18--Maele Help PROGRES REAL ES SALES Want Urgen for confident 4 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY PEAR TRA |Plumbing & Heating | 14 'THE OSMAWA TIMES, Monday, July 31, 1967 Se oT" PSSM 18--Male Help Wanted 8--Arrticles for Sale EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Canada's finest line of Christmas cards, Wrops, .No- velties, etc. Over 300 items. For free, beautifully illus- trated cataloque ,samples, on opproval and the fastest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E STEREO tape recorder for sale, UHER| four-track, New price $500. Will sell for $190. Telephone Brooklin 655-3611. Boy's r we If Your Income Poten- tial is Bigger Than Your Job Take a Ten-minute i Break To See How | You Measure Up for : * This Unique Career ICYCLE, "Viking wringer wash- er, 24" gas stove or will accept freezer or refrigerator as trade. Telephone 728- 6171. GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers televigion, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 'and up, Alcan Furniture and Applilances, 452 Simcoe South, 723-0011 CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS, J Acceurtants \Building Trades 'Gerdening and Supplies ay If to YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND €0., Cher. [ALL PLUMBING 4 AND HEATING sup- Aug. 15. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985) oo nod' ont tered "Accountants. _Licensed, Trustees a | PATIOS BUILT [plles. Telephone 7252821, | Harold | R. Pe Pei . Ont. view call 668- ankrupicy, " imcoe ree' orth, ° ° ! ri ing, x es. ' Oshawa, 728-737). ee ed S ecialized Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South, Remsite Cytie Canite, M08" Bora siveei| JEWELLERY SALES appointment, HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter-| AND REBUILT {ALL TYPES repairs and remodelling, E. 725-6344. ed Accountants, Financial Trade" Build-| new and used materials. | Reasonapie! BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture SALESLADY ing, 187 King Street East, Oshawa, a rates. Estimates free, 723-1191. J. Foley. and appliances. One location only. Pretty ; tario, 725-3509; T. Hopkins, CA: an astin | -- Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, Required for full time per- Beadie, CA; E. Lukow, CA , Rug - Upholstery Service Melos manent position. Experience nee eee ~-- Pp one 728-31 7? nil GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, WIELIAM €. HALL, B.Comm., Cha zt AN television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and| Preferred but not necessary. ey 2 King, Street East -- OSHAWA {¥P. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452; Apply between 10-5, Burns rsh pte? | Beye ; RUG CLEANERS imcoe South, 723-001) Jewellers Ltd., 20 Simcoe N. GORDON R. DAY, Certified General | : S y " oe ahead pr ay | Hillside Lendscoping | piesioal ng ond uo leet oars Sane aa alae nears, aan | MOST IMPORTANT eh ae | Sodding and seeding, green | tery cleaning done in your [city TradingPost Store, 446 Simcoe rte Box No. MiRsl, Oshawa' Times BREAK YOU'LL EVER Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim Paintin | velvet sods, Morion blue and home or our office. Call for \GACUUM REPAIRS, "oil iroked, hoses: |STEADY POSITION offered to 'reliable) TAKE: REALT coe Street N., 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. _ | | Kentucky blue, also No. 1 | information lprushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, |4nd, hones! woman to care for fwo che JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered accoun | | field sod, | 725-9961 Fleming vacuum Service, Main Street, quiivs, private room Good satary.| |!» You can earn $10,000 or HIT! ion ee as 17 Bond Street ' ' ve | + ; h 723 9020 iz he siot8t mae i dhl ree cas at business, 723-321] days, 725: more your first yeor. PROFESS a | two large spray depts, n " : xDe {TY ITER, standard, $257 able evenings. a 9 p elepnone PROFESSIONAL if Fada cies (Jl . ZF |$25; 1.8.M. electric typewriter, $: emo 2. Special career financing BUILD! lueprinting tank linings, plastisol | RUG CLEANING 4 |ing machine $20, also electric. ia, 18--Mole Help Wanted _ plan tet ste ree M | = 0. i sia OU 4 |EXECUTIVE FURNISHINGS for apart. : BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions! fibreglass, epoxy lin- | = Ltd. 53% Simcoe Street North. 723-4461 f | | 2 Day Service ect or Rgds gy ae Munici 3. Rapid advancement to Blueprinting and photostatic copies. | ings. | LANDSCAPING | Free Pick-Up and Delivery rocco-Spanish styling, Telephone 7 | unicipal PanGheriant for the be WHIT Quiiding Trodes | Rin ao Te. BING Ie | | Angus-Graydon |Beae ck tm icine barel Cy ies Public Works | sale 7 | : GARDEN SERVICE 728-6254 TV TOWER SPECIAL -- «0 ff. structure| i 4. No ceiling on earnings-- No Down Payment | Quotations available on re- ------ EPs, ali channel_antenna, $50. TRIO. Televi-| Super ntendent no slack seasons. Agents for Y | quest, 728-8267 CHESTERFIELDS ""revpholstered a and. SIDNEY Fuus |sion. 728-8143 | d P Monthly Instalments = | jE restyled. Free estimate. See our mate- WHO DIED IN 1636 | for the j ; area an | | rial ie re-covering. Slip covers made AT THE AGE |SONTINENTAL BEDS from $79.95, mat-| District of 5. Complete independence-- ba ales ne . r, i 7, 'tresses half price, all sizes, headboards istrict oO ar Remodelling | EMS Sandblasting Co. MERION-KENTUCKY SOD to order. Dalton Uphoistering, 75 Charles Caer Caen) one-third off. Factory outlet, 723-3889. | Campbell River Yeu Bre Yur ORD eo bridae os we | (Oshawa) Ltd | BLUE GRASS RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- Paxton, Mass. |9 Market Basket =| British Columbi 6. No travelling -- you work rags @ Bathrooms | 485 Waterloo St.) E. | All-Green Nursery ea ies years, | Worknpriety Svar at ee eee re ~yeuR Bs ane eee 6 1a in your own local area. > Sitcrens | | Sod Growers itresses re-built, furniture refinished. faeras ot chonkese form. No emia| DUIS: i PETE Re Cees i ini | . No chi : f © Recreation Rooms | 728-979] Visiter Walcoine scare Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, jren under 14. Bring containers T To supervise the work of the 6 - pos a training at Real c @ Goroges | | 725-9674 -- TOWNLINE N _____ |TV--Radio Repairs _8--Articles for Sale Ascdecitesog user SL AUB sthendil. hehl ale Grade Foreman, Sewer Fore- : : Sales 'and Service _ gis oe Sr ee 9A--Egas & Poultry man, and Public Works Yard 8. Solid advertising support Salesn abode asia Read athe | Operator. To direct the cver- --always places to go and 14 M. north Taunton Village A new deportment. of Osh- Sova | awa's Quolity Builder. | mastescee TELEVISION -- RADIO |EGGS "DAISY. FRESH" DAILY --| REPAIRS | Holland Nursery | APPLIANCE. | |White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752.| @!! Construction and mainten- people to see. Wanted for Os! KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION | ! 7 | 24 hour Service |Picked up, _Gelivered at store or home.; ance of water, sewer, drain- Excellent opport Coll 'Today For Free Estimates | ALTERATIONS | and Landscaping | REPAIRS | F F aia --| age and street facilities of 9. Expert on the job field : ; 1 Ao isolate eomparciol ad 1. Bepert rani te oll wakes | HOLMES SIX SERVICE BAYS o-- armer's Co umn | the Municipality. To work training. gressive self-ste 728-7583 ADDITIONS {residential londs e443 f h | | STANDING HAY FIELDS or fresh cut) with the District Administra- : ° mum duty time Boos ea | { residential landscaping an | of washers, dryers, ranges, FOR FASTER SERVICE and baled, Picked up or delivered. 728-| nate { 10. Financial security guor- : ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, to | gardening. lake: ELECTRONICS 15021. : ; Wes 0. ai (Cant onereten ontesd: bio Hon-contHbus this would initial udIE r - ears eed ae grt | HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES 725-7442 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL DEAD AND ERIPPLED farm stock pick-| -- Freny + eee tory retirement fund which 2 soles person bis iP cscrlcbot A ted j x ed up prompt! rqwill i ; SAND AND GRAVEL suppiles. Tel Rec Rooms and Kitchens | | ALCAN RENTALS Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply (oo oe aa Meee eran sos | ne eee builds quickly with each additional soles phone 725-0697. | a Specialty St ak: iaartian aan TOWERS mouth, Pontiac. We correct 2721. Licence 101-C-67 | Qualifications: sale you moke. in. Bowmenvite ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail type Types 9 : st! James Allen and Sons |e 29. Prop. H. Lamers. FURNITURE and APPLIANCE | wheel alignment, inspect and |{NTERNATIONAL COMBINE No. 91,, |. To direct four or more THIS 1S THE CAREER OP- Bob Johnston cement wirk, stoops, sidewalks, | etc. |GENERAL LANDSCAPING and home 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa PHONE 668-5679 correct castor and comber, |self-propelled, 10 ft., new Holland bale} crews of men with outhor- T : 655.3061, F. McCann, RR 2, Oshawa jaiilehance, tele = dilina, plOgnine. a SE OL align toe - in and toe - out to {thrower with motor, fit any baler, first ity. PORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME . FERRANO PAVING, 10 years in. busi 725-6126 patios, fences, exterior painting, etc. 655: Telephone 723-0011 | T.V. Rentals correct condition 795 joe --The kind of opportunity Jack Ricc ness. Guaranteed work, 1c. $9. ff. ie caving@ AND CONCRETE: ee nue NOW New Set @ Parts extra if required '11--P and Li k | 2. To hove working know- thot con ossure you of the 99 King soiciiibianentaitin -- w ets 5 -- ets - 17 Bond East. 723-5841. |Get your driveway paved by experts. Inet ti | F | @ Torsion bar adjustment | oA ivestoc , | nearer Scorserietion SkiTG..JDSOMS.,. DACRE. £2 |20c sq. ft., all work guaranteed for three MSEFUCTION ____| Bring me your mowers, tillers, | ALCAN ita BRITTANY SPANIEL pups, pointers modern construction provide your family with the TELEPH CLASSIFIED RATES ei é | outboards, all makes, air | = FURNITURE and oe [shone ezine ater 6 brabibaiael gina RE se iu idle better things in life today -- 623-2503 or : 'BRICK and biock work, chimneys, ver-| cooled engines, Part a4 tena Mh Ak 1 cL SS YE 1k : WORD ADS andas, sidewalk 4 orl R th a d! Sess EST. Be APPLIAN BLACK GELDING for sale, fi eek ie ahirditoae bodies fe bakit a spacious home, another car, Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1 20) Gan, 'contre' cena: Hyg iiek 21 U er or S service. Largest service in CES BRAKE SPECIAL told. Telephone 942-6729. oe ve Yate | ledge of construction pro- o college education for your additional words, ae sory By Secu" iterations. Free estimates, Call M 452 Simcoe South Most popular cars. First |FOR SALE -- 3 ete mee | cedure with respect to children, words, 3.2) o tag 7 3 -- i] tone! words 134 3e each," § [consecu- a eee on D ivi S h | 74 BARRIE AVE | 723-0011 Quality Royaline, 4 wheels, | noodle poole. poodle 668 3903. Med road grading, drainage, Local ad insertions, of 24 words. 5.76; addl-/ALL TYPES building repeirs., Roofing | riving Cc 00 |__ 728-2791 or 725- ~4633 |$¥ TOWERS SPECIAL -- aotoor tower $14 88 [QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again! water and sewer systems. SECURITY NOW -- and in | a masonry. Gord May. re eee | ------| structure, all-channel antenna installed, : available, all breeds. Telephone 728-9609.| 4 Able to read typical water the future a liberal compen- R tharge--10 per cent additional charge | Seer | tt ipenced by Police Commission) | "Now Locoted In Oshawa {ss Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Plus $2.00 Per Wheel |POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing.| sewer and avert lon ond sation program. steadily in- equ i re i i o Less thon 245 mang Moco murray never' Tele : . Seaway Demolition Co. lnea ae Camron ai (labor cost) ane ie ney Telephone | profile drawings creases your income year after + need @ repre unth _ jons rv x be . ya . H ij j Method of Cour ing -- ts thon 24|phone 725-9404 @ Courteous Instructors | Experience is our guide to |Radio, TV repairs, Guaranteed service, e | PROFESSIONAL BO6--SeRVIGE--_| 5. Hove a working know- year, and as your income my firm in thi nitial, #1 ure, oF abbreviation counts as |OUR LOCAL < Sipe Cees @ Dual Control Cars fast and efficient service se 120. WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Clipping all breeds, poodies our spe: ledge of moterials norm- grows, so does your opportun- $8,000. Ae i one word;. phone number coun' red, ! 3 mally. F ick~ 1d delivery; board- r Y pate ities of management respon- yearly stalled, roofs repaired, 723-2997. Fully Insured | Coll Us At 728-2801 for on pide ph Nebula dk Aoi) all a i" ni a \ = bd bd estimate. No Job Too Large \2--Personal --~. -- Including weights per wheel, a German 'sheoners. puppies ia "ite al era sibilities. We look to our suc- geidonal Full hel ! eee Nora Carpentry -- or Too Small, Fully Insured. each .........- » 1.95 |Bachurst Kennels, a1 6. Abil : cessful salesman of today for 21 to 70. Con y 3250 per insertion with 25 cents addi- 725-6553 idacrhintdi ELECTROLYSIS SHOCKS, MUFFLERS leaner wane rE . Ability to plan work ohead our management people of auto trips? We tonal charge if not poid within & days. "Quali ity 'Carpentry VACUUM ana ene porisher repairs, all 723-4641 FRONT-END WORK et herds, pups. Show mare In yg quar- aK ioe materials by ae tomorrow. You'll like the fin- stort soon and s , q " . re i ' GENERAL REPAIRS 14 ALBERT STREET jdack Lees, pick up and delivery. 728: [a staat PR ge le ad PRON os ancial security, too, It guar- time. COMPARABLE PRICES quipm g Ashburn, 685-4662. _ best utilize labour and antees you @ substantial nest Contact Now! IN MEMORIUMS Removal of superfluous hair | Marie Murduff will be in BEAUTIFUL Bi UDGIES, ready equipment available. eco for: disobility retirement $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6c i strain. = : ae Coming Events 39--Notices eg you phrase your ad, fied ads daily. ina you get with Classified Ads. "Phone 723-3492 now for an ad-writer. Telephone 728-6386 668-6864, ey ahereatter plus 13c per line ef| Home Improvement Specialists sae REPAIRS 7 aa 4 '\ trict 24 ' } ' io aluminum -- and Oshawa Aug, 14th, 15th and Hfor training, talki Appl or Mery Years, OO wavien noes windows lamin, ages | 1th. Phone Genosha Hotel ee eee | eee ee me |. ee ee eee Harry THANK Honest and Depenabi fen ce ~ on these dates for appoint- |DOUBLE HORSE TRAILER, $325. Tele- VEY NBYOUE: | re Ge. re tribution out of ,your pocket. a 9c es Aaginlerg BS orcs ot 7¢ " Bhone 735, 857 4 ' ED JEFFREYS |Septic Service ment CENTRES |phone 725-5235 or 942-0984. pile grade and slope You'll be identified with en 711 wa voch thereafter with 25¢ additional | JANITOR SERVICE SEPtic TA | |CHINCHILLAS -- four-family, four fe-| stokes. international sales organiza- soe ie pee eee or 623- anh WINDOW CLEANING. lice' on calls. Welter Word, 00" Chestrut| 4--Motorbikes he ee ee |males, two males. Breeding stock. Sell') 8. Ability to keep records | tion with over 55 years of PHONE 6 COMING EVENTS IStreet' West," Whitby, 648-2543 sib es DOMINION TIRE STORES | ing for health reason. Guaranteed and | tes Ghewhae, Y, ; $2.38 per inch (display); $2.00 for the HOME E ADDITIONS, recreation omg, | Residentiol, Cormmerciet Ye sid |YAMAHA - SUZUKI--Auvithorized dealer. 17 Park Road South below regular price. Call 728-2007 be- and plans up to date. sales know-how. Your selling first 26" 3 id 6¢ each thereafter |rim work. remodelling .end ge ' ' | |Repairs all makes, We buy and sell, or oo out! tween 5 and 7 p.m. | 9. Work k led f efforts will be backed by na- Word Ado s. Telephone E, Behm, 725-7066. _ | Churches, Schools. Floors Surveyors Ray Whitaker, 150 William St. E. 728- Phone 725-6511 SIAMESE KITTENS, registered. "aas.| OTNG :; ROVME Ge... © bens Mulicmillion: aollae AUCTION SALES {Aa x cen. epets oal cement) woshed, waxed and buffed. (pONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. rou a ae = ELS Raul and, apo) eeeInt: Eales Tele-| peat hell idles piel altel radio, TV, newspaper and YOUNG ve work, new and ri a inds. " ti re Si i i "650 BSA chi Chi ne 576-3183. s s ga 4 62.38 PER INCH PER INSERTION, [Telephone 725-4891 668-8658 WHITBY Mints, Mr Onterie' cikeck tite, ne trame, new. paint * o. megs. A é U M\ N U M ---- ee and construction projects. magazine advertising pro- DEADLINES 'Denti ny | The Best Service Yet (H. FLIN, ONTARIO. LAND surveyor atier 6; 6205580 otherwise pe eee @ SIDING |12--Articles Wanted 10. Ability to 'develop loyol- | 9°" Managemen AD wc teh aD RR OBOE a PEO f ,Prince es gin = ----------_------ GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. t f je bie DAY PREVIOUS |CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental Sur-| ee | kl _ 5--Trailers ad eyleptnen A a aR a anytime. Machel Bhity te: the Municipality. Sound bia) Good To Be required ¢ Lost AND FOUND }geon, 172 King Street East, a For ' [TV--Radio Re epee e -urniture, 5481, 6526, rue: am DAY OF PUBLICATION lappointment, 728-5174. / Industrial, Residental sepairs VACATION TRAILERS @ DOORS Salary Open; ween R | ES . . ive- n ; Cea AND DEA Dressmaking For free estimates call i oS Soave | for RENT LES |13--Articles for Rent i Roalicaibag with: detail te: Then Find Out For Dr . se 1 i ' 9 am, DAY oF PUBLICA ON ee FRED'S WINDOW CLEANING | | Corsairs, Mobilux, | Hunter, E V E N | S . Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ab perienes and quil- Yourself. rg SRO R ANS lenate, Grasses. Besullfiily | tellored slip- | 668-6973 COLOR | Tag A Long, Wood's, West- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee HICONROS StOrNg) Gls: SOlaTy Ph across C anim: CAN PREVIOUS : covers, drapes. Mrs, Toms, 668-2372. | or j ern, etc. SALES LTD Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal requirements, are to be direct- lone CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Ga danin ind: Supel |Money to Loan | BLACK and WHITE Trailer Refrigerator 15 Prince St 725-4632 Wear, Men's Formals, White no jrnaey August 723 5271 Positions avail 1 celitah==# BN Gey previews! 2 Ser wetletallas 13 die |NEED CASH to consolidate your bills,| FOR THE BEST CALL MILLER TRAILERS : i ee PERSONNEL COMMITTEE awa and Toron umas.or larger --- 10 a.m. doy previou : ' ' ACELATIO ey shat ithe 00s boat, travel "expenses. 7 R | @) | Haniced Wo A hry T.V. TOWER -- SARGEANT'S RENTALS P.O. DRAWER 10 between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. ployment offers =ORRECTIONS 'Garden Su lies | ent Also first: morigages avelleble, con-| ° rage i . aA Jax 2 HOLIDAY SPECIAL 463 Ritson Rd. §. 725-3338 CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. interviews Will Be Held versified dutie 3 am, DAY OF PUBLIC {fsenviat private funds. Call 723-4631} l also LER HITCHES made and installed. 50' 1% inch heavy-duty WHEEL SO en a ee AOS f training Progra * hin caveriicemant , lany" time. | TELEVISION [Also all types of welding done, Portable} oy er ie, Ba.13 (WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk] The Campbell River Munici- Mon., Tues. and Wed. at promotion with elsliant ic 'll r y's | o _ 723-6840. 2 rs, reducing machines, sup- ' -- Niagara Bug Killers |Mortgages | FOR CLEANER, SHARPER | 1y GLENDETTE trailer for sale. Good| all-channel antenna com- plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 | PO! Staff is aware of this od- The Carousel Inn if you are bets Pomogreen i sag | TY RECEPTION jconditicn. Apply 711 Glen Forest St pletely installed, $70. ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred __Yertisement OF 24: 30, ai wn Ape ensbia fh ey mede to; Gardenall | } Your Own |IROQUOIS camping trailers priced to f people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ben- Ask for Mr. V. Botrie, Na- to join a rapid forword re box.numbers to the] 2E MO { TV TOWER clear Ford's Garden Supplies, Alax.| TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143 Barking Tae Bar, kitchen, tional Representative. All re- organization, » adverti + possible, we o ygon R ee ' a : plies held in the strictest of to hear from y: eet Ne 1p | -- Seateee "RET STONE 3S RUTHERFORD'S STREET Se A ; jomoged © ae 728-5143 |6--Marine Equipment 3.ro0m groups, Living Room, |15--Employment Wanted _ canaeee ~ enue | | es Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, |PROFESSIONAL WINDOW, wall and : Applicants treat cies eee ce tinea' will Chlordane | id and Division CLEARANCE $499, $599, $699. E floor maintenance, residentiat and com- confidence. Wr ME eee aot carllan ainealied: tor | sera , p - EQSy |mercial, janitors' supplies. Mulii-Clean A f previot pe cel pl DDT 12 ft. Aluminum car top, terms. Someta delivery or | Janitorial Service, 725-1885, elias bats aati Chipman Rose Dust | Moneys avoilable for. first T V. TOWERS | $140 laya 'ach Mas Waa and education REGULATIONS eee Diazinon and second mortgages. Open 7: veur guarohiee "RUTHERFORD' S elp Wanted | Career DISTRICT w. i al THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL Nor SE Atox mortgages. No bonus. First : : : - MARINE STORAGE 156 Simcoe St. South | Occotunit Box M mortgages, second mortgages BUILT IN OSHAWA me . | i Pp y TISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE Slug Killer bs ee | and SUPPLY LTD. CITY TV televisions, radios, | 'ADMIN THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE| ond agreements for sale pur- AT OUR OWN PLANT service and repairs. Service | for t K Bug K 655-3641 Oj 9 P.M HAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD-| ing Bug illers chased _ 00 2238% pen to aM. dept. 6 74a k | VERTISEMENT, MOR SEYOHD | TE! DDT and Dithane We give vou a better tower | Oo | Als Vetta ecioe eed YOUNG MAN | for the District of Cam SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. Weed Killers M. F. SWARTZ rie ey | CHRIS CRAFT black end white T.V. Anten- CLERK INTERESTED bell River V a SUM es reserves the richt to) Dust Guns 26% King St. East SALES and SERVICE nas, rotors installed. Sales Ro Opeouver: de according fo its) Too Co ravers Oshawa, Ontade i OSHAWA T. V. | McVay fibreglas sail boats, and Service 9 a.m. to 9 pm. A neat efficient young lady IN SPORTS | land, British Columbia. : : Kpeoteadc jabei : | | Crestliner, Peterborough and | 248 Quebec St. Call 725- | 20 to 30 years to handle the avs WC IR eee nor be tad teaxeaee| awn Mesa 723-4697 SUPPLY LTD. | Northcraft runabouts. Evin- | 0500. All work guaranteed. following duties, bookkeep- | Position ovailable on The | DUTIES: thet which the; LOWN Hose rye eis aaa os Rc | fude outboard: motors. UPRIGHT PIANO for sale. $300 or best! ing, typing and aid in store Ostiawa' 'Times: staff for a '| Generally to: direct and ad- aN paventing RX 15, 20, 30 FIRST -- SECOND _ enon Ba E ; Oshawa Yachthaven on ee 723-6785. | sales. Toning eueu dows a pipistey Ae gitairs ond bus- Male college « : over Jaret i ' ust t of Ritson | 8] i; RNITURE and Appliance: 5 Frnt iness of the District of = ; matter correctly, but as ume no lib | Everything for the Garden MORTGAGE FUNDS i 723-8186 .|will be closed for holidays, July 29-Aui al 5% day week, company paid particularly for graduates of bell River, British Columbia. students, 18.- Beene cre contaliod terein. @ Low Rates @ Immediate | 723-8132 723-8132 (1% RUNABOUT, 15 HP motor and trail-|!2 ae : i Grade 12 or 13 Incl | lnact from now. to | Cooper Smith Co. | Committment @ No Obliga- | er. Best offer. 43, Windsor, Dr. Pleser-|BNECUTIVE FURNISHINGS Faz apa | CUD... OC... hospitalization ncluded will be directing the TITS HASY,7O PLACE A « Te DELIMA' er. bat | ing, 942-5933 vent. Must be cash. Mixed: italian, Mo.| . benefits. Requirements include good Preparation and the enforce- «_. the educotion | Call Classified Direct t A. ROSEN | TRADE IN Pag ye with 35. HP Mercury |focco-Spanish. styling, Telephone, :726- : background in English com- men sive! capital ond ing at our ex | | ' e 4 i sratier, in j 3: He : a : : 723.3492 _ | 723-2312 723-1139 Member Ont. M.B.A. | TT arkae: and OME Bairecr Bnd Weal ole: ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, _blacktopped For Seganenert oe) Posen One: Se mior: Bip- mipieviaten pe etn 8 NL ber Hes - | Delivery Servite 7250532: Evenings YOUR PRESENT Can be seen at 345 Albert Street. with Sakrete sealer. Telephone : 725-8885. | E. .N. HARRIS ing {in typing, cand on: octive sisting Council. in iene ha will win all ex Side Ik Slabs = Patio Slabs and Weekends 728-5623 14' CEDAR STRIP boat with windshield, |BABY ARTICLES -- high chair, play *: interest in Oshawa ond: area ale 4 planning; 's : | lewa labs - Patio Slabs - sabbath ck AERIAL controls, 25 hp Johnston electric start,|pen, and stroller, all in good 'condition, B F G d . sports activities. policy and development of to Fawaii tor : INDEX TO | Flag Stones - Planters « T AND SECOND mortgage: Scott heavy duty tip trailer complete |$35 'total. Telephone 725-4256, i . ; oodrich Apuicetons whould é oie 'os directed by Coun- $1,000" cash" " iT i | agreements purchased and sold. H ick set, very reasonable. pecretinens -- PI rons shou! e mode Fy CLASSIFICATIONS =| Dry Walls x sand land Hennick, Barristers, 31. King Street TSTARERABT)" GREW TRINE BOE et nn ae Store in writing to the Editor, The |. attend college : : | BOWLER"S jeSe Tea Evinrude motors. Open seven days 81725-3058 after § p.m. or Saturday. r Oshawa Times. Interviews will : Telephone for Leverens Spm GARDENING SERVICE |FIRST AND SECOND morigages avail week. Marine Storage and Supply 'Ltd. = eee a NTS: 'i Sceparierran's. cohima | Phone 728-7787, Oshawa, Ont, |2be.,W. Schatzmann Reoltor, 114 Brock CABLE TV { Beek Ere): "1p Aa ony Pa cormam): 88 King St. W... Oshowe Va eee oes fa 8 Pore yi 0 Soba H ' A . |Street North, Whitby, 668-3338, r Baste ay alls and cues, $100, Telephone 576-| 725-4543 Y applications, recognized University in a yee Silo ' ee P ti d D ti OSHAWA '7--Swap and Barter KITCHEN SET, lamps, stove, kitch field relating to or useful in : Cath ga "pa } Fertilized ainting and Decorating -- BATHTUBS, $20. Fiush-O-Matic Tollets,|appliances, portable TV, vacuum icen municipal management, age - 725- a_Articien 460 Sale | Pruning - Hedge Clipping «= |INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. Free esti-| CABLE Ty basins, sinks, cabinets, piping fillings,/er, mirror, radio, fan, record: player, 35 to 45, at least five years 9--Market Basket Fertilizers - Trees - Hedging « | mates, Call 723-1253 after boats, motors, trailers, cars, trucks. H.jelectric boiler, wafle-iron, toaster, coffee experience im municipal BAR [ye 10--Farmer's Column Ninaiy Stock [PAINTING | ANO PAPER" ora inie-| LTD. Chinn, 723-7088. : __|maker, high' chair. 723-5803, MR management. 1i--Pets and Livestock 'rior and exterior. Free estimates, and WILL SWAP Fleetwood _ coi tion|CANNING JARS, wagon wheels, tri- . 12Articies Wanted | jlow_ prices, Telephone 728-2834. | 723-5278 os pha eng in radio. pits new, bie cycle, lawnmower, Son stove, Franklin ; SALARY OPEN: ¢ a io | 3 > » for g old car of same value. fireplace, rugs; lar hi ddle, Fae | euepenstoet.. SOD tans tm, oreomrne: ae JOE'S COLOR TV [on tin' tin's. s Seanae "BSR a ae Wg ime] MERCHANT Aplications with detailed re SALES lL Aceate Wanted | Free estimates. J, O'Toole, 576-1829 any| : Z ie PO llc eb a er all ce hl lag : . : sume of experience and qual- 17_Famele Help. Wanted | Excellent Quolity, Low Prices, and Radio Service \8--Articles for, Sale ene LAS ; from $29.95 apie poe ovale Heariens, "tating yes WA see ele ee Loaded or Delivered be uated Bias 4 son or i : : N J \add ite pas y requirements, are to bi Mae ee roe pay were Visifors Welcome |Plumbing and Heating SPECIALIZING IN SUMMERTIME SPECIALS |butr "Rarters and. generators, M73" ae For 'Your Message POWER directed before Friday, Sinatinin os OR nae peperlins | EUROPEAN RADIOS AND at son St. 725-7162. August 1th: 1967" S aawe || i 725-9674 _|Plumbing Discount | TAP: RECORDER REPAIRS | Wiilson's Furn. [Susie Meee tie, tewiter!| PHONE TV tlt Hn ery { ° an le, 21° Admiral television. ' j ee tet j : ersonnel Commit j a Reel SF Silces and aierege agus f i 149 Brock St. North oe 13 Bond Ww. 576-1670 | Smooth top mattresses 29.95 red st i dy Paton Ee Requires experienced P. O. Drawer io vagy) of el 3s-Houses for Rent Hillside Landscaping | WHITBY -- 668-6601 2-pc. chesterfield suite 109.95 ad : tive. Mutual Sc acarimants for tent | 6 SERVICE TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- Campbell River, B.C. tate or Insura Shee ob 'Accommodation Neck para : ; | ie ae F Cc se% ae 2.50 ere. yee 99.50 ice, all makes. Free estimates. Call your la GROCERY P er, an asset. No u 27---Rooms for Rent ock garden, stepping stones, | irect to yOu, plumbing sup- ast .V. Service URC 'oyal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. : i ' cut F 28--Room and, Board | sidewalk slabs, patio slobs, | Plies. Everything in the i ----- | FURNITURE -- Three) rooms. ot new CLERK Hi 4 gleaiger Hong robe ydderel ~Wan 0 } i 0, * . a iT So --Auiomobiles for, Sele | Free estimates. tic line. 20% off all DOMINION Luxurious Mink Coat Home. Furnishingsy an ny Eeoe* en Pe ee ae is a or 576-2345 3)--Compact Cers for Sele a : . - Sees 32-- 1 | Very exceptional quality. Cole |FREE! Furnace clea ips Division of V Severe nas "wanied Telephone 723- 9020 | 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. TELEVISION Br oe Alpin outstanding. |Suaranteed trouble-free winter it you Ad. WwW it Apply © See ronagtt, Real Estate L set ma fare ata Rg ---------} SATURDAY 9 o.m.--5 pm. |_728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m Sacrificed by Toronto lady. |asiniz) "0 Western Ol Company cay Ter 564 King St. East TIMES ACTION WALTER 36---Legal FILL SPARE ROOMS with payin: 1 ocean ieee ea sie sects its Cost $3,800, selling ot $1 WiMi SROL chinsinel Mil abben: : ilf> : Soles } saan Fit RA ROY MEE, {CLOSED WEDNESDAY: crrviying COVERAGE Jw cat s| S00. Mun! ee To opprcite,|eramm fie gn ur iapli"a Will ve |) ee mes Action Classi- and say "Hey Culligan Mean." Whitby. ou R THAT VACANCY through Rent BRING RE ! TAX! DRIVERS wi ' ¢ 'Adg -- Call 723-3492 foday for action! SULTS! of age, full and par Whitby, Telephone }