Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Aug 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thurdey, August 10, 1967 18--Male H H EARN SCHOOL CASH WITH "FOR SALE" CLASSIFIED ADS Elec Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. Tech We are seekir |8--Articles for Sale 10--Farmer's Col \17--F le Help Wonted ne ale sy : Gee ---------- tt ct mremeenbns Ym 'ation will a TV TOWER ar. -- STANDING HAY FIELDS or fresh cut ; Rns---Believe It or Not! all channel picts we itic'y [and baled, Picked up or delivered. 728- "JEWELLERY fechnniea! res sion, 728-5143. es RG SALESLADY lech Oshawa A LIGHT BULB WHICH HAS BURNED ELMER'S FURNITURE ond, Aniinces ner rang, cncesion ®, WHIbY. Te] Reasired for full 1 This is on a Mi Pascal, 3 . sa om fctendibeacecrs "Fg ey VE nant puaition eeneriunce bls {95 on : i HAY FOR SALE -- reasonable, in barn. % 0 desi New 'Conn. WE suY, SELL AND EXCHANGE vsed|Telephone 576-024. preferred but not necessary. sponsibility. . url re or ai , é " City "Trading "Post 'Stere, 446. Simcoe|] 1---Pets and Livestock Apply between 1048, Burns coble TV de Accountants [Building Trades Instruction Soles and Service Street South, 723-1671. ii a et __ Jewellers Ltd., 20 Simcoe N. essential . a - i ne Re ITY CLIPPING SERVICE again HOPKINS, BEADLE AND | C0.) Charter REPAIRS | TYPEWRITER, 'standera, $257 p sportable| svailable, all breeds, "Telephone 728- 9609. EXPERIENCED For further int a Pee Cones nie oe R th f 1 APPLIANCE ing machine $20, also electric. 723-4434.|POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, Legal Secreta ry e tari, 7253509; §. T. Hopkins, CAs H. E.| umnertord § REPAIRS FISHING RODS and reels. Coleman|"easonably priced. Whitby. Telephone Beadle CA; E. Lukow, CA | LTERATIONS roars repaired & experts on a MOOT Se PART TIME 723 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Char- | Expert repairs to es. Sportsman's Corner, yron St.|PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE -- 'i P #3 erecta renee ame tal ADDITIONS Drivin School | of washers er makes S., Whitby. ie Clipping all breeds, poodles our spe- Apply in Writing syia" Simcoe Street North | | 5 , ranges, CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.9 | cialty, Free pick-up and delivery: board-| RICHARD H. DONALD | to te tresses half price, all sizes, heaton ped a seals. Gia geahile) 'for sele.| 69 "KING. ST. e hawa | rman ye WILLIAM -€- WALLS BCom charier| HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES | (Licensed by Police Commission) | @ "ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ retiird oft. Factory eutiet. TEI. _|Deenat Kennels, 6S5200 cane 600 Ki ed Accountant, 36%2 King Street East./ Rec Rooms and Kitchens | ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service. 8 Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. Sly @ Courteous Instructors | ALCAN Repairs. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond Street BEAUTIFUL easy " BUDGIES, ready = al Bisslcheiiies er es GORDON R. DAY, Certified General | ig | @ Duol Control Cars __|Broad, 114 Elgin Eas. : 9 P Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop- \J All d S | FURNITURE ond APPLIANCE uae Tas most. all sizes, B. | - ---- -- 0 or' ping centre. 725-9953, ames en and Sons | @ Fully Insured 453 Sindee Se ena Goodrich. 88 King Street Westy 725°4583, HORSES BOARDED -- 8-Bar Ranch, Salary commensurate with ex- Pp BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Servi | | 725-6126 | Telephone 723-0011 VACUUM REPAIRS, all_makes, hoses,| dock, plenty of room to ride. Riding club,| Pemience. "eply in NTE IVE Unlir Complete bookkeeping eter" | ee | ee. 23-0 bakes ye etc, Pick- yi haha AA ane competitive games, outdoor arena. i: d Cl kk WE WANT Coe Street N., 725-03 es. lATLANTIC PAVING AND CO cRETE 775-6553 ' 2c a cor ate leming vacuum Service, Main Street,|/Horses trained for western pleasure, SAME GUTAMAMIL. Chavlered oscmUR Gah your Grau ives CONCRETE | | Now Located In Oshawa Pickering. _____|stock and trail. Call 725-4394, 6 a.m. to awson an ; ar WHO ARE jant, Licensed Trustee, "17 Bond Street) 20 sa. ft. all work guaranteed for three) 14 ALBERT STREET | Seaway Demolition Co. EXECUTIVE FURNISHINGS for apart-|9' 9M. or 6 p.m, to 8 p.m. _ Box 68, Pickering IN MAK! East. Telephone 723-4833 jyears 723-028) | e ment. Must be cash. Mixed Italian, Mo-|REGISTERED black miniature poodle. verry Sey Sargon = be --- lprick iad" Gok aan RTA, Ver e : Experience is our guide toe tare Spanish styling, Telephone 728-|Excelient pedigree, registration' paper: ieee NORE | rewulre' od $10,000 Blueprinting jandas, sidewalks, garages repaired % science TUTORING offered by qual-| fost ond efficient service. SUKBANERED. Clb wie Saar supplied. Telephone 725-5556. ____|ition, full time, good salary. Referen- ENTERI SCOR eIRAONRE " at I, all t ofjified and experienced teach 1 i. Fi wrin washers, . Telephone 4 . 'f BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions |aiterations. 'Eres Qype 'q on M.|home. B. Sc honey De P+ 'wnt: | Call Us ae Tas ae for an television, refrigerator, elon $34.50 ond Noein tae scat: UB pits oi Be see oe -- REAL Ltd., 53¥2 Simcoe Street North, 723-4461. Lafontaine 725-3756. fonove aren, Reasonable 668-5477. estimate. No Job Too Large up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452/dren. Telephone 668-6977 PLEASANT, responsible female re- , Biueprinting 'and photostatic copies. Rec eneceies| On: TOR Small. Fully Insured Simcoe South, 723-0011 ki st ae quired for permanent position in Oshawa SALE! ALL TYPES building repairs. Roofing, | y ured. eee COZY-J RANCH. Reg"d. German Shep-|home, September 1. Write Box 31480, Buildi Trad chimneys, _ eavestroughing, fireplace, Jani or r Service $$ FIBERGLAS FENDERS ~f from $29.95|herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quar-|Oshawa Times, stating qualifications for our expo iiding trades ges ._ Gord Whitby, 668-277 Lo ere: NOW fe op. New vg ed cdl ania an ter horse. Pony. Pinto, Western saddles, and references. : and greatly 2 roug wag aaleaakan " pmihre | : -- and generators. e t, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. Bs eae eT ING ' 9! estimates, guar-| | in St. 725- equipment PInING, . Asnourn, APPRENTICE needed for Modell No Down Payment __|anteed "work, "Murray 'Holiday. Tele BUFFANS. | Bring me your mowers, tillers, A epench con Sk 7 len aig ccd conleae caaale acdletviate, Por, iotormelion ee" Cans quiries, To phone 725-9404. MAINTENANCE. SERVICE outboards, call makes, air SCUBA DIVER TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-|bridie, $85. Woodycrest Motel, Whitby, |Manpower only. applicant we Monthly Instalments -- | Your Locac Senegalese | | cooled edie Parts and EQUIPPED WITH FLIPPERS | Roval/ dester'" roEseer emytinne. ou | est? HA SSER -- with ot as i Co neys built and repaired, gas linings In- | service argest service in ---- PERSIAN | - for e e, {thi i jonuses Remodelling [slo rets reper. saw." "| Phone 576-2876 Oshawa Sey NATURE EE | "Deenerea We Monae [RURMETURE, Thc, coms aoe Cnnete and eu Yeephone TEP er vege cere osnawee ty Eoapiovs iSDEN ROOFING > eavediroughine, | 74 BARRI y. Baron's . Street East, East Mall Plaza, 723-8601. @ Bathrooms roofing, cement work, general repairs, Painting ---~ Inside and out 728-2981 oe Faecal CAPABLE OF MOVING FORWARD AND Ago [bom Euciiven, 2 Simcoe South a, ~ RAMMED 100" mil eat! |HOUSEKEEPER -- Mature woman To rlbeiowte @ Kitchens a LES | Window cleaning service and 29 aie LEK, BACKWARD AT THE SAME TIME © King Festees Syedintm len, 1967. Word tah mowed coterie nes sipad atest free: Telephone 985-2645. envered take over full responsibility of house- (Uae m ROOFING, CHINNEYS, allt st| caulking, Basements clean- [VACUUM ana _ polisher irs, al : ga |. gly ge oa Shane 7, |hold. School age children. Abstal ddd @ Raceton Rooms (RUBE MSbwr ogee' a| Sdvond waterveat norma. fae cet stata ete parcansefrom Ween 'Ol compen SEAUTIGUL, Shalini, ay felcenea, reed. Permanent aiertisone ri 3061. Cann, RR 3, Oshawa, | ack Lees, pick up and delivery, 728- a --_ ford, Bailieboro, Ontario, 939-65 ibe ava see lease send a Antenna repairs and instal- 2--Per: * ' SWIMMING POOL chiori TTB Pee bade abet este? intario, 939-6573. - A new department of Osh- [TERRAMO raed Work. ise square busi) lation. Gardening service -- leuxeanraao-® REPAIR ali wringer| arene !6--Marine Equipment | vacuums, filters A chlorine, all .!Veet! | MALE FOX TERRIER -- small, smooth| preschool age children, else. Night, house: complete parti eawa's Quality Builder. 17 Bond East, 723-5841, | Lawns, hedges, trees trim- [washers and ranges. Fri aalltgates, ELECTROLYSIS 3% HORSEPOWER, outboard motor' bird Hey Culligan Man." Whitby.|hair. Reasonable, Call 985-7048. _--_ikeeping duties, Monday through Friday. 32134, Oshow Call Today for Free Estimates med; ete |Cail 728-1742 or 725-0011. 723-4641 older, type, $45.. Alte sump DUM, NOW, | : POODLES, 'tiny, white toys, also mini-|Dutles commencing ae 5. For ci oem, : be ; 1846. AIRS t alumi id | ature blacks, registered. Telephone 668-|'Nterview telephone 576-104 KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Carpentry --| RELIABLE \Septic Service Removal of sunsrfiaous. halk is PLYWOOD BOAT, it" beam, ai" wood 'ugaora. ar, Sumi Serer 6105. cule: HOUSEWIVES living in Whitby, Bow- 1 F. t t j : ----$--_____--_--_____ ; : leep. Two years old, lights and steer-|------------ ry; 2284, REST 7 --------|manville, Oshawa with 15 hours to Call today for Free Estimates Quality Carpentry QUALIFIED lsuprie TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-| rsa Murda will. fe cin; ling ratedtlor a5 horaseuter inte. men CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS, July 15 to 12--Articles Wanted ----_| weekly, $4.11 hourly. Telephone to spa 728-7583 | GENERAL REPAIRS SERVICEMEN [est spall Watter Ward, 204 Chestnut | 16th. Ph ug. " th, Lanne ing $200, 723-6834, is Aug. AL Sib: Manion, Ravi. VIS lena ukameLRpITIRE Wane TIE oc ee only. Home Improvement Specialists + r es itby, 563. | one Genosha Hote 19 CABIN CRUISER, 60 horse; ss si Highest prices. Call time. MacNeill' EXPERIENCED TYPIST required -- for ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, Serving y ab eid Oat Olstrlet |Money to > Loan | Suvonpers on these dates for appoint- Soe and trailer, $1,350, a nd eg a sul 11-p front- [Furniture, 668:saat, onsen acNeill's progressive Alax office. Call 942-1501. Ronin SeP'cnrschon. (sera. ve for Many Years. READ. CARH Je > consolidate your bills, A poe seth en: cs 10 SAILFISH type carton boat Tor eale.| (ress fee Hier sitchen Tele. idiots Saag sh edo nigh heehee. ce owt a ie sae REAL ESTA' Se ------ . r, A | 4 be Us! nm condition. el ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ali types ye | and Depenable Service |We feature second mortgages of 12 per! ferie" Lone 'So Rrévoti" Coma, 8%, 4--Motorbikes Light and easy to handle. 942-3067. AUS LE i _- 723-438. ae ephoneirive-day week. Golf Street aren, 725 21 King $ Cement wirk, stoops, " sidewalks, etc. | hone 725-8576 cent. Also first mortgages available, con-\prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. 1966 SUZUK - _..|26' CABIN CRUISER, sleeps four, 50|friger: ---- ------ | 3493. Bowme 655-3061. F. McCann, RR 2, Oshawa | or 623-3411 |fidenti, Private funds. Call 723-4631/4--ELIM,; ONTARIO LAND § low ialloesa; one on ost nar tee hp Johnson motor and trailer. Asking trigerators, $50, and in. small dresser/13--Articles | for Rent WAITRESS REQUIRED -- 11 p.m. to ? °) A TERRANO PAVING, Ly years ae bua ral A |Oftice 47 Prince St. Res. 103 ee % Phone 725-3874, 9-6 ag petal 728-2757 after 6. __lexcellent.. condition, Tekahing Genin | THO Wel eee atin; ionaee Genosha 623-: : ; : ~ my " -- -- --_ ----$ $a -- if od 1) Bond Best. 723-5841, |Dressmaking |Mortgages ETON [YAMAWA SUZUKI---aulorned San tine, 1 soreron wh rele. TWO GIRLS" bicycles, 287 wheels, also Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- |WOMAN REQUIRED to mind one pre- Due to increas ALCAN ALUMINUM | siding, roofing,' [DRESSMAKINO == expertly fitted sults, | ~|TV--Radio Repairs She Whitaker, 150 Wittlam Pe f, wm lvery little, Sacrifice $100. 130 Warren cottag P yuphone lg mpd for} es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee |school child and one school-age child, the district, w e Telephone 576-2340 y pai St. E. 728-) Avenue, 9e. phone 668-2971 or 728-5812. ; Come dally. H nd rec-rooms. Telephone 576-2360. coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored slip-| ie xOURMORNER ellen aeh Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal 576-056 In dally. Harmony - 401 area. © branch in Os jcovers, drapes, Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. | MORTGAGE TV "SERVICE |305 HONDA, good condition. Will be 7--Swap 'end. Siner ccaages |: Peale teenes on % $25) Wear, Men's Formals, White Fao waTuRE wWonied-- --~- mediately requi CLASSIFIED RATES iGardening and Supplies | [S0ld to. best offer. 1265 King East. Teles ririns os eischOA WESTINGHOUSE TV, portable, 'iiincn,| FOX Furs, Mink Stoles. milk store, $1,000 bond sales personnel WORD ADS COLOR o Inennss ants, eabinehr pone mimeo, Cae onan. Telephone 78-1 SARGEANT'S RENTALS Mine wena ons shag PAL oe Cah ---- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20; | | LOANS °e (G7 BSA Thunderbolt 650 ce, $1,100. Tele-| |boats, motors, trallers, cars, trucks. Hi) ee ee, RELIABLE" WOMAN to ciind eave. Se ae bees tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- A | BLACK and WHITE '6 "BSA Spiffire, 650 ce, ) racing cams. Si serena srinenveneniiens boa cha, wa ae wiggles c = aciertetd EL < iR Moola Pridey. girs "Tousekeen ig with one of the tiona) words 13ig¢ each: ¢ consecu- | FOR THE BEST CALL Reasonable. Telephone 725-7887. [8--Articles | tor 'Sale lamps, lazy boy chair, peg board andlers, reducing machines, sick room sup-|Wties. Adelaide East area. sive: businesses tive insertions of 24 rds, 5.76; addi- | Nowe available for first [i984 YAMAHA, 100 Twin, red. Gand! ee ___|hooks," 16 aluminum Iadder. 723-7521. |plies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725- teta,| after 6. For confident and second mortgages. Open T R | @) condition. Telephone 723-9263. ~ | DININGROOM SUITE -- iwo rugs (9 x| ENTERTAINING? Fifly 1 hi RELIABLE WOMAN for | 4 ied goed ion 7 SUPPLIES mortgages. No bonus. First | ¥ PP idan sia | 965 BS , 650, Telephone 728-992: 2 ie and 7" x 9); chrome table and|people: Oshawa renls ae ee and light duties, live in, Alax 942-5056, ha Ca mortgages, second mortgages TELEVISION a a a anaeoee chairs; chesterfield suite; floor lamps|quets, parties, weddings, Bar, kitchen,|LICENSED HAIRDRESSER with exper- " WALTER Method of Counting -- Less thon 24 | ALE A ti | [@) oe JAWA MOTOR SCOOTER, in ex- and misc. small electric appliances. 723-|parking. 723-7726. ence. Apply Riveria Hair Styling me: 2 Method Onis or 2 words; each word,| SUPER FINE GRASS MIX Sent ae Ber FOR CLEANER, SHARPER -- |Selepnone vaz-sour. ve' 77 oth oun oe pas --~ one | 14--B 0 Simcoe. Shee. Seulh, ing ee initial, figure, or abbreviation counts os/ NO. | FINE GRASS MIX shined TV RECEPTION wp ash aad 3h ee ONE GE DEHUMIDIFIER, used one usiness Opportunities |° we MAITREGT --poautred. ane werd: | PARKLAWN GRASS. MIX M. F. SWARTZ Your Own 'a BSA 680" SPITEIRE, recently re) = SIX SERVICE BAYS |Y0t. 5. tee _| WE ARE OFFERING to the |APPIY Colonial Restaurant, 10 Bond st, ENTERP gis) ekass = SUBURBAN GRAS MIX : TV TOWER 6 SUZUKI $8,130 mile, ecaten| FOR FASTER SERVICE risee, SS playpens 45 tottie sterile right persons an opportunity ---- REAL E SOCIAL NOTICES TIMOTHY & ALSIKE 2642 King St. East | condition, $14. 616 Clarence Drive, n chair, $15 baby folder bed. 668-4861. to make excellent earnings aAaVaITTER WANTED stiesaaie A ne vectra ease end Pra eoereey ee Oshawa, Ontario | 728 5] 43 emo 5374. ba Sing g vote ig hag BLUNDELL PIANO, 8110. Telephone 723-| with a prime manufacturer of _|tion' provided. Telephone iaasivl otter Si LES Ug sports and trail, good condi- ev., lodge, ord, 1 ie («i ESTEE OM nos patented plastic household ES Wanted © N, aren, Lee ame INDIVIDUAL GRASSES 723-4697 Sits Baa GA Da tion, $130. or best offer. Telephone 68-| mouth, Pontioc. We correct, |FLOORS custom designed in colors and| products present! hold liom COMPANION wanied for taay, lanted tor vision it products presently merchan: Oshawa office. tach reafter plus 13e per line of GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 cious oa wheel alignment, inspect and |? i to provide a perfect background) ising through many of North Light duties. Telephone 985-7188, Port te der 4 within "Bejessienal asda diab lect EVERGREEN 6-9-6 "FIRST --- SECOND -- 5--Trailers correct castor and comber- |patio post decks senewurs 'eee a tl America's sersaat 'toilare in we WAR he have et ven s within ys. EVERGR Wi align toe - i nS : . Hol n 4 WE WA FIVE LAD whe have CARDS OF THANKS Cl ag a ee MORTGAGE FUNDS : pig ng " ry to [any sound surface, Inside er outside. See) @ multi-million dollar growth, | trangportatien, full or parttime. Tele- " is interested in ' @ Low Rates @ Immediat ion .... $7.95 |p jouw! secure, jet indu phone Bay Ridges, 639-2537. t $10,000 $2 "og pad si first Pag oot ond Te $O-GREEN 7-7-7 Cc pleas N li thik ' @ Ports extra if required mane _tor_ tren "setienee. Zee, MODEST. INVESTM (ade ¥ oe tac! ereafter wi ¢ additiona ommittment y fines i : a -- _ M i saeco ei ices shorge if not paid within 8 days. MILORGANITE tion. ote BUILT IN OSHAWA" Go-Go-Going @ Torsion bor adjustment | ate. in 00d conditions b8b. Call 668-6715 anteed by ri cl eek 18--Male Help | Wanted Taian gill Ree ee atileyi: $2.00 for the HeaT Moss A. ROSEN AT OUR OWN PLANT mith A WESTINGHOUSE custom dryer, approx.| pletely returnable. benefits, maxir first 20 words and 6c each thereafter | POTTING SOIL Member Ont. M.B.A. | We give you a better tower Tent troiler from $199., with BRAKE SPECIA HU Bod tion sn WE WILL contact you for @ MA olla iba Mord Ads). TANK SPRAYERS 725-0532 Evenings | for 168. money. mattresses 25 used trailers, 'i SPECIAL lawn mower, Briggs-Stration engine, ex- eee fully informative in- piatal rcalles UCTION, SALES oie and Weekends 728-5623 | models, in good condition; ost popular cars. First Sverhauleds $100. 'Port Perr ston" erview at our factory or in FOR if Oe TOE. 38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, Everything for the garden | FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale OSHAWA 7 V > be sold below cost, Moke Quality Rovaline, 4 wheels, ee en ee nee valle ie es fe) cant. agreement hase ' vy down. i rested in the H : "a Mn Suits eng Sree + N's | Rentals available from $25. $14.88 eral rage ace, 8 Made) person we appoint tom | ChICAgO, Illinois, GUIDE R ORD ADF previous ooper-Smith fee, oe ber, week ua Hitches made | Plus $2.00 Per Wheel ramus' rgercalias| time but the person must be 'aa ID mortgages avall-| . . | television, good condition, u @ person must Si $ OST AND FOUND able. W. Schatz Realtor, | TAUNT al 2 aie Se ADAY OF PUBLICATION co. Saat Nar: WHINY, Gan eck gh RD. E. MACDONALB'E TERACS . cabinet _model, $50. 'Télephone 576-1633.| prepared after a trial "'per- $2.53 to $3.48 Oskawa, | BIRTHS AND DEATHS 16 CELINA ST. } : ce Eost of Bad Bo ' Toe ee 'od' to go into full time. per hour (U.S. Dollars) : capes BIRTHS AND DEATHS sion vec" Here Painting and Decorating | 723-8131 723-8132 | Don't he late to save now, | WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL lauy AND SELL -- ood used fisiure des ott haw sore | (PLUS 10% PREMIUM Real E IN MEMORIUMS and [INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. Fri re So er a cae eal ncluding weights per wheel, and appliances. One location only. Prett ed rf to 70 ry Bay PREVIOUS ____DELIVERY SERVICE jmates. Call 723-1253 after $ p.m, eet vie i as a MO ate tiie eas $1.95 |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, Yaa. | BOX 31553 OSHAWA TIMES _ FOR SECOND SHIFT Salesr | Sidewalk Slobs © Patio Slabs o |PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, inte-| TRAD 2 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS %BED with Sertapedic mattress and | 15--Employment Wanted TIME. AND ONE-HALF CLASSIFIED DISPLAY jabs - rior and exterior. F timat ' " box spring, brand new. Telephone 725- lies tl Beet caoleeh eee boats cle CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | evieus; 2 eol-| Flag Stones - Planters = -- |iow prices. Telephone 72070 Clearance Sale FRONT-END WORK at 5253. PROFESSIONAL WINDOW, wall and FOR OVERTIME Piented for Os umns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous Dry Wolls - Sond PAINTING AND DECORATING, inie- YOUR PRESENT COMPARABLE PRICES BOY'S BICYCLE, 24" chrome wheels, floor. aintenance, residential and com-| 50 HOURS MINIMUM Poe eI Oppert CANCELLATIONS AND | BOWLER'S rior, exterior. Very reasonable prices. AERIAL 1967 Glendettes & Citations good condition. Telephone 728-9859. |/er lanitors" supplies, Multl-Clean gressive self - s CORRECTIONS | ; Free estimates. J, O'Toole, 576-182 any! Catamaran Sail Boat UNIROYAL te TWO.WAY vedio for" m9. Soir Service, 725-1885. PER WEEK mum duty time 5 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION GARDENING SERVICE time. j All Troiler Ports and A cae 'WAY radio for sale. Telephone! witt MIND child i ee this: would tnitial aii ithe ileal ecamenied Qa Phone 728-7787, Oshaowo, Ont. | Plus sbina: Erase | sories Priced To Clear Buy CENTRES tay MOTOR com jetely rebuilt, @ sete eure ve rerumee. aYetaes MUST "have two or more 2 salesperson ubtieatio (aoa oth ; A eo ; insertion. _ Sy Lowns peed - Sodded - rlumbing cn j Heatin re) iow. cellent buy. Private sale. Siners Molors SECRETARY" REQUIRGS tmployment, beak af experience ple: up poate) ea BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 ertilized | CABLE TV The New Home of Product, Call 723-6794. = Jienced In shorthand, ee nope] com ileprints 'and. matory Be Vaden While every endeavor will-be made to| Pruning - Hedge Clipping « Plumbing Discount | COOK'S TRAILER DOMINION TIRE STORES FOUR-BURNER electric Reason: |stenographic dutles. Phone 576-3001 arti ing castings, weldments and Bob Johnston, forward replies to box numbers to the! Fertilizers - Trees - Hedging « | SALES LTD. 17 Pork Road South Sep In good condition. Telephone 725-jtime, ask for Mrs, Laidlaw, other machine parts on one of . ge NE cg og J oes Nursery Stock 149 Brock St. North | OSHAWA 1910 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa _Phone 725-6511. 1 SW FIN Calon ioblei ona ene OnE amy, uly as recen-| the following: Jack Rick domoged alleged to arise through ei either | --} WHITBY -- 668-6601 CABLE TV Open Evenings 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. mene =| self-propelled reel he aera aver; Wn Box WlhL Oeewe tie Turret Lathes 99 King ilure or delay in forwarding s: re four doors, 2' 4x 6'6", electri tor, as dive Meta itbr iobecher H Biee teweve: caused. Wether Py eo) Hillside Landscaping | Direct to you, plumbing sup LTD TENT TRAILER for rent. Telephone A L UMINUM halt Horsepower, 72-06 cians og! ey Hg By a vane oe pat 35 remomibie or raplles ied vl | plies. Everything in the | after 6 +6279. ' TWO WINTER and one spring coats) Peaienable tales Preleuna eae ot ertical Turret Lathes 623-2503 or in 20 days. Rock garden, stepping stones, | plumbing line. 20% off all Looe _723- 5278 TENT 1966 ni zip d @ SIDING Hid Kit sodl three-piece winter out-| 723-1492. : Cee External Grinders sidewalk slobs, patio slobs. supplies q ore ------\ windows, foam matt year's ING its. 'Telephone 723-8825. === TWILL «CARE for one or two | al Millini i ee ar REGULATIONS pies eal ote TELEVISION = RADIO jlicence, $300, Telephone 723.2930. @ AWNINGS HACIERARGAAE ACT GRUGION wi lfive Wate WO eet Hee asiey ig Machines THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT ce j 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m die 1967 GOLDEN Falcon, 17 foot sleeps six @ WINDOWS contin Tae ee swivel base, excelient|/Road South. Telephone 576-0390. riting Machines ACCOUD Serie aha IARUE:| Telephone 723-9020 | SATURDAY 9 am.--5 pm. | | snTOuE ani _alltgeee Ge et! Ei Internal Gri THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE|- See CLOSED WEDNESDAY | lia" MeGINN with matching buffet, valued ee lcided te ry Con hone at aa eueg| Laternal Grinders Monufacturi N eGINNESS house trailer, Sleeps Ing butfet, valued at $1,200, Viged in my own. home at 114 Euclid , yk lanufacturing VERTISEMENT. NOR BEYOND. THE, = J KX AM ve ALL TYPES. repairs | HOLMES fiva, Telephone 728-026. EVENISS __ [censttingorone "Cont ™atye" che [see erent tere -- Horizontal Boring cated in Whitby PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN-| S RA |new pairs and remodelling, | |ROAD KNIGHT camp trailer, used three ker with fo " ch, 'solid| 17 --Fe \ ed Machi experienced SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS aes Patients eee i teed ELECTRONI ©. wheel, rocker with footstool and couch, solid|17----Female Help Wanted achines per acco comp rates, Estimates free. 723-1191. J Foley |weekends, had a tad i Sipe eiren SALES LTD were with imported woollen yi : addition to thei it » like new, le jn at 1 a Ten sem rere LANDSCAPING Rug - Upholstery Service | ise Som 15 Prince St. 725-4632 [fie Bret oneal Florina @| © WANTED NOW ! eae Se TN Thay eo proper cl : tiated Ail utd dl 1 V RENTALS |1958 CANADIAN STAR- mobile trailer)" ciTY TV P = qT i : OFFS porting. directly | Ih televisions, radios, SRT see eenagers, mothers, grand- A j | GARDEN SERVICE OSHAWA a TOWERS | 50 XD eet See nene Leen service and repairs. Service DARE; refrigerator, 9.8 cubic] mothers, Start at once to UTOMATIC INCREASES Surat touting Sel RUG | |TRAILER HITCHES made and installed. DONS. .oetvicg ams ae Condition. Telephone 725-2774.) 5 oe : -- ALL BENEFITS Paration of me le 728-8: 8267 UG CLEANERS | PHONE 668-5679 Dee Ur tyres ot welding' dene. Portabie| dept. open 7 days a week. |FIVE-PIECE grey chrome set_in good) Cy vs ce exciting line of IN attractive residential ments and the Me Beeson Be cid ae | + ____Jequipment for rent, 723-6840. Also T.V. t tondiiions $t $15. Telephon Christmas cards and gift \ Lilacs isi ishers Professional rug and uphol- | : . towers, color and jephone 725-8950. rae Usk gifts to near rapid transportation. and supervision « iy PATIO | stery cleaning done in your SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 5A--Camping Bock aoe write Vy, Oaten ar anes Do tives *e ie "ages Py Frere Ment > available with: ene * ony inuccieaclia th S BUILT. | home or our office. Call for Rost TV. Ser nas, rotors installed. | Sales Bade s. Earn extra cash for | in walking distance. Helpful with ability. are contained therein. information ae yice SEASON-END CLEARANCE ond Service 9 a.m, to 9 pm. ye SELL -- RCA Whiripoal washer-| Christmas this easy way. No people speak your language ses ckiW oh BLAEE A sf N 48 Quebec St. Call 725- ioe combination, Never been ust experience needed. Our cata- 3 j TIMES ACTION WANT AD AND REBUILT 725-996 | DOMINION on ALL Trailers, Tents 9500. All work guoronteed. er ane + foot beouttt Seta ee FOR interview, see our wae 4 a ---- - ne % ; i Cell Classified Direet | RE-UPHOLSTERING TELEVISION and Camping Supplies co soa reirgerator and) %. bed Talephone 42|° Coto helps you to ger ple MR. CORBETT aint 723-3492 i | 725-9332 | af eae kal : aN fern . a Phone 728-3] Je | @ Wide Utes of Fabrics _728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. _ iho ar. : HOLIDAY SPECIAL a CHRYSLER er i motor and trans: Mia fag adi today io A: 12 a4 POW @ Workmanship G t ! railer Rentals Still Available 50' 1%. inch heavy-dut Z ae deed tes es On OPPIova! ug. INDEX TO Hillside' Land (ive arf vaat lly JOE'S COLOR Vv For August and September, structure with double B2-13 GARAGE for sole. 18 £.> ise ~ Pah 3 og sa 2. or pegs the 3, , » etc., lacked up, rd Co., : , CLASSIFICATIONS e Landscaping @ Easy Budget Terms--Free and Radio Service KAMPING PAA tide Mears com- jready to move, Also 130 cement blocks:| Cannon St Hamilton. . KING EDWARD HOTEL sccidoins : Soddi sy Estimates v pletely installed, r : - E --Women's Column odding. end. seeding, green @ Over 20 years experience SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, Sim- AVON CALLING 37 King Street E Requires exp 2--Perso velvet sods, Marion blue and p TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143. Ipiicity, T ol 9 ast 3-Sportsman's Column Kentucky blue, also No. 1 THE FURNITURE CENTRE EUROPEAN RADIOS AND UNLIMITED - Be ee ere a8 4 es tatoo hy eed Aeieato, 4--Motorcycles f ad 4 90 Simcoe St. North TAPE REC Sea! Seon VOUT Parmons you live field sod CORDER REPAIRS R r ANTI A 5--Trailers d 5 EER Sc thirck hd at te eee ental --- Sales -- Stor QUE dining room suite, 8 pieces, ' , IF 6--Marine Equipment 13 Bond W. 576-1 1670 _ 5 es : 'ga SUMMERTIME SPECIALS color dark brown, in very Good condi daioy ti neal Ald on thie: arin " Hae : 7-Swap and Barter _Telephone 723-9020 | PROFESSIONAL T. aie 3 ie Die hpi see get ; ; ot Hon, Make offer: After 2 pm.. apply 286 seh y turn aa spore time into , write to: rticles for Sale | Rustad isa a oN | mile north o in t. East % ney ---- Service customers J ere een r || RUG CLEANING oo 42 ween s Fur. a ae eer ee | td. UIT CLER N--Pets and Livestoce MERION-KENTUCKY SOD A 2 Day Service ALCAN 728-9942 Pforighthacd Poot deved 29.95, Market Basket perience "required. We. train «J. LL 12--Articles Wanted BLUE GRASS rea Pick-Up and Delivery RRS LARS HS CLO -pe. sterfield suite r FRESH VEGETABLES. Tomatoes, pep-| You. For further information App! les 6--, ; " B pply to Store WeArticles for Rent All-Green Nursery Aneus-Grava FURNITURE and Marine Equipment 3 ah pripeedg AR Bag pers, onions and potatoes. Walter Huron] write or coll Mrs. J. Hill, 140 MACHINE CO, 564 King $ 1S--Employment Wantes Sod Gr g ayaon APPLIANCES CHRIS CRAFT hoch derlicg vied. Nonquon Road, Oshawa, 725- | 4101 N. Ravenswood Ave. _ 564 King $ \e-Agents Wanted owers 728-6254 452 Simcoe South SALES and SERVICE PICK YOUR own large willamette tasp-|--202¢- Chicago, Illinois 60613 18---Male Help Wanted Sok Fy aes Welcome |RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- _723-0011 McVay fibreglas sail boats, WE REPAIR beri ot creme. farm. Ne che: UU BARN EXTRA 'U ee URGENTLY W. Bope cuss be ee a ae -- _TOWNLINE N ished 20. years. Workmanship. guaran-|NE AL' os Crestliner, Peterborough and Appliances, household art- |phone- 668-4608 i ae ee BREE AES Eero ae Italian Spe 20a-- Summer Properties 2 ALAR soldi i eescar sn ah Credit terms. Mat-| Radio, Ww repairs. Guaranteed "| Northeraft runabouts. Evin- icles, garden equipment. APPLES -- small yellow Tr =y MONEY ex Real E 2i--Farms for Sale | Oshawa Upholstering, 287 'Dean Avenue, neo oe rude outboard motors. GEORGE'S FIX IT SHOP |$132.8 bushel. Bring own containers,| Show Canada's finest line of WANTED eal Estates sees 1 ee | GOOD STOCK SO D 725.0311 W TOWERS" 'SPECIAL -- 4d-foot tower Oshawa Yachthaven Algoma. Orchards Ltd., Thickson's Road| Christmas cards, Wraps, No- We have an imn -- : | = eS SR CTI r , all: ' i 3 i 24--Stores Offices and Storage ULTIVATED FIELD Lit hag ad aad ies Lal outbred $50, Oshawa TV. Supply Limied, 'Teonton 723-8186 ape ary ot Be ay CUCUMBERS "ad tatoes, $1.00 per ag rab ain aie IMMEDIATELY BEY TE Sn. s r Ni . ree estima' 7 co ai - ' a i - vases Toe eat Excellent Quality, Low Prices, [rial Nee tecoon ns. i, Cas. mate-|Road East, [ust east of Ritson' Road." ___$68-6211 or 725-8427 _| 11-41. basket. Bring containers. Harry mated abalatus errilin. on 2 experienced Real Halts He peli 24a Expo Accommodation uded 'or Dalivered to order, Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles 2--Personal_ CLEARANCE RUTHERFORD'S Townsend Greentovses, No. 12 Him) pproval and stiey ot Abe ad Sia ougell ren Roots gece Sales exp | flor Ren' id a 2 ASM ; ry 7 e x ice. 'erre: ut not nec 2--R Visitors Wel _----- 12 ft. Aluminum car top. ivi ----___.____-| _ vice, Jeandron Greeting Card R ; Wanted to. Rent 79 5 -- ATTENTION ! Ae eed gurcom arouns, Living Roo, 19A--Eggs & Poultry eo: is Tees eg se sd. vee et ta ee, a law ined Gor 30--Automobiles for Sale | # Anyone witnessing an acci- , m, , Hamilton, Ont. . " is' of leads. a late mo car. 3--Compact Cars for Sale Be _ 725-9674 TIMES ACTION bk thet "occurred, "approx: M Arie STORA SA9?,, S52Y. S679. SOW TED walle aute tae tow sieges edvettising fro: Seo Trvees fer sae |GENERAL LANDSCAPING and home Frataly, 9140. aim, Monday, RINE STORAGE terms. Immediate delivery or |Pitkeq oS on shave, as5-a782 F . 9 raws plus good com- GUIDE RE aieratoniaenle Hebel jmaintenance, roto - tilting. ploughing.| CLASSIFIED ADS July 24, 1967 on highway and SUPPLY LTD. layaway. : : o ; IF IT'S FOR SALE mission arrangements, All in- LIMITE 0! ces, i! th is ' $ le 3S--Lost and Found Datlos, fences, exterior painting, elc. 655 4G): ahork ditance "waite of 655-3641 Open to 9 P.M. Aer heinagioggin S 10--Farmer's Column AN si ae pes and con- 16 Simese. Stes St eetione KING WEST GARDEN | rE. Com. : ! Liverpool! Rd. please call |"STARCRAFT," GREW, Traveller boats. imcoe St. South Spiraea gE: : ; pe Events prerssel ne prance lensing BRING RESULTS! collect, Mr. Miller, Toronto, Exe motors Open seven "anys seAUTIFY AND. protect asphalt drive- BEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock. pick eae he rg 8 AD JOHN KOSTENIUK aren Prop, H. Lamers, 247-8655 er 621-2899. My arine Storage and Supply Ltd., ways with Sakrete, sealer. Profession-|Tyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263- 942-3310 . reokiin 455-3641, lied, : ls ally applied, Telephone 725-0085, 2741, Licence 101-C-67, GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD, 'Wa nt- Ads : Cost-The) ¢ '

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