22 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 16, EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS oa Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 11--Pets and Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted W 9 x15 TENT, cottage type, screened-in|BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready EA RA Ring-s---Believe It or Not/ |;: rch; also motor bik st cagh price.|for training, talking strain, Apply T. RN EXT Felephone 725-7263. Broad, 114 Elgin East, MONEY Z |GIBSON Hummingbird guitar with Gib-HORSES BOARDED -- B-Bar-L Ranch, Show Canada's finest line of R Yh bole lgiateaad sccepted. Telephone eure ee Sex sills, som ad-| Christmas cards, Wraps, No- i Po Paw ii Ore reser: ck, plen room r Ing club, WE BUYSELL -AND EXCHANGE vasd|compelitive' games, outdoor arena.| velties, etc. yet up starts. MIL Fi b fully ill ? the or anything you have. The|Horses trained for western pleasure, or free, eautifully illus- City. Trading Post» Store, 446 Simcoe hare and trail. Call alg ¢ am, to} trated catalogue samples, on a Street South, 723-1671. a.m. or 6 p.m. to 8 p.m approval and the fastest ser- : $3. 13 Accountants Building Trades Mortgages Surveyors TYPEWRITER, stenderd, $25) portable COZY RANCH. Restd. German shep- a wae Grating Cond HOPKINS, iN DONEVAN AND Ri biaruuiL 2 ele pewriter, Y herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quar- '0. te i "ee ed pinta ggg vr ewe he Treas "Bole Pega fe AND EE MECHMARIY, On: On- ing $20, also electric. 723-4434. /ter horse. Pony. Pinto. Western sagaiesy ; Sic (plus | 'ng, 187 King 'Street East, Oshawa, on MORTG AGE peek me ty Fcebinaget Commercial blue- FISHING RODS and reels. Coleman clothing. Ashburn, 655-466: Hamilton, Ont. i y H hea s. jario Street. 725-563 i "4 - ust have t ; ihe se noche Beh tad ) : Beatie Car ee oped wall ALTERATIONS i. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND 'Surveyor. tes Sbrisman's Coneer ies syree' St. POODLES, tiny, white toys, also mini-lpy Porc, Womcpiner ans we experience. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- ADDITIONS |Oftice 47 Prince St, Res. 103 Elgin St. S., Whit sf ature blacks, registered, Telephone 668-115' hours for $40 weekly or more one Sree ARS since ea Nem LOANS WV. FORMED. OF CORTINRNTAL BD Gor "BIEG leamas BARE) vernon laxpunianceD. WANTREG wupod WC BETWEEN ankruptcy, 57'2 Simcoe jorth,| to indie A resses half price, all sizes, headboards years old for sale.\eXPERIENCED WAITRESS wanted for 3 pea c_o 8 3 on HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Redio Repairs SAND BARITE fone-third off. Factory outlet. 723-3889._| Telephone 728-0388. night shift only, shift 3 = 1.30, Apply in of age, wei ; comm., Charter- ' ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP 5: ; perscn to Rainbow Restaurant, Whitby, @d Accountant, 36% King Street East. Rec Rooms and Kitchens Moneys avoilable for first for CRYSTALS Repairs, cycle Centre, Die gates 12--Articles Wanted $58-2089. . was ia aba if ae SI Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. © Specialty ond second mortgages. Open perfect =e oo ___ er ear A In|RELIABLE WOMAN fi itt oe GORDON R. DAY, Certified | ceneral J All mortgages. No bonus. First OKLAHOMA ae 7 most all sizes, B. WANTED, bern. siding: weathers tt and ti hia ne Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawe Shop- ames en an Ons codrich, 88 King Street West, pas good condition. In or near Oshawa, Will|and light duties, live In, child wel fing Centre. 725-9953, 725-61 % mortgages, second mortgages tv RRS 7a pacer REPAIRS Ls a Bick up If necessary. 728-4331 or 728-9943.|comed. Telephone 942-5056. Phone / = and agreements for sale pur- 10. ed da mv y all makes, Noses NEED $'s S's? Call Gi RELIABLE WOMAN 1 two. chile Loruisie cocsaeete service, Vit Sim: ALL TYP' ----~-| chased. ee Fleming Ratan' eervite, Main Sirest) 1005, hreicanviie Auction oan, Ne dren, aged 1% and axe five cays weekiv, Persont coe Street N., 7. Res, 723-7605. neys, PM i yi ph haha Ag bite on LT. COL, VILLOT DE LA TOUR Pickering. . wilt pick up any articles and selljin my own home, while mother works, JOSEPH Lda gg acs har oe gt oe Free estimates. Call 728-5264 evenings. | M. r. SWARTZ 1 Rn pas ggg ON GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, nen Sere ~ Clare Biren Teese. 66 ant, Licen: rustee, jont reet ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONC ; ay e was television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and|WANTED to buy good used portable BABYSITTER, mature and rellable, pere East. Telephone 723-4833, LM, ee oe Baliea Lageeld 26% sang East ex ead 1793, BUT BECAUSE OF up. Dian Tonle and y tubs, Telephone 728-2678. manent postion to core Big tveamonhe ;: 20c sq. ft., all work guaranteed for three! Oshawa, Ontario jannels H ERROR INU eb A de Dd EXECUTIVE OFFICE a In my own --- ' | ae prema furniture wanted | Ki Five-day . Blueprinting yeors. 723-0281. | 723-4697 : | FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $2793|tor 1wo offices in good condition. Harry King aren Fivedy week Wro'390, call tia BELL DRAFTING. and Reproductions Piep N , 5 : savedtravehing.| -4 with rail petite Lo preaed oo ity Ag O. Perry. 285 Bloor Street W. 723-3443. prrcperseriomysr7m 5 1 . "a rm 'ee , cement work, ne! i . owaien 5 Blucprinting and. photestatie. coples. 728-5657 PS ee --_-- --$$--$$___-- no | Ba is cA ES aa Re ae coop UsED uf ldben wanted, etc. light riahvinldle'g ihe Fee be, VAC ee MOORE: CHINNEYS, all types of | | YPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-|Highest prices. Call anytime, MacNeill's| Telephone 725-4802. Building Trades aren: sade Cann RRS Ose atc.,| CONSOLIDATE antenna | SP ag Teese avila." voor rurale, eee ee RELIABLE WOMAN wanted tor baby: Cann, shawa. Borrow Pay Mthly | ee -------- nn ---- | 3 Articles for Rent sitting and light duties, Telephone Alex JERRANO PAVING, 10 years In busi. get FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new|+o--~Articles 'or Ken! 942-5744, : No Down Payment [fartane,mauin,w yoa,a Eat] $1,600 «-.-0---. $22.94 | agg Monthly Instalments 17 Bond East, 723-5841. | $25 ' ++. $34.23 Cable | ' x jome Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- |CLERK TYPIST for light office duties. die oie y 1 E000 soso cine: $50.97 } th 7 1959 CHRYSLER Hemi motor and trans-| 6. Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee repent bid ppl rel Syne Alu- { MES. ¥ od , " ee rr B. Remodellin Carpentry | Mortgage examples based on ay | Tue ae eae ane BURIED I Ti sen ce eee aiaiag room| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal |Youne Lavies = = a ' "e New é g Quality Carpentry | le call | = IN A COFFIN SURMOUNTED Beene Ore tek insane = (tat Sees, conattion. _Tompnone_esoanen| Wear, Mars Formots, White tay! a cheperoned" group." Mont @ Bathrooms Interest 1 - 113% per month 723-5278 an FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted tree.| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. real, Toronto, Winnipeg and return. No : GENERAL REPAIRS | WAS MOVED Il TIMES IN 600 YEARS BEFORE IT REACHED ITS FINAL Saar ar oO @ Kitchens | (12 = 16% per annum) | RESTING PLACE IN THE CATHEDRAL ie ga eller lel gee ad " fbove: average' $200.80 @ month' Drew. : @ Recreation Rooms Home Improvement Specialists | depending on amount borrow TV SERVICE : OF LUXEMBOURG Burchage from Western ll Company. SARGEANT'S RENTALS | |sbvs, sverace: Soeto a month, Draw: P . | " iad t, jaily casi @ Garages -- ag | ed. Interest calculated on the COL | Y SMiMine Hoek ea a 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 Ponies coreportatien furnished. See A new department of Osh- | 4, etd "service | reducing balance: Properties OLOR |S--Trailers |7--Swap and Barter vacuums, filters and other supplies 'ail WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk-|pm,, 'Thursday, August Ir" Arolivants 'awa's Quality Builder. lonest and Depenoble Service | must be within a city or town | or | i and say "Hey Culligan Man." Vers, reducing machines, sick room sup-|must be able to leave. uid ne oun Call Today for Free Estimates Phone 725-8576 | limits | BLACK and WHITE | Mate basin Soha: poser hen: a fee el Bi 7isAk Calle, plonse. : A t or 623-3411 | . eases itchen ade canine eniz|GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and|ENTERTAINING? Fifty t hundred |FREE TWO-ROOM apartr agers KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION | CAC. REALTY | FOR THE BEST CALL | Go-Go-Going made to aoe sea Inataneds bicing tik wood A erat nahi apa sean. people: Oshawe reais Club for, bare In exchange for Sanpete one chen, UIC i me * ' j ings, cars, trucks, trailers. H. ' s . aint quets, parties, wed 3. Bar, kitchen,|& hild, light h meee e oc maga _ sorte engage st ween nets T R 1.0 723-7088_or 726-7288. Seed Nessie REEL TYPE lawn mower sharpening parking, 723.716. sa r iia welcome. Bs ge ad eis Mec ee DRESSMAKING, sults, coats and chil-| | f € e | DAILY | P. s<---- |machine with ¥% horsepower motor. $125 - 'ABLE WOMAN tc live) ---- 728-7583 Ressonabie, Me **eralne, 72 om 'Money t to Loan TELEVISION a. ee gaily Y NEWSPAPER READERS [or best offer. Telephone 7284879. |14--Business Opportunities |care for i ae. ee All experie Iding, . | us dbl jaily newspapers are sold throughout the|BRIDESMAIDS' DRESSES, $29.95, new home. Children welcome. Teleph applications Parmele orgie rr gh BP gehen DRESSMAI Sexpertiy_fith ti |NNWD CASH to consblidele your blll FOR get aN maa 8 pinged th D poe condition; Wend 60 any ave weekday. fall styles. Sargeant' Bridal Shop, 463 et el cl Bel epieblioned fore Port ry, 985-2170, ee ed ; y_ Gresses, Beautifully tellored sIlp-|buy that new car, boat, travel expenses N to be sold below. cost. Moke |. Thats. win. itis smart business to ba: Ritson. 8. 7253 listed $3,500. Call Mabel Boud-|EXPERIENCED apprentice wanted full- paella er | = covers, pes. Mrs, foms, 660-2372. pelea cholgMrac ge RA ao yl per TV Your Own | 'yi ott, NG Agate Peo |: . Is $0 popular. it's rd eof pies DINING ROOM suite: li-piece; front- ree ot acholialts gd Ltd., at 723-2265 or Liste Telephone 723-0301, Princess Colf- c 4 t . * " rst mortgages available, con- entals available from Feta | look for room furniture, five-piece kitchen set, for details. ures. Roofing and. Construction. 7254007. [Gardening and Supplies _[fidential, private funds. call" 7224 TOWER i people look for your ad. To get your Wo simaaie 7 -ompar a - per week up. Hitches made offer before 23,000 subscriber-readers at|%essers, and other small articles. Tele-|TWO separate stores, downtown. Newly an TED, _ houseke: t . ALL TYPES buliding aa tela Lalo 728 | and installed from $10. up. low cost, just dial 723-3492. phone, 728-3577 decorated. Parking. Suitable for etal gentleman. own or haa Paid chimneys, _ @ oug , re! "i " & 73 BOY'S red and white Glider bicycle|business. jable now. 8964, one 030 mornings till 1 o'clock. : : masonry. dé May. Whitby. 668-2774. lacus and Decorating 5143 MACDONALD"S TEXACO, '8--Articles for Sale with 26" wheels, one year old, in ex- CLEANING LADY wanted to < 5 Hospitali. TAXI ORIVERS wanted, over 25 years preaibiey AND DECORATING by ex. Corner Bond and Division | East of Bod: Boy cellent teas For more infor- pik Fl goo OFFERING to the housework, one day each week» com Good of age, full and partime. Must reside | Perieni workman. Ri bli t | . tail abt ri ersons an tuni menci temb 4 ¥ Whitby. Telephone 468-5110 er 668-3383. |phone 725.2938. rere tee | Don't be late to save now. MOTOR, 1961" Chevrole, Mi a rebul, more pi Big hn 8 ala ee ie coals Con SUPPLIES PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, inte- T | ready to drop. Telephone with a prime manufacturer of |COUPLE WANTED to take sarge ot LASSIFIED RATES |rior and exterior, Free estimates, and Ve $40.--DINETTE SU 2 j house In Oshawa and two sch WRI a by S! |low prices, Telephone 728-2834, Tieces $e eachy two Slee' taBNG. Tole i eg Lone ---- children, References, "Write Bee sae C ROG SUPER FINE GRASS MIX [PAINTING AND DECORATING, int " a Dione. SORE Netoact de stelle Alero agg pesbwt 8 SahoARED : Tom -- | insertion of 28 ree Lae NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX [rior, exterior. Very reasonable prices. AT Guh OWA Poa Clea rance Sale SIX SERVICE BAYS iv CEDAR STRIP boa, with wind-| ising through many of North |HOME COMPANION wanted for Indy. tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- PARKLAWN GRASS MIX hime, eerimates, J. OTC, S7E-1E Sry LANT 1967 Glendettes & Citations FOR FASTER SERVICE [flee er, corn, oe com ia: America's largest retailers in Barty. Co ee omen ret i MOTO tional words 13¥%e each;' consecu-] SUBURBAN GRAS MIX - : We give you a better tower Catamaran Soil Boat | wu Telephone. 726-7681. é 2 multi-million dollar growth, iarrREss REQUIRED = 11pm te ) tional words 24¢ each. TIMOTHY & ALSIKE 'Plumbing ond Heating for less money. | All eller ols vale Acces- | Aig ARCANE Sie |g BEAUTIFY to protect asphalt driveways MODEST INVESTMENT 5 a hive shift. Apply Mr. ninehulll eneche e MERION BLUEGRASS | sories Pric To Clear. Buy | v., Dodge, ord, 'y~ with Sakrete Sealer. Professionally ap- f juer- jotel. No phone calls, please. L] aged ert fg i rola charge KENTCKY BLUEGRASS P| bi Di Now. | mouth, Pontiac. We correct |Plied. Telephone 725-8885. _| anteed by inventory, com- |RELIABLE WOMAN for sitting seine Geunte oe ten 94 INDIVIDUAL GRASSES umbing iscount yy. | COOK'S TRAIL | wheel alignment, inspect and TELEVISION, Biinch Crosley, $395 21" pletely returnable. and light duties, live in, Ajax 942-5056. YARMO) words counts as 24 words; each word, GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 | 149 Brock St. North | ER correct castor and comber- |Ditture tube, $59. New. sel warranty. WE WILL contact you for @ OLDER LADY for housekeeping. For ' ne word, phone number ceunte, two EVERGREEN 6-9-6 | WHITBY -- 668-6601 | SUPPLY LTD. | SALES LTD. align toe - in and toe - out to |576-3877. private, fully informative in- {more Information telephone 262-8446 WES oe EVERGREEN WEED KILLER | : TAUNTON RD. E | 4910 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa correct condition... $7.95 ja STOVE, good condlion. Telephone te weat Our factory or in |18--Male Help Wanted : LA NOVA RViie .. DEATHS &- CALL. TURF 10-6-4 | Direct to you, plumbing up. . E. | pen Evenings 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. s if require 725-14 ie RGEST ¢ TT oa ae| RT? | Beta aS n'a | 7ogetst a5 © ater Gar eine ae aa ee eo] WEAR imesh ee $2.50 per insertion cents addi- mbi # + + oO is ---- = $2.50 Ehoae rien, witty 23 cents ee) MILORGANITE | sc line. 20% off all | 723-8131 723-8132 | Trailer Clearance e EUREKA vacuum cleaner, "$407 two situation. We will allow part- Of - Int ane 'ord 15" rims, $5; two burner range,| time but the person must be mM $2.50 for thet first 28 words and & pore MOSS 12 p.m. -- 9 pm. TELEVISION -- RADIO BRAKE SPECIAL : $10._1252_Valley Drive. 720-9877. prepared pl gl trial "'per- 3RD CLASS tach thereafter plus Prag! peal line OTTING SOIL SATURDAY 9 5 24H ec Rentals, demonstrators, refrig- Most popular cars. First |CHESTERFIELD and chair, suitable for! jad' to go into full time . { 4 O U N verse; 2c eaditional charge if not pei | TANK SPRAYERS wn ee Pa mare | erators, heaters, cots etc. | Quolity Royaline, 4 wheels, [cettage. Telephone 723-5107, WRITE giving only name, ad ' : i CLOSED W $ } | | WEDDING GOWN, size 9-10, with veil , ad- CARDS OF THANKS Everything for the garden D OVEDRIERDAY. HOLM Mill Trail | $14.88 and pearl tiara, Good. $70. Telephone} dress and phone number to chi $2.50 for the first. 38 words end 7¢ jak wna used Vat ie "Tanna Wer traers Plus $2.00 Per Wheel 576-1418. BOX 31553 OSHAWA TIMES Wishing -- soch thereafter wi ic additione . rials. agonable HARWOOD NORTH, AJAX : HOOVER spinner PTO ES pen Nici Gls isha tel RS cag ft Esti | spinner washing | machine, only t Sniftnatan se) Cooper-Smith (ames sme] ELECTRONICS seinen cre omes) Leta he pact, oes Retail Me COMING EVENTS [Rug - Upholste ervice | 2.5806. : sah | TYPEWRITERS, $4). No money down, |RELIABLE WOMAN ick ENGINEE EtG METS fetab ene, Le Se rater co s- af : RENTALS mouse TRAILER, 16' long, room for . eae nee tr son Bil aeons ese. neh ii By the week tive 8 i yi rvice, trades, | in, weekly. Telephone mornings, (Word Ads). 16 CELINA ST OSHAWA T V boat and, motor for sale, Telephone 2:| WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Raglan. 1985-71. 723-4143. ne AUCTION SALES | » ning | RUG CLEANERS | TOWERS | |0984, 20 Brock st.» Alnx Including weights per wheel, |westiNGHOUSE end -- Kelvinator --re|REGISTERED NURSE wishes postion EAT ( $2.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, | 23-2312 723-1139 Profesional tug and uphel PHONE 668-5679 SOR RENT Large tent trailer, OO ee $1.95 frigerators, $50. and $60.7 ar In doclor's office, some "typing 'eoliig,| Pere is an opportunity to ' | ¥ on. lephone SHOCKS, MUFFLERS with mirror; stile baby stroller. All|/Write Box 32925, Oshawa Times. iol 4 DEADLINES DELIVERY SERVICE stery cl d | 725-6981. A , excellent condition, Telephone 668-473 ; oin a large modern fac- WORD ADS | Home Sr our office Coll' for | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 |ivss, 16 Gienelle house trailer, with elec- PROM END WORK at FLPOR ciuen aged hI al oe fe Snr tor anctoet ing pl ' f CA 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS 8, KAMSTRA | information. | Fast T.V. Service tric brakes and toilet, sleeps 6. Apply 446 COMPARABLE PRICES patterns fo provide a perfect background soneble rates. Telephone Heine te pod be Y, gtig plas- | @) LOST AND FOUND if | Sok ld A dS ee naked Mice abies 2 for kitchen, bathroom, family room, | 1492. ics, as one of the team 5 a.m. DAY OF ss ghlaaa | complete 725-9961 DOMI |GLENDALE 31' x 8' trailer, two bed- UNIROYAL Lait Pool deck. Sancoura goes on over Per insite wo x i | y sound surface, inside or outside. See MAN will give day care - +s Offers e@ BIRTHS AND DEA j LANDSCAPING oe ee NION ier eke Conca. APRIY, V9 Sey caura at Oshawa, Discount' House. |?2. one child In her home, north-east. operating two brand new, tuniien Bes DAY OF PUBLICATION | and ee a yc ty | TELEVISION |e RCUMINUM Fepatece teat rally CENTRES Phone for free estimate. 725-1343. ee gas fired boilers and com- young men t IN : ve ' Hs railer, BUY AND SEEL -- good used furniture |DAY CARE given from Monday to Fri- : IN AEMORIONS ane | GARDEN SERVICE @ Wide selection of Fabrics 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 pm. Lp Ag aid Tae-lTT4, 482 The New Home of and appliances. One location 'only. Pretty |98y for one or two children up to two| PF€SSOrs, total rating 500 sociated with C «p.m. DAY PREVIOUS | 728-8267 @ Workmanship Guaranteed TRAI ITCH DOMINION TIRE STORES -- |Fvrniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. |¥ear_old. Telephone _576-2260. h retail organi: sr | . 1 AILER HITCHES made and Installed. 8) MOTOR -- completely rebuilt, ex.|OAY CARE or baby sitting in my own "Pp. positions -- off CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | five full years) Also all types of welding done. Portable 17 Park Road South cellent buy. Private les ely. _rebo Motors|home. Suit _ residents oF Claremont employment, ¢ T column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col @ Easy Budget Terms--Free & jequipment for rent. 723-6840. i Phone 725-6511 'oduct. Call 723-679. Brougham area, _usi Brock i Abd umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. | PATIOS BUILT Estimates and Radio Service 1966, 15° Golden Falcon, electric brakes, product, Call 723-6794. ANSI Talgehone, SaOee. Road The company ie otteal ing conditions, CANCELLATIONS AND j Over 20 years experience | SPECIALIZING IN |like'new. Asking $1,550. Apply 246 Wind- ee Sain CA Whiregel washer: Witt MIND children In-my home ve ial aie ond advancem 5am DAY OF PUBLICATION AND REBUILT THe eS | EUROPEAN RADIOS AND pallial ---- A L U M | N U M $450 or best offer. Worth $600. 728-6882. hell hdl South' ares. Tele| excellent wages, shift, er Aus =n A advertisement lied before! 90 Simcoe St. North ceil 5 PER CENT OFF -- Artists' supplies. et OVETIM z college grecue publication will be eharged ene | | TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 5A-- Camping @ SIDING Pencils, | cherconls pastels, brushes, PROFESSIONAL | WINDOW, wall" and ae e = sega cs red i] tion, ' water color paints, some oils. Varie' if » residential and c re 1K 'a BER RE Phone 728 3172 | PROFESSIONAL 1s Bond WV: 576-1670 SEASON-END CLEARANCE) @ AWNINGS picture frame moldings in Tengths. mercial, janitors' supplies, Multl-Cleen Premiums, tringe benerits F Full While petite Beets wait be made to 5 | RUG CLEANING EY, Rentals on ALL' Trailers, Tents @ WINDOWS Photo enlarger, best offer. 725-1365. Janitorial Service, 725-1885. and safe, clean and plea- or ru f d repl | Ore " DOO COMPLETE living room and bedroom : Sas if, phate, seiverhuata x sok ok ponies no oo MERION-KENTUC 2 Day Service New Sets and Camping Supplies LES » RS suite. Barely oe year old. 17--Female Help Wanted sant working conditions. a Apply Sr relay met stoma) MEMON-KENTUCKY SQ)D) | Fe Pick-Up and Delivery | ey PRICES GUT Meet EV ir a | __ WANTED "Please call collect Ray =| 9:30 am ' i S 1h : ! B78 : failure or delay in forwarding such re- | | FURNIT : ; Tag" Hh Now ! de Toe ot re Load unethonby peel All-Green Nursery Angus Graydon | ABOLIGHCE zoe popbige oH aa bly E N | 5 > lt ed Peed Rar al) Be) ToSAEHRIS, GethAR Grand: Blakely at i 2:30 p.m. - oe Met hog NAL AS AE wet Sod Growers 728-6254 | ies : or August and September. SALES. LTD. tellin Bt all | mothers. Start at once to * peg piialeg Visitors Welcome RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab-| 7 mecca South KAMPING 15 Prince St. 725-4632 |TV TOWER = show our exciting line of g PERSONNE REGULATIONS | 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N algae years " ocean Hg hae 23-0011 CITY TV tlovinion, radian ai chanel antenna $50. TRio" Tele Christmas cards and gifts to bi gas 4 a ree estimates. Cri jerms. a-iIN RAL °S 'Gammicnians Service. 7 , a friend: ighb I ait ' VY M. north Taunton Villa tresses ré-bullty furniture retinished. | tenis "ry? eqccommunications Service. id i i PEN. | DOPE, ORI EATON'S o THE OSHAWA TIMES WiLL nor as! a n PEE Hea dea e s Resio TV cennlrae Guaranteed: servi UNLIMITED service and repairs. Service |BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-| 4) E 4 Ing, 287 Dean Avenve, ba Hi Call El 263-2294 ives. Earn extra cash for A RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER.| 725.0311 . fake dept. open 7 days a week. |Pilances, Call Elmer: 260-2294 265-2695. i i Oi TRGRENTE SUMMIT, EMERTHT| GOOD STOCK cea ene coxeemar onl TW TOWPRE SHEET -- rar one| Rental -- Soles -- Storage | Ako Tv; tower coir ond RE SQUPLATS, Ga ,™GMG] experiance natded. Our cto ee THAN, ONE INSERTION, OF" ANY Ap. CULTIVATED FIELD SOD [resivled. Free estimate. 'See our mate iF Oahawe TW aupely Limes Installed,| -- TOWNLINE ROAD NORTH og os ae -- Sold "toone. buyer, Telephone 7wsna| logue, with over 300 items CHEMICAL ee | for re-coverin: | ¥ ; 4 rs installed. 4 Fi VERTIFEMENY, (MOR BEYOND THE, c. sllent Quolity, Low Pri |rial for, re-covering. Slip covers _ made |Road East, lust enst of Ritson Road. (1 mile north of King St. East) be US ea jatter_5. o'clock: beautifully illustrated in full- y, Low Prices. and Service 9 a.m. to m SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. \Street, 723-7212. P™. |GAS RANGE, 30-inch, Findlay. Tele-| colour, hel, t i ey S ' J Loaded or Delivered. | Welding 728-9942 248 Quebec St. Call 725- [phone Whitby 668-8940. iy a Eins ae pally aor MANAG Deey aatiing coed "Os Wend ies nites Sah ont eee Cc 6--Marine Equipment 0500. All work guarenteed.__ig "Market Basket Christmas cards on cpproval DIVISION proper classification, | AR WELDING and free catalogue. Monarch = ONTARIO NO. 1 Cobbler potatoes, fr ; % In the cases of display, advertisements} ___ 725- 9674 APPLIANCE CHRIS SRArT . SUR HE SPECIALS [OMven reiegnone Teer et] Card Co., Dept. 22, 217 T Alt The Times will ot be held responsible GENERAL LANDSCAPING and home REPAIRS Expert workmanship. Reason- | SALES and SERVICE | : ; POTATOES, Irish Cobblers, $2 « bushel Cannon St., Hamilton. "aly valles ae ine publishers patios, tence Seer Be EN aa E i k | able rates due to low o | ee oreo be seu Pagal Wilson s Furn. pet addi atte iE BORG endeavor to reproduce all advertising |Sosq, '723.3877, intinge ; xpert repairs to all makes | ver- restliner, Peterborough and Spancth to tt PICK your own cucumbers, $1 per - ee ee but assume no ibility | Peis ice} OF washer, dryers, ronoes, head. Open 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. | Northcraft runabouts. Evin- 2-pc. Steet tales: oon bushel. "Bese Jine near AUay HEAD NURSE WARNER A challenging .t any form ere contained therein, \Instruction etc | rude outboard motors. 3-pc. bedroom suites 99.50 Fenn VEORTARLAS. Tomaioes. pep. (ADMINISTRATIVE) CA _ ing program. TITS FASY 70 PLACE A ------~|.@ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 728-1872 | Oshawa Yachthaven | 20 CHURCH STREET Farm vs mile west of Oshawa on 40) 3-11 SHIFT (CANADA) ond capable yo | a | * | 723-8186 GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, |("1m Service road. ing to. brelgs Coll Classified Direet Bitharen q' ALCAN Denisa sonal refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and|FOR SALE -- pickling cucumbers, $4. Re 'i ducti | * i gistered Nurses and In, production, | 723-3492 if $ FURNITURE and APPLIANCE ELECTROLYSIS CLEARANCE ee eS and Appliances, 452/a bushel, Picked same day. Call 623-7604 Registering Assistonts LIMITED ond sales depor | Tr | 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa 12 ft. Aluminum car top. | REFRIGERATOR. 9A--E Poult Ful pili pene | Driving School 723-4641 2 A. Aluminum car top. | RECRONR AIO in Cae cat 2 [ewes vette rate lige ova nt Applicants. mu INDEX TO | Telephone 723-0011 | Renicvel GF superfilous hair $140 Orcieg? View EGOS "DAISY. FRESH" DAILY | -- por ire Fret availoble. Cobourg, Ontari years of age, | | Z fe Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. i i * CLASSIFICATIONS | {Licensed by Police Commission) | NOW | Peete Margate will be in MARIRIE STORAGE pled yar (WASHER, GE 2 cuble Picked up, delivered at store or home.| jn, rates aa gictentig g, Untario pag or Aun | ; suite, 30' 2 7 1--Women's. Column @ Courteous Instructors | ape npn mowers, tillers, pte Er pce og Past and SUPPLY LTD Bo ee a oe 10--Farmer's Column ation for experience and edu- all caine pose --Persona' | ° * 7 a, ion. f <aecteman's Colinn 6 Dus) Cone Can fe ards, all makes, oir on these dates for appoint- 655-3641 Open to 9 P.M. |frigerator, automatic defrost, all in im-|DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock ibis Excellent fringe bene- and excellent ec 4--Motorcycies cooled engines. Parts and ment. ROAD KNIGHT i 728-5057. picked up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, its. Apply nursing office, P.O. BOX 10 tunity during 1 S--Trailers @ Fully Insured | service. Lorgest service in |= 7 | peek Gan ceenore traller, 9" |TNDIA RUG, broadioom rug, selin da.|tyrone.. Telephone collect Hampton 263- Ajax and Pickering General : en sp cigs ve | Oshaw |YOUR THROW-AWAYS mean s's S's. [hiich, "3250, Call 725-9258. raller|imesk drapes, French damask drapes, {272!- Licence 101-C-67. Hospital, Ajax, 942-2320, Kindly reply in 5 8--Articles for Sale | Zz BARRIE AVE. |Doug Gower, Auctioneer, 728-1005. BUILD your own 'ibregies boats. Two-| suite, yn ll coe' aimee toe arggere? 30 acres, second cut, al- PHONE: ing to Person 5--Market Basket - 728-2791 or 725-4633 | parle deri Belge Nu ty Poa Pk LTB lial CRA ALBUM apf ico Valle Mle) Bi dod esis HOU ect armar's Hfebe 1 \4--Motorbikes best offer. Telephone 725-1770. _|tire screen; fur jacket (Kolinski). 728. MANURE SPREADER, _ international SEKEEPER 372 5 GOODYE/ 12-Articles Wanted 4 ALBERT STREET | _ Now Located In Oshawa |y-pucati, ae ca Bacall! conat-|ite "once wae etimeas seein WO-PT box 'In "good condition: Telephone 728| Age 35 - 50 to live in -2221 13--Articies for Rent Seaway Demolition Co Hon; er RTPI Ble Talore Oi in esuee Ie fl ees arity: TWO-PIECE chesterfield, blue, $501 8983, Herman Haass, Taunton. for light housekeepi py oe sti tape dg SR lyre, ; matic with power tilt. Many extras allland 16 cubic foot irae ig sekeeping duties, z RUBB 15--Employment Wanted Mortgages Experience is our guide to babi ib aA D a Hit $208, KS fee. Toentone 78s, 11--Pets and Livestock cooking, must understand and Nights, E : ae : ; week-ends a 6--Agents Wanted 'ici 1966 HONDA 50, only) 14 Fi brand new, |ELECTRIC enjoy chlidren, 2 schoo! Gris, 17--Female Help Wanted FIRST -- SECOND at TN PLS ellos |700 miles. Call 668-2949. Y | 3300.00 or best ctr also several new ai, Ne icantan cancer three years MUST SELL, child allergic, eight-month] 2 cab echosl 4 Baie "eb on of Canac 192. : a p boat condition. Telephon old registered, purebred miniature male rs oMele ie eaanie Help Wanted MORTGAGE FUNDS posed Ne Job Too gk 60 BSA ,250 cc, good condition. Tele-|i9 capiIn CRUISE! DE a aaae| Libis dihon sided be bike also two youn: muneration- Store. references. 372 3704 BOWMANVIL 20--Real Estate For Sale @ Low Rates @ Immediate as Tes kenall Fully Gnaured phone 725-9831. ; Wy CABIN. CRUISER. 60 HE mictor pid Reet aT 283 va, sutomatie transmis. healthy budgies, yellow female,' Blue Apply * ox" : a a ip : ; ; ; ( Z)--Farme or sale. % pahecdaaiote ae line: VACUUM and polisher repairs, all pd ip ene s cell ai cinaition mee Oe cRbOCke ind ta io i509 ee rims. Alex oa. te ET aaa ee eee es x 325 2575 2--Lots ft in. . 4 xtra chrome. Excellent ct ition, $429.) 14" . a apd (faa ae A. ROSEN ogy Bilt Bag high Staal ab Telephone 728-7891. . ph eae an au ae McCCLARY EASY wringer washer, like aveunelecee forsee Teleph Se "Castle. Oshowe -- PLUMB a t ' ; 728: | met ; : tal eg : * FS ates dar se tah Member Ont. M.B.A. $956. 1946 DUCATI, 160 ce Junior, $350. Tele a merce age | E Teleatone_ nee. fon. 344-7482 after 6 p.m. aUGN GMEING 2 CLASS A ' TINSM 2--Apartments for Rent 725-0532 Evenings GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer|---- dsthnt i ¢ -|ONE TENT, 9' x 12', with a 5' x 12)|TOY POODLE, black, male, registered, 4 4 260-- Expo Ascommodation ond Weekends 728-5623 washers and ranges. Free estimates. |1966 SUZUKI motorcycle, 150 ec. $400. alate erie atersce Gad' Goneiy Lis [id shelter, | Price vey Teasonable.|2 months old. $100.00 or best offer. Tele | Does an Avon representative MECH ANICS geste gp He Feta nae ee es eee ee jl a LM neal ees PIECE = ia nd ive. fe Se cater ag ed ' phone 98 aeons te Rat anand ogee ; ; 10' SAILFISH 4 : oak dining room set and 8 "YEAR-OLD bay mere for sele.| in an open territory! Don't ax Stee oa ees Sate" tne "Sr |sePtic Service YAMANA ~ SUBURI--Authaieg dvi A SAETON.YE Garde Sein |vesiee Crome bite a pln cer excl fer eparancty rer. Tae] delay tum your spare time into. | "fier vate shop; GM, daalere = or 987 31--Compact Cars for Sale . 723-722. Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. ©. 728-|26° age i fe shop, ealer, . 32--Trucks A est. elise, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv- . faker, lam €. 728-|26' CABIN CRUISER, sleeps four, S0imMoTO 4 money Service customers ' P BEB tS dg FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avell-|ice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut |°!? hp Johnson motor and traller. Asking| mower' stor' reseed Shaver, 3227 single Roe al src" Tettt task close to your home. No ex- medical and medicine plan, ™ Automobile. Repair able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock|Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. a "om Thunderbolt 450 cc, $1,100. Tele-|$1-400. Telephone 728-2757 after 6. Leja A ag) VI GR aka cl a RL il i i i Ontario Hospital and other : '5--Lost and Found at oe Whitby, 668-3338. phone Jim, 725-639 RENT THAT VACANCY throvah Rent|$24; erlb, Sid; chest' of drawers, $12; Aiea ta od ge AI egg Sour For ge gM hl al company benefits: CONTACT a 34--Lege! LE -- second mort f $3, Bn Ady -- Call 723-3492 today for action! -- |refrigerator, $39; stove, $29; " reeds, jes our spe- I. ' sao FORTE see Wh Ease | You'll Find Whatever , [8 DaSOUmr 5 Sal Sit tatn now vo OEr Tyo zo fem, enn. Tol |CA ns eda ema Porn ly Nengwon Roe, Oshowe, 725 ORs LT.' KING STE. : oming Events s exchange as downpayment for prices on Yamaha, Suzuki and Bennelli.|item you wantin the Want Ads, pl WEDDING DRE: , Nonquon Road, Oshawa, 725- ¥ 39--Noticas e house @r ether property. 728-4241. You Want--In the imps, 1) Willem Stree! Bast, 728-9191, wanted" ad and get It! Dial pBiyn, * 10-12 Selly with @ IES Saencegescieohars, pole for sue fh 9696. : : BOWMANVILLE 623-3396," { ' a - ; i RO OPEC PRE OP HENRY PUR TE eee ere o 4s hy EASE ONY ae Ie ee ore 4 " % - ip ee oe pM Pa Pe aa a Ae EE ee Pe AAS ig POL GDR EO DE PO g Cie. Soa Ge Peg Pd Pe pee en aie nd So - bo fa ai eer aes ae a , ro