IN SEEN 1S S. Ryan of sity, Kingston, e member, said jously pleased"' 's decision. He ved .. . by the in which the the whole mat- nod approved # up a commit: that will make s to the Com. i welfare com: eal Estate Ltd, announce the _ George Russell nas been a resi- a for the past 3 which time he ve in business . affairs, uccessfully e€om- tired real estate , now ready ta ny friends end 28-1678 8-1656 ENCE: 723-3218 LLEN vidas ot | TODAY'S TOPIC MAX DARLINGTON Who will be the new leader of the Conservative Party? Six people were asked this question in a recent man-on- the-street survey. They said: Max Darlington, 43 Arling- ton Ave.: "Diefenbaker is the only man who ever did any- thing for older people. I think he will get in again." ernst tne MRS, &, ANNAN Mrs, E. Annan, 128 Palace St. Whitby: "I think it's time that Diefenbaker step- ped down. Both he and Mr, Pearson have been good men, but I think it's time that a younger man had a chance." Robert. Ransone, 86 Brock St. E.: "I think Michael ROBERT RANSONE MURRAY MILLER JOHN HICKS MRS, F. JORDAN Orficials entd that for the first in ht T leaders | Orficials said that for the first mier in his national leadership To Property Owners considering Sale of thei e Starr will get in. He's been 'Michael Starr has a fairly |time every Quebec constituency bid. ert nd ot want the best q al ha ates working pretty hard for a good chance. [ don't think Sy Po Eogaomng lye that} At Windsor, Ont., Nova Scotia pers nee eal 'they can get long time," Diefenbake » (the Quebec group wi e@ sec- Premier Robert L. Stanfield 4 vender <pen re ee ond in strength only to the told convention delegates Que The Real Estate Department of Murray Miller, Athol St. ' bec must be given a chance to| CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can E.: "Diefenbaker will get in. He's been a very successful man i nhis own activities, and a very capable leader."' John Hicks, 304 Celina St.: F rance's Aid-Quebec Plan Fails To Ruffle Pearson OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-;dent cut short his trip and wen' |high-priority with the govern ter Pearson Wednesday brushed off France's newly-an nounced program of aid home, Mr. Pearson also noted that for|the aid fell under a 1965 Can-| through ment, But he was not sure the government could get hem | this fall. They may Quebec as nothing to be dis-jada-France agreement. In any) have to wait until next vear. turbed about. case, he would comment fur- | No government intervention He told a news conference ther if it was required when he/is planned "at the moment" in there is no more reason to be disturbed than if Britain had a similar program for Canadian province. "The report I have doesn't disturb me," he said. had more details from Patis. Fielding a variety of ques- inet is still trying to decide seen whether to permit CKVR-TV in| next Barrie to move closer to Toron- the Seafarers' International Union strike on Great Lakes another tions, Mr. Pearson said the cab-| ships. Mr. Pearson expected the report of the much-criti cized commission on bicultural The prime minister's mild|to to broadcast into the Ontario)!sm and bilingualism to be in reaction to France's plan to increase cultural, economic and technical aid to Quebec cur-jernors has approved the con'ro-/ Major document. speculation the movejversial move, which has caused) he tailed might worsen Franco-Canadian relations. Mr. Pearson rebuked Presi- capital The Board of Broadcast Gov- strong protests that it would interfere with reception from two Buffalo channels. jhis hands by October. Although not the final report, it will be a On housing, said the government had reduced its |money market for loan require- ments. He promised another dent de Gaulle Jast month for} On the other point, he said|!0ok at the question in the fail. seemingly encouraging French-) Canadian separatists in Quebec) On a Canadian tour. The presi- increase in benefits, is unemployment insurance legis lation, thought to involve an still The prime minister did not know whether Nigeria had made any requests for arms from Canada since the outbreak of the civil war. ETT PC C did } W b | Mr. Fleming told a press con-{out between disputing parties. an | a es 00 ue ec --. Re vane bi gen i strike is set for noon Fri- PC's New Leader THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Thursday, August 24, 1967 3 ously" in its recommendations. Former justice ministe 5| HOLDS ITS BREATH demands on_ the} the|77 Conservative members of the|s | sis He said he was appalled at the|/Davie Fulton was in Toronto ees an S 1 Ingua |proposals with respect to min-|where he talked with 30 of the} The Canada goose can stay ing developments and ubmerged for three minutes. development of oil and gas|Ontario legislature who will be\g By THE CANADIAN PRESS Relations between 'French speaking and English - speak-| Canadians wanting to learn resources |delegates at the convention. | -| French Later, Mr. Fleming t | . Mr. Fle g told) Mr. Fulton said a number of In Regina, Manitoba Premier reporters that if the public|the member: ir : > > cj the ars had pledged their ing Canadians Wednesday|Duff Roblin told a news confer-| interest was hurt by the threat-| support but were P anvating to| received liberal treatment by/ence he intends to continue bas-/ened seamen's strike Parlia-|take sides publicly because of candidates seeking to unseating his platform on a call for) ment should be called and alan imminent of provincial gen-| John Diefenbaker as national|improved relations bet ween! cay; ; ride 3 leader of the Conservative! English - and French - speaking pointed a. alone wohulbcctetinmst party. Canadians. Mr. Roblin, who is And while several of the nine fluent in French, said it would} \candidates for the job set about} do other politicians good to be |wooing Quebec votes, party/able to speak both languages. |headquarters in Toronto said) "Let's have a little more the largest Quebec delegation|Canadianism., Politicians must lever to attend a national event|he prepared to say the same jof the Conservative party will) thing in one part of Canada ar igo to the Sept. 5-9 leadership another," Mr. Roblin has said | convention there. he will resign as Manitoba pre- NOTICE Mrs. F. Jordan, 982 Simcoe |ONtario delegation. . . In Quebec City, George Hees) be heard but not at the expense St. N.: "Mr, Hees and Mr. i Starr Mors sarah g good |told a press conference future of other provinces get you the best deal in the sale chance. I think Mr. Hees is a (Prime ministers should be com- "Quebec's relations with the of your property -- q |Pletely bilingual. rest of Canada cannot be sides- With coaching of two bilin-|tepped. It is the nation's num- gual aides, the former trade|ber one problem. It 's not a minister spoke in French until/probiem created by politics. It ' he was asked for his opinion on /is historical. It is with us, Let's the role of the monarchy. "'Per-|meet in head-on haps [ will answer that in Eng-- RAPS CARTER REPORT \lish because it's a very impor-| In St. John's, Nfld., former | tant question,"' said Mr. Hees. (finance minister Donald Flem- CHERISH CONNECTIONS ing criticized the report of the 'LBJ Send ends Observers Most Canadians were proud Carter royal commission' on and pleased with the connec-|taxation, and said the threat- | tions "we have with the Queen ened strike by seamen on Cana- | To Election land the Commonwealth," Mr. dian National East Coast ves- nent Americans President John- leaders, businessmen and politi-' Hees said before going on to sels should nof be permitted to WASHINGTON (A P )--Su p- practice" for English- speaking! period. son is sending to observe South clans. good strong-minded man, an could do a good job." WHY ? 1--Because we are also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you more cash 2--Because we charge you ONLY 4° on town and city homes COMMISSION That saves you a lot of money! So just think about this when you wish to sell your property to YOUR best advantage--then call us. advocate "practice, practice, continue for an extended porters and critics : Viet» z i "on Haber Named Administrator Vietnam's presidential election. . They ineleds slereyneee, labor! New National Arts Centre Real Estate Dept. Mr. Haber will come to Otta- OTTAWA (CP)--Appointment) . In essence G I é Christian Shh Oss g Seas of David Haber, 49, as theatre wa early in 1948 after complet : administrator. for the newling his present assignment in secretary, they have been) y, askec "to share an experience| with the South Vietnamese peo- ational Arts Centre now under charge of the presentations for| onstruction here was! Expo 47's world festival. In the meantime, he will be the arts! TEL. 723-5221 announced Wednesday ple. ... They are not going "ye | hire th aDRRERS boride :, consultant on theatri- OR | Although they will not be F t | sy gern nrotetion aikee | Seems c ve ; ae. call, the a er manager for the Canadian Tom Houston 668-4416 | an a sats is Behetdsoat | Repertory Theatre here, he also Allen Thompson 728-2870 | . § | {has worked with the National Harvey Hogan 655-3663 in what they can see or what; they can say later. Ballet of Canada, the National . The US. delegation, Convicted Film Board and as manager of in response to an invitation by|. TORONTO (CP)--Magistrate|Several overseas theatrical] Ralph Schofield 725-5067 chosen |MURPHY OIL THON, is for RESULTS « and the results ere why mora and more Oshawa end District homeowners ara hav- ing their furnaces Installed by: Fast, efficient delivery, expert furnace installation and repair; friendly courteous staff, and, of course -- safe, elean, de- pendable oil heat YOU SAVE WHEN YOU HEAT WITH OIL MURPHY OIL 725-3571 78 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA |the South Vietnamese govern-\J0seph Addison Wednesday con- tours. |ment, leaves Monday aboard a\Victed a 35-year-old Toronto It was described to have elec-| 17° military plane and returns| father of beating his 11-year-old) tate Lid. t Street # ticularly on the' reducti | j i . | arly reduction. of) ) 4: s the girl denied the attack when election expenses, The legisla-\ Voting is Sept. 3. i AWA R Ed t l ll RC ti 2| Senate leaders, some of She testified. ome 1 or e S S 1988 ie on the government's] oo, have charged that the| Daniel Correia was remanded coma | He "wouldn't be shocked" sf\elections might be rigged injon bail to Aug. 31 for sentence) Must Accept By FRED HAMILTON TORONTO (CP)--Roman | Catholics must accept changes! Citizens with political respon-|¥°#"- - ' 7 in the civil and. political life of|sibilities, he said, much Pocsseat The Company of Young Cana- of the Jnvitation, Among Siem! Da et ob dl podizon ier waa| their church that will result/the secularity of the stale. dians had made mistakes, some! yercictent critic of Johnson's| not telling the truth' in' court from its renewal, the clerical editor of a Rome magazine said Wednesday. Unlessr they do, said Rev. Roberto Tucci of La Civilta Cattolica, "Christians will be opposed to the inevitable course of history, with the result that they are... pushed out to the fringes of civil life, being .. .| got the builders of the world of} tomorrow but strangers to it, and merely tolerated by it." A state's lay character, tmposes on it the obligation to take account, in making its laws, of the temporal common good, the 47-year-old Jesuit told) a congress on the theology of the renewal of the church. The| common good may require Jaws and measures legally permit- ting things not in harmony with Christian and moral principles "The state ... is not bound) 1 : sitive legislation|insecurity among Roman Cath-|Dr. W. G. Schneider as presi-| 10 Bond St. E. : ee ad as y be and Olics. dent of the federally-operated 725-2771 723 4663 Swimming Pools, to each and every religious law," he said. "It may| leave free and render legal things which are mora Il y| illicii." | | GIVES EXAMPLES He mentioned as examples the distribution of birth control information, the use of contra ceptive instruments and divorce | _ "Tf the majority of a popula- tion desires divorce, the state, in order to guarantee the moral) principle of religious and moral!) freedom, may legalize divorce." : | "Catholics involved in tempo- ral affairs--politics, sociology | warning from history. economics, medicine--while not Changes | from moral principles and are as harmless as passible."' They must -give a Christian spirit to political life, but "they may not adopt the idea of creating a Christian state or of looking after the interests of Christianity--they are obliged to look after the interests of the common good... not trying to take away from the temporal order its proper autonomy." He suggested Catholics should be entering into collaboration with others "for the notion of tion reform -carried out before) - the next federal election, .|about Sept 6. Expenses will be) ca A ace |paid by the government. The daughter across the back with a hardwood floor slat, although jthere was an election next \of them sensational. But many members of to balance" other in a report later to Par- liament. There had been no new diplo matic initiatives by Canada lately in the Vietnam war. But Canada is doing what !t can do to end it. The July, 1968, starting date the| WELCOMES MOVE company were doing good work. Mr. Pearson would "have one against the \favor of the military govern-|for assault causing bodily {ment Premier Ky heads, reject-|harm. 'because she was either con {fused or deliberately lying as a In Saigon, the American)result of her father's actions. | acceptance was welcomed by; Dr. Johnathan Peters of the| Tran Van Do, South Viet-/Hospital for Sick Children testi-| namese foreign minister. He/fied the girl told him that her said the governments of Japan,|father had beaten her with a} New Zealand, Greece, Belgium,|stick and two weeks earlier had ee the Philippines, and Laos also socked jhe? , unoomsci ee While Stocks Lasts LOUNGE CHAIRS | Vietnam policies. will send observers. : | Invitations were sent, he said, | to all nations with whom his CALL OR SEE {country maintains diplomatic "ghetto" that is "at the base of many Catholic activities and) institutions and many move- ments of Catholic action." | CAUSED QUESTIONING | In a second paper, the con- gress was told that the second Vatican council with its empha-|immediately to get fe deral has| money sis on church renewal opened a floodgate of question- ing that is causing a feeling of "The council did not creafe the questions but it lifted the barrier which had _ prevented them from being asked freely," said Rev. Yves Congar, in & paper delivered for him because of illness, Father Congar, a 63-year-old French theologian, is regarded in his church as being unsur- passed as an authority on church renewal. The things that are being questioned--liturgical, intellec- tual and institutional forms-- must necessarily be criticized, the paper said, but present day reformers should be taking for the national medical carejreiations as well as civic a program will be maintained.|eroups and other private organ-| DIXON %& But it is up to the provinces to|jzations. Newspaper men from) decide whether they will come free nations will be welcome to FOR in at that time or later. observe the election process, he OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER Saskatchewan, with a medi-|\ said 50 YEARS eee moreso cal care program long in opera-| ---- 24-HOUR SERVICE Bar B Ques, ec ae 6.59 Handsome, budget priced, durable Full-size 70" frame of 1" aluminum. tubing. Colors: green and yellow. CANADIAN HEARING AID CONSULTANTS |. Mr. Pearson's only announce-/¢ jment was the appointment of ¢ tion, will certainly join up a1) Averey #T Umbrella Tables, Swing Sets, Slides Store Cost 1 Only National Research Council. Tents & Coolers 5% off GARDEN ee eave ~ Rider MOWER SACRIFICED Easyas 12345. | TOOLS Reduced PICK YOUR TIRE PICK YOUR DEAL to Clear? 222.22 tary teas which te John Ovens 0. D. You can count onit. The easy taste of 5 Star whisky will ° | we eens FIRESTONE the TIMES good... may beatetoata to the OPTOMETPIST | please you every time. | 4 ply nylon hed dito adopting 'them' but in such a payne tee66)) It pleases us, too. But when It comes to making 5 Star, | Door Crashers pe ; oman es tis we ote eee things are alittle more difficult. We select whiskies from our | sp ampion -- | 1,2,3, 4, 5 distilleries across Canada ens Seagram's has 5, 1 Link Mais mY 88° ONLY : . Then we blend and re-blend them to get | i chs | prea || Football Helmets "*-i*? 1.99 y --_ . with Reg. 3.49 € ] Is the taste worth all the trouble? Easy for you to find out. | ange me flasher 3 a yA 8 | 0 a ry joc icholeue lec Lady Gal omes for O | Beach Towels ' | .66 seis avrg | bd G ¢ (bleckwell, exchange - || 40° Garden Hose 99 hag hosp Car Wash Brush | 44 hssesh nic : | : estinghou roportionate : OSHAWA || Light Bulbs" 8. 1.38) i SH SEPTEMBER HOME OW 15-16-17 SR EAGER AI Se _ 5 Star. Easy whisky. NO DOWN PAYMENT 190 KING EAST 725-6566 et ee a a ed -~