Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Aug 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, August 24, 1967 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Stolen Truck Hits Cruiser, Fi Arponen escaped |eron 21 to| guilty WHITBY - James Browning | stable E. A jpolice he had nothing to do of Brighton, Ont., pleaded guil-| from his cruiser in time ; ae inturiae, ty to the ete of arog nee avoid injurie: |Pcih "the 'theft of gas. Due 4 -- palling copes Tues- | $100 FINE some doubt and insufficient ev- se aa | Peter John Condon, 16 of Pet- idence the magistrate dismis- 7 was remanded in custody | erborough, tly fined " ss sed the charge. ay on(costs or 30. days in jail. He. Jy i aan ee was prohibited som ng oe ge Norwick, 20 of RR 1 On a charge of criminal neg-[2nywhere in Canada fer Mires |oshawa, was fined 875 and costs _On a charge 0 d to the | Year: Condon was convicted or 15 days in. jail on thele ligence _ we? Py t $100 the charge of dangerous driving sccused, ball 'was set a "-\He pleaded guilty. At the re- : This charge is to be hayes in quest of the crown the charge Hi ge be Fong Bion : r eak, ae "hi cit 3 s ' s s s nde iy pet ag the | Of driving while unaccompanied pended for three months on this cuts requested a pre sentence | "5 winiarawa. charge. On the charge of con- report before passing sentence. GAS THEFT suming paver while under the Stolen keys were used to) Garry Winstanley 19 and Lui- age of 21 years start a tank truck which was|g gt partially filled with gasoline.| were each 1 j Oo icnalecs i ck was observed by an|in jail on a charge of theft of /F ptor; e ja lag a Policeman|gasoline. They each plead- tences being consecutive. The on cruiser patro] as the truck|ed guilty to the charge Win- | charge of having no driver's per- was going through Brooklin. The} stanley had the hose bigrce was sa , po fee cles the re- i s the truck and]used to siphon the gas from a ques! o Shea oy of the accused|tow truck into the car. The pleaded guilty to the charges. | - was the result of the truck rol-|car was owned and driven bY pEMANDED ling over onto the cruiser. Con-/Cernigol. David Charles Cam Topography Plays Part In Dismissal Of Charge Topography played a part in|sault causing bodily harm. He SEVEN DAYS 2 case which came before Mag-|was allowed to go when he Terry George Baker, 28 of|L. istrate Donald Dodds in Osh-| signed a $200 bond and agreed Scarborough, was sentenced to| pl awa Traffic Court Wednesday. |to stay away from the woman seven Seventy-four-year-old Robert/involved until the trial charge of drunk driving. The| pl Mitchell, who has been driving) Wednesday morning f for 43 years, was charged with|maker was back in custody and|Jicense which is under suspen-| ja: making an unsafe left turn | appeared before Magistrate/sion, be suspended for 12 months | pl which resulted in an accident/Dodds again. He admitted go-dating from his court appear-/fe a ned $100 or 30 daysjin jail. The fines were made was remanded to Aug. 31 in the |w Pickering Court The court requested a pre-sen- morals charge against a 6-year- old girl on June 26 on County Road ling drinking with the woman /ance. On the charge of driving|under the age of 21 years. He | after court. She later charged while his driver's license is un-|was placed on a six-month sus-| Mitchell had been making ajhim with threatening her. This|der suspension Mr. Baker was|pended sentence. south of Highway 47 left turn into a private laneway|time Wannamaker was remand-| sentenced to seven days in jail. when he was struck by a north-/ed in custody until Aug. 28 on This sentence is to run concur-| m bound car. Both drivers admit-| both charges. rent. ted in court that they had been ae ti] /$25 FINE seg ae Ge wont "be A plea of not guilty was enter ~baahlietea ed for Robert Siblock, 21, of in the face of the law and be | MINOR the crest of a hill. cause the private laneway is at ehawa. on the charge of hay- aware of your position in life," Mirtle Station pleaded guilty "ft am concerned with ing liquor in a place other than said Magistrate H. W. Jermyn] to the charge of being in coo I] of| his residence. He was found as he convicted Keith Coppins, | session of liquor while under the nature of the rise and fa the land," said the magistrate. "The topography of the area ee a ate a CATON ceca {the Gor | Helmut Jackel pleaded jiquor. He pleaded guilty to the| ing ct pe aarernieiel | to a charge of public in- chires 4 i je accused does not warrant &/toyication and was fined $50) } conviction'. jand costs or 10 days. He re- INTOXICATED | : TWO CHARGES sides at 293 Labrador Dr.| Blaming his intoxicate " jithy. |Orville Burr, no fixed address, : saaad sels te 2 1. hitby'|and Daniel Pawlowsky, 200 Joseph Collins 38 0 7 : ; Drew St., were each fined|convicted on the charge of being disobeying a stop sign but not intoxicated in a public place. | | guilty and fined $25 and costs or 19, of Uxbridge. He was fined th five days. $50 and costs or 15 days inj pj report an accident which en- lic intoxication convictions. 10 days in jail. t St. John's Training School in Man Remanded In Court iwimncrsit Smear of Oshawa pleaded not| was found later by police early to the charge. He told|in August. convicted on the charge of sup- plying liquor to a person under the age of 21 years. Paul Pelow, 22, pleaded guilty to the charge in jail, The fine was made per- gta ® y t rosts 10 days i Cernigoi 18, both of Oshawa fined $50 and costs or 0 day 30 days in the House of Con- |i joie, for sentence.| days, tence report on the accused who Caughey 27 of Centre Road N is remanded in custody on &/ty bridge was convicted on the | charge of illegal possession of| liquor. He was fined $25 and [costs or 10 days in jail. John| days in jail on thejhaving liquor other Wanna- court ordered that his driver's|/ed $25 and costs or 10 days in| breach of probation was reman- ded one week for sentence. "Be aware of your position| possESSION jail on the charge of a minor 'ty to the liquor violation charg- having the illegal possession of|es Each youth was placed on Reach Township, was convict- ad con-|ed on the charge of a minor dition on "'no will power" Hugh |consuming liquor while under f Toronto was| the age of 21 years. David B. {Webster 19 of Port Perry was | i convicted on the charge of aj guilty to a charge of failing to| $50 and costs or 10 days on Dub: Tere e aie nt ee cots or minor consuming liquor while| under the age of 21 years. formatory for three months EM definite and six months indef- i ; inite. The sentence was a con- current one on each of the charges of break, enter and theft and When Robichaud appeared in court earlier in the month he pleaded guilty to theft of an auto and escaping custody last OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE escaping custody. 'ebruary. He escaped from the UPPLY LIQUOR An Oshawa truck driver was nd was fined $200 or 30 days mptory as Magistrate H. W. charge of failing to come tO/ Jermyn said "the court has lit- e use for anybody supplying quor to any minor." LIQUOR CHARGES Appearing on liquor cnareee | Norwick was| were Pat Boule, 19, of no fixed address. He was remanded for | with the jail sen- cord on the charge of being in- | toxicated in a public place as/| the result of consuming liquor! while under the age of 21 years, | Norwick| He is to appear in court Sept. | 26 on this charge. Michael La- 22, of 319 Bloor St. E., shawa pleaded guilty to the John Wayne Douglas McKen-|charge of having liquor other zie, 16, of Pickering Township|than his place of residence and as fined $25 and costs or four | Tried in absentia Ronald Mc- | Moulaison, 36 of Oshawa/| . f leaded guilty to a charge of| : ' é an' than his | : lace of residence. He was fin-| MODERN 384" FOUR SEATER with *LOCKED-IN-FOAM"' HIGH COMFORT DESIGN RARE bargain on one of our newest styles in four seaters .. . and you won't sacrifice one ounce of quality or comfort to get it. Notice the high back! Makes for a new idea in comfortable seating. No- tice, too, the tufting .. . it features the new "locked-in foam" cus- tom process that actually locks layer on layer of foam padding fabric into a "comfort conditioned" sandwich that will never lose its com- fort or its shape. Solid walnut showwood, quilted decks, heavy quality Nylon Boucle in a brilliant selection of colors. Don't let the price fool you, See it for yourself... il. Ronald Taylor 17 of hide | leaded guilty to his third of-| nce of drinking liquor while! Reg. 249.95 quality $198 -*6 Rich-Looking Simulated WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Terry Bell, 18, charged with) inor consuming liquor and Richard Frankowski, 19 of e age of 21 years. He and s conpanions all pleaded guil- six - month suspended sen- nce. William Diamond 18 of sued from his failure to stop. $30 FINE Magistrate Dodds reminded|" Ceci} Macdonald, 47, of New- Tomina that one must inform|tonville, Ontario, was convicted the police following an accident|o¢ public intoxication and fined | 'when someone is hurt or if total $50 and costs or 10 days. He damages are $100. "Ignorance|haq refused to leave a liquor, of the law is no excuse and 1s| store at Church and Richmond not a defence, he said. I must Streets. Pleading guilty to register a conviction." Tomina| charge of public intoxication ond of the aecneeh Adiher Mean i oe pov gag lied to a fine of $25 and costs | ee" 37 "of no fixed addresé. jor five days for Stanley Mar-/the record began in Montreal $100 FINE tin, 296 Annapolis Ave. Arthur/4, » charge of break enter! A fine of $100 and costs or| Way, @ herdsman from Ennis-|.44 theft and contained charg- 20 days was levied against|Killen, pleaded guilty to two/o. of escaping custody. He has, James G. Gervais, 68 Lindhurst|Charges of public intoxication }..,, convicted and. sentenced Ave., Toronto, when he was/nd one of having liquor in a oy charges in New Brunswick. | convicted of careless driving.|Public place. He was fined $25 \indee was convicted 'on the | : and costs or five days on each' charges of assaulting a police| IN CUSTODY of the three convictions with the orice, and escaping custody William Wannamaker, 253/five-day terms on the two in-' iH. pleaded guilty to both charg-| Athol St. E., was released from|toxication convictions to run ,. ane was remanded in pie jail on Monday. He had pre- OFFICER ASSAULTED "It appears from the record| he is unable to live in our so- ciety today. He has never 'been| out of trouble since the age of 16 years," said Assistant Crown} Attorney Edward Howell. He 4 'had related to the court the rec-| concurrently in the event that FES viously been charged with as-| Way could not pay the fines. oe gui o cblatsing (tenn portation by fraud, break and) . . enter with intent and common rin Ing arty t ar assault were withdrawn at the| request of the Crown. As a re- | " e sult of the attack in the cruis-| er Whitby Constable Hamer re-| Results In Convictions jceived a black eye, bruised shoulder and stomach and back} BOWMANVILLE -- A noisy|stances could have obtained !mJuries drinking party at Dale Parkjhelp at the police station or at REMANDED | north of Kendal ended in con-\the home of any minister or Leslie Green on Whitby was viction for liquor offences in|priest. I suggest you go back remanded for an additional two Magistrate's Court here Tues-|to Cornwall and send $2.60 to weeks for sentence. He is con- day. the restaurant." victed on a charge of theft of Laverne Clark, 17 4: we money. He was ordered by the Bethany, Wayne Armstrong, 19,|$50 FINES court at the earlier hearing to Newtonville, and Ivan Arm-| Three convictions for impair-|make restitution in full before strong, 21, Newtonville alljed driving each brought a fine sentence was passed. pleaded guilty of illegal posses-,of $50 and costs in court, plus| $75 FINE sion of liquor. an automatic suspension of li-. David Haines 16 of Port Cred-| Magistrate R. B. Baxter cence it was fined $75 and costs or| fined each youth $50 and costs, Gordon Fraser Wood, Beth-\30 days in jail. He had plead- or seven days averne Clark any, northbound on Highway ed guilty to the charge of caus- and Wayne Armstrong, being)35, passed a marked cruiser 9g a distrubance. minors, were each fined $25 and and another car at more than REMANDED costs, or a ditional five 69 miles an hour, crossing the Bernard Aldred of Uxbridge | days, for consuming liquor. double solid line on a curve. A was remanded for 60 days for Failing to produce proof of in- southbound car was forced to medical assistance. The court surarce brought a further fine prake sharply. Frank Thomp-\learned that the accused has| of $59 and cost for Wayne son, 63 King St. W., Bowman-/ suffered "a change of character Armstrong. All three had plead-vijje, side-swiped another ve- since a motor vehicle accident in ed guilty hicle parked on King Street, 1962. He is being sued for $100,- Walter Barrett, charged at)Newcastle.. Norman J. Nixon,|900 as a result of the accident." the same time, was not pres-'RR 2. Orono, northbound on|He was not arraigned on the ent, 60 @ bench warrant Was [jberty Street, crossed the cen-|Charge when he apeared in court Horsburgh, tre Jine and swung back strik-|on Tuesday charged separately, was !e- ing the east curb several times) REFORMATORY manded to Oct. 19. A juvenile while being followed by a police! Oreal Robichaud, 16. of Ham- was dealt with in juvenile court ¢ryiger Sltan eee AeateheeA te tha te and George Shearer, RR 3 Port Hope, had a charge of consuming under age dis- missed. SPEEDING Siegfried Ulrich, RR 3, who} admitted several previous con- victions for speeding, was fined $50 and costs, or seven days His driver's licence was also suspended. FRAUD CASE Two Cornwall men spent six days in jail as a result of their obtaining food by issued. Thomas > For all your drapery needs see Betty Haydl abi for INTERIOR DECORATOR rauc - Joseph Goulet and Roser 15 King Street East Gautier both 20, went to To-| CUSTOM MADE DRAPES ronto looking for work and, Phone 725-2686. finding none, were on their way home when agaiz. Anyone in your eireum- A , \ their money ran) : !\ | out. They entered a restaurant) in Newcastle, ordered food | »e) totalling $2,60 and left without } CRYSTALS paying for it. "Having served six days you Complete instructions accompany are free to go," and page | ch Certo bottle and package. | trate Baxter, "but don' f Reg. 139.95 quality $108.88 You can have a choice of pieces in this roomy, good- looking suite. Dresser features tilting mirror with bev- elled edge. Dresser and chest has nylon drawer glides, hand-rubbed plank style tops and full gable sides. Choose a piece or buy the entire suite at this sale price. SAVE 31.07 Includes Double Dresser Chest and Panel Bed OPEN STOCK Double Dresser end ren 69.95 waity 64,88 Chest. Reg. $39 quality 32,00 Panel Bed Reg. $31. quelity .. 22.00 Fine Contemporary TRIPLE DRESSER SUITE in WARM WALNUT FINISH Large, spacious eight drawer triple dresser with lovely large shadow box mirror. Eight roomy drawers with bow fronts on the centre set and brass pulls, This wall filling dresser is five feet long. The four drawer chest is 32' wide and this beautiful suite includes a bookcase bed. Beautifully hand- rubbed walnut finish we call Bahama Walnut. One of the handsomest suites we've seen in years, | SAVE 31.07 | OE aoe Reg. 259.95 , oe quality ARBORITE TOP DESK HAS MAP OF THE WORLD $34.00 | Triple Dresser, Shadow Box Mirror, Chest and Bookcase Bed preserve this summer's, | fresh fruit goodness | fornextwinter-- | with Certo | Fits in almost anywhere. Perfect for the student's bedroom. Shelves and centre drawer. Arborite top with map of the world. 31" wide and 20" deep, 30" high. Give your child a little back to school inspiration in the form of this desk. YOLLES 9:30-6 DAILY WED. 1 P.M. THURS., FRI. OSHAWA SHOPPING 9 P.M. CENTRE 725 - 3519 a ao Thuredey, Fai Rig By ' PORT Justice G essential : which wi strengther accused t abridging press, Mr. Jus to delegat of the On ciation does not | ship be im "T belie ble new: that the supersedes press to p may tend trial and | rights conf be resolve trial." Delegate endorsed for the for tee to stud Another asked the affairs de remunerati municipal : increased \ the "explo related pro 0M troller for was electe association Campbell, of Scarbore of Si Mrs. K. Peel won | the summe cently in Mc ris and Llo tion as did worth and | OSE JULY 17 North and Clarke and Adams and K. Marden Mrs. E. M. J, Timmins, East and Woods and son, 176; Mr G. Bovay, 1: worth and. ye Heron 40. JULY 24 North an¢ Heron and | Wadsworth | 134.5; Miss Cuaig, 134; Morris, 128. East and G. Adams, E. Jeffery, field and M Mrs. K. Ma ancourt, 118. JULY 31 North and Clarke and F W. Heron ar 129; Mrs. V E. Coles, 11 art and Mrs East and and A. Vaill M. Kashul 132; Mrs. M. G. Bovay, 11 Brown, 114. AUGUST 7 North and Morris and K. Hunter a Mrs. K. Ma A. Silgailis, Clarke and | East and V jes and Mrs. J. Patterson Mrs. M. Ha Vv. Drummon and W. Cox, AUGUST 14 North 'and R. Clarke an Mr. and Mr: Mrs. Wadswo 106; Mrs. R. terson, 102. East and W C. Coles, 94; Marden, 87; and P. Kaul Marias and . @ BLU @ PS. @ GRE NEE PAY You | The | Presce Fi City-Wie 9 Simcoe |

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