Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 17, 1967 EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 8--Articles for Sole Building Trodes Accountants HOPKINS, BEADLE AND €O., Charier- ed erp tee Financial Trade ged REPAIRS are camer) © ALTERATIONS Ri a lee | ADDITIONS fered Accountants. Licensed Tieiege Pl to Bankruptcy, 57/2 Simcoe Street North, Hy ' Oshawa, 728-7271 . | HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES WILLIAM ©. HALL, B.Comm., Charter-| Ree Rooms ond Kitchens ed Accountant, 36' King Street East.) o Specialty Telephone Osha riified Gen. ail James Allen and Son nal 20SW, Oshi Shop Accountant, Sulte shawe 10! ping Centre. 725-9953 725-6126 BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. Ne nT eee ALL TYPES of masonry work, chim- i | Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- and concrete 34-7605. neys, fireplaces, Res, 720705. _ |e ree estimates, Chartered accoun 17 Bond Street coe Street N., 725-0397. _ JOSEPH GUTMANN, _|Mertgages" "MORTGAGE | LOANS Moneys avoilable for first and second mortanges. Open | No bonus. First s| mortgages | mortgoges, second morigoges | and agreements for sole pur | hosed fel M. F. SWARTZ Call 728-5244 evenings. ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. 261% King St. Fost Oshawa, Ontario fant, Licensed Trustee. 3-4833 Get your driveway paved by experts. | uaa thet sclradee bai in 20c sq. ft., all work guaranteed for three * att years, 723-028) intin ae LORIN MER RAR RES Bluepr [] PIGDEN ROOFING - eavestroughing. | Reproductions |roofing, cement work, 723-4661 BELL DRAFTING anc general Lid., 52¥2 Simcoe Street North 728-5657, Blueprinting and photostatic copies ROOFING) cement work, stoops, sidewalks, etc., Building Trades 655-3061. F. McCann, RR 3, Oshawa jness, 117 Bond East, Guaranteed work, No Down Payment a oe 723-4697 repairs. | CHINNEYS, ali types --si| Money to Loan |NEED CASH fo consolidare your bills, - | buy that new car, boat, travel expenses. | {fidential, private funds. t: Monthly Instalments Carpentry any tir tim [Painting and "Decorating "Quality Carpentry GENERAL REPAIRS Remodelling @ Bothrooms @ Kitchens Home Improvement Specialists @ Recreation Rooms Serving Oshawa ond District @ Garoges for Mony Years Honest and Depenoble Service Phone 725-8576 or 623-3411 Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, suits, coats and chil dren's wear by experienced seamstress Reasonable. Mrs. Krajnc. 725-873) A new department of Osh- | owo's Quality Builder. | Call Today for Free Estimates KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call today for Free Estimotes 728-7583 WAVE YOU CHECKED your | chimney DRESSMAKING -- expertly fitted sults, PAINTING AND DECORATING > by ¢ ex- perienced workman. Reasonable. Tele phone 725-2938 PAINTING AND DECORATING, _inte-| rior, exterior. Very reasonable prices Free estimates, J. O'Toole, 576-1829 any} time. Plumbing and Heating TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in busi- |We feature second mortgages of 12 per 19¢ square foot.|cent. Also first mortgages available, con- Call 723-4631) Plumbing Discount | 149 Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- lately? For repairs call 728-3642 coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored slip- ROOFING, hot ter and gravel, shingles, Covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. plies Everything in . the repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. 3 - | plumbing line. 20% off all Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. Gordeni ng and "Suppl es 1 gipolies ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing, | 6 <2 ---------- chimneys, _ eavestroughing, firepiaces,| 12 i Oc masonry. Gord May. Whitby. 668.2774 ir cREAY. bun 5 TAX! IVERS wanted, over 25 years of age, full and partime. Must reside in CLOSED WEDNESDAY Whitby. Telephone 668-5110 or 668-3383. SUPPLIES SUPER FINE GRASS MIX NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS. MIX SUBURBAN GRAS MIX TIMOTHY & ALSIKE | MERION BLUEGRASS KENTCKY BLUEGRASS INDIVIDUAL GRASSES GOLFGREEN 12-6.6 EVERGREEN 6-9-6 CLASSIFIED RATES | WORD ADS 'ash --- | insertion of 24 x pp itional words, 5¢ each; consecu od insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi-| tional words 13%/4c each; 6 consecu-| tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; oddi- tional words 24¢ each. Charge--10 per cent odditiona! chorge| if not paid within 8 days Method ef Counting ---- Less then 24 words counts os 24 words; each word. Initial, figure or abbreviation counts os} phone number counts two} 1.20: words EVERGREEN WEED KILLER a | TURF 10-6-4 BIRTHS --- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES SO-GREEN 7-7-7 $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents addi-| MILORGANITE tional charge ges paid. within 8 days. | BONEMEAL IN MEMORIUMS PEAT MOSS $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6c! soch thereofter plus 13e per line of verse; 25c additional eharge if not pod within 8 days. CARDS OF THANKS $2.50 for the first 38 words and 7c sech thereofter with 25¢ additiono! charge if not pald within & doys. COMING EVENTS $2.38 per inch (disploy); $2.00 for the first 20 words ond 6e each thereafter (Werd Ads). AUCTION SALES | POTTING SOIL TANK SPRAYERS Everything for the garden Cooper-Smith | 16 as ST. 723-2312 723-1139 DELIVERY SERVICE J. KAMSTRA complete LANDSCAPING ond GARDEN SERVICE 728-8267 $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD A DS 4 pm. DAY cee | LOST AND FOUN Pam. DAY OF at BLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m, DAY OF 'PUBLICATION IN MEMORIUMS and CARD OF THANK 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED 1 colur , umns or larger -- 10 a.m. do ANCELLATIONS AND | CORRECTIONS > am. DAY OF PUBLICATIO! Any advertisement concelled oublication w be eherged or insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 BleaVAE Ww PATIOS BUILT AND REBUILT Phone 728-3172 previous ® day MERION-KENTUCKY er| BLUE GRASS All-Green Nursery Sod Growers Weitors Welcome 725-9674 --~ TOWNLINE N M north Taunton unton Village ed, whet her by negli The es will not otled for REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT RE __ RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER TISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE c THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE GOOD STOCK SOD | THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD.) CULTIVATED FIELD VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND | THE 4 PRICE CHARGE FOR A SIN' Excellent Quality, Low Prices SERTION IN WHICH ERROR SeCURS ie Loaded or Delivered. The Oshawa Times reserves the right fc Visitors Welcome rlassify rd to its proper classificatic 725 9674 ¢/ GENERAL LANDSCAPING and home! ni. roto - tilling, . ploughing, # any ineccuracies in "4 eens rrn ained therein. 1T'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Coll Classified Direct 723-3 Instruction Rutherford' 5 Driving: School (Licensed by Police Commission) INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--Personal @ Courteous Instructors @ Dual Control Cars @ Fully Insured 725-6553 1i--Pets and Livestocr 14 ALBERT STREET 12--Articles Wanted 13--Articies for Rent | : Sac | Column | | 5--Trallers &--Merine Equipment 7--Swap and Barter &--Articies for Sale | 9--Market Basket | 10--Farmer's Column | 14--Business Opportunities 15--Employment Wanted Mortgages 16--Agents Wanted : 17--Female Help Wanted FIRST -- SECON ie--Mele Help. Wanted MORTGAGE. FUNDS 19--Male or Female Help Wanted | R \ 20~--Reai Estate For Sale @ Low Rotes @ Immediate --Summer Properties | Committment @ No Obliga- Farm sale Beles 22--Lots for le 23--Real Estate Wanted A. ROSEN Member Ont. M.B.A, 725-0532 Evenings ond Weekends 728 5623 |FIRST AND SECOND mort igages, sele | agreements purchased and. sold. Hennick land Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street |East. 723-7232. 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 26a--Expo Accommodation 27--Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Board 2--Wanted to Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 31--Compact Cars for Sale Sale 32--Trucks { FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail 33--Automob' Wanted lable. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock i4--Automobile Repair Street North, Whi 35--Lost and Found %--Legat 37--Auctions %--Coming Events 29--Notices FOR SALE -- second mortgage of $3,900, & per cent, 5 year term. Will also con: jsider exchange as downpayment for Ihouse er ether property. 728-424), SOD. exterior painting, etc. 655-| ALL TYPES + repairs & and new and used materials. rates, Estimates fre -1 Rug - Upholstery | Service | OSHAWA | RUG CLEANERS | Professional rug and uphol stery cleaning done in your home or our office. Call for | information 725-9961 | ~ RE-UPHOLSTERING | 725-9332 | @ Wide selection of Fobries | @ Workmonship Guoranteed | (five full years) | 1 remodelling, Reasonable 191. J. Foley. @ Easy Budget Terms--Free Estimotes @ Over 20 years experience THE FURNITURE CENTRE 90 Simcoe St, North RUG CLEANING PROFESSIONAL 2 Doy Service Free Pick-Up and Delivery Angus-Graydon 728-6254 RE-UP! lished 20 years. Workmansfip guaran- | teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat.|TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower | tresses re-built, furniture cHESTERFIELOT-- re-upholstered and re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate rla! for re-covering. Slip covers made to order, Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street; 723-7212. Sales ond Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, ete @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE | | __|T¥--Redio Repoirs for perfect ty reception on W Channels with | ne antenna oet Cable | tv oo ee | TV SERVICE COLOR pe A warel MADE IN SWITZERLAND IN 1800 BLACK and WHITE WV THE SHAPE OF A BUTTERFLY wT JEWELED WINGS er ins MOOT, Weld sights seme, FOR THE BEST CALL DousLe BED, care WRINGER WASHER $20, car 7.10 x 15, $8; contractor's wheelbarrow, $20. or best offer. Telephone 668-3822. ONE %-BED with Serta Pedic mat- Telephone 725-5253 porch; also motor bike. Best cagh price. Telephone 725-7263. |GIBSON | Hummingbird guitar "with Gib- | TWO-PIECE chesterfield, _ frig, $200., like ne ELECTRIC RANG old, refrigerator, rangette, in good condition. Telephone 668-3495. MeCLARY EASY wringer washer, dal $65. Telephone 942-5806. jONE TENT, 9 x 12, with a § x 17'| 'dining shelter. Price very reasonable. Inquire 311 Burk Street, Telephone 728-4040. 'e-pi household articles. Telephone 723-7043. MOTORBIKE, $60; desk, $35; power + record player, + double bed, $39; i crib, $14; chest of drawe pi cna $3 $22; vacuum, $9. 728-4401. clubs, $12; 10-12, Satin, with train. Call ing machine $20, also electric. 723-4434. FISHING RODS ; in Delhi, India, and reels. WAS BUILT WITH SLANTING WALLS 50. Products repaired by experts on prem- Te VeE IF Ababe fat SHAN Lge bial Corner, 103 Byron St. 9 . PREFERRED IN LIFE CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- 723-3889. T. R. 1.0. TELEVISION | FOR CLEANER,' SHARPER | TV_RECEPTION Your Own | TV TOWER Go-Go-Going Tent troiler from $199., with 728-5143 | mottresses. 25 used trailers, 8 models, in good condition; Corner Bond and Division to be sold below cost. Make an offer. No money down. Rentals available from $25. per week up. Hitches made ond installed from $10. up. | MACDONALD"S TEXACO, | Eost of Bod Boy, | Don't be late to save now. | TELEVISION -- RADIO | 24 Hour Service HOLMES ELECTRONICS |BOX TRAILER, 4 x 6, $50. Telephone) T V RENTALS ss TOWERS Rare mato tr tt Walon PHONE 668-5679 cand 20 Brock St., Alax. SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 [cr Or. 5 '42-| --------| 1965, 16" Glenelie house trailer, with elec- tric brakes and follet, sleeps 6. Apply 446 Fast T.V. Service |GLENDALE a1' x # trailer, two bed |GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and| 'coms. Excellent * csnitition: Apply 1010 Plus $2.00 Per Wheel | wood windows and aluminum screens. DOMINION | Dundas Street East, Lot 28 : (labor 'eost) |Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284, | TRAILER HITCHES made and installed |REEL TYPE lawn + mower r sharpening TELEVISION |Also all re of welding done. Portable e machine with Ys horsepower an $125 or st offer. elephone 728.5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. falcon, electric brakes: | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL 8RIDESMAIDS' DRESSES, "$79. j ' R TV ie new. Asking isso. Apply 246 Abel inchuding bee shan per veel lel yas een Bridal ai re OE'S COLO aes My ea leila $ MOTOR, 1961 Chevrolet, 283, re-built, | [SA-- Camping» SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, ready to drop. Telephone 723-0703. and Radio Service FRONT-END WORK at |$40.--DINETTE SUITE, $10, baby SPECIALIZING IN ISEASON-END CLEARANCE COMPARABLE PRICES ea) si two step tables. Tele. e 0 EUROPEAN RADIOS AND on ALL Trailers, Tents BEAU Ti rotectesphait drive- TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS and Camping Supplies 13 Bond W.,__576-1670_| -- prices CUT TO COST T.V. Rentals Trailer Rentals Still Avoilable New Sets For August and September. ALCAN FURNITURE and KAMPING 'one-third off. Factory outlet, ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Bag 6 Service. 8--Articles tor Sale NOW. SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL | sizes, B. F. West, 725-4543. VACUUM REPAIRS, ali makes, hoses, |vacuu etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. Fleming vacuum Service, Main Street, | | | |television, refrigerator, it up. Alcan Furniture and Avelantes, "2 ieee South, 723-001) |FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.95 Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- |and up. New and used auto parts. | mouth, Pontioc. We correct built starters and generators. 1175 Nel wheel alignment, inspect and | %0? RA a AL | YPEWRITERS, new, used, | e, all makes, Free estimates. Call your | |Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. correct castor and comber- align toe - in and toe - out to |vacuums, filters and other supplies. Call Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, "Hey Culligan Man." Whitby.| $14.88 tand ay | 668-6864, UNIROYAL CENTRES 1 Prot with sakrete Sealer. | applied, Telephone 725-8885 TELEVISION, 21-inch Crosley, $39; 21" Admiral, $49; 21" General Electric, new Professionally Phone 725-6511 _ . nveninine GOWN, size 9-10, with veil tress, like new. 32 Elgin Street or call 5341. tire, tress and box springs, brand new, $50. 9 x 15 TENT, cottage type, screened-in ~ blue, $50.,|Horses and 16 cubic foot Westinghouse freezer Viking, three years daveno.. All like ECE oak dining room set and a e chrome kitchen set, plus other $22; single stove, $29; washer, $49 webbie "DRESS, worn only once, size 13--Articles for Rent 468-2949. identical esd case: akc . Coleman 4 |tresses half price, all sizes, headboards|P!les. Paki Centre, 204 Bond Street | sales, serv.| Port | | The New Home of picture tube, $59, New set warranty.) DOMINION TIRE STORES. (PAs grees: 17 Park Road South Pa good condition. Telephone | APPLIANCES UNLIMITED - L U M | ae pen tiara, Good. $70, Telephone 452 Simcoe South | 3-0011 | Rental -- Sales -- Storage NUM rennin sane, aee| enn TOWNLI D NORTH @ SIDING rentals, service, frades, Bill 'hamilton, | NEAL'S ¢ cat! Servi j Rabie. TV gg on ite north of King St. East) @ AWNINGS eal ened a aed 4s custom, designed in colors and 728-9942 @ WINDOWS |patterns to provide a perfect background ae |for kitchen, bathroom, family room,' finished, |Structure, all-channel antenna installed, @ DOORS | patio, | Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Sian Aven, ($50. Oshawa TV Supply beds Taunton \6--Marine ne Equipment _ LES Or Se SOnAGsT AGE we nunins. kee Road East, just east of Ritson Road. 0311 HI CHRIS =RAFT E V E N | S S ds 28 dabei oe ae (se a wi a) or free estimate. Welding | SALES and SERVICE SALES LTD BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture ---- vi . . jand a if if ii McVay fibreglos sail boats, Furniture, 44a" Simcoe South Ya3a071 ARC WELDING Crestliner, Peterborough and 15 Prince St 725-4632 _ |i9 PER CENT OFF -- Ariists' supplies. Northcraft runabouts. Evin- CITY TV televisions, radios, -|Pencils, charcoal, pastels, __ brushes, | Expert workmanship. Reason- rude outboard motors. gariica cond rapulre, Service | water color paints, some lls. Variety, of picture irame mot! iH able tht Mok te low ee Ones, Yerevan dept. open 7 days a week. {Photo enlarger, best ane Meise : | - Also T.V. towers, color id com room heod. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. black and white TV. ante: praia At png yaar oa Petra 798.1872 CLEARANCE net rotor ainstoled oles a'r, Must se sell before August »| Sere a 12 ft or car top. 248 Quebec St Call 725. 1V TOWER special Segltt strocture| | a iol ce , $50. ! 2--Personal Jeor SUBISA tee 0500. All work guaranteed. vision, emesA3. hast ead eh Pe : emcees ELECTROLYSIS MARINE "STORAGE T.V. TOWER -- __|ptanane coh ermurSttin ts Soot 723-4641 and SUPPLY LTD. HOLIDAY SPECIAL FIVE COMPLETE rooms of furniture, Removal of superfluous hoir 655- 3641 Open to ae P.M. ; nearly new, asking $320. cash, to be ERE teak, REE dette: 50' 1% ch he = Id te br + Telephone 723-591 Marie Murduff will be in {33 motogp plywood _ boat Anes Deeyy. = Buty te socd : 452 ~- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 NOW Simcoe 5S __|TV--Radio R Repairs -- T.V. TOWERS "BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR. OWN PLANT We give you ao better tower for less money OSHAWA T.V. TAUNTON RD. E (Just East of Ritson) 723-8131 723-8132 i | | } Oshawa Aug. 28th, 29th and ae, 30th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- Best offer accepted. peur Hillcroft street, bi structure with double B2-13 boat with 75 HP Evin. Call evenings only. 623-2993 oll-channel antenna com. {GAS RANGE, 30-inch, Findlay. Tele pletely. installed, $70. [nore SY Pere TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143- '9--Market | Bos |ments. 723-3148. 127 Gibbons St. 1967 Glendettes & Citations Catamaran Sail Boat 7--Swap and Barter stud poner: ~ Thistle carriage, walker, Whitby. Telephone 668-6977. aby crib, sitter, electric dryer with fuse TWO LARGE PONIES and | re id harnesses. | box one neavy auly 'yal Best offers) vear-old gelding and six-year-old mare. All Trailer Parts and Acces- |S8ATH AND LAUNDRY tubs, $17.4 tol- systems, OIL FURNACE, floor Smog: vanity units/318 College Avenue. sories Priced To Clear. Buy lets, basins, $1 pressure Now sump pumps, kitchen and i made to order and alters ye fit- Wit cars, ieee trailers, H, COOK'S TRAILER 723-7088 or 728 SALES LTD. 1910 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Open Evenings 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. SELL ! SELL 4 Sek. ! That's The Job Trailer Clearance Rentols, demonstrators, refrig- erators, heaters, cots etc. vif ape ; ; 'ant Ads Miller Trailers HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX 723-3492 mccepred. Col) 942-1268 Alax _. |Good with children. Broken to saddle . Apply|and harness. Trade for horse. 725-9553. ______ | MUST SELL, child "allergic, « eight-month bevelled|old registered, purebred miniature male edges, size approximately 5¥2' x 4', suit-|poodie, immunized; also two young able for above mantle, 849 Mary St. healthy budgies, yellow female, blue NET PLAYPEN $10. ; baby carrie ; aie, corners with cage, stand, etc. converts to stroller, $15., pink bassinet -- and|CASTLETON -- MIRROR, heavy _piategiass, _ 4 acres of $1.50, . assorted baby clothes, pasture maternity wear, sizes 12-14. 576-0454. available for horses. Telephone Castle. REFRIGERATOR, apartment size, Vik-|'0"- 344-7482 ae 4 pm ing, white, ee condition. Apply Had Y POODLE, registered, 146 Elgin | St. 2 ee. oe 'von 'or pest offer, Tele- MOFFAT 24" Sine range, fully auto-|Pnone |matic, like new, $150; oil space heater, FiVEYEAROLD Fs bay mare for sale. rider. Tele- Excellent for experienced phone® Pickering .942-2779. |e. ey, 283 V-R, automatic transmis-|COZY-J RANCH. Reg'd, German Shep- of 'S? Pontiac and GM/herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quar. ipa "iste tires and rims. Ajax 942-jter horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddies, 'equipment, elothing. burn, 62. |suitable for cottage, $15. Telephone 728- |9977, | - situation, We will allow part- Bring me your mowers, tillers, oe eT ee NEW 14 FIBERGLAS fishing boat with|-- --------| T "Fire Gutboards. all mekes, ale. Dee oe fee-nee trailer, 15 horsepower Evinrude [CUCUMBERS Pick your own, first! WRITE giving only name, ad-, ; ; , the Bowmianvitie Auction tor.. Cost $325. Telephone 725.036. | SUMMERTIME SPECIALS [farm north of Thickson's Road on d ph bi cooled engines. Ports and Doug Gower, Auctioneer, 728-1005. ta = ent es | ; | Highway 12, on west side. "pepe Fetay si a ee ic i (OAD KNIGHT camping trailer, | o service Lorgest service in Motorbik: veer ole (Wit sccneseriel. and trailer | : i jONTARIO_ NO. 1 Cobbler potatoes, tree hehe Seaclonave diet ee ay | Oshaws 1--Motorbikes hitch, $250. Call 725-9258. Wilson's Furn | Seueey, eens Tae (isola 74 BARRIE AVE i] DUCATI, 250 Ge Bxtallent. condi BUILD 3 a rege eed ee eer 99.95 |POTATOES, Irish Cobblers, $2 @ bushel, : --Employment Wanted 728-2791 or 725-4633 two months old. Telephone | pi ir a ell may we| Smooth top mattresses 29-95 |Joa Bouma, 23-2007. RELIABLE WOMAN will care tor sick sitet ide eB AE dc Fa da doek be best offer, 'Telephone gn are chesterfield suite 109.95 | pick your own cucumbers, $1 per| Person in their home, by the week. Live a ss ee en toni bE VA i bal ch ES i i in, $10 weekl: Telephone Ings, Now Located In Oshawa 1966 HONDA 56, only ie ® 'i e T fully pulps Serene ae CHURCH suites 99.50 penn veETaeeas ave: Wear pep. | 43. ig " le el ' 700 mil Call 949. le top, New Vinrude selectro- mi Seaway Demolition Co. os oi as ------|matic with power tilt. Many extras. Call GUARANTEED, USED wringer washer, PETS: onlOns. and potatoes. Walter 'Hu bron| REGISTERED NURSE wishes position E |"60 BSA ,250 cc, good condition. Tele-|778-6987 between 5 - 8 p.m. f wringer washers,|Farm, Ys mile west of Oshawa on 401|iN doctor's office, some typing ability. Experience is our guide to phone 725. 9631. is, __|television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and |north service road. pote Box 32925, Oshawa Times. | fast and efficient service. Ww Fi AS , brand new,|up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 FOR SALE -- pickli b vy | RELIABLE WOMAN. will Give day care: Call Us At 728-2801" 4 11966 SUZUKI, 150 ¢ cc, : Wack. 3,000 Palla: $300.00 or best offer, also several new|Simcoe South, 723-001) | pickling cucumbers, -- 9 y 8 fe) t ; " OF ON | ire chron, Excellent' condition, $429, t 725-17 aa -|a bushel. Picked same day. Call 623. 7604 [te ey child in her home, north-east estimote. No Job Too Large | Telephone 728-7891. f 1 CABIN CRUISER, 60 HP ATOR, Prestige, automatic. | RP eas es | motor and iti "a oe or Too Small. Fully insured... Sa aeaes co ------|trajler, Best cash offer or will sell sep- esa au ind $80, Can be seen at 63 9A--Eggs & Po Itry _ {BAY CARE given from Monday fo ri- VACUUM and pollah 7 966 |, 160 ce junior, | $350. Tele-|arately. Telephone 263-2997. x te si Gos EGGS "DAI FRE: DAILY day for one or two children up to two yee Mind | pollen repairs, al a Phone 728- 5258. _ | STARCRAFT, mi paddtalddd WASHER, GE, 21 cubic White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4 --|year old, Telephone 576- 2289, | makes, ; z 4 3 Tack Lees, pick Up, and. delivery. 728./1966 SUZUKI motorcycle, 180 ee. $400.|Evinrude motor seven Hava" Alhink bose aaitas ane earns: a Picked up, delivered at store 'or home,|WILL_ MIND children in my -hame tive | 4956 {Telephone 725-7662. _____|week. Marine store and Supply Ltd.iGe range, 14 cubic foot Frigidaire sone heel ahaa South area, Tele- |GUARANTEED REPAIR tn all wringer yAMAMA - SUZUKI---Avthorized dealer, (eo ee frigerator, automatic. detrest, all In. im. 10--Farm Column me jwashers and ranges, Free estimates. Repairs all makes. We buy and sell,|RENT THAT en ae through Rent|maculate condition, 728-5057. DEAD AND farm stock |f PROFESSIONAL WINDOW, wall and {Call 728-1742 or=723-011, Ray Whitaker, 180 Willlam St. , 72% 'Ads -- Call 723-3492 today for action! _|iNDIA RUG, broadioom rug, satin da-|picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,|mrercial Teeter" Sunol Muntelene \Septi . HOW TO GET IT: ie do not find the|mask drapes, French damask drapes,|Tyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263-| janitorial Service, 725-18R5. eptic Service bie 5 DISCOUNTS -- $ 'ae " 32 $299.3 250 item you wantin the Wi ; , pe place @ Porter ae drapes, walnut bedroom}2721. Licence 101-C-67. id 1 suipeeeciendaettibencn -- - - 7 " " st Wi ' * ANU Pre eGR vite aes St ge "iia 0 Oa 7b" aie wn pr, ap, eae | MANURE SPREADER. --niwraiia|17--Female Help Wanted | r rt estnu aa ices on Yamal ae a inne: |No. 35, a PGS LU. fa ARERR SCRAPE Ah HERES OSB IStreet West, wit wi ; "| shield, tarp, controls, etc. 12 us screen; fur jacket (Kolinski). 728- box in good condition. Telephone m ------ uy -------- = motor and boat traller, $425 comple! ans i --.____.....|8983, Herman Haass, Taunton. . Surveyors 17 Re YAMAHA rrelésene. ee. w | Telephone. 728-7681. rane: 990d condition, | $100. or wil Experienced 4d for 0 600-pound boat traller.|] ]--| i [DONEVAN" AND FLEISCHMANN, On: '957: FOR SALE -- | Toe toct coder, sirip. sal sail Telephone 725-4211. Lid Bd Livestock Butcher ario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue- cal Rao 93 lag anes: " MOF r ge about six |prints, T1_ Ontario. Street, 725-5632. \5--Trailers feet St genes ences Sean conde [Rew i ane nae 0", Mike weeks old. Also for pinto mare, 24 Wanted |Ohice a" pane ae Surveyor. : 1-FOOT PRESTON-LINER boai, 60 |PIANO, large size, television, 71" con-|phone 668 : | ince St. Res. gin St. Evinrude motor, new last year, A-1 con-|sole, treadie sewing machine, other! pogpLE CLIPPING and" ahamoooing. NEAR UXBRIDGE - CG CALANCE DAlE sition, $300 down 'and takeover pay-/household effects. Telephone 576-1686. |Fasconably 'priced. alse" gage ene 11--Pets and Livestock "headboard, "and mat- QUALITY | CLIPPING ~ SERVICE again available, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609. PROFESSIONAL _ DOG SERVICE -- Clipping all breeds, poodies our spe- | clalty. Free pick-up and delivery; board- ing and training, Doberman Pinschers and German Shepherd puppies for sale. ichurst Kennels, 655-3 3881. BEAUTIFUL | BABY BUDGIES, | randy for training, talking strain. Apply T. Broad, 114 Elgin East. HORSES BOARDED -- B-Bar-L_ Ranch, Garrard Rd. N. Box stalls, exercise pad- [g0n case, best offer accepted. Telephone) dock, plenty of room to ride. Riding club, competitive games, outdoor arena. trained for western pleasure, stock and trail, Call 725-4394, 6 a.m, fo 9 a.m, or*é p.m. to 8 p.m. 12--Articles | Wanted -- WANTED, _ barn siding, ~ weathered, In good condition. In or near Oshawa. Will | pick up it Necessary. 7B - 4331 or 78. 99 43. |NEED $'s $'s?_ Call Doug Gower, 728 11005, Bowmanville Auction Barn. We will pick up any articles and sell them for you. EXECUTIVE OFFICE furniture In good Condition wanted for two offices, Harry 3 Perry. 285 Bloor Street W. 723- 3443. GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime, MacNelll's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used) Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- furniture or anything you have. The U ees 'Cott City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe| es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Street South, 723-1671. : Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Tie a TYPEWRITER, standard, $25; portable} Wear, Men's Formals, White (! TOMB of 'TUGHLAK SHAH $25; 1.B.M, electric typewriter, $45; add- Fox. Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk ers, reducing machines, sick room sup-| Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred} |people: Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- iquets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, |parking, 723-7726, 14--Business Opportunities | BEAUTY SALON, well established, in north west area, local ctientele, fully equipped, listed $3,500, Call Mabel Boud decorated. Parking. Suitable for retail business, Available now. 725-8964. -| DISTINCTIVE Time Business Opportunity Men or Women Exclusive With A Product from LYONS OF CADBY HALL (The world's lorgest catering organization) FOR the sensotionol new fresh-brewed coffee service that provides fresh coffee at Se a cup. Brewed right at of- | fices, plants, foctories, etc., using 'Canada's finest coffee brewing equipment, operating with 62% profit picture for the established distributor, You simply supply established eccounts with correct condition .... $7.95 | EURNITURE -- Three rooms of new| @ Ports extra if required furniture, Pay only $15 monthly. Baron's| @ Torsion bar adjustment {Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. | extro. \FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. e Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you) | purchase from Western Oil Company. BRAKE SPECIAL ol Ne CeIDE ES Most popular cors. First SWIMMING POOL chiorine, all types; Lyons Coffee You will hove an opportunity to expand rapidly into a large ond lucrative enterprise with IMMEDIATE CASH RETURNS THE selected applicant must | be able to devote a few hours per week to his business in order to keep established oc- counts supplied with Lyons Coffee. A minimum of $1,- 500 is required to commence. Bank financing available for parties with good credit standing and reasonable de- posit. For interview in your orea write Box M32809 WE ARE OFFERING to the right persons an opportunity to make excellent earnings with a prime manufacturer of patented plastic household | products presently merchan- dising through many of North America's largest retailers in 6 multi-million dollar growth, secure, jet age industry. MODEST INVESTMENT guor- onteed by inventory, com- pletely returnable, WE WILL contact you for 4 private, fully informative in- terview at our foctory or in your oreo. WE ARE interested in the person we appoint to this time but the person must be prepared after o triol "per- iod" to go into full time. reau of Schofield-Aker Ltd., at 723-2265 or} ene 728. 2233 for details. 'and|TWO separate stores, downtown. Newly! [{7--Femole Help Weeted WANTED NOW ! Teenagers, mothers, grand- mothers. Start at once to show our exciting line of Christmas cards and'gifts te friends, neighbours, rela- tives. Earn extra cosh for Christmas this easy way. No experience needed, Our cota- logue, with over 300 items beautifully illustrated in full- colour, helps you to get plen- ty of orders. Write today for Christmas cards on approval and free catalogue. Monorch | Card Co., Dept. 22, 217 Cannon St., Hamilton HEAD NURSE (ADMINISTRATIVE) 3-11 SHIFT Registered Nurses and Registering Assistants Full time, rotating shifts, and part-time positions available. 127 bed hospital, solories os in Metro Toronto. Consider- ateon for experience and edu- cation. Excellent fringe bene- fits. Apply nursing office, Ajnx and Pickering General Hospitol, Ajax, 942-2320. | HOUSEKEEPER Age. 35 - 50 to live in - tor fight housekeeping duties, cooking, must understand and enjoy chlidren, 2 school age, | 2 pre-school age. Good re muneration: State references. Apply in writing to: BOX 2575 Oshawa Times AVON CALLING Does «an Avon representative 'call om you? Perhaps you live in om open territory! Don't delay turn your spare time inte money -- Service customers close to your home. No ex- perience required. We train you. For further information write @r call Mrs, J. Hill, 140 Nonquion Road, Oshawa, 725- 9696 EARN EXTRA _ MONEY Show Ganado's finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, No- velties, ete. Over 300 items. For free, beautifully illus- trated aataloque ,samples, on approval and the fastest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., Hamilton, Ont. WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMON'STRATING TOYS, We Will Train You. No investments, Colleetions, or Deliveries. |HOUSEWIVES fiving In Oshawa, | Whit- by, Bowmanville, Newcastle, who drive 15 hours for $40 weekly or more, write 37 Marshall Street, Barrie EXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted for night shift only, shift 3 - 11.30. Apply In | sitting and light duties. | 942-5744. |FREE TWO-ROOIM apartment for lady Person to Rain&oow Restaurant, Whitby. 668-2069. RELIABLE "WOMAN for baby sitting and light dutias, lve In, child wel- comed. Telephoi 5056. |RELIABLE E WOMAAN to 1 mind | two chil- dren, aged 1' and six, five days weekly, in my _own home, while mother works. |Clark Street, 726-1283. |HOUSEKEEPER, plain cooking and light housework. Live In. Two adults. | Telephone 725- 4802. RELIABLE WOMAN wanted tor baby- Telephone Ajax in exchange for tbabysitting, one school- age child, light kousekeeping. One child welcome. Telephone 728-2907. DEPENDABLE WOMAN to live in and care for two children, in motherless home. Children welcome. Telephone Port Perry, 985-2170. EXPERIENCED apprentice wanted full- time. Telephone 72!3-0301, Princess Colf- fures. OLDER LADY for housekeeping. For jmore information lephone heciabeadial '18--Male Help | Wanted -- ADAMS FURNITURES LTD. 23 King St. West Oshawa Requires MANAGER- SALESMAN for Sub Store im Bowmanville Applicant must have selling ability @ willing to wosk hard and earn top commission © honest and efficient ®@ would like to advance with © progressive company company Please apply in person to MANAGER at ADAMS in Oshawa Telephone 725-6535 Regular hours, Good wages. Accident and sick benefits. after 7 p.m. 668-4630 852-3691 Satna Delivery Truck Driver Age 25 Years or Older, Good wages for willing worker Permanent employment 852-369] Atter 7 P.M. 668-4630. EARNINGS UNLIMITED Due to expanding business sand increased inquiries, we require immediately two Real Estate representatives for Oshawa area. Top commis- sions, plus incentive bonus plan. Excellent opportunity in @ growing organization. For confidential interview call J. Wilkinson, J. J. Wilkinson, Real Estate 100 King St. E., Tef. Oshawa 576-1411 2 CLASS A MECHANICS or FIFTH YEAR APPRENTICE flat rate shop, G.M. dealer, medical and medicine plan, Ontorio Hospital amd other compony benefits: CONTACT E. A. NAGY, ROBSON MOT- ORS LTD., KING ST. E,, BOWMANVILLE 623- 3396, Male MAN TRA A chollengi ing progra ond capabl ing to ma in producti and soles 4 company. Applicants years of ay lotion or e and be phy All major and excelle tunity duri Kindly reply ing to Pe GOOD' RUB of Ci BOWMA This is o sition for salesman, advertising however « suitable would be « Excellent re ory and con fringe bene right mon Call 942-! be tr confidence will WHC AC The G h We need a getic young owo area. must have | background, cess, and ¢ work with late model For an Inte warding po 4473 this v URGENT Italian Real Este We hove ar ancy for ar starting sale - descent. Sole ferred but nv cessful appl © late mode GUIDE u 16 Simco Cc POLISHER (woo bist Top wage T Bridgeland AY a, org 25, as office expe facturing plant commensurate wil Portunity for adi asset. Cal! 942-379 MECHANIC for begin immediately Mr, Meade at 66 HEALTHY, retire licence to sell ar kets on Fridays Phone 725-5813. TWO MEN to w Mr. J. Lusted, St PLASTERER WA\ finisher, E. Weede LOSE SOMETHIN classified to react 3492 for an ad-wr 19--Male o Help V SALES DESK CLI years' experience supplies. Reply ti tario. DRIVERS aad taxi business. dents. Call vias 20--Real Es Jee, McMUL Realtor 120 Dundas V WHITBY 668-6201 CHADBU Three bedro alow -- with home is in ond hos pav well landscaft V.LA. Two acres w bungalow on North. This | places, rec book -- cases, screens and t corated, PICK Two bedroom on large lot This home h room, new broadloom, There is a h x 16 and k fenced. Aski

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