; . Minnesota, 142 : bles: Tovar, 28; Campa- Kansas City, 27 les: Blair, Baltimore, 10; Boston, 6; Monday, Kan- ty, 6; Versalles, Minneso- National League AB .R..H Pct. 1, St. L 468 77 162 .346 nte, Pitts 449 79 155 .345 Hous 442 54 149 .337 St. L 410 54 134 327 ez, Phil 378 60 123 .325 : Aaron, Atlanta, Santo, o and R. Allen, Phila» , 89; Brock, St. Louis, st Batted In: Cepeda, 100; Houston, 93 Brock, 163, Cepeda, 162. les: Staub, 36; R. Allen peda, 31 os Pinson, Cincinnati, iams, Chicago, Morgan; n and R. Allen, 10, -- HENRY GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE HUBERT MUGGS AND SKEETER DONALD DUCK YOU REALIZE YOU HAVEN'T SAID A WORD TO ME ALL THRU BREAKFAST? Big OH, BY THE Way, 1 FORGOT TO TELL YOU... «YOUR VACATION STARTS TODAY THAT'S SOME THING HE TESTS OUT TO BEING LITTLE. AH IS HIS ALSO HIS HOSS'S FAMBLY /7 FAMBLY DOCTOR!' ALLOTMENT LARGE SELECTION OF '67 MODELS IN OUR LAST HERE'S HIS MEDICAL RECORD!!! IF HIS AH FEELS ) AN' YO'IS, DEAR! JEST AS AN' AH'LL EXPLAIN BRAINY WHY --- TOBELI'LBETTER | ASEVER/Y BRAIN TESTS OUT PONTIACS, BUICKS, BEAUMONTS, VAUXHALLS, G.M.C, TRUCKS THREE IKON, PIVE-IRON AND PUTTER = | you must ge "J KIDDING «ALL YOU NEED [Sone HAND ME THE CLUBS! © King Fexmres Syndicate, ln, 1907, World sights reserved. BUZ SAWYER OBOY! NOW WERE GETTING THE KIND OF AFRICA WE USED TO LOVE, CHRISTY/... NATIVES IN TRIBAL DRESS, © King Fearares Syndicate, Ine. THORN TREES! VAST SPACES..« WART HOGS! OSTRICHES! AND LOOK! ZEBRAS! bala Oe -- JANE ARDEN THUNDER! WHAT ATIME ONE SHOT TO RIDE UP! FOR BILLY A TEXAS RANGER! THINGS ARE GOIN' To. GET SCALY NOW/ EVENIN', FOLKS.....Y"ALL HAVE A LITTLE SHOOTIN' SCRAPE? | { SECRET AGENT X9 Channel Channel Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel 2----Buttalo 3--Barrie 4--Buffalo 4--Toronte 7--Buftalo 9--Toronto MONDAY 5:00 P.M. (1--Family Theatre uperman 7--Superman p> RENT A 'TANDEM! "THE BICYCLE BUILT FOR 'TWO WHAT A WASTE ) OF GOOP MONEY 2 WHERE A WOMAN WHAT HAPPENED ? I WAS JUST READING I {i 1€ f PUT IT GARBAGE MIGHT FIND IN THE CAN SOME NOSY KID Tae «AND BLAB TO ALL THE NEIGHBORS ABOUT IT/ WHATRE YOU GOING TO DO WITH THE OLD Mt BATTERY, MERCOMB? Deg meets Spedern Imes 1967, World rights rammrvod YEAH?... WHAT'RE 4 YOU GOING To CALL IT."BATT-CAR"? eG | ee OHMS-MOBILE ?...." "VOLTS WAGON'? IM BUILDING é A"WATT-ROD 4--Perry Mason 3-6-12--Mr. Piper 5:3 P.M, 6--McHale's Navy 7--News 3-6-12--Seafarers 4:00 P.M, @--How's Business y--Movie 6--Gilingan's Island 4--Weather, Sports 3---On Safari 6:30 PLM, 1 1)--Plerre Berton 4--News 3-6-9--News, ports 14--News 7:00 P.M, Tl--Little People 9--Family Affair @--True Adventure T 2--Nows, Sports 7:3 P.M. Tarzan %--Lucilie Ball Weather, 4--Gilligan's Island 3-6-12--Singalong 2-8--Monkees 8:00 P.M, %Bewitched 4--Mr. Terrific 3-4-12--The Saint 2--Movie 2:3 P.M, 11--My Three Sons 8--Movie 9--Andy Griffith 7--Blondes 9:00 P.M, 1l--Donna Reed 4--Andy Griffith 9:30 PLM, N--Merv Griffin 8--Rochester Channel 11--Hamiiton Channel 12--Peterborough BVENING Weather, #--! Dream of Jeannie 4--Vacation Playhouse 9--Ceuntry Musie Hon 3-6-12--Suspense Theatre | | Lands and Seas --Peyton Place 9--Something Special | 4--Pro Football 10:00 P.M. | 3-6-12--News Magazine | 2-8--Run For Your Life |7--Big Vatley IT'S HERG, PHIL! THE LETTER WITH THE DEPOSIT-BOX KEY... | SHORTAGE OF GOOD USED CARS The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Ltd. TELEVISION LOG Fe 4--Andy Griffith 3--Good Morning | 11:3 A.M. |11--Bonnie Prudden | 9--Flying Doctor 7--Family Game 2-4--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke Snow | 10:30 P.M, : | 12-T.H.E. Cat 2--Ed Allen Time 9--Cheaters 12 NOON 6--Dragnet V--Hot Line at Patrol 9--Teronto Today 11:00 P.M. -2--Jeopardy 2-3-4-7-9-11-12--News, | ,7--Monev Movie Weather and Sports 3-6--Luncheon Date 11.20 P.M. 4--News, Weather, | «Viewpoint oye PM 11:25 P.M. | arch 1--Pterre Berton | | | 12-3--News, Weather, | gered Weather, and | a--Merv Griffin | 12:45 P.M, Pe Ns P.M, | 64--Guiding Light 28--Johnny Carson | ue te 1l--Marriage Confl- 11,35 P.M. dential %~Alfred Hitchcock | 9--Movie | | | | ne &--Dialing fer Dollars 9--Nobel Lectures ; EYE al) Graham MW M, --Fugitive | 12--Movie sis 3-6-12--Luncheon Date | Movie 4--Meet the Millers | 12:00 P.M. are hg P.M. | it | | pene rae 4-4--As The World Turns 4--News, he Sports | &---Let's Make a Deal | ews, Weather Sports Nevis 8:00 A.M. | 4--Captain Kangaroe 4--Midwestern Hayride 3--Petticoat Junction | 7--Billy Graham Crusade Jubilee | | | %--University of the Alr 8:55 A.M. 7--Dialing For Dollars, Virginia Graham 9:00 A.M. 11--Ed Allen Time 12.55 | (--Greatest Headlines TUESDAY AM 2:00 P.M, 12---Ed Allen Time | 7--Newlywed Game | 6---Pan Americana | 4--Password 2-8--Days of Our Lives 2:30 P.M, 12--Summer Scene 9--People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl é--Coronation Street | 4--House Party 4-Cariton Fredericks | 7*~Oectors %----Romper Room | 3:00 PM: &--Biography | %--Words and Music 2--Topper 8-2--Another World 9:30 AM, 7~--General Hospital 11--Hawkeye | 4--To Tell The Truth $--Uncle Bobby | 3-6-12--Take 30 &-Gloria | 3:25 PLM, 4--News | +News » PM, t~Jack LaLanne 9:35 A.M, 4--Love 'of Life 7: 10:00 A.M, TI--Little People #-2----Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 10:30 A.M, 1i--Expo People 9--Cartoon Playhouse &2--Concentration | Dateline: Hollyweed | 4--Beverly Hillbillies | 2--Mike Douglas | 2-8--Personality 7--Honeymoon Race |11--Mike Douglas $--It's Your Move | 7--Superman Show 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night | 24--You Don't Say 4:00 PLM, 9--1 Love Lucy | B--Match Game | 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate | 11:00 A.M. | 4.30 P.M. | 1}--1t's A Match N--Torro 9--Fractured Phrases 9--Movie 4--Truth or Consequences 3-6-12--Vacation Time CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 18, Excla- 1. Peruse 1. Abrogation mation 5, Amphibian 2. Ireland 21. Passe 9, Clinton's 3. Islet 22. Price ditch 4. Scotch 24. Split 10. Island of river pulse Napoleon's '8. Incisors 25. Publie . exile 6. Bulging vehicles 11. Malice jar 26. Lizards =-- . Oxli %, 27, Member lee ae SG OSS 14. Honor card Bolger, famous Saturday's Answer in bridge for one trio 34. Dilatory 15. Posture 11.Maledeer 28. Appear 35, Corn bread 16.Roughlava 13, Sand hill 29. Stringed 37. Solemn 17. Persian 15. Unhappy instrument. wonder ruler 17. Strike 31, Soothes 38. Immerse 19, H part 20. Burned rye 7s 14 a a 22. Apple 4 y center 9 Y, 10 Y, 23, Shore a y ; recess " Y re ! 24. Spanish 1, title 4 Y Y is 25. Form eee iy 27. Pendant 16 AT \'8 Y4A'? ornament 4 Le 30. Past 20 el Y a 31. Young TASS Y 5G Y Y horse Y /; 32, "---- Fair O7As 58 109 iy" 25 [26 Y Y, 7 33. ee iadlgea 0 Y SI 32 35. By sf vesin means of 33 Y Y Y 36. Scent ig 37. Idolize bes yy" \** 39. Iota 5 V7Aa0 Y 40, Pinion ZY (4) 17) 41. Stitches 7 Y ae Y 42, Fencii 7" ka Z Y), + AAND ALAST NOTE FROM DADDY! TT CONFIRMS WHAT WE THOUGHT, .. HE WANTED TO MAKE SURE THE BOX WITH HIS SYNDICATE RECORDS WENT TO THE FBI, SMART TIME YOUR HEALTH HAMANN! CHERYL () FALCON'S INITIALS §{ ONTHE DASH. ..IF SHE | AND THE G-MAN ARE I INSIDE--I GOT HERE | TO TRADE NO '68 PRICES AVAILABLE YET By Dear Dr. Molner: of a tennis ball. For example, I |had a bite on the wrist and my | 64--Search tor Tomorrewjarm swelled from eblow t0/jare | foot, I can' Allergy Specialists Should Be Consulted JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD I have a' t get a shoe on. and to like them) and other things) being bitten. lranging from serum to penicil- jlin and cortisone. ldo not bother me. Then I had alof my courses is x-ray, one miscarriage and the mosquitoes|hour a day, five days a week. | wouldn't leave me_ alone. |would appreciate any help. 1) I Only one person takes the x-ray jeven called an allergy clinic,|ed from the rays. The rest of us | but they had no suggestion.--|just sit there and get the expo- Mrs. R.P. Individual lsure, Could this be harmful? reactions vaty|My classmates would be inter- widely, and can be of an aller-| ested.--D.A.F gic type which seems to be the| case with your mammoth swell- ling. | Your co \found that | mosquitoes cordance with the phases of the menstrual cycle. |thought to jamount of jhormone. But the studies aimed at find- ing out more about why mos- |quitoes--and people--react the Excessive exposure is harm- \ful, but from your letter J can- not even estimate how much mment about notiexnosure you are receiving. I |being bitten while pregnant is| would assume--or at least hope! of interest. This problem ha s| |been studied, and it has ~that any institution teaching such a subject would include training in protection and infor- been women can attract differently in ac- tolerated safely. This iS| Monitoring badges are widely be because of the estrogen, or female contain small pieces of x-ray way they do is not of much cubjected |practical use to you right now. |" In spite of your lack of suc-; pear Dr. Molner: Is too and she is the only one protect-) (Top Record-Holder in Masters' West dealer. North-South vulnerable, NORTH AQT @O754 o36 K874 WEST . EA! @KI942-> 10868 91086 @AS | ©1087 232 &Q6 4AJ102 UTH a eKQI2 @AKO54 49 Pass Pass le 1¢@ | Pass 1NT Pass 2@ 26 30 |known as the Four Horsemen, lyears they rode roughshod over jall opposition, winning most of the important tournaments. jing grounds, but the memory of jtheir exploits lingers You might also discuss with\trick five so that trumps could severe reaction to mosquitoes.!him whether a quick-acting,|/be initiated from dummy, and A bite can swell up to the size|iong-acting antihistamine might/also had to be finessed so that be kept available to lessen the!South could not be ruffed down amount of swelling when youjlater on. The jack of diamonds bitten. Cortisone prepara-|lead was required to pin the |knuckles. If I am bitton on the/tions should be helpful, but/queen and ten with one stroke. |must be taken under your doc- I have tried numerous repel--tor's supervision, they/|tract. If West keeps his dia- |lants (but the mosquitoes seem) would not prevent you from|monds, declarer establishes the Dear Dr. Molner: I am aj Yet when I am pregnant they| medica, assistant student. One| mation in amounts that can be} |needle-nosed racer to victory used in places where exposure) must be measured, The badges! film, and when these are devel-| college scholarship and said he oped they indicate the exposure) wanted to be a mechanical to which the wearer has beeniengineer and design autos. | jcess with the clinic, desensitiza-|mych Vitamin C harmful for) |tion with mosquito extract has) arthritis? --P.A. | | I would |been reported to be successful, jsome of the others, does not ac- jcumulate in the system if you 'get more than you need, You check further in this use what is useful and the rest direction. See if your physician|is discharged. |can obtain you extract treatment--you very far from one of the bigjcommended every day--simply medical schools, and he may because the body uses or dis- find help there in obtaining the|cards it promptly, and does not this extract and give} That's' why citrus or other are not juice high in Vitamin C is re- isave it up. Territorial The ing the weekend says a section) ll of Fi of the Indian Act is discrimina-|affects acts that discriminate tory and conflicts with the|"by reason of race, national Canadian Bill of Rights. The Appeal Court upheld an| "Tt has been the policy of the earlier decision by Mr. Justice William Morrow of the N.W.T. case Joseph Drybone, 40, an Indian|other races in Canada. trapper, was fined $10 in Yel- lowknife last April on a charge|that (treatment of Indians) of intoxication. Appeal Court Decision Says India Act Discriminatory EDMONTON (CP)--A North-)Canada and tested fully. _ west Territories Appeal Court| The Appeal Court decision, decision handed down here dur-|written by Mr. Justice H. G. | Johnson, says the Bill of Rights 'origia, color, religion or sex. Canadian government in the past, and is, no doubt, its con- tinuing policy, to treat Indians afterjis many respects different from Court. came up "One would have hoped that He had beenjcould have been done with sub- charged under section 94 B of jecting Indians to penalties and the Indian Act. {punishments different to those Mr. Justice Morrow reversed| imposed on other races. the conviction. His decision was| "If it is not possible to pro- | upheld by the Appeal Court. tect them otherwise, the Bill of Brian Purdy of Yellowknife, Rights permits discriminatory defence counsel for Drybones, legislation the case now should bejenacted, safa to continue or be but Parliament must takeu to the Supreme Court oflexpressly declare that such | No. Too much Vitamin C isn't) --Martin Krinner, 36, of Mount- jin the same sense that desensit-| harmful for anything else, ei-\ville, N.J., was fatally injured ization can protect to some de- ther since this vitamin, unlike|Sunday in the running of the jgree against hay fever and other allergies. CHECK FURTHER | | |finesse and returned a heart, icien Fontaine, a Pte, aux jof the $25,000 Gold Division of /Saturday's Challenge Cup trot THE OSHAWA TiMés, Monday, August 28, 1967 15 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Individual Championship Play) FAMOUS HANDS The bidding: West North Fast South Opening lead--queen of climbs, Back in the thirties a team consisting of Willard S. Karn, P. Hal Sims, David Burnstine and Oswald Jacoby, dominated the world of bridge. For several Karn, Sims and Burnstine have passed on to happier hunt- on. To- day's hand was played by Karn and is an example of fine tech- nique West led the queen of clubs, which held, and East won the club continuation with the ten. East cashed the ace of clubs and returned the jack. Having lost the first three tricks, Karn ruffed the fourth club with the jack as West took his second successive diamond discard. Karn took a winning spade which he won with the queen. He now had the K-2 of trumps left and guessed well to play the deuce and fell the ace. East returned a spade to the ace, on which South discarded a diamond, and Karn then made the key play of the jack of dia- monds. East ducked and South finessed, West contributing the iten. A heart to the king picked jup West's last trump and de- clarer's diamonds took the last three tricks. When the play is examined, you find that the deuce of lhearts play, the spade finesse and the jack of diamonds lead were all absolutely essential plays. Furthermore, the timing had to be in the exact order chosen. The spade had to be led at No defence stops the con- suit by ruffing one in dummy. SPORT BRIEFS. FORMULA 2 WIN _. ENNA, Sicily (AP)--Jackle Stewart of Scotland pushed his Matra-Ford to an average speed of 142.5 miles an hour and won the Grand Prix of the Mediterranean for Formula Two cars Sunday. The race, which counts toward the Euro- pean drivers' trophy, was run in two 40-lap heats for a total of 238.5 miles. Stewart finished in one hour, 40 minutes, 19.2 sec- onds. SOAP BOX KING AKRON, Ohio (AP)--Kenneth Cline of Lincoln, Neb., drove a Saturday in the 30th Soap Box Derby before anestimated crowd of 70,000 at Derby Downs. Cline, 13, won a $7,500 Cline's winning time was 27.51 seconds, RACE DRIVER KILLED WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. (AP) fourth annual Glen 500 Sports Car Road Races near here. Krinner met death on the back- stretch as he stood by his dis- abled Shelby GT 350 which had skidded off the 2.3-mile track. He was struck by another race car officials said. CANADIAN DRIVER WESTBURY, N.Y. (AP)--Lu- Trembles, Que., native who now lives in Brooklyn, was named Tuesday to drive Oscar R L of France in the 14% miles at Roosevelt Raceway. QUEENIE er "Tf I don't wake him, he'll hate me. If I do wake him, het hate me..." acts shall operate notwithstand- ing the Canadian Bill of Rights."