Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1967, p. 15

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ris a eon eons: 4 ne et er ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, August 26,1967 15 __ =. = BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY |8--Articles_ for Sole \11--Pets and Livestock | CHROME KITCHEN "SUITE, gray arbor ite top. Apply 112 Oshawa Bivd. N. |TABLE SAW -- Telco Master, in|! bla , $60, Also reel type lawn iti |POODLE "PUPS, five weeks quantity, Telephone 668-6980 Accountants \Building Trades WILLIAM 3 HALL, B.comm., Charier- @0 Accountant, 36'2 King Street East. Belephone Oshawa 725-6539. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., ieee] Accountants, Financial Trade Build-| 9, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, ee rid, 725-3509; $, T. Hopkins, CA; H. eadie CA; E, Lukow, CA. | ALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char-| fore Accountants. Licensed Trustees in) ankruptcy, 572 Simcoe Street North, / shawa, 728. 737) iccountant, Suite 205W, Oshawe ing Centre, 725-9983. ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens -- TV---Readio Repairs _ ~ MORTGAGE LOANS purchased (OB CLANCY'S Accounting Serv Srnlle" hnewnaeniin servied, 1m. ern Nave YOU CHECKED your chimney 'op Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. For repairs call 726-3842 M. F. SWARTZ HOUSANDS read Times Action Classi- aTuanric PAVING AND CONCRETE. Set driveway paved by experts | work 'anteed for three| o 723-4697 } eavestroughing, | - ed ads daily -- he ae GUTMANN, Chartered accoun- years ant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ast, Telephone 723-4833, Diveprinting ness sran Building Trades 17 Bond East, ~~~ | BEAUTIFY |wa th Sakrete core No Down Payment mae : Monthly Instalments Remodelling | | @ Bathrooms | oN ee op @ Kitchens @ Recreation Rooms @ Garages A new deportment of Osh- owa's Quality Builder Call Today for Free Estimates OOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, epairs, large and smail jobs. L. and H Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing, Chimneys, eavestroughina, _ fireplaces masonry. Gord May. Whitby, 668-2774 JAX! DRIVERS wanted, over 25 years Gardening "and "Supplies @f ace, full and partime. Must reside in Whitby. Telephone 668-5110 or 668-3383. ' CLASSIFIED RATES VORD ADS fash 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20. 3dditional words, Se each; 3 consecu fve insertions of, 24 words, 3.24; addi tional words © each; 6 consecu pet were ar Sa words: 8.78; oda fional words 24¢ each. Shorge--10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days. Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 fords counts as 24 words; each word, itial, figure or abbreviation counts as te Loe phone number counts two jords. IRTHS --- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES 50 per insertion with 25 cents addi tonal charge if not paid within 8 days. IN MEMORIUMS $2.50 for the first 25 words ond 6c znch thereafter plus 13¢ per line of verse; 25¢ additional charge if not paid within B days. GARDS OF THANKS $2.50 for the first 35 words ord 7c aoch thereafter with 25¢ additional thorge if not peg within 8 days. COMING EVENT 38 per inch \Sisplay): $2.00 for the rst 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter ord Ads). Liction SALE $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD ADS & p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Jost AND FOUND % a.m. DAY OF vee ual BIRTHS AND DE Fo m. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN MEMORIUMS and GARD OF THANKS & p.m. DAY PREVIOUS GLASSIFIED DISPLAY & column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eol- umns or larger --- 10 a.m. day previous. GANCELLATIONS AND GORRECTIONS > a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before Dublication will be charged one day's insertion. 80x NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to forword replies to box numbers to the} agivertisers os soon as possible, we ac! tent no linbiiity in respect of loss or ius 3 alleged to arise through either ilure or delay in forwarding such re-| lies however caused whether by negli- | dence or otherwise. The Times will not ze aeons for replies uncalied for! in 20 days. | | | é " REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| TiSEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE! THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE| CHARG GLE IN- SERTION IN WHICH, ERROR" SccuRs. te Oshawa Times reserves the right to sify advertising according to its Groper classification. im the cases of display advertisements he Times will mot be held responsible 1 more spoce than that which the actual error occupies. The publishers andeavor to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but assume no libility 4f advertisement if any inaccuracies in Sny form are contained therein. f IT'S EASY TO PLACE A z TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct ® 723-3492 ft GENERAL LANDSCAPING PIGDEN ROOFING nen | FOOTING, 728-5657 --- ROOFING, ELL DRAFTING and _ Reproductions cement td., 52¥2 Simcoe Street North, 723-4661, | 655-305) { | | | ot '| Blueprint ng and Phetostatic copies. TERRANO PAVING, | Professionally) Home fei vement ScEe alists Serving se hawa and District Honest ang Bapenable S Phone 725- 8576 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION |HOME ADDITIONS, rim Call today for Free Estimates pairs 728-7583 \Secansakian DRESSMAKING, suits, dren's Reasonable DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits, coats lore: | covers, TIMOTHY & ALSIKE MERION BLUEGRASS KENTCKY BLUEGRASS INDIVIDUAL GRASSES EVERGREEN 6-9-6 EVERGREEN WEED KILLER TANK. SPRAYERS Everything for the garden Cooper: Smith 16 ent NA ST. DELIVERY SERVICE _ TOP SOIL -- MANURE processed and biend- ed with cattle manure for top OSHAWA GARDEN BLUE GRASS All-Green Nursery 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N, 2M. north Taunton Village _ : J. KAMSTRA LANDSCAPING GARDEN SERVICE MERION-KENTUCKY All-Green Nursery 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N es M. north Taunton n Village i INDEX TO 3054, s CLASSIFICATIONS FOR FR N--Women's Column saw work and cutting trees. '2--Personal 728-9075. Sportsman's Column P »4--Motorcycles Instruc'! 6--Trailers }6--Marine Equipment '7--Swap and Barter Articles for Sale Br Markel Beske! (0---Farmer's Column 1--Pets and Livestock 2--Articles Wanted 3--Articies for Rent 4--Business Opportunities S--Employment Wanted 7--Femaie Help Wanted iB--Male Help Wanted 5--Male or Female veld Wanted 0--Real Estate For Sal l0a--Summer Properties 1--Farms for Sale 72--Lots for Sale m--Real Estate Wanted 4--Stores Offices and Storage s--Houses for Rent 6--Apartments for Rent f6a--Expo Accommodation 27--Rooms for Rent 0--Automobiles for Sal 1--Compact Cars for Sale 2--Trucks for Sale 3--Automobiles Wanted o4--Automobile Repair S--Lost "as Found a 39--Notices Rutherford's Driving School 4--Agents Wanted (Licensed by Police Commission) @ Courteous Instructors @ Dual Control Cars @ Fully Insured 14 ALBERT STREET "WANT RESULTS? GET WITH THE ACTION! 723-3492 262 King St- East Oshawa, Ontorio MORTGAGE LOANS ends. 728-5623 FIRST AND SECOND mortaages, agreements purchased and sold. Hennick ick, Barristers, 31 King Street "Quality Carpentry _ East. 9257202 Money to Loan NEED CASH to consolidate your bills, |buy that new car, boat, travel expenses. Ve feature second mortgages of 12° per cent Also first mortgages available, con: Call 723-4631 fidential, private fun any time. recreation rooms Painting and 'Decorating -- PAINTING and paper hanging, Interior and exterior, Free estimates and prices, Telephone 726-2834. -\ Plumbing and Heating ay | | 149 Brock St. North | WHITBY -- 668-6601 | Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies Everything in the | plumbing line. 20% off all supplies 12 p.m. --- 9 p.m | SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 5 p.m CLOSED WEDNESDAY ALL TYPES repairs and remodelling,| new and used materials. Reasonabie |rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. |Rug - Upholstery Se OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS information 725-9961 RE-UPHOLSTERING -- | 725-9332 (five full years) Estimates 90 Simcoe St. North PROFESSIONAL 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 |RE-UPHOLSTERY by \lished 20 years. Work teed. Free estimates. Credit terms CHESTERFIELDS _ re-upholstered Street, 723-7212. Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS etc. ALCAN 452 Simcoe S. --- Oshawa sl c NOW outboards, all makes, air cooled engines. Parts and service. Largest service in | Oshawa | 74 BARRIE AVE. | 728-2791 or 725-4633 |VACUUM and polisher repairs, |makes, new hoses, brushes, new mofo \Jack Lees, pick up and delivery. | 6956. Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. Moneys available for tirst and second mortgages. Open T mortgages, No bonus. First @ORDON R. DAY, Certified ed General | James Allen. and Sons! mortgages, second mortgages i Shop ond orrangements for sale We have immediate funds to loan as Ist and second mort- gages, Free advice arrange- ments may be made in your own home. A. ROSEN member drive-| Of Ont. Mort. Broks. Assoc. | 725-0532 eveninas and week- Plumbing Discount Professional rug and uphol- stery cleaning done in your home or our office.' Call for Wide selection of Fabrics Workmanship Guaranteed Easy Budget Terms--Free @ Over 20 years experience THE FURNITURE CENTRE RUG CLEANING perts. Estab ship guaran-| treeses re-built, furniture _re-finished. | Oshawa Uphoistering, 287 Dean Avenue and! jre-styled. Free estimate. See our mate-| rial for re-covering. Slip covers made} to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles| aca Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ FURNITURE and APPLIANCE Telephone 723-0011 PASSENGERS TO RIDE with jattending Toronto Teachers' _ College. |Pape and Cariaw Avenue. Telephone 1725-7149 {LADY WISHES ride from Whitby to Bloor and Church Street area, arriving . jfor 8.30 a.m Telephone '4--Motorbikes Bring me your mowers, tillers, for perfect tv reception on W Channels with no ontenna get Cable ey. call 723-5278 T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you o better tower for less money. OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD TAUNTON RD, E. Just East of Ritson) ;|_723-8131__ 723-8132 TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 Hour Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS 7 V RENTALS TOWERS PHONE 668-5679 _ T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE -and APPLIANCES 452. Simcoe Soutk 723-0011 SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 13 Bond W 576-1670 | olen % TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower structure, all-channe! antenna installed, $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Road East, just east of Ritson Road. Welding |ARC WELDING. Expert workmanship | Reasonable rates due to iow overhead jOpen 9 am. to 9 p.m. Telephone 728. | 1872. \2--Personal_ CUPID. COMPUTER DATING SERVICE Are you looking for the date, more dates or are you mar- riage minded and looking for the right mate? For informo- tion and applications send 25 cents for mailing and handi- ing costs to -- Cupid Com- puter Dating Service, 50 Chi- cora Avenue, Toronto 5, state age. Our services are confi- dential and carry a money __back guarantee ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Aug. 28th, 29th and 30th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment Whitby 668-475 '66 TRIUMPH, 650 cc, low 'tileage. a |Telephone 728-8318 after 4.30. Ht YAMAHA - SUZUKI--Authorized dealer jal e Repairs all makes. We buy and sell. | Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. E, 728- home |GUARANTEED REPAIR to all "wringer 919) e. washers and ranges. Free estimates.' patios, fences, exterior painting, etc. 655-| jCall 728-1742 or 723-0011. 3877. "estimates of hedge trim: 'Septic Service ming, demolishing old buildings, eieley SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- condition. Bes! offer. Telephone 623-2911 179 "lice on. calls. Walter Ward, 204 pidigdbd eat 623-5941. \'67 BSA LIGHTNING, 4,000 _ miles, jalmost new. Must sell, Telephone 723 7246. 1959 TRIUMPH 350 cc. Good running E - LESS engine, Surveyors tario Land Surveyor, Commercial prints, 11 Ontario Street. 725+ €. 725-6881 TV--Rad io Repairs TV SERVICE COLOR BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL TR. LO. TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION Your Own TV TOWER 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division stock Mac - 9, DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, on-|ClUICh. Tony, 668-8558. 5--Trailers FIVE-PIECE CHROME kitchen or din record | wegisTERED DACHSHUND retrigerator $15, stove $25, nie Vacuum $15, chain saw $59 29, coffee table setitriever REGISTERED GOLDEN TROUNT de VERMANDOIS WAS APPOINTED ADMIRAL OF THE FRENCH NAVY WHEN Wy 'eit 2 YEARS Pay only $15 monthly. cn: "Tele |QuaLity CLIPPING |GUARANTEED, USED wringer Furniture and Appliances ee \WE Buy, SELL AND EXCHANGE used | Garrard Rd Libyan Desert, near Egypt, AS VIEWED FROM THE AIR. APPEAR IN THE SHAPE OF HUGE TREES [Me ANS* RALE-BLIND" ZO0LOGIST HAD ACCIDENTALLY ti REGISTERED DACHSHUND SRCRRATIONAL DOG (© Ning Fear Syed, lan 198%, ov ghee reer Free pick-up and delivery i Dachurst} CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, |\8--Articles for Sale NOW & SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL pONRe STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Rent a Trailer |GUARANTEED, USED wringer os | p. Alcan Furniture "and Aipllancass 452 723-001 H PONY, ith Now at the following FIBERGLAS FENDERS WELC WY, good w and up. New and used auto parts. Horses. boarded, bought! 0 r a _ trades Bill Hamilton < eee je else tes ie id t0e : 12--Articles Wanted | | FLOORS custom © ign In colors ide GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Clearance Sale Re ee ee eee are (ane erices 1967 Glendettes & Citations pool deck. Sancoura goes Jany 'sound surtace, i inside or outside Must be In good condition. Reply WANTED NOW -- girl around e BRAKE SPECIAL BUY AND SELL -- good user SED 60-75. horsepower outboard motor, COOK'S TRAILER '13--Articles for Rent -- Open Eveninas 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft TR Tratler Clianincs s, demonstrators, refrig- ineluding welukts per wheel, SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. §, 725-3338 and WHEEL CHAIRS, hos screens. ers, reducing machines, FRONT-END WORK ot foe Tyre LAWN MOWER COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL Miller Trailers HARWOOD NORTH. AJAX TRAILER HITCHES made and installed all types of welding done. Portable | | JOE'S COLOR TV [sere fe {WHERE po You auY a syatiness hit SAVINGS : Spare Time Money Maker "ALUMINUM SEASON-E END CLEARANCE on ALL Trailers, Tents and Camping Supplies PRICES CUT TO COST Trailer Rentals Still Available For August and September, KAMPING UNLIMITED Rental -- Sales -- Storage TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH (1 mile north of King St. East) Taunton; Eetieg' DRAPES, kitchen suite, © located especially for you. No not essential but good credit EVENISS Oshawa Times Three piece medium size ~ CITY TV televisions, rc open'7 days a week. black and white T.V. Anten- and Service 9 a.m. BEAUTY SALON FOR 6--Marine "Equipment ee CHRIS CRAFT SALES and SERVICE : 0500. All work guaranteed. SUMMERTIME SPECIALS | | 15--Employment Wanted Wilson's Furn. Smooth top mattresses 29-95 \9--Market Basket 2-pe. chesterfield suite 109.95 . Oshawa Yachthaven 20 CHURCH STREET RUTHERFORD'S Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, and RED ASTRACHAN runabout fiberglas over bring own containers ALGOMA ORCHARDS 116 FOOT Peterborough cedar strip a Immediate delivery RUTHERFORD'S student | goo _PLYWoOD BOAT with leather seats, GREW Traveller boats. USED Moet ae Ope de motor Marine Storage 'and Supply Ltd FRESH VEGETABLES, 55-364 TYPEWRITERS, new, used, HP EVINRUDE motor, ville and Port Perry areas 'guaranteed and delivered. Over [choose from. On Hwy. 7, six miles west el and Barter BATH AND "LAUNDRY PICK YOUR OWN corn, |SMITH-CORONA student typewriter, $50, jalso oak office desk. Telephone 623-5760. fal 5 race t order and instaliegs piping He] Hours 6 to 9 p.m. Mon. i hl , ~| CS RE OD Uae Ph 576-3280 licensed, A-1| 1F YOU HAVE household di i one condition. Any motor fits, $85. Also e- 'Articles tor aes owe sare fine running order, new |\9A--Eggs & Poultry WANTED NOW ! All In good condition. Telephone 668- |W H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. Office 47 Prince St. Res. 103 Elgin St Go-Go-Going Tent trailer from $199., with mattresses. 25 used trailers, models, in good condition; to be sold below cost. Make an offer, No money down. Rentals available from $25. per week up. Hitches made and installed from $10. up. MACDONALD'S TEXACO, East of Bad Boy. Don't be late to save now. oe Panne jeiet SPARE ROOMS with paying guest.) 722-1492 no wlor an ad-writer to| PIANO. : $1 "washer thai you phrase your ad. | Christmas cards and gifts to three BEDROOM SUITES $ 10--Farmer' s Column Four CHINA CABINETS $ |DEAD AND CRIPPLED also 36" padded headboard, Perfect con-| picked up promptly. 2. sReES rial Hampton od and springs. Telephone Port Perry 985. 35 Christmas this easy way experience needed? Our cata- FLOOR COVERING CLEAR-OUTS, : continued patterns from 2c. beautifully illustrated in full- \so0 BALES, "dead first "crop "hay, cut, , helps you to get plen- , ; Wz}baled and stacked without rain. reheat el Type agg carpets from $39.50. Wilson Furniture, Hi Christmas cards on approval 215 DUNDAS EAST and free catalogue. Monarch Fleming Vecuiin 'Service, Main Sree oreseL TRACTOR and seed drill for| BABY BARGAINS -- crib," om shea FIFTEEN ACRES of wheat straw, Un- large cribs, frem $24 95; carriages, T.V. TOWER -- HOLIDAY SPECIAL DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS 300 million copies of 8,000 Babyland, 20 Church Street |daily newspapers are sold throughout the! Want-Ads Don"t Cost-They Pay! world on any given weekday That's why It's smart business to ad- vertise in The Times' TIMES ACTION "| CLASSIFIED ADS | BRING RESULTS! structure with double B2-13 Locomerive a washing machine offer before 23,000 subscriber-reader: TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. | Reasy=---Believe It or Not! _ 17--Female Help Wanted ACCOWNTS PAYABLE CLERK --37'4% hour week -- own transportation required -- general knowledge of office work essential --- oble ta work under @wn supervision, Above average salary. MELRON CONSTRUCTION 401 Hopkins St., Whitby Contact Mr. $. Gedge 668-5841 AVON CALLING Does an Avon representative call on you? Perhaps you live n an open territory! Don't delay turn your spore time into money Service customers close to your home. No ex. perience required. We train you. For further information write or call Mrs, J. Hill, 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa, 725- 9696 EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Canada's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps es, etc, Ov free heo fully if Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton. Ont WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY CHEST OFFERS fen! MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS, We Will Train You No investments, Collections, or Deliveries 723-3568 CLERK TYPIST Minimum 3 years experience. Permanent position with § day week. Excellent work. ina conditions. Phone 723- 2233 |HOUSEKEEPER fo live in, 35 or under, One child, Telephone 723-8258 fo mind one bey, two years of No. my home, five-day week, Telephone 'ne 725, | 6606 COMPANION. for elderly lady, home with |i duties, must live Telephone 728-8181 after 7 p.m |SALESLADY -- To introduce hende cut ___lervstal Apply to Box 33274 children In chile dren's home while mother werka, WOMAN TO CARE |Whitby, Telephone 668. 4925, javired for a new beauty salon. working conditions, Telephone nena': jor 725-8120: \ARE YOU INTERESTED In earning lextra money for Christmas? Inquire labout representing the exclusive Beauty Openings in both man- walk-|agement and sales, Comple sick room sup-|program, Mrs. Morrison, 725: 05 Beatrice, 725-1644. REGISTERED NURSE required tor ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred| nursing home Counselor tin 33466, Oshawa Times Bar, kitchen, stBADY POSITION offered to reliable apd honest woman to care for hildren, § and 9, In happy home ion Opportunities | fautens:brivatn. teen }Parents at business, 723-3211 days, }2539 evenings. [HOUSEKEEPER to look after |children, two school-age. Live In pre-e, ferred. Apply Box 91, Pickering RELIABLE WOMAN {o care for one child, Cabot Street area. Telephone 728- , 4258 HOUSEKEEPER, two children. After 9° p.m., call 723-3055, (No teen-agers, |please | HOUSEKEEPER loo! |dren, live-in. Telephone 376: 2277. |LADY TO MIND child in her _ halt days, two weeks @ month, e | Farewell area, Telephone 728-7882 after, 7 p.m a EXPERIENCED full or part-time hand! GENERAL STORE with Texaco gas and and machine sewers to work in shop..Good wages to the right person, estab. Must speak English. Apply in person, by H. Sheriff, 37 Prince Street. 728-673) RELIABLE BABYSITTER to core ; three small children, in our home, five days a week. Telephone 723-5993 18--Male Help Wanted OPPORTUNITIES AT AJAX, ONTARIO with 19 3 p.m, Experi | Canadian Division 6 of International Corporation Personable young mon for 17--Female Help Wanted | inside soles and customer ete te east liaison, who will have the res- ponsibility of the order desk | Preferred age, 25-30 with minimum of grade 12 educa- tion ALSO trial hydraulics will be con- sidered Please submit applications or apply in person to; PRECISION VALVES (CANADA LTD.) 410 Finley Ave. Ajax, Ontario Watchman Secusine Guard APPLY TO Box 33808 300 items, lus- trated cataloque samples, on approval and the fastest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Card HAIR STYLIST with good lentele re: training 4. For particulars write Box '2S chile Senior setter mechanic for our plastic injection molding department. A MAN WITH previous experience in indus» : t Boe eee

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