ee eee | 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 28, 1967 i ANN LANDERS | Seventieth Birthday National Club VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mrs.| [Robert Orange of Sudbury,| iOnt,, was elected president of lthe Canadian Federation -- of University Women as its trien- Doesn't Kill Desire ron conference closed Satur-| A member of CFUW since 48, Mrs, Orange had been Dear Ann Landers: You'lljattractive man (also married) Po iniat vice-president for never know what you did for/showed me a little attention. 1) Ontario. She succeeds Mrs. M. me when you printed that letter) was flattered. "No harm in it," J. Sabia, of St. Catharines, Ont. from "Young At Heart"--the|I thought. "Just something to Wick. president @lbcted 70-year-old woman who !onged|brighten my life." Before I ues atte r L. Black of Mid- for fulfiliment night afte enight knew it, 1 was sneaking around, | Te Sackville "NB. for the while her husband (who had/seeing him twice a week, lying aK ers at ay OF nek gone dead sexually 10 years,to my husband and taking ridic- Bee ie 'Guuber Mre G. E. before) was snoring in the bexfjulous chances. The man swore) Bayes of renting for "Ontario, bed. She asked if something he loved me and needed me as! and Jessie Casselman of White was wrong with her and won-|much as I needed him. He said Rock B.C., for the West dered if she was the only,what we were doing was beau-/ BCs ° a woman in the world "up in/tiful and right. Then I began to Other new national . ay years' who had the problem.jhear his name pop up over are Meat ye ng rs. You said; '"'No. You are not bridge tables and in the. locker |R. A. Bell, of he racing along." room of the club. He was linked Ont , Membership Secre' rig a I, too, wondered if I was'with this woman and that |W. Trenholme of Montreal, a alone. I am 68, look 55 and feel woman. When I was told that| | Treasure r Mrs, Walter Little of 85. My husband is 68, looks 75 his car could be pig nied | Parry Sound, Ont. and acts 100. On his 50th birth-/ Thursday afternoon in Mrs. X's) to eee : 2 a - diy fe'tmndo on tnposcemen;gnage Crinureday was ber] ON, BEMALY of te 7, Brock, wall, tow git af ented cnt Brena (ng), ume | oon Indicat mclintag fee te cage Ped nr ih hag pl PE gece school teachers of Canada, Sev : Adventist with Mrs. Wells are rig w. SDA schools of Ontario and oman indicates oot gg en Killing them. "1 ca 'not only his car but the) J- B. Curtis presents Pastor schools of Canada, with a Wilsen (eh) and ME. it i as aan aed | P liti ] Ambition am through with all that non-|man himself going into the : : y. | FOlltica a eg Inimed us y i or. | rene." he proclaimed, house by the side door. Seventh-Day Adventist Teachers woncinie (obiaa ivi had.been married 27 years TOOK INITIATIVE old Toronto woman told a news raised four fine children, and 1! at es i Pag roe Bac Hon I Pastor And Mrs F B Wells ooateranes ae oe is ght the physical side ur) SPOt, bu on Lele aedatoits ' placing her hat in the ring as nee hore as of OUT ised myself I would go home 0 'i : |the 10th candidate for the lead- and work as hard to el dibte ate Approximately 150 teachersjele mentary and secondary jership of the national Progres- TOOK LOVER : : ny OATS eS - J had worked from across Canada, in Oshawa schools of Canada for the past sive Conservative party. After eight months of living/to keep the love affair exciting. for the first nation-wide teachers jeight years, has left his post to | Mrc. Mary Walker Sawka like brother and sister, I cele-1 discovered that my husband) (yi vention of the Seventh-day| continue upper graduate work ltold reporters she had filed an brated my 50th birthday by tak-|was very pleased when I took) ,aventist Church, met at the|at Andrews University in Ber- jintention to run at the Sept. 5-9 ing a lover. (He is 10 years my the initiative. It brought out @/r ing Dutchman in Bowman-|rien Springs, Michigan. Replac- leadership convention with con- junior.) _ [side of him I'd never seen vine for a banquet at which|ing him is M. E. Erickson, for-|_ : f vention headquarters a week I am not writing to ask if I before. He later told me he had' 5,19, aaq Mrs, F. B. Wells of mer superintendent of education ago. However, a headquarters am doing right or wrong. I just/just given up because he was rocent drive were guests of|for the Seventh-day Adventist | spokesman said. Mrs. Sawka wanted "Young At Heart" to sure I had lost interest in him. | pono; schools in the province of Al-| SOCIAL & PERSON has not yet advised the party in sig ae bind ty lt Peabo ; peice teal a -- Pastor Wells, superintendent |berta, and more recently trea- | iwriting of her intention to run, Tacs Rack: Plecec keepicheap and ashamed: But 1 of the 44 Seventh-day Adventist er il ene | Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor ve pages spoken by reading and learn how anot t my lucky stars I. didn't ventiats. . ae | Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Department ors En@ka dexoribed nerdall vig il nesta elke: ee fit to heat phe ae THE STARS SAY Speakers paying tribute to the as a movie producer, director Had INE oes ' : thee il + s |services of Pastor F. Brock) Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Brough,grave, Lindsay, and Rae Des- and writer, and president of ee See ee en By ESTRELLITA lw lis at the b t includ : sisik 4 Chae alten Cle Ee nee e°S"\ palmar Production Enterprises Dear Ann Landers: The 70- Home Where I Belong : Pa "6 , ft a hg nc ie ed/have returned from a visit to|maas, Chalk River. hae ts year-old woman who fell for the. Dear Home: .The medical lit- FOR TUESDAY tepaiel Jee sai e, eka ent) their son, Captain J. 1. Brough,| ah carpenter--or was it the haper- erature I have read makes it Continue to concentrate on ct sh seven vad is dventist | and daughter - in - law, Mrs.| Mrs. Alex Cairney, Stone-| hanger--caught my eye. I know plain that many people past 70\long-range plans for both occu-| © OM i Canada, and Pastor/prough and grandsons, David house, Lanarkshire, Scotland,, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Mac- how she must have felt, after are still sexually active.|pational and financial better- af ie ainer, a retired minister | and Stephen, in Soest, Ger-|flew home recently after a four)/ponald, Nassau Street, had as having raised a nice family and "Young At Heart's" letter,,ment. Where such matters are saci aad Wena ee many. While in Europe, Mr.|and u half weeks' vacation as|their guests recently, Mr. and| believing her marriage to be a however, produced such anconcerned, stars especially) at hie Taine 4 seg) and Mrs. Brough also toured) guest of her cousin, Mrs. R. G.\Mrs . Howard Jackson, of | good one in every respect, to be avalanche of mail that I now favor sound investments andi 040. ev he ea at @/ southern Germany, and parts of| Collison, King street east. Mrs.| Ottawa. told that part of her life was believe the geriatrics set is property deals. Along personal ™'S, OF ho a 2 st ned th Austria and Holland. |G. V. Lee, George Lee Jr., and} == over. It happened to me, too, even livelier than the literature|lines: Don't take "sudden" |? w tH neh the ¥ ae Miss Annemarie Collison went not exactly that way but close inducates. And I say hurray for romances too seriously right PFosress through the years. Mrs. John Anderson, Polar|to the airport to see her off. OSHAWA TIMES enough. About that time an'them! now. On behalf of the superinten-' street, has returned from Au-| Mrs. Cairney also has two other [FOR THE BIRTHDAY son, superintendent of education|qay Centennial Brownie Lead- KEEP IN TRIM your horoscope indicates that it Schools of Ontario and Quebec, |;ind to be would be expedient held F d Eni ment it Cultivated ahead with important plans and) Wells for the longest period of|inces and territories of Canada,\cousin before she left for her| 00 JOY $ work programs immediately.|time, presented the guests of} ajasia, and Texas came to-\journey home. | : Q ns of Oct. 1, you will enter a honor with a gift expressing | pether at the Anglican Confer- B E F kl ine cycle for advancing along|their sentiments. ence Centre, Aurora, to hear y Lncouraging rickie ALETS|both cccupational and financial J.B Curtis of V Pe | feared hee 'seas... 10 : ines, and the good period will|pehalft of the teachers of Can-\|take field trips and socialize. By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD {responses then can encourage) !ast for one month. ada, presented Pastor Wells)The closing night the delegates) A mother writes from Califor-|them in their finickiness over; But, though this beneficent/with a gift of unserialled cen-|entertained about 125 Guiders nia of an eating problem famil-/food. Just try to be more hard-|cycle:' may seem to be a short/tennial dollar bills. and Scouters from across On- far in many a home: hearted and take the attitude it/one, it can be of enduring worth; Following Pastor Wells' re- "Your article on 'Do Aim to/means nothing to you---here's/if you make the most of it, and/ sponse to the tributes and gifts, Cultivate An Ejoyment ofjthe food--if you want it, alljit can also prove a springboard|service award pins were pre-| -Mrs Orvel Selleck, Kedron, Food.' was one of much interest] right--if you don't, very well. (to still further gains--notably/sented to all teachers who had|has enjoyed a six weeks' visit | tario and Quebec. dents across Canada, J. W. Wil-|rora where she attended a ten-|cousins living in Oshawa. Jack g |Collison, Townline road south, If Tuesday is your birthday,/for the Seventh-day Adventist | ers gathering, the first of itsjand Mrs. Robert Gilson, Wake- i in Canada.|field crescent. Mrs. R. G. Colli- to push|who had worked under Pastor/prownie leaders from all prov-|Son held an open house for her) PICTURE RE-PRINTS =| Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Harkin, King street east, left for Ottawa today to attend the funeral of . B, Osh Mr. Harkin's brother, the late| pehinsa sisahuin Andrew Harkin of Hudson 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each | 5x 7 -- 1.25 each Heights, Quebec. | Miss Kathryn MacDonald,| 20% Discount o mn Orders ] Nassau Street, is spending | of 5 or More Pictures | week at Expo. to me. The first time my feel-' Be sure not to give them food/during the first two weeks in|taught five or more years. Al-|from her parents, Mr. and Mrs.| ings on the subject have been between meals, While it may be December, throughout January,|together 25 teachers were pre-| Malcolm Gilliland of Clydebank, written in words, but I stilllwise occasionally to select)the first two weeks in Febru-jsented with five-year pins; 27|Scotland. Mrs. Selleck has not have many questions to ask. something for the family meal/ary, the latter half of April, the) with ten-year pins, eight with 15-/seen her parents for eight "Cooking is one thing in lifelwhich one or both of them/|first week in May, the last two/year pins, four the 20-year pins, | years. j that gives me joy, as I enjoy would especially like, I suggest)weeks in June and the entire|and three with the gold 30-year { creating and trying new that you don't often do this./month of August, 1968. Do not/pins. Among the out - of - town recipes. They must just learn to con-/engage in speculation or indul-| Mrs. Hazel Janes, of St.| guests who attended the Deer- ] 7.\form. ge in ig whims in John's, Newfoundland, had the|ing - La Rush wedding recently periods, jintermittent Career School of Hairdressing @ GOVERNMENT LICENSED @ Enrolling Now For Day And Evening Classes 1| University Women Elect when | wish t get another c nt at the next meal the 1 food refused at this th that 7-year-old, I est to him that he think it's rarely a good idea! or you could offset gains. This) lwill. be especially important |throughout November. MAY BE ANNOYED years. | The convention, which began Sunday with registration, and| which has been meeting on the} Kingsway College campus, con- however, | record of having taught for 36 were Dr. and Mrs. James Cos-, SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 5, 1967 FOR INFORMATION CALL: 576-3558 ta sr Foil mall bit of potato as it's! Except for brief periods late|tinues until Wednesday morning) 'Mr. and Mrs. time and e ared for the family. ev : William Ross ; ared for the family, even if/in October and in early janu-|when the teachers leave by |Scott of Whitby, announce the 145 KING WEST, OSHAWA meal and all I hear is 'ugh. jie a : | a t than a pea. This\ary, when you may encounter! chartered buses for Ottawa and/engagement of their daughter. | NO EXTRAS ent from expecting! some annoyances, events on the| Expo '67 Rosslyn June, to James Edwin "T go ow t whole spoonful or'domestic scene should run' Mrs. Wells fs remaining in Boyle. son of Mr. and Ms at the table tills moothly and happily. Best Oshawa while her husband is at' Leo E. Boyle of Toronto, form: periods for romance: October,|the university to continue her erly of Whitby. The marriage | procedure next April and June. Most pro-|work as secretary to J. W.|will take place on Saturday, | unfamiliar pitious cycles for travel and/Bothe, president of the September 30, 1967 at 12:00| €, of course, that stimulating social activities: /Seventh-day Adventist Church in/noon, in St. John the Evangel- | yer complain|Again, October (an extremely| Canada. 'ist Church, Whitby. | t aim to eatigenerous period for all vir- -- = ------ ef t Anply the same all disliked or repared for the goans), in January, Apri] and the weeks between June 15 end Sept. 1 of next year . A-child born on this day will you discovered 4. endowed with a high order| you Were of intelligence, and could suc-/ your, YOUNE|ceed in the fields of literature, AEN, science or research. strongly ne ANSWERING QUESTIONS Qo §s pun- | yenidiniy. "when ve EVERY HUSBAND 4 iv him alone oe _ SHOULD HAVE TRIPPED OVER HEELS MEXICO CITY (AP)--The a NIGHT OUT * a diceules eax PENNY HORTON perfect WITH THE BOYS . we know one who does. He's a scout master, GARY HANEWICH Both the young people shown above enrolled at the Oshawa |) Business College in the Fall Term, September 1966. Both |! completed their courses early in May and obtained excellent [| positions. } THE SAME OPPORTUNITY AWAITS YOU le, t the care d escape of robbery ct Roberto Duenas Torres failed. He got so flustered atiisye eten drives ro attentions of the'e man helf-crazy. iard that he Then marrioge high heels and finishes the job. Carry Your Books ? Oh! How the heart does change when school starts again! Some become plain lazy; Some become ex- "He looked beauti-/'t's not hard to FALL TERM OPENS | SEPTEMBER 5, 1967 Choose from one of these JOB-ORIENTED Courses: me fee] more secure in how J ful the guard diet these doys feel. Thank you very muc ------------______________ | Just eat what you can offord. DISCOURAGE FINIKINESS My reply in part You say extra food when refuse to eat whe The end of on everage shopping day for the aver- BOB EAKINS age housewife leaves her not only tremely ambitious; Some are affected in other ways. No matter! It's always appropriate to call BAKER. BAKER'S service always fits whether you're going back to school or not; become energe- tic; or busy on other matters BAKER'S broad- loom and Drapery Cleaning Service always helps. May BAKER be of service to you? weary, but spent. ner table between th Most women wont te heor the EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL 12 mos. Grade 12 required a good deal tials ios "no Pasties howe Bate BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 12 mos. Grade 12 required them get on yo a Accounting 11 mos. Grade 11 required etc A i] Secretarial 11 mos. Grade 11 required Steno-Clericol Junior Clerical Individual i i plete, d i curriculum includes: McBEE A ing and DATA Processing, Stenotype machine shorthand Hy speed Longhend. 10 Simcoe St. North, 10 mos. Grade 10 required Get. more use out of the best years 9 mos. Grade 9 required |of your wife by taking the burden of shirt laundering from her. Hand ironing of shirts is just not worth lit compared with the cost of mod- lern machine methods. Gillard CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. DRY CLEANING, SHIRT LAUNDERING "Seah PEEL CEE ECE LET OO Ee Oe OP Tel te Your Reol Needs Coll Dial 725-3375 Clip end mail this coupon for complete details on career courses and Time-Saving Training. IC TANNY'S CANADA'S LARGES) AND FINEST 576-0140 "FREE PICK-UP «xo DELIVERY" "JUST ONE CALL DAES THEM ALL" "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKE Cleaning *S*o. CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge N.B.--Mrs. Eric Wheatley Fredericton; Que. (French)-- Mm. Andre Duval, Que; Que, (English)--Mrs. E. M. Liewe. lyn, St. Lambert; Ont. (East) --Liiiian Handford, Renfrew; President Ont (West)--Mrs. C. w, Shai n of standing com- °F mittees "wilt be: Edna "Ash of|Mann, Toronto, Man--Mrs. w. f G. Nelson, Brandon; Sask-- Toronto, archives; Agnes) 14. D. F. Math MacDonald of Winnipeg, educa- ie. vii atheson, Yorkton; tion: Gladys Munnings of|4ta.--Phyllis Lapworth, Medi. Toronto, fellowships; Eleanor|*ime Hat; B.C.--Mrs, J. 1, Shaw of St. Catharines, |Andrews, Victoria, finance; Mrs. R. B. Ramsay of| 4, Provincial director for Regina, international relations; pra bel Ontario has not been Mrs, Frances Wilson of Barrie, @PPointed. Ont., libraries and creative arts, Mrs. John D, Harbron of Islington, On pf peony Wiener. dies of bean "(Kop 1o W, Tepresentative for New provincial directors are:|Btookline constituency, is the Nfld.--Olga Anderson, St. = Shige sp dhianioner for tee s in Massachusetts. Sw. John's; P.E...--Mrs. Ian)i, by Gov. John A. Volpe = McLeod, Charlottetown; N.S.--|replaces former Boston ayer Mrs. L. A. E. Doe, Dartmouth; 'John B. Hynes, who retired, FIRST FOR WOMAN BOSTON (AP)--Freyda Pp, (43 SPECIAL PURCHASE JADIES' SHIRTS A MUST FOR FALL & BACK TO SCHOOL Reg. to 7.00 Special 3. 99 Neatly shirted looks make big fashion news this Fall. And even bigger news when they're at these special savings. Famous name, crisply tailored cottons in plains or prints. Top-of-the-class styles and colours. Sizes 10 to 18. "we invite your charge" by Aweather Fashions since 1867 Oshawa Shopping Centre 'MODERN' are under new management To introduce the people of Oshawa and area to MODERN'S new "'controlled" method of drycleaning we invite you to take advantage of our special introductory offer, SPECIAL!! ONE SKIRT ou ""N" SWEATER Beautifully Cleaned and Blocked ony OQS "COMPARE THE QUALITY" MODERN DRY CLEANERS 8. DRAPERIES 321 OLIVE AVE. OSHAWA PHONE:728-4614 {| TC TORONTO Distr Toronte Stoc! Quotations in 2--Odd lot, x rights, xw--Ex- from previous Stock Sale Acad Uran § Acme Gas 10) Agena M131 Agnico 5 Akaitcho 10 Am Moly Ang Ruyn 231 Ang U Dev 20 Area 12 Argosy 10 Aunor i! B-Daqu 10 Bethim x Brunswk x Bunker H 15% Caimor 168 St Cam Mine 93 Cc Tung x Cc Nisto 425: Cantri 10 Captain ui Cassiar x Chestv! 2350 Chib Kay 10 Coch will = 11 Coin Lake 2 Conigo 351! Cc Bell 165 Con Fardy 7: Cc Halli 7: Denison 222 Dicknsn a Discovry 80 lome 60 ional 1520 East Sull €dnako 10 Gnt Masct 130 Glenn 1550 Goldray 910 Goldrm 1201 Gortdrm 20 Grdroy 1180 Granduc 20 Green Prt 250 Gulch 100 Gunnar 10 Hastings 30 Heath 400 Hollinger 25 Huds Bay z Int Bibis T 25 Iron Bay T 10 Iso 20 Jaye Exp = 100) Jelex 110 Jonsmith 100 Jowsey 210 Kam Kotle 60 Kerr Add 52. K Anacon 50% Kid Coper 490 Kirk Min _ 100% Duf 141: Lakehead 2501 L Osu 2001 Le Lu: 50¢ Leitch 20 tL Lae 57: Lorado 7ot Louviert 50 Macasse 50¢ OO Marchant 201 Mattgm! 2 Mc Adam Mcintyre 22 Meta 1000 Midrim 3206 1M 30 Multi-Mi 50 Net E 1008 New Al Neweoonx 'Norpax 100 Northcal 650( North Exp zi! Placer Boe Preston 22 Pyramid 200 Q Matigm! 170% Radiore 4501 Rowan €n_ | 2001 Ryanor 3001 Satel 119800 Sherritt 401 Sigma 206 Silvrfids Box Sit Miller 300 Sil Stand 1000 Siscoe RY Steep R 55 Sullivan 10 Teck Corp 10 Texmont 100 Texore 100 Tombili 700 Towag 150 Tribag U Mining -- 200 U Asbestos 136 U Buffadn 870) Un Cmstk 200 Un Keno 90 Un Mactie 5 West Mine 40 White Star 500 Wilco 1230 Willroy 10 Windfall 100 Win-Eld 300 Yale Lead 50 Yk Bear 60 Zenmac 200 Zulapa 100 OIL. Alminex Bantt 22 Braisa 30 Calvert 400 CS Pete 100 Cc Ex Gas 100 Cent Del 144 Chieflan D 20 Cc East Cr Cc West P 50 Dynamic 342 French Pt = 130 Gr Plains 8 Gt COllsds 45 int Hellum 226 Midcon 0¢ Mill City x N Cont 35 N Davies 55( Shorta Cuts V By JAM OTTAWA ( Investment fu the economy cut the volur this year belo lon, presiden| Construction Friday. Mr. Dalton view the aso |s not limited lion, but oth struction are "The mid-y vate and put ment showed flollar terms, the volume o