Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Aug 1967, p. 12

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ns i i ¥ i . il First house in the city's south end aml where the emphasis is on com- TIMES, Thuredey, August 24, 1967 | RS SAY Mrs Stantield Puts y vey 12 THE OSHAWA o " THE hleinl id P er A abana eit womas ste vd As PC Convention Looms Nearer |: sre tats, rs, siante é s for comfort. "I'm not a FoR vase s nven hi bobo plate. I like neat, com- =4 ANN LAND Yesterday's adverse Mercury By ANN HELLMUTH ing a pleasant home for him) +) table clothes that I can move (--" ni restrictions lift now, so Friday HALIFAX (CP)--Although| and his four children. saer|ite! s should: be -n: exes lent ona she has always lived in a politi-| 'Now the ares Pi basking Daughter of the late Judge bar 0s ici for all written matters, adver- Mary Stan-lit isn'! sc important, vt Hall. & one-time Consery- Beware Of Electricity tising and promotional work, field Teltny rata ts to|they were younger we always af Ma anton te NOVA Bestia = de and communications generally. make any political statements|tried to arrange it so that both and MP for Queen's, Mrs. Stan- boy rr If Standing In Water Intellectual ag vet mm Rg or speeches. of re pn Bod away for long field has never lived outside the a me ton interests: favored & red into making any|periods together. |Maritimes. But she isn't unpre- way. PP she often parries| In the weeks | -- her hus-|pnarea for the oe yoo gu | BL y ed candidacy]; hould her hus- insec' HDAY with: 'Well what did my hus-|band C is ACYling to Ottawa s ee ° q always been insecure FOR THE BIRT ie faye" for the national Progressive| tq be chosen. Dear Ann Landers: I have a as on 'especially where| If Friday is your birthday, a Hs A vests tice iblCaasahyacies Ieee tT eas oe eet wit Ws Te has many my marriage was concerned. your horoscope goog en married Premier Robert Stan-|domesuic tranquillity has been|.g) environment and I enjoy and I want Lal ag lease print|My husband is handsome and/no matter what hs Lehi field ot Nova Scotia, she has|shattered. But if she has any meeting people, so from that any am possible. vigorous and women gen! ae Ce an excellent kept public appearances to 8 regrets about his decision, they/noint of view Ottawa could be * 2 *. i juiet) . * ; | " " A dear friend and a finejover him. I eae wi he| month-long cycle for advancing ae hat h-making jare curetally hneniggodeg st fun." = human being died re iaingrend roca gag = I found that your occupational and gee te cy of _ Fest Th She wan Laiey ep bal he did something that)/ma : i interests, and progress made y "prepare for -Ca pocung us would do without/letter I Rent bes ee ee aura October will spark fur- and can just about pare 1\campaign and her only stipula- OSHAWA TIMES wy The giving it a second thought. Itjcan't seem to pul ther advances during January, have much pleasure in declar-|tion was that she be given time 8 offici: seems so harmless. My friend together. the first half of February, in ing this open... : to stop off in Halifax to see 13- PICTURE ; noon went down to his basement NOT RECOVERING late April, early May, the last People are often deceived by| year-old Mimi, youngest of the! Sg Chure after a heavy rain, waded We have three beautiful chil- half of June and the entire! her reluctance to be drawn into/foyr Stanfield children, when RE-PRINTS 7] beth through 12 inches of water,' 460 and a lovely home. I have month of August, 1968. | the political limelight, however,|she returned from summer riage tried to disconnect an electric tried to recover from this bIOW 7.5 two admonitions, how-| and they tend to underestimate| camp ey aa ae Aveucbls At orne. appliance and was electrocuted. but I'm not making the grade. ver: Be extremely conserva- Mary Stanfield. Mrs. Stanfiel " > The Please tell people who have/ny, doctor told me to forgive tive in fiscal matters through- Deapiie bar -auiet, waserym:|the childres-caree ei NU-WAY PHOTO Mr. a basements that tend to flood oO nd forget. Is it possible?--Still out the forthcoming November, ing manner, she has a quick,/20, Judy, 16, ~ i 1 ae Tripp go down and disconnect the urting as , the latter half of December and astute mind and a wry sense of|Mimi's godmott ih the chil SERVICE . the so appliances before the floor gets "hear still: You bet it's possi- 1 April for, despite the gains humor. She also has the knack|pride in the fact that t _ Rexfo1 covered with water. other, base |ple Millions of women be promised during the latter of getting others to talk about/dren by otal as their moth-} 951 King St. £., Oshawe awa, ady flooded, they) iii, ost of them : y s ives, a problem for aler and friend. : Mis at an on electric com:|favera lot Tee evident than cosatisinated aessiues hak oa po whe comes to inter-) She is not particularly sera yeh hae pier soloist pany and ask them to shut ott ou have, Lady. If you can't }. job front, do nothing to) view her. : ested in cooking a et eae. 5x7 -- 1.25 each Thomp the power from the outside. forgive him for his = S jeopardize your position in Since ae vor toggled ~ ala has an exce' | 20% Discount on Orders a Give j i sake. ; 7 | r-- é : : JUST DIDN'T oe, [gin a your letter. T sus- ei ar ae chaves Aig * died in'a car accident in 1954--| Th Stanfields live in a ram-| of 5 or More Pictures 5 geen pid ia pani Sole who| pect if your husband ---- advancement next year. she has concentrated on creat-|bling 100-year-old Victorian! 8 ils , a wo z iad irl friend, you'd inven i * * he geld with his as te eal ~~" BEWARE Hi - 2 foe P l should run ° \ t of informa- ersonal concerns ering | peed Bons ee printing) Dear Ann Landers: How long smoothly for most of the year| 4 ihesih, iu Cetare should a former governor call ahead, but be alert to possible; held 'he Dear Chicago: Here is your| himself "Governor? h periods of stress in close circles and sh letter, and I hope parents will) A ieee egeorgen held in late Oueber. and arly Jane: olek § 4 i i i mea, a ' eriares peg gen' this. office for one heck of athe : Viemen'e taate' Weobeacy ; an heir fuuk pee for writing. You/long time, yet his wife refers tO\toward hypercriticism _which,| fa sey soag rid 454 million people. |him as "the Governor" and 80 thoyph well meant, usually cre-| ee ' : 2 --_--e se " |do his other relatives. «ates antagonism. MRS. ROBERT Stanfield, leader of the Conservative meinber of ee i) Dear Ann Landers: How long| Give them the word, will Influences governing romance| wife of the Nova Scotia party in Nova Scotia and a ue (CP Photo does it take to recover from a ter tee. word is for Will be most propitious during premier, 4 ewes | vent since T discovered that let-|you. Although former governors) Ociape "tor all Virgoans); 'also| limelight, although she i & mh ag Ba ss 2 pocket. He|(and other public officials i2S|next ADAI atid Pb Bath tray.| bas been surrounded by Career School of Hairdress Li} ~ tel denied being seriously involved) well) do not continue fo ust 'N| 61 and social activities should| politics much of her life. a by the | --said she mistook "friendship? title ofticistvticiaily for the rest Prove highly stimulating in| Her father, the late Judge @ GOVERNMENT LICENSED @ hammer for something deeper. Accord- "yg Fed eae This does not|2ctober January, April and the| W. L. Hall, was one-time | a For D 'And Church | ing to him the wornae wes i0- te tt in the least, but|Weeks between June 15 and Enrolling Now For Day An The bri tasizing and descri ings - 4 .| Sept. 1 of next year. The period TRAIN WOMEN COPS j ° r. and she had hoped would happen, rte it tas i Gh?' eehe aa OG dua' Ri cules WALA LUMPUR, Mateviial Evening Classes Oshawa but never did. eS __|next June) should bring some i 4 | e son n MOUAMAL PoouHiGh to coeause (ARIOTDS first of 150 women]! BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 5, 1967 pda | workers. recruited for police work in the FOR INFORMATION CALL: Mes. CHILD GUIDANCE A child born on this day will;mountain and jungle kingdom 576-3558 waa tha be unusually gregarious; talent-jof Laos are undergoing the A Mrs. Ma ee . 13} s At H ed along literary and (or)|tough training course at the| 145 KING WEST, OSHAW on the o Child $s Lying egins ome scientific lines. (Malaysian police academy. \ manson Phewe "4 | wore Love Discourages Deception | te oe seed pea' e ° ° Le | ues. By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD [mutual regard and mutual] Now for the first time in Oshawa, you can get original con- ques Th It seems to be true that lying|@ffection may pow ee | daisies ; i e and has most| One thing is certain: the less) 1 . Pr train de practice there, and that thelhe loves us and 'eels we love tinental styles in women's shoes at prices within reach of ) Fer head i i arents.|him, the more ready pt | aes a You|try to deceive us, whether he is pot : ; 0 and I want the child to do right. 8, 8, or 15. everyone. B We are inclined to punish him|ng wirNESS STAND \ not only when we see or hear| Aim not to put your child on | him doing something wrong,|the witness stand to question but also when we find out that| ana cross-question him as if he the had done something wrong|\were a criminal. If you have Canon ¥ O Soe an we tak Sell: sani eet Mm Seles come at the ma we 'wrong warrant whee aise tells us or we ascer-\or Sonica do with him as C pened an tain by putting him on trial and|you see to be just, fit and prop- | pre ey trying to force him to incrimi-jer, and close the matter then i a oo nate himself and confess. and there. } hb. belt Very early in his experience,| If you merely suspect that he \ FF ah say when he ls 3 or 4 the ebd|nad, dane, mzong, bul don Gresor, 0 may freely tell us he did theling do nothing. Be more vigi-| | ag Bee wrong we asked him about./lant of him in the future ia Nee Then we feel we must punish/|very decisive if you see or hear ' him for this wrong. After sever-|him then bp eed other things he | | ar aut e. 7 i al such instances he figures out BENE yo CMRPEr DY | The Ch R : id noe ik on { Pe Ba that he could have escaped the/ THE TATTLER a . e Champagne Room is a new idea -- one that appeals to any te ; j it-| Suppose another adult reports 5 ; punishment if he nee per -- to ri a misdemanor by your woman who wants New York, London and Paris styles, orth My-pe ted to the wrong; he gine youngster. In some instances | ped more practical. He says to | you would inform the youngster " sculptured self, "T won't let anybody find] of what this adult reported and| | personally select my styles from some of the foremost collections semesred " 'i , do as you see fit. Though cir- ;: ° reer ' Him and t So eae may for the|cumstances may vary widely, and bring them to Oshawa at a price that's right for you. That's a ot wrong he did but for letting us|¥ou had better, as a Tule, hay my idea for the fashion conscious women of Oshawa -- that's the chanel trait find out that he did it. no trial with this adult present i Certainly you would not have ' ne TEMPTED TO LIE another child there as withess.) policy of the CHAMPAGNE ROOM. Won't you visit us soon! Therefore, when we begin to| You don't want your child to j question and cross-question liim|think of any adult or child as a) for some wrong deed, we sus-|tattler, and of course you won't) St. Patric pect he had done but on which/tattle to dad when he comes) Church, Wi we don't have objective facts,)/home about your child's misbe-| the setting | he is tempted to lie. If his onej/haviour in his absence. Johanna Ma effort to defend himself doesn't} Whoever takes responsibility | Frederick F work well, he tries again, he for the child should aim to set- (Formerly Manager of Colette Shoes) day afternoc tells more lies. Thereby he mayjtle all matters of discipline| | The bride gain so great skill at lying as tojalone. This applies especially to | Mr. and M become very adept at deceiving|the bavy sitter. Try to choose| Lan-en, Bo us. one you can depend on, and the bridegrc However, if he finally gets;40n't expect her to report any Mr. and Mr caught and is punished, he con-|Misbehaviour on your returi.| Oshawa. cludes that he was not smart ager will have no gus AM A (C : The Rever enough at lying and will have|for putting the youngster on) ciated and | to do better in the future: and/trial. GOES RUSTIC. was played | he usually does. You see, he ANSWERING QUESTIONS | | 7 garet Byrne. has the vantage ground; he Q. Should we want our chil- | | Given in may outsmart us without trying 3 | very hard; and when he does, he is proud of his victory and dren to memorize short bits of| poetry and prose? A. Yes, indeed, at home, at Room With cascades of ultra-feminine father, the b white cage-g rf © norganza la feels he has acquired good ruffles jabot-ing down -- for escape in the| School, and at Sunday school. acetate crepe. With casual with iy a uture. | RUINS DATING GAME | conversation prints on crisp combed cotton. With a a bouffant ve persica sgperie iw asl LEOMINSTER, Mass. (AP) ig ae ereree . ---- ~ weg igi 18 sarees Meanwhile, something has|--Howard W. Zoufaly says the! uae our skirt a ant wardrobes, Sizes 0 16. happened in our mutual vela-|trouble with computers arrang-| VA SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA 576 3230 y' : Pp tions. We and the child don't|ing dates is that boys and girls Shown, just two of many... fee] the same toward eachilie to the computers, "the! other, and the more often we|wrong information is fed to the Permanently pleated ruffles on white acetate have put him on trial, whether|computers and the wrong peo-| cr G Lut he wins out or not, the less we|ple get together." Zoufaly, al ida ? ssaned trust each other and the less affection we feel for each other. handwriting expert, says a How tragic then this decline in better way to arrange dates. Studying of handwriting is a far 10 to 16. Button-down collared printed cotton. Sizes 5.50 the setting la noon for t Roberta May and Mrs. M Clip Out This Coupon -- To Be Validated With Purchase Brocklin, . to ! -- <---- om am ame om ae ae em oe ae eee eee oe oe 3 ao Pibws con | FOR THE FINEST } | FREE FREE Soon to Arrive'?! 'of course you may charge it Charles J. I Custom and @ Louis Jeon Creations from the Avant Garde _The Revere Ready Made collection, ficiated : : Given in li -- French Mod Stylings, | < : DRAPES To Celebrate Our Grand Opening -- Me au eas Riles dies | w father, the bri in the loleit Shodan ad We Are Offering... @ Martini -- Evening Shoes, LL sheath gown | in e les an an empire bod Bee FREE TAXI SERVICE ALL PRICED To SUIT YOUR nuDeeT a sope> Oe fashions since 1867 Scalloped sco lily-point sleey the shoulders able sling coa a slight train. 24 HOUR DYE SERVICE On All Fabric Shoes FREE When Purchased et "CHAMPAGNE ROOM" Every Shoe Purchase M&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED Oshawa Shopping Centre i 1 | I | | | I | To Anywhere within The Oshawa City Limits--With l | i I | | 1 ; DRAPERY TRACKS FREE FREE Satins--Illusion Heels and Jet Heels 8.99 2. ~ 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 a ae ee a Peau De Sois--lllusion and Jets 9.99 | her quadruple "Free Customer Parking While Shopping ot Our Store" Se ee ee ee eee veil of silk illu ed a bouquet ry 4 a } / stephanotis, r

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