yartments for Rent ---- One bedroom apartment ut balcony, In modern build rator, stove and laundry ap- ppplied. Apply Apt. 6, 108 - Two bedi ine room, Kitchen, 3 stove and / git included, $90 month- 668-8401. noo kitchen, living room, h, Unfurnished, bg and hyd- 70. Tel 723-5874. IED, 2 rooms, " piece bath, tare included, $55, Telephone (OOM apartment to sub> ynd hydro included. Available 16, Telephone 723-1262. ey E., 335 -- three-room Quiet couple EET ed apartment. able September 15. Apply at ess. gree w entrance, wate. a NNaien stove and re- $125. monthly. Apply 24 "one-bedroom apartment, re Sg stove included. Telephone D basement apartment, nt, all Married working couple only, jonth, Telephone after § p.rm.e PERSON, sharing motel vate $16.; two rooms $25.7 rking. 668-5201. RTMENT, ng sietaty furnished kitchen, all new. Telephone 263-2966. tember, may be seen now. M apartments for rent. Apply Marcel, Oshawa. Apartmen? DROOM furnished apartment, * @ working couple or single, n. Close to downtown, Park- Available now. For appoint- 164. T for rent. Call 725-4 OOM apartment, private en- jt and water supplied. Apply Street North. ROOM apartment 'n jing, mo children. Avi 1. Wilson - King Streets LY. Furnished, two-bedroom, th, living room, separate en- rking, heat, light. One child 41 Olive Avenue. ST, 64 - One - bedroom apart- facilities paid, parking laun- child welcome. Central loca- able now. Telephone 728-6319 P.m. or 723-2050 after 4 p.m. ROOM apartment with tor and drapes. No dam: child welcome. Avail apply 170 Park Ro. two ota apartments, one irnished or unfurnished, 291 apt. 308. 576-0668. One-bedroom apartment, Pri- No stove or frig. Adults pre- nediate occupancy. Telephone D two-bedroom apartment, adults, centrally located, Ap- irch St. -- small furnished bachelor sultable for lady. Available quiet apartment building. 9 after 5. = sub-let_ modern _two-bed- ment, drapes, stove, refrig- stric. heating Included. Chil- ne, September 1, $130 month- | apartment, near south tors. Available September 1. e- or two-bedroom aparte pletely broadioomed, refrig- stove. No security or dame yee aoe Street North, ment 1, DROO. rtment in aparte ia location. Stove, Avail nber 1. Apply imcoe n, Apartment 4. ROOM apartment, self - lable now. For Information, rew Street. apartment in location, three Hf-contained and -- spi Telephone 623-3591, Bowman. reoms and lous. eve- JM apartment, private bath, -- Shopping Centre, Tele- 'and bath. Cen- : ne igst as Telephone EET SI7-- Three room ap- furnished, private bath, pri- ice. Children welcome, $85 ply above address. LY furnished one bedroom partment. Suitable for twe yr couple. Telephone 728-5774, SEMENT apartment, suitable entral, laundry and parking lephone 728-4646 between 9-5. ms 3 for Rent TRACTIVELY NISHED ROOM ole in private home: tween 5 and 7 p.m. PARK RD. N. 728-8671 | AREA. two large room: and washing facilities. call ply 15 Division. REET EAST --Furnished erator, parking, private en- vatip sh Preferred, $12 weekly. ight he housekeep' room, nces. Apply 159 Coie St, or telephone 668-6365 after ) housekeeping room, ault- sb ig Close to Shopping ly bedroom. Athol Street & ) ROOM for rent, use of phone ad nished for itchen pevneo: Available wae space. Apply 968 ; a ah re for gentlemen, in home,' _ close jospital. ployed. Telephone ) ROOMS for rent in cle ae Street, Whitby. Tele- 4 "clean bachelor room for kitchenette with one other. lephone 6: 655-4726. or rent. A AP ply 138 192 tele sad locat! room with privileges for gentleman 4 board, parking; TV Tele- ~ aig room _ with and stove. arking. Apply r telephone 723-7657 or 728- See EE eden elconseseseC ce RNISHED room with sink, stove. Private entrance. couple. Apply 25 Division a honmeaiia ean ee ed housekeepii room for ery ivi 'Apply 329 Athol Telephon aaunae we rooms, E ane oe en- y decorated, suitable fur ugha two ladies. 214 Caiil- Y RENT for two gentlemen Apply pply 103 t La Salle Avenue. ee ear 401 and Bloor. Fur= irking and private en- 728-8353. E furnished t bedrooms, suit- ee girls. Kitchen, laundry ing room with TV. Close to Motors, hospital, down- "RENT \ weekly an and n nightly ekly, Maid service, restau- ises. Queen's Hotel, 67 Sim- Serta ns HARE mobile home, sage ; Privileges or board. Tele- ee rich etputanie hg en G fable for a female phone 725-3058 after 5.30 or ' 28--Room and Board 30--Automobiles For Sale central, good meals and clean near bus stop. Man preferred, Apply 25 Bruce St. VATE bom and board for « ROOM AND BOARD. in adult home, home entle- 36--Legal i wi WILLIAM & ©. WATSON, will ci] KARMAN GHIA, radio, refinished, no io 1 | low Sen jayment, only $7 per week. pay' Lic, J24969. Peleshok Motors Ltd., 942- 6300, man In good home, Lunches packed.|1960 AUSTIN Healy 3,000 convertible, 728-4872. six eylinger cut: with overdrive. 725-3320. ROOM AND BOARD in private home. Large room. Sult one gentleman. Tele- phone 728-0470. 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chiet, four - door sedan. Six cylinder, automatic, radio, ROOM or room and board for gentie- men, near south General Motors, Park ing facilities. 863 Ritson Road South, ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman, cise to north General Motors plant and bus, 725-2305. wheel discs. One owner car. Driven less than 8,000 miles. 668-2315. ,|1963 IMPALA two - door hardtop, V-8, automatic, radio, power steering 'akes, white with red interior. One owner, 31,000 miles. A-1 condition, best offer. 728-3371. ROOM AND BOARD for one girl. Pri vate home. Good location, near hospita and bus stop. 725-6195. COLBORNE STREET EAST, - rom and board for sertienes to shai le beds, close north Gener rs. Apply above address, -|ALL USED PARTS, tires, wheels, radi- 1 pag spindles for trailers, springs. $09 Street East, 723- 2281. re FORD with A-1 '64 motor, s standard. my name on or after this date, 17, 1967, without my written consent. not be) any debts rates, nl BIRTHS OBITUARIES al BONK -- Bill and Betly are BIG OR SMALL WE DO THEM ALL DOUG. GOWER AUCTIONEER 728-1005 38--Coming Events Pearson) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, 7 Ibs., 9 ozs., Thursday August 17, 1967, at the Oshawa General $425, ae Ronlea Avenue or 725-6427. "s Y 2 door hardtop, V-8 29--Wanted to Rent motor, power back window, excellent Telephone 576-1746. 271 Albert WANTED ROOM and BOARD For Ontario Hydro construc- tion men in West end Oshawa Call Collect 231-4111 EXTENSION 609 WANTED TO RENT or lease, 3 bedri se on acreage, preferably with barn. Will pay pr3mium rent for right prop- erty. Write Box 33132, Oshawa Times. GRADE 13 male student requires room and board in quiet surroundings, O'Neil Collegiate cae approximately. ber 1. 723-9655. AeARTENT = sub-let, In new build- ing, by September 1, Telephone 576-1381 1966 FORD XL_ hardtop, power steering, | afier 6 p.m. DD unturni 30--Automobiles | for 'Sale | 1967 RAMBLER REBEL 770 4 Door Demonstrator | NEW LIST $3,400 REDUCED TO $2,500 Big 6 -- automatic -- radio. Whitewalls. Wheel discs. SCOTIA PLAN FINANCING $300 down and 36 payments of $71.39. Total Finance Charges $369.60. The Only New Car Dealer In Oshawa with Exclusive Bank Financing WELLMAN RAMBLER 7R735\ "65 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, 4 Door Must Sell, Moving. BEST OFFER TAKES IT 668-4674 RAMBLER _ SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT New and Used Cars Easy to Finance at NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED R.R. No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid, TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 73 728- 7376 WANTED Good clean local cars for cash. MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ere SOUTH i963, VOLKSWAGEN. Bank terms, mi 351 second car, $8 per week. i Call jagon, automatic, Bank financing, $11 's. Call | 728-7351. %) 1961 FALCON, + com |i962 CHEVROLET Septem- Well-ling. No charge for towing. Best St. 1966 FORD Fairlane, GT, $2,800 or tal over r_Payments. _Telephone _$23- 5037. 1962 MERCURY 800 dump truck, single axle full air, in good condition. Call 623- 3-7594 after 7. 65 IMPALA | 2-door | hardtop, matic. Power steering, radio, low mileage. Like hen. throes out. Was $2,395, now only $1,995. Lic. 478824, Peleshok Motors Ltd. 942-6300, convertible. Sharp, only $1,200. Call 576-1381 after 6 p.m. "47 CAMARO hardtop, 327 "engine, three- speed transmission, positraction, etc. 1|Best offer. Port Perry 985-2839, 1965 CHEVROLET convertible, 327 auto- |matic, radio. Must sell, make offer. | Telephone after 5 p.m. 728-3995, |power brakes. Ivy green. 32,000 miles. ment | Must sell. 725-1212. Pre 1 Sho} yo Whitb: for lady, Centra p Centre or ¥|'66 CUTLASS, two-door hardtop, wer | vicinity. Wes ma 15. Write Box 33124, | steering, Pr oO: Power brakes, Positraction plus radio, | seats, other | $2,775 or offer. 728-0577. \63 FORD Custom 300, six, automatic, | radio, Just painted. and in beautiful con-| $1,095, 22. elon. Going for Lic. Pel hok Motors, '# PONTIAC 6 cy st |new tires and gies $600 r est otter, | Telephone 725-1770. 464 PONTIAC Parisienne converlible, V8} automatic, power steering and brakes,| radio, Lic, 16721, Full price only $1,775.| |$100 down, balance carries for $68 month- \ly. Stalker Motors, 137 King w. \/59 CHEVROLET, four-door hardtop, V-8 jautomatic and radio, Lic. KI1152. No down payment. Only $19 monthly. Stalker Motors, 137 King W. '59 PLYMOUTH, V-8 automatic, - Lic. K8017; '57 Pontiac 6 automatic, Lic.) K5367; '58 Pontiac, 6 automatic, Lic.) K4557. All three cars for only $150, Plates! redeemable with safety check. Stalker Motors, 137 King W. } "44 IMPALA convertible, 327, automatic, | power steering, power brakes, radio. A one owner focal doctors' car, Low mile-| age. Was $2,195, now only $1,895 Lic 580847, Relesk Motors Ltd. 942-6300, |31--Compact Cars for Sale bucket | extras. | 468894, | WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO | EVERY MONDAY Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize. TWO JACKPOTS 53 and 55 IN 52 NOS, OR LESS $200. In announced Nos. $50 Consolation Prize $10 per line in both games $150 JACKPOT | $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE | $50 FULL CARD $200 in 52 Nos. or less 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 $45 in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES AT $20 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME - $100 Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA \Children Under 16 Not Admitted lerett KINSMEN B | N © = [mes Cornell Is resting at 2--$200 JACKPOTS 52 - 50 |One Must Go || le VOLVO and PEUGOT ke MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South __Oihows, ener ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 '46 AUSTIN sedan, automatic, driven less than 5,000 miles, cost $2,160. Asking $1,200, Hiness forces 725-1287. convertible, for 43 CORVAIR SPYD for sale or trade for automatic compact. Telephone daytime 576-1694. %40 ENVOY sedan, | good condition, $175. Telephone 576-3633. '61 VOLKSWAGEN, Lic. "yeni second car, full price, $295 or no dow payment and nw vig monthly. steiner Motor, 137 King 32--Trucks for Sale |1984 METEOR, 14 ton pick up truck \in_ good condition. Recently tested on safety | lane. 668-: 190 BEDFORD VAN. in fair condition, ee Apply 124 Thornton's Road South, 1957 INTERNATIONAL Ya ton, $150. \Apipy 882 Byron § Street North, Whitby. |i960 G GMC one ton delivery van, three! to choose from. Ideal for camper or chip truck, A-1 condition, $795. Apply Wonder- land Park Motor Court, 723-7424, 33--Automobiles Wanted Ideal Buying A New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New PEUS $10 per line Both Games $25 Consolation $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20 Last 5 Games $30. per Game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp $25 full card Guaranteed $5 a line TUESDAY Admission 50c Signed Mr. Willlam €, Watson, 11 Maple pleased to announce the arrival ot ® ARTHUR J. A. CHILDERHOSE ollie saat 'Genera Troi cox eWeeuateyie hone Arthur John Allen Childer. 37--Auction Sales |ust 16, 1967, Mother and baby both do-/hose, 422 Front St., Oshawa le hig died at the Oshawa General Hos |_BUZMINSKI -- Ed and Theresa (nee pital, Friday, He had been in poor health for four years. .Born Oct. 27, 1898 in Wicklow Martha Ellenor was the daugh- -jter of the late William and ,|Martha Ellenor. -| She was educated at Bowman- ville High School, Port Hope She Teachers College. taught Model School and the Ottawai MOHAWK | RACEWAY RESULTS FRIDAY, AUG. 18 (Overcast, Trac kGood) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Sarereey ae 19, biaid 17 GREENWOOD ENTRIES MONDAY, AUG. 21 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, baal maiden two year Red's Choice, Serenity Sal, Not Social, ara Wi E, No Boy Le metown News, Gomez , claiming | Neat Little Divil, Brownell 'sxion olds, 7 fUrs Turki H. Prince, Kelly X104 Mizzen, Platt X106 Teenie Dee, Bell SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, al- Dittfach 120 No Boy 112 Waish 117 X104 Hospital, Thanks to Dr. Cherewaty and Township, Ont., ne was the son|school for about 10 years at} lnuninete -- Mile trot, purse $1,100 Hovey ees =, Ae lowance fillies and mares, three year jE BA Nene of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen|Fallis Line, Millbrook, Brown){'innow,. Clements $.90 3.40 3.10 Parade Ground, Dittfach. 118 Merctenin' Canine ik 1q,GO0K, -- Lloyd and June (nee Pick: Childerhose. School, Newcastle and at Maple |#crystal' Boy, Arthur 4D eee Mertae te her eat © War, Ditttach 114 ring) (are happy to announce the ar-| He had been a resident of| Grove. cer 90 We'll See, Bradtiela 107, Aineven time ok ae i YW inemoa, 4 Kah 7 Ibs, 2 018, Thursday, August|Oshawa for 43 years. He had| She married Harry A. Millson |" Miso Started: Helena Ca tle, Kawar-|Manwan, Kelly 3112 Speedy Linen Barroby 118 \! » 1967, at the Oshawa General Hos-/ heen employed as an inspector in Bowmanville, January 1906. {tha | Avalon, Pend en: Fredie pees Pig Ne ay Alls fone Grey, Walsh 112 |For Fi ia to Dr. Stocks and 4th' 4+ General Motors in Oshawa|Her husband predeceased her Also, Elie: mactor Wagering) \until his retirement in 1963. He]Feb. 16, 1961. ane nen ee Be Desh ione Men venine EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim. 'SlBsON -- ey es ane Yerivat| Was a veteran of the First World| The. late Mrs. Millson had $7200. wie ciwiyn 9.00 3:20 2.30 Grey Empress, Gritta 112 ing (2,000), three year olds and up (Divn their little brother, -- Jonathan} August 3, 7 pounds, on Wednesday, August 9 1967, at the Oshawa General |Avovet Many thanks to. Dr, Doherty jand fourth floor staff. ROOT -- Ron and Donna (nee Nichols) |wish to announce the arrival of their jchosen son, Daniel Henry. ou grand- \child for Mr. and Mrs. ichols. | | SHACKELTON. -- (nee Tink) are pleased to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Terri| |Lyh, a sister for Barry and Mark. SUTTON -- Doug and Joan (nee The fon) are very happy to announce the arrival of their son, Paul Ross, 10 Hreert| 1-ounce, on Thursday, August 17, 1967, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A brother) for Billy. Many thanks to Ors, Halam- Andres and Anderson and fourth floor DEATHS CHILDERHOSE, Arthur John Allen War, a member of the Canadian ;|Legion, a member of the Ser- }geants' Mess of the Onatiro|six years ago. Regiment and a member of the| For a number of years Orange Lodge, Enterprise 2167,)sang in the choir at Trinity Oshawa. He was not married. Surviving} are five sisters: Mrs .Margaret Keith and Muriel) Minty of Toronto, Mrs. Delbert /Olmstead (Lillian) of Oshawa, Mrs .Henry Stewart (Agnes) 0 Ont., Maynooth, Miss Childerhose, jand Mrs. E of brothers, Maple Leaf, also survive. He was predeceased by |brothers, James, | Joseph and Clarence. | Resting at the Armstrong Fu- Greenview, Ont. Dorothy Maple Leaf, Ont., wart Douglas (Lena) Two} (Ellenor) of Stratford and Mrs. Harry and George of George Glassford (Margaret) of four Thomas, f|ciety in Orono. She is survived by one son, John, of Kingston; two daugh- ters, Mrs. Douglas Carruthers Oshawa. She is also survived by eight grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by a sis- ter, Mrs. Lottie Barton, of En- 'neral Home, Saturday evening |niskillen and a brother, Thomas Entered into rest in the Oshawa General|and then at the Hatton Funeral! Ellenor, of Toronto. |Hospital on Friday, August 18, 1967, PNG eure et ce : Aritur' John Alien' Childerhose, beloved| Home, Bancroft, Ont. Service| Resting at the McIntosh- son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Will be held Monday at Emanuel) Anderson Funeral Home, serv- Ruin eer Mrs. "Dement Oiemesa| CHurch, Maple Leaf, lice will be held in the chapel, titen). Oshawa, Mrs. Henry Stewart) Interment will be at Emanuel| Monday, at 1 p.m. Rev. T. Gem- | (Agnus), Frlagaly Hdl AULA Cemetery. mell of St. Luke's Pre yterian lerhose, ple Le P icin '| ; p Pes weahi Ewart Douglas (Lena), Greenview, On MRS. ANNE W. C¢ ET Church will conduct the service. tario, and Harry and George of Maple MRS. ANNE W. CORNEIL Interment will be at Orono Leaf, Ontario, in his 49th year Resting A resident of Oshawa for 30 Cemetery. at the Armstrong Funera' lome, Osh-| on. awa, Saturday evening August 19, and Years Mrs. Anne Walton Cor- : en at the Hatton Funeral Home, Ban: neil, 505 Rogers St., died Aug. MARY AN PYRA ervice will be el onday, . , August 20, In Emmanuel Church, Mapie|18 at the Oshawa General Hos-| Miss Mary Susan Pyra Leal, Ontario. interment Emanvelpital after a six-month illness.| Friday at the family 1 Cemetery. She was in her 82nd year. 235 Farewell Ave. She ha CORNEIL, Anne Walton She was born in Omemee in in poor health for 14% years a Oshawa Gaberal Hospital, August Ald 1886 the daughter of the late Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 967, Anne ivory in her 82nd year, in z poe ri eee pi i ie 8 loved widow of Cecil Corneil and cousin| Thomas and Lile Ivory, She|Frank Pyra, she was born of Mrs. G. Buckley (Madeline) Hunts-- married Cecil Corneil in Ome-|May 8, 1951. She had lived in wile ane. ene. arg geen mee 52 years ago. Her husband Oshawa all her life. Funeral Chapel, 390 King Street West, |predeceased her in 1955. She was a member of St. For service in the chapel on Monday, August 21, at 1 p.m. Interment, Emily Cemetery, Omemee. EDGAR, Newton Entered into rest in the Oshawa General [Hospital on Saturday, August 19, 1967, Newton Hill Edgar, beloved husband o [Elizabeth Trull and father of Mrs. Ver- |non Osborne (Joyce) and Kelvin of Osh- lawa, in his 78th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, for funeral |service in the chapel on Monday, August 2) at 2 p.m. Internment Oshawa Union |Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations Ito the Kingsview United Church Building |Fund would be appreciated. IRWIN, Nellie in Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, August 18, 1967, Nellie Lynch (198 Church Street), widow of Robert Irwin and dear |mother of Mrs. Nwrray Welsh (Nan), Oshawa, Mrs. Mark Lockyer (Roberta), Brooklin, James of Stouffville and Bruce jof Scarboro. Sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Young in Australia, Thomas In Scotland, | Bruce and John in Northern treland and| Hugh Lynch in London, Ontario. Resting |at_ McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Service in St. George's anatase Church on Monday at 3:30 p.m Internment St. George's Anglican Ceme- tery, Park Road N., Oshawa, BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E, Every Monday at 8:00 P.M. 20 games--Jackpot-- Snowball and Share the Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 CARS WANTED | | Car Dealer and 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | WANTED, cars and trucks for wreck ing. No charge for towing. Best prices aid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. rt Nichols, | WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- ae Rob-| paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. ert Nichols. SHAW AUTO WRECKERS Co. Cars| bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals) bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. ne down . B financing $6 per week. Wellman's. Call 728-7351. auto- per 1963 FORD Galaxie. matic, radio, bank oer: week. Wellman's 726-7351 1965 RAMBLER, hard ie 'One owner, Radio like new. No down payment. $14 One owner, $10 per weel Bank financing. Wellman's. 728-7351. EXCLUSIVE Scotia Plan, bank finan- cing avaliable at Wellman Motors on alt new Ramblers. Warranted quality used cars. You will be amazed at how much you save on finance charges, Call 728-7351 for details. 46 PONTIAC Parisienne V-8, Power brakes, steering, automatic, floor aie radio, Excellent condition. $2,700. 0902. 1958 PONTIAC condition. 1959 VOLKESWAGEN, window van, new two yond paint job inside Laur saa Ideal for camping. Tele| prone }-4875. _|lephone 728-4241. 34--Automobile "epair AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION | CENTRE | 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 Transmissions ore Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- | ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. 35--Lost and Found _ FOUND -- sum of "money, Wednesday | vicinity of Ritson-King. Owner --may| jaim by Oe gilt and paying "or this ad. 725-0671 Lost aire locket, vicinity of River tha Street and Southmeade Park. H s shaped, much sentimental value. In-| scription, "'Love, George'. Reward, Te- S "§§ CHEVROLET Bel Air fair condition. pom 'ey Beaupre Avan or Ws SLDENOERE 98 sedan, excellent condition, power steering, power. brakes, power windows, power seat, power <--/, remofe _ mirror, radio, r, floor mats, power trunk release, new tires, low mileage. $500 dewn, no interest on balance. Jack H, Perry, 285 Bloor W. SAVINGS are a cinch with this '61 Olds- mobile sedan. Eight automatic, power steering, power brakes. A buy, igs Lic. 379700. Peleshok Motors. 942- "58 PONTIAC convertible V-8 automatic, ind paint job, body excellent, res, needs motor. Asking - 728-8584, or best offer. 1964 CHEVELLE, 6 beset station wagon. $1,195. Telephone 723-9757. '65 PONTIAC convertible, com sports, all power equipped, immaculate condi- tion throughout. $2,295. Must sell this 16-0394. 1961 CHEVROLET sedan, cylindes automatic, gs in Lose Magick Tele. phone 723-9134 between 6 and 8:30 p.m. '38 CHEVROLET Bel Air, six standard, 1 eleshok Motors 1962 CHEV. Biscayne, four-door auto- matic, radio, brand new motor, just in- stalled. Telephone 728-1995. 1961 PONTIAC convertible, 283 _auto- matic, white with red interior, power brakes, Good condition. Will ac- cept trade-in. T 1958 BUICK veiaged oe a $125 or best offer. Telephone 7: 198) PONTIAC pecuiewe 'edan, V8 moter, condition, $275, Tele- 36--Legal | BINGO at U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, AUG. 19th 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES, $10 a GAME | |Teeterville Cemetery. 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50. ONE rape $150 JACKPOTS SHARE THE WEALTH Tickets On Prizes _To Be _Drawn | To-Night | Antique Gun Show __|Sunday, August 27 | Red Ba rn, Oshawa | 7 Telephone 728-6226 ton, neral Home, 152 King Street East. at 1 p.m, Internment Orono Cemetery. In tleu_ of flowers donations to the adian Diabetic Association would be preciated by the family. | OLESEN -- In loving memory of |dear daughter, Susan Michelle, who | passed away August 19, 1962. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, Her memory we shall alway skeep. --Forever remembered by her father. PYRA, Susan Mary | Entered into rest at the family residence, 235 Farewell Avenue, Oshawa, on Fri- day, August 18, 1967, Susan Mary Pyra, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pyra, sister of Mrs. Val Blok (Jean), Oshawa in her 17th year. Resting at the | Armstrong Funeral Home with Requiem |High Mass in St. lic Church, Monday, August 21, jam. Internment St. Gregory's a MITH, Norman lat Norfolk care Hospital, Simcoe, on | Thursday, August 17, 1967. Norman: Smith jof RR 5, Simcoe (formerly of Oshawa), in his 70th year. Beloved husband of |Helen May Chadwick and dear father of Mrs. David (Norma) Kovacs of RR Vanessa, Mrs. Andrew (Barbara) Mate of RR 2 Burford and dear Mrs, Thomas (Cora) McCann of Hami ton. Resting at the Dalton Shine Funer: Home, Delhi for service on Monday, Paugust 21 at 3:30 p.m. Internment in Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW [FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST STAFFORD | BROTHERS LTD. | Authorized Dealers | ROCK OF AGES | FAMILY MONUMENTS | 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. | | GUEST MEMBERSHIP 50c | H PUBLIC WELCOME DOORS OPEN AT 10 A.M. $35 includes everything (except For more Information, 725-8470, TENDERS Tenders to supply the follow- ing to the Whitby District High Schools, Henry and An- derson, will be received till 4 p.m. August 29th, by the secretary. Approximately 92,000 1% pints Homo. 50 3 quart jugs Homo 95 quarts 18% Table Cream 180 Ibs. Butter List of Ice Cream Require- ments provided on request to the secretary. Quotations to be as follows: 1, Milk, Cream, Butter and Ice Cream. 2. Milk, Cream, Butter only 3. Ice Cream Products only. All prices to be firm for the school year 1967-1968. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. D. THOMSON, W. D. Thomson Sec. Box 86 Shane' dingo. Be Whitby, Onterig, MR. MERCHANT:- This Space Is Available For Your Message A Courteous Ad-Writer Will Help You. ----/CHARTERED BUS TRIP | to Expo for three days, September 16, 17 and 18. Fare, meals). |--Always | IN MEMORIAM BODDY -- In loving memory of dear dad who passed away August 1958. Memories are like thread# of gold Never tarnish or grow old, But when old times we do redall! That's when we miss him most of all.) --Always remembered by daughter Edie, and son-in-law Gar. a 1, LONGBOTTOM -- in loving memory of a dear husband and father, Henry G. Lon srt ile who passed away August 20, A a jent thought, Keeps his memory | Ever n ' Laney remmannbeted by wife and family. SEABROOK -- In loving memory of | good friend, James Seabrook, who pass- away August 20, 1962, remembered by Allen Pearl Ferris and family. STAPLEY In loving memory Fras pay who passed awey August! j %; piel lost my soul's companion A life linked with my own, And day by day | miss him more | As 1! walk through life alone. Alone, unseen, he gtands by my side And whispered 'Don't grieve, death cannot divide', --Sadly missed by wife Ray, children and grandchildren. -- | A LASTING TRIBUTE | For Permanence and dignity | we suggest | MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. [tain 423-2633 '; organist Serv- Ice in the chapel on Monday, August 21, Can-| pa The late Mrs. Corneil Church. She was a music teach- er at Church. She is survived by two cous- Sisters, Mrs. Val Blok (Jean) of ins, Mrs. G. Buckley eine) of Huntsville and I, Lamb of Omemee. Resting at the Gerrow Fun- eral Chapel, funeral service wil be held at the chapel at p.m. Monday. The service wil be conducted by Rev. Little of Kingsview United. Interment will be Cemetery, Omemee. | NEWTON HILL EDGAR (Madel A resident of Oshawa all his! life and a well-known city bus- inessman, Newton Hill Edgar, Apt. 306, 50 Adelaide Ave. E., i Mcintosh-And: Fi 55 the busi- Resting at Mcintosh Anders" iv.jHe retired in 1955 and his ton former Helen May Chadwick; ness is now operated by and son-in-law. Oshawa, son of the late Mr. June 27, 1914 in Oshawa. was Hedwig's a member of Kingsview Uniced Church. Jessie Oshawa; Frank in Emily Roman Catholic Formerly she attended St. Gertrude's Separate School of piano and was formerly and later St. Francis Schogl. Omemee United She is survived by her parents Stephania and Frank Pyra; two Anne of brother, es Syracuse, N.Y., and and one Joseph, of Oshawa. Resting at the Armstrong Fu- jjneral Home, there will be a 1 | Requiem High Mass at St. Hed! j|wig's Church, Monday, at a.m. Rev. Anthony Bagsik will conduct the mass. Interment will. be |Gregory's Cemetery. NORMAN 'SMITH at St folk General Hospital, He was in his 70th year. An employee of Surviving are his wife, lived at Cleveland, Ohio, Orono, |4-autumn Frost, Lindsay and came to Oshawa ?Scat o Staied Spencbt ane Malees United Church in Bowmanville. | Later she was a member of} Cambridge United Church, Lind-|2-Jamie Barker, Huffman say. She was also a life member} of the Women's Missionary So-!paje, carol Knight, and Gord's Girl two Norman Smith, RR 5, Sim- coe, died Thursday at the Nor- Simcoe. the Bell 3.00 2.30 2.20 Findley a she Daily Peubih, () and (3), paid $32.40. THIRD RACE -- Mile pace, purse $800 claiming \8-Barry Johnson, 8.00 3.80 1-Stewart's Hoot, 7.00 sed Hie 22.50 Wellwood |Time 2:10 Also Started; Rich Liner, Super Mary Scratched: Benny Super Mary Dale finished third, was placed fifth for interference. FOURTH RACE -- Mile .pace, purse $800 claiming |a-Lynden Bullet, Waples 9.00 5.00 3.70 3Jean Third, Furness 5.30 3.00 1-Scottie Purdue, Davies 7.90 Time 2:10 1-5 Also Started: Ben Herbert, Gypsy Coin, Timber Prince, J. L. Trail and Brother Dillon S. FIFTH RACH -- Mile pace, purse) $1,100. claiming 7-Uncle Spud, Davies 12.50 te 2.90) 1-King Grattan S., Coke Sa 5-Night Rocket, Feagan in Time 2:08 3-5 Also Started: Joanie Wilmac, Breeze abee, Radar, and Midnight Zone Scratched: Margaret Forbes C SIXTH RACE -- Mile trot, purse $3,500 invitation 1-Nancy Brook B., 5-Betsy Herbert, 2-Danny Song A., Time 2:04 Also Started: Silver Nib Lee and Pro- tector Donledo Exactor, (1), and (5), paid $25.00 Gr'h"mB.90 5.50 3.50 Herbert 4.80 3,40 Galbraith 3.50 SEVENTH RACE -- Mile trot, purse $1,500, conditioned 3-Jimmie Hof, Wellwood 6.70 5.30 0 3 2.9 4.9 3.10 2.50 6-Kinnel Lodge, Findley 1-Garma Alert, Walker Time 2:07 2-5 Also Started: Lightning Dares, Malo- mar, Lady Spring, and Becky Herbert EIGHTH RACE -- Mile pace, purse $1,300 conidtioned |3-Tigalus, Gagnon 6.80 4.40 3.30 Ly eatrebbe Norris 4.50 3.80 7-Armbro Heritage, McKinely 3.90 Time 2:05 1-5 Also Started: Judge Forbes, Randy Adios, Terry Ann, Gaylord Grattan and Cape Grattan NINT HRACH -- Mile pace, purse |$1,400 claiming |aLucky Sis, Lambertus 7.30 5.00 3.60 6-Chief Widower, Crowe 10.60 5.70 1-Algermac Grattan, Wellwood 7.30 Also Started: First Jet, Echo O Val- ie Brother. Noble, Madam Herbert and GREENWOOD RACEWAY RESULTS FRIDAY, AUG. 18 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200, claim- tsa Cat Ms ane; ag bars i fomege Com pany fo fate" at ear lr, wo Ey [eae ke Me Sees wae rete |A, Millson and. dear mother of ery 8 "The late Mr. Edgar was the dann with ihe Boi ey Time 140.45, Cloudy and sa ae \swae Mee. Doulas Manners CEtienor) founder: of the Edgar Paint and |He retired in 1960. UNNENE whirling Typhoon, Later Love," Chisi of Stratford and John Milison of Kings- | Paper store in Oshawa in 1919.| n 0 Tomahawk, Wallaceburg, Back Talk, the Transit Pride and Guylene SECOND RACE -- Purse weed alm | two daughters, Mrs. David Ko- Ing three year olds, 1 1-16 mi sa and Mrs. Andrew Mate (Bar- one sister Mrs. Thomas Mc- He was born Jan. 18, 1890 injY@ks (Norma) of RR 2, Vanes- and Mrs. William Edgar. He married bara) of RR 2, Burford and Time 146 45 2-Spartan Girl, LeBlanc 6, 0 at 40 2. 50! 6-Whistler's Wife, Steve 3.50 2.40 3-Was Rejected, Bradfield 2.60 Also Ran Late Scratch: Randy Sve and Page Day Be A Hi ero | He was a member of Kings-|Cann (Cora) of Hamilton, Three The Daily Double, Chimar (2) and Spar- | view United Church and Met- And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep calfe United Church which later! became King Street United. He Funeral Home, served as a member of the offi- cial board of the church for many years. He was also a mem- i, | ber of Corinthian Ladge, IOOF. | The late Mr. Edgar is survived Syracuse, New York, Anne and Joseph,/by his wife, the former ng ron !Trull; one daughter Mrs. Ve Hedwig Roman Catho- Osborne (Joyce) of Oshawa; Seal "one son, Kelvin, of Oshawa. Six grandchildren and one great |grandchild also survive. He was predeceased by one Urged in a United Nations report|7, Charles Richards Friday to impose economic sister Mrs. (Clara) in 1945. Resting at the Armstrong Fun- jin the chapel Monday at 2 p.m. Rev. vice. Interment will be at Oshawa Union Cemetery. MRS. HARRY A. MILLSON Mrs. Harry A. Millson, 132 Central Park Blvd. N., died Sat- months. She was in her 9ist year. Born June 15, 1877 at Bow- manville, the former Fannie FUNERALS FUNERAL OF ANDREW SMELANSKI Requiem High Mass for An- Smelanski, who died Aug 6, at his home, 346 Gliddon Ave ae in his 68th year, was sung jin Holy Cross Roman Catholic | Church at 10:30 a.m., August 18. The mass was sung by Rev. M. J. Darby. Interment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Ken Mc- Donald, John Kury, Sr. John Kury, Jr. Anton Burnyk, Gary Sosnkowski and Peter Dupczak. FUNERAL OF MRS. JOHN WERZUN Requiem High Mass was sung) Catholic Church at 9:30 a.m., The mass was sung by Rev. of} J. C. Pereyma. Interment was) group will return in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Alex|-- Herbacko, Gill Menard, Nick |Holodryzuk, Joseph Kaszuda, |Henry Kryska and Steve Hor- ban. CARD OF THANK: HOSKIN -- We wish to expres# our grateful and sincere thanks and appre- ciation to everyone for their kind ex- pression of love, sympathy and egg fulness at the time of our regent reavement, And to those who cane uch good care to a dear husband ~~ father, Wesley Hoskin, during his inaeac sinaoretys May Hoskin and loci: L. W. Herbert of Kings- jing : iew United will conduct the ser- nore after a special study by |, pusonye:., Kelly grandchildren also survive. Resting at the Dalton Shine Delhi, will p.m, terville Cemetery, South African 'Sanctions Asked UNITED NATIONS (Reut- ers)--The Security Council was/|8-Vital Mahn, Green Sanctions against South Africa in an attempt to make it aban- cial separation. The recommendation ernan Santa Cruz of Chile at the request of a organ of social council. In an interim progress report, Santa Cruz said the UN should} continue to exert The General repeat its call for member states to comply with resodlu-|, said. providing for sanctions, he sai ~ |lowances three year olds and up, Teisle Mission To Visit Canada TOPEKA, Kan, (AP)--Recip- rocal investment opportunities Kansas and Canada will be stressed by a Kansas mission that will visit Canada|time tars next month. The trade mission is being Lae sera co-ordinated by the Kansa s/Colonel department of economic devel- 4 jopment. Willard Balderson, chairman) jof the Kansas Export Council, said the mission will include 80 Kansans. Chartered aircraft will fly the |group to Toronto Sept. 10. Spe- \in St. George's Ukrainian Greek|cial briefings by the Canadian government are scheduled in | Aug. 18, for Mrs. John Werzun| Ottawa and the trip will con- and who died Aug. 16 in her 70th year.|Clude with Kansas Day at Expo |67 in Montreal Sept. 15. The to Kansas Sept. 15. seine tae Said Oldest Of Kind ADDIS ABABA (AP)--The Raymond Rube Caldwell, Ethiopian Institute of Archaeo-|former pitcher with \logy announced Friday the c{s-|Boston and New York Yankees, covery of a human jaw estimat-|died Thursday night in hospital.) led to be 1,500,000 years old. It was found a month ago in| pitched in the major leagues | the Omo River valley of south-|for 12 years. His best year was an| with Cleveland in 1920 when he} team from the w6n 20 games and lost 10. His | lifetime record was 133-120 western Ethiopia. by jarchaeological :| University of Paris. be held Monday at 3.30/2Look' out Interment will be at Tee- 4Amber Relic subsidary "i 1% the economic and!chance Encounter ; "strong and| 3% 'urday at the Oshawa General relentless moral pressure" Hospital after an illness of four the South African government. ies speedy Sonnet, Inouye Assembly should) Uy fan In Order: On|4All We Have, Walsh fan Girl (2), pal d$140.50 THIRD RACH -- Purse $2,000, claim- service, ing maiden two year old fillies, foaled tin Cda. 7 furs. 'rid, H'r's'n14.00 5.30 3.00 ic, Kelly 3.60 2.60 3-Queen's Award, Gritto 2.60 Time 129 2-5 Also Ran In Order: Queen's Wiid, A- lEniyn Sue, Lotella Flight, A-Moon In- |digo and Ghirl Forever |A -- P. J. Enright, G. &. Lyons, C. R | Lawrence and J. &. DB. Ryan entry FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, ciaim- in uae year olds and up foaled in Cada, isvitea, Gibson 14.00 6.80 4.00 80 7.10) -Triple abet Kelly 4.00 Time 126 4-5 | Also Ran In Order: A-Arctic Venture, Teny 8; Good, Cemarial, Adudee Burnet Eternal Flight and Peter Picker A-Gold D, Stable and' G, J. Casselman 2 eral Home, service will be held 40n its apartheid policy of ra-jentry FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, cialm: Was ing three year olds and bag 7? furs Kell 5.70 3.00 Stet Fitzsimmons 3.10 ig Rocky, Hale bey fo 6©Ran in Order: Bush Hawk and Be Optimistic The Exactor, Hugonote and Paris Fash- ions, paid $17.60 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,000 allow- ances, three year olds, fillies, 7 furs. 7-Sweet Intent, Kelly 8.50 4,00 2.40) 3.90 2.30) 2.20 Right Page, Rul- jing Crown, Fleur, A-Forest Path and| Princess Selket -- Armstrong Bros, Stable and Lanson | | Fates entry | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, al- 7 furs.) | 'ite diamond design. Knit of 10- Plea Ant Mi, Hinojo A-117 Nearctic Myth, Platts «107 Mah Mer, Werry 112 Chopagain, Robinson 118 lk a la ye at A -- Bo-Teek Farms and W. D. Whitaker Bandit Bost, Kelly X112 entry + f B --- Willow Down Farm and Dane Hill Clee we" Ceyde Waler 119 Acres entry Phil's Delight, Bradfield X117 SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200, maid- ae eee cmaec ie en 3 and 4 year olds, 7 fur. (10) i Miss Nowata, Robinson 112 Granizado, Bradfield X112 Monte Co, Werry 122 "Also Eligible: oats eer Dittfach A-107 Vital Mahn, Green XXX104 ay Swaps, No Boy 117 ,' Periodical, No Boy 117 (Se Ph nee: XX-7 Ibs, AAC: XXX-10 Kingdom Bay, Green XXX109 F Suzy Jon, Bell X107 roe ee te Roman Emperor, No Boy 112 Tai-Shan 2nd, Dittfach A-122 Mi tan SPORT BRIEFS THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200, maiden two year olds, foaled in Coa, 7 fur (10) Black Harbour, McComb 12 Richard B. Good, Walsh 122 Pre Gallery, Dittfach 122 Dark Thunder, No Boy 122 price Tartan, Kelly A-X1I7 jainty Davie, Gomez 122 TIGERS CUT LANDIS DETROIT (AP )--Detroit Tigers Friday cut Jim Landis to make room for Eddie Mathews. Landis, an outfielder, eal Park, No Boy B-122 was obtained from Houston Macheda H., No Boy B-122 stros d i i Hag OBA Pa ta eth Astros in June in a waiver Count 'The Green, Kelly. X11 trade for relief pitcher Larry A -- Talford Farm entry Sherry. The Tigers picked up + t and W Lati ie rant ar atimer en pinged 35, a slugging infield- , from the Astros, to replace FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, claim- 7 i ing (3,000), three year olds, and up 7 Don Wert, who pulled a groin furs: (13) muscle, Tomboy Pete, Harrison 116 a : ne i ula Gail, Bell XX104 CRICKET RAINED OUT Orchard, LeBlanc 119 ITRE "P)\_A cfic Valley Town, Platts X104 bad vipeeg (CP)--A cricket Carin Man, No Boy 109 match between the touring Breezy Breeze, Bradfield X109 Marylebone club of England Twilight Tango, Inouye 109 "s Prince Bunty, Bradfield X107 and Quebec all-stars was cut Phantom Flyer, Grech XXX107 short Friday because of rain, ast Isie, Harrison 10 5 chic i * River Parhy, Kelle -xila which did not dampen a fine Daring Daryl, Kornblum 10% opening performance by Brit- Also Eligible 5 7 o Worthy Craft, No Boy 117 ish batsmen Bob Gale and Den nis Silk. Gale finished with 112 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, claiming not-outs, completing his fourth Se)» three year olds and up 7 furs. century of his Canadian tour. ke TH, Kelly A-XX105 \The English team declared at Well "Te Dor Gomer Vt ad 189 for one. May Reilc No Boy 117 F RETAINED TITLE Sel. Neuere sateen 116 SAN REMO, Italy (AP)--Car- will Twi Kelly A-XX101 + 7 3 AM. Kane anity aig melo Bossi of Italy defeated (Exactor Wagering) Johnny Cooke of Britain on a SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,500, claim. technical knockout in the 12th ing (7,500), two year old fillies, ¥ fur. round Wednesday night to Mecis wi Linas ball Saba tetain his European welter- iweight boxing championship . "OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS MARVELOUS By ALICE BROOKS Throw this handsome afghan bed, chair or sofa for gay color, cozy comfort. Diamond of an afghan (warm yet lightweight) in your favor- 4993 | SIZES . 12%4---24M% POPULAR CASUAL By ANNE ADAMS This shirt-look skimmer is a in. strips. Pat. 7064: directions,| JOY for busy people. Just step color schemes. into it, and look fresh, fe THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) free all day long. Sew it n for each pattern (no, stamps,jin easy-care cottons. please) to Alice Brooks, care| Printed Pattern 4993: Half of The Oshawa Times, Needle-|Sizes 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, craft Dept., 60 Front Street | 20%, 2244, 24%. Size 16% takes West, Toronto, Ont. Ontario)3%¢ yards 35-inch, residents add 2c. sales tax. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (65c.) in |Print Plainly PATTERN NUM- coins (no stamps, please) for BER, NAME, ADDRESS. 'each pattern. Ontario residents 210 MOST BEAUTIFU Lladd 3c. sales tax. Print plainly re pee Aes; Kelly = 440 2.40 2:10/NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, L-Avalam, Platts 260 new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! | STYLE NUMBER yt AR iad 2 free patterns, knit, crochet} Send order to ANNE ADAMS Al : p . lThe Banter AMIGe kee pen eee fashions, everything. 25c. leare of The Oshawa Times, paid $10.40. Sensational, new value! Book|Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street Farm entry |Attendance, 7,327. Total Handle, $435, 976, || SPORT BRIEFS HOCKEY STARS GOLF NEW YORK (AP)--The sec- ond annual National Hockey | League golf tournament, with individual and team competi- tion, will be held Aug. 29-30 at the Transit Valley Country) Club, Buffalo. Four-man teams| |from each of the NHL's 12) __|elubs will participate in the 36- ~~ |hole tourney. Toronto Maple} Leafs won the team crown in | 1966. PITCHER DIES SALAMANCA, N.Y. (AP)-- 79, Cleveland, | Caldwell, a right-hander, | Grovetree Stable and Willow Downs complete Patterns. 60c. _ EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, claim. Of Prize AFGHANS has 12/West, Toronto, Ont. [Ing saree: vear. olds and up, | mile. 4.39 Complete patterns. Beginner-- FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- trade|!4-Reap The<Wind, Gomez 4.20 2 easy knit, crochet. 6c. see the best of the new styles Thirty Grand, Kelly 2.70 Museum Quilt Book 2 -- com-/for all sizes in our new. Fall- . i plete patterns for 12 superb|Winter Pattern Catalog. Get Iwate: one 'wn Onter: ey Rovel Peirloom quilts. 60c. lone pattern free -- just clip A-Victory Myth, Caledon' Bargain! Quilt Book 1 -- 16)coupon in Catalog. Hurry, send (50c. right now. LOYALIST CAMPUS Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO Requires instructors in Secretarial Sciences, (Shart- hand and Typing) and English (with emphasis on communication and contemporary literature). Teaching experience is essential. Term commences September 11, immediate availability an asset. Apply giving full particulars and references to: The President Loyalist Campus Palmer Road Belleville, Ontario 962-9501