12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 31, 1967 break, enter, and theft, which in. 7:25 - 9:25 PE | BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE re, ete, an te le qnans Fr wall safe containing personal revi Miz COUNTY FARM FORUM i ° ee ee a ee ae WHET A ' nderson, 17, 4 2° uk Two Oshawa Youths Fined |iic.i7eran ai li of possessing stolen goods. Ac- igs Unsettled Weather Reduces «ott Seat oer ac lz 3 e! a urn e stolen | || For Theft Convictions fot oer t Andean, wh TODA li F d V ] Of lf 2 tempted to sell them. a of i 3 ; A : the youths were remanded in lf Two Oshawa youths appearedjed Avril Devenish, 323 Leslie|the time of his arrest because TORONTO 10:4 A.M. Qua ity, OO a ue Hay i . |before Magistrate Donald Dodds|St., on suspended sentence forjof an earlier fight, Magistrate agony Feodgelt yg to await Distributed by : nee lf '|Friday morning for sentencing|a period of one year and placed|Dodds dismissed the charge.. | Pre-sé ee Toronto Stock Exchang Due to unsettled weather, jis still uncertain. Sizing and de-,Ontario winter wheat crop at aj; on two charges of theft and one|her under the control of the CONVICTED Soar: Ee sh haying in Ontario County has|velopment in most vegetable|possible total of 16,444,000 bush-|' of fraudulently obtaining food| welfare worker. $200 FINE »)| A conviction on the charge of + a, RWe-ExX-warrants, N been proceeding slowly during!crops in the Essex-Kent area/els from 373,730 acres left for each. The youths had previously A fine of $200 and costs, or 2 impaired driving resulted in trom previous board-lot lc the past week. H. Lynn Fair,| has been irregular and slow, ap-| harvest after allowance for win-|: been convicted of the charges,| PUBLIC PLACE days, was levied against Ronald fine of $200 and costs, or 30 da a county agricultural representa-|proximately 10 days to twojter kill. and spring weather|? | |which involved the theft of a} City police conducted raids on) K. Bryant, 18, of 487 Ortonal) pi oa J Lewis. 55 adel MINES tive, says the quality of the|weeks later than normal. damage which took a toll of 10| |cametery tombstone, centennial| the residence of Frances Cha-|Ave., when he pleaded guilty tol)' "p'R' 1 "Hampton, He was crop will be down due to weath-| Most areas report extensive|to 12 per cent of the planted). flags and a fire extinguisher. _|bot, 76 Royal St., on May 6 and/a charge of impaired driving.|° 0 139 'days to pay. ein ae ae ering and the maturing of the| damage due to the recent heavy|acreage. Ii Magistrate Dodds described|May 27. This residence has been|The fine was peremptory. 8 * Agena Mg 2500 13 13 crop which will reduce its nu-|rains to the late potato crop,| Officials of the Ontario Wheat! |the offences of Lynn Eric Dud-| declared a public place under the Ae Fe Ruyn ge tritional value. He said farmers|but it is still difficult to esti-|Producers' Marketing Board ley, 22, of 772 Glencairn Ave.,| Liquor Control Act. GUILTY PLEA 40, of 29 Argosy 1000 70 69 no doubt will have to substitute/mate the full amount of dam-jfeel that because of the wet! and Alan L. Gillette, 20, of 346] As a result of those raids, the| Joseph H. a, mt + Armore 2000 1% concentrates to make up forjage. The Beeton - Alliston area|weather over much of the prov- Jane St., as being'"'cheap, bleak,| following people appeared be-|Chippawa St., cag | gulity A ace. ts ss the deficiency in nutritional/was struck particularly bad!y|ince, which in some areas re-|! and perverse." fore Magistrate Dodds and were|@ charge of --_ 4 "painted Bethim 1900 605 value. and some large commercial] sulted in flooding conditions and). He told Dudley, a third year|convicted of being found-ins:|breathalizer test ha ical or ef Shue hn a Spring grains are spotty./acreages were completely|near record rainfall, the earlier|' psyschology student at Univer-|Robert O'Neil, 79 Bloor St. W.;|that he had the regis sorted Bunker H 6000 19 18 Quite a bit of water damage|wiped out. Well-drained areas|expectations for a bumper crop]: sity of Western Ontario, that the| Robert G. Simpson, 20 Colborne| 11-12 pints of beer in . ia oe Soa ee a has been caused during the past/report the crop as good lof good quality wheat have been| § pre-sentence report showed that|St. E., Ronald Trott, 410 King|at the time of the test. Mag € Tung 400 21820 month and last week local] Vine growth of early potatoes | drastically reduced. | he was "'carrying on in a cheap|St. E., Evert George Neely, 345|trate Dodds sentenced him te Conte! 1000 138 13 thunderstorms resulted in many|is excellent but tuber develop-| hoodlum manner." He went on to| Ritson Rd. S., Erwen Raymond| 15 days in the county jail. OPEN eee ae a fields being flattened. |ment remains somewhat uncer-| EFFICIENCY ALONE will tell the two students, "The dis-| Moreau of 249 Olive Ave., John! win~ogR CONSUMING AT Chestvi 10500 29% 29 Grain flattened at this time/tain. Due to the recent frequent/not solve the farny income! turbing factor is that you are} Yule, 206 Verdun Rd., William| "4 conviction of the change of 8:00 P.M. pid ea is not likely to return to an up-|showers harvesting has been|problem. It is going to take}? jtwo young men with opportuni-|H. O'Neil, R.R. 6, Bowmanville,| ningr consumption of alcohol Con Gillies 2000 5 right position. The flattening|delayed but this delay should|money too -- about $500,000 ac-|} |ties other youngsters don't|/E. M. Nichols, 32 Mills St., Ken-| -o-uited in a fine of $50 and costs = ie mA at also retards the filling process/increase the development and|cording to Everett Briggs, |! 3 | have." neth Sears, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, or 10 days for Gary Edward " € Mogul 400 355 35¢ due to the lack of adequate/the yields. \chairman of the special com-|} Dudley was fined $75 and costs.| Robert Scarlett, 67 Greta St.,)coie 99 of 505 Phillip Murray ¢ Nos ' 21500 " st licht, Mr. Fair said. |mittee on farm income and On- or 15 days, on each charge, and| Frank Stewart, 7 Larry Ave..Jave' ' Corian te oe Winter wheat, in the main,|) BRIAN McCAGUE, Glenafton|tario deputy minister of agri-|| was obliged to sign a bond to|R.R. 4, Oshawa, Bert Prout, 77 one! Oaering a. has not been damaged and is|Farms, Alliston. showed pic-| culture, who addressed the On | keep the peace for a period of|Banting Ave., James Craig, 153} FINED $50 | ie oe" es at a ripening rapidly. Some fields,/tures and told of his trip tojtario Conference on Agriculture! } one: year. The bond was in the/Conant St., Sanford Jackson.| Lloyd A. Hughes, 20,78 Burton) |", Denison 178 $74 74 due to the excess moisture,|Japan at the joint twilight meet-|at Kemptville i amount of $500. 236 Division St., Carle H. Link-|St., Hamilton, pleaded guilty to) jee Adult ao ape avy 5 have developed root rot which|ing of the Durham County Hol-| The money would cover the § Gillette, a grade 12 graduate, | letter 812 Douglas St., Ivan Mac-|/a charge of minor consumption | wie... Entertainment Donalds 2500 19 = 15 will reduce the yield. While/stein Club and the 4-H Senior|cost of continuation of a study & was given the lesser sentence of | Donald, 67 Greta St., Alexander] of alcohol and was fined $50 and| # COLOR F Orenade 500 18 16 earlier estimates will not be at-/Dairy Calf Club at the farm ws develop Ontario policies for|| bed and eet or 10 pier on -- Pps ag Mylo ee costs or 10 days | RO seca, 9 A PARAMOUNT PICTURE toe ae tained, indications are for an|Clarence Nichols, Newcastle. ic 7 , f '| charge. Because of his youth,/Roy Foster, owna st., Don- | Jelex 1100 3233 average yield. W. Yellowlees, president of pe Paige a Pg scons Mle gv I and because Magistrate Dodds|na M. Sullivan, 154 Church St. CHARGE DISMISSED i @ ADDED HIT e a Se Corn, Mr. Fair said, 1s spotty|the Holstein Club, welcomed|a proposed second - phase study \ [felt that Dudley was the leade.*/and William A. Rose, 76 Royal] George Miller, 43, a Belleville mean Gradore 9500 232 across the county. The crop in|the members. Jerry Nelson, | of long-range policies for On- of the two. Gillette was not ob-|St. a : | Seanoeey. Wee SEPeee le berore| _-- Oeactile caf " a some fields is tall; while in|Holstein fieldman, explained] tario agriculture. _ |liged to sign a bond. | All were fined $25 and costs ne Dodds on the charge Guleh 500. 232 others it is'only a foot high.|points in the judging of dairy] Mr, Biggs said that some On- SUSPEND SENTENCE or five days. of being intoxicated in the Osh-| prpahtigd 225 207 20) Many early fields are tasseling.|catt!e. A class of five matureltario farms could never be © A 17-year-old Oshawa Girl, jong Bus Terminal. oan hag Hei Md tae Weather conditions are ideal for/cows was judged. Robert Flett,/farmed commercially and) '* who is on welfare, was found by| CHARGE DISMISSED | Dodds dismissed the charge but. ; Hollinger 250 $26 2 pollination. This is good if we|Sandy Muir, Carlos Tamblyn|should be consolidated into | : police lying under an auto in a} Gerard Gionet pleaded nol re, at the door, ordered) . oe ee are to get low moisture grainjand Francis Jose were the of-|/more economically feasible} % laneway while in an intoxicated|guilty to a charge of public in-| Miller, "You get on the bus. a § joutel 2500 90 88 corn in the fall, Mr. Fair said. | ficial judges. Lloyd Kellogg an-| units. But he said human con- : "A condition. When a welfare work-|toxication. When Gionet, 204) pep $25 | : ee Pegg AER ery Ad on Reports of hail damage, dur-jnounced the prize winners. siderations must precede eco- er asked for a chance to help|Gibb St., explained to the court) winiam Peterson, 74 King St Kerr Add. 770 $156 1 ing a thunderstorm early Jast| Mr. Nichols welcomed the|nomic ones. Too much efticien. (I |the girl, Magistrate Dodds plac-ithat he had been staggering at/w. | pleaded guilty to being in- aco We me week, have been received from visitors and told of his farm|cy, would mean lower prices : . | toxicated in Memorial Park and C"Dureult "980 stow 1c the Sunderland area. The hail-/which last year won the Cen-|for individual farmers, he said. || ig ' , i ae ° ° was fined $25 and costs, or five geod sia ae stones were reported to have/tennial Home Beautification| -- --" ssecauentecns days. | tee we se 1 been the size of golf balls jeontest. | DELEGATES ATTENDING, Oo. 1Cce fo ht Leitch 100 615 61! : : | Contributing to the program|the Ontario Conference on Agri GIRL KISSES PM PLEADED GUILTY : | peceen, oe HEAVIER THAN _ normal|were Miss Wilma McCauley and/culture were told: 'The reali e Gary Welsh, 17, 210 Division) Aen s toe canes A pl Le eR rainfall has been conducive to|Mrs. Elaine Mercer, accompan-jnub of the farmers' dilemma| Linda Carroll, 17, is the | mony Sunday, asked for his St. pleaded guilty to a charge of| bch ered se pil Bt Ge good growth for fruit crops injied by Faye Adams. John Fer-|is that if farmers insist on their) girl who walked up to autograph, and while ed V oO ult dunt 1000 139 13 the district --". rm psa age expressed , septeciatins traditional isolationist stand,| Pr ee Aes ee ; he was signing it, kissed | N Exp 10500 a month. Some difficulty had/to the artists. Robert Flett, alagriculture will be taken over| . ih sapdell y sicetolageal eee him, He blushed } oe ; ; been experienced in maintain-( national director, brought| by the corporate sector of the| '®! Parliament Hill cere (CP Wirephoto) | pron oNTO (CFD. print "peat gps by ge W. S. THE HELD OVER Nv 5000 "teu ing i: -_ spray Parag re and ree. from _ Canadian|food industry without signifi-) ~~~ Tae ne | aonahd anh their reatguatioets wean te kee Y Ht ee, ae Red apple scab is prevalent in sev-|Holstein Association antly raisi i ' : : : : : ti BA 3 pte were Eh Angee alt bygone gate a wlt'ae, cee px neato in their pockets, Sydney Brown,| Constable Brown said that if SPRUCE SECOND GREAT WEEK Nice Rim ius isis i 7 Y ; ; | president of the Metropolitan/another 200 men quit, most of Nrbask 16450 96 8 crop was not as large as an-|the club directors. jernment planning those who re- oes e au e I Oss T i iati i Normetel 230 375.37: ; ; , | Toronto Police Association, saidjthem experienced, part of Tor- r4 ticipated in most areas due to Imain on farms will be better lin an intepview Sunday | to' f ii : Northgat 7100 685 67% the short season. Maturity} Rain, high humidity and gen-|off 2.8 9 Ph " 900 - bee ir] in th ey hate SB he ice operations VILLA a ge ne dates. in most fruit crops are/erally poor harvesting weather) It was claimed agricultural renc 0 ul ar inion lothar 900 'ho have aut dkie| see to be suspended. ar ee er Pamour 400 220 22 sill markedly later than aver-jhave reduced the possibility of policy has been short-sighted . | aKr UgleAE gh 'a itratian oneal te aad 00 ses." bs Tye wether sod soil condi- ne Ontario First ape te ered Bago th policies) PARIS (AP)--France is hay-|the French pulse says much of|decides Metro police must have) iZZA | HOTEL and his escorts Pek crow Yoo 3 2 i ete 4 : jhave not been in line with na-jing one of the most perfect, va-\de Gaulle's current behavior|substantial benefits," Constable| 1 Pine Point 160 $50% 5 tions have interrupted regular|indicate yields are not as high|tionally stated economic goals. | nati, ' ini rete d ; | Preston 225 $19% 1 planting schedules of vegetable|as last year when they aver-| : "cation - inspiring summers in/runs across the grain of French|Brown said. Phene 723-0241 TRIO Priess 11600 Wie 1 crops and harvesting has been|aged 44 bushels per acre for] AUGUST IS THE last chance|Q 70° Charles de|popular and even sub - official) The wage dispute between the or 728.0192 WHITBY ' Seer sep es te very irregular. Recent heavy|the province. The Ontario De-|tp harvest forage crops, ad- oie have ae ie gota mgt es : . association and the Metropolitan ' Direct from the Cambridge Quemont 200 725 72 rains in the Bradford areajpartment of Agriculture and|vises Dr. Jack Winch, of thelsceni to be neutralized on. the|Aleerian war, whiny de Goevt\Board of Police Commissioners EPI'S BH uRtstrvarions Motor Hotel in Toronto. Rio BOvrr ts 399 > caused severe flooding and)Food has estimated 1967 yields|University of Guelph. Cutting|polden sande of the Rivionalenten ty near a eee | vill bef itrati Rix Athab 1000 23 2 damage is reported to carrots,|would average 40.4 bushels per | alfalfa ih Gactember 'autie thele° en sands 0 the Riviera ended by granting Algeria in-|will go before an arbitration 3386 WITH E Roman 500 #21 E oulons, parsnips and potatoes.|acre. plants are storing food in their|lower slopes of the 'Aipe bail itis tithe dae, ten aoe sila AN EXCITING NEW : Serie 00 ais a see "peat BN e a r slopes 4 yh ad li im . |» a a 4 © The fulllextent of the damage' Early Speen _Placed the / roots for the winter, may kill| The only Branihnans who| The ainda Sralennes Sah » ey a La A ASE AE LB LE x or siilesiaic iain ' Seeper mm os & the stand. \eeettis to have forgotten that|take or leave a Russian. But) 33% Da The B tiful Sud Cont: 900 77 . 2 N iffi 4 F LB _After August there is very|this is. the time of year for|an official visit by de Gaulle to Be + erik e Beautitu % ew 1 ties ace jlittle top growth in forages, as/ France to call a truce and bask the Soviet Union a year ago, a x + ' 4 plants are channeling a great/in the sun is de Gaulle himself.|return visit by Premier Alexei Moment CINDY TAYLOR 1 . deal of the manufactured food) The 76-year-old president has/N. Kosygin in December, two} * of 4 In Dispute Over Far East into their roots. This is required/spent the summer visiting Can-| visits in succession by Kosygin| Ig + Walk In. Suctic Dancer 4 for strong root development and/ada and entertaining one Arab/in June and a trip by de| ied + sg By JACK BELL \in-providing more troops, this 4 le me ~ _ Hed ara 1 ag mensiyt " oot eae se a iter * x 4 may mean a heavier dispatch of ; Avcse tga | ' Slans k pidou, to Russia after that have| WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thelt;s combat forces to Vietnam |stowth of six to eight inches is/streaming through the huge|many Frenchmen thinking that | : LYN JONES and THE * Entertuldeiahi-chi Dedcing Night " political turbulence two of his | and give new ammunition to eeded during the month of/plate-glass doors of the Elyseeide Gaulle has turned sharply | * Led 2 envoys are encountering on 4/congressional critics of John-/SePtember for this deveiop-| Palace eastward, with hardly a "bon-| [me Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 p.m. pow geet aint _-- toward |son's war course, ment. Anyone who keeps a finger on'jour" for his Western allies. t GOLDEN GIRLS : French Buffet Daily 12-12:30 ond 5-9 p.m. it res ifficuliies between res- >| ni si ¥ ¥ a PCR STREET me orasoryen inser" soars . ' ident Johnson and Congress nid Ee Tetons gol ge SILAGE MADE FROM oais HELD OVER *« Capitol R a j Sunday Dinners 5-8:30 p.m. ited over Vietnam. scheduled conference with Tay-|0T barley after it has reached a apito! Recording Stars + 1 DINERS CARDS: HONORED $16% 1 Gen, Maxwell D. Taylor and|jor and Clifford saying he had|the heading stage is an excel- THE | * 4 { * Now Licensed under L.C.8.0, for Sunday E Clark Clifford, representing thel heen to Vietnam recently and lent feed, according to Dr. W | \§ > 14 > ners 7 president in a search for larger |qidn't need any American brief-|S- Young of the University of BILLY LEE SHOW Be OC RO : Banquets -- Weddings -- Parties Ms seve I troop commitments, already jpg : Guelph. Oat Blame contains less t R t "700 120-11 have encountered a couple of} Narcos i volve .|energy than corn but more than Feoturing Fares 000 480 48 diplomatic rebuffs and possible |j,,, presi esas peadielt Pragcg legume-grass silage. It can be The Dynamic x Rock ! a SL ss Maggs ed ase face more. : position to Philippine commit-|worth twice a wer per ee RUTH OR x a * ¢ Helium ie 290 ™ Congress almost is unanimous), i var. W ir|as. grain when fed to beef C D in the belief that U.S. allies py eae toed last Seek tk ouitie bade 7 palma ¥ ROC Oc, CK ef INDOOR- Wy Bee 1900 a0. 38 should contribute many more/jand at Clark Air Force Base| Cereal silage is handled in 4 Fe me Spiess x K! if a * OUTDOOR N Davies "3500 17% a = = Vietnam Fond that near Manila, the two envoys did much the same Seria ty any MUSIC | Pe : THEATRE Nemec" 350 00 vt ohnson says is aimed primar- y Philippi j.|other silage. Oats should be en- IN OSHAWA | Place G 32900 285 28 iy af Ghd Als bans coca _ to any Philippine offi wr : Santee Tinea ck HOTEL LANCASTER ty SATURDAY AFTERNOON MATINEE pt Renger | 120 200° 2 nism. : ' about 65 per cent for best re- i * 942-1250 Spoon 30200 86 'There is sharp, thougn usually |SEES NO NEED sults. Barley may be made into ie ENTERTAINMENT NIGH * NOW SHOWING UCanso, 3100 388 38 sub-surface, criticism of the| After they had conferred in|good silage at moisture levels) -- g speaciigs TLY & SAT, AFTERNOON Wstates 200 625 62 hilippines, Australia and New| Bangkok with Thailand officials|down to 50 per cent. Oatlage or JERR eh Ot he Yee > Deh eee * * ALL COL W Decalta. 2000 32 31 Zealand for not supplying more Foreign Minister Thanat Kho--|barlage must be chopped fine, Fi urteen Famous $ i th ty' dd 1 f th * * OR SHOW of the ieiting manpower Which | man announced he saw no need|warns Dr. Young. Difficulty} 0 ih WINDERS give ae 00'S and don ts for the * THE N SHA HOTEL a ae INDUSTRIE Gen. William C. Westmoreland |for a summit conference Taylor|may arise in getting the silage | * 4 6 Abitibl vis om says is needed to retain the of- | and Clifford had hoped to ar-|compact enough for good re- serbia dae anti unge lost os : Fourteen Famous rk oat $ Ae Ges to $083 fensive. Westmoreland is U.S.|range for this fall. sults if it is too coarse. 20. y be" ae ? + Give You The Do's And Don'ts \\\ Alta Gas w 100 895 89 'ommander in Vietnam. | a i : For The Man With A \ aie o * Shee F FI III III AIA IA IA AIAACA AAS : Ang Cr 20 25 $44 4 PRAISE KOREA COLUMBIA PICTURES Presents Roving Eye And ( Anthes A" 945. 30% | South Korea draws praise ! oe among senators and House of | SIDN EY POITIER The Urge To Stray! Arps € pr 1300 S11 Representatives members for its Atl Sugar 200 $10, willingness to contribute fight- ADU LT Bink n's oS sine men even though there is sa J ° Th c d | Bartaco 0 315 3 gener s xecogaition the United NIE bis X n INGER STEVENS oin ée rowd at Sramele, on sine ates ys its sts. ramal w f Tay ; | 7 ie Sais Bee ere ae ' LUCILLE BALL: JACK BENNY - POLLY BERGER ieee BA ON "180 $300 . a -- | JAMES CLAVELL'S ADULT JOEY BISHOP - SID CAESAR > ART CARNEY Be scger bo same PRODUCTION OF tectanwcer -- WALLY COX-JAYNE MANSFIELD HAL MARCH BCPh 404 100 $22¥s f WOW PLAY 66 TO SIR WITH LOVE" | TODAY y LOUIS NYE-CARL REINER - PHIL SILVERS CAE" Ind 525 $1% | u * -- TERRY-THOMAS -- Panavision' COLOR by DELUNE ealay So p wigsite . ; 3100 $22 : TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:20 - 5:25 - 7:30 - 9:40 'S0"325"5.25 faegn Ean Com as Say : : jr és yao I | 11100 SRS RUSH LOUNGE rd ¢ Curt p 87 : € Goldale 200 $10% | Sie u Mize? é 2nd Smash Hit! ! pvccernment 'ie. oe PHONE 725-2645 f TEGHNICOLOR*-PANAVISION® Sterring KIRK DOUGLAS LAURENCE OLIVER Rx: SADDLE UP YOUR FUNNY BONE... and lasso yourself to the biggest laugh roundup Established for over JEAN SIMMONS Back on a Return Engagement P) in years! 10% gr Beye CHARLES LAUGHTON : PETER USTINOV DANCING THIS WEEK : JOHN GAVIN to the sounds of Mr. Music Man Piloting or TONY CURTIS 'The Di V 4 ' BOB With os Sound : Celestial Feetures Times: : ie Sixties gat 2 ns conga ick alleau Quintet MERCER Five. Shows ROGERS nasa Navigation 3 206 eee ; ite © aPETER Witt. pb poe @ vocel 6 of Bob Hill Music, Fun, Laughter Y ee vs menucron COLOR The Univesity of Ten 9:25 Appearing Nightly at the ast pehlacibs tind Entertainment Nightly--Saturday Matinee Knoxville, Tennessee c GEORGIAN Motor Hotel CHAMPLAIN AVE. AT THORNTON RD. MAME senmncsceonenanen Box Office Opens at 8:00 P.M. @ Show Starts at Dusk DUNDAS ST. WHITBY KING ST OSHAWA STREET preecceccoremwes 723-4693 CITY weqeverwoewpewcse TIN A ALM ee met