t Ads' WANTED NOW ! nagers, mothers, grand- hers. Start at once to y our exciting line of stmas ecards and gifts to ids, neighbours, rela s, Earn extra cash for stmas this easy woy. No srience needed. Our cata- e, with over 300 items itifully illustrated in full- ur, helps you to get plen- f orders. Write today for stmas cards on approval free catalogue. Monarch i Co., Dept. .22, 217 non St., Hamilton. hoe Saleslady (Man) leading most modern jioned shoe store in Osh- .. 18-35, Shoe selling or ng experience an asset, d salary ond commission. vy Canadians welcomed. phone today, 728-7611. ANT five ladies who have trans n, full or part time work. Tele- 112 - 839 - 2537. FOR SALAD BAR, with or with- yerience. Apply to the Genosha Dshawa. 1D - MATURE lady over 25 for jime help in variety stere, nights pek-ends. Telephone 725-8249 af- SLE PERSON - part time baby- seven month old girl, Monday- two weeks about. Light house- ties, 728-2949 after 4:30 p.m. RED: pert - time waitress for | dining lounge. Apply South End 5 Bloor St. -E. GO DANCER required, steady, Rick Manning 725-3743. Y POSITION offered to reliable onest woman to care for two » 5 and 9, in happy home. Light private room. salary. ; at business, 723-3211 days, 725- enings ANT, responsible female = re- for permanent position in Oshawa September 1. Write Box 31480, } Times, stating qualifications, ferences. NTICE needed for Modella Hair- For information see Canada ver only ITTER - HOMEMAKER required tember Ist. One infant, Telephone RESSER -- with minimum of fears' experience in Oshawa, top Riviera Colffures, 600 King East, East Mall Plaza, 723-860) Male Help Wanted ISHAWA PUBLIC LITIES COMMISSION REQUIRES Licensed Body Aan Mechanic st have cor and truck erience, knowledge of es would be an asset. 40 r week, ges $3.06 per hour. Bene- include 9 statuatory hole ys, 1% days @ month, umulative sick leave, jits, pension, hospitiliza- , PSA. Life-insurance, eralls supplied, 'ations; 2 weeks ofter one r, 3 weeks ofter seven rs, 4 weeks ofter firteen rs. replies held confidential. ly by letter only, giving inent information to: Mr, L. Algar, 100. Simcoe Street $., Oshawa, Ontario. Dpportunities Unlimited VE WANT TOP MEN HO ARE INTERESTED IN MAKING OVER $10,000 a Year -NTERPRISING REAL ESTATB SALESMAN our expanding business greatly increased en- ies. To the successful icant we offer: |) Top Commissions 2) Bonuses 3) Employee Benefits 4) Maximum Aanagement 5) Unlimited dvertisement se send resume giving plete particulars to Box 34, Oshawa Times. Assistonce RANK L ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 to increased business in district, we are opening anch in Oshawa, and im- lately require experienced ; personnel to staff this e. This.is your opport- y to become associated one of the most progres- businesses in the area, confidential interview. ALTER FRANK Ad J MA Ae POWER UPERMARKET Requires experienced GROCERY CLERK ply to Store Manager, 64 King St. East wanted "articles, Phone 723-3498 18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale J20--Reel Estate for Sale 20---Reol Estate for Sole 20--Real Estate for Sale ACCOUNTANT Monufocturing compony lo- cated in Whitby requires on experienced accountant as an addition to their staff. This is a responsible position re- porting directly to the trea- surer, Duties-will include pre- poration of monthly state- ments and the setting up and supervision of a cost sys- tem. Salary commensurate with obility. Write Box 31433, OSHAWA TIMES LIKE SELLING? 1 require two men to stort immediately in our very active Oshawa Real Estate Office. Excellent new home, and guoronteed trade-in plan Call for a confidential inter- view and ask for J. B. McMullan 7125-3997, 1a McMULLAN & CO On PLUMBER or TINSMITH phone 987-4822 Ready Mix Drivers APPLY or 987-4222 _ Curran and Briggs READY MIX LIMITED 991 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa STUDENTS - 2 STRONG young men for 1 day to help mover, Good pay. Phone 723-6962 between 9 - 10:30 8.m. PART. OR FULL-TIME driving instruc tor, Canada Driving School. 7728-481) Telephone SALES HELP wanted full and part - time, to sell vinyl coated fencing, turf, patio stones, etc. Fords' loam, Hwy. 2 Ajax 942-1154, Supplies : rides 19--Male and Female Help Wanted _ Manager for Grocery Store $1,000 cash bond required. APPLY sli hl! EXPERIENCED Grocery manoger, meot cut- ters, produce men and cash- iers. APPLY BOX 31551 Garden Sa | | | MEN, LADIES, students with cer can make $100 weekly with Fuller. Part time or full time in Oshawa, Bowmen- ville, Whitby. 728-4922. ae LADIES OR RETIRED men. Do le you need or desire part time work? Market research can provide this extra If interested income. Times, giving ° particulars Oshawa cluding address and telephone No. write box M31514 In- CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD Manager 4 19th Century Elegance Large 3 storey 12 room brick residence plus basement apartment situated on large lot_in Whitby, Ontario, fea- turing 19th century reflec- tions of architecture, includ- ing panelled living room walls, 2 fireplaces, 3. bath- rooms, built-in china cabinet, and large sun porch. Present- ly showing substantial returns. Requires $16,000 down. This is not an ordinary residence. 20-Suite Apartment Modern electrically heated apartment building with bal- conies and walk-outs. Build- ing is just three years old and is located in the best rental area in the city. All suites ore leased and proper- ty shows excellent returns on investment, 6 Acres and 3 Bedroom Home Only $14,300 for this 1% storey home with aluminum siding and new furnace. Many other features make this a very attractive buy. Located east. of Oshawa on Preston Road near No. 2 Highway. Do not delay, but phone at once for appoint- ment. Large Family Residence -- Port Perry 10 room, 2 storey brick re- sidence -- spacious 88' cor- ner lot -- separated dining room --- 5 bedrooms -- walk in pantry --- garage. Situated on good street in active re- sort and country town. Just 15 miles from Oshawa. Ask- ing $17,800 -- Terms. Oshawa Shopping Centre -- One Block Only $10,900 Two bedroom bungalow with "vec" room and third. bed- room in basement -- Good future commercial value. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 -- 9:00 to 5:30 NO TOLL CHARGE FOR i THESE PHONES. AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan' Thompson 728-2870 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 "TWO STOREY" 1 @ This new 2 storey home is an ideo! spot for your fomily This home features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement and o large corport. Priced ot $21,385 to one 634% N.H.A. mortgage. Phone now for full particulars RANCH IN A GARDEN 1! @ and it is a beautiful gar- den, 120' x 125' full of flow- ers and bushes and trees. Lo- cated just a few blocks from the City limits on a quiet paved street close to bus and schools. This home is in excellent condi tion, loaded with many extras Attached garage, paved drive- way, natural fireplace, Call us for more particulars. SPACIOUS SIDE SPLIT Ill @ Angel stone brick home with sodded lawn, aluminum storm doors and screens. This beautiful new 3 bedroom home has double stainless steel sinks, hood and exhaust fon, in the well appointed kitchen. One 4 piece bath and a powder room of ceramic tiles with colored fixtures and sliding shower doors. Hurry only one left. Call tonight to inspect. e Open House 2-5 P.M. ALL WEEKEND Brand new homes on IROQUOIS AVENUE Drive North on Simcoe to Taunton then West to Somerville, from here drive 2 blocks north to IROQUOIS AVENUE OWNER TRANSFERRED 1V @ Leaving this immaculate 6 room 2 storey home. Separate dining room, large family size kitchen, finished recreation room| with natural stone fireplace. Paved drive, ottached garage Nicely landscaped. Asking $21, 900. For appointment to inspect call to-night. WILSON ROAD SOUTH V @ Clean ond cozy with five large rooms, Oil hot water heat Nice fenced-in yard: Garage Good area, Don't miss this one Call now. FOUR YEARS OLD VI @ This immaculately kept 3 | | bedroom bungalow on a quiet street, close to school, with a paved drive, hollywood kitchen, recreation hardwood flooring and natura stone fireplace, style room with built-in stove | | ond oven. Landscaped to per-| fection. Substantial down pay-! ment to 614% mortgage. Phone for full. porticulars. e. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281 JOHN F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD. 14 Frank Street Bowmanville 623-3950 OSHAWA: 3 bedroom brick bungolow. Nicely landscaped. Broadioom floor covering. Reasonable price. Only $2,- 500 down, Balance on 7% mortgage. Call George Van- Dyk 623-7437. COUNTRY LIVING: 3. bed- room bungalow on 2 acre lot with double garage. Low taxes, Asking $18,500. Call George VanDyk 623-7437, HAMPTON: 5 roomed home with new oil furnace, 4 pc. bath. Large lot. Nicely land- scaped. Asking $15,500. Terms, Call George VanDyk 623-7437. ENNISKILLEN: 8 roomed, 2 storey home in village on large lot. Consider $1,500 down. MAPLE GROOVE: 4. roomed bungalow, 3-pc. bath. Only $500 down. Call George VonDyk 623-7437, PORT PERRY: 5 roomed bun- galow. Oil heated with 4-pc. bathroom. Priced at $11,000. Terms. Call Tom Donnelly 985-7264. BOWMANVILLE: 7 roomed home on large lot. 2 both- rooms, Oil heated. Newly de- corated. Garage. Only $13,- 500. with low down pay- ment. OSHAWA: Very modern brick bungalow with hollywood kitchen. Finished rec. room, Large windows, in both liv- ing and dining room. Paved driveway etc. Priced and terms arranged. Call George VanDyk 623-7437. Besides above mentioned wa have mony more to choose from. 17 ACRES SOLINA ROAD Just north of No. 2 high- way -- 572 x 1,325 on pave ed road. Only $8,900 with terms. Call Jock Appleby, evenings 723-3398. Bolahood Brothers Limited 728-5123, SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 BE READY for school to start in this 3 bedroom older bungalow on Oshawa Blvd. North, hondy to Coronation School, and downtown. It has a nice deep lot, fenced in and listed ot just $14,900 -- try an of- fer, call tonight for an ap- pointment. BRAND NEW Three bedroom brick bung- alow with attached garage. Walkout from living room to balcony. Owner has lived in / this fine Kassinger built home for only 2 months and is now transferred. $2,000 down moves you in within 30 days. CHARMING 2 bedroom brick bungalow with double garage on a large lot 55' x 138' and located in the desirable north end. Mod- ern kitchen, dining room and decorated to a "'T"'. SEE THIS GEM $16,900 full price for this immaculote 3 bedroom home on Whitman Crescent. Large kitchen, dining rgom ond all good size bedrooms, roughed in for extra plumbing in basement. Rec room facilities 32' x 12'. Hurry, call for an appointment to inspect, LET'S MAKE MONEY $12,900 full price for this rental property on Fernhill Blvd, Large lot 40' x 133' this duplex is just what you've been looking for. See it soon BEAU VALLEY Welcomes you to inspect these 2 recent resale homes built for people who care to have the very best. One four bedroom home with atach- ed garage and one 3 bedroom with double attached garage, Both decorated to perfection. The owners have been trans- ferred and we invite your in- spection of these fine homes in Oshawa's "Select District'. For full particulars eall 3. 2265 George Twoites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Mel Dale 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshowa _ H. KEITH LED: PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 576-0330 VACANT LAND Lorge lot of 150 ft. by 150 ft. located off No. 2 highway close to Bowmanville and across from a golf course. Asking only $3,300. Call Jim Wilson, 668-6419 or 668- 3172. EAST WHITBY Lovely four bedroom brick tri level with attached gar- age. Broadioom throughout ond built-in stove in kitchen $23,300 with terms. Call Jim. Wilson, 668-6419 or 668-3172. KEEP COOL! Beautiful compact three bed- room back split with finish- ed recreation room, large fenced backyard and the cool breezes from the lake. Carries for $117 P. I. and T. Asking $15,500. Call Gord Charl- ton, 728-8569. GORE'S LANDING Once in a lifetime opportuni- ty! Large 9 room home with two small cottages, complete- ly furnished. Two spring fed wells. Two acres of hillside land with a million dollar view. Asking only $10,000 with terms. Call Gord Charl- ton, 728-8569. 35 ACRES Partly wooded, year round running stream, good pond site. Excellent opportunity for scouting and camping. Only 20 minute drive from Oshawa. Asking $15,000 with terms. Call Idso Wiers- ma, 728-5683. ORCHARD FARM 130 acre farm with 25 acres in 'orchard, full production. Two barns, seven room house with modern conveniences. Asking $42,000 with terms. Call Idso Wiersma, 728- 5683. GREEN THUMB Ideal location for a gardener, lot 160 ft. by 660 ft. with © beautiful ranch style bung- alow, electric heating, fire- place in the living room, souna bath, built-in stove and oven. Lovely finished base- ment apartment completely broadloomed. Two room sum- mer house included. 'Call Frank Smith, 576-1415 or 576-0330. QUIET AREA Four bedroom two storey home in north end of city. Large playroom and natural fireplace in living room, sep- erate dining room and two washrooms. Terms available, Call Frank Smith, 576-1415 er 576-0330, | Vern Morton Metca REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. $1,500 DOWN One mortgoge for the bal- ance, 5 room bungalow, cen- tral location, new furnace, storms and screens, T.V. on- tenna. Eosy terms. $2,500 DOWN buys this 2 family income home, Zoned commercial for mony uses, good size. lot, best location, owner most anxious to sell at $11,900. 4-5 BEDROOMS Immediate possession, 2 stor- ey or split level with extra washroom, new homes at 644% N.H.A. mortgage, payments of $150 per month including taxes. At $22,600 this is today's best buy in Oshawa. CHEAPER THAN RENT $139 monthly payments in- cluding taxes buys o spark- ling brand new 3 bedroom, brick bungalow, one block from public and high school, only 2 left at this price. $2,368 down to 1 N.H.A, mortgage. JUST IN TIME for September school term, just steps from French school, a lerge 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with attached gar- ode, full dining room. Finish- ed in fife time white alumin- um siding, a completely fenc ed property 66 x 176 feet with. stone entrance pillars, move fast on: this, listed at $19,000 OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Fronkfurter 728-5416 Mark Tomina 668-2121 Roy Yeo 725-2217 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B We list exclusive and M.L.S. | PAUL RISTOW LIMITED "Your Realtor' 187-King St. E. 728-9474 SEVEN ROOMS An excellent two and a half storey brick home two blocks off King St. E. Many extra features including forced air oil furnace, broadloom and cable T.V. Good value at $15,900 with os low as $2,- 500 down. Better see this one right away! HILLCROFT ST. East off Ritson Rd. Two new homes built by Ulrich Strahl with many interesting fea- tures including sun deck Prices start at $20,500 with N.H.A. financing. NORTHWEST Two storey, 4 bedroom brick and aluminum siding with attached garage, walk- out to patio, broadioom and electrically heated. Ideally situated for all services, Be established in time for school. 47 GRANDVIEW ST. N. $22,900, three bedroom ranch bungalow, carport, recreation room, flagstone fireplace, basement entrance, broodioom. A terrific loca- tion! Paul Ristow Ltd. "Your Realtor" 728-9474 After 5 p.m. call Bill Knight 725-3606 723-8327 FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King Street West * Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Concession Street, 4 bedroom brick, garage. Beautifully kept home. $19,- 500 -- terms Bowmanville Beach Furnished 3 bedroom cottage, must, be sold at once, Only $1,100.00 -- terms. Large storage building at Maple Grove. Ideal for trans- port company. $17,500. Terms. CALL. 623-3393 AFTER 9 P.M. Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clore McCullough 723-7843 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Garden Hill 102J12 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 "Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay! BE SURE TO SEE PINEWOOD TERRACE Directions WILSON RD. NORTH 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF ROSSLAND RD. EAST We have already SOLD 12 HOMES. We have left 8 homes on Wilson Rd. N. Consisting of 3 -- 2 storey 4 bedroom homes with gar- ages and 5 ---- 5 room bunga- lows with WALK-OUT. BASE- MENTS. 2 balconies with GARAGES and BALCONIES on Pine- wood St. 5 bungalows with built-in garages on Beechwood St, All Homes Ready For Occupancy All homes ore COMPLETELY DECORATED, and lots COM- PLETELY SODDED. Al! have N.H.A,. 634% mort gages Down payments os low as $1,436.40 if you can qualify Built by KASSINGER OPEN THIS WEEKEND 1 P.M. -- 5:30 P.M. Exclusive Agents 340 King St.' West, Oshawa 723-2265. | | | BUY -- SELL THRU? 2.2. | _ LAMBERT REAL ESTATE LIMITED 170 Donway W., Toronte 447-8518 PORT PERRY SNACK BAR Get independent and join the hustle and bustle of the Port Perry business community, A very reasonable price of $31,- 000 with terms puts you in command of this well man- aged fully equipped spotless coffee shop. Price includes complete equipment and stock on hand at time of sale, and just as spotless is the comfortable modern opart- ment with 3 piece washroom. Don't be just too late, Call Marjorie Tripp now at Port Perry 985-7606, 80 ACRES -- 4 BEDROOMS Just NE. of Bowmanville where Highwoys 35 and 115 meet. The land is slightly rolling and the home has oll inside conveniences. Good spring water under pressure. Born and drive shed. On bus route close to main h'way. $25,000 with good terms. We hove others, Call Mar- jorie Tripp Port Perry. 985- | 7606 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 67 King Street East OSHAWA Telephone 725-1186 | DUPLEX ON CADILLAC IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 234 Cadillac South. Legal duplex with seporate eri- trance. Asking $17,400 with $2,500 down, call Bill Millar 725-2557, 725-1186. W..T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. | | | $15,900 FULL PRICE Three bedroom bungalow completely redecorated throughout, immediate pos- session, Asking $2,500 down, phone Bill Millar 725-1186, 725-2557. COMMERCIAL BUILDING Simcoe St. S, Present income over $650 monthly. Mac's Milk Co. with ten year lease, three apartments. Asking $69,000. Call Bill Millar 725-2557, W. T. LAMSON Real Estate 'Ltd. HL MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot St. JULIANNA DRIVE Attractive back-split home on one of Oshawa's finest residential streets, Large liv- ing room which is broad- loomed, 3 bedrooms,. finished rec room with extra room for den or fourth bedroom, at- tached garage. RAVINE LOT This beautiful lot has a run- ning stream at the rear, per- fect for home with walkout basement. Northwest edge of city. 728-1656 or 728-1678 Ww. Dougan Realtor 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 SIMCOE STREET N. 17 acre parcel, one of the nicest blocks of land north of Oshawa. Has. 680' frontage on Simcoe and 1,300' on Concession Road. Spring creek, through portion of property. Terrific investment buy! 24 miles north of the new Ontario Durham College site. MUST GO NOW Home hos to be sold in next 12 days. Owners moving to Boy Ridges. Hove purchased another home. House some decorating. Excellent !o- cation, Possession immediat- ely. needs GORD SCHOFIELD 725-1109 After hours call 688-5240 A Vacation for Life... on investment in the Future! EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 7-10 p.m. is FLORIDA NI ot 67 King St. East opposite Genosha Hotel GHT DIVISION FLORIDA SALES W., T. Lamson Real Estote Lt SCHOFIELD-AKER Ltd. } Come in at COLOR SHOW and DISPLAY Get oll the inf on how me ltage, 20--Real Estate for Sale |20c--Summer Properties tat Bile ce Taat $5. - $15. PER FOOT 95 miles from Oshawa, go east on Highway No. 401 to Highway No, 35 and No. 115 to. Peterborough. Go north on Highway No. 28, 55 miles. 2 miles south of Bancroft to "Bentley Lake Estates', Sales personnel on property every weekend. Sand beaches, roads and hydro, custom built cottages. $2,200 'complete. 10% down, 10 year open mortgage. 277-2407 Toronto ATTRACTIVE, coftages reasonable rates, boats supplies. § 4. RR 1 Menden, NEW WATER-FRONT 3 100, amp_ service. Oshawa, near Sturgeon Lake 728-6806. MOIRA cottage front included, er Brich Ontario bedroom LAKE, winterized, side porch Madoc four-bed forced air ¢ tile floors, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, August 4, 1967 15 SPACIOUS housekeeping among the pines and birches, store Resort| cot 60 miles from Telephone t mahogany panneling a MAIJAC COTTAGES for rent, good nusekeeping, all facilities. Swimming skiing, fishing, 725-2909 or 723-8487 | |LAKE SCUGOG AREA, Oshawa 720) miles, 25-acre lots, wide river, $5,900 { price Nrite Box 30465, Oshawa Times BANC t cottages for re rout lake ook stove. | G. Hood.} d your leisure and see you own your FLORIDA HOME for-as little as $325 down Invest in your future. A $10 deposit reserves your lot now Ask about our. sponsored inspection trips. Yes, we show you what you. buy. FLORIDA SALES DIVISION W. T. Lamson Real Estate Lt 576-2520 PRIVATE SALE LOG CHALET RETREAT 12% Acres -- Trout Stream FISH--Brook Trout HUNT--Deer, pheasant, ete. SK!I-----Oshawa Ski Club % mile CHALET--Family room, 30' | x 20! stone fireplace, 3 bed- rooms, bath, furnace, com- pletely furnished. Oshawa 25 miles, Phone Whitby 668-3696 | WILL EXCHANGE home \street, with good potential, jon Chadburn street, with good }for a 4 or 8 plex, Replies confiden |write box 31472, Oshawa Times | IMMACULATE |with attached garage, on four-bedroom located in d chureni? 47 King of. E, plus home ncomé tia bungalow R Beau |Valley on a beautifully landscaped lot jHome features large ultra-modern ki len with extra cupboards, L-shaped jing room, dining room 24' x 14'. Close to all schools. Immed' possession as owner is moving cut town. Call Margaret Hall of Schof Aker Lid., 723-1358 itch liv. recreation room iate of eld. |ATHOL STREET. Here Is a real good older, two-storey home with six sized rooms consisting of three bedr: large kitchen, separate dining good Scvaog Point, four rooms heavy wired, only $4,500, low nt. H. Keith Realtor. Call SCUGOG LAKEFRONT five rooms, glass sunporch wired furnished, 'sand $8 Keit Rea ca 1 Nesbitt, Nestleton SCUGOG LAKEFRONT Ig cottage cacy. wired: tarnlehed ' th around 140° lakefront Marvin Nesbitt, Nestleton FIVE-ROOM cottage, three-piece bath hower, broadioorr boat fireplace nights rant hall, resta COTTAGE LOT on Lake Scugoq for sale 80' x 200', small building included. $1,000 LAKE SCUGOG -- St hristopher's Beach, five-room cottage. Separate boat r arge ¢ ed room. abov 2 akefront lots. $9,700.| Jackson at cottage ment 0106 22--Lots for Sale | Only one beautiful 10 ocre | lot left, 622' wide, partly | cleared and some bush, Nice quiet surroundinas very close to nature port | swimming pool. Only $4 with terms ar LUNCH . DIS OSHAWA. | eee | Van Herwerden Realtor 723-44 CAVALIER APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms Modern and Convenient Beautiful T.V. reception for Color and Black and White Equipped with stove, fridge, drapes and F.M. Close to shopping centre and schools, for information CALL 728-4283 or see us at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 GRENFELL SQUARE ONE and TWO BEDROOMS OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES and Best Location FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 AFTER HOURS 576-1472 71 RAVINE LOT overlooking city of Osh- awa, prepaid services. Owner anxious ot trade. al! Harold Segal at J an and Co, BUILDING LOTS 13 miles north of Oshawa, Nicely situated. Good roads Terms available. 576-1168 23--Real Estate Wanted |large living room with a cosy fireplace, | new oil furnace, a nice landscaped 'ot Reasonable down payment required. Cal! Jack Osborne 576-1200; evenings 728-5! R. Martin Real Estate. 836, LARGE TWO-FAMILY home, two-storey. near Duplate, willing td sacrifice live in one apartment, nine rooms, owner sell and is $1,200 down; the rental of other help pay Sibby's Real Estate Lid. 728-7576 |3 BEDROOM BRICK bungalow in south! This Jeast near schools and shopping |home hag just been redecorated and cludes storms, screens, T,V., t TS all landscaped, Full price for its must Try let elt lwith low down payment. To inspect Lloyd Stire at 725-3557, or 723-6772. B. McMullan and Co., Realtors CLOSE TO hospital, extra large two storey home, ideal for large family. Only $3,000 down. Call Willard Johns. ton 728-1066. Schofield - Aker Lid | RANCH BUNGALOW with large attach ed garage, electrically heated, three bed- "Soule SELL! SELL! That's The Job Of Times Want Ads 723-3492 Listings Urgently Required Call 576-0330 HM. KEM LID. REALTOR ~ We Need Your Home. Now WAITING ted in 'selling Evenings 723 | BUYERS lf intere Jack Apr 3398 Limited 72 NEED YOUR home now! been good, the market™ is r stock is vane wish Johnston. 728-10 ow. If call d ° Brothers yor 46. Schofield wil Aker Ltd WANTED TWO or three bedroom modern home. Reasonably priced. Large down payment or possibly all cash, No agents please, Write box M31442, Osh awa Times. 24--Stores, Offices, Storage for rent room home with huge living room | Professionally landscaped with partial jfence, etc, Large lot 120x 150. In north Oshawa. Require approximately $3,000 |down. Call Willard Johnston, 728-1066. | Schofield - Aker Ltd |FOUR BEDROOM, 1'7 storey cinder| black stucco house on approximately jtwo acre lot. Has barn and twenty |two fruit trees. School bus jway. Located east of Bowmanville town} limits. Telephone 623-2409. NEW LISTING -- quality built split level! just two years old. Apple Hill di excellent value--many desirable. e Call Bessie Crysler, 723-2925. W |Martin, Realtor. 728-5103 | |five-room immaculate ous to sell. Call John Sandy |W. ©, Martin, Realtor, 728-510 BEST VALUE -- expensive split-leve }Downsview Park, _ electrically jluxury home, four bedrooms. Ken Hanna, 728-5103. W. | Realtor |LARGE FOUR-BEDROOM 1 \4-storey fi jily home, natural fireplace: |scaped lot. Call John Morissette, 5103 W. O. Martin Realtor |$16,500--~NEWLY DECORATED, 12" x 31', laundry. room, Realtor, 668-620) lots, north end. Telephone 723-7122 possession, 2 storey good area. chance, Call mmediately Mike 723-2265 or 576-1908 SOUTH END - 3 price ig 15,900. with 1,900.00 down inspect call Lloyd Stire at 725-3557 tors. 20a--Summer Properties HEAD LAKE Sandy Beach COTTAGES and LOTS 70 miles from Oshawa Hwy. 503 --5 miles west of Norland. 324-9282 EVENINGS 454-3736 For Sale or Rent SOUTH-EAST -- $13,500 buys this love bungalow. An ei 5,000 sq. ft. | unfinished OPACE { In The TIMES BUILDING 1 int heated | On hartn, | T._L. WILSON am large land 728. | modern 10-room brick house on %4-acre, 50 miles! east of Toronto, and five miles north] of 401 at Newtonville. Call Orono} 983.5184 | $3,000 DOWN -- two-bedroom brick, bungalow, livingroom, kitchen, four piece ceramic bath, large rec room,| utility reom. | many other extras. On large landscaped! lot, 55' x 145', With plenty of shrubbery Open to offers. J, B. McMullan and Co., & CMHC approved pre-serviced building ONE LEFT - $1,000 down, immediate| three bedroom, 8 years old,| Do not miss this! Bel monte of Schofield - Aker Real Estate| bedroom brick bung-| alow, This home Alas been traded In on| a new house, is mow vacant, Full} To or 723-6772. J. B. McMullan and Co,, Real STORE FOR RENT ® CONTACT 723-3474 Approximately 3 storage } ow Late: at L I crane : Parking Are lent location in Whitby, Cal! | OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE LTD (REALTOR) 515 Brock 668-5853 TRIPLE A wishes to rent Client chase minimum of 800 sq 500 sq. ft. Street South, Whitby | pure | t. of store space in east end of Oshawa, Call Mr. 942-2611 | PMA REALTY LTD also suitable office 350 square feet, mae | 725-5132 |25--Houses for Rent Snell for 205 Simcoe South WELL KEPT large six-room home, cen- traily located, garage. Available September 1. $125 Telephone RITSON SOUTH. Two alow, newly decorated, References. Torcnto 66421, after 6 Amherst bedroom | collect. 62977. Heights, Immediate apartment may. be References required. | 6420 | THREE-BEDROOM |livingroom, central possession. rented $125 monthly. house, kitchen location, monthly 723 bung available now. Empire FOUR - BEDROOM house in Harmony Upstairs separately 723. and possession CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at low cost is} 380 GIBB STREET |. OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN on Mary St. North Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room, Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, a 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING (With 18 Month Lease) OPEN DAILY i FROM 1 P.M, -- 9 P.M Business| act by oppointment 576-2280 or 725-9750 | W. FRANK | REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W ROYALE Apartments 119 Nonquon Rd. | For service, comfort, and con- | venience, see this outstond- | all-electric building. No | in Oshowa will you value for your rent- | as you will at. The Royale, Large. balconies and | suites equipped with 'extra | . closet spose, vlauindry rooms | on all floors. No damage de- | posit required. Apply apart- ment No. 104 or ¢all 728-5282 Oshawa Rental Agency Superb. living accommodation in all ports of Oshawa VALIANT. DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 728-4283 22 723-602 FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom aport- ments. Controlled entrance. Twin elevators, swimming | podl, fenced playground. | 723-2347 725.9934 1 and 2 bedroom Apartments Available Grenfell St. Everything paid but your phone, quiet build- ing, adults only. 723-6944 723-6455 after 6 ~|26--Apartments for Rent |26---Aportments for Rent For Limited Time Only ONE MONTH RENT. FREE If You Sign A Lease Now Overlooking the park located TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS August 15. After 4 p.m. apply 308 Jack-|what you get with Classified Ads, Phone \ won Avenue, 723-3492 now for an:ad-writer, Bowmanville and Move In On or Before September 1 to | | | [chee MANANA 230 Nipigon St. An exclusive building in the heort of town close to portation shopping, churc and schools. OR MALA GLEN COURTS 835 Oxford St | Building for comfortable tom- ily living with spacious play- ground for children, within walking distance of south G.M. plant. | | BOTH APARTMENTS FEATURE Impressive lobbies Controlled entrance doors with intercom Modern spacious sultes Large balconies Hi-fi musie in every suite New kitchen appliances Colored ceramic tiled spacious bathrooms Lots of closet space Drapes Laundry facilities Lockers Free parking And -- At Mala Glen Only -- Extra powder room in all 2 ond 3 bedroom suites and hydro included in rent. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE For Comfortable Living At Reosonable Rents For Your Best Choice of 1-2-3 bedroom suites ACT NOW Call today MR. JOHN LEE 725-0657 Weekdoys 12-9 om __ Sot. and Sun 12-6 pm The best volue in aportment living can be seen oat | @ REGENCY TOWERS @ | | 349 MARLAND AVE. CL -- AND le PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVE MODERN 1 AND 2 . BEDROOM SUITES @ NEWLY. DECORATED @ STOVE AND. FRIDGE @ BALCONIES i '@ FABRIC DRAPES @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES @ FREE HYDRO @ BROADLOOM IN HALLS @ ELEVATOR e LOCKERS @ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE @ AMPLE PARKING @ CLOSE TO SCHOOL CHURCHES and SHOPPING APPLY 349 MARLAND AVE, PHONE 725-2227 BONUS 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- ments, fully equipped. WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 IF IT'S FOR SALE AN ACTION CLASSIFIED AD WILL SELL IT! .