Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Aug 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 9, 1967 COUNTY LINES Group Meeting Shown - Interesting Church Find BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mrss.{and family ,Melfort, Sask.; Mrs. Ralph Larmer gave a talk on/J. §, Ferguson, Nelson, B.C.; some of the customs of earlier ; years at the Candace Unit meet.| Mt. and Mrs. R. Poisson, Lon- ing held at Mrs. Harold Kyte's| don, Ont.; Miss Eleanor Fergu- cottage at Caesarea. |son, Edmonton; Rev. and Mrs. She displayed the stone jug|C. H. Ferguson, Don Mills; Mr. TORONTO | Distrii z rights, xw--Ex- from previous b found by the men who renovated jand Mrs. Reg Smelt, Seven the United Church. The jug con-| Oaks, London, England. Stock Sal tained the names of the builders, Accra age: the church board and officials 4 posers 1 as well as a 1887 copy of. The Bus Trip ang Am 10M Canadian Statesman, Bowman-') BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- The Ang U Dev 10 ville. e! Shirley Women's Institute spon- Argosy 12 Armore 162¢ Arcadia 106 A letter ,telling of its work,| sored a bus trip to the Earl Cox was read from the United|Gardens, Barrie, and the pot- Church Women of White Horse,|tery industries in the Colling- in the Yukon. |wood area. Atl C Cop x Belletere bal: Bethim 9 Black Bay 206 Bounty Ex 106 Holiday Tours | WI Meeting ' sect E- Bunker H BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mr.| BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Mem- and Mrs. Carl Wright are visit-|bers of the Women's Institute ing Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bilbie,|/held a social gathering at Mr. One Hundred Mile House, B.C.j/and Mrs. Kenneth Samells' cot- Mrs. Albert Wright is on a con-|tage, View Lake. Mrs. Lorne ducted bus tour to the east/Thompson related highlights of coast. | her visit to Melfort, Sask., Mrs. |Grant Thompson gave an insight sey into her visit to Expo while Mrs. Many Visitors J. A. McArthur and Miss Ida Cdn Keely 15 ' AN . ~ Cc Nisto Candore 100 Can-fer 1x - Cantri 45 Captain 37 ' 1 A . ' x ~~ 7. _., chee a a Fs eS ry \ Be € Tung 32 \ ' C Jamiesn = 72 r Mae 2 . e aa Pett tee Db imo Coch Will 722 6 "_ Pores BLACKSTOCK (TC) --Among | Dempsey told of their trip to} i Coin Lake the visitors in the district are | Paris, Germany, Holland, Italy, / Sonleges 1 Rev. and Mrs. Merle Thompson! Austria and the British Isles. f con early oo © Mogul 11 C Morisn 10 5 7 Cc Neg 4126 Con Nichol 25( Laxity By Case Workers -- / evga | / ! 5 4 ' Sonnet i: . s ] PRICES EFFECTIVE 3 os Cop. 125¢ Denied By Welfare Chief ee Wire : . | ae, 3 od NA! , cis A a i ' Be i Delde, - 134 F Denison 6 sioner has denied charges by East Mal 1 four of his case workers that|off by the department because 602 investigation of claims for wel-|of fear of political interference NG . : Endako 36 fare is so lax that almost any-|and because some officials feel KI JAR pig Ge _ body who can tell a good story|/they would not get public back- Glens 160¢ sf SIZE Goldray 150 * of 1s ; ° can live in the area without) ing for prosecutions; SPECIAL! . ¢ ier - ih LOTION EA - f P LA ST Ic Granduc 62 DETERGENT BOTTLE on a TORONTO (CP) -- Metropoli-| women, to use taxis to pick up or to's welf: ommis- | their cheques; 57 ! Di Ses aims han pete §SPECIAL! 27; OFF LAUNDRY DETERGENT SPECIAL! NABOB 99: bomen aida working. | Some welfare workers get Commissioner Norman G. An-j "case-hardened" and have little derson said in an interview]/interest in the welfare of people today there have been some|seeking help. abuses and that it would be im-|/ NO INTERFERENCE " Gulf L 00 possible to detect all of them; Mr. Andersen, a former di- 1 without a substantial dncreden [rector of Ontario's general wel- SPECIAL: FROZEN JA FFA / SPEC IAL! b+ OFF pelo be in his department's staff of 450.|fare assistance programs, said 96 FL. OZ Heath 200 However, he rejected the/he did not know of a single case ° . PN all a charges of wholesale abuses of political interference. ' 2 / PLASTIC Hoge Bay 1 made by four unidentified em-| He also denied that large ¢ U-Pam ~ ployees and published today in|frauds were simply written off. : BOTTLE ' io ex e a front-page article in The Star.| 'If a man is found not to SPECIAL! SPECIAL! REGULAR OR DIET Jaye Exp 400 THE CHARGES: |have declared his true income, 1 --Aldermen often interfere in|there is no use trying to re- SPECIAL! 4; OFF KRAFT PLAIN DOMESTIC 1LB. ¢ PERG WFLOZ ¢ ae Kelly Di 5 SIX BOTTLE PLUS yee ae department decisions in order/cover all that at once, as it is R PKG to keep constituents drawing|taken off subsequent cheques. ¢ # iq Se SLiC ES SHO TENING F COLA CARTON DEPOS Kid Coper 670 cheques; | His family still has to live. It Lab Min 25 --Frequent frauds are com-| Mr. Anderson said that of the SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS ' ' - Dotee Aa mitted by welfare applicants; | 11,000 cases now on the area's SPECIAL! ALL VARIETIES BETTY CROCKER thine 10 --Fifty per cent of the|welfare lists, only 1,100 could MACAROON 13 oz ¢ CASSEROLE ¢ tL Lae % ounger, "fully employable' |be called single employabl ) Tingle = Go | sera $SPECIAL' ASSORTED COLOURS - VANITY CRISPS 30 BIS. jal ? DINNERS PKGS. ) Mattgm! 22 single men on fhe department's|men. Some of these were only welfare rolls should be work-|partially employable and this 2 PLY CELLO BAG ing; included men in their 50s who Mc Adam 100 --Some doctors conduct only|are poorly educated and uns- SPECIAL! FANCY ASSORTED SPECIAL! WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE \, aan Ve eursory examinations of appli-|killed. AYLMER am cants, there is no follow-up on| All of them had to follow the 14 FL. ¢ VANCAMPS 28 FL. ¢ New Ath 50 br morepae eg ane ae pensnens nt tit seemiasien Fpl an - -- ann PEAS . Bc BEANS oz. Newcon "30 ments of the capabilities of wel-|employable recipient of welfare fare Ne to take jobs; P pertene ya acia ch 89 Bd the SPECIAL: F OOD WRAP JUMBO SIZE SPECIA TINS --It is not uncommon for| National mploymen ervice u! 01 some recipients, usually!twice a month. SARAN WRAP oy ner CHOCOLATE. FROZEN DYSON OGORKI SMe, aa es 'N Senator 350 16 OZ. ¢ 32 FL. ¢ Nick Rim 25 ROLL BOX oz Nor Acme 100 ° ; Norbe! Grandfather Of Westerns, CAKE PKG. PICKLES oie § SPECIAL! BETTY CROCKER HOMOGENIZED SPECIAL! HEINZ Neth Exp Ion 1 ' ' SPECIAL! ST. LAWRENCE e Gunsmoke 'Family Show 25 FL 02 PIECRUST = %..0. $00 WHITE = "siti ne ce By CYNTHIA LOWRY | At one time it was openly TIN MIX PKGS. VINEGAR 33,Ft. OF. 32¢. oreren we 504 HOLLYWOOD (AP)--Guns-| suggested that the girls at the Rating moke, grandfather of televi-|/Long Branch saloon lived up- Pax int 300 Pce Exp 1210 sion's "adult westerns," will) stairs. 1 SPECIAL! IDEAL FOR fee start its 13th season as what| 'It was never anybody's wish | SPECIAL! MONADES SWEET PICKLED aes aca Pick Crow Fe the industry calls 'a family|to clean up the Long Branch," } ine Point 24 show." |Mantley said. "It was quite 32 FL.OZ. hg ieee The switch is occasioned by | openly shown as a period broth- JAR Preston CBS's moving the show from a el. BY THE PIECE oe Man 109 Ogle das LB Radiore 370 RHeeseeees oe ' Rie Algom 22 } Romen 218 : 200 late Saturday evening spot to! "It was obvious that the girls' on early Monday erera the bulk to. buy drinks. But then after] CALIFORNIA'S FINEST! NO.1 GRADE! of the old Gunsmoke audience | the clamp-down on sex and vio- ¢ ee Sronaes eee ee VINE = LARGE 4g SPECIAL! MEATY arn ence willbe heavily laced wih spring came when CBS announ RIPENED E PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS : 65° iii. 8 Fw eer eeee i vmq 50 small fry. It is devoutly be-| ced the end of the series--a de- ' lieved in televisionland hat cision which shocked the] FROM CALIFORNIA! NO.1 GRADE! pied B children control television dials|producer and cast as much as SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS Steep R 160% as long as they are up. lit did the western's fans. The QUART oe 2 Producer John Mantley in-\series had always been a Texmont ---120 sists that the change, with one|steady but not stellar per- BOX BRAUNSCHWEIGER, LIVER & BACON or 8:02 6} LU ae exception, will not affect the se- former in the ratings. | igen B dsd ggg Ac ee hey conse SANDWICH SPREAD ROLLS ..............-....-0c0scsccsessuse EACH = & "The exception will be that;that the show was being 1 rin C 2760 Kitty will never be manhan-| dropped because its appeal was FAMOUS OUTSPAN BRAND! SPECIAL! PENNYWISE Un kane oe died," Mantley said. '"'She may | primarily to older people resid- LARGE Upp Can 20 be roughed up now and then by| ing outside of cities. SIZE - 1-LB bed A, villains and outlaws but it will) Almost immediate reversal of me thd Wileo 220, never go beyond that." \the death sentence, Mantley be- Doz reer ett unto Sp neneneeeertesseenmrt RG. 1a Wiley 210 MORE CONSERVATIVE lieves, was dictated by public} '* b3 z 'pT \s . 7 Yale L Over the years Gunsmoke has|response to the cancellation-- oe &e = WOOL BLANKET OF ia ¢ Yukon ray 100 become more conservative injincluding the threats of some} WITH Courodl & PURCHASE OF b ipiphospatehelebocapeccey uy WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Wt its treatment of sexual themes,! midwestern television stations eer ake © | Nien | ONE 32 FL. OF, JAR ONE 15}-07. PKG, Ad es ; WARMTH! » OIL! ay CZ .' . ante. caver " 'pe | Ni BETTY CROCKER m s e : Mantley said. When the series to sever their ties with CBS. TOMATO JUICE CORN RELISH oie sacl tie Pret PIE MIX CHEESE or SAUSAGE e Yet so lightweight. Richly satin bound. haan ae was 30 minutes long ,"we never | Now, with a new position in the Sr ee aera ef MMR ai casted bar 5k CREAM PIZZA : Rose, fight green, marigold, sandalwood and ie Santt 37 tried to disabuse the audience |network schedule--Mondays at 1e neem anne a ye, Or 'sannick . : fon of the idea that there was a ro-|7.30 p.m.--the producer thinks WITH CUPS & PURCILADE OF z : ub tanesd C Ex Gas 2K mance going between Matt and|that the old show has several! | | ONE 18 25 FY, ROLL BOX | WANY ONT 16 FL OL er | an OMe | on ae 1 ; 72x90. cecceeeceeses POguiarly 12.98 each g SHomesta itt. °° | ' ; « . _ aia more years of Me in ik ae ALEAN FOUL ae via em a sale! 9.88 0 9 co"? 2 gn i sesiomnivn eu roe wax TEIN a" CLOTHS | Mime, OLIVES ' Franch Pts Ke COUPON EXPICRS AUG, 16 Stamps Hd STAMPS Exod Bd : Gr Plains 22! Calgarian Carries Battle c= we 1 \ all id ane OF j win'ty JALITY Nomee TEA BAGS EXTRA EXTRA For 'Sweeps. To Cabinet rs Ee A sane B sias , ) | "CALDWELL" BATH a" 2 OTTAWA (CP)--A Calgary|been on the road since last bay arpa gras er ona a8 pahgopendageos pepe eng - & HAND TOWELS piece @ 350 grandmother who wants to set/March, often sleeping in her 3x. oF SMELLS & sPAGH NO ALORME SWEETENER piety : Thick 'n' thi Ranger 2200 up a Canadian sweepstake has|small English car "and getting CABBAGE ROLLS Biarerry 1 MEAT SPREADS Siippen pepe «= SWEET 10 feo PINEAPPLE JUICE . ps fn' thirsty towels in absorbent cotton. Scurry Rn 490 brought her campaign to the/eaten by mosquitoes." 16 couron nxviess Au8. 16 EES f roe couren rxries Ave. 16 MERAY xe ecouron movent Aue. 16 AMRSPYAE 130 couron wens Ave 16 RSME ie couron neriss ave. 16 ZS dd Sz Tried Ol 70 cabinet. PLANS TIGHT CONTROL t oobad a Mrs. English is armed with} Mrs. English says 'the sweep- WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH CoUrON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'Wn Chasen & Fencneaa oF foera sore g vena OF wae ~ a 500,000-signature petition fa-|stake should be operated under A ss sane . A pga lig hs pach Dad mh; mh; ; Ont 1407. PKa, segata lgsaeets ONE 7-07. SHAKER Wespec 2300 ---yoring a national sweepstake|strict government control, with PALMOLIVE GREEN or PINK CLOTHES PINS sonen Serene SARA LEE FROZEN MeCORMICK'S LAWRY'S y eet 1200 with proceeds going to medical/jtickets sold in banks. She says TOILET SOAP OARAMEL WAFERS EXTRA MERIT EXTRA EXTRA CHEESECAKE irre GRAHAM CRUMBS DUTCH CLEANSER SEASONED SALT : w 100 Pp going | D y tat courON ExPints AUS. 16 faz COUPON mxPrnes AUS. 16 K2n COUPON Exnines AUG. 16 A KA CoURON HoPmES AVE. TE kas COUPON E7ints AUS. 16 WaP COUPON Exrin : research. She hopes to speak to| her idea is supported by the Ca- 4 STAMPS bs STAMPS STAMPS 15 AUG. 16 MRE EL KAR COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 16 Kay COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 16 --_ cabinet ministers about her/nadian Chamber of Commerce, Bsc , app fabioet on later this week. - (the Canadian Bar Association a gi ck fn mpeg lage onic ggg war 'nee Stee nk OR Porras si She says public opinion polls|and some MPs. -- Pozen atl, VARIETIES Armteroee ror JOHNSON'S WHITE LIQUID A 5 Fe FABRIC SOFTENER CAWAY'S ITALIAN STYLE BITTY CROCKER DIX have shown about 80 per cent of} Several private members' CREAM PIES FREEZER PAPER fareepys GARBAGE BAGS pirve SHOE CLEANER Prva PAPER TOWELS Enea cin NU-FLUFF Sener Sa000 IK M2 BROWNIE MIX Canadians favor the idea.|bills have been introduced in Hs COUPON ExPAES AUS. 16 1a7_couron mxrines Ave. 16 MMMEDE TL Sg K22 couroM Dcrines AUS. 16 TAMBGET TS 129 couron nxmes ave. 16 MMESAT Tg koe COUrCN EXPIRES AUS. 16 BARES EYEE STAMPS Kd COUPON RXPIRES AUG, 16 F About $10,000,000 now is spent) Parliament supporting a nation- : | illegally each year in Canadalal sweepstake, "but they've agit covet baconpates 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF spell liege {WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF | OIL Fu on sweepstake tickets from! just been talked out." peed Boog Head ndoadstiirg ANY ONE 12.02, JAR | swe} ; % SERVING 0: other countries Mrs. English hopes to see YANCY socKr | SWISS CHOCOLATE { ' s. English, 54, has been|Justice Minister Trudeau and WARDI-WRAP RED SALMON EXTRA PEARS £ s OVALTINE bY TOMATOES f | 50 ° Mrs. English, 54 a {OT COUPON aries AUG. 16 ina couron mxrines AUG. 16 MMMREET TSE MBP @OUrOM Erte 1 COURCH EXPIRES AU, YS Cd none aye. 16 | working on the project since)/Health Minister MacEachen, i : picidiailana : | 24-HOUR 1962. Then a cook in a Calgary|whose department would handle hospital, she made a coast-to-| the proceeds of a sweep, to con- 313 ALI coast trig distributing petitions.|vince them to introduce legisla- . : . i : e ae ceclishborn wisew has'tien, Oshawa Shopping Centre Open Wed., Thurs. & Fri. till 9:30 p.m. -- Downtown Store Open Thur & Fri. till 9 P.M. 723- Socom ] HOSP ES RSD>SPRARZ RSPEI ERR ERT en Can LE ae ie AGP ES ap the OF AP Ha a ORE fo Ae hoch ig FNL GEE PEL OL LB fae he dk a pails. Soe pet Sin its ean tae as eas a a al dai a A Ni eS ioe nae

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