N'S PARK s Time ed Limit ion Likely ' DON O'HEARN NTO--There is talk in of increasing the m speed limit in the to 70 miles an hour, ; time it seems likely Il be action on it next ow limit, however, will extended to the Mac- artier Freeway and - 400. And it can't be yernight. s news stories written ere have said the new ll probably be made a few months. But erlooked the fact that nis required to change nits, and this can only ved at a session of the n nost unlikely there will and we met nice people'. It Pusha ier session until next was also a good experience, but _ A rm Prescription they do not plan to make] Bey isnt: qa 3 isi We do the rest, GINEERED another long conte oe er it will be restricted race between Feterborougs and) DISTRICT BULL SOLD TO JAPAN |. FREE donald-Cartier and 400 Rover John Bedard enjoyed a : City-Wide Delivery arid are the only meeting Longueil' Mayor and When rie nigel Telstar aah gg Limited, agent 1 the province engi- are ial r Jen. left for his new home in 'or the transaction and 4 or high speeds. Soe ee ate neal at Hokuren, Japan, the Cana- George Clemens, secretary MITCHELL S 'ally all the other high- LaRonde Expo. He also said| dians most vitally concern- treasurer of the Holstein DRUGS the province were engi- he was glad of the reception ed posed for a last picture Freisian Association of ind most were actually the Venturers received at Mon-| With the animal which was Canada, 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 the 1930s, Their grades treal Hotel de Ville sold for a record price. The --Photo by Jim Rose ves are designed for For Danny Gravelle the high- an bull bs = vA - os reds. light of the nD we Roy Ormiston, Brooklin an : ne Ob an i eee BROCK Pow Playing One Complete Program ently as 1960 the maxi- ced limit in the prov- iced a difference between On-| Harold Werry, Kedron and WHITBY Each Evening Starting at 7:30 only 50 miles an hour. tario and Quebec people. | George yh gio Bea livided highways such They are most "demonstra-| verton. From left are Mr. AEIR ALLIES. ELEM LCL LDL LN NLD LAL LLL Queen Elizabeth Way, tive", Danny said. If chosen| Ormiston, Robert Flett; the ONLY HIS GUNS COULD SAVE ABILENE! ive been enlarged and to participate in the next canoe| secretary of Rockwood In- : 2 ed in sections, won't race between Pteerborough and) ------___ -- wr high speeds. Trenton Danny said "he would PP favors the higher be glad and ready to partici-|§ FREE Estimetes, Reasonable re it is practical. Traf- pate" Rates, Repo William Lavalley said "he orities on the force it it will be easier to han a limit which isn't 1} ' ' PLAY BALL' FAMILIAR CRY IN WHITBY CENTENNIAL PARK Expo forthe Fecention arranged a Y by Father Leo J. Austin BOBBY NFORCE 60 Whitby Centennial Park ganized baseball leagues includes play areas for the attendance at the park is in use in the town dur- Rover Jobn Gaughier said 'of . they really don't try is receiving maximum use use the park's two dia- younger set. This year over increasing. Beside the park ing .the baseball season. |"the Venturers greatest hard- sate ; rce the present 60-mile during the summer months monds nightly. The park 200 girls in town have diamonds, three _ school- Whitby Peewees are shown | ship was to refrain from spend-/|f 24 Hour Tanks ept in the rare. case when 400 youngsters in or- on Brock Road South also joined baseball leagues and ground diamonds are also defeating a Cobourg team ng too much money at each|§ Service Installed might be dangerous to (Oshawa Times Photo) stop - over', He enjoyed 'his|I pest Dependable Rodio Dispetched ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION by even a few miles, rar ascent . paddling vacation,. but would Piumbing Service, i. IN n some bad curves. not do it again this year. He SERVICE MADE US. That Touch of Mink COLOR rmal for the force to least a 10-mile-an-hour On straight sections id driving conditions. ficials, recognize also Canadian-Ukrainian Events Two Boards Life On Planets ii ter tint ES ee Seen Unlikely | Venturers All Agree 'Trip "Great" | WHITBY (Staff) - The fifth | Whitby Venturers who have just|& lreturned after completing a {successful 475 - mile canoe trip jfrom Lake Scugog to Expo |have one common comment; |'we're glad to have reached our goal". | Rover Gerry Hicks who went back to work this morning 2s produce manager at a Bow- manville store said he 'feels all rested - up and I'm look- jing forward to start working'. | He was impressed with Ottawa, | 'also by the hospitality received |g from the French Canadian peo-'* jple, who would invite the Ven- | turers at their cottages for lrefreshments and even make |donations. Gerry would do it all over again. He said it is la splendid way to spend a} two - week vacation. The twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ben LaHaye, Guy and Earl said "it was a lot of fun they paddled 47 miles. He not- owned by Robert Flett and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 31, 1967 5 FRENCH BOUGHT MORE France imported $76,900,000 worth of goods from South Afri- ca in 1966--$8,400,000 more than \the previous year. Subscribers To see @ BLUE CROSS @ P.S.I. @ GREEN SHIELD NEED NOT PAY CASH! You Give Us The Doctors {was most impressed when all) | Venturers arrived at LaRonde at} mixed feelings, glad Cell 723-1191 With --- CARY GRANT -- DORIS DAY had when together Earl Keoghan will never for- get the sight he said "of 200 d--except in instances End With Grumbles At Expo Plan Merger > driving is so fast to PASADENA, Calif. (AP) --)'canoers from Norande Quebec. rous--is not the s : e See ei Maybe nobody's "out there', They all joined for over-night edie By ROSEMARY SPEIRS group shall be allowed to usejof Canada, had not been dis-- WHITBY (Staff) -- Separate 57;°. a1) eae oun THe tallow ne dae gest danger are drive the exhibition as a platform for|tributed after Expo officials ob- school board members in Whit- Wain weldante vcreases| paddled together, Earl still feels MONTREAL (CP)--Grumble/| publicizing its own cause. ljected to a sentence saying the by and Whitby township sepa- about Expo censorship and a) 'The Canadian-Ukrainians re-|association aimed "'to provide rate school board, section nine, demonstration at the Russian|cejyed just the same treatment|moral and spiritual aid to the have agreed to amalgamate on Pavilion brought six days Oflas everybody else," she said. |people of the Ukraine in their|Jan. 1, 1968. Canadian - Ukrainian celebra-) But Terry Hukalo, a Montreal-lefforts to gain full independ-| 'The tions to a bitter close at the/horn Ukrainian who spent the/end." already weekend. __|week helping the organizers, 'That statement of aim has| Whitby Township separate years that millions of stars sim- --* "When we began to organize|<aiq pressure building up all/been publicized in Canada for|school board, sections one andjilar to the earth's sun in size T our entertainment, the furthest/week for a demonstration had] 40 years but we couldn't say it/four, prior to January, 1967.|and brightness have planets, ° thing from our minds was that/peen increased by "harass-|here for fear the Russian pavil-|Sections one and four covered|and that some could support we would cause a political has-|ment" from Expo officials. lion staff might be offended," St. Lee's school in Brooklin, |life. | i. sle," said Eugenia Zagurak, a) fypo had told him part of the|she said. while section nine controls St.|=--___-- : Did You member of the ethnic week) cound track should be cut from) -- -|Paul's school, Garrard Road. tired and would do it all over again but not right now. The boys had praise for ad- oy a {visor Ben La Haye and leaders| 'and Rev. Leo J. Austin who} made arrangements. | the odds against the existence of life beyond our solar system jwas reported Sunday by an y board haa| astronomer. amalgamated with) Scientists have assumed es such as lane-cross-. gating and straight » EXPOG/ IS IN PSS. 4 th it important te keep oving on our high- ids, the force believes should be as high as for iRS AGO . committee. ri Ukraini in Can- . ; tithe ane : K T | " SARS AG ion AG : seen tine | movie on rainians in Can A Whitby separate school now a Peary ag "But we've had SUC ee age, narrated by John Fisher, | U S Bo Found ;board spokesman said eday t | COUN l RY 4 with Expo about every lit *€| chairman of the centennial com- ave y "the two boards have agreed to c oi i | of close.to 5,000 Osi~ thing we wanted to do." es mission. use the ward system for elec- le Pee y? to hd the Mrs. Zagurak said her com- R bi R rt 'ion purposes. Under the OMB : \ er uses that are mittee veageh pohly ae a Pilg rch ght 'iin te a 1eS epo laidisa er Columbus Club e a ge chartered, non- y) The area code for Montreal and ployees of the Gen- which rote 75 persons shouted] audiences an waE0 S pespilaity blaring ila Oy ee on ney members sie ae at 133 Brock St. N. @ You pe . guaranteed ee aa oe iene held a larewell ours "shame" and "freedom for the tga Mage hey ---- extensive police search for a lar " WHITBY Savings Se50uRE Ih sour wanes ise, < : when you call Long istance and your employer and past Ukraine" in front of the big So- Anion ibe SEE i Lo e soap ons Ky. veined and ae The spokesman also. said oi Gh | call goes through faster and easier. And the hotel, Mike Rien viet showplace Manet owen against Ruscion otra eases coared J tet tnere will be no problems in EVERY Comms) | where Direct Distance Dialingis available ife. FACE CHARGES domination throughout their his-'sible precautionary anti-rabices ee 'Denes uae TUES. NIGHT ° See VnUvaraie. | 4 : A Q you can dial your own calls. For area Providing your child obtains normal passing grades, the next . three years of university will be | ~ . Y, codes and dialing instructions, please consult your telephone directory. Fifteen of the demonstrators tory. injections, ended Sunday when pa, po are to appear in court today on| Expo had ordered a trident- they were found travelling disturbing-the-peace charges. shaped crest, symbol of the re- this area near Orillia. administrative offices, YEARS AGO in'and only a part-time secre- July 31, 1937 Doors Open at 7 P.M phage Age An Expo spokesman said Sun-|public established in the Uk- Provincial police said Charles Ti adanesen tor the ana, aiyglica\ial ahi Paid for by the Foundation? Lt. Col. and will be in day the fair's policy is that nojraine from 1917 to 1919, re-/W. Peters was stopped by a|samated boards . will be inf N° ber ye hs ola Years } For appointment call -- 1 Gi) aE [ects from the front of the Toronto motorist who had heard) whitpy- vor week's printed program. It had a radio report that Mr. Peters' |- Eight Struck of the Regiment. Soncheosl Frank Buchanan Enrollment Officer | 723-6832 | Bingo Starts at 8 P.M. SHARP been replaced by the centennial son Vernon was being sought symbol. because he had come into con- Copies of a speech by Anna tact with a dog that later be- Tokarek, past president of the came rabid. ALGERIA'S PEOPLE Population of Algeria is 12,- ). Cox, dental surgeon 'd an office for the f general dentistry on : oa oo . . 300,000. reet North. By Lightning Ukrainian Women's Association Mr, Peters and his son, ap- eae re B ll c d URLINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- Se te en ed IL a from a visit | é ania a Bight seacne escaped serious) PROTECTION FOR OCEANS to Montreal, were admitted to _-- BIBLE ianry Sunday when they 'were ROME (AP)--The United Na- hospital in Orillia. -- Mea ar our stan struck by. lightning in the ig paketit hagas o THIS BOY NEEDS Le ice. rinthians 15:3 pag gil batengsile pe for 'ablish regional "sea area"| BUY YOUR commissions to protect and de- was the scene where observation in the. intensive;~")" Be sins were absorbed care award at the Joseph Re ee 4 eee G U | DA NCE thee hoc -- Hospital here while five were! yi be open to fishermen of all © ARROW s Wi . p ae Me | be borne either by pec ne ee UN nations on a_ regulated e ALPINE : ho contmlts ot the The eight had sought shelter Oe @ SIMCA Drivers age 16 to 24 were involved in 74,500 yas » Man- e ting gudd omg 2 ; = am ela' skola an to --. during a su ene Seating Ail, With 8, Year, 000 accidents:on Ontario roads last year--an in Pn F . i wi rain Jarranty i | be. : . Kept in hospital overnight § HEARING AID pais ae cre ean crease of 12 percent over 1965. Fatal acci- wt were Joyce Paterson, 31, and BELL'S GARAGE dents claimed 660 lives in this group--an The Council of this Township has been requested to set CONSULTANTS 10 Bond St. E. 725-2771 Julious Creech, 57, both of Tor- onto, and James Russell, 46, of: Hamilton. * Released from hospital were John Paterson, 37, of Toronto, | Ella Russell, of Hamilton, Ron-| ald MacGregor, 30, and Pamela MacGregor, 28, of Toronto, and John Scott, 14, of Hamilton. VICTORIA «xo GREY TRUST increase of 10 percent since 1965. up a fire protection Area for the Courtice-Zion District, to re- ceive fire protection from the City of Oshawa. The area being considered includes Lots 28 to 35-inclusive in the North half of Concession 1 and Concession 2, 3, 4, and 5. 668-3693 DUNDAS E. WHITBY ; NOTICE . Water Connections Town of Whitby Yet statistics show that drivers who graduate from approved high school driver training courses have fewer accidents... far fewer traffic violations. From the estimate submitted by the City, it appears that the rate to pay for this protection would be at least 11.2 mills applied on total assessment. (land and buildings). The 1967 rate is 2 mills applied on building only. Therefore, if your As- sessment is, Land $500.00, Building $3,500, you now pay $7.00 for fire protection, under the proposed Oshawa protection, you would pay $44.80. This of course, is not a guaranteed rate, if This year, about 275 Ontario high schools will have driver instruction courses approved by the Ontario Department of Education and the Ontario Department of Transport. These courses are under the control of the local school board and principal and do not interfere with regular school classes. ee If there is a driver-train- | |. Director of Saféty Education, Highway Safety Branch H the City's cost to us increases the rate will increase correspond- 6 % The following charges will apply for water Ing program in your | Ontario Department of Transport, Queen's Park, 1 ingly. 2 ° connections after October 31, 1967, to an estab- school this fall, welcome | Toronto 2, Ontario. 4 | lished building lot fronting on an existing water it. If not, learn how your ; From: i The remainder of the Township would remain under Bows GUARANTEED main and where no service has previously been school can get started | ' [| | manville Fire Protection as at present, but with a rate in- INVESTMENT ees | f on this lifesaving pro- | : | | creased to compensate 'for the loss of assessment to the new CERTIFICATES Based on 4-34 inch service the charge shall gram by completing and "1 ]>) (tT Sepa EE Gee Ree CAA lee oy US ae A fire protection area, and applied to total assessment, rather Grow Over i ele deed eit ag plus $100.00 to take mailing this coupon. 1 new Sri Toe ittounation ioe nih) than on building only, as at present. e rvi . ' 1 37% Ae 4 This is being published for your information, if you care ° THE PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION to comment, please call the Township Office or any Member of mY of he TOWN of WHITBY CIAG INSURANCE [fie Ww. E. RUNDLE WHITBY, ONTARIO Clerk-Administrator. R. W. Cawker Chairman H. C. Simpson, ] Secretary-General Monoger | CO OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF GUELPH 668-5897