14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, August 25, 1967 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH 'FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountonts WILLIAM ¢. HALL, 'B.comm., Charter. ed Accountant, 36/2 King Street Telephone 0: Oshawa 725-6539. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND "C0, "Charter-| ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, me fario, 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; 4. Beadie CA; E. Lukow, CA YALE, ; FRIEDLANDER AND_ CO., Char- tered Accountants Bankruptcy, 57'. Simcoe Street North 371. iN DAY, Cert fied eet Accountan te 205W, Oshawa Shop-! ping Centre. "725-9953 "4 g BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. THOUSANDS read Times Action Classi fied ads daily. EPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun JOSEPH GU red. aceoun. fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 East, Telephone 7: ade Blueprinting BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions, Ltd., $2¥2 Simcoe Street North, 723- 4661 Blueprinting and photostatic copies. Building Trades No Down Payment Monthly Instalments Remodelling @ Bothrooms @ Kitchens | @ Recreation Rooms | @ Goraoges A new department of Osh- | owa's Quality Builder Call Today for Free Estimates KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call today for Free Estimates 728-7583 ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, repairs, jarge and smali jobs Roofing and Construction 725-6937, ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing, chimneys, _ eavestroughing, fireplaces, masonry. Gord May. Whitby. 668-2774. TAXI DRIVERS wanted, over 25 years of age, full and partime. Must reside in Whitby. Telephone 668-110 or 668-3383. shingles, and H CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS a Cash -- | insertion of 24 words 1.20 itional words, Sc eoch; 3 _consecu- five insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- tional words 131%4¢ each; 6 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi tional words 24c each Chorge--10 per cent additional chorge if not paid within 8 days, Method of Counting -- Less than 24) words counts os 24 words; each word,| nitiol, figure or abbrevietion counts os} sne word; phéne number counts two words. | BIRTHS --- DEATHS -- | SOCIAL NOTICES | $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents oddi- | tional charge if not paid within 8 doys.| IN MEMORIUMS $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6c tach thereafter plus 13c per line of] verse; 25¢ additional charge if not poid} within 8 doys. | CARDS OF THANKS $2.50 for the first 35 words and 7c) toch thereafter with 25c¢ additional charge if not paid within 8 days. ag ad EVENTS 2.38 per inch (display); $2.00 for the ie 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter | Word Ads). AUCTION SALE $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD A | | DS 4 p.m. DAY: PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND > a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 3 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION N MEMORIUMS ond CARD OF THANKS 4 p.m, DAY PREVIOUS | LASSIFIED DISPLA | 1 column--4 p.m, doy previous; 2 ¢ol-] mns or lorger 10 om. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECT iON DAY OF PUBLICATION advertisement cancelled before be charged one doy's REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER TISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE INSERTION OF ANY AO- VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS showo 7 the right ng vertisements responsit IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS Column Column e $--Merine Bow --Swap en Art cles 'or Sa pment Livestoce | ness Opportunities | 15--Employment Wanted | 1é--Agents Wanted Female Help Wanted Male Heip Wanted | Male or Female Help Wanted ; --Real Estate For Srie --Summer Properties s for Sale Estate Wanted | Stores Offices and Storage Houses for Rent | Apartments for Rent | 4--Expo Accommo | Rooms for Rent 2B--Room and Board H Wanted to Rent tomobiles for Sale for Sale * Wanted Repair 2S--Lest and Found Lomi ng Events | 39--Notices East.) Licensed Trustees inj} _ TERRANO PAVING, [Building Trades __|Mortgages _ : a _ REPAIRS nee | CONSOLIDATE : j ALTERATI | Bore Poy Mthly | | ADDITIONS | $200 2222555 $3423. | $4000 of ass Peet Mortgage examples based on 15 year term: Interest 1 - 114% per month (12 - 16% per annum) depending on amount borrow- ed. Interest calculated on the reducing balance. Properties must be within a-city or town | limits, | | C.A.C. REALTY. | to --| HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES | Rec Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty Jones Allen and Son 725-6126 HAVE YOU CHECKED your jately? For repairs call 728-2842 ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. your driveway paved by experts. te sq work guaranteed for three! "chimney pbrvclbiteaks | Oshawa Shopping Centre | PIGDEN ROOFING - eavesiroughing, 28-1691 roofing, cement work, general repairs. | -- : =| 728-5657. ie Sy UA | ROOFING, CHINNEYS, all types of! } cement work, stoops, sidewalks, etc 1655-3061. F. McCann, RR 3, Oshawa | i | 10 years in busi-| 19¢ square foot |TV--Radio | Repoi s Guaranteed work, Bond East, 723-584) BEAUTIFY and protect |ways with Sakrete Sealer japplied. Telephone 725-8885 Carpentry ' Quality. Carpentry | GENERAL. REPAIRS Home Improvement Specialists | Serving Oshawa ond District asphalt drive:| Professionally LOANS | Moneys available for tirst | and second mortgages. Open | mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages | and arrangements for sale purchased M. F. SWARTZ 2612 King St East for Many Years Honest ond Depenoble Servic Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 | FOR MORTGAGES rooms HOME ADDITIONS, recreation trim work, remouiding and general re- pairs. Telephone E, 725-7066 Alwoys deal with a member Dre ki of the | ressmaking oe ONTARIO MORTGAGE | DRESSMAKING, suits, coats and chil-| BROKERS ASSOCIATION | ren's wear by experienced seamstress. | | Reasonable Mrs. _Krajnc. 725-873 _ { Our memebrs in your area: | DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted suits, coats, dresses, Beautifully tailored slip. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. | covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372 360 King Street West, suits, "COATS and dressmaking. Alter- eh CONTE and eeeameting Al] AVI ROSEN tones 728-2169 758 Glengrove Street MORTGAGE LOANS We have immediate funds to Gardening | yond "Supplies loan as Ist and second mort- gages, Free advice arrange- GARDEN ier eaccnaarae SUPPLIES | wn home. A. ROSEN member of Ont. Mort. Broks. Assoc. 725-0532 evenings and week- ends 728-5623 JPER FINE GRASS MIX = ES oer ao ; FINE GRAS: MIX FIRST AND SECOND mo mortanoes, re wet3 acreemy r a 4 tek | PARKLAWN GRASS MIX -- land Hennick Barristers. nrg Be SUBURBAN GRAS MIX East. 723-7232. | |Money ¢ to Loan TIMOTHY & aad MERION BLUEG KENTCKY BLUEG RASS INDIVIDUAL GRASSES GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 EVERGREEN 6-9-6 |NEED CASH to consolidate your | bills, \Suy that new car, boat, travel expenses. We feature second mortgages of 12 per cent. Also first mortgages avaliable, con: fidential, ane funds. Call Tis-a6st EVERGREEN WEED KILLER [anv C.1.L, TURF 10-6-4 SO.GREEN 7-7-7 [Painting end and | Decorating Le MILORGANITE /PAINTING at paper hanging, Interior and ext timate BONEMEAL [rca ata" POTTING SOIL |Plumbi ng and Heatin | TANK SPRAYERS | a bak repairs and remodelling, | and used materi. Reasonabie Estimates free. new [rates Everything for the garden 72. J. Fole |Rug - Upholstery Service e _ 723-8131 TELEVISION -- RADIO es for perfect tv reception on W Channels with no antenna get Cable tv call 723-5278 COLOR or BLACK and WHITE FOR THE BEST CALL [Bases TV SERVICE a Lake Michigan steamer WAS SCRAPPED AFTER 2 SUCCESSIVE CAPTAINS DIED SUDDENLY ABOARD | THE ARCH | AT THE ENTRANCE TO Hyde Park, London, | OPENS ITS MAIN GATE ONLY TO THE BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY | Tee GUILLAUME SOUQUET de LATOUR (1768:1850) Curate of St. Thomas --Believe It or Not/| Aquinas Parish, in Paris, aga TO GIVE HIMSELF MORE T STUDY LANGUAGES SLEPT « ONLY 4 fons tat AN IGHT FOR THE T 40 TEARS OF HIS LIFE = HE MASTERED 40 MODERN AND ANCIENT LANGUAGES © Kane Fenmere Senden inn. 1061. Warld sate memes 8+ 25 TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION Your Own TV TOWER | 728-5143 | Corner Bond and Division T.V. TOWERS TRIO. | AT OUR OWN PLANT 5--Trailers MONY' . Rent a Trailer Reasonable rates, hitches sup- plied. Now at the following locations. Geo, Brown's Supertest, 334 Park Rd. S Hackney Motors, 1180 Simcoe St Robinson Motors, 574 Ritson Rd. S, N, { | "BUILT IN OSHAWA" | | for less money. OSHAWA T.V. | SUPPLY LTD. TAUNTON RD. E; Just East of Ritson) 723-8132 _| We give you a better tower | 24 Hour Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS TV Sena PHONE 668-5679 Clearance Sale 1967 Glendettes & Citations Catamaran Sail Boat All Trailer Parts and Acces- sories Priced To Clear, Buy Now. COOK'S TRAILER SALES LTD. 1910 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Open Evenings 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Trailer Clearance Rentals, demonstrators, refrig- erators, heaters, cots etc. Miller Trailers HARWOOD NORTH. AIAX TRAILER HITCHES made and Installed. jAlso all types of welding done. Portable 723-6840. T.V. Rentals New Sets : ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South 723-0011 Cooper-Smith 16 ed ST. 723-2312: 723-1139 | DELIVERY SERVICE TOP SOIL --- MANURE OSHAWA RUG CLEANERS Professional rug and uphol- stery cleaning done in your home or our office. Call for ee | information 725-9961 ~~ RE-UPHOLSTERING } | | | | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Fast T.V. Service DOMINION | TELEVISION | _ 728-5154 ie a.m. to 9 p.m. '64 GLENDALE mobile home, 10° for rent. furnished two-bedroom x 50', excellent condi- ion. Lot 24. Telephone 668-404). on ALL Trailers, Tents and Camping Supplies PRICES CUT TO COST Trailer Rentals Still Available For August and September. KAMPING UNLIMITED | Rental -- Sales -- Storage | SEASON-END CLEARANCE! |8--Articles for Sale NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber- align toe - in and toe - out to correct condition $7.95 @ Parts extra if required | @ Torsion bor adjustment | extra, | ° | BRAKE SPECIAL | Most popular cars. First ie Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, $14.88 Plus $2.00 Per Wheel | (labor cost) e | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel, each : $1.9 SHOCKS, "MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK at COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Home of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6 6511 ALUMINUM : es @ SIDING @ AWNINGS @ WINDOWS @ DOORS LES EVENISS | SALES LTD. | 15 Prince St 725-4632 | |New TAPPAN stove, only $35., one br 8--Articles for Sale THREE-WIDTH DRAPES, green satin damask, two-width beige drapes, bed- spread, and matching cafe drapes. Mahogany end tables, wooden kitchen table and chairg. Kolinsky jacket, 728- 8767. ESTATE SALE. "Antique" dining room suite consisting of buffet, china cabinet and six chal also chesterfield chair. Can be seen between 10-12 Satur- day morning at 630 Simcoe N., Apt. CHROME KITCHEN SUITE, gray ite top. Apply 112 Oshawa Blvd. TABLE SAW -- Telco Master, blade, extras, $60. Also reel type lawn mower in working condition. $20. Call 'bor- washer $25, vacuum $15, chain saw radio $15, television $29, coffee tabie ee $24, kitchen set $18, chesterfield $69. 728-4401 3 FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. Guananteed touble-free winter if you purchase from Western Oil Company. 725-1212. FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new |Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South |VIKING TELEVISION, 25", new condi tion. Owner changing to color, $329 two years ago, now selling $150, Telephone| 725-2765. SINGER industrial power sewing ma chine, Thor automatic gladiron, portable coal oil heater, suitable for cottage or garage, Johnson remote controls and Cables, 13' - 14', 728-5764 ANTIQUE SOFA, antique table, lyre design, dinette set, 40 Frigidaire stove, automatic. Phone 576-1090 RIDING TRACTOR -- 8 HP with 42" grass cutter attachment. Used three months, Owner moving. Call 655: | 3186. | GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, | television, refrigerator, etc,, $34.50 and) up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452)? Simcoe South, 723-0011 | ier BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used rniture or anything you have. The ley Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. marble top five-piece, Tele TYPEWRITER, | Standard, $25; portable|dard smooth. WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL | ing 1.B.M. electric typewriter, $45; add- ing machine $20, also electric. 723- 4434. | [FISHING RODS and reels. Coleman |f {products repaired by experts on prem- jises. Sportsman's Corner, 103 Byron St.| |S., Whitby. | CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.9 | |tresses half price, all sizes, roameeares| lone-third off. Factory outlet. 723. 89. |ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Servi Repairs. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Streei E. 725-6344, GUARANTEED, USED wringer wash |television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 up. Alcan Furniture and Applian Simcoe South, 723-0011. |FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 jand up. New and used auto parts. Re- built starters and generators. 1175 Nel son St, 725-2162. ee BRIDESMAIDS' DRESSES, $29.95, new fall styles. Sargeant's Bridal Shop, 463 Ritson S$. 725-3338. TYPEWRITERS, $4 ay $2 weekly. Adders, cashiers, new, ust rentals, service, trades. Bill Némiton, Raglan. 1985-7160 - ah st |FLOORS custom designed in colors mana | One (bullet paiihid vy patterns to provide a perfect background |, for kitchen, bathroom, family room, patt®, pool deck. Sancoura goes on over any sound surface, inside or outside. See |Sancoura at Oshawa Discount House. Phone for ee estimate. 725-1343. furniture. Pay only $15 monthly, gBarons'| [Bing all _.| Furniture, 11--Pets and Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted (Lassie Type) Reg. male, 12 weeks old, champion stock, rough coat, $75. Plattsville. 519-684-7454 REGISTERED GERMAN Shepherd, "fiir five months old, sable male, very friend- ly, Pinto gelding, seven years old, well marked, Whitby 668-2103. 723-1018. __._| POODLE PUPS, five weeks old, white ANTIQUE CEDAR fencing rails, large;miniatures, registered. Telephone 942- quantity. Telephone 668-6980. $165 after Ss eee ie MODEL 68 Winchester rifle, complete| THREE MARES -- Dappled chestnut with sling, extra site and case. New Shetlands, with | dita highend and one years of age. Bridle eile iL laa a bi Gin. [Saddle $250_cash. 723-1453. H jen or rage - ette suite, excellent condition. 'Telephone | FOR SALE -- one eddie norse, "box 728-2464 after 5 p.m. trailer and small electric range. Also "" _ aa i will rent, barn, and pasture, Telephone MOTOR BIKE $89, desk $35, record |77g.a914, player $22, single bed $29, double ~ $39, crib. $14, refrigerator $15, stove sik |REGISTERED DACHSHUND puppies. 9,|Reasonable, Telephone 623-3430, REGISTERED GOLDEN Labrador Re- triever for sale. Female, three months old, Papers available. Will offer. Telephone 728-3360 BRITTANY SPANIEL pups pointer and retrievers, CKC Telephone 623-5186. OODLE CLIPPING and reasonably priced. Also Whitby. Telephone 668-6977. FIVE-YEAR-OLD bay mare for Peet for experienced rider. hone Pickering 942-2779. avs RANCH. Regd. German Shep- herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quar- ter horse. equipment, clething. Ashburn, 655-4662, QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again available, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, | Fd for training, talking strain, Apply _ Broad, 114 Elgin East. |HORSES BOARDED -- 8-Bar-L Ranch, take best for sale, registered. shampooing, stud service. sale. Tele only! Garrard Rd. N. Box stalls, exercise pad- dock, plenty of room to ride. Riding club, games, outdoor for western arena. pleasure, to competitive Horses trained Hew and trail, Call 725-4394, 6 a.m. am. or 6 p.m, to 8 p.m. POODLE PUPPIES, ~ registered. Black miniatures $65 and $75, white miniature $75, white toys $100, Also chihuahua puppies $50. 728-9122. REGISTERED DACHSHUND pups. Ideal house pets. Reason- able. _Telephone 728-6690. TWO DEER HOUNDS and two pups, Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, |~-- Part-Time EVENINGS Toronto newspaper requires women in Oshawa, Bowman- ville and Port Perry areas, to canvass with boys. Sales experience helpful. Excellent remuneration. Hours 6 to 9 p.m. Mon. to Fri. carrier Phone 576-3280 WANTED NOW ! Teenagers, mothers, grand- mothers. Start at once to show our exciting line of Christmas cards and gifts to friends, neighbours, rela- tives. Earn extra cosh for Christmas this easy way. No experience needed. Our cata- logue, with over 300 items beautifully illustrated in full- colour, helps you to get plen- ty of orders. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monarch Card Co., Dept. 22, 217 Sopton Bh, Uemilton, | ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK --37%2 hour week -- own transportation required -- general knowledge of office work essential able to work under own supervision, Above average salary, MELRON CONSTRUCTION 401 Hopkins St., Whitby Contact Mr. S$. Gedge 668-5841 four months old, for sale. Telep! +5328. |PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE--Clip- breeds, poodies our specialty. | Free pick-up and delivery; boarding and) training. Doberman Pinschers and Ger- |man Shepherd puppies for sale, Dachurst | Kennels, 655-3881. MINIATURE POODLES, _ black, ; ten weeks old, and reasonable. Telephone | 725-4142. {|GREAT DANE pups, registered, beauti ful harlequin fa) ia champion sired Greenwood 942- WELCH ae ued with children, § year¢ old. $75. Telephone 623- 5760. | 12--Articles Wanted |GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime, MacNeill's 668-5481, 668-6526, CAMPER TRAILER with or truck. Must Py In good condition. to Box H332 Reply oti Telepho! 8782. USED 60-75 horsepower _ outboard motor, short shaft, telephone 728-2024. 13--Articles for Rent BUY AND SEL' jood used | |and appliances. ow location only. Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. |COMPLETE living room and bedroom suite, Barely one year old. Beautiful | Condition. Must sell before August 29. After 5.30, 728-2482. |BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- |pliances. Call Elmer, 2 265-2695. tructure TRIO. Tele $50. two welding |cages and stripper. Telephone 725-5010. REEL TYPE LAWN MOWER sharpen- ng machine with V2 HP motor, $125 or [best offer. Telephone 728-6879. [GLASS REPAIRS |wood windows and Free pick-up and delivery. [CUTTING TORCH, to aluminum and aluminum screens. 728. 2284 fold door, $7. Can be seen at 941 Mary! Str eet, |WHERE DO YOU BUY jcontinental bed? Best prices mattre: in townl !. tips, Osha awa. is |WHEEL CHAIRS, Polish National Hall for Rent AIR CONDITIONED Wedding Receptions, Ban- quets, Parties, etc. We Cater if desired, For more informa- tion call Joe Dlugosz 728- 3718. Peter Soltys 723-4332. Dish- Coffee Bridal White Tables, Chairs, Linens, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 hospital beds, walk ers, reducing machines, sick room sup- plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 | Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. 1 processed top soil. | JOE' 5 COLOR TY: | ~pediaing, processed: ond 725-9332 | TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH | re Ip ae pictority ieee [SENSATIONAL SAVINGS" on bedding, th canl sag e@ Wide selection of Fabrics and Radio Service (1 mile north of King St. East) ce and repairs. service laway cots, complete $19.95; W attle manure f Work hin G | dept. open 7 days a week. |filied mattresses, $19.95; continental! dressing. Well rotted ca @ Workmanship Guaranteed | SPECIALIZING IN : je iison Furni i monure. Prompt delivery {five full years) | EUROPEAN RADIOS AND lien 726: Sididais O Ce aad white tf rat hi tee | @ Easy Budget Terms--Free TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS (6--Marine "Equipment -- nas rool. installed Sales JOHNSON motor, 3 HP, selling cheap, 655-3331 Estimotes c 'ahd Service Dom. 60 perfect condition. Telephone 723-4084 @ Over 20 years experience 13 Bond \ Ww. 576-1670 4 RAFT 248 Guebee St. CG " os. 1965 ELECTROHOME television, floor OSHAWA. GARDEN THE FURNITURE "CENTRE °° [Sect ppe eee anc CHRIS C 500 e . Ca = |model, 23. Excellent condition. Tele- cepy 90 Simcoe St. North truct Theorie: koleane Ye duce. | SALES ond SERVICE _050 . All_work guaranteed. phone 728 0566 SERVICE LTD i Oshawa TV Supply Linnited, Taoneea | i TV. TOWE ~~~" |GAS CLOTHES DRYER, Moffat, in. ex- PROFESSIONAL Road East, just east of Ritson Road. McVay fibreglas sail boats, .V, TOWER -- cellent condition; chrome kitchen table ROFESD j -- ceases | | 'ough id with four chairs; Connor wringer wash- MER KENTUCKY |Weldi | Crestliner, Peterborough an HOLIDAY SPECIAL er. Telephone 576-0756, Bu elding Northcroft runabouts, Evin- 50° 114 a ne | FiBRBOLAT GRARNE GIRO LUE GRASS | a SS SRR 5 4 inc eavy - duty | » klichen suite, ex- All.G 2 Day Service IARC WELDING. Expert workmanship., "Ude aici structure with double B2-13 |Yosion ladder, bookcase, chine cabinet, r fe f R bi tes due to | hi | playpen, whee rrow, lini ing, ri sreen Nursery Free Pick-Up and Delivery Petal on Mal AA PH ea od ne vate 186, aven all-channel antenna com- |chain. Telephone 728-268). | Sod Growers Angus-Graydon 1872 Se Ss : pletely installed, $70. AVOCAGA green Thee aplivinaroom| N' H 12-foot aluminum boa' c me 728-6254 2--Personal_ hardly deel and feaen., Pele wit _TRIO TELEVISION, 728- 5143 _jend lamp 2tone gold, Roman style. NLINE b oe ee inane nee ye hove - seat. Lazyboy recliner rocker! tdie RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab-/ LECTROL 1S jwinch, $230. cash, Telephone 623-3714. _ SUMMERTIME SPECIALS Ichair. wrought iron glass top table, | veg shed 20 years. Workmanship guaran-| E YS! |SPEEDY 10-foot runabout fiberglas over matching floral chairs. Hall, console, ca- athe Credit terms. Mat-| 723-4641 plywood, alee wins! Bee ek at thedral mirror. Three piece medium size ? furniture re-finished.! : Will take 25 motor. ~ ', Port . French Provincial bedroom suite. Six Je KAMSTRA Oshawa Uphelstering, 287 Dean Avenve.| Removal of superfiuous hoir | Perry ee oo Wilson's Furn. piece Spanish. Badronn sulle queen Sica mplete sad acute 4 RO Murduff will be in ji FOOT Peterborough cedar strip boat, h ps ip race af ep hes R : \CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and) Oshawo Aug. 28th, 29th and | (bottom fibreglassed), 25 horsepower! Smooth top mattresses 29-95 any other articles -- a e new, wi LANDSCAPING estyled. Free estimate. See our mate-| 30+ Phone Genosha Hotel |2ohnson outboard. Both in exceptionally) 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 |Sacrifice. 728-8849, 7 rial for re-covering. Slip covers made eee ae gecd condition. $350. Telephone 576-1983. | - PRIVATE -- Colex @ movie projector, and der, Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles} on these dates for appoint. " : | 3-pc. bedroom suites 99.50 Colex 8 mov eral tor '| D {x Ved to order. A | > F bs 1s AT with | ts, ' é canon zoom movie camera, Metz elec GARDEN SERVICE Street, 723-9212 iS ment ly, PLYWp0D: BOAT with leather seats, | 20 CHURCH STREET _|iric flash, Minori enlarger, electric drill.| 5 63 s, T 3 Cap ig 7 Circular saw. Handyman tools. Tele- 728- 8267 Sales and Service REWARD, $100 plus offered for infor- i ote atone aaa Sr RUTHERFORD'S <= (filer sntennas euemetie: rotce sia fore - = fi ne iis a MARES 1s. WO. Bonoe Coronet offer, 855 Mary Street 3-room groups, Living Room, PIANO large size, one kitchen "set, Lad CKY SO APPLIANCE |500, Navy 'blue in color, on Brock Siree! |"STARCRAFT" GREW 'Traveller boats,| Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, dresser and. washing machine, "Tele: BLUE GRASS REPAIRS | North in Whitby, next to J. B. Motors/Eyinrude motors. Open seven days $499, $599, $699. Easy Se Se NRA All- jacross from Rainbow Restaurant on | week. Marine Storage. and Supply Yh 4{ terms. Immediate delivery or 9--Market Basket Giseo. Nursoiy | tent Saree ke fume ie anes east am albeit | dave ea Sod Growers | of woshers, dryers, ranges. 723-098). [Rope ochaaon motor, ike new. RUTHERFORD'S FOR SALE -- Piekling: 'Bisimbars, 84 Visitors Welcome icete. |PASSENGERS TO RIDE with student)" As imeoe St. jouth 7604. | attending. Toronto Teachers' College, e gees oe 795.9674 Ane Cn in 0 0 Fai zi - 5 }- 725-9674 ---- TOWNLINE N | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ Pape ond 'Carlaw Avenue. Telaphonelt: -Swap and Barter lhevab: feliawilh Ga a eal Ae ne tay Ope nutrpeniNn. 4290.8, ish ALCAN 725-7149, HH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17; te tol- See ter or boat, $25. ree] Road North, Whitby. : lets, basins, $10.; pressure system: ONTARIO NO. 1 Sigh palaloes, Wea eto - tilling, ploughing, | FURNITURE and APPLIANCE \4--Motorbikes jsomp pumps, kitchen fra vanity ons | USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. F.|delivery. reteshane take es oe exterior t fC. ae made to order and installed; h, Kil it eee ---- ane ; rior painting, etc. 655 452 Simcoe S$. -- Oshawa '66 TRIUMPH, 650 cc, low mileage Htings, cars, trucks, trailers. H. Chinn, | oars 88 _King Street West, 725-4543.! sick your own cucumbel $1 per ears Telephone 723-0011 | Telephone 728. 38 after 4.30 723-7088 or 728-7288 TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-|bushel. Base line near Ais For FREE estimates "of hedge trim ephone 72 0 nein rBbcedindi bas ical fice, all makes. Free estimates. Call YourleRmsH VEGETABLES, to Ll molishing old build) S A thorized dealer. Royal Her, 7 4 4 sew work and cutting trees, devartr | NOW lpenate: MA "snake ag dy as eater. 8-- Articles tor Sale 'oyal devier, 728-3664 anytim: Spanish onions, peppers, beets, potatoes, 728-9075. ed Ray Whitaker 180 wiltlam St. E. 728. washing machine, injetc. Walter Huron Farm, '2 mile west of sca | Bring me your mowers, tillers, tf . . a NOW good " eandifion. Telephone 576-2139 after|Oshawa on 401 'North Service Road. Instruction outboards, olf mokes, oir jay wax cianene-- = | PEPPERS, sweet, hot, banana, Califor- ? ' s, '67 BSA LIGHTNING, 4,000 miles, gr ag J hae : a eee ae cooled engines. Ports ond laimost new: Must. sell, Telephone 723 | aPRISRRATOR, apartment size, Vik-jnia green. Tomatoes, Bring containers. fs 15 GET THE jing, white, excellent condition. Apply|Apply Victor Hanc, north Hampton, on 1 | service. Largest service in 246. SRR |146 Elgin St. E., 728-2270. the 6th turn east. Telep Rut erford S Oshawa | ere ar cl €c,Good cunning SINGER PIANOS, UPRIGHT--48" up. All pianos | "6°-204 ase Pil 74 BARRIE AVE. bs Pr 4 Guaranteed and delivered. Over 40 to/PICK YOUR OWN corn, peppers, Span- fF jor 623-5941. NG MACHINE Fahad Dri S h | 728-2791 or 725-4633 <s | SEW! G | Sears Bens On Hwy. 7, six miles west eh elety pea el gol eee, oo lVacuUM and polisher repairs, ail s-- | YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED | Nichols' Garage, Courtice. Go north to riving & 00 |makes, new hoses, brushes, new moto Trailers | 0 FLOOR COVERING | CLEAR: "OUTS, at fi onee jJack. Lees, pick up and delivery, 728.) | during our regulor Sal tone, Bt nr ie ek elias Sl ead | 6956 9A--Eggs & Poultry (Licensed. by Police Commissi 'ssion) | GUARANTEED REPAIR To all co jwashers and ranges. Free estimates. | |Call 728-1742 or 723-0011. Septic Service ae TANKS c ' ce on calls. Walter War 725-6553 ita West, Whitby, us Surveyor: 14 ALBERT STREET [Surveyors -- DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. | ____jtario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive- Prints. 1) Ontario Street. 132. | Want- Ads Don't Clg ig \# FLIM, | ONTARIO LAND Surveyor Offic e 47 Prince St. Res. 103 Elgin St oe h J ins THAT VACANCY through Cost-They Pay! |as iss, vacincy, irene a i] , @ Courteous Instructors @ Dual Contro! Cars @ Fully Insured en 'ompt serv-| 204 Chestnut | 3 i 488 Go-Go-Going Tent troiler from $199., with mattresses. 25 used trailers, 8 models, in good condition; to be sold below cost. Moke on offer. No money down, Rentals available from $25. per week up. Hitches mode ond installed from $10. up. BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALE at Singer Sewing Centre It's a great time for sewing machines, fabrics, notions, and patterns, typewriters, etc. Many Specials. Drop in at 16 Simeoe St. N., Oshawa 725-5443 MACDONALD'S TEXACO, East of Bad Boy. Don't be late to sove now Get Spot Cash -- Use Times Action Classifieds carpets from $39.50. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church. Street. VACUUM REPAIRS, ali makes, hoses, brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Pickering, Main Street, ARGAINS -- crib, mattresses, new Lloyd strollers, from $14.88; cribs, from $24.95; carriages, play- pens, highchairs. Best prices in town! Babyland, 20 Church Street. LAUNDRY TUBS and taps $5., 8-foot fluorescent fixture $8., 40-gallon stone- lined hot water tank, two years old, $15. 723-5674. BABY CARRIAGE, high chair, crib and mattress; excellent condition. $75. Tele- phone 987-4539. EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. FILL SPARE ROOMS with | paying guest. Phone 723-3492 no wtor an ad-writer to help you phrase your 10--Farmer's ¢ s Column ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred people: Oshawa Tennis Ciub for ban-} quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,| spring: jparking. 723-7726. "NECCHI SEWING MACHINE" FRANCHISE AVAILABLE Necchi Sewing machine fran- chise now available (no fran- chise fee). Sewing machine experience helpful but not essential. We will supply full training. This is a wonder- ful opportunity to establish or expand your own business with very little capital. Inquir- ies from appliance dealers, yord goods and trimming stores. service repair people, etc. . . . especially invited. Necchi Machines (Canada) Inc. 6586 St. Hubert Street Montreal 10, Quebec Spare Time Money Maker Own and operate a profit- able route of cigarette ma- chines or other equipment, located especially for you. No selling. Four to six hours weekly, Capital investment not, essential but good credit references neccessary, write: 33073 Oshawa Times GENERAL STORE with Texaco gas and stove oil pumps. Situated In small vil- hid in Peterborough area. Well estab- ished business greatly increased by|7 tourist trade. Living quarters attached. Modern bath, new oil furnace, apart. ments over store, Reasonably Hee for ~ without | 14--Business Opportunities | AVON CALLING Does an Avon representative call on you? Perhaps you live in an open territory! Don't delay turn your spare time into money -- Service customers close to your home. No ex- perience required. We train you. For further information write or call Mrs, J. Hill, 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawa, 725- 9696 EARN EXTRA MONEY | Show Canada's finest line of | Christmas cards, Wraps, No» velties, etc. Over 300 items, For free, beautifully illus- trated catalogue ,samples, on approval and the fastest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., __ Hamilton, Ont. WOULD YOU yO BELIEVE TOY CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS, We Will Train You. No investments, Collections, or Deliveries, 72 3-3568 CLERK TYPIST Minimum 3 years experience. Permanent position with § day week. Excellent work- ing conditions, Phone 723- 2233 USEKEEPER to live in, 35 or under. One child, 1, Telephone 723-8258. WANTED NOW -- girl Bround 18 years to mind one boy, two years of age, in pee home, five-day week. Telephone 728 |COMPANION { for. elderly |home with light duties, Telephone 728- 18-8151 after 7 p. .|SALESLADY - -- To cane ~hend:cut lerystal. Apply to Box M3274, |WOMAN TO GARE for children in chiie {ai dreh's home while mother works, Whitby. Telephone 668-4925. |HAIR STYLIST with good clientele re- quired for a new beauty salon, ¢ working conditions, Telephone 576-1010 or 725-81 20. ARE YOU INTERESTED in earning extra money for Christmas? inquire about representing the exclusive Beauty Counselor line. Openings in both man- agement and sales. Complete training Program. Mrs. Morrison, 725-6816. REGISTERED NURSE + required for nursing home, For Bac ievee write Box M33466, Oshawa Time: STEADY POSITION . =e to reliable to care for two lady. "Good Aust live in, and honest woman children, 5 and 9, in happy alee bionr duties, private room. Good salary, Parents at business, 723-3211 deys, 725- 2539 evenings. HOUSEKEEPER to look after three children, two school-age, Live in pre- ferred. 1, , Pickering. RELIAB to care for one ae Cabot Street area. Telephone 728- HOUSEKEEPER, 1 two children. Alter 7 7 p.m., call 723-3055. (No teen-agers, please.) GIRL WANTED by by local firm. Must have pleasant voice for telephone can- vassing. Some typing and some clerical work helpful. Letters held confidential, Reply to Box M33532, Oshawa Times. WOMAN TO CARE for two children in my home. Telephone 723-8239, HOUSEKEEPER to look after 3 chile dren, live-in. Telephone 576-2277. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN to look after two children, one pre-schoel, shift -work. 4 etl of Windsor Street, Telephone ee TO MIND child in her home, half days, two weeks a month, Olive- Farewell area. Telephone 728-7882 after p.m. EXPGRIENCED full or part-ime hand and machine sewers to work in tailor shop. Good wages to the right person. Must speak English. Apply in person, H. Sheriff, 37 Prince 'Str 1. 728-6731, quick sale. Call 705 - 178- 3475. BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE. Six ¢ cry- ers, downtown location. Telepno! 23- 9511 Newly retail Two "separate stores, downtown. decorated, Parking. Suitable for business, Available now. 725-8964. 15--Employment | Wanted WILL MIND CHILDREN in my home, five days week, 148 Lupin Drive, whitby, 668-2629. WILL MIND children in home five days a week. Wilson South area. Tele- phone 576-0366. HOUSEWORK -- 9:30 to 3 p.m. Experi- enced and reliable, $7.50 per day. 576- 1588 DEAD AND ¢ CRIPPLED farm stock picked'up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone rel Hampton 263- 2721. Licence 101-C-6 $00 BALES, good first crop hay, cut, baled and stacked without rain. Very reasonable, owner overstocked. Tele- phone 723-4345. SMITH-CORONA student typewriter, $50, CORN, turnips, carrots, potatoes. Tele- also oak office desk, Telephone 623-5760, TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! phone M. Gilroy, 655-3093. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET 1M ASS OFFIC ACC We requ mon for cated 30 Peterboro Modern « available Successul experienc accountin: financial tion, and or have nized acc The resun tal status, tion, an should be to: OFFI Indus of ¢ NEP WH A Preser Rewai We offe the man ture ou with a work wit If you t nancial | swer thi: call for « Oshaw C M¢ Recently R.LA. rea ager tom facturing The succe report to urer and office mar tine, cost financial « Excellent | ory comm perience. Applicants writing Qi ef previor education BOX HOW MOR! 1 need « mon to h mond for a ice for dignified, : No experi @ car is, Fe contact, § 1546 Lake Phon vr LICEN MEC Top calibre on Ford pre liable and | Compact S¢ CHURC The dealer on its face 1638 B ot K a PERMAN TEL TEC for one of dependent ---Modern service dep be able | TV, -- 7 lent workin Experience, Bo» Po EV Toronto men in Osh and Port Pi vass with ¢ experience ne remuneratic p.m. Men, Phone Super For house custom buil perience. Y ment, salary $10,000, oa ence. All company. AP Box Wa Secur' Al Box