r seat speaker, floor mats, geno owe. in the County of On wi . THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridev, Avgu 18, 1967 |26--Apartments fer Rent |30--Automobiles For Sale |36- Legal iano ons Is ming Events | of 7 A ny mous sisintiiniibithaini - -- PLEASANT living peconinedation. | for | | | M @3 1ZOp renics no for Rent [26--Apartments for Rent Sns,"um share house wih bonnes RAMBLER IN THE MATTER OF THE KINSMEN ee -- feared: rome Sueey sr'svennes S| SALES -- SERVICE ESTATE OF MARY ORR, | saneaank : Acie 749. : - Ra HEL and PAINT OSHAWA IN THE COUN- B I 63 I S ke it 'or Limited Time Only WENTWORTH fella on _avartment Ale yor New end Used Con Ce ant, WIDOW SPECIAL orn n n as cup-' . ia i MANOR Og gp gfe alte 9 re AATORE Lab | REGINA (CP)--The member-)SA benefit from knowing theiry schizophrenia is due to « defect Vy ee | NI ee Le NOTICE Vo PRICE ship requirement for SA is sim-|symptoms are part of an ill-in body chemistry which 275 Wentworth St. W. 37---Roome for Rawk WHITBY -- 668-3331 | | Ya ple; you must be diagnosed as/ness, he says. produces substances distorting 7 sz a \s5 CHEVROLET Bel Air seden, fair | hizophrenic by a qualified; «4 medical doctor, in diag-| tat, H A corol- h 1 t , two | | a_schizop y 0 , brain's functions. ee ee ee] ATTRACTIVELY [Telephone Seams. wnvere Avenue or CREDITORS PASS Lebar peony vig 3 ti gedearn erent is that the illness | ; sonable | 5 ¥ ne Schizophrenics Anonymous ailment, doesn't try to rema' ; A ath N | Seema: Chaldean welonre. Bos, FURNISHED ROOM == [2 on ewan I a All persons having claims FOR TWO International, based 6n princi- the patient's personality. He can be biochemically treated. ~~ school and shopping all close Available in private home. Power windows, power | seat, power) against the Estate of MARY Te the ples of Alcoholics Anonymous,|doesn't blame the patient for) gp. treatment consists of-~ ot hand. Walking distance to Call between 5 and'7 p.m. | Irear ; p| OR, nie OF the Cie Se OEP ¢ was started in Saskatoon thre being ill or his family for his i vitamin B-3, known as G.M. South Plant. Don't de- trunk release, new tires, low mileage. | f ' ears ago. Today, chapters are illness " loy: Call. now. 82 PARK RD. N. ray Meh alg tad ge Oa ir aut Friday, lieaied in Canada, the United) SA is based on the premise|niacin. or nicotinamide. 23- 8701 728- -8671 _____ SAVINGS are @ cinch with this 61 Olds-| 1967 ae hiveby notified to A J 18 1967 States and Bolivia. / SVkGNES SG IG GC Gr foelle. sent pope eda gmk gana fall particulars: the ug. , "The main thing " "ge for OBITUARIES -- pemeniner ------ kitchen. Telephone 728-7120. _| $1,095, Lic, 579700. Peleshok Motors. 942 undersigned on or before the its members is to teac' em ss SHELDIAN MANSIONS LARGE furnished bedroom for _ two, | 6322. Stag al of Augie A.D. MEN that they are not alone, that| ices 5 Gu, DAGWOOD, I NEE! 885 Oxford St., Oshawa [breakfast kitchen, privileges. Available 61 KARMAN a gHtAy radio, "Felinished, 1967, after which dote the their symptoms--hallucinations's WESLEY NORMAN HOSKIN |T. Holmes, of Hami \ eee 'A VOLUNTEER aii Naw. McpacaNant oo soph Selly no rust. Excellent running . cond! ok'! Estate will be distributed with and heightened sensory percep-| Following a lenghty sickness;er minister of Harmony TO HELP WITH U; 10g) on Roe low down payment, only A per week i i F4 ducted the service. Enjoy comfortable modern liv- | privaTE or to share for gentlemen, In/Lic. J24969. shok Motors Lid. 942- regard only to claims of which tion among others--are part of/the death dycurred, Aug. 12, at/Church, conducte: : : THE DINNER { : ing at reasonable rentols with clean quiet_home, close to hospital. 4300. the undersigned shall then SUPER CAR |their illness and that there is)the family/residence, 767 Hos-| 'The pallberarers were six . DISHES You Sign A Lease Now! uideor swimming pool, tree Must be employes. Tetohone_ 68-0 hae gta ag "ae Ya have had notice. 'help and hope for them," says|kin Avene, Oshawa, of Wes-|grandsons, Kenneth Hoskin, : ond hydro and ou hi 2502 FURNISHED ROOMS tor weg clean phone' 623-2401, Bowmanville. DATED of Oshowe this 2nd \Irwin Kahan, director of the}ley Norman Hoskin. He ae in| Wayne poor -" Terry = we CALL_NOW 7 ___ |phone 668-3847. : 1960 AUSTIN Healy 3,000 convertible, Saskatchewan division, Cana-|his 9ist year. He was the last xin of Oshawa; urray Move In On or Before |- WHITBY -- clean bachelor room | for Excellent condition. yeeintis® passin ee dian Mental Health Association.|of a family of 12. {Ronald Hoskin of Blackstock, septermer | fo TWO BEDROOM Plenty of parking, Telephone. GSs726. 1966 PONTIAC Strato Chiet, four - door | annlaley PrUL, Like AA, hot is hated on self-| la . Ae ; sanek Wiens a4 and Elgin Heard of Orono. a : SINGLE ROOM fo nt. Apply 132 Si der, tic, dio, | xecutor, Members run eir own ' | op : APARTMENT Church: Street, or elephone 725-3887 perce dic: ne since iv By His Solicitor, NOC AT THE pecan g conduct their own deceased was born July 4, MRS. sepergger Mommy we? j . . WHITBY, central location, room with than 8,000 miles. 2315. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, 4 | 1877, at Tyrone. A resident of| Following a sickness C A S A ed igure enveeseesd Tee tes Clea earkita; TV Teele IMPALA two = "door hardtop) Va; 14% King Street East, PETERBOROUGH E Peper ore git ve East Whitby, Cartwright and|weeks the death occurred Aug. r room ani A 4 # rr - ° é 728-4283 or apply [hone 668-4928. iDrakes "white, 'with'red imterion 'One OSHAWA, ONTARIO. | MEMORIAL CENTR |medical personnel, generally| Darlington Townships for many|18, at ie Soars yy aa es NG ton f ith |owner, 31,000 miles, A-1 condition, best) 3 on velcome at meetings. | years before moving to Oshawa pital, of Mrs. Mary y M A N A N A | | 40 MARLAND AFT. UU FURNISHED | ha iekeaning soar aah ve a "eee asi | $7 800 a ag Seonaiennion helps the about 12 years ago. Mr. Hos- |lie) Irwin, 198 Church Street. | i a Cee ae Socks spindles for trailers, springs. $0? NOTICE | patient understand his illness}kin was a farmer and latterly, A daughter of the late Mr. 230 _Nipigon St. | | ONE BEDROOM LARGER FURNISHED room with sink, |~c™ Sveel East. 773.208) TO in Prizes including land teaches him to cope with|a butcher for over 25 years./and Mrs. James Lynch, the de- one "40 THUNDERBIRD, two-door hardtop, "He/| Until a year ago he had as-} was born at Garvaugh, Apartment, stove, refrigera- cetrigerator arent. Aviege "Division Lee CREDITORS AND Brand New 1967 AMBASSA. the world and its demands: isted his son, Howard, in the \Nortbers Ireland and received i ithin his limita- s An exclusive building in the tor, drapes supplied Siraet Street, 655-4401. Bob. ' DOR Sedon or $2,000 in Cash learns te live wi car of town close to trans- fod , 64 CHEVROLET 327 SS, four barrel, red OTH ERS $1,000 Hi-Lo Game tions, just as a person with a tile business. her education there. Married in ; portation, shopping, churches 728-4283 or apply ACCOMMODATION avaliable for busi: with black vinyl top, power steering and $800 Smoll Snowball physical ailment does," Mr. A member of Harmony Uni-\frejand in 1923, she came to - : and schools. : 340 land. Apt. 111. Kitchen privileges. Reply to. Box 3zioy, DTaKes: 900d condition. Call_ 723.8954 In the Estate of LENORA | (51 nos.) Kahan says. ted Church, Mr. Hoskin had|canada and Haliburton in 1927. : 34 Mar and, Apt. V1]. Oshawa Times 1959 BUICK. Good condition, Telephone CAMPNEY, widow, de- $1,100 ee Schizophrenics--persons with ag an active pig member! and had beén a resigent of Osh-:- : ONE 'furnished housekeeping room for | sera n1it *personalities"'--suffer for many years. He also serv-\awa since 1929. She was a. OR | 1 and 2 bedroom gentleman, Very central. Apply 329 Athol 'sy FORD with Al '64 motor, standard. ceased. $600 reqular games bali eiday of mental andjed us a member of the Cart-lmember of St. George's Me--- . : Apartments Available Street East. Telephone 723-4470. me bP uf $450 special games luding| wright Township Council for} li Church. i i y ] TWO large furnished rooms, private en. 2 ai - All persons having claims Plus 4 Eorly. Bird Games | phy sical symptoms, including & morial Anglican jure | MALA GLEN | | Grenfell we preying le trance, newly reayroked OE sultebie fer rm peeeuey 2 door herdion, | 4 against the estate of LENORA (Shore the Wealth) ot 7:30 deep depression, severe tension, six a 7 a pore gal of | Predeceased May 21, 1953, by z 'G- 5 4 i lor, Bh, J | | en vinta abi si iaieiaaeh Ine 'South 725-380 Pai aca - ondition Telephone 576-1746, 271 Albert' CAMPNEY, late of the ny Don't forget to buy the econ- (crippling fatigue and acute -- hoo ied oI es on | her husband, Mrs. Irwin is sur-_, | | ng, ' ROOM EER RENT Ge ke Ga: of Oshawa, in the County o omy pack for volue and sove anxiety Is su Md '| vived by two daughters, Mrs.~ | COURTS 723-6944 (abstainers). Apply 103 La Salle aver ore FORD ge ae take Ontario, Widow, deceased, money One member is a Saskatoon the former May E. Wood, whom Murray Welsh (Nan) of Osh- | 723-6455 after 6 SOUTHEND, near 401 and Bloor. Fur- (ver Paymen's axe| Who died on. or ebout the FREE ond VALUABLE |Woman, now in her 30s, who he married at Tyrone in 1904;)0 0 "la Mrs. Mark Lockyer fs es jnished bedroom, parking and private en- 12 MERCURY 800 dump truck, single, 21st day of June, 1967, are MANY mt /has had hallucinations since she three daughters, Mrs. Marwood Roberta) of Brooklin and two 835 Oxford St. | ATTENTION trance. Telephone 728-8353. Sher wie: in good 'condition. Call) jy tied to send ino DOOR PRIZES ere ay canis Oli Heard 'esa) of Beniskllen, - -- < ean Ga ARSE SR | FURMISHRD Beeroony Veuridry Fi a5 IMPALA Sdear hardicd VE eae ad ner bee KINSMEN "I have accepted the fact Mrs. Walter Ormiston (Ella) Of! Bruce of Scarborough. Building for comfortable fam- 1 ond 2 bedroom suites, only {574 Crerer_Avewe, Oshaws. Fate': low rolleere, Cike bow Snrovan: 1967, full particulars of thelr that 1 am a chronic schizo-|Oshawa and Mrs. Wilson Viv-| Also surviving are a sister, 4 ' h i ia o few left. First months' rent TWO LARGE furnished bedrooms, sult- cut. Was $2.95, now only $1,995, Lic \ ' Alataly: atten th = --\phrenic and that I will seejian (Dorothy) of Tyrone and/ lizabeth Y of Ausio ily sir pg gel: eat Se | free Evervthing' included. able for three girls. Kitchen, laundry |S7az4, Peleshok Motors Ltd, 942-6300 . ca ah pects a ae the |Christ and the devil until I get five sons, Howard and Glen of ae 7 gery wheinee = others 4 ' Phi iti ik Gbsatal. Msi. ali: wa "CHEVROLET convertible. Sharp,, Sid do je ass és Oshawa, Lorne and Frank of|tralia; four . 1 distonce of south | one anytime bus, General Motors, hospital, down- *} id dec d will, be distri- - | well she says. at CM plont 576-1472 MW olde Te he iene buted having aaaid only fe low am trying to help Blackstock and Bert of Bow. Lynch of ~---- Shey _. : 76- 4 ROOMS FOR RENT weekly and nightly 1 CAMARO son, 7 acelin. three- Sane or Gilg they. aholl SPECIAL athe people and | hopel have|manville, He was predeceased |John -- : '. 9 Pek : < | TAOBEDROOM | apartment to sub- Fant on premises, Queen's Hote 67" Sim Best. offer. Port Perry 985-2839. then have notice | the courage to help them and to|/by a daughter, Breta Mary. hes nba hild ondon, Vat, < BOTH APARTMENTS jet, Hest ond Woe mi coe St. N. 1956 PLYMOUTH sedan, standard, "pr | INGO help the public understand that| The funeral service will be|and 12 grandchildren. - FEATURE ieee LADY TO SHARE mobile home, single fires. Perfect condition, $195. 576-1656. DATED at Oshawa this 14th | schizophrenia is a sicknessiheld at the Morris Funeral] Mrs. Irwin is resting at the ™ KING STREET ©. 335 - three-reom room, kitehen privileges or beard. Tele- 6s CHEVROLET con, 27 ns doy of August, 1967, ey which anodld: be created?! Chapel, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m. on, - Fao gg peneets --_ h s | : c say. y - 'uner. n en @ Impressive lobbies only. Avaliable September 15. Apply 8! | Seem tight hovsskasping room, In| Telephone after S p.m. 728-3995 FREDERICK RONALD | Eorly Bird Gome -- 7:45 | Mr. Kahan says many psy in Bet in pagers bs ner teee aa rg aise @ Controlled entrance doors ia ele - northeast district, suitable for a female 1966 FORD XL hardtop, power steering, CAMPNEY | | chiatrists don't tell schizoid | in ethesda Cemetery. ev e : with intercom eat ier wie aie te ee ee Ye UNE LENORA BOVDEN HOLY CROSS [Battie aber ane peti eni?| JA Pf ., 4 i - A ' jen = @ Modern spacious suites wall carpeting, including stove and re-|CARGE ROOM for rent for two gentle-|i - ia Administrators jing: "Why label the pa @ Lorge bolconies frigerator, $125. monthly. Apply 24 men. Stove and retrlcerater, Close to (Mk CUTLASS, two-door se Toi by their Solicitors SIMCOE ST. S What good does that do?' = org Royal St ve i north General Motors and downtown. |seats, positraction plus other extras. MANNING F. SWARTZ ond eee However, many members of S awa Ua. i bed @ Hi-fi musie in every suite | opgRN one-bedroom apartment, re 725-7819. Sars $2,775 or offer. 728-0577. _| RONALD L. SWARTZ, Snowball Jackpot $130 in etre 2 ; New kitchen appliances frigerator and stove included. Telephone ay Sea E 43 FORD Custom 300, six, automatic WY Ki _ | Reg. Jackpot $50. Full Car oe 723-9141 28--Room and Board |radio. Just painted and' In beautiful con. 262 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont o: each horizontal line. @ Colored ceramic tiled ' a 0 adit heenaretid [FURNISHED barement apartment, ail PRIVATE room and board for gentie- dition. Going ran 942-6922. ines eee ee a e ore am ions at if sone ee er aera cs, ee aeree eres Telephone °726-4872. ee 5 RONTIAEs ais der standard radio, | NEWCASTLE, ONT. | @ Lots of eloset spoce $85. per month. Telephone after 5 p.m., 0 inder 5 | | ROWRLI, 'Abele Mary 723-3093 ROOM AND BOARD in private home.|new tires and brakes. $600 or best offer.) TENDER FOR | POWELL, ie : © Propes TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, pri-|Large room. Suit one Sime. ia: | Telephone 725-1770. SCHOOL ADDITIONS -- | ead the ord on Thursday | Oshawa Quality Fuels edged|ning. Melnychuk reached see- @ Laundry fecilities Vate entrence, residentis! north area, | Pnoie 70070 |i PONTIAC Barlilennt, convertible, V3 oe hs a formerly at Toronto, in her 91st year:(Trenton 4-3 ih ag Hope hn ond base via tee errors and her or business person.'ROOM or room and board for gentle-| av' * enders wi receive Widow of James Powell an lo" Wednesday night, to win e|then scored on Welsh's single @ Lockers Sencrane dann radio, Lic. 16721. Full price only $1,775. thur of Port Perry. Grand-| Wednesday nig) @ Free porking \siroeenote =; ariment. Close" to ling facilities. hea Ritson "pond South, $100. down, balance sey tar dlegit lila Sep Reed Vell poet marked U. A.W. A HALL |frother of Bark Arch fe. Campbell (Mar-|Lakeshore Minor _ Softball} Trenton picked up one run in e knd schools. and bus atop. "Apply 20° Mar-|723-8364, epee ere net eeree shen 9200. pMis | SATURDAY, AUG. 19th iauerite of, Oshawa, preat-grandmother | League Championship. |the first inning, then scored two At Mela Glen Only -- pie Bao De ete lig nary General manne plot eee pM gon Bg Lic wan Ke, Wed., September 6, 1967 | 7:30 P.M. the Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King) Keith Woermke won hision a homer by Neil ----. S! $10. PER PERSON, sharing motel !0 north General Motors plant and R q ao : § {Street West, for private service on anjel venth game of the year,jin the seventh. They had men : Extra powder room in rooms; private $16; two rooms $25.; | Telephone 725-2305 : Salter eter 137 king A este the construction ¢f ad- 190 GAMES, $10 a GAME |atdey morning, August 19, af 10 -a.m./oe ge Sates and Quality a: aecOnA: bake ta both the . oll 2 ond 3 bedroom |three rooms $35.; parking. 668-5201 ROOM AND BOARD for one girl. Pr ae gee ae Sa Ge | ditions to Nevers re 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, Interment Park Lawn Cemetery, Pong Bs ac 'cabelten in siehth aud: nisth "Gnalaie but: . suites ond hydro included \e Y ne-bedr rt- vate home. Good location, near hosplta y 4 ¢ | School, Newcastle, tario A , Toronto. | ry tent. = rant, pcttae bath "and recon aga bus stop. 725-6195. \ seers B4 Fontiec, ' pitti tle | to be addressed to: $40, $50. Wak, Ania teen (ete) |league and playoff games this|couldn't get the runs across the ty Bh cua Cae te seu Shore |COLSORRE iD frteagle thea | i - wo, | Kags? All three cars an eg Pte ho The Newcastle | meine ag In Western Hospital, Toronto, on ars year. plate. 'oom and board for gentleman to | iT ith jalker 17, 1967, in John '08: |Motors. Avaliable now, 435-4726. Single 'beds, close to. north "General | Materr sy Ying Woe" Public School Board, | guaRe HE WEALTH: SRA. Ue natn ae Mao Jerry Welsh doubled in the| Welsh had a double and a BASEMENT APARTMENT, | bedsitting Motors. Apply above address. D ti c/o Barneet and | : : Ball 'Maitland, and dear father of How-|sixth inning to drive in Larry|single, Wright two singles, rida gdh ld a yo aie in poling Bog fein Me "vedio. | Rieder-Creighton, eet on LUN ig i ard of Oshawa and Mra. William Grit'|Wright for Oshawa's first run|White two singles, Rout a triple piece' bath, all-new. Telephone 263-2966. 29--Wanted to ent ene ewner jocal doctors' car. 'Low me Anbiiaies. To Be Drawn To-Nig [tin Eine "Searborouah and other Slot the game. Charlie Rout|and Parfitt a single for the win- Y UR in apariants Tor rent Appr | f fo Pigs 3 askew Motora Ld, "942-6900 17 Ontario Street Mrs, Willard Arnold (Laura), ofitripled in Welsh and_ then|ning crew. FOUR-ROOM apartmen . el , * B 0 | shoals 7? baigalihipind set C fe yr Sale oben se lige pe S P F ¢ | A [ (ee iba foal mH king street East, |scored on a single by Ron Par-| John Garrett had three yw ore ed ROOM and BOARD 31--Compaet Cars for ©; Drawings and specifications |Service In the Chapel Saturday, August fitt for the third run of the in-|singles for the loser,s with Col- | iT 1 at 2 p.m. Intermen jount awn) 7 CHANCE le es wating aes oe rene. for Ontorio Hydre construc- will be available to Genera iy, m2 an. interme i Move te ning. asante, Wannamer and Pob Fe Gn tate 0 Soa Ee Moh main Wert end Oshowa & VOLVO and PEUGOT Contractors ot the Architect's B | N G O |the "funeral. home 'commencing Friday! Welsh drove in the winner|Belair picking wp two hits F jing vellable new. For appolnt-| le MERCEDES BENZ office on August 18th upon afternoon. jw a single in the seventh in- -- For Comfortable Living Y it. Call 7 --} Call Collect 231-4111 | General Repair and tree of @ $50.00 deposit STAFFORD Lie At Reasonable Rents FIVE - ROOM apartment, private en- EXTENSION 609 | Auto-Electric Service a T 0. N | G H 1 ltrance, heat and water supplied. Apply ee Ras Lowest or ony tender not ne- BROTHERS LTD. 82 Simcoe Street North. WANTED: Three - bedroom Soare. Will Jake and Bill's Garage cessarily occepted For Your Best Choice of 'gates rent with option te buy er buy on agree. i sabi re Authorized Dealers * 3 bedroorn suites (THREE, « ROOM spertment tn apart ment with low down payment Write Box 449 Ritson Rd. South BARNETT and Ua at ROCK OF AGES - - r men Mu ing, ne ren. 33079, Oshawa Times. Be a en eee ee ea ee $5,000 IN PRIZES FAMILY MONUMENTS 1a Bee ae -\Ing, by September 1. Telephone 576-138) } 3 THREE - ROOM apartment, four-piece ater 6 p.m. : ZOLTAN and NICK'S | ak BS = at ae 318 oe fone 3552 A T Rerking. Sentemnbee Ce adoiis Onin Acai, |WANTED Immedistely, 2 or Sbedr Your Authorized Datsun | FREE BUILDING yt ide d " eat : home with garage, centrally area | A ler | | pce * e side door, 25) King Street East and Fiot Deale t omit dc b cl $100. Call Mrs. Thomas 655-3342 between : SUPPLIES | Civic vaiTorium | N O W your - nnOM Se ates basement Sam and Spm | _| Specializing in Volkswagen | at | IN MEMORIAM | aper ment, $100 monthly. Telephone HOUSE with reasonanle rent, Sesserately | Repair and Service Written Tenders for the ST. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO | - - -- -. ded, + wi our cl ren, tw cae $% WEEKLY, Furnished, two-bedroom, school 'age. Immediate possession. "Want, 160 Simcoe South demolition of an Oshawa EVERY. FRIDAY ot 7345 PIM. |g in lie rosy ot Wea | Call seday ane path. living room, separate on: ed before, September 1. 'Telephone 728 728-0051 _| house are requested, Corner Bloor and Simcoe Alice Bagwn, who passed away August rant g, nent, | k : Ne | MR. JOHN LEE vines kobaEnse ay heated base: TWO, ROOMED unfurnished apertitent pi Badal Sor oastolie cot Ang PHONE 723-2233 ie ears: rere Le we aaly énissed by Rose and the boys. oh a ath, hea ase- It = ran rere | ment apartment, stove and refrigerator. (inna? pyr Sent ts" Welle, Box "ssiae,| Telephone daytime $7 ____|1, TERRANCE GORDON FUDGE ot 1189| Jackpot 52 -- $120. BROWN -- in memory. of a dear| Adults only. Telephone 728-9197, Oshawa Times 40 ENVOY sedan, | good ae $75. apd ag West, . London, Ontario, | baisites6 Sh the Wealth mother, who passed away August 18,| ar _ na ---- | Teleph 576-3633. will not be responsible for any debts} ea 1960, 725 0657 ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment bi I fo § i 4 biatch N, Ti 96546 id i contracted in my name by. anyone on or Jackpot ond ee We will always miss you, | o apartment bullding, refrigerator, stove, 30--Automo L es 'or Sale (41 VOLKSWAGEN, Lic. eal after this date, August 16, 1967, without Although we know in our hearts - = washing facilities, parking, $90. Quiet 'second car, full price, $295 ne down my written consent You were so tired that God took you ' ' Weekdoys 12-9 pm adults only. Telephone 668-3591 or 4668 ROWN \ihotorsy 137" King W. any, Stalker Signed Terry Fudge. | ADOPTION | Into His loving arms. ne i Be e eed ---------- --Sadly missed, Alice and Chris. Sot. ond Sim. 12-6 pm. epee ee beaaeati GUS B 159 VOLKSWAGEN Window Ven, very 'uate WATSON, will not be es : at =|frens all facilities, ald, parking laun MOTORS LIMITED | Sars FO CON Sees jame on or after this date, August; OLIVER -- Art and Phyllis Glowaski) | saat Petney cand. Reenter omnia : Ys 7 ONG DUE: elee = Mew aeto R.R. No. 3, Oshawa AUSTIN Healey, 3,000, 1962, overdrive, 1967, without my written consent. are thrilled to announce the errival of who passed away August 18; - ' The best value in apartment tion. Available now. Telephone 726-63 Call 728. Thomas, P y Aug hi sf b Fat before 2:30 p.m. or 723-2050 after 4 p.m TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top pli and soft tops, one ewner. Cal Signed Mr. Willlam &. Watson, 11 Maple their chosen son, Kevin Arthur. 1961. : ving con be seen o MODERN 2 BEDROOM apartment with Price paid for Good Clean | a anveY ee ee Street, Oshawa. | Dadi a atten sald died ef you, | - + Stove, retrigersior end deapes, Ne dam-| Cars, liens paid. TERMS, low mileage and good tires. $650 or best 37--Auction Sales | | ill many @ time we have longed for " or | ee Cee, Se Ee elcome. Avalt Phone 728- 7375 or 728- 7376 offer. Telephone 576-198. s | BIRTHS | es | REGENCY ee woe ---- 157 VOLKSWAGEN bus, runs A-1, $200 | Andimany # time we have cried. if | | Ou! Md . 23 4 * | a a | . | |ONE AND two bedroom apartments, one WANTED of best offer, May be used as camper) AUCTION SALE | eitaanx -- sob and Harel hapotty| Your tired eyes are sleeping, Ne | bedroom furnished or unfurnished. 291 ne ee PRE RSESa announce the birth of thelr daughter,| Two willing hand¢ are still, | * * | TOWERS & | |Marland Ave. apt. 308 ._ 576-0668. Good clean local cors for 132-- Trucks for Sale | Modern and antique furni- Marlene Hazel, 6 Pounds, 1 Sunceh on For, 2 cee wate. worked 4 so hard for us| e } | |THREE-ROOM main floor apariment, cash . ais ture property of Mr. Gordon | Sunday, August 18, 16h, at Ostswe well ° | 349 MARLAND AVE. private entrance, heat, hyd ied 1960 BEDFORD VAN. in fair condition, qie¢); Sfa}. Hospital, Many, Hanke 38. Or, al t i' bf bt lappy Mas On hawa oes MORLEY STALKER $165. iAPPlY iM Thornton's Road South, white aoe woe ib ode ag HS a fourth floor steft, 2 Ue pipe ge ihe i age these! . o TWO ROOMS with kitch -bed MOTORS 7as-%; a f f f | We never could have sald goodbye s ° room apartment. All private. Apply. "84 aa W 1957 os % ton, sis./ August 19,1967, at 10. a.m. | postin -- nr. and Mrs. Russ Postill| To one we loved so we ? : o AND Westmount Street or 576-3926 mornings. al King ae 6322 Aplpy 882 Byron Street North, Whitby. Victorian secretary desk, pine are happy to enneirice, 18 one of front remembered nd Sealy mi A te cg = ' l ; i i i ednesday, : : : WHITBY. "One-bedroom "apartment. Pri 23-0914 1220888 i949, CHEVROLET 'allton pickup, goed pace EA ge yee en ie" i907. A brother for Merk Eaward. [Caroiyn, 'son Morley, son-in-law, Gerald e ; > mi "f td , a grandsons Randy . aS | ferred. Immediate occupancy. Telephone cence. Will accept most reasonable \ 3, Bille caica <<. Ba Aue se NE Al = : > @ PREMIER ig Te peel MORE CASH Se eee ee fe "nailer der Malchaele a Bretec for Mark bon Karens| MASSON -- In loving memory of a -. by FURNISHED bedsitter and kitchen, hos Ch G 1960 GMC one "ton delivery van, three if . i weighing 5 Pounds, 9 ounces, born af the dear wife, Carolyne A. Easson, who pass- a ee 321 MARL AND AV' pital district, Private entrance. shared, Paid for Good Clean Cars, 1960, se from. Ideal for camper or chip. dishes, Captain chair, pine Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. ed away August 18, 1964. : is) "8 h, Single T ? Trade up or down, Liens poid. rue A: i der- ictori: 1 4th floor staff. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, areca it tease 1 | bat! ale people. Telephone 728-9896. p truck, A-1 condition. $795. Apply Wont chest, Victorion parlor tables, | Ross and 1 OF WME Tee Oh he ae totee oy wall - = FURNISHED two-bedroom apartment, DODD: MOTOR SALES (2 ft Oe on ee set of stencilled chairs, Arrow || Ru atnle: che sieagk a ouaretul sleep; : @ MODERN 1 AND 2 aly 1a Ghuren' Shy ny (neato AP) 4 PARK ROAD SOUTH 33--Automobiles \ Wanted back chairs, pine dropleaf | |_Mer memory we shall always keep. : oi A hielo | Always remember: yy husbani n- BEDROOM SUITES CENTRAL -- small furnished bachelor 723-9421 --| | teh, Sc goa a tee | DEATHS iy. dabehier irene and, family, alto fal FOR ANY SEASON * * tment, suitable fi Y ble & = | | py ' -g ric, aw Carole, son-in- @ NEWLY DECORATED Sosenced 1 cit feat eae sg PONTIAC convertible V-8 automatic, CARS WANTED dak movie camera (case), Ndin? BRIG (9es TSA ave Gaveltoriclew Hannah | ny alate Shocks : slate Sg Maes ela aod "Tires, needs motor. Asking. $380 Buying A New Car? Moustache cups, Oak hall set, after prolonged illness at the Princ HARPER -- In loving memory of | Look Af and feel beautifully ; Y -- sub-let mo peagy Pl ated | : i ° Hospital, Toronto, on Thu ai LA 3 @ BALCONIES pense sub: let Fredern tw oes or best offer. 728-8584. ewe: \ 3 0 Ted" rocking chairs, nursery rock Pyeaby he 1967, Patricia yan, be. dear mother, Jessie Lesley, who passed dressed wherever you #0. an 'oom apartment, drapes, stove. rig Sell your used car t I ies bed creck y, Aug ; |away August 18, 1966. you go, any @ FABRIC DRAPES trator, electric. heating included. "Chit. 1964 CHEVEL| 6 cylinder station oy Coch" to the N er, toilet set, brass bed crocks, [Tia Geughter' of Wayne 8 irk rid lL te ae in thik amare Gait LAUNDRY FACILITIES dren welcome, September 1, $130 month- wagon. $1,195. Telephone 7239757. + ae LASS ha ttl ded cradle, chesterfield suite, jioving sister _ of Peer tay ellen MS aad season in "aes Sy ANNE Dae nals |ly._ 668-5147 |\'45 PONTIAC convertible, cvsiom sports, Cor Dealer and "'Save"'. single bed boy spring and stephen: loved granddaughter ol Loving 'hauahts shel ever wander | Fashion loves the look o y : @ FREE HYDRO FIVE-ROOM apartment, near south|all power equipped, Immaculate condi- TED CAMPIN MOTORS mattress, kitchen suite, mant- [Rr AN srg nea ar Gane To the spot where she Is laid. openwork insets. They add ele-| Be ready for fall and trans- .* ' @ BROADLOOM IN HALLS -- |General Motors. Available September 1. os Mhrougheut SLB Must all Wh) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | 9! clock, many ontique lamps [ter feurtn years' Recting at the Ww. c.|--Sacly_missed by davahter Mele. __gance to this easy-knit, 3-pe tae ---- boo the -- WANTED, ca nd trucks for wreck- i i b Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for serv- suit. Use s arn, legant of ensembles -- @ x @ ELEVATOR VERY LARGE, furnished or unturnish- 1963 DODGE, 9 passenger station wagon,|ing No charge for towing, Best prices} (cone with the Wind), brass | Town Funertl crepe aay August 1, A_LASTING TRIBUTE i ' 54 aan Pattern|eleg hp They tieve sling . KERS i |*d apartment, $100 monthly. Apply Buck- fully automatic, radio, roof rack, f0Ur oaig Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob-| banquet lamps, china lamps. gy 3.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery,| For Permanence and dignity 7072: sizes 32-38 incl. dress and coa' s! : © LOCkE j ice (Ingham Apartments, 498 Simcoe North, new tires. Very good condition and ert Wichols. Many more artcles too num- Oshawa. Minister ne Re. M. fe se] we suggest FIFTY CENTS (coins) for|lines, smart : ° rong el aa ao laa a alter in- running eon: |WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck grous to mention. (Visitors commencing 3. p.m., y. |MOUNT LAWN each , bette mM amos, ea ee sis: Rei : eA 3 one- or two-bedroom apart- ing. No charge for towing. pric erms cosh; house sold; No PECKOVER, Fred E. please) to e shawa Times Ss 72s * ne - dition, $75 or best offer. Telephone 728 Jeph 9 ti Rob-| ° _ a : i ® CLOSE TO SCHOOL (Met imi ronan. refria:ilan, #5 ° i eee ee \Satnty as the revul ofan accgtl.a!|. BRONZE MEMORIALS -- |Needlecraft Dept 69 Froni|20\s, 2234." Size 164 dress 2% o CHURCHES ond SHOPPING 300 Geposits, 498 Simcoe Street North, /j94) BUICK Roadmaster sedan. Apply |sHAW AUTO WRECKERS CO. Cars| Myles King, |Fred E, Peckover (of RR 2 Whitby).| For courteous advice please |Sireet West, Toronto. Ontario yards 39-inch; coat 344 yards. : ckingham Apartments, Apartment 1. 225 Gibbons Street or telephone 725-5688./,ought, parts for sale Auctioneer, | Belovea ushered ot Rose esi dear visit the Park Office. residents add 3c. sales tax.) SIXTY-FIVE CENTS (65c.) in UNFU , F 2 t, treet & father of Mrs. nfare ace), To- e - : APPLY 349 MARLAND AVE, |Sirient eres bei: Sur chon r (a7, CHEVRRURT, Ae entender [poet © Bieri Teepe yas-abae 'atte, dear foster foer of Helen Seo 723-2638 Print plainly PATTERN NUM-\eoins (no siamps, please) for : two ladies. $90 monthly. Separate meter. Telephone 723-4300 |'34--Automobile Whitby ar brother s ac! BER, 5 A each pattern. Ontario residents . Kipadtied nad sees foe | ce cgaveeige saa i ilaaer - $$ | (Bertha), and eget ot Ney ens F THANKS 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL|add $c. sales tax. Print plainly - Imei plesk enon aearen tave, se |automalie radi, in geod candion, ard By sortie | BIG OR SMALL jand Jack, in his, soth' year. Resting, at CARD 0 NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in|SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, ' ea § : ae : 1 Apel ae dead abn cell ey ANSMIS | he: WC tewn Funeral Chapel, Way 1967 Needleeraft Catalog!|STYLE NUMB! ; : jable September i. Apply 428 Simcoe!" ~ . Ta cae" | fi ice in the chapel on new eedleera! atalog' & O lL, R tal | Street South, Apariment 4. Bio Laveabbreg Ca esezse. oi bi CENTRE WE DO THEM ALL er ees at 2 p.m. Interment Grove- crane owl Mould like Yo express ™y/2 free patterns, knit, erochet| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, : snaws Ken ivr tegen waliable' inmediete |'38 ET Bel Air, ix standard,| 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 {sige Commer. Breen irewe te lteiiiac Reston Unies Church ctx cw ERABIOAE, areryiiag: = I 4 = oryg hn é Baa R a e owner. No down pay Transmissions ere Our Onl .m., Friday.) |for visits, gifts, cards, fruit and flowers) Sensational new value tern ep! 'ron' ree! és | Agency [phone aes ane seve i ee pteokaglessil Sis. ge ra" 5823.) Bisinens = Repairs, Adjust | DOUG GOWER je Pp the Dances bile H Tesolin hiss ni of Prize AFGHANS has 12)/West, Toronto, Ont. re Aa Superb partment accommo- [THREE - ROOM apartment, ground Pcleshok_Motors por te-| ments, Exchanges. All Work | AICTIONEER 728-1005 Kindness beyond ee Yet [Doctors' of Brooklin "Medical Centre,icomplete patterns, Beginner-| FALL'S NEW FASHIONS -- ' je f Osh flog, neat anc hyare, included $80 1962 CHEV. Biscayne, four-door ef | Gunrortend. within reach of al nurses and statt of 4F, for the excellati cacy knit crochet, @0e. see the best of the new styles : AP dation in all parts o OwG. | Telephone 576-0233. matic, radio, brand new motor, Just in- secribhead Ss ok care I received. --Greta Brown. M VALIANT |EENTRAL, modern, 21 ~ ropity fur: Stalled. Telephone 728-1995. Ey Ser eee 'und Found 3 7 rremrnrcaanes GERROW Museum Quilt Book 2 -- com-/for all sizes in our new Fail- a j , ¥s > bee ab] PONTIAC convertible, m3 ~ auto: | 8--Comin vents VALLENT -- Mrs. &. Vaiient and fam- lete tterns for 12 superb! Winter Pattern Catalog. Get DEVELOPMENTS LTD. [privat iran, serial rome pre ee vale "detain ws. COST 0004, Rocket, vicilty of Kawano o% TRIP to Expo for FUNERAL CHAPEL lata "anrrecuiion to Gr thes" oo' have ciriueta quilts. 60c. wie one pattern free -- just clip a " } Adult kin brake: adia, Gi io x] CA a.a283 | DIMER gO rn ae ets a" Meh eh gen Game ae em | 290 KING STREET WEST Re Catan WO" "Bargnin!"Quit Book 1 -- s6\empon In Catalog, Haury snd -9934 : 728-4 s 4 125 er best| scription, "Love, George', Reward. Te Fare, $35 includes everything (exc e i} tterns. 60c. it now. eapies 723-6022 fine. ela a Fer tnormetion a eS ae \iaphene "728-2341. imenis), Fer more informetion, vasaare,' Telephone 728-6226 -- |tater. jcomplete patterns. 60c 50c. righ i S