Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Aug 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 4, 1967 a WU BH A sO A RG PY OG DS Es RD se RE ] a : Zeller Ss li 'get pager ace a S SUGG! se mg, ey i ZELLER S ie 4 i iz _-- Pe | I one ai 1ETY CANADIANS se Furniture and T; 9:30 A.M, to 6:00 P.M. TODAY'S STOCKS | susiness spoTLiGHT 2 acti Rippliance Sale _ 7 What do : TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS | 10:40 Net rey Gt /4 : ' a" n.illion doll Distributed by CP -- Sales High Low 2 ch " ne a x / \ 4 ay * one recreation cc repwtcarameim come "ae 2 ET! 1,900, mprovements |7 Ups Sli, ose Quotations in cats voles marked § C imp Bnk mn +MY) : 4 < e . fi } i " "% os ' its yet uncor r--Odd lot, x x-dividend, x x r 1a 1158 | eet f 4 § 4 oo a y i d ghts, xw---Ex-warrants. Net change is ' 20" | : s s see , poo! and re {ibm previous board ot clesing' se. "gece yi i Swivel Chairs sg GOO may require a" Es. Montreal Test Lab Gets : , ug i when MINES C Petrofin 14% 14% . : A Leatherette -- side Psakag? 5 of | ; ; the complex 10:40 Net Cdn Ti S ' : Pie sar 5 ps ; ~ ; colors to mix or match your furniture. Com- . 2 A % Stock Sates High Low am. chige| Cdn Tire A. 103 24 | MONTREAL (CP)--The city) storey building that will house} J. Hode Keyser, director of : = 2 fate with footateal: y 2 - Directors o C Utilities 40 1 . . he cent 7s it th 1 5 plete approved a Aced Uren 000 4 4 4 Westin '4 172-4 of Montreal tests every piece of the testing facilities. . the centre, says it is the only} % scription" pls Accra 1000 10 30 19 "il Soe Bae es 'ant ov material it buye dn The present laboratory tests municipal testing laboratory in FP 54 99 ah ta coiael Acme Gas. 2000 M 2 Clairton | ; 9 . vor aomench pre gine tie only about 120 different kinds of Canada and, with its sa agg ' e : Gr inne re ' 400° 400 conmnce 1 a aA Y materials including various staff, does more wor jan oe 2 hich aickend Bde Conduits 5 5 +2 one of its kind in Canada. The types of paint, concrete, as- many provincial labs. ? i 2 PIECE LEATHERETTE yoy ea aor ap city is spending $1,500,000 to|phalt, sand, salt, soaps, floor USE SERVICE : F Sui bactorlig 1 improve the laboratory's facili-! waxes, gasoline and oil, It even, Visitors have come from the ¢ . Davenport uite > Lal ps makes, sure that fire depart-|U.S., Britain and France to see|] j 4 } In sturdy rugged leatherette upholstery, colors poe m 5 Corontn 2p : " : "I was pretty surprised one ment's ladders are strong/it in operation. Private com- ; tonny brown, chocolate ond. bitter ae . j i é ey a ig L ) 3 day to see them testing boots enough. panies and consulting engineers | Makes into a spore bed in a jiffy. Z 1 4 centre cou aa| crestork 1 ; for firemen or policemen," said) In addition, the laboratory may also use its services, for aj} §; i i | 59 99 ; : , pete Agcy | See Denis Bouchard, an architect sets standards which suppliers fee. oe | x : f e ' : a es Cygnus B "at who designed the new two-'can use as a guide. But. the existing laboratory, . . : ut g : : _ Sixt y ria) Ball Some Sie which holds about $1,000,000) = : odes -g --1%2| Dome Pete 0 gg ue ' --s : j "1 | worth , is too small 4 = , og po tes d for ail the tests which must be | iia ieee Basket Chairs | == Auditorium' Beta 380 $145a 142 1412 - eman S een 00 -- page not ear anal : Ideal for cottage, or recreation room rattan ocean : Ogi, ; tet' 7 the Textil 5 $224 21% 220 + Amon e equipmen 4 : Baey" Mich 2 . thio the nei building is acold| ™ Anka Ory AIUTSy: Bigs! thar: ee ff aaa 74 pacigiee oad 9 Emco 1 % 16% -- : ialsi : * are talking a Falcon 92% { room, designed to test materials ' " g e Fed Grain or For Steers And Hei ers at temperatures as low as 40] ' bi e P i] : It should t tennial Civic the railway t Corontn p 1 13] 1 1 ve ties. 190 +5 ; fon cnde 180 : . : < oo, below zero. There is also a huge) a. 8 beveke 34 194+ 14 TORONTO (CP) -- Den.and|cows 20-21.50 with sales to : panel for testing electrical 4 : cause it is 1 G as : and ¢ ed:ums 18.50-20; cannefs and ent supplied by the city. : ° G Mckay B «+s was good for choice and good Mec:un 0-20, ¢ equipment suppli b y ; : " ; GL Paper : ea h cutters 14-18; good heavy bo- Last year about 10,000 elec- ; Coffee Tables Be : ' better to hav logna bulls 2: ; commons trical pieces .were found to be] : ' 2 A Formica" Rep Ih 3 styles eave over 3:00: ~e My Og pe Gt W Life 3 cies rt cs %f ' F Greyhnd $14% 14% 1458 -- ve firm prices at the Ontario pub and mediums 19-22. : below standard. ; H Sleeky designed occasional tables, coffee forum', SP Hawker $ 100 375 375 ~§ \lie siockyards 'this week while. Replacement cattle: Good Mr. Keyser says the money % mug | table 18' x 48', Step table 16' x 28" to hat ; th r i i ave the wt GL Power 2 slaughter steers and heifers at 235 226 23 Hi A $20' 20% 20) ; $74% 74 mes $234 22% 22% the common and medium kinds) stocker steers 28-31; good steer spent in the lab is saved many | i Bio. ; Horne Pit | 3: 355 + ' sold under pressure at barely stock calves ; commons times over when the city buys | Recents, > ¥ YOUR CHOICE. 9.88 Husky Oi! 1, Steady te lower prices. and mediums 22-27 materials. For instance, the lab) Husky B pr 0 \ Comparatively heavy receipts. Calves 2,297: On offer this pas developed methods of reduc-) Mhede add Husky C pr 33 5 Of cows were barely steady on week 2,200; last week 2,290; to ing the breakup of cement side-| . 3 3 | Husky D w 5 ; 7 eA OF 7 ne | Glenn Exp 1 | Imp Oil $6454 6438 6414 an uneven demand and bulls date 1967 54,279; to date 1966 walks, | Record Cabinet Glory Imp Tob $142 14¥2 1 . * AGT ES s 59- vale ta rear 2.087 4 oer rm Goldrm y Ind Accept $232 233% 23/2 -- Ve ee hd oan Tena slats 61,959; this week last hee 2.087; LAST LONGER . 4 An attractive addition in any room, many Gortdrm 3 5 | Ind Minerl $147%-- 14% 147% were active at steady prices choice vealers 35-37 with sales) The improved versions last x ; . I ses: cabinet hos two sliding doors. Solidly Grdro 1 make ge le ee va bas a dediternne rach agetee! apo) fas, ae H : i; ; Grer oY f . -- fur te with plainer kinds meeting a to 4150; good 31-34; mediums longer, he says, costing the city} i constructed with walnut veneer, Green Pnt | : $10 10 10 --'% more limited demand. 27-39; commons 23-27; boners and the taxpayers less money. | || give tie 4 + 4) Veal calves were generally/20. The new building, expected to| sso ss) Steady, hog prices were lower! Hogs 9,255: On offer this week he completed in September, will 2 IMC 110 $40 40, 0 aS and lambs were easier. 9,250, last week 9,832; to date pave about 37,000 square feet of | vo" To | Int Onin" 2an gies 'Sean 'Joe + ie, Slaughter cattle 7,518: On of-/1967 '303,431; to date 1966 254.-| space, compared with 25,000 in 4 «6% «6+! int Util pr $25 $36% 36% 36% fer this week 7,500; last week 581; this week last year 7,200; | present quarters. : ' KITCHEN 134 Tose -- ay) Infor, Pipe $75 $2314 23% 2314 8,404; to date 1967 282,345; to Grade A hogs 29.45-30.90; heavy {t has three separate air con-| > siege Step Stool Hild 'on k re ae aw Ion date 1966 302,620; this week last sows 21.25 - 21.70: stags 15 ditioning systems, needed for ; { s ITL Ind 210 $36'2 362 36V2 year 7,880; choice steers 28.50-30/16.95; boars liveweight 12.45-| technical reasons. Inside plumb- " je sie aa % 131 With sales to 31.30; good 27.50-/13.06. ing is made of four-foot lengths) . ; di Ex sive 318 | 1,| Jetfersn w S715 $40 +14 28.50; mediums 24.50-27.00; com-| Sheep and lambs 1,267: On/of glass to handle the corrosive | ; es L | 0 gg i 124 mperietd v. 1" ie Ne os mons 21-24; choice heifers 27-28 offer this week 1,275; last week|8.404: to date 1967 282,345; to = e 166 Kelly D A 558 58 with sales to 28.80; good}1,197; to date. 1967 31,980; to Special ventilating systems also 0: 8 | Kelsey H 16 ,, | 25.50-27; nediums 22.50-25; com-|date 1966 33,628: this week last had to be installed. z 60 eee , mons 20.22; choice fed yearlings|year 1,873; handyweight lambs "Any org: t that is not Laf 5 , 3 ; ) Any organization that is : ee . vf +") Cont cem 5 5 |27.50-29.50; good 26-27.50; good|29.50-32: sheep 5-13. doing research and development ' ' Lamp Values Levy 1 264+ % 2 ; e : 4 Pi , Btecded | 1 lis nol an organization that is Visit Zeller's Lamp Department for nes Levy A pr n Ss no 8 $t ' f values in the st a } " 3 43 %, P | Levy B pr 125 $23% 23% 23%+ % ® progressing," says Mr. Keyser. : een ss d 84 . 9 5 ' ? by é suit your budget. Livingsto 100 $122 12'2 124 M d El I I t d sad tehsil a 4 = : 1 a oc m Foe S e 4 shodes at half pri 01 on down ond browse 145 | fed o ' ind ie At 73% + " 1 NET EARNINGS : ~ i cround during Zeller's Home Furniture Sole. y + W +1] Lob Co pr 50 $442 44% 4412 Lob Inc Oo 7:7 fe H R ll ' : 250 $1272 124 12a For Ontario $ onor 0. | By THE CANADIAN gai me y : i EMERSON 19" PORTABLE ee ee Alcan Aluminium Ltd., six et = 8 200 440 360 380 TORONTO (CP)--An elm tree|a trunk circumference of 19/ months ended June 30: "1967, ' --_ : Television Set $32 $2214 22 22% + % shaped like a candelabra grow- feet. 35,200,000, $1.05 a share; 1966, | {i é : i ; Fine viewing and listening ; . . anywhere! Bullt- , ; $35, Mer stores 208 So, aoe gf jing near Madoc, Ont., is one of| Although the association is $39,600,000. $1.23. ; . i in antenna, earphone jack. 'In strong polystyrene Molson A --- 240: $2238 2 + %s/100 trees which have been no- looking for native species, sev-|" Bel Telephone Co. of Canada} '|'-.4. & oe ; cabinet. wb cown Mon Food 325 $10ve 1 's + * minated for the Honor Roll of eral nominations have been re- Ltd., six months ended June 30: | | eH 1 YQ % ® PAYMENT Chrome frame, vinyl upholstering. Morse A 'iio $2uva 240 2405 + 15 Ontario 'trees. ceived for the "Jesuit Pears." |1967, $51,372,982; 1966, $42,294,- wares ig a ig . ne The Ontario Forestry Associa-| FROM FRANCE 816 nae fa ok hg *\tion is listing the province's; According to tradition, the * ix | % : = Nabr§ Di 00 450 450 450 -- 5 | ? | Coast Copper Co. Ltd., six) f 3 3 s Nt Contain 8% 94+ % most unusual trees--the oldest, | seedlings for these pear trees| months anne June 30: "1967, | j . eat Magazine Rack Heth dad + reuse 4% fastest growing, most valuable|growing in the Windsor area|¢i9g 000: 1966, $536,000. $ sae tt ais Siu ise jiaet t\commercially and those with} were brought from France in| acer iar Pare Co, Ltd. e shes Basi Contemporary style in beautiful walnut w ery j 200 $13'4 134 13% -- s/ eccentric histories. |the early 18th century. six months ended June 30: 1967, finish. wuo-sang F411 4t41 000. 8S 56S is ta is' "4 ,| A sugar maple growing on} Jim Coats, OFA manager, has|¢9 197.982, 59 cents a share: 219 800 $17 174 17% + %\land owned by the Niagara Pe-|been driving around the prov- 1966, $2,698,461, 75 cents. 3.99 970 970 970 450 @S 14% 15 + Wen: vati ity |j ej iff : . se 75 Fink 10% 10% ninsula Conservation Authority |ince checking the qualifications} Moore Corp. Ltd., six months 204 195 195 | Pri 355 $12% 12% 12%4 lat North Pelham, about 10 of the nominees. ended June 30: 1967, $14,015,440, d wag a : : Sx VE 104 10% 10% 21 si0 10 110 --%/ miles southwest of St. Cathari-| The search has turned up the | 59 : . : a N G i : a {50 cents a share; 1966, $12,390, io As 50% 504 $034 Rion" Sak Sek ok os nes, may take the title of Gn: |white pine in Algonquin Park! 495, 44 cents (U.S. currency). ee Hope Chest +1) $20% 2 20% | Rapid Gra 100 $84 8% tm | tario's biggest tree. which Tom Thomson of the| Simpsons Ltd., six months panee - oe agen i iss ey Reverve, an05 siee lae les w|. The tree, known as the Com-|Group of Seven used in his cade June 30: 1967, $3,018,676, | Fe a ¢ Arborite top, in walnut woodgrain finish. k ; P Revenue p 100 $2914 294 29'4 +14 fort Maple, is 85 feet high with! painting West Wind. 40.6 cents a share; 1966, $2,790,- |) #. g ic Be Ss 39 NO DOWN or eiip ( S ; i 9 Ronald Fd 101 $14%4 14% 14% -- % -- Rothman 355 $272 27¥2 27% | 640, 39.7 cents. } Royal Bnk 1640 $17 16% 17 Simpsons - Sears Ltd., six PAYMENT Petes Le ee oe W |months ended June 30: 1967, : : 3 ' R "ia ' j ¥ shew LA ton an ik ee Jamaican PM Ins $3,884,000, 28 cents a share; &. foe Go-Go Tables 4 .: xe oe Sr ey Be 10) Be | 1966, $2,817,000, 21 cents. ' _ -- ' awa De . Shell cn own 3% 2 otk s | Westeel - Rosco Ltd., six : + | Round marble top, walnut finish, 14/2" : : tion's day cam Shop Save 135 $13% 13% 137% -- Ve Plaudits At Ex 0 |months ended June 30: 1967,|[ @ ' j Br & diameter, be enacted for ie oe ae : |$375,000, 78 cents a share; 1966, 4 a ; Mats a0 bi Silverwd ® $1514 1 | $435,000, 90 cents. i! ; : ' 7 99 %: what they c zines | Bee 3, + MONTREAL (CP) -- Hugh! Mr. Shearer sat in an open bawigg nis go is. a . " 1, i day at camp. : |months ende une . 3a ' " SKD Mfg * 6% 6¢+%e Shearer of Jamaica proved |palcony near the orchestra wi Slater Sti 1550 $11% 1138 11% Thursday he is the most swing- | ; @ with /$6,239,000, 30 cents a_ share; Slater A 600 425 410 425 + s : 4 Pierr uy, Ex is- 7 | B : cau 4 iin ae ; * i , Lowe i te "= *% Jing prime minister to visit Expo|" Dupuy, Expo commis: | 1966, $3,070,000, 15 cents. ; : Kitchen Sets . a ud e ST Radio 125 $344 34% 34% + %/67 So far. sioner-general, on one side, and 7 cee. ae ee in ea : Steel Can 600 $23% 2334 2378 -- Ve Table and 4 chairs at tremendous savings. Suptest od 175 $2638 2614 261A A delighted horde of nearly he began to clap in time to a PRODUCE 3. (Se ; Chrome set arborite top, vinyl upholstered chairs rca 4 ambiyn $24 24 24 i mxpo visitors and Jamal- rock rc 7 ne be BA if in modern patterns. ' 2 Texoce," 700 $284 2814 284-- Mal oo Men eae end Jamal-|rock orchestra. m mei0 DOWN eee & C Thom N a0 s30% 0% a4 "Can Montrealers chuckled, aP-| The crowd, overflowing balco-| TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale] Ws: 44 ug ; n vo 0 Bae 0 aS Shearer Got ciet inte. ihc (nies seats, terraces' and en- to retail carton eggs average|} as, : : PAYMENT e 000 2 2 26 Traders A $84 84 Ba-- a se shi ae ' fareinooins nro. | tances to Place des Nations,| weighted prices quoted by the] 3 L ore : i eo 5 - c ; . Magistrate D mo C | Treaee ae oe eyes 12 gram of Jamaican Geld aang | LOK their cue from Mr, Shearer department of agriculture as of} i bs : . a day convicted OILS GAS Tr Can PL 551 $31 31 31+ Ve ARAGe topping off Jamaica ae and began to clap too. Thursday: A large 48.6; A me- 3 7 < | cluding Osh: eg gala Tr Can Fw Bs $0 930, 930 at the 'bie' tale "| Perspiring RCMP plainclothes| dium 38.7; A small 27.7. | Joseph Ernest , Hes | Un Carbid 265 $20% 20% 20Ve As the crowds watched, the men tried without avail to clear) Eggs: Wholesale price to} for conspiracy | Hid ad 4 beaming prime mini ster, the area in front of the stage Country stations fibre cases| feit money. "---"* clapped his hands, snapped his|and keep amateur Jamaican | quoted by the Toronto Board of Bastarache \ $0 $393, 29, 30.12 fingers, swayed his shoulders,|Photographers from gettin g|Trade from wholesale egg deal- a : lightest sentenc 15775. 775 220 $14 1414 sang with the singers and Close-ups of their rock idols. avis pee: eg aged te : HOOVER" definite and si 1399 141 --2| Wal io ss waved at the people below him.| Mr. Dupuy appeared unsure 22-43; medium 32-33; sma ; eee HY inite. 3225 $35% 35'4 3 d + 7 S - "7° a] a eg velaw 100 $97 97% ; In 79 degrees, with 73 per cent, what to do as Mr. Shearer took ge C 20. High Dainese / esti He Electric Can Opener Harvey Josep! 100 $15Ye 15¥e 15M : ere 3° 28'*+ * humidity, the National, Dance|vigorous part in the entertain-| Butter: sire lan ae ee : : i ~ 3 @ Magnet chromed, holds lid firmly Montreal truck | dik eee ane ae 25 1% 17% Theatre Company of Jamaica ment, but near the end of the| Mission "" erable ee Xo HF j ns, g @ Carrying handle recessed. tenced to two 148 Westen Ac ee sos raced athletically .through aiprogram he unbuttoned his |Buying 39 score 62; buying : Le Ex eel f @ Inset rubber feet, non slip. years in priso Wosdwd A. 580 3} St, 1514--% Series of folk dances and in- jacket and began rocking back |/SCoTe 63: selling 63. | . : ; : @ Heavy duty motor. Joseph Arsenau ployed Moncto wick, plumber © and one-half ye: The convictio raids in May Oshawa and | Township, wh 505 _ 4650 400 Zellers : 0 30 terpretative dances. and forth, slapping his knees. 00% 86 Zenith tis eae sets ae REG. Bo eae ~ | BOND MARKET | i, hw ux 14.50 ag 5" | CO Ee Madea, pee ee --. "yooven' viet on 4 | ealcena tone idle hove seyioad a un- ria 2 as alcbridge 100 $93%4 9314 93% . . |changed in quiet tradin urs: | . ie ae 42| Su see e+ | TO Continue On Part-Time Go| \ ci Steam-Dry Iron V Decaita 1650 298 298 298 Cochenour | 500 94 94 94 1 | Short - term Government of j : 5 @ Channeled steam vents. $445 in bogus $5 Prtensty Distribution | yk Bear' 1000 60 np 39 +25) MONTREAL (CP)--A survey|about 4,000 students on its staff Canada bonds were unchanged : i @ Uses ordinary tap water. ; All three mer Rutcneton of Testeery Sheree | Cont D ile 20 mo .y, of university students employed | Of. 10,000. |with the 4%-per-cent June 15,| ; brig steel soleplate won't scratch, snag to the 'charee. Pa ee Gott bags lat a a a ee at Expo shows that 90 per cent ool deiajae eee prob- ey geiae at 99.72, bid) J Big dial controls temperatures for ell In looking a y versity classes re-| : § . materis, tensive record, fi a pened Oteey nay rasa TRACK. STARS OUT |of them wish to continue work-|sume in the latter part of| Long-term Canada and prov- 4 : OL Mion Grits thteien| . WARSAW (Reuters)--Two of | ing at the world's fair ona part-| September will be the juggling incial bonds strengthened with | " : 14 50 . Pe fetes ot nso ase So, 419 |Poland's representatives on the|time or full-time basis after |0f shifts to make it possible for |the 414-per-cent Set 1, 1983, | : e ce ae Se SE + al-burpe tach and il lean caces revue sadents wishing, (continue esue, closing at 88, 1d and ie olice INDUSTRIAL Pee ee Pavia Ped ag | Peter Firlotte, Expo's person-| co, | Dayoday. mousy traded at >, ; "HOOVER" Abitib 510 $9% 97% 97% week have withiagen Decue te! director, said Thursday| "towever,"' said Mr. Firlotte, 4% per cent. : : : : : Deluxe H d 5 S : 150! $a7va as Wis % of injuries suffered in a recent| ent, the survey was conducted|«evyery work station will be| Treasury bills remained un- g . : : andmixer n it 424 * meet, it was announced Thurs-|{°, Help fair officials determine| manned adequately and there|changed with the 91 - day bills | : : @ Fingertip control. "\day. Ewa Klobukowska, co- ag gue .f| will be no danger of curtailing|closing at 4.32 per cent and the | : : : @ Choice of speed for every mixing need. Officers of the holder of the world record of|@© fall term at the universities|any of the Expo operations." |182-day bills at 4,60. eae @ Light, easy to handle. Hes M would have on the operations | ---- @ Beaters eject for easy cloning. Provincial Pol have laid chan 11.1 seconds for the women's) of Expo. | : : i REG. 20.95 ] : e 5 men in connecti Asbestos 12 : %.100-metre dash, pulled a leg * ; cat | A - E The Canadian Corporation for | NOW IS THE TIME -- = Now a shot putter, suffered a hand! crown corporation known gen- | cur TO CALL $ : ee ' erate hit - and 4\muscie, and Wladyslaw Komar.|the 1967 World Exhibition--the | P, injury erally as Expo 67 -- employ Take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- : "HOOVER" by eens) 0 CIRCULATION IS SLOW ea ASA ------ tb vice; and radio dispatched trucks : ee H been charged 3 1 , \ Ve : aoe "ao 0000800 | PARIS (AP)--Premier DIVIDENDS @) clways ready to serve you, Electric Fry Pan main at the scen 0 590 570 590 +40 | Georges Pompidou says if Fuel Oil Budget Plan Availoble 3 @ "Sensor" heat control for accurate cooking ' At 11:45 p.m., m0 Sunes done se + val ETANCE'S Economy is still in the By THE CANADIAN PRESS | OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE ! PE armen: ool July 8, Walter J oe doldrums in the fall energetic: Canadian Petrofina Lid. onto $52 uld., . : " » Was. struc 3 y | measures to stimulate it may common 30 cents, Sept. 15, rec- Mc AUGH IN i i e HF cpt a lid. when he got o ob RR be necessary. A slowdown in|ord August 15. L L . Pally lameecithic tor cle fowl. : tires on Garrare 25 § 1 121 '" neighboring countries, lack of} Haynes-Dana Ltd., common ead ony eee ot eee Highway 2. : | 4 confidence in the economy and/11 cents, August 31, record Au- COAL & 23-3481 : 110 39 9g Jarise suffer =s Bie see ag for saving" i bem 18, SUPPLIES King St. W. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE legs and other : i Sie 72 28 jkeeping the francs from circu-' Shop and Save, 10 cents, Au- ; | rushed to Osha 2877 $7te 7h Ta~ ve lating. gust 31, record August 15. i oa aes Police he yi arisc will be ir f , other five mont

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