artments for Rent st value in aportment an be seen at REGENCY IWERS @ ) MARLAND AVE. AND REMIER @ 'MARLAND AVE ERN | AND 2 ROOM SUITES LY DECORATED /E AND FRIDGE "ONIES IC DRAPES NDRY FACILITIES HYDRO ADLOOM IN HALLS ATOR CERS TROLLED ENTRANCE LE PARKING --£ TO SCHOOL 3CHES and SHOPPING 349 MARLAND AVE. IONE 725-2227 V RENTING 1d more of Oshawa's people are enjoying le rents at the uU> YAZMZAD> NE 728.9724 NISHED AND FURNISHED d 3 bedroom modern nts. 22 ft to 32 ft. oms, swimming pool, 1 service, two eleva- ry area for children. terest per annum 1 all security de- inspection invited. 23-2347 \TWORTH AANOR lentworth St. W. s largest one, two ee bedroom aport- at very reasonable vildren welcome. Bus, nd shopping all close Walking distance to a silent Don't de- 23-8701 YOU could be the KY TENANT in 250 DOLLARS ir apartment number rdwn on January 2, g room $80 -- Two s $119 and $129. love, fridge, water, id electric heating. een by agpointments \LL 723-5325 of draw given with ons only. IAN MANSIONS 5 OXFORD ST. t lorge 2 and 3 bed- suites with two bath- 5 om, elevators hydro and parking or swimming pool NI 728-2502 BEDROOM ARTMENT refrigerator, drapes -4283 or apply ARLAND APT. 111 wa Rental \gency apartment accommo- all parts of Oshawa. VALIANT QPMENTS LTD. oe 728-4283 23-6 6022 'OR F RENT @ uses, Rooms, Room ord. Office Hours: Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 8:30 am. to 5 p.m. RD"S ASSOCIATION : West. 128- 1070 TENTION bedroom. suites, only Ht. First months' rent vervthing -- included. nvtime 576-1472 SALESMAN, Classified Ads around ie clock. Dial 723- pe--Aperteevete fer Doet REGENT ARMS Two bedroom apartments. Quiet building, adults only, 723-6944 or 723-6455 after 6 p.m. LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige _ building. Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court and barbeque. ONE BEDROOM Apartment, stove, refrigera+ tor, drapes supplied. 728-4283. or apply 340 Marland, Apt. WW BACHELOR APARTMENT, suitable for ~~ |LARGE | 27--Rooms For Rent light housekeeping rent, Suitable for one or Apply 257 Adelaide West. Foom two people. weekly. Suitable for fe Phone 725-3058 after 5: HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, pit stove and refrigerator. sOuTHaND-a near 401 ai Bloor. france. Telephone 728-8353. FURNISHED ROOM close to ni GM, hospital, four corners, bus stops at door. Garage for rent. Street. ROOM FOR RENT. bedroom in quiet home. Gentleman only. No smokers. Athol area, 725-2124, ROOMS FOR, RENT -- Nightly weekly rates, $12. weekly, maid service. Restaurant on premises. Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe North. ~ Clean, and refrigerator couple or single girls. Private entrance, parking, close to Duplate. 728-6387. apartments, all | Two. ~con- lady or Parking, private entrance Unfurnished $60, furnished $75. 6843 FOR RENT, four-room flat, and pathrosr private bath! and garage. Apply 1427 Dundas Steet East. ee ne WHITBY, _ "DUNDAS £. Two-bedroom apartment, $100 monthly, heat and light) included, Self-contained. Available aeol tember 1, Telephone 576-3888. THREE-ROOM apartment, in apartment block, private bath, stove. Apt. 5 Simcoe St. S._ ONE-BEDROOM apartment in $60 monthly. Telephone 728-6605. 8 duplex, : ROOM, unfurnished apart- viel eee a ares hee, to| DOUBLE ROOM fcr rent, single beds.|PRIVATE --- '63 Pontiac convertible, |------- hospital. Suit adults. Telephone 723-7624 ag to downtown. Ladies or 7 Nba V-8 automatic, power equipped. Reflects | Free parking. elephone proud ownership, * e erms. or ap or 725-5346. Tel 728-1 id hip, $1,575. T F Pointment call 728-4983. # lex. Avail-|LIGHT housekeeping room in very clean|Po!r : SELECONYAieS Sew nee home, suitable for lady, close to hospital|'6s METEOR, four-door, eight aitoma-| SEEDNOOM ananianl, © parkite and buses. 576-1308 tic, black with red interior. Licence| One: apartment, g ; J75965. A fabulous deal, one owner, i ied, nthly. ONE furnished housekeeping room, $12 | ot one Log a, supplied, $70 monthly. | vee liy, or $45. monthly. Young lady pre-|$how _room "condition. | $1,895, 668-5893 on lferred. Apply 341 Athol Street East. 723-/CONVERTIBLE '63 Pontiac, V-8, auto-| WHITBY -- three-room Soares! wi 0154. matic, power steering, power brakes,| private bath, stove, refrigerator 7 bucket seats, floor console, 40,000 miles. thiy, Tele-|OPPOSITE SOUTH G.M. two furnished NAO a vaith duane rooms, completely private, $20 weekly.| Telephone 576-2151. ws Laks vticahash os - [Prefer two mer, commuters. Phone 723-\63 CHEVY 1! Nova wagon, 6, auto FOUR-ROOM apartment, (two _ bed | 2587, matic, radio, new motor job. $995. '63 rooms), separate entrance, parking Rambler 4-door, standard, overdrive, space, Near McLaughlin schools. 501128 --Room ond grec ee $600. Trades, 576-0643, | couple, two ladies or lady and one child./ 493 Elizabeth Street. FURNISHED 4-room "upper duplex apart.) ment, self-contained, heated, $100 month- ly. Telephone 725-8640. De 2 NICELY Y FURNISHED rooms, bed- sitting room and kitchen, Suit lady teach- er; near bus stop. Call 725-0278. WHITBY. One-bedroom apartment. Pri vate bath. No stove or frig. Adults pre-| ferred. 668-8727. ae ONE-BEDROOM month. Apply 70 Simcoe Apartment 1. GUELPH STREET 267, basement apart. Sitest ment, large bedsitting room, kitchen and) private washroom. Suit one or two. Fur- nished or unfurnished. _Reasonable _ rent. SUBLET. ~ Two-bedroom apartment, spa- cious living room, facilities, large baicony, immediate Possession. Phone _ 725-1917. ONE-BEDROOM "apartment, to schools and stores. Available Septem- ber 1. Telephone 576-3592 FOUR-ROOM | apartment, "avaliable no No children, close to Shopping Cent 112 Stevenson Rd. North, or call 723-6600. Two © BEDROOM | apartment, stove sup- plied, $80 monthly. No children. Tele- phone 668-4849. KING STREET East - 407. Four room|area, for four adults. unfurnished apartment. Private -- bath share garage. Heat on hydro included. One child welcome. 287 VERDUN ROAD. c ment. No children. Fag at above ad- dress. es ANEW ROOM eperir ROOM apartment ) in apartment THREE building, no children, Available Septem- ter 1. Wilson - King Streets area. Tele- phone 725-3296. NEW BASEMENT | 'apartment tor Reasonable. One month's frei Telephone after 7 p.m. 7: rent. rent. THREE ROOM apartment. 'Avaliable Immediately. Apply 592 Drew Street. ---------------------- WHITBY, 3-room upstairs tment, stove and refrigerator included, centra location, Adults preferred. Phone 3800. MONTHLY, large @ kitchen, | Targe bed tingroom, stove, anes tra. Telephone 728-2179. $121., TWO-BEDROOM, wall to-wall _car- peting, drapes and hydro Included. Tele- phone 576-3788 after 6. Immediate occupancy. Telephone apartment, $80 per) earth, | modern kitchen, all ample yl shyaniont 668- Hydro |veniences, 9-5 p.m. }LARGE one and ments including refrigerator, and water. come. Apply Apartment 6, 300 |Street, Whitby or 668-5462. WHITBY -- Furnished rooms, "two-bedroom _ stove, apa' hea' 12 all con- veniences. Lunch packed If desired. Cen-| for ------ lysed cars. You will be amazed at how ology ae home, much you. save on finance charges. Call 923-6301, 4 sshd 728-7351 for details. 747 MUSTANG - top, apems sll Py board) ot radio, etc. V-8 automatic. Best offer. nl ae parr fated "| Apply 367 Nassau St. after 6 p.m. roe Cay te ge room, | $10/aLL USED PARTS, fires, wheels, radi- =e | Bloor Street East, 723-2281. unfurnished Telephone Fur- nished bedroom, parking and private en- Apply 240 Division _ furnished Private bath. Rowe- 'and TWO furnished rooms, main floor, stove included. Suitable for will accept one child. Simcoe Dial 668-! ier $110 monthly. Telephone 725-6343, rt-| ¢ [rust. $75-$85 monthly, Children ve Hi 30--Automobiles for Sale EXCLUSIVE Scotia -- Fi ee cing available at Wel all new Ramblers. ot Warrented quality ators, spindles for trailers, springs. 509 %0 CHEVROLET four-door sedan, wax cylinder, standard, excellent body, chanically sound. Telephone after 7 p.m, '57 OLDSMOBILE, four-door sedan, She. 2105 v8 body, +] sound, Telephone 576-2105 after 1 7 p.m. "63 ACADIAN, good running ~ condition, dark green metallic, two-door, good tires, 60,000 miles, $700 cash. Frank, 1464 Bala, Oshawa, 725-2068. '58 VOLKSWAGEN, good running condi- tien, $60. Telephone 723-7158. '6 CHEVROLET Bel Air four-door, six automatic, radio, white walls, 20,000 miles, Still under warranty. Telephone "| 723-7757. MUST SELL. '64 Volkswagen deluxe, ex- cellent condition, 30,000 miles. Best offer. 240 _Burk, weekends only. %6 MUSTANG two-door hardtop, six- cylinder automatic, finished in blue with matching interior. Licence 572648. $2,895. Still under mew car warranty. 668-5893. \63 FORD, six, automatic, radio, Like new, inside and out, |down payment. Licence J68894, h | Peleshok Motors, 942-6300. \39 FORD, good condition, gocd tires, radio, power steering, power brakes, body fair, $200. Telephone 576-1478. in Low 11095. ;|tral._ 668-5176 |'65 OLDSMOBILE, door hardtop, auto- ny tral, Tele-|matic, power steering, power brakes, [SINGLE furnished room, central. Tele: adic, Vibrant crystal blue finish, con- i trasting interior. Balance of new car) TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,| warranty. Excellent condition. Licence| kitchen and bedroom. Private entrance. | J99284. Low down payment. $7,695, Pele- Suitable for two. Apply 253 Athol East. | TEACHER who requires room and board and is willing to tutor Telephone in Whitby area, lone hour or so in evenings. | 668-8295, | FOR "GENTLEMAN, home "cooked meais, |clean, quiet home, parking, close to bus. \4 by K-Mar' east, 8 7 -- 3 Garrard Road, |COLBORNE Y STREET Single beds, close to Metors. Apply above address. ROOM AND BOARD, northwest |preterred. Telephone 728-9880 after 5 loom snd beerd for gentleman to. share. jpensonenle offer. north General "area, |> lyoung lady or young gentleman, teacher shok Motors, 942-6300. TWO "66 Dodge- Sens station Wagons, | automatic, PS, PB, radio, heater. Tele-| Phone 728-5194. : 2 462 RAMBLER, six, standard, very good 'ondition. Best offer. Telephone 668-6159, Jim. ae STATION WAGON, 1961 mechanically, new tires, will accept first 723-6475. "61 PONTIAC, six, in Honduras meroon. Immaculate in ap: pearance. Low down payment. Licence J77715, $695, Peleshok Motors, 942-6300. 44 COMET, four-door, green with beige interior. Licence J79450, | Ford, good automatic, finished six-cylinder, |ROOM or room and board. Privatel 81%" "a 'price you can afford. 668-5893. room for gentleman, in quiet, adult a home. Central. Lunches packed, good/'62 PONTIAC convertible, _ 327, bucket | meals. Garage available if desired. 723-|seats, $700. Telephone 942-6693 after 4:30) 9895. noe ie p.m. nes is ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen) 1966 OLDSMOBILE, eight cylinder auto-| or two ladies. Large furnished bedroom,|matic, A-1_ condition. Best offer. Auto two single beds. Telephone 942-2878. Workers' oe Union, telephone ria rarer hours, nday- |st6: WEEKLY -- tivecay week, for twolgity "uring ffice hours, Monday-Fri |gentlemen. Parking. Bus at door. phone 728-3415. ROOM AND BOARD for Tele- |1966 CHEVROLET -- Impala, ; | hardtop, Power Steering, payer prekes, 723- good meals, bos stop. Parking. [29--Wanted | to Rent -- Uoactne 4845. September. Telephone 668-4472. months. lunches packed. * Close to! |} BEDROOM HOUSE wanted in Whifby| Needed by early GARAGE WANTED for storage of car T 728 '6 ; CORVAIR, -- two-door, toate automatic with radio. Black with blue interior. Licence J82264. At the breath- __ | taking price of $695. 568-5 5893, | 163 TRIUMPH, two-door hardtop with | radio. Black with matching interior. Li-| cence J79536. $895. For the young at) 668-5893, during winter 1-| 3580. man teacher in spacious pine home Oshawa. Apply Box 3393 THREE or four-bedro by or Oshawa, Telephone 1%. -7843. OSHAWA, 7 Whitby or Pickerini bedroom house or duplex. port Call 942-4176, ROOM AND BOARD needed by young 'oom house yin Whit- Re obs he: 'ie PA NE CONVERTIBLE, 7283) automatic, power brakes, steering and) windows. Radio, white walls, new oe In Telephone 728-4260, 728-4260. 31--Compact t Cars for Sale % VOLVO and PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ i '67 CHEVROLET CAPRICE Two door hardtop, finished in mountain green with black vinyl roof. Partial list of equipment includes 327 - 275 horsepower engine, Strato- bucket seats, power steering ond brakes, turbo hydra-matic MoD BRN | Wwopedroom | Baga i transmission, climate control- refr fo ' chil welcome, No damage deposit. Im-| led air conditioning, stereo possession. South 7 eet Feed WOMAN WISHES to share modern two- bedroom apartment with another work- ing girl. Share expenses. North Oshawa. May move in Immediately. 576-2253 be- fore 1 p.m. Sas ATTRACTIVE AP. RTMENT central lo- cation, 3 rooms, Frigidaire and stove. Reasonable eat to careful tennant. phone ONE Se oROoW \ apartment, | retriger- ator and stove, also a furnished bach- elor apartment, near shopping on S¢m 9 coe Street North. Telephone 725-3652 for 170, Park Road Tele- tape radio, tilt wheel (walnut) fender skirts and o host of other options. New car wor- ranty. This luxury automobile is absolutely new in evéry woy. Sove ever a $1,000. Lic. 92572K. This car must be sold. Peleshok Motors, 942-6300. 30--Automobiles for Sale General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 MGA mechanically A-1 nee Telephone 723-0310 after 5 p.m. %3 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 4, fun car, good shape, Best cash Telephone 725-6424. 1961 CORVAIR: Mon: ly work economy offer. red, 1964 motor, GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED appointment. $10. PER PERSON, sharing motel R.R. No. 3, Oshawa rooms; private $1 two rooms $25.; TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top three rooms $35 ng. 668-5201. | ~=Price paid for Good Clean FOUR-ROOM 2 68 Wayne Street, nine. mi Oshawa. Apartmen' ONE AND two bedroom pom apartments, one bedroom furnished or aces ria) Marland Ave. apt. 308. TWO LADIES to share clare furnished or unfurnished apartment In Whitby Free fide and free parking, West Hill. 284-68 pain EAST 128, three e large rooms, suit couple. Immediate pogsession. Park ing available. Stove and refrigerator i needed. ONE - BEDROOM 'apartment, , stove, re- frigerator and utilities supplied, private drive and entrance, very clean. Suit two adults. Available September 16. $7: monthly. Telephone 728-3801. FIVE - ROOM apartment, trance, heat and water supplied. 82 Simcoe Street North. FOUR-ROOM apartment, pets. Telephone 725-1453. is NICELY furnished apartment, t, district of hospital. Suitable for working couple or single person. Telephone 728-9896. FURNISHED bachelor apartment able for lady. Adult building, quiet, spot- legs. Apply caretaker, Marina Apart- ments, 281 Simcoe St. § Si APARTMENT to © sub-let, In new ing, by September 1. Telephone 576-138 after 6 p.m. 346 GLIDDON, ° Zcroom upstairs _apart- ment and bathroom. Private entrance, heavy duty wiring. $75, hydro included. One SAL welcome. Available Septembe: for rent. Apply en- pply , refrigerator, stove, self-contained, $100. monthly. No) build- Cars, liens paid. TERMS. _Phone 728-7375 or t 728-7376 WANTED Good clean local cars for - cash. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311, 723-6322 it if bucket seats. Asking $500. Telephone after 6 p.m, 668-6627. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN 1300 deluxe, leather interior, Blaupunkt radio, gas heater, low mileage, complete with matching tag-along trailer and hitch Priced at $1,450 complete with trailer or. will sell separately rene Orono, 983-5622. 32--Trucks for Sale 1965 MERCURY Econolin, A-l c itlon big motor, 150 HP, oversized tires. Terms CASH, Telephone 723-1453. '62 FORD Econoline, A-1 condition, ex cellent for camper or deliveries, mctor in excellent working order. Telephone 728-9293 after 5. 1962 CORVAIR handy van: national pick-up; 1960 Chevrolet tandum dump; 1963 Inter- 1960 GMC 980 rage a wed trans: Telephone MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 we a 42 RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT neve and Used Cars Easy to Finance at ' NICOLS abi LTD. 5 Ti car. 1, 725-4573 | $995._Peleshok Motors, 942-6300. CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE --3-|1957 PONTIAC sedan, V-6, 'aviomatic bedroom apartment, livingroom, dining Telephone 942-6385 after 6 p.m. room, and kitchen, garage. New triplex, |; main floor. $145 monthly. 725-3212. y car. May be seen at 1015 27--Rooms for Rent nll North, Whitby. 'Ss? LK: rivate, good tran ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home- Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 WHITBY -- _ ~ Central | location. "Room with for gentleman, or room and board. Parking, TV. Call housekeeping privileges 668-4928. BED-SITTING ROOM with h light "house- keeping for two, no children, fully fur- 163 CHEVY 11 Nova, Weer hardto automatic 6", radio, Lic. 410671. Ted Campin Motor: "65 CHEVROLET -doot automatic. Exceptionally clean car. Li 608944. Thid week's special $1795. Campin Motors 723-4494, 44 CHEVY UI "Nova Station V Wagon, | aut Ted Campin Motors. '61 PONTIAC, 6 "cylinder, stan Low down payment. Licence 324480, as, $175 full price. Telephone 942 3132. standard, radio, new tires and brakes, $550 or best ----__-- 1962 MERCURY 600 dump truck, single axle, full air, in good condition. Call 623-7594 after 7. 1953 CHEV heavy duty 576-1173. 1962 MERCURY 600 dump truck, single! ~~ good condition, axle, full alr, In good condition, Call 623-7594 after 7. "133 Aut, hil Wanted CARS WANTED Buying A New Car? Sell your used cor to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New WHITBY 668-33: 331 Car Dealer and "Sove"'. 77) "CHEVROLET 8 Ai Air sedan Eco TED CAMPIN MOTORS $ ; ic, pattom. radio,' 41,000 miles, taeal. family 229-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED, cars and trucks for wreck- ing. No charge for towing. Best prices ic.|paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime, Rob- ert Nichol WANTE ind trucks for wreck- ing. No lor towing. Best prices paid. Suaiena 728-4549 anytime. Rob- ert Nichols. ns ---- -- SHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars bought, parts for gale. Iron and metals bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. P, "60 * - . Volkswagen 'Station Van, X-15369, $295,|34----Automobile ~epair AUTOMATIC c. TRANSMISSION Ted CENTRE j:| 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 matic "6", radio, new tires. =xcellent issior condition. 'Licence X-13873, '60 Austin sons easel vags§ Ped sedan. Lic, 274643, good transportation. usiness ---- Repairs, just- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. nished. Close to school and hospital. Calljoffer. Telephone 725-1770. 35- --Lost and d Found anytime after 6 p.m. Telephone 728-9147.|,..~ cueyELLE, two-dce-r, six, automa- Bee Siebel cooks FURNISHED ROOM, ) kitchen vrivileges, tic, radio. Finished i. raven black|LOST -- os Man's | Bulova gold watch | in suit two to four girls, central, Telephone) with contrasting red ir -r. Local|vicinity of Taunton Post Office. Inscrip 728-8423. bank manager's trade, Clea: inside andjtion "Norm, 1963', Reward. 728-4234. COMFORTABLY furnished --foom . for out. Licence J49277, $1,595, Feleshok lady. Wilson Road South. Telephone 725- oe -- : " convertible, jue wit oa TIMES ACTION ROOMS FOR SINGLE gentlemen, o' mation, radio and extras. 570. white top. 6, automatic, excellent con Telephone 623- double room and one single, board i He ga private entrance. be per Ree ar ean = CLASSIFIED ADS home. lephi 668-4220 ween i » new generator, brakes an weedy cai > large room with [universal loints. $150 or best offer. Tele-/OELL ... and SELLS; 2 single beds sultable for 2 working) Phone ens d and SELL girls or boys. Day shifts, 2 blocks down- '59 AMERICAN RAMBLER wagon. Best ' ose town, (668-5630. offer, Good condition, Call 668-3950, Non @rinkers, 36--Legal no|t, | South, Oshawa, will not be responsible lfor any debts contracted by anyone, on or after thie date, August 26, 1967, --(signed) G. E. Welsh [37--Auction 'Soles | Restaurant Equipment ~ two-door | -- | door, res, and. " ieence. Telephone} __ | NOTICE 70. CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN° THE ESTATE OF BERNICE WATSON, deceased. ALL Claims against the Estate of the late Bernice Watson, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Married Woman, who died on or about the 21st day of December, 1966, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September ,1967, after which date the estate will be distri- buted according to law . Everett C .Watson, Administrator, c/o Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor, | Barristers and Solicitors, | Oshawa, Ontario | R. GARY HASKELL, 275 Wentworth! Avenue, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone| on or after this date, August 23, without my written consent. R. G. Haskell. 1967, -- (signed) | GARRY E. WELSH, 54 Townline Road in my name, without my written consent Auction Sale a Complete line of Res- taurant equipment to be held at Casino Restaur- ant, 15 King St. West, Oshawa on August 28, 1967 at 7:00 P.M. Adding machine (Burroughs), cash register (National), safe (small size), milk shake mix~- er,' pop fountain complete, hot water heater, ice cream cabinet, large counter, freez- er, hamburg grinder (Hobart), slicer (Berkel), frigidaire re- frigerotor (restaurant size), meat cutting table, toaster, fryers (Moffat), two freezer units, large potatoe peeler (Hobart), chip maker, elec- tric freezer unit, floor polish- er, restaurant tables and booths, dishes, pots and pans, wall mirror, restaurant stock, Many more articles too nu- merous to mention. Terms cash. No reserve. Myles King, Auctioneer 725-3039 Oshawa Auction Sale, property of Mr. L. J, Kaytor, 113 Thorncliff St., Oshawa, (turn south on Grandview St. from King St. E., to Belvedere Ave to Thorn- cliffe St.), Tuesday, Aug. 29 at 5 P.M. Beatty electric stove (like new), refrigerator (double lorge freezer), kitchen suite (like mew), McClary washing machine (1 yr. old), chesterfield suite, Marconi radio and record player, rug 10'x12' (beige), occasional chair, bedroom suite, 20 cup coffeemaker, hall tree, book- case, lamps, extension ladder, Telco. power lawn mower, Ashland sabre jig saw (new), hydraulic jack, power drill, car body tools, many other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms Cash. Myles King, ouctioneer 725-3039 Oshowa 38--Coming Events KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200 JACKPOTS 52 - 50 [One Must G Go PLUS $10 per line Both Games $25 Consolation $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20 Last 5 Games $30. per Game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp $25 full card Guaranteed $5 a line TUESDAY Admission 50¢ WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO EVERY MONDAY Admission ticket gives you frée chance on door prize. TWO JACKETS 54 and 56 IN 52 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos. $50 Consolation Prize $10 per line in both games $150 JACKPOT $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE $50 FULL CARD $200 in 52 Nos. or less 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 $45 in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES AT $20 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or les: EARLY BIRD GAME $100 Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children Under 16 Not Admitted Teenage Fashion Show and Contest Of The Singer Sewing Centre, Oshowa Place --- U.A.W. Hall Time --- Aug. 30, 8 P.M. Free Admission Everyone Welcomed RUMMAGE SALE in Knox Presbyter- Te Church on Monday, August 28 a! 30 p.m, i Men or women interested WILSON ~~ Ih 'foving' memory 'of ef please contact H. Davis, 180 dear mother, Mary Wilson, who passed away August 27, 1965 Division Street, 723-2984 In my heart your memory lingers, iz -- Alv is ) DUCK HUNTERS -- Area with creek) Therts war's' dar dear mather | Svalieate for rent, Telephone Port Perry! 4 dq not think of you Hassani Always remembered by son Peter, daughter-in-law Helen, and grandchil dren, Debra and Peter Jr. BIRTHS ek dear mother and grandmother, ry Wilson, who passed away August' 27,|° 1965. ETCHER - Fred and Ruth (nee' Pellow)! If | had all the world to give wish to announce the arrival of their! I'd give it, yes, and more ;joverwhelm BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday at 8:00 P.M. 20 games--Jackpot-- Snowball and Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 BINGO | St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. IN MEMORIAM BRACEY -- In loving memory of our eldest son and dear brother, David Hugh ad of side by side, But to all there comes a momen When the ways of fife divide. You gave me years of happinegs, Then came sorrow and tears, But you left me beautiful memorien | will treasure through the years. --Sadly missed and always remembere by wife Isabel and family, PEARN -- In loving memory of Wil liam Pearn, who passed away August 26, 1956. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear, Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thoughts to reach. Sweet to remember him who once was here, Who, tho' absent, is jyst as dear. Ever remembered by Doreen, Ted and Teddy. PEARN -- In loving memory of Wil liam Sydney Pearn, 1956 Sadly, dear Bil! We recall happy yesteryears who died August 26, amid fast falling tears Ab memorise' of glad Every Monday at 20 games--Jackpot-- Snowball and Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 Antique Gun Show Sunday, August 27 Red Barn, Oshawa GUEST MEMBERSHIP 50c PUBLIC WELCOME DOORS OPEN AT 10 AM. 39--Notices WANTED Cub pack LEADERS for 7th Scout Group. 8:00 P.M. | When ycur presence so dear, Your bright shining smile Were blessings, unfold, | _ worthwhile Then, alas. | _ tragic day, } In the power of { God called you away Never forgotten, while lonely years fly Our hope is to meet you in the sweet | bye and bye Sadly missed by Mom making life too soon came that sad, your youth, and Dad. ROBERTS - In lov husband and father passed away Aug. 26 1966 God tcok him home, it was His will, But in our hearts we love him still His. memory is: as dear today the hour he passed away. Re often sit and think of him When we are. all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. --Always remembered by wife and ftam- ity. ng memory of a dear Ted Roberts who ROBERTS -- In loving memory of a dear brother-in-law and uncle, Euward Roberts, who passed away August 1966 alm and peaceful he is sleeping, Svecient rest that follows pain; | We who loved him sadly miss him, But trust in God to meet again Sadly missed by Mary and Mert, and Leona. Bob TYRRELL -- In loving memory of mother, Catherine Rachel, passed away (August 31, 1961 and father, Edward Henry, passed away August 26, 1963. | Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of parents Your loved ones will never forget -Lovingly remembered by their family.) daughter Diane on August 23, 1967, at; To hear her voice and see her smile Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for; And greet her at my door Darryl, Von, and Karen, Thanks to But all | can do, dear Mother, Dr. Beckett 1s go to tend your grave And leave behind @ token of love WILLERTON Larry and Elaine are To the best mother God ever made, proud to announce the arrival of a baby) ounces, | | boy, Larry Todd, 8 pounds, 12 lon August 25, 1967 at the Oshawa Gen Jeral Hospital, Thanks to Dr. Stocks \Mother and baby, both doing fine. HOBBS, H. Raymond | | Entered into rest in Scarborough ier | 1967, Ivy Grace Peddie, beloved wife of the late William T. Hopkins, and dearly loved mother of Hilda, Mary, Bill, John and Walter, all of Ashburn; mencing 2 p.m., Sunday. Casket closed by family request. Minister the Reverend $. Armstrong in attendance. MOORE, Ethel Marguerite At Princess Margaret Hospital on Thurs: Canadian Cancer Society.) WESSELLS, Ernest? George Suddenly at his home, on Saturday, August 26, 1967, Ernie Wessells of 130 Liberty Street N., Bowmanville, in_ his} S8th year, Beloved husband of Betty/ Graham, dear father of Denise. Resting at the Northcutt-Elliott Funeral Home. Notice of funeral arrangements later. Kindness beyond Price, within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Deolers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St, E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. yet USE FBI TOUCH VANCOUVER (CP)--All members of the Vancouver police department have been issued with a self-defence man- ual based on U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation tactics. Deputy Police Chief John Fisk said the book, prepared by the Vancouver training academy, is designed to help policemen persons resisting arrest, in her 84th ment Groveside Cemetery. Visitors com- -|Rouge and St. hours, 12 minutes. Cyclist S| $800. Conditioned. 1 like to think when life is done Wherever Heaven may be That she'll be standing at the door Up there and welcome me. --Sadly missed and lovingly remember-| Mary and Anne and) led by daughters igrandson Frank, WOOLCOTT -- our darling daughter, who left us two years ago today, August In loving memory of 26. Two years have passed since that sed |" A_LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest year. Resting at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, Service in the Chapel MOUNT LAWN on Monday, August 28, at 2 p.m. Inter- M ment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin snare ou PARK Visitors will be received commencing EMORIALS Sunday afternoon. | For courteous advice please HOUSTON, Mildred May | visit the Pork Office. At ne Oshawa General Hospital, Satur. 723-2633 day, August 26, 1967, after a lengthy I'l a Sea rage ame negs Mildred May Houston of 237 Lupin Drive, Whitby. Beloved wife of Harry 5S LOCKE' S FLORISTS -- Houston, dear mother of Nancy, Tony, unera orrange Brentall of Whitby, in her 35th year| florgl ar gerrents and Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral _ arrangements for all Chapel, Whitby for service in the chapel occasions, on Monday, August 28, at 2 p.m. Inter- OSHAWA. SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 anski, for 'their kindness and flowers, @ special thanks to Reverand Darby jand Reverand Smythe, Armstrong Fun- jeral Home, pallbearers, Fittings Ltd., 'and Local 1817. |--Mrs. Mary Lysyj and family (friends) |. WELLS -- The family of the tate \Charles A. Wells wish to express their "'|sincere thanks to Seleilves friend# and |neighbors for acts kindness, floral |tributes and cards of sympathy during our recent bereavement in the loss of| }@ dear husband, father one Aranctather.| | Special thanks to the staff | lorris, Dr. Cowman, eng De Iain Cannon F. Ongley, Reverend z Woolcott, Reverend R. Brooks and Rev-| erend L. Straker, Mcintosh - Anderson} Funeral Home, Branch 43, Royal Cana- dian Legion, Corps of Commissionaires and letter carriers. Jacques. Dusault, 18, of Mont- third annual Portneuf County cycling tour Thursday, covering), the 52-mile lap between Pont Raymond in two from Manitoba, British Columbia, Quebec and Alberta, entered in the four-day, mile event. SCORES TWO GOALS TORONTO. (CP)--Two goals by Andrew Yrfelt helped Toron- to Inter Rom a defeat Toronto) Hungaria 5-0 Thursday in an} Ontario National Soccer League| game, Ontario and) as well as 235- 5 ongddl who passed away August 27, National League dics cout ie, Pea Ee 7 jow i 7 ¥ Upon our home, where all was bright, St. Louis 79 48 .622 And took trom ws 8 shining light. | Cin7nidng) 58 59 .535 11 fe miss dear David and i "hica His vacant place none can fill, i hicago 68 61 327 2 Here. we, mourn, but fot in vein, penis. 65 59 .524 1214 or in Heaven we will meet again. anta 64 59 .520 13 --Loved and cherished, till the end of. = 7 time, ome Dad, Don and Pam. " Fes hast 65 61 .516 1314 ittsburgh 61 66 .480 18 EVERITT -- In loving mem 9 dine Seeehe Ris tatton Sotebe Rueriin {Loe Angeles 58 67 .464 20 who passed away August 26, 1962. {Houston 53 75 .414 2614 is sad to walk the road alone, iNew York 49 75 .395 28% lc incinnati 2 Houston 1 |Atlanta 5 San Francisco 1 Helen Woolcott,| --Mrs, c Av Wells and } family. | real won the first stage of the hen Chief, are) BASEBALL SCOREBOARD Friday's Gadies Philadelphia 2-6 Pittsburgh Los Angeles 2-1 St. Louis 1-4 Chicago at New York--rain Probable. Pitchers Today FERGUSON -- In loving memory of Elmer Ferguson, who passed away Avg-| Chicago (Jenkins 16-10 and} ust. 26, 1959. I al ad eile ta lis lapeaiaies. (oae 10-9) at New York (Fisher) His memory | will always keep. |8-15) --Ever remembered by Ivy. Pittsburgh (Veale 14-6) at | Philadelphia (Wise 7-9) N St Louis (Washburn 8-6) at| Los Angeles (Drysdale 9-1) N. Atlanta (Johnson 13-6 andj Lemaster 8-8) at San Franncis-| co (McCormick 17-6 and Herbel| 2-4 or Gibbon 5-2). Cincinnati (Maloney 11-9 and Ellis 7-9) .at Houston (Blasin-| game 5-5 and Cueller 11-9), Sunday's Games Chicago at New York Pittsburgh at Philadelphia Cincinnati at Houston St. Louis at Los Angeles Atlanta at San Francisco 2 Monday's Games Houston at Chicago Pittsburgh at Atlanta N Philadelphia at Cincinnati N New York at St. Louis N Los Angeles at San Francisco N American League L Pet. GBI Minnesota 71 55 .563 j Chicago 70 55 .560 % | Boston 71 56 lo Detroit 70 57 IY} California 60 68 12 Cleveland 60 69 1244} Baltimore 57 68 13¥4| New York 57 70 14% ,| Kansas City $3: 73 18 Friday's Results New York 7-2 Washington 5-1 Minnesota 6-2 Cleveland 5-L Boston 7-1 Chicago 1-2 Detroit 3 Kansas City 0 California at Baltimore 2-4 rain Probable Pitchers Today Detroit (Wilson 17-9) at Kan- !sas City (Odom 3-6) Boston (Stephenson 1-0) at Chicago (Horlen 14-4). Minnesota (Kaat 9-12) at! | Cleveland (O'Donoghue 7-6). Nev York (Barber 9-143 at} |Washirgton (Pascual 11-9) California (Brunet 11-16) at Baltimore (Brabender 3-3) N. Sunday's Games Detroit at Kansas City Boston at Chicago 2 Minnesota at Cleveland New York at Washington California at Baltimore 2 Monday's Games Detroit at California N Cleveland at Kansas City N \Baltimore at Minnesota N ic hicago at Washington N \Boston at New York N SPORT BRIEFS | LAWN BOWLS MONTREAL (CP)--British | Columbia was the only unde- | | SOVIET SENDS rey TOKYO (AP)--The Sov |Union has applied for visas dee Itt athletes and officials to the! | Tokyo World University Games \opening Saturday, the organi- izers reported Monday. The |Russians and four other Com- |munist-bloc countries had ear- lier announced they would not| | participate. Japanese organi- lzers said they were puzzled by| Russia's change of mind but are making preparations to} | welcome its delegation. NEW BOXING LEAGUE | NEW YORK (AP)--A poten- day, August 24, 1967, Marguerite Millson tial global amateur boxing of Tyrone in her 55th year. Beloved wife of Leon Moore, dear mother of Jon, CARD OF THANKS league will Open early next} Paul, and Grace, Resting at the North: L jyear as a two division United) cult-Elliott Funeral Home. Funeral serv \States intercity league, Col.! ice 2 o'clock, Saturday afternoon. Inter | , , niet ment Bethesda Cemetery. (In lieu of SMELANSKI - We wish to thank friends! Donald F. Hull, executive direc- flowers, donations may be made to the and neighbours, of the late Andrew Smel- jtor of the National Amateur! | Athletic Union, announced Mon- 'day. Col, Hull said the circuit will be called the International Boxing League. Future plans call for inclusion of a number of foreign" cities FRIDAY, AUGUST 25 FIRST RACE $1,100, Conditioned -- Mile Trot. Purse |3-See S. Song, Feagan 5.00 3.20 2.30 2-Cookie Barnes, Madill 3.10 2 hi l-Hit Parade Mir, Walker Asio Started: Wilbrook Sh yey Claudette Mir, Lady Jes# and Sarney Castle. MONTREALER LEADS | | COND RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse ST. RAYMOND, Que. (CP)-- an Claiming. W'dell H'ld 5-Roving Gypsy, -Lady Violet Direct, oily 8.90 3.90 3.00 3.80 2.80 , ed jacket to wear on cool Sum- AG 3c sales tax. Print plainly PAT- | t] MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS THE ee TIMES, Saturday, August 26, 1967 17 OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS SHEER ELEGANCE By ALICE BROOKS Crochet this elegantly design INDIA-INSPIRED By ANNE ADAMS lay color against color + mer evenings Light, lacy, elegant! Pine- apples stand out against sheil- stitch. Very easy to crochet bold bands circle the neckline with 3-ply fingering yarn. Pat-|of this dart - shaped skim- tern 7082: sizes 32 to 46 incl.jmer with an India - inspired FIFTY CENTS (coins) for air of elegance. Easy - sew. each pattern (no stamps, please)| Printed Pattern 4617: Misses' |to The Oshawa Times Needle-/Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size craft Dept., 60 Front Street West,/14. takes 254 yards 35 inch; % Toronto. Ontario residents add|yard contrast SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (65c) in |TERN, NUMBER, NAME AD-\coins (no stamps, please) for DRESS jeach pattern. Ontario residents 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL] jadd 3c sales tax. Print plainly NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in| SIZE, ME, ADDRESS, new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! |§ 2 free patterns, knit crochet fashions, everything. 25c. | Sensational, new value! Book/Pattern Dept., jof Prize AFGHANS has 12)West, Toronto. complete patterns. Beginner -| FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- easy knit, crochet. 60c. jsee the best of the new styles Museum Quilt Book 2 - com-/for all sizes in our new Fall- plete patterns for 12 superb|Winter Pattern Catalog. Get one 'heirloom quilts. 60c. |pattern free-- just clip coupon '. NUMBER. Send order to ANNE. ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, 60 Front Street Bargain! Quilt Book 1 -- 16)in Catalog. Hurry, send 500 \complete patterns. 60c. lright now. FRIDAY, AUG. Wheeler, Mariner's Deb and Busy Men FIRST RACE -- Purse inven, sealing The Exactor, Vibrant Gem and Aber- maiden two year olds, 42 Fu foyle, paid $343.20. 3-Parade Ground, Dittfaché. 10 S10 2.50) 10-String Tie, 3.40 3.00) FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, claim- 11-Sea Brat, 4.90\ing three year olds and up, | 1-16 miles Time 53 1-5, Clear and Fast 4-Market Bid, Bell 19.70 7.10 4.30 Also Ran tn Order: Nush Kvon, Lucky|2-Bachelor of Arts, Hinojosa 3.50 2.90 Nosey, Bella Angelica, Fai r Daphe,!3-Nearctic Myth, Green 5.30 Camilo, Sharp N' Smart, Coffee Star,| Time 146 4-5 \Vicuna Girl and Go Go Belle | Also Ran in Order: Sliver Gus, Jet | Invader, Mr. Tot and Abuso SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000, cla ing maiden three and four year as, ™ SIXTH RACE ~ Purse Lites furs jing three yea rolds and up 7 fu! St claim: 1-Brief Garon, Green 6.30 3.30 2460/5-S'iv'r M'ni'ght, Bii'ch9.00" "0 4 }2-Litth 'own, Hinojosa 4.10 3.00/2-Real Runner, Platts 112-Strabonne, DittHach 5.80) 1A-Winning Cue, Werry 250 Time 127 4-5 Time 125 -45 Also Ran In Order: Guylene, Shady| Also Ran In Order: Shining parks Lass, Whirling Typhoon, Rolyn Ed, Chief/Brockton Boy, Big Rocky, A-Park {Lemania Periodical, rox and Lator Love The Dally Double, Parade Ground (3)/ land Brief Garon (1), paid $15.10. ? Sunyou, rene} | elghts and Shining Wings . Ziegler and W. Moldowan entry SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,200, al- lowances, three year old fillies, foaled In day fer team Monday night after) tyiep race -- Purse $2,000, claim aa, 1, mile Hospital on Thursday, August 24, 1967, the one | loved God called away. two rounds in the 14th Canadian |ing maiden two year olds, 42 Furs Speedy Sonnet, Dittfachi4.10 $.10 3.40 H. Raymond Hobbs, beloved husband of| You suffered so much but shed not */lawn bowling championships. |} |12-Fleet Reactor, Kelly 5.80 asd 3.50/ pier, Kelly 5.10 3.20 Elizabeth Hester, father of Donald tear, d d| St. Paul, .Inovye 7.60 5.70| 2-Cusmax, Gritfo 420 Hobbs, Courtice, Ontario, Robert Hobbs| put you knew in your heart that] British Columbia had a recor! la: Krakanita, Platts 9.70|Time 138 Maen (urea fe My | ; heaven was near |of five victories and no defeats | [Time 54 on as | Ais, Ren: All We Have and Zacate Mrs. Morley Thomson (Madeline), me] Ata ieee, rough life and pretend you/in the first day of competition | iss" roman" Pater, Silvido, Pilgrim | pala $69.30. Seed) Ne awa, Harry Hobbs, Newcastle, Jack and| Yet | know in God's mansions youJand drew a bye in the fours|Lady, Gems of Opar, Chic Countess, Stanity, Hobbs of Oshawa, in his 45th rest in no fear. | competition in the first round ere eee Ontario Ensign, and Shine) BIGHTH RACE --= Purse $2,200, claim- year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral; Some da' fou'll ~= awak rightly Ing three year old' and up, 1 1-16 mil Home, Oshawa. Funeral service in| Heavenly. throne ake on God's Ontario had four victories and} | 6-Meteor, Nelly 19.50 '7.60."3.50 Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa, on/ And God will forgive all eur sine tolone loss and Alberta and Mani-|,,¢ ree 'ear olds, toaed,in Can 'ise eencm ae Mount Lawn Cemetery. (In lieu of flow-| Thank God for all blessings |toba had three wins and two] Vibrant Gem, LeBlanc $5.20 19.90 11.40|Time 146 : ers, donations to the Muscular Dys-| Must lay fhere and rest losses. Quebec was 2-3, Saskat- |6 Aberfoyle, Bell 3.80 Also Ran In Order: Vedas, Silver Run, trophy Fund wou'd be appreciated.| It's true that they say, God takes only|chewan was 1-5 and Nova Sco. |barnenur elds Dittfach 5.10 fare Dust, Sweetiy Packed and Kerry's the best. LU jimp HOPKINS, Ivy Grace Always remembered by sons and/tia failed to register a victory| Also Ran In Order: Jiveastar, Speedy'Attendance, 7,516. Total Handle, $449,778, Suddenly, at her late residence, Ash. daughters, Mum and Dad, brothers and) jin six attempts. burn, Ontario, on Friday, August 25,| sisters. GREENWOOD ENTRIES MONDAY, AUG. 28 | FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, mald- (Clear and Fast) en, two year olds (Divn of 3rd), 7 furs, FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200, miaden (7) 3 and 4 year olds, foaled in Cda. ? turs Go Goo Eves, No Boy 1) (10) Sailor's Rest, Dittfac hi | Mom's Pride, Tuckwood A-XXXI07? |Inti-Raym!, No Boy 120 |Lady Schreibe, Harrison 2 | Turn Aside, Hale, 120 {Lite Quill, No Boy A-11 Red's Choice, No we va Daring Bunty, No Boy M7 Old Mill Road, No jWalrang!, No Boy B-117 | Count The Green, Kely x16 More Mischief, Bell X107 |Buckminster, No Boy 112 | Ticket To Ride, No Boy 8-117 Jive Mister, Werry 12 al 8 Dreamy Jo, Walsh 117 bed fe Bian; Kelly A-X112 A -- Miss M. R, Muccl, P. and P. Mucci Patalito, Green B-XXX107 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, claim |'!ng (4,000), three year olds and up 1 1-16 poy Latin Artist, N " ---- F. Sinardo, F Apa, P. Drouin and! Career aay: Kay hs Cady IB. G. Jackson entry erin Pan, No Boy 114 | SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200, elaim-|ti1 Eady ae Bey ete jIng (5,000), two year old fillies, foaled in Prompt Response, Harrison 103 Bev ch Rees Kaily: Xie tow Bele atone 4 |Scotlagd's Girl, Gomez 117 3 = yellow Sree NE ae ae | Miss Tiger, No Boy 114 i Be aie Neo may td res F, A. Roberts and Mrs. A. D. Tay- lor Teenie Dee, Bell X107 ' |Across The Line, Bell X107 LEAR eet |Gay Sister, Harrison 112 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, ciaim- | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200, maiden A (3,000), three year old# and up, 7 Itwo year olds, 7 furs. (7 rs (9) |Wee Chop Chop, No Boy 118 jSolarman, Ditttach 115 |Bruce Tartan, Walsh 115 | Stanhope Gate, No Boy 110 Aye Aye, Grubb X115 Richard B. Good, Kelly X110 Swankey Franky, Grubb X110 River Party, No Boy 117 Dula Gail, Bell XX108 Helen Mary, Gordon 109 Berno Miss, Grubb X104 Thirty Grand, Kelly X115 Peter Picker, No Boy 114 Well Now, Platts X110 Royal Regret, Hinojosa 1! jPhantom Flyer, Grech xoxi0s SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, earolhy (7,500), two year olds, 7 furs, | Cuddle and Kiss, Grubb X103 4-Agate, Hayes 9.80 5.70 4.00/Tiger Court, No Boy A-119 1-Globe's Birthday, Archd'kn |3-King's Buddy, Waddell Also Started: Adios 680 3.70 Moody Marty, Grubb X114 3.10, Walkin Dud, Gomez A-119 Susie, Unique Ace Countess, Kelly X114 Richard, Major's Mrissey, May Chief C. Krakatoga, Kelly X112 and Tuffy Tee. Disa. No Boy 114 P. Smith entry SIXT HRACE -- Mile Pace. $1,300. Conditioned. '| 2Celerina, Kopas 9.10 390 2.30) EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,200, claime 5-Kwik Kat, Arthur 3.20 2.20} : 4 SChathen Chis, Findley 220/ ine. (3, ae) three year olds and up 11-16 Also Started: Meadow Liner, Gaylord i 1 Grattan, Hazella, and Perfect Time. Bary AP etree EXACTOR, 2 AND 5, PAID $29.30. pnii's Delight, Bradfield ae Mighty Patrol, Gordon Purse {exactor Wagering) Aue started; Lec's. Pride, soso stone sey NTH RACE' -- Mile Trot. Purselvaliey Town, Tuckwood xios pnitd Cap, Singing Pence and Swifty 1-Kimbo, Waples 60 3.60. 3.30 yt Tee Fore many Betsy Herbert, Herbert 3.90 3.20 H DAIL YDOUBLE, 3 AND 5, PAID $21.10. erie Nib Lee, Stirton 540 ie . otic ae: i wAC: XXx10 Also Started: Protector Donledi, Ca-|)).-- THIRO RACE --- Mile: Pace. Purselacce Demy font he ore Nene Ibs. AAC: Brook B. "| Post Time 2 p.m 3Credit Card, W'wood . 4.30 2.80 2.90 Spas ea ee EOLA oe Meee Ore eA egal Weltc Feagan 2.70 ER EIGHTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse) 'lone! Cole, Gillan 5.10 | $2,500. Conditioned. | ; |peAlt® Started: Deep Run Blaze, Lady é-eplice nditioned. ny 490 390.9.70| AIRLINES EARN MORE etunia, Jol Tass, Peter W. i ia, Joleene Tass, er 1-R. Yankee Wann, Boily 2.90 2.5 MONTREAL (CP)--Sched- fan and' Marshall Saint. | FOURTH» RACE -- Mile Trot. Purse $1,500. Conditioned. |7-Garma Alert, Walker 10.10 3,70 2.70 1-Kinnel' Lodge, Findley 3.10 2.70 4Ed's Dream, McFadden 3.80 Also Started: Dream Acres Guy, Light- |ning Dares, Highley's Johnny and Fol- |low Suit, FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Purse *$1,100, Claiming, 1 3-Scat Time, e Also Started: J. R. Spencer, Adios es of the world Alice and Gallant Mir. uled al riin earned more than $1,000,000,000 Purse during 1966, reports the Inter- W'wood 14.80 7.50 7.70 national Civil Aviation Organi- 13.00 7.60 yation, marking the largest op- NINTH RACE -- Mile Pace. $1,400. Claiming. 3-A'mac G'tan, 8-Jipa, Waples 4-Brother Noble, Geigel Jr 13.20 Also Started: First Jet, Echo © Valley.erating profit earned ®y com- lAway kid, Madam Herbert and) mercial airlines in a 12-month awartha Alfendance 5,204, Handle $276,213, 'period.